Can I sign up for pregnancy right away? How to register a marriage during pregnancy: deadlines and what documents are needed. What does the certificate look like?

Registration deadlines Usually, from the day of filing documents, young people have to wait a month until marriage is formalized. This period is set directly by the registry office so that the newlyweds once again think about their decision to start a family and have time to prepare the wedding event. But if you submit an application to the registry office during pregnancy, this period can be significantly reduced. It all depends on the stage of pregnancy itself. If it is small, you can sign within 1-2 weeks. If the pregnancy period exceeds 4-5 months, it is possible to register the marriage faster. In some cases, you can even sign on the day you submit the documents. When to submit documents Many young people are interested in when to submit applications to the registry office during pregnancy (find out how to fill out the application by following the link).

Submitting an application to the registry office during pregnancy

But, from the standpoint of the law, such couples act very correctly. After all, officially registered spouses automatically have not only responsibilities, but also rights in relation to a born child.
Who knows how the relationship between the spouses will develop in the future? During a divorce, the father will not have to prove in court that he is the father - his name and surname are written on the birth certificate. In addition, when applying for child benefits, legally married spouses need to collect much less information than those who have not bothered to formalize the relationship.
And perhaps the most important thing: if even the knowledge that a new addition to your newly created social unit will soon appear did not keep you from breaking up, and you separated soon after registering your marriage, your spouse in this case will receive a pleasant bonus.

How long should pregnant women wait after submitting an application to the registry office?

When submitting an application, the bride and groom can be scheduled very quickly, literally on this or the next day, or the next one proposed and chosen by them, but for this you need to provide the original and a photocopy of a certificate from a gynecologist with the signature and seal of the medical institution. In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 11. in the presence of special circumstances (including pregnancy), a marriage between citizens can be concluded immediately on the day of filing the application or on the day when it is convenient for the couple.

A pregnant woman can register her marriage on the day of filing the application. You just need a certificate from a gynecologist. If there is no certificate, the stomach will not be evidence.

Everyone else needs to wait 1 month.

How to register a marriage correctly if a girl is pregnant?

Home The decision to get married is almost the most important decision in the life of almost every person. But some people don’t think about registering their relationship – you can increasingly see young couples living in a civil union.

Often they begin to think about legitimizing the relationship only after a decision has been made about having a child together. How is marriage registered during pregnancy? What does the Family Code say? Family code Russian Federation states that if there are good reasons, be it pregnancy or the birth of a child, the marriage can be registered on the day of filing the application.


According to this regulatory document, spouses expecting a baby must submit a corresponding application to the registry office at the place of registration of one of the newlyweds. The decision on the timing is made by the head of the registry office in each specific case.

Registry office - decided to sign during pregnancy


In accordance with the legislation of 2018, marriage registration can be carried out in the next week or on the day of application. The only condition is the provision of the relevant document.

If the bride is in the hospital under observation, then you can use the option of an outdoor ceremony. In this case, the bride and groom sign the relevant documents and, if desired, exchange rings. It is important to consider that even pregnancy will not serve as a basis for registering a marriage between:
  1. The child and his adoptive parent.
  2. In pairs, if one party is already officially married.
  3. People who are declared legally incompetent.

So that the wedding during pregnancy goes smoothly and leaves only positive emotions, it is better to think and carry out the celebration as early as possible.

To the registry office with a certificate of pregnancy.

You must have the following list of documents with you:

  1. Passports of future spouses.
  2. Application for registration - form No. 7.
  3. If the bride and groom or one of them were already married, then it is necessary to submit a certificate of divorce.
  4. Receipt of payment of the state fee. Its size is 350 rubles, any of the newlyweds can pay.
  5. A medical certificate, which is the basis for accelerating the date of marriage.
  6. If one of the couple is a foreigner, he should submit a document confirming that there are no obstacles to registering the relationship.

The pregnant bride: it’s not too late to go to the registry office

If the newlyweds are denied a reduction in terms, then this decision will be appealed in court. In practice, officials, as a rule, accommodate future parents and reduce the waiting period for registration.

But for this you need to present the relevant documents, which indicate the reason on the basis of which you need to shorten the registration period. If pregnant, newlyweds must present officials with a certificate from a medical institution.

And to the question whether a pregnant woman is allowed to get married in a church, Father Arkady will answer in detail in the video: Peculiarities of registering a marriage during pregnancy No one has condemned a marriage concluded because a girl is pregnant for a long time. On the contrary, many modern couples begin to live together only after they decide to have a child.

Being in an interesting position, women allow themselves to finally take a break from work and plunge into pre-wedding troubles.

How to submit an application to the registry office and register a marriage during pregnancy

As well as a visa on the basis of which a person is legally present in the territory of the Russian Federation. In cases where it is possible to register a relationship on the day citizens apply and submit an application, the submitted data will be verified on the same day. ABOUT the decision taken The newlyweds will be informed directly when submitting all the necessary certificates.

The possibility of exercising the right to accelerated registration depends on the correctness of entering data into the application form. At this stage, the bride and groom need to decide on a joint surname.

Since the registry office employee is obliged to use this information when drawing up final documents during registration family relations. What does the certificate look like? Certificate for the registry office about pregnancy - Sample. Only a medical certificate issued by a gynecologist in a hospital will help speed up the registration process during pregnancy.

Marriage registration during pregnancy

There is no single answer; it depends on the individual needs and wishes of young people. If you are planning a wedding event, then it is advisable to submit documents as quickly as possible in order to have time to organize everything.
Until 4 months the pregnancy is not yet visible, and the bride will have the opportunity to wear Wedding Dress whatever she wishes. After 4-5 months, pregnancy becomes more noticeable. In this case, you can formalize the relationship even on the day you submit the documents. But then a ceremonial registration is not guaranteed, since all weddings are planned by the registry office in advance and have their own schedule. It is possible to speed up the marriage process if you have a child together. But in this case, the child must be registered in the name of the man with whom the documents are being submitted. All these rules apply only to girls over 17 years of age.

Features of marriage registration during pregnancy

It happens that young people are rejected because early dates pregnancy, but even in this case there are some reasons, for example, the bride is placed in storage. When receiving a medical certificate, be sure to ensure that the following points are indicated:

  1. Gestational age.
  2. Due date.

Deadlines for processing documents for marriage The terms of marriage will depend on the length of pregnancy indicated in the certificate and when the birth is expected.

Typically, registry office employees register future parents within one week or 3 days after presenting a medical document. However, by decision of the boss government agency registering marriages, the procedure can be carried out the next day if the institution is not too busy.

Pregnancy is one of the most long-awaited and wonderful periods in the life of every girl. But there are times when pregnancy occurs before young people enter into official marriage. If such a situation arises, it is urgent to formalize the union between the lovers. Filing an application to the registry office during pregnancy requires the presence of certain documents confirming the girl’s interesting position (unlike classic version — ).

List of documents

For official registration, you need to submit the lovers’ passports, a receipt for payment of the state fee and an identification code to the registry office. If one of the young people was previously married, you must bring a divorce certificate or death certificate to confirm widowhood. Persons over 18 years of age can apply, but if the bride is pregnant - from 16 years of age.

If the girl is pregnant, then a certificate of pregnancy must also be attached to this list. This document can be obtained from antenatal clinic, in which a girl is observed. It is issued by a gynecologist with whom he is registered.

A certificate from the antenatal clinic should contain the following information:

  1. Name of the medical institution (in full).
  2. The girl's initials.
  3. Her date of birth.
  4. Gestational age.
  5. Date of issue of the document.
  6. Initials of the leading physician.
  7. Stamp of a medical institution.
  8. Signature of a gynecologist.

The medical certificate does not always indicate the exact period, because it is determined only during the first ultrasound examination. Therefore, if the deadline interesting situation less than 11-12 weeks, the certificate will indicate an approximate period.

A certificate of pregnancy for the registry office must be submitted along with all documents. You can't do it later. It is valid for 10 days.

Registration deadlines

Usually, from the day they submit documents, young people have to wait a month until marriage is formalized. This period is set directly by the registry office so that the newlyweds once again think about their decision to start a family and have time to prepare the wedding event. But if you submit an application to the registry office during pregnancy, this period can be significantly reduced. It all depends on the deadline itself. If it is small, you can sign within 1-2 weeks. If it exceeds 4-5 months, it is possible to register the marriage faster. In some cases it is even possible.

Everything depends directly on the registry office itself. If all days are busy, employees of the institution can offer painting without holding a special event.

When to submit documents

Many young people are interested in when to submit applications to the registry office during pregnancy (find out how to fill out an application by). There is no single answer; it depends on the individual needs and wishes of young people. If you are planning a wedding event, then it is advisable to submit documents as quickly as possible in order to have time to organize everything. Until 4 months, the belly is not yet noticeable, and the bride will have the opportunity to wear the wedding dress she wishes.

After 4-5 months it becomes more noticeable. In this case, you can formalize the relationship even on the day you submit the documents. But then a ceremonial ceremony is not guaranteed, since all weddings are scheduled in advance and have their own schedule. In addition, during the accelerated registration procedure, you cannot submit an application through the government services portal, since it requires choosing a date after a month.

It is possible to speed up the marriage process if you have a child together. But in this case, the child must be registered in the name of the man with whom the documents are being submitted.

All these rules apply only to girls over 18 years of age. According to the law, submitting an application to the registry office if a girl is pregnant is possible from the age of 16, but only with the consent of the parents. If there are none, the consent of the guardians is required.

Registration of marriage during pregnancy is formally no different from a traditional marriage. If the bride is in the hospital for safekeeping, and the marriage needs to be signed very urgently, the employees can accommodate and register the marriage within the hospital walls.

Waiting for a baby is a wonderful period. There is no need to be ashamed if it occurs outside of marriage. All these are just formalities that, with the right approach, can be quickly resolved. After all, the birth of a child is a gift from above and nothing can overshadow its birth.

Usually, preparation for a wedding takes at least six months, but sometimes there is an urgent need to legitimize the relationship. There are various reasons for rushing, but one of the most common is the anticipation of the birth of a baby.

Legislation is accommodating to couples expecting a baby. They have the opportunity to go through a simplified and expedited application process. It is possible to get married even on the day of application.

Important! Special rights for newlyweds preparing to become parents are guaranteed by the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

In general, the wedding ceremony for couples in which the bride is pregnant takes place in the same order as in standard situations. The main difference is .

The newlyweds still have the opportunity to choose the format of the event. This can be a solemn wedding ceremony or a modest painting lasting no more than 20 minutes. In the latter case, the event only involves the exchange of rings, filling necessary documents, a few photographs for memory with a minimum number of invited guests.

Couples preparing to become parents have the option of signing at home or in the hospital. The last possibility arises if the bride is unable to appear at the registry office for health reasons, for example, if the pregnancy proceeds with complications and the woman is in confinement. In this case, the registry office employees are required to organize an away ceremony, but with such registration of relations the ceremonial part is not provided.

Conditions for minors

Childbearing age comes quite early, but legally a person under 18 years of age is considered a child and has no right to decide his own life. Before this age, you can only sign for a valid reason. One of them is pregnancy.

The Family Code states that marriage is possible after reaching the age of 18, but pregnancy is the basis for registering a relationship before reaching adulthood.

Couples who have reached the age of 16 can apply for marriage. Marriage of minors is possible only with the consent of parents or guardians. After receiving written approval, applications are processed by the municipality within a short time.

Deadlines and documents

In a standard situation, according to the law, couples submit an application to the registry office 30 days before registering the marriage. During pregnancy, an exception is made - the period is reduced as much as possible. The bride does not have to wait a whole month, because many people feel awkward on their wedding day due to too big a belly. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, you will be allowed to sign sooner - in a week, two, or even on the day of application.

To submit an application, you must go to the registry office with. This is an important condition, without which marriage is impossible.

The list of documents for filing an application includes:

  • passports of both newlyweds;
  • identification numbers (TIN is needed when paying state duty);
  • divorce certificates, if we're talking about not about the first marriage;
  • written consent of parents or guardianship council in cases where one or both newlyweds have not reached the age of majority;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • pregnancy certificate from the antenatal clinic.

Applications without a receipt for payment of the state fee will not be accepted. Its cost for 2018 is 350 rubles, and only one person pays - the bride or groom. The payer's data is entered into the receipt, which has a shelf life of 3 years.

Certificate of pregnancy – necessary condition for early marriage registration. Only if you have this document, it is possible to sign before the 30 days of waiting established by law.

If necessary, to complete documents at home or in the hospital, you will have to provide a certificate of health of the bride.

The process becomes more complicated if a girl marries a citizen of another country. In this case, the package of documents is accompanied by the groom’s residence permit, as well as a certificate of his marital status translated into Russian.

Important! In the Russian Federation, marriage between persons in a related relationship is prohibited. If the young people have the same last name, documents will be required to exclude their relationship.

Certificate of pregnancy

To speed up the process at the registry office, the bride provides a certificate of pregnancy, which is issued at the antenatal clinic. You can get it at the place of registration from the supervising doctor or at any other medical institution. You can also go to commercial clinics, but you will have to plan for additional costs for ultrasound diagnostics.

To obtain a certificate, you need to do an ultrasound. Based on the examination results, the gynecologist issues a corresponding document.

A pregnancy certificate is issued on the day of application and contains the following data:

  • name of the institution that issued the certificate;
  • personal data of the woman;
  • gestational age;
  • date of issue;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the attending physician;
  • recommendations for treatment (necessary for registration of an outdoor ceremony).

The presence of an exchange card from the antenatal clinic is not a basis for early registration. Only a documented certificate with stamps and signatures is provided to the registry office.


Both for ordinary couples and for the bride and groom expecting the birth of a baby, there is a clear procedure for organizing the event. The first stage is in a convenient way to the registry office chosen by the newlyweds.

Important! Civil registry office employees monitor the condition of the bride and groom during the application and wedding ceremony. If one of the newlyweds behaves inappropriately or there is a suspicion that he is signing under pressure, the procedure is canceled.

Then the marriage registration procedure takes place and an entry is made in two copies. Young people put their signatures on them. Then the newlyweds are given a marriage certificate.

How to apply?

You can submit an application to any registry office in the Russian Federation, regardless of your place of registration. If in some city they refuse to accept documents, we are talking about a violation of the law. A couple can complain about illegal actions of government employees.

On this moment You can declare your readiness to get married without leaving your home. The government services website provides the opportunity to submit an application online. To do this, you only need Internet access and a package of documents.

Applications are accepted on the Unified Portal of State Services on the website You can take advantage of the advantage only after registering on the resource, but you cannot submit an application for an accelerated procedure for registering a marriage through the portal. It is possible to set a wedding date online only after a month has passed.

There are two options for submitting an application:

  • In the first case, the newlyweds send documents online and set a date for the ceremony. To complete the procedure, you will have to find time to appear at the registry office;
  • The second option does not involve visiting the registration department until the wedding day. All documents are processed remotely using technical means (required electronic signature). But in order to sign and receive certificates, you still have to come to the registry office.

When applying online, please carefully fill out the required information in the form. You can edit the data if errors were made when filling out the online form only within 24 hours after submitting the application to the State Services website. Failure to comply with this requirement will entail a number of problems associated with the re-issuance of documentation.

Video instruction

Marriage registration takes place only at the registry office or in exceptional cases at home (in a hospital, prison) in the presence of government employees. You can only submit an application online about your readiness to legalize the relationship. How to do it correctly - in the video:

How quickly will it be processed?

Traditionally, documents for marriage are issued within 30 days from filing the application. If pregnancy is confirmed by an appropriate certificate, you will be able to sign and receive certificates earlier. This does not contradict the laws set forth in the Family Code.

Important! When considering an application, registry office employees pay attention to the gestational age. If the period is short, an early procedure may be refused, and the couple will have to submit documents on a general basis.

If the gestation period is more than four months, the newlyweds can receive a marriage certificate within one to two weeks. Possible even on the day of application.

It is important to note that the accelerated procedure for registering family relations is the right of those wishing to get married, and not the responsibility of the registry office employees. Employees of government agencies individually review such applications and set a wedding date.


Pregnancy is not an obstacle to formalizing a relationship. The state provides all the conditions so that couples preparing for the birth of a child can freely get married in the shortest possible time.

In a standard situation, to register a marriage, the bride and groom are required to submit an appropriate application to the registry office and wait 30 days before the wedding day. But today, many couples do not seek to register family ties due to the formalities and waiting period. The situation changes if a woman becomes pregnant. In order to avoid possible difficulties in the future, the couple is thinking about registering a marriage during pregnancy. Does this fact speed up the procedure for setting a wedding day?

Expedited marriage registration procedure

In Russia, a couple needs to wait a month after filing to register their relationship. But if a woman is carrying a child, then the waiting period can be reduced. To confirm the fact of pregnancy, a certificate from a medical institution should be added to the documentation attached to the application.

In this case, the law allows the registration procedure to be carried out immediately after submitting the application or within 30 days, at the request of the couple. Before the wedding day, it is necessary to make a decision on changing the surname, since if they are different for the mother and child, difficulties may arise when preparing various documentation in the future.

The decision to expedite the procedure for registering a marriage is made by a senior employee of the civil registry office where the couple applies. But it is worth considering that it is only possible later pregnancy. In the first months of bearing a child, an expedited marriage may be denied.

Usually, registry office employees do not object to an expedited marriage upon presentation of a certificate from a gynecologist confirming pregnancy. It should contain the following information:

  • name of the medical institution;
  • Full name and year of birth of the expectant mother;
  • woman's pregnancy period;
  • estimated date of birth;
  • date of document preparation and organization stamps.

If, after presenting a certificate and other documentation, the management of a state institution refuses to expedite the marriage procedure, then the young couple has the right to apply to the court to protect their interests.

A young couple can count on a shortened wedding date only if the expected date of birth is close. There is also no need to wait a month if to the expectant mother Long-term hospital treatment is required. If she is already in the hospital, then marriage without formal events is possible.

If the request of the future newlyweds is satisfied, then they should draw up an application and attach to it a receipt for payment of the state fee. The setting of the wedding day directly depends on the stage of pregnancy. In most cases, the date is set a few days after the application is submitted.

List of documentation

To carry out the procedure for an urgent marriage, the couple will need to prepare the following documents :

  • civil passports of the spouses;
  • application form;
  • if you have a previously registered marriage, you will need to attach a divorce certificate;
  • a check for payment of the state fee in the amount of 350 rubles, details can be obtained from the registry office;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the presence of pregnancy;
  • If a foreign national is planning to register a relationship on the territory of the Russian Federation, then a visa and certificates certifying that there are no restrictions on starting a family should be attached.

If pregnant, a young couple can participate not only in choosing a specific wedding date, but also demand a reduction in the waiting period. The fact of pregnancy must be indicated in the application for registration as a special condition.

All received documentation will be reviewed by a civil registry office employee. The duration of the review depends on the expected date of birth. But it is worth remembering that the purpose of the day accelerated registration is a right and not an obligation of the employee.

Submitting an application to the registry office

Today, there are several ways to submit an application to the civil registry office to register a marriage relationship:

  1. In order to make sure that the documents are completed correctly and the wedding date is determined, you can personally go to the registry office and submit an application with attachments. If there are any shortcomings, the couple will be explained the mistakes made.
  2. If the bride and groom are registered in the State Services system, then the application can be submitted online. But the waiting period in this case can increase to 1-2 months. Users of the portal have the opportunity to send a request for marriage registration in advance. The maximum period can be up to 6 months before the desired wedding date. To submit an electronic application, each of the future newlyweds must register in the system and create a verified account level.
  3. A young couple can submit an application for registration of family relationships through the MFC. The list of documents in this case does not change. If necessary, a government agency employee will help you choose a registry office and decide on the date and time of registration.

The last two methods of applying for a wedding ceremony require a month-long waiting period for the registration date. If you issue marital relations should be applied as quickly as possible (on the day of application or within the next few days), then you should personally contact the registry office.

Registration procedure

If the future newlyweds have filled out the documents correctly, then if there is a late pregnancy, registration will be carried out on the same day. After checking the documents, the government agency employee will carry out the procedure for registering the marriage relationship. This fact will confirm the entry in the Civil Registry Book.

The bride and groom must certify the entries made with their personal signatures. After this, the authorized employee will begin to generate a marriage certificate. At this stage, the newlyweds must inform about their decision to change their surname. The relevant data is entered into the document. After the official paper is handed over to the newlyweds, the procedure is considered complete.

Subtleties of marriage

For all pregnant women, the upcoming registration of family ties is exciting. Future newlyweds are interested in the question of the period during which they must register at the registry office, and the course of the procedure itself.

In some cases, even the presence of pregnancy will not be a reason for registering marriage:

  • the application is submitted by the adoptive parent and his child;
  • one of the couple is already in a registered marriage;
  • there is a court decision recognizing the incompetence of one of the spouses.

In case of pregnancy, marriage is permitted. Already at the age of 14-17, a young couple will be able to register a relationship if they receive permission to marry.

Let's sum it up

Consequently, in the later stages of pregnancy, if there is a certificate from the clinic, the marriage can be registered on the day of application. Therefore, newlyweds should consider changing their surname in advance.

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