Allegrova's ex-husband was released. The Empress and the Dancer. “An Unfinished Novel” by Irina Allegrova Allegrova’s husband served time in prison

Ex-husband Allegrova was released

The 4th spent five years in a maximum security colony and this moment last husband singer Igor Kapusta. All this time, he never ceased to hope that his famous ex-wife would help him reduce his sentence.

Allegrova's ex-husband was convicted of drug possession. When Igor was taken into custody, his sister, who believed in her brother’s innocence, rushed to seek help from ex-daughter-in-law. I thought that, using her connections, she would get the poor fellow out of prison. But Allegrova could not help. Or didn't want to...

They separated in 2001, long before Kapusta came to the attention of the police. At one time, the singer stole the dancer Igor from another woman - it was about him that she sang in her famous hit “The Thief.” She lived with him for about eight years, but never decided on a legal marriage.

Igor, who is nine years younger than Irina, sat on her neck all this time - he did not work and did not strive to do anything. And he also walked on the side. One day, in Once again Having caught her sweetheart cheating, the “empress” showed Igor the door. And I never spoke to him again.

After his arrest, Kapusta spent a year in the Matrosskaya Tishina detention center, and then another five years in a colony. Sitting in prison, he waited for Allegrova to come to him on a date. But the singer has long since erased the traitor from her life.

From behind bars, the once polished handsome man emerged considerably older: in prison he had heart problems, spent several months in a hospital bed, and lost 10 kilograms. Igor was met only by his closest relatives: the woman he married after breaking up with Allegrova filed for divorce as soon as he went to jail...


With two children, singer Jasmine moved to live in Chisinau. Her husband, Moldovan businessman Ilan Shor, has been under house arrest there for almost a year.

Last summer, Shor was accused of fraud and money laundering. The investigation is still ongoing, during which Ilan is prohibited from leaving the mansion near Chisinau and using a mobile phone.

The Moldovan businessman has been married to singer Jasmine for five years. Before his troubles started, the couple lived in two cities: she and the children were in Moscow, he was in Chisinau, and they flew to visit each other. Now the singer with her five-year-old daughter and one-year-old son has moved to the Moldovan capital. She only occasionally leaves on business, leaving the kids with dad. And while she is away, she is forced to maintain contact with her husband through a lawyer.

But all this does not stop Ilan from doing business, because he still holds the post of mayor of the city of Orhei, says the singer. - The husband solves all problems and issues regarding the needs of the townspeople and landscaping. He has no time to be bored.

Most of all, Jasmine worries about her husband’s health. Several years ago, Ilan was diagnosed serious problems with heart.

In connection with recent events, my heart began to fail again. I am incredibly worried about this and hope that soon all this staged theater will end and Ilan’s innocence will be proven.

Prepared Olga Lesina.



The singer's longest marriage - with the handsome dancer Igor KAPUSTA - lasted eight years. They were connected real love, but at some point the husband decided to separate: he left the house he built with his own hands, and the woman he was married to. After a divorce about a talented dancer long years neither his friends nor colleagues heard. We managed to find Igor and persuade him to talk about his marriage to Allegrova for the first time.
I spotted Igor in the crowd at first sight. A tall man entered the cafe on Tverskaya, where Kapusta had made an appointment, handsome man. The age of “nearly fifty” did not affect him - he has practically not changed since the time of Irina Allegrova’s video for the song “Wedding Flowers”, where footage of the real wedding of this couple was used. I started the conversation with his disappearance from the world of show business.
- Igor, people in the party still remember you. They call you a talented dancer, stage director and wonder where you disappeared to.
- I completely changed my social circle when I left Irina in 2001. I am engaged in business, got married, my daughter Sashenka is five years old. I recently became a grandfather: my son from his first marriage, Stanislav, gave birth to a daughter, I came from St. Petersburg to visit them in Moscow.
- After the famous Vaganova School, from which you graduated, and the Leningrad Music Hall, where you began your career, you danced for four years in the Recital group with Alla Pugacheva. How did you get into Allegrova’s team?
- “Recital” was the happiest time in my work. We made very good money, and working with Alla was a pleasure. But one day, during a tour in Greece, almost the entire cast decided to stay there. I also spent some time abroad, and when I returned, I found myself in a completely different country.

He left the Union and came to Russia. A masseuse friend who worked for Allegrova advised me to go to Ira. I came to her team together with a girl Tatyana from Recital, with whom I had lived together for several years. I soon discovered that Irina Alexandrovna had feelings for me. I admit that I suffered from her excessive attention and pretended not to notice anything. And that masseuse, Marina, constantly asked me: how do you like Allegrova? Is it true, beautiful woman? Thus, he and Ira reconnoitered the situation. My Tanya began to throw hysterics and scenes of jealousy. One day, after another showdown, I jumped out of the entrance, saw Allegrova’s “nine,” got into it, and we left. By the way, Ira’s song “The Hijacker” is just about that incident: she recorded it the very next day after the incident, and a week later she performed it on stage. Ira generally did everything quickly. Such Strong woman that a pillar can be moved by a glance.

- It is known that in 1993 you got married without going through the registry office.
- According to the law, people can’t get married without a stamp in their passport, so we went to church with our friends’ documents. Although eight years later we never made it to the registry office - those were very happy years.

Ira simply flew, and creatively she reached the peak of her popularity during her emotional takeoff. Before me, she never rested, but only worked. We bought our first good car- a Mercedes and went on a honeymoon to travel around Europe.
- Did you have family traditions?
- Certainly. At any time of the day I met Ira from tour. I wanted to go home together, without a driver. She gave the housekeeper a day off and cooked herself - tasty, elegant. In fact, Irina is a homebody and during the break between concerts she could not leave her apartment for weeks. I drew sketches of costumes and designed makeup. We had such a good time together! And as a woman she is magnificent. In our intimate relationships there was everything in abundance, even when she was very tired after the concert. I am grateful to Irina for many things.

The caring housewife Lala loves to pamper her relatives with delicious things: mother and grandmother Serafima Mikhailovna - pancakes, son Sasha - soup:

Why did you break up?
- Ira is a luxurious person, but with all her advantages there is also a disadvantage. Her big mistake is that she lets everyone into her life. Drivers, masseuses, housewives instantly became her friends, forgot about their responsibilities and began to give her “practical” advice, which she appreciated. Some tried to get close to her because of money, others needed connections. I'm with it for a long time I struggled and then got tired of it. Trying to build everyone up, I began to disturb everyone in her house.
At the same time, she drove away those people who really treated Allegrova well. For example, a unique person, Igor Krutoy, was a frequent guest in our house, but I constantly had to reconcile them. As soon as I left my wife, they quarreled. One day I realized that I didn’t want anything anymore. Completed our Vacation home and left. At the very beginning of our relationship, I told Irina: I came to you with one toothbrush, with one brush and I’ll leave. And so it happened.

- It turns out that you built a love nest and flew away.
- We bought a small dacha from Oscar Feltsman. The energy there was amazing, but there were no conditions. A bucket served as a toilet. The snow is knee-deep in winter, and in spring we get stuck in mud. But we still had a good time together. Ira left her two-room apartment to her daughter Lala. We did not plan to build a huge house, we only wanted to make repairs, but then we went on vacation, during which Ira’s close circle launched a grandiose construction project. With the purchase of the dacha, we got into debt, plus the builders cheated us out of a lot of money. I had to take control of everything. “Ira, go on tour, and I’ll quit work and take care of the house,” I told my wife. I was pleased to build our nest. Considering the house our fortress, I asked Ira that we should live there just the two of us. In fact, the “nest” turned into a hostel. As soon as I flew to Odessa, we had small business, Allegrova’s entourage gathered at the dacha. The relationship with her daughter was especially difficult. Lala ruined our marriage. She is extremely Difficult person and burst into our lives whenever she wanted. It was impossible to have privacy in the big house; she turned my mother against me. At that time, Lala was 28 years old, and this child had never worked anywhere. Although she was already married and gave birth to Sasha. Ira, by the way, was categorically against her husband, but her daughter did as she liked.
- Why should a daughter interfere with her mother’s happiness?
- Do you know what women's envy is? The toad was strangling Lalu. She couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she lived in a two-room apartment, and we were in a mansion. But now all Irina’s love and the rest goes to her daughter. They say that water wears away stones - Lala became that water...
- After the breakup, did you see Allegrova?
- I maintain relationships with all my women, but I have never called Ira. The year before last she had a tour in St. Petersburg. I bought a front row ticket and listened to the entire concert. Ira saw me from the stage, but never looked me in the eye.
- Tell me, have you ever been jealous of your ex-wife? She is such a beautiful, bright woman.
- She never gave reasons for jealousy. I admit that I cheated on her. But he did it so that Irina would not know about it. I didn't want her to get hurt. I always treated this man with great respect. Why did he change? Don't know. It’s hard for anyone to compare with Ira, but it’s not just me. We both missed something...

The relationship between CABBAGE and ALLEGROVA developed before our eyes older sister Igor - Galina, a famous St. Petersburg choreographer. In her opinion, real reasons parting beautiful couple much more serious than what the singer’s ex-husband told us.
“Igor took his wife to New Zealand shamans,” says Kapusta’s sister, Galina.
- Our mother, Roza Nikolaevna, still loves ex-daughter-in-law“, collects articles about her, saves photographs despite the fact that Allegrova broke up with Igor badly,” Galina Dmitrievna began the story. - Irina has a difficult character, but if she likes a person, she will give him everything. We were sure that this marriage of Igor was for life. No one was embarrassed that his wife was eight years older than him; the difference was not noticeable. Their relationship could have been strengthened by a common child, but Ira was unable to give birth. She went to doctors for a long time. I even went with Igor to the shaman in New Zealand, where she stood under some magic tree, but nothing helped.
- Do you know why they started the conflict?
- As a rule, it all came down to alcohol. Igor could not see his wife drunk. She became very angry as the temperature increased, as if her brain was turning in the other direction. Countless times she wrote Igor a receipt that she would not drink again. “Igorechka,” she said, “I’ll just drink a little champagne.” Champagne was always followed by stronger drinks. I come to their wedding, and on the table there is a huge bottle of cognac, which I won’t be able to drink in six months. Irina’s narrow circle of friends drained her at once, after which everyone lay down and slept through the wedding. An hour and a half late! I remember how everyone jumped up and started looking all over the house for pants, bowties, and jewelry. Ira in the car a quick fix put on makeup.
- Did Irina love Igor very much?
- She was happy because she really won her husband back. Igor had another woman, Tatyana. Allegrova called her to a frank conversation and demanded that she give up her beloved man. Ira gave her money and asked her to leave the team. She provided her with work - she arranged for her lover to sing along with Kirkorov. After the breakup with my brother, Allegrova, as her employees said, could not come to her senses for two years and drank. There was no one else to hold her back.
Ira stayed with her grandson, mother and Lala. It’s unpleasant to remember, but Lala was always jealous of her mother. The girl was haunted by the fact that there was a man living nearby who could do everything: everything men's work, and also sew, knit, cook. At the same time, he is beautiful, but does not belong to her. Lala's character is much heavier than her mother's. There was such a case. When they bought a house from Feltsman, the composer asked to keep his housekeeper Tonya, who had lived there all her life, with them. A sweet, efficient woman did her job perfectly, without being annoying - she only spoke when she was asked questions. Igor and I loved to go into her little room, talk, and unwind. But one day my brother left for a long time, and when he returned, he found out that Lala had sent Tonya to a nursing home.
Over time, cameras appeared in Allegrova’s house, everything was monitored, and the person felt like he was in a golden cage. My brother calls the isolated cases when Igor and Ira were alone the happiest moments in their lives.

Of course, we wanted to hear Allegrova’s opinion. Having called Irina Alexandrovna, we heard the voice of her daughter.
“Mom is away,” Lala answered. - She will talk to you if she wants, but only in two months. We are not Philip Kirkorovs or Alla Pugachevs - we don’t need PR, we pack the halls anyway. Now you can only write that their marriage with Igor Kapusta has long been debunked.

One of the most bright stars Russian stage there were always many admirers, and she was married four times, but not a single husband of Irina Allegrova became for her the man of her life.

Personal life of the “empress”

Several times Irina Allegrova tried to build her feminine happiness and first tried on the wedding crown very early - at nineteen years old. Then she was already an aspiring singer, managed to go on tour with the Rashid Behbudov Song Theater, began working in the Yerevan Orchestra under the direction of Konstantin Orbelyan, performed in various musical groups, with whom she visited many cities of the Soviet Union.

In the photo - Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta

Then the first one came to her great love, unfortunately, unrequited, and Irina, in order to take revenge on the guy who did not have the same ardent feeling for her, decided to marry someone else. It turned out to be basketball player Georgy Tairov, madly in love with Allegrova.

He was one of the most eligible bachelors in Baku, for whom many sighed beautiful girls, but he gave his heart to the bright and spectacular Irina Allegrova.

Her parents did everything to make the wedding luxurious, but this did not guarantee a long and happy life young family. Irina and her husband settled with his parents, who immediately fell in love with her, but the relationship between her and Georgy did not work out. Despite this, Irina decided to give birth to a child in the hope that he would help them strengthen their young family.

However, pregnancy only complicated everything - Irina Allegrova’s husband increasingly began to notice that his wife was moving away from him and tried to come home later so that there would be fewer quarrels with Irina. After some time, Allegrova decided that it would be better for her to wait for the birth of her child in her parents’ home, and after the birth of her daughter, she completely filed for divorce.

So that her little daughter Lala would not need anything, Irina went to Moscow and began singing in the capital's restaurants. Two years after the divorce, Irina met Vladimir Blekher, artistic director of the Young Voices ensemble, who invited her to join his team.

The romance between them was very beautiful, and Vladimir proposed in a romantic setting - during a boat trip along the Moscow River. The wedding was modest - the solemn event was celebrated surrounded by only the closest friends and relatives. However, this attempt to start a family was unsuccessful for the singer - at that time she was too passionate about her career and could not surround her husband with the care he expected. Soon Allegrova became disillusioned with her new chosen one, and she also stopped liking working in his team.

During that period, Irina met Vladimir Dubovitsky, who could not help but charm the singer. Especially for her, he created the group “Moscow Lights”, and then the “Electroclub”, thanks to which Allegrova gained popularity. However, soon after the wedding, the singer learned that she was not the only one in Dubovitsky’s personal life - he could easily have an affair with some girl on the side. When Irina threw a scandal at Vladimir, he begged her for forgiveness, but Allegrova was adamant and filed for divorce.

Allegrova's ex-husband Igor Kapusta

The fourth husband of Irina Allegrova was the dancer Igor Kapusta, who joined her team from Alla Pugacheva. When they met, he was thirty-five and she was forty. For Irina, it was love at first sight, but Kapusta was living with another girl at that time and tried not to pay attention to Allegrova.

In the photo - Igor Kapusta

However, Irina is not used to retreating from difficulties and did everything to get Igor. They began an affair, and then Allegrova invited him to get married. However, this marriage, which lasted seven years and turned out to be the longest in the singer’s biography, collapsed.

Over the years, the couple never had children, which Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband later spoke about with regret. Kapusta left Irina on his own, and she asked him to return several times, but to no avail.

Then he got married again, divorced, and in 2012 he was put on trial for possession large dose drugs and was sentenced to six years in prison. After serving five years in a maximum security colony, Igor Kapusta was released, but developed a serious lung disease, for which he is still being treated.

The singer's ex-husband saved her from alcoholism

The singer's ex-husband saved her from alcoholism

Irina ALLEGROVA sings about the difficult lot of women. Love eludes her heroines, and relationships turn into a mirage. The artist’s personal life is also not very good: she was married four times, each time hoping that she had finally found her betrothed. The singer's longest marriage - with the handsome dancer Igor KAPUSTA - lasted eight years. They were connected by true love, but at some point the husband decided to leave: he left the house that he built with his own hands, and the woman with whom he was married. After the divorce, neither his friends nor colleagues heard from the talented dancer for many years. We managed to find Igor and persuade him to talk about his marriage to Allegrova for the first time.

I spotted Igor in the crowd at first sight. In the cafe on Tverskaya, where Cabbage made an appointment, a tall, handsome man came in. The age of “nearly fifty” did not affect him - he has practically not changed since the time of the video Irina Allegrova for the song “Wedding Flowers”, where footage of the real wedding of this couple was used. I started the conversation with his disappearance from the world of show business.

Igor, the crowd still remembers you. They call you a talented dancer, stage director and wonder where you disappeared to.

I completely changed my social circle when I left Irina in 2001. I am engaged in business, got married, my daughter Sashenka is five years old. I recently became a grandfather: my son from his first marriage, Stanislav, gave birth to a daughter, I came from St. Petersburg to visit them in Moscow.

- After the famous Vaganova School, from which you graduated, and the Leningrad Music Hall, where you began your career, you danced for four years in the Recital group with Alla Pugacheva. How did you get into Allegrova’s team?

- “Recital” was the happiest time in my work. We made very good money, and working with Alla was a pleasure. But one day, during a tour in Greece, almost the entire cast decided to stay there. I also spent some time abroad, and when I returned, I found myself in a completely different country.

He left the Union and came to Russia. A masseuse friend who worked for Allegrova advised me to go to Ira. I came to her team together with a girl Tatyana from Recital, with whom I had lived together for several years. I soon discovered that Irina Alexandrovna had feelings for me. I admit that I suffered from her excessive attention and pretended not to notice anything. And that masseuse, Marina, constantly asked me: how do you like Allegrova? Really, a beautiful woman? Thus, he and Ira reconnoitered the situation. My Tanya began to throw hysterics and scenes of jealousy. One day, after another showdown, I jumped out of the entrance, saw Allegrova’s “nine,” got into it, and we left. By the way, Ira’s song “The Hijacker” is just about that incident: she recorded it the very next day after the incident, and a week later she performed it on stage. Ira generally did everything quickly. A woman so strong that she can move a pillar with her gaze.

- It is known that in 1993 you got married without going through the registry office.

According to the law, you can’t get married without a stamp in your passport, so we went to church with our friends’ documents. Although eight years later we never made it to the registry office - those were very happy years.

Ira simply flew, and creatively she reached the peak of her popularity during her emotional takeoff. Before me, she never rested, but only worked. We bought our first good car - a Mercedes - and went on a honeymoon to travel around Europe.

- Did you have family traditions?

Certainly. At any time of the day I met Ira from tour. I wanted to go home together, without a driver. She gave the housekeeper a day off and cooked herself - tasty, elegant. In fact, Irina is a homebody and during the break between concerts she could not leave her apartment for weeks. I drew sketches of costumes and designed makeup. We had such a good time together! And as a woman she is magnificent. In our intimate relationship there was everything in abundance, even when she was very tired after the concert. I am grateful to Irina for many things.

- Why did you break up?

Ira is a luxurious person, but with all her advantages there is also a disadvantage. Her big mistake is that she lets everyone into her life. Drivers, masseuses, housewives instantly became her friends, forgot about their responsibilities and began to give her “practical” advice, which she appreciated. Some tried to get close to her because of money, others needed connections. I struggled with this for a long time, and then I got tired of it. Trying to build everyone up, I began to disturb everyone in her house.

At the same time, she drove away those people who really treated Allegrova well. For example, a unique person - Igor Krutoy was a frequent guest in our house, but I constantly had to reconcile them. As soon as I left my wife, they quarreled. One day I realized that I didn’t want anything anymore. He completed our country house and left. At the very beginning of our relationship, I told Irina: I came to you with one toothbrush, with one brush and I’ll leave. And so it happened.

I cheated on her

- It turns out that you built a love nest and flew away.

We bought a small cottage from Oscar Feltsman. The energy there was amazing, but there were no conditions. A bucket served as a toilet. The snow is knee-deep in winter, and in spring we get stuck in mud. But we still had a good time together. Ira left her two-room apartment to her daughter Lala. We did not plan to build a huge house, we only wanted to make repairs, but then we went on vacation, during which Ira’s close circle launched a grandiose construction project. With the purchase of the dacha, we got into debt, plus the builders cheated us out of a lot of money. I had to take control of everything. “Ira, go on tour, and I’ll quit work and take care of the house,” I told my wife. I was pleased to build our nest. Considering the house our fortress, I asked Ira that we should live there just the two of us. In fact, the “nest” turned into a hostel. As soon as I flew to Odessa, we had a small business there, and Allegrova’s entourage came to the dacha. The relationship with her daughter was especially difficult. Lala ruined our marriage. She is an extremely complex person and barged into our lives whenever she wanted. It was impossible to have privacy in the big house; she turned my mother against me. At that time, Lala was 28 years old, and this child had never worked anywhere. Although she was already married and gave birth to Sasha. Ira, by the way, was categorically against her husband, but her daughter did as she liked.

- Why should a daughter interfere with her mother’s happiness?

Do you know what women's envy is? The toad was strangling Lalu. She couldn’t come to terms with the fact that she lived in a two-room apartment, and we were in a mansion. But now all Irina’s love and the rest goes to her daughter. They say that water wears away stones - Lala became that water...

- After the breakup, did you see Allegrova?

I maintain relationships with all my women, but I have never spoken on the phone with Ira. The year before last she had a tour in St. Petersburg. I bought a front row ticket and listened to the entire concert. Ira saw me from the stage, but never looked me in the eye.

- Tell me, have you ever been jealous of your ex-wife? She is such a beautiful, bright woman.

She never gave reasons for jealousy. I admit that I cheated on her. But he did it so that Irina would not know about it. I didn't want her to get hurt. I always treated this man with great respect. Why did he change? Don't know. It’s hard for anyone to compare with Ira, but it’s not just me. We both missed something...

Allegrova bought her beloved man

“Igor took his wife to New Zealand shamans,” says Kapusta’s sister, Galina.

The relationship between CABBAGE and ALLEGROVA developed before the eyes of Igor’s older sister, Galina, a famous St. Petersburg choreographer. In her opinion, the true reasons for the separation of the beautiful couple are much more serious than what the singer’s ex-husband told us.

Our mother, Roza Nikolaevna, still adores her former daughter-in-law, collects articles about her, takes care of photographs despite the fact that Allegrova broke up with Igor badly,” Galina Dmitrievna began the story. - Irina has a difficult character, but if she likes a person, she will give him everything. We were sure that this marriage of Igor was for life. No one was embarrassed that his wife was eight years older than him; the difference was not noticeable. Their relationship could have been strengthened by a common child, but Ira was unable to give birth. She went to doctors for a long time. I even went with Igor to a shaman in New Zealand, where I stood under some magic tree, but nothing helped.

- Do you know why they started the conflict?

As a rule, it all came down to alcohol. Igor could not see his wife drunk. She became very angry as the temperature increased, as if her brain was turning in the other direction. Countless times she wrote Igor a receipt that she would not drink again. “Igorechka,” she said, “I’ll just drink a little champagne.” Champagne was always followed by stronger drinks. I come to their wedding, and on the table there is a huge bottle of cognac, which I won’t be able to drink in six months. Irina’s narrow circle of friends drained her at once, after which everyone lay down and slept through the wedding. An hour and a half late! I remember how everyone jumped up and started looking all over the house for pants, bowties, and jewelry. Ira quickly put on her makeup in the car.

- Did Irina love Igor very much?

She was happy because she really won her husband back. Igor had another woman, Tatyana. Allegrova called her to a frank conversation and demanded that she give up her beloved man. Ira gave her money and asked her to leave the team. She provided her with work - she arranged for her lover to sing along to Kirkorov. After the breakup with my brother, Allegrova, as her employees said, could not come to her senses for two years and drank. There was no one else to hold her back.

Ira stayed with her grandson, mother and Lala. It’s unpleasant to remember, but Lala was always jealous of her mother. The girl was haunted by the fact that there was a man living nearby who knew how to do everything: all a man’s work, and also sewing, knitting, and cooking. At the same time, he is beautiful, but does not belong to her. Lala's character is much heavier than her mother's. There was such a case. When they bought a house from Feltsman, the composer asked to keep his housekeeper Tonya, who had lived there all her life, with them. A sweet, efficient woman did her job perfectly, without being annoying - she only spoke when she was asked questions. Igor and I loved to go into her little room, talk, and unwind. But one day my brother left for a long time, and when he returned, he found out that Lila had sent Tonya to a nursing home.

Over time, cameras appeared in Allegrova’s house, everything was monitored, and the person felt like he was in a golden cage. My brother calls the isolated cases when Igor and Ira were alone the happiest moments in their lives.

P.S. Of course, we wanted to hear Allegrova’s opinion. Having called Irina Alexandrovna, we heard the voice of her daughter.

“Mom is away,” Lala answered. - She will talk to you if she wants, but only in two months. We are not Philip Kirkorovs or Alla Pugachevs - we don’t need PR, we pack the halls anyway. Now you can only write that their marriage with Igor Kapusta has long been debunked.

On the night of May 15, the ex-husband of Russian singer Irina Allegrova, Igor Kapusta, died in a hospital in St. Petersburg. According to the relatives of the ex-husband of the 66-year-old artist, Kapusta died in the clinic, where he went for a routine medical examination.

However, while already in the hospital, Igor contracted an infection, which soon developed into pneumonia.

Kapusta was transferred to intensive care, but doctors were unable to save his life. The fact of death was confirmed by Igor’s sister, Galina. “Today at one o’clock in the morning Igor died. He is no longer with us,” the publication quotes the woman.

Igor Kapusta was Allegrova’s fourth husband - married to famous singer the man was a member in 1994-1999.

Irina, who at that time was already a national pop star, met Igor through her touring activities: Kapusta was one of the dancers in her team.

According to some information, the lovers did not formalize their relationship at the registry office, having gotten married under other people's names.

In 2012, Kapusta was accused of drug trafficking, as a result of which he had to spend five years in prison in the Leningrad region.

At the same time, the man’s relatives allegedly said that Allegrova’s ex-husband did not commit any crime and that someone framed him. Igor himself also did not admit his guilt.

Upon his release last year, Kapusta took part in the filming of one of the talk shows on , where, among other things, he told how he lived behind bars, and also, naturally, talked about his relationship with the People’s Artist of Russia.

Speaking about the liberation itself, the man then admitted that he had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. At the same time, he emphasized that he “burned out” when he was released.

“Five years is a long time. There are no sensations yet. I came out stunned, looking at the street, looking at it all with completely different eyes,” Igor told reporters.

- No, I didn’t go wild - I just always lacked communication. A lack of communication is scary, of course. All my friends left earlier, I was the only one left there. There is simply no one to communicate with. I had to remain silent for days and went into reading.”

As you know, one of the main reasons for the separation of Kapusta and Allegrova was her husband’s betrayal - the singer herself publicly reported this at one time. “I couldn’t survive purely physiological betrayal“,” the artist emphasized.

Cabbage, however, in turn, emphasized that he did not cheat on Irina morally.

“Treason... This can be assessed in different ways. “I didn’t cheat on her spiritually,” the man said after finishing prison term. “In the end, I ran away from her. I just ran away… I’m really tired.”

After the breakup, close couples repeatedly noted that Kapusta dealt Allegrova a severe psychological blow and she never forgave him for what he did. Igor himself believes that the former lovers simply “ruined each other’s lives.”

“We just ruined our lives. It’s painful and offensive, because she had everything for love, and for everything in general,” the former dancer said a year ago. — Each of us had our own ambitions: I had them, she had them. But living now, today, yesterday - no.”

At the same time, Cabbage admitted more than once that he tried in every possible way to meet his old love.

“I really want to meet and from there we can continue to “dance.” But it’s my business to offer, and her business to refuse, probably,” Igor shared last year. - I have with everyone former women great relationship, I’m friends with them - except for one. Feelings? Of course have".

Irina Allegrova started musical career in various ensembles and groups, and since the early 90s she began performing solo.

In 1992, her first album, called “My Wanderer,” was released. Around the same years, the singer became a real Russian pop star and began regularly giving concerts at the country’s largest venues.

In 2010, Allegrova received the title of People's Artist of Russia by presidential decree.

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