How to find a new goal. The simplest way to determine your purpose in life. What do I pay attention to most often?

Probably all people periodically ask the question: “Where am I going, and what do I want to see at the end of the road?” But not many can give a clear answer to this, and yet a global goal will help you not to give up in difficult times, not to get lost in life and to always know what you really want. There is one way, simple and complex at the same time, with which you can find your goal and have no doubt that it is real.

Both old age and experience lead at the same time

To the last hour, when destined

To understand after much care and torment,

That in life we ​​wandered along the path of error.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer describes a terrible prospect, but it becomes much more real if you don’t even know where you are going in life. There are small goals: buy a house, start a family, earn the respect of colleagues at work, get a high position, but there are no big ones.

Someone will say that it is not needed at all, that if you don’t know where you are going, you definitely won’t go wrong on the road, and this is true to some extent.

But what will this road be like - a bright and joyful path or a thorny valley with “cares and hardships”? When a person feels good, he doesn’t think about the meaning and purpose, the trash begins when he feels bad, bored, sad. Then you need some meaning or purpose, you need to find it in order to continue moving. And it’s good if a ready-made goal becomes such a beacon, so as not to rush around in the darkness of your fears and paddocks.

It seems very difficult, especially when you have never thought about it. All sorts of imposed values ​​creep into your head, and the only reaction to them is: “This bullshit cannot be my global goal. In fact, she doesn’t mean anything to me at all.”

In order to find a goal that really means something, you don’t have to go to an oracle or live in a monastery for five years. The method will take from 20 minutes to an hour, but before you begin, you need to understand several points:

Get ready to take it all

When many people hear the word “goal,” they associate it with material benefits or some great achievement. Accept the idea that this may not be the case. To accept the possibility that your goal will sound and look quite prosaic and not sublime from the outside means sacrificing delusions of grandeur for the sake of a happy life.

In addition, your goal does not necessarily lie in a familiar area, where you have been looking for your purpose since your student or even school years. Just be prepared for the fact that it may be something completely unfamiliar to you.

Only what makes you feel good

The only criterion for a real goal is that it brings pleasure. A person strives for constant pleasure, and you can get it from anything - from a job well done, from the process of this work, from communication, knowledge.

You can call your global goal a global source of pleasure that will last a lifetime. This is how you can check your target after searching: if you don’t get a buzz from it, then it’s definitely not her.

The method itself

As promised, the method is simple:

  1. Seclude yourself
  2. Write on the sheet “My goal in life”
  3. Turn off your thoughts
  4. You start writing down everything that comes to mind.

The point is that when the real goal is on the sheet in front of you, it will cause a strong emotional reaction that may end in tears.

Why turn off thoughts?

Because over the years of your life, many ideas have accumulated in your head about why you should live and what to strive for. First of all, they will appear on your sheet, and in order not to get confused, keep an eye on emotional state. If the target doesn't evoke any emotion, it's definitely not her.

For some people this may take 20 minutes, others will sit for a whole hour, everything is individual here. The main thing is not to give up. After the first 100 responses that do not evoke any emotion, you may think that this is stupid and not worth wasting your time on. If you overcome this feeling, you will learn something valuable, isn't it worth spending an extra half hour for?

Even while writing, several options may appear that cause you an emotional upsurge, but not a strong one. Mark such answers, perhaps they are parts of the global goal, and it will be easier for you to find it.

I hope you succeed.

Why You Should Find Your Life's Purpose

1. Purpose gives meaning to everything you do.

Purpose gives life meaning. You have something to strive for. On the outside, you may seem happy, but if you don't have a goal, you will always feel empty inside.

2. The goal guides you and points you in the right direction.

Purpose not only gives you meaning, it helps you point in the right direction. It helps you make the right, informed decisions. It is much easier to make a choice if you have a clearly defined goal.

3. Goal gives motivation.

Even in difficult times in life, you have to go to the end. Failures and troubles may occur. In such cases, you need aspirations that provide motivation. Purpose helps you put life into perspective.

