Female names starting with the letter E. Origin of Russian names: female names starting with the letter E

A name starting with the letter “E” is typical for girls whose intuition and inner sense are always at their best - they anticipate, feel and internally sense the situation. If we talk about the external side, then these are smart, rather nice and open people, loving communication and more inclined to live for today. They love to travel, love nature with all their hearts and, in essence, are very simple and friendly. The only thing is that they can be overly annoying - you can’t take that away from them.

  • Eve - A biblical name, in a modern context it can be translated as “living”, “mobile”, “mischievous”. Eva is a tactful, rational, principled, and overall a cheerful and joyful girl. 26
  • Evgenia - since ancient times Greek language means "noble". If Evgenia starts something, it is impossible to stop her, even if this business leads to the abyss. (1) 10
  • Evdokia - the name Evdokia is of Greek origin - means “favour”. People with such a name live more with their hearts than with their minds. -13
  • Catherine - (Katya) name from the Greek language, meaning “pure, immaculate.” Catherine is always reserved and prudent, and is known among those around her as a well-mannered, kind and tactful girl, not lacking in taste and some majesty. She is very smart, and from the first seconds she makes you feel it. 24
  • Elena - “chosen”, “bright” - translated from Greek. Elena is sociable, receptive and gullible. She is distinguished by spirituality and increased excitability. She easily gets carried away by any task, but rarely completes it. (3) 10
  • Elizabeth - The name is of Hebrew origin, and translated literally means “My God is an oath.” Elizabeth is a rather categorical girl who often feels underappreciated, so she often commits rather impulsive actions. She knows how to adapt to the people around her, she is curious and balanced, she always brings the things she starts to a victorious end, but in the first place she will always have only personal interests. (2) 14
  • Emelyan - origin goes back to the Latin word “aemulus”, meaning “rival”, “unyielding”. Usually this is a brave, independent girl who knows how to find a compromise. (1) -34
  • Yesenia - According to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, the word “esen” means “autumn,” but there are many versions of the origin of this light and positive name, which appeared in the 70s after the screening of the film of the same name. Yesenia is an easy-going and positive girl. (1) 10
  • Efimiya - pious, benevolent (from Greek). A practical girl “with character” who does not miss her benefits. -25
  • Euphrosyne - (Euphrosyne) from Greek - “joy”, “fun”. A sociable and demanding girl, a little picky, but self-critical. -26

IN early childhood Evdokia is mischievous and stubborn, she usually doesn’t listen to her mother and grandmother, only her father, whom she fears and respects. This girl is easily hurt, easily offended, capricious, