How to independently remove a family curse in the church. Family curse - signs of how to remove (prayers and conspiracies)

In this article, you will learn how to remove generational curse in the church.

Please be patient to read it to the end.

The curse of the family is nothing more than a blockage of the energy channels responsible for marriage, wealth, health and good luck.

Ancestral curse is also called congenital corruption.

If your distant relative, who died untimely, became a victim of an evil sorcerer or a rabid ill-wisher, then you automatically become the heir to the curse of the family.

But this is only if your close person did not break the bonds of karmic bondage. After all, he could remove the curse so that it would not be inherited by you.
It was a small digression into the centuries to increase understanding of the occult reality.

So ,in order to remove the innate negativity in the church with your own hands, you will have to follow these steps:

1). Having accurately identified the birth curse, do not try to appease it. Do not be afraid of it as something terrible. Start cleaning right away.

2). You need to visit 3 different Orthodox Temples, ordering Sorokoust about Health for yourself in each. You will also have to put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and on the eve.

3). Submit simple notes about the repose of the dead in three churches. Write down every relative you remember on your mother's or father's side.

When you put candles on the eve, say these conspiracy lines to yourself:

Let me go, dead man, let the curse end. Amen."

In this way, you are trying to break what binds you to the deceased.

Do not forget that the independent removal of the family curse involves the holding of all events in three church monasteries.

4). It is highly advisable to observe a strict weekly fast before visiting the Temples, reading Holy Bible and Orthodox prayers.

5). You will have to take communion and confess in three different churches, with a small time interval between events. Suppose that today you visited the first chosen Temple, tomorrow you can confess and take communion in another, in a few days visit the third.

6). After all the work is completed in all three monasteries, you can proceed to self-withdrawal generational curse.

Please be careful and don't miss anything.

Self-removal of the birth curse:

A). In third Orthodox Church buy twelve candles and Orthodox icons Jesus Christ, Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

b). Fill your flask with holy water.

V). You return back.

G). Secluded in a spacious room, light candles. Place icons and holy water nearby.

e). With a calm soul and unbridled faith, you begin to read the conspiracy written on a piece of white paper:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Break the fetters of the ancestral curse that binds me to a dead person. For the sins of others, do not punish me, for my sins, forgive me. Do not let the birth curse be reborn on my children and great-grandchildren. I beg you, have mercy and cleanse my soul from innate corruption. Protect me from death and don't let the curse destroy me. May your will be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

e). You read the plot many times, slowly and with faith in your soul.

and). Watch the church candles slowly fade away. They melt, clearing you of the birth curse.

h). When all the candles burn out, throw out the cinders, and remove the icons and the sheet with the plot.

And). Drink holy water regularly.

When will it come positive result, I can't tell you.
If nothing changes within two weeks, and signs of the birth curse persist, repeat the self-removal again.

Good luck!

#100HappyDays Day 12

Today we will talk about how to recognize if you have a birth curse and, if so, how to remove it yourself. You will find in any source main recommendation: turn to a real magician, psychic, wizard, etc. And a sign of "realness" will be a lot of "real" reviews;)

In the distant times of our ancestors, witches were considered those who simply possessed necessary knowledge able to communicate with surrounding nature, knew how to feel and developed the necessary abilities in himself.

We learn magic and therefore here we share the necessary knowledge, and your task is to communicate in nature, feel it and, most importantly, believe in yourself;)

Now on topic :)

This phenomenon arises, which is commonly called a “family curse” when one of the distant ancestors greatly offended another person, and he, in turn, in his heart wished a hundred misfortunes to this person and his entire family. The power of the word can be very destructive, and it will be passed down through the generation. Especially if powerful energy is invested in this word. In order to impose a curse, it is not necessary to carry out any special rituals, this is done with a word and thoughts. The heaviest curse can come from parents or older relatives. A word spoken in a state of passion can break the fate of generations. The effect of the curse can apply to the whole family as a whole, or be passed down either through the female or male line, or “turn on” at a certain age, or through a generation. There are a lot of action scenarios, but they can be dealt with and it's actually not so difficult;)

It has its own obvious signs:

1. Many family members have serious problems with mentality and nervous system: increased background of irritation, suicidal tendencies, depression, aggressiveness, apathy, addictions, etc.

2. Early or unnatural deaths in the family (not isolated cases). This can happen both in the male and female lines, it can be tied to some events or dates. There can also be many scenarios, and in each case it is necessary to look and analyze: is it an accident, a coincidence, or some kind of program is operating.

3. The younger generations repeat the fate of the older generations. If you look at the destinies, then there is a feeling that everyone lives according to approximately the same scenario, adjusted for the passage of time and new technologies.

4. The same disease occurs along some line or is transmitted through generations in a scenario. Most often it manifests itself at a certain age, plus or minus a couple of years, and this scenario can also be traced. Make sure it's not a coincidence.

5. It is very difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex. People often get lonely. Without apparent reason they are abandoned or become widows/widowers. Here it is also necessary to analyze and make sure that these are not accidents and not coincidences. If a generic curse is in effect, then the script and the underlying program will be clearly traceable.

These are the most obvious signs. If suddenly you find them, then we will get rid of the misfortune :)

Remove the family curse. As always, I tell those methods that you can do yourself at home and that will be effective.

Let's start with family photos. One of the photographs should be a common family photograph, in which all the captured people are alive. If you figured out that the negative is transmitted only through the female or only through the male line, then collect as many photos of women or men (respectively) of your family as possible. Those who are alive. Don't put photos of the living and the dead side by side. Make a list of living relatives for whom you are praying on a blank sheet of paper. Start the list with your name. You need to enter everyone for whom you ask, regardless of whether these people are in the pictures or not. We write only living people.

Put the photographs and the list in the book of holy scriptures. The list should protrude slightly from the edges of the book. It could be the Bible or the Quran, it doesn't matter. It is important that this book resonates in your heart. You can choose a page with a particular chapter and put photos there, you can randomly put photos between pages. The universe itself will lead you to the right chapter and the right lines;)

The ritual is done strictly on the waning moon. You can finish the ritual on the new moon or the first quarter of the growing moon. But we begin to remove the curse during the waning of the moon.

For a week, photographs and names lie in the holy book, and every evening you light a candle or several candles and read prayers. Photos are not taken out of the book for a week. But the list must be taken out and opened during each prayer. During this reading period, place the book with the pictures next to you and lay on it left hand. The prayer that is closest to you should go first, it can be the Our Father or the Angelic greeting, it doesn’t matter. It must be YOUR prayer that comes from your heart.

Next, we read the plot three times: “God, I pray you, bless your children(read the names from the list, starting with your name. If at the time of reading you remember that you forgot someone from your family, say his name and then add it). God, give us support and protection. Remove from us and all our kind slander and slander, deliver us from the curse and lead us to the light of God. Help us Lord according to our faith and our deeds. I believe in you and trust you with my fate, and through myself I inspire faith in my family and good deeds I will thank you for helping those in need. Let it be so. Amen."

After that, we read the same prayer with which we started, or any other that your heart asks for.

The last day of the report should fall either on the new moon or on the growing moon.

And so, after a week of reprimand, take photos and go to the temple. Place candles for the health of all the living in your family (you can have one for each person, you can have one candle for your favorite icons for all members of your family). Again, the main thing here is that everything comes from the heart and soul. Pray for your own and their health and ask God to remove the generic curse from you and your family. In gratitude, promise (and fulfill later) to help those who need your help, regardless of whether they are relatives or bystanders. It is best to pray in your own words, which come from the heart. At the same time, you do not need to get photos, they just need to be with you.

If you go to a Catholic church, then the best place for such prayers, these are benches near the Holy Gifts, and best time it is Mass, no matter what language it is celebrated in. Talk to God, he will hear and help. If during prayer you have tears, it means that everything will pass very soon and God will send angels to help you.

When you get home from the temple that day, or the next convenient day for you and your family, bake a simple apple pie and set the table with self-made meals not ordered from a restaurant. Gather your family, who will be possible, feed everyone, arrange a regular family lunch or dinner. If possible, speak only about good things, with good thoughts remember those who have passed away, say as much good things as possible to each other. You did this rite and you must set the tone for this feast. Talk about how you love and appreciate each other. Only those who can will come to the table. Do not persuade or force anyone.

After the feast, collect a piece of cake and leftover food and take it away from home. Don't keep any leftovers at home. Therefore, try to correctly calculate the preparation of dishes, do not overdo it;) Away from home, feed animals or birds with this food.

Tell me when you feed them “I remove with this food all the bad things that were imposed on the family. Just as this food gets to you and spreads far away from our family, so everything bad leaves us, and frees up space for good. Take everything with you and leave it far away from us. And it’s delicious for you and it’s good for us, I’m doing it for everyone. Let it be so. Amen." It is good to feed the birds with bread and a piece apple pie, everything else can be laid out where the animals will definitely find and eat.

Well, that's all, go home, take a shower and lie down to rest. All that is needed, you have done. The result will be fast enough. Just remember what you promised in return? Do good to others and ask all your loved ones to do the same. Not on purpose, not defiantly, but spontaneously and from the heart.

An ancestral curse is a curse that one of your ancestors was subjected to. It works if you do not remove it earlier, up to the seventh knee. When a family is cursed, there will definitely be patients in your family who suffer from various mental illnesses, neuroses; inadequate behavior of relatives, failed personal lives, written as if according to one scenario, chronic female diseases, infertility, depravity, early deaths children and men, hereditary endocrine diseases, the complex nature of many relatives. All this, unless, of course, this is an isolated case, in the present tense is an indicator that not everything is in order in your family. If there are innocently convicted or repressed in your family, then this indicates that the curse of the family has an active form.

The same can be said about chronic hereditary alcoholism: if it is impossible to get rid of this bad habit, then most often behind this initially there is a generic curse.

Why does the curse arise

Birth curses cannot be picked up like a runny nose or flu. It’s just that once a negative event happened in your family, which after several generations, growing like a snowball, destroyed your life.

This leads to the fact that now a curse hangs over every member of this family (including children and grandchildren). Someone in the family dies, his part of the curse is inherited by the survivors. Therefore, often after the death of a loved one, heaviness is felt. This is not always the result of grief experienced. Perhaps a share of these sensations is connected with the inherited part of the family curse, which previously lay as a burden on the soul of the deceased.

Often it is the birth curse that is the reason that does not allow you to make successful career and/or conduct business; does not allow to get married (marry); does not allow to conceive or have a child; makes you drink heavily; causes unexplained health problems; constantly turns away the favorable circumstances of life.

And if the curse of the family is on your family, then the most inexplicable things can happen in your life.

After all, the family curse is aimed at destruction, it is transmitted over many generations until it reaches its main goal - the total destruction of all members of your family!

The lifting of the birth curse frees you to accept all the best that can happen in your life, contributes to the improvement of all life spheres. Having lifted the birth curse (if any), you get the opportunity to take from life everything that is destined for you by fate and that you are able to receive from it.

Removal of the birth curse

If you have a family curse or if your parents have cursed you, you need to unify. Unction - church rite, which is usually held in the church during Lent, but can also be held on request. It is aimed at cleansing a person from all sins, including those unknown to him (which he cannot confess, simply because he does not know), as well as cleansing from the sins of the family.

If the curse is not very strong, then each person can remove it on their own.

The rite, which can remove the family curse on your own, is performed on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday at 12 am. Moon time - no earlier than the 17th lunar day until 29-30 lunar day. On Monday (before the ceremony) you read the akathist to the guardian angel. By the night of the ceremony, prepare three candles and church water.

So, in front of you is a mirror with candles. You place another mirror behind you. You stand between two mirrors in a tank top and swimming trunks or a combination. These things (without traces of dirt and blood) must be worn for at least two days (except for swimming trunks, of course). Light candles and read (from memory!), looking into your eyes, without looking up and preferably without blinking (although the last condition will be impossible for everyone to fulfill - it's okay, just try to blink less if this condition is completely beyond your power):

I look into clear eyes, I'm not afraid of anyone. No demon, no enemy, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother is with me Holy Mother of God. That is not a mirror in front of me, then the shield of God is before me. That is not a mirror behind my back, then the shield of God is behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen.

You wash yourself immediately in front of a mirror with holy water prepared in advance (a small basin will also need to be prepared in advance), wipe yourself with a T-shirt or combination without removing this thing from yourself.

Look in the mirror for as long as you want. The candles must burn out. While they burn out, it is not necessary to stand near them.

On the first Sunday after the ceremony, you must go to church and put 12 candles: 3 - the Mother of God, 3 - Jesus Christ, 3 - the Holy Spirit, 3 - Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for lifting the birth curse.

How to get rid of a family curse in the male line

On Easter there is a custom that will help remove the family curse: everyone in the church is allowed to ring the bells. Three relatives must climb the bell tower, take hold of the rope all together and strike the bell twelve times. After that, everyone should give the ringer three colored eggs and some money with a request to pray for them. When descending from the bell tower, you need to stop on the steps and read the following plot:

Ringing from heaven, Christ is risen! Death conquered, hell destroyed. So our Christian race, baptized forgiven, will rise again, death will win, the curse will destroy. As the Church of Christ is strong, so our male race will be strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to remove the curse of the womb of a pregnant woman

This curse is usually sent by rivals or the mother-in-law if she does not recognize the daughter-in-law, but any person in anger can do it. As a result, the woman loses the child and becomes infertile. This curse is aimed at the destruction of the family, so if the cursed has sisters, then the same fate may await them. Just in case, it is better for pregnant women to have a talisman against an evil word with them. It is done like this.

To remove the family curse, buy a silk white scarf. On the next full moon at midnight, spread a handkerchief in the middle of the room, strip naked and stand on this handkerchief. Read the plot. After that, soak this handkerchief in melt water and wipe all the thresholds in the house. Then one of your relatives should wash and iron the scarf. Put the handkerchief under your bed: it should lie there until your child is born. After giving birth, give this handkerchief to the one who read the plot. It is necessary to read a prayer from the birth curse:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go out, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the doors with doors, out of the gates with gates. I will throw this clean cloth, it will stretch out before me on a wide road, without potholes, without bumps, without holes, without stones. I'm walking the toll road, three angels in front of me. The first angel clears the way, the other guards the road, the third saves the soul. The Lord is above me, the board is under me, the child is in me, the Mother of God is with me. The Mother of God bore the fruit, was protected by God, and I, the servant of God, will be protected all the time while I carry the burden. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you were cursed, but you don’t have a talisman, a ransom spell will help you.

You take a rope, tie five knots on it, fold it around on the ground. Then you put 12 silver items on it, maybe not new ones, step over them with a cross. There must be no metal on the body. The hair is loose. In a spell, mistakes must not be made, permutations in words are unacceptable. When reading, do not stutter and do not stop in mid-sentence. It is very serious! If you are not confident in yourself, let someone you trust do it for you so as not to harm.

Dead in the ground, living on the ground. For the dead, silver is not good; for the living, silver is not money. I throw silver, pay off trouble. From a man dashing, from a wild beast, from a sword, from a bullet, from a crooked road. I renounce silver, I pay off evil. Depart, evil purchased, return, purchased good. Amen. Amen. Amen.

parental curse

As a rule, parental cursing occurs in an involuntary way. It is worth saying to the child with anger: “Damn you!” - and the child begins to be tormented by demons. It happens that children go missing after such words. Only church prayer helps here. The one who uttered the curse needs to repent in the church, and order a magpie for the child and distribute alms. Sometimes a curse sticks to a child without mentioning the unclean. If a child is told all the time that he is “parental punishment”, “back-biter”, “stupid” and the like, then the curse itself will stick to him. He really will be a punishment for the family. Therefore, parents should keep their mouths shut and never take it out on their children. This does not mean that children cannot be scolded and punished. You need to scold them, but without malice.

Conspiracy from a bad parental word

Relatives often curse each other - during the division of property, during some other disputes.

In order to remove the family curse, they read the amulet at dawn:

There was a simple-haired girl, the holy elder Simeon met her. "Where are you going, simple-haired wench?" - "I'm going to dry swamps, pick up rotten moss." - "Why do you need rotten moss?" - "Twist ropes." - "Why do you need ropes?" - "Catch wild ducks." - "Why do you need ducks?" - "Milk milk." How not to twist ropes out of rotten moss, how not to catch them with these ropes wild ducks, how not to milk ducks with milk, so not to spoil, not to curse the servant of God (name), baptized, born, born into the world by God's will, by the Lord's mercy. The Lord creates, the Lord gives birth, the Lord protects. Depart, cursed word, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to lift the curse of poverty

You need to buy three church candles, cut into pieces and throw into boiling water. When the wax melts, throw three coins there, saying this plot:

I don’t throw money into wax, I give money for a candle, I donate it to the church. The candle is boiling, the church is standing, it is growing rich in the Lord. As long as the money is in the candle, wealth will go to me. Wax money, settle in your pocket, call your sisters for residence. You have many sisters, and I will have a lot of money. Amen to my word, amen three times and amen again.

Then take it all off the fire. When it cools down, the coins must be taken out and given to the one who was cursed. Then you need to go to church and confess. As you do, the curse will disappear, and wealth will return.

How to get rid of the curse in the family

If there is no peace and harmony in the family, relatives are like enemies, then you need to buy 12 candles and light them after 12 at night. Be sure to make sure that the sky is not gloomy, but starry. The eldest should read a prayer from a family curse:

May God arise and scatter His enemies! May the enemy forces of Satan, evil words, envy and malice disappear from my house! Go, run, go to hell! I put an end to forty places, on the mat, on the shelves, on the corners, on the ceiling, on the windows, on the walls, on the covers, on the roof, on the thresholds, on the doors, on the jambs, on the window sills. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the Most Holy Theotokos, John the Baptist, the holy apostles, all saints, all martyrs and martyrs, all virgins and reverends, all blessed and holy fools, all angels and archangels with the leadership of St. Michael, all the Lord's saints and righteous! Pray, defend, stand before God, remember me, defend my house. There is no place for you, Satan, in this house of residence, there is no place for you, you have no power either over this house, or over me, or over my children, or over my ancestors, or over my cattle, or over my yard. Here is the power of the Lord, the Mother of God throne. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Family curse is one of the most serious varieties. When one of your relatives is in danger, this, in itself, inspires fear, but the whole horror of the family curse lies in the fact that it is directed not at one specific family member, but at all members of the family, up to the seventh generation. It does not spare anyone - neither women, nor the elderly, nor children.

Luckily, you can get rid of it too. Which way to use is up to you, but then we will look at effective rituals and tell you how to remove the family curse with prayers.

What is the curse of the family?

In this world there are many interconnections and interweavings, the causes of which are often difficult to understand. Moreover, even minor actions often lead to significant consequences, and it happens when you can’t understand the reasons for certain situations at all.

Next, consider such a phenomenon as a birth curse, phenomenon is more than significant and requires detailed study. In particular, if you observe any signs of a family curse in yourself or your friends, you should try to deal with this, let's say, ailment.

Preliminarily, it should be noted that there is a very active study of situations similar to birth curses in modern psychology. For example, there are now popular Hellinger constellations, which, by and large, talk about repeating scenarios in the genus and about methods for correcting these scenarios. Hellinger also offers various options"cure" allows people to deal with their own existence and help loved ones.

However, it cannot be said that, in the end, the practices of modern psychology, which are postulated as based on the opinion of scientists, helped better than working with rituals, using effective religious methods, such as for example. Incidentally, even Hellinger himself called some ancient cult practices the basis of his own methodology.

Any imposed curse, intentional or sent in haste, is a serious breach in the bioenergetic field of the person to whom such a curse was addressed. Due to the ritual impact, troubles begin to pour literally from everywhere - the physical and emotional health of the object of the curse suffers - it is no longer in his hands.

The stream of misfortunes that has fallen affects not only an individual person, but with destructive force has an impact on the whole race, up to deaths. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to recognize such powerful damage - the masks under which the negative message is hidden are too numerous and can be misleading.

Nevertheless, you can try to track the series of tragedies that suddenly swept over you and unsuspecting relatives of tragedies, and perhaps identify some patterns.

How to recognize it?

Only special people - magicians, sorcerers and psychics can determine the presence of corruption at the initial stage of its inception. Therefore, in order to stop the curse before it begins to manifest itself in full, dragging your entire future legacy into a karmic pool, you must urgently seek help from people with magical abilities.

Explicit signs the presence of a family curse:

  • abnormal a large number of for one family of cases of suicides, victims of tragic accidents, mortality among young members of the family, as well as the number of family members with acute mental disorders - mentally ill.
  • Infertility in women or frequent cases stillbirth.
  • Family members prone to drug addiction or alcoholism in the form of severe addiction.
  • Frequent cases termination.
  • Too much similar deplorable among relatives of fate.
  • Incessant scandals and friction within the family up to assault with grave consequences.
  • Renunciation by children from their parents.
  • A large number of early widowed women.

One way or another, sooner or later, but all these signs lead to the inevitable eradication of a whole genus. And the way out of this frightening situation depends on you - to humbly reconcile, or to act decisively and immediately.

How to remove yourself?

Solving the problem on your own is possible. But the mitigation of the destructive power of the ancestral curse or its complete neutralization is real only on condition that the damage was sent unintentionally, "in the hearts." Then, conspiracies and specific rites, of which there are a whole mass, can become salvation. Another necessary condition- it is the presence of a completely positive attitude and positive energy.

If the family curse is no longer “young”, but has been in effect for several decades, having managed to acquire frightening proportions up to the present moment, then the only way to solve the problem is to turn to serious prayer practices.

In addition, people who practice with knowledge of their craft, rich experience and a special gift will help identify the origins of corruption, determine its causes and find the culprit of all this horror, suggesting methods and ways to eliminate or at least weaken the effect of the curse sent to the family.

Once there is no doubt that the curse has been cast, it is time for decisive action.. In no case should you put off solving the problem on the back burner and wait until the damage manifests itself with all its might - you need to take urgent measures.

Whatever the reason for the sent curse, first of all, it is necessary to turn to prayer. Reading a prayer text about the removal of a family curse, carried out on a regular basis, can not only weaken the destructive effect of a negative message, but even completely neutralize it. Whatever it was - a positive result will be provided to you.

But reading one prayer, nevertheless, is not enough. It is also necessary to perform a number of special ritual actions to achieve the maximum effect. The main thing is not to give up, not to be led by a frightening curse, not to lose faith and positive mood even after the accomplishment of tragic troubles and disasters that have fallen.

Ritual actions

The curse is always part of that negative energy, which is the embodiment of the sender of damage. With his negative fibers, the messenger not only enhances the effect of the ailment directed at you, but also feeds on its “black” results. Therefore, your positive attitude against the negative energy of the addressee, it can nullify the effect of the curse. All in your hands. Here and now.

The first step is to go to and buy 7 candles. No need to skimp, get expensive and high-quality candles - future ritual items. Stock up on holy water. Also, you need to have several icons: Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ the Savior, Holy Matrona of Moscow and Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer.

If there are none at home, be sure get them on the same day, along with candles. You must have a consecrated cross hanging around your neck., you need to wear it without removing it.

At midnight, lock yourself in a room, arrange lighted candles, all the icons listed above, place a container of holy water nearby. Begin to read the prayer "Our Father" by repeating it 7 times. Take a sip of holy water. Also, read the prayer 7 times to remove the curse from the family, wait until the last candle burns out.

You can use various options for prayers to remove the curse from the family. For example, use this combination: first read the creed, then psalm 90, and then the next powerful prayer.

“To the Heavenly King, the True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and everything is fulfilled by Your Will.

You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal Peace and the Treasure of the Hearts of the Devotees, giving them life.

Remain in us, cleanse us of all filth, pour into the world through the Chalices of the Hidden children of yours, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call on Your Name. Amen.

Free, Almighty and Merciful, your children from unkind thoughts, from evil words, from bitter curses, from all shamanism and witchcraft, from corruption, evil eye and slander, for we rely only on You, the One.

Cleanse all those who yearned for Light in darkness and the shadow of death, for You, the Living and True, Almighty God of the Armies of Heaven, are joy and comfort for all those who despair.

Your Love is the Fiery Sword, freeing from the chains created by the servants of the One who opposes Your Will, all Your Devotees, and let those who are fierce and spiteful in powerlessness retreat before the image of Christ, imprinted in the Inner of Your sons and daughters.

True Comforter of the Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all who call on Your Holy Name, spread the Liberating Sword over your children, protect Your Devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope.

I glorify you in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, which I am the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-Giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever. Amen."

After, collect all 7 cinders and wrap them in a sheet of paper on which a prayer is written, put them in a plate and set them on fire. Take another sip of holy water. Put the ashes and smoldering cinders left after the ceremony in a bag and bury it in the ground in some place where people usually do not go.

Without turning around, return home, and in no case do not enter into a conversation with anyone along the way.. At home, take another sip of holy water. Arrange the icons in their places.

With the onset of the morning, go to church and give a note for the repose and for the health of your dead relatives by buying 14 candles. A note for health must be handed over not only for yourself, but also for all your living relatives - from the oldest generation to its younger representatives.

Do not forget to attend church regularly, observe fasts, honor spiritual traditions and believe in the best outcome of events - only in this way, clearly following all the instructions and sincerely exuding a positive attitude, you can be sure that henceforth, no, even the darkest thoughts, will be able to cause harm to you and your loved ones.

On the female line

During pregnancy, the child is completely dependent on the mother, there is a strong bond between them. What happens after the baby is born? This connection never disappears, it remains for life. That is why the mother needs to be careful, because she, not wanting harm to her child, can bring trouble to him.

The birth curse has a powerful effect on a woman and she, without realizing it herself, can transfer it to her baby (for the most part this happens among women).

What to do in such a situation? - this is the main question, since the life of the child may be in danger. Simple petitions and conspiracies will not help here, since mother's curse cannot be removed without a ritual called "unction". It is necessary to periodically conduct a ceremony, attend church services, read a prayer book and distribute alms to those in need, only one condition - this must be done regularly for three years.

The curse cannot be stopped, it can only be lifted. An appeal to God can help with this, and it is also necessary to set candles for all deceased ancestors.. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that if the candle starts to crack, then the person to whom it was installed was the first, this attack came from him. If this did not happen, then a living person called the curse.

Then you need to buy a candle and put it in front of the icon to Nicholas the Wonderworker, while saying a petition for healing with the name of the one who brought this curse, of course, if there is confidence in this. After the prayer, the following should be said: “Let my sins be burned! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you, Lord! At the end, you need to order a prayer service to the dead ancestors for a year.

By male

Such a curse is dangerous in that it lasts until it is removed or all the males of the family die, with more accidents, suicides or accidents due to drunkenness. This type of curse appeared in ancient times in order to deal with influential families.

It is important to know that a loved one can also attract trouble, without wanting to.. The most important thing is to take seriously and attentively what happens to relatives and friends, and if there are suspicions, immediately begin to act, as the consequences can be serious.


In conclusion, we offer you some particularly effective combinations of prayers. Here Orthodox prayer for the cleansing of the family in combination with thanksgiving:

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who offended me voluntarily or involuntarily in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my dead relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness before all people whom my ancestors offended voluntarily or involuntarily, by word, deed or thought.

Lord, I ask You to cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You to cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, I thank You for everything You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.”

Here is another effective prayer for the purification of the family, which is also effective read for 40 days:

First you need to say the Our Father.

“Lord, Your eyes saw the embryo of Your daughter (son) (name). In Your book are written all the days appointed for her (him).

Drive away the unclean from me, so that I will not be on a dangerous path. Don't let the bloodthirsty approach me. Forgive those who have conceived and
who gave birth to me father (...), mother (...) and all my great-grandfather generation from its beginning.

Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, so honor is indecent to a fool, like a sparrow flutters, like a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse on me, the daughter (son) of God (name) will not come true. Amen."


Any curse is a serious danger to the energy fields and connections of a person, which always affects mental and physical health and destiny in general. A family curse has tremendous destructive power, affecting the entire family or clan of a person. Especially strong curses can lead to the death of people associated with the cursed person. Only psychic specialists can recognize a recently imposed birth curse, however, as such a curse “unwinds”, it can also be determined. ordinary people.

If you suspect that you have been the victim of a curse, it is best to contact a qualified psychic. Dealing with such a magical effect is quite difficult, especially if it was imposed by a skilled magician. If you decide to contact a specialist, choose him carefully, best of all through acquaintances who are associated with esotericism. This will save you from communicating with charlatans.

If you don't want to go to a psychic, you can try it yourself. The easiest way to do this is to turn to the help of the church. First of all, go to confession. Then light candles to all the relatives you know. Put candles on the eve, watch them. The curse comes from that relative whose candle will crackle and burn unevenly. If the flame on all the candles is even, then the curse comes from, in which case you will have to resort to another rite. Wait until the candles burn out by a third, in the process, read the prayers for the dead.

If you find out that the curse comes from, buy another candle specifically for him. Place this candle near the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Ask this saint for help in deliverance, do it best with words. After that, read the prayers that seem appropriate to you. Wait until the candle burns down by a third, and then order a prayer service (preferably an annual one) for deceased relatives.

You can perform another rite to remove the curse. For him, you will need a fresh one, which must be put in the Bible for a week. After that, you need to get a photograph, light a church candle over it and read the prayers you know. After reading the prayers in your own words, ask for deliverance from the curse. On this day, go to church, put candles there for the health of the whole family and read thanksgiving prayers. Bake an apple pie at home, preferably inherited. During its preparation, read prayers and say the following words: “I remove the curse with a heavenly apple. Amen". You need to treat all your friends with this pie.

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