Finding a purpose in life is not easy because...

1. The goal does not have a universal formula.

Life purpose is a purely personal concept. Everyone has their own, as well as methods for achieving it.

2. Finding a goal takes time.

This is probably main reason, why is it so difficult for many people to decide on a goal. They need instant results. Finding purpose is a long journey.

1. Don't expect instant results

Be patient.

2. Determine your strengths

In order to determine your goal, you first need to determine which of your personal qualities are the strongest.

3. Identify your passions

If you have an interest in something, you will do it not for reward, not for money or recognition, but because you want to do it. It is very important. Your passions must be inextricably linked to your purpose.

4. Identify your motives

Only you can discover your motives. Think about it. Are there factors in the world that make you feel dissatisfied? What factors make you feel like doing something?

5. Find the intersection of your strengths, your passions, and your motivations.

Now that you've identified your strengths, passions, and motivations, you can find the connections between them. Choose one from the list of your motives - the one that you could realize with the help of your talents. The main thing is that you have passion for what you do. What is born in the end will be your goal.

6.Create a personal statement

Based on what you find from the previous step, create your personal purpose statement. Just write down this wording and rely on it.

7. Take action

Your statement is a guide in finding your life purpose. It needs to be constantly improved. It is not enough to simply discover a goal, you must make efforts to achieve it. You must constantly increase your competence, look for ways to contribute to the cause you have chosen. You will feel a return that will either increase or decrease your interest.

8. Be careful

If you are careful, then on the way to your goal you will constantly encounter hints and confirmations that you have chosen the right goal.

Four main reasons preventing

find purpose in life

1. Lack of self-confidence

Sometimes, you don't achieve your goals just because you don't fully believe that you can actually do it. There may be different reasons. Perhaps your friends and family do not support you, perhaps your insecurity is caused by bad experiences in the past. Either way, you can prove to yourself and others that you can achieve your goal.

“Whether you think you can do something or you think you can’t do it, you are right in both cases” - Henry Ford.

If you are initially unsure of your abilities, it may be better to abandon your chosen goal and focus on something else.

2. Choosing the "wrong" goal

What is the "wrong" goal? This usually means that:

You want to achieve something because others want you to.

You want to achieve something just to impress others.

When you focus on a goal, you don't think about whether you can achieve it or not.

You blindly follow others because it seems to you that they are doing everything right.

There are several more examples, however, these are the most common. Most The best way find the "right" goal - take handle and a blank sheet of paper and write down everything you would like to achieve. If you give it enough time, you can probably find a worthy goal that you will truly strive for.

3. Lack of consistency and patience

Having chosen a goal, do not expect that the path to it will be short and easy. Don't be surprised if you have to spend a lot of time and effort on it. Be patient in advance.

4. No "next step" or action plan

Some people just set a goal and leave it at that. They do not consider it necessary to draw up at least a rough plan or create some kind of time frame for themselves. Every morning you should start by reviewing your list of goals.

Set yourself the tasks necessary to achieve your goals and try to find solutions to these problems throughout the day. You must follow a specific plan.

And remember that if you don't set goals for the major aspects of your life, they will stagnate.

FIVE steps to achieving your goal

1. Set deadlines

Once you have set a goal, you must also set a clear time frame for achieving it. If you have a global intention and it’s hard to set deadlines, break it down into smaller tasks. Your results should be tangible. You must regularly ensure that you are moving in the right direction.

2. Use a calendar

Use a calendar to track progress. Set common goal that you should achieve in, say, a month, and small, daily steps that will help you achieve it. Good organization will help you achieve your dreams faster. Make sure you do everything possible to achieve this.

3. Focus

There is no point in pursuing multiple intentions at the same time; it will not lead you to success. It’s much more productive to throw all your energy into one significant task than to waste yourself on a huge number of small ones.

4. Make time

Every day you should set aside a certain amount of time to work on your projects. Over time, this will become a habit.

5. Don't give up

The worst thing you can do is give up on your dreams. Try to set achievable goals for yourself and don't give up until you achieve results. Working towards a goal until you achieve it will give you a sense of pride and satisfaction.

Every person once asks himself the question: “Why am I living?” or “What am I striving for?” If you can’t answer it, then something is wrong with your life. People who are dissatisfied with the course of events often decide to change their lives. And first of all, they have a question: “How to find a purpose in life?” Because it is the global goal that will help in difficult moments don't give up and remain yourself.

We are all different, and therefore people’s standards and vision of the world are also different. Every second person immediately has a material object before their eyes. But ask yourself, will owning it bring you pleasure? After all, joy can be obtained from everything: the result of work, learning new things and communication. If you are high and happy at this moment, then this is your global goal in life. Because only she can fill life with meaning.

There are many ways in the world to choose a goal, and we will try to list them in our article. Try everything, try to understand yourself, and someday you will wake up with the firm conviction that life is wonderful.

How to decide on a purpose in life

Method one, fast
  1. Get alone, turn off your mobile phone and try to get all thoughts out of your head.
  2. Write the title “my goal” on a piece of paper and start writing whatever comes to your mind. First, you will write down all the cliches that have accumulated in your mind throughout your life, but it is not at all necessary that within half an hour or an hour you will understand what you need.
  3. When the real goal is fixed, you will feel a violent response from the body, even to the point of tears. Watch your reaction, there may be several such goals, and they may turn out to be a small part of the global idea that you need in life.
Method two
  1. Get together and give a complete analysis of your life.
  2. Answer your questions honestly: “Why am I working in this position?” and “What does communicating with these people give me?” Understand that you are doing this only for yourself and therefore answer clearly and specifically.
  3. The correct answer should be: “Because I get pleasure, pleasure, I am happy.” Everything you do for the soul is your goal. The remaining answers: “I need to feed my family, I don’t want to lose face in front of my friends” indicate that you should change something.

    Often, for the sake of money, we drive ourselves into moral (and other) bondage. We wake up at 6 am, travel in crowded transport, listen to the boss’s nagging at work. This is how the entire conscious life of many of our compatriots goes, only because they are afraid to leave their comfort zone, and are also not sure about the future.

  4. Don't be alarmed by the upcoming changes. Because the main thing a person should do in life is to be happy. And everything else is secondary.

Method three

  1. Another question that will definitely help you in this difficult matter: “What would I do in my life if I didn’t need to earn money?”
  2. Analyze your interests, what you like to do in free time.
  3. Ask yourself: “What do I love most?” Steve Jobs He was always interested in computers and was a talented manager, which is why his company is considered the most successful in the world today. People who achieved fame and recognition were completely absorbed in what they loved. This was their goal, towards which they walked all their lives, without turning anywhere. They enjoyed what they did, and the bonus was recognition and money.
  4. You can hear the answer, they say, I love to draw or play the guitar, but I have to work for someone, because I can’t live otherwise. But this thought is imposed on you by the cowardly and inert older generation, who are most afraid of taking the first steps into the unknown in order to choose new life. How many creative people, persistently moving towards their goal, became famous after going through poverty?
  5. If you have no interests at all, you should think about what warms your soul. Without passion, you will not be able to solve the question: “How to find a purpose in life?” When the emptiness inside a person is filled, it is the strongest motivation. It will help you withstand difficult moments in life, of which there are plenty in the fate of every person.

Step-by-step instructions on how to determine your purpose in life

Step 1. You should find harmony with yourself. People put on some kind of masks every day and this makes them feel out of place. Today it is fashionable among young people to be macho, but maybe you have always been a monogamist.

By being free from prejudice, you will be able to better understand what you need in life and yourself. In addition, those around you, without feeling false from you, will become more open. This means that you are guaranteed the location and support of your loved ones.

Step 2. Dream. A banal phrase that we have all heard many times: “A man without a dream is like a bird without wings” very accurately conveys the meaning of human aspirations. As statistics show, the top three dreams on planet Earth include material well-being, a reliable partner nearby, and health (your own and those of your loved ones).

When dreaming, a person not only statically imagines the object of his desire, but also imagines in his head the possibilities of how to achieve it. The method you were able to choose may well become a reflection of your life purpose. And all you have to do is start implementing it.

Step 3. Be sure to let go of all your past fears, as they are the ones that will push you away from achieving your dreams. This is your main brake, and now you should drive away all doubts. You must believe in your dream so that everything will definitely work out.

Don’t forget that nothing ever goes smoothly, everyone encounters defeats and setbacks, but fate will definitely give a second (third, fourth) chance to those who strive for it with all their hearts.

Step 4. Devote all your free time to your hobby. Perhaps something that costs you no effort may seem like a divine gift to others. A passion for cooking can develop into your own restaurant, and singing karaoke can turn into a world-class star. It was in this way that the singer Slava (Anastasia Slanevskaya) met the producer who helped her become a popular pop diva.

Of course, mindlessly sitting in front of the TV or on social networks does not suit the purpose of life. But here you must clearly understand the difference between dependence and a feeling of joy from the actions performed. As for online networks, no one is stopping those who love such communication from becoming a site administrator or building a business on the Internet. Develop your hobbies and someday you will get a return from them.

Step 5. Take action. If you don't know how to find purpose in your life and don't want to get off the couch, you'll end up sitting there for the rest of your life as life passes you by. You can’t be afraid of change, because that’s what you need now first of all. If you don't step out of your comfort zone, you won't succeed.

To achieve your goal, you must choose a direction and develop a step-by-step action plan. It is very good to hang it in a visible place and start performing real tasks, preferably within a pre-agreed time period. And if it doesn’t work out, then adjust this plan during execution.

Remember that there is not a single person in the world whom God has deprived of talents. Some people lack a teacher in life, others a push or a lucky break. In any case, having overcome laziness and despair, you will believe in yourself, be able to find a goal and begin to get a buzz from life!

Finding your life's work, the very goal for which you want to overcome all obstacles, which will inspire and bring pleasure - this is what many people dream of, trying to somehow escape from the boring routine. How to find a purpose in life - this question constantly worries people; many books and psychological techniques are devoted to it. Does this mean that finding purpose is difficult? First of all, it depends on yourself.

Down with stereotypes!

To find your goal that will bring you joy, you first need to figure out what you really want from life? Society dictates hundreds of stereotypes to people, others expect certain behavior, conformity social role. The force of this pressure often becomes colossal and buries a person’s true desires and aspirations; he begins to do what others want from him, strives to be “convenient” for society. But does he like it?

How to start and understand how much what you are doing matches your desires? You need to try to look at your life unbiasedly, from the outside. Analyze facts and events, ask yourself questions, reflect.

  • Remember your childhood. What did you like to do, what clubs did you attend? Have you ever enjoyed an activity, but adults decided it wasn't right for you? Perhaps you are still subconsciously drawn to this activity? Why not try again when you're an adult who can choose your own hobbies?
  • What about entering a university, did you choose your place of study based on your personal inclinations, or did you go where your parents sent you? Did you go “for company” with a friend? Searched for the most prestigious profession? Did you really learn what you wanted? If not, then it’s never too late to fix everything, get a second education or take suitable courses.
  • Consider your lifestyle. How do you relax, how do you spend your free time? Why do you go somewhere with friends - because you really want to or because everyone goes there, so as not to be the “black sheep” in the company? Often, a lot of time is spent trying to meet society's expectations - attending fashionable events or pursuing a certain hobby. But face it, do you like it? If not, imagine how much time you waste doing things you don't need to do.
  • Ask yourself a question - what would you do if you were a rich person who has everything and no one can tell you? The answer may be what you really want to do in life.

Advice: in order to understand yourself and think, it is not at all necessary to set aside some special time for this and lock yourself in a room. You can do self-reflection on your way to work, during lunch, while doing housework, or even while taking a bath. This way, you will get used to thinking constantly and learn to distinguish between imposed stereotypes and your own desires.

Getting out of your comfort zone - the first steps towards your goal

When you have decided what you really want to do in life, a logical question arises - how to achieve this? Concerns arise: will you be able to succeed in a new area? Is it too late to change everything and start learning? In the end, will there be enough money to secure your way to your goal? All this is the fear of the unknown, which means it’s time to find the strength in yourself to finally leave your established comfort zone, because this is the only way to reach your goal.

What's happened " "? This is all that has long been familiar and familiar to a person, has been studied far and wide and does not cause concern. However, in order to achieve something new, to get closer to the goal, you will have to step forward towards the unknown. It is impossible to achieve anything while lying on the couch or staying on old job, which, although I don’t like it, is familiar to the last detail.

How to cope with the fear of the unknown and make the path to your goal easier? There are several tips that will help with this.

  1. Make a plan. Knowing your goal is good, but how are you going to achieve it? Think about what your steps might be, write them down, make sub-items and lists. Now that everything is sorted out, the unknown doesn’t seem so threatening, right?
  2. Don't rush into adventures rashly. If it dawns on you that you have been doing the wrong thing all your life, you should not immediately quit your job and sever all contacts. Provide yourself with a reserve of funds while you study something or look for another job.
  3. Support is important. Everyone needs to hear words of encouragement from time to time. Tell your loved ones about your plans, share your achievements with them, so you can feel that you have someone to rely on and find the strength to cope with difficulties.
  4. Don't forget about rest. To have the strength to act, you need to rest well. A must, healthy sleep is an indispensable guarantee of vigor and constant well-being.

Important: at some point you may give up because of difficulties, then remind yourself why you started all this. Think about how important and necessary this is for you. Ask yourself a question - what is better, doing something you don’t like, even without experiencing difficulties, or working hard, but achieving something that will truly bring joy?

Even if you are wondering how to find a purpose in life in old age, remember: it’s never too late to start. Many people have dramatically changed their lives and succeeded, you can do it too, just want it and believe in yourself!

(apathy, Oblomovism...) is not knowing what to strive for in life. Even a simple thing, for example, buying a new gadget (mobile phone, tablet, beech...) already gives some meaning to life - being. Is not it?

The best way to get (luck, prosperity...) is to find your goal in life and strive for it.

How to find your purpose in life

1. What do you do when you lose track of time?

Do you ever have things, hobbies, hobbies that make you lose time? We just started, and the evening has already arrived.

Sleeping, watching TV, talking on the phone, movies, and the like don’t count. These things are rather time stealers.

2. If people ask you, how are you happy to help?

Firstly, if you are asked for help. Then such help may already be your calling. And it’s more logical to develop in it. But you may not always like your skills.

Then, secondly, what kind of help from you to others most of all gives you “spouts” of joy?

3. How would you like others to feel?

How can you help them with this?

Perhaps you don't like working for yourself. Therefore, you cannot choose goals in life for yourself. Then set goals that will be yours, but will bring joy to others. And their joy is your joy too.

The circle will close: you with a purpose, people with joy... (You are our knight. It is fashionable to be an egoist, and do everything for yourself. Do not destroy the altruist in yourself, to be truly kind is just as natural as in any other case)

4. How are you unique?

What sets you apart from the rest? What makes you stand out is given to you for a reason. Your uniqueness is a clue to your purpose.

5. How to find your purpose in life. Chronometric method

6. What kind of people would you like to surround yourself with? What are these people doing?

Maybe you want to surround yourself with friends - bankers or fishermen - whalers (or the light version - crabbers). Is their “theme” perhaps your theme?

7. What would you do if you had a million?

Often, running after the green stuff distracts you from your true values ​​and your goals in life. Try to imagine that the financial issue has been resolved for you once and for all. What would you do then?

There seems to be a goal, how can I check that this is my goal?

Take a step in her direction. And track what is happening inside and around you. Positive change is your goal.

Good luck in achieving your goals in life!

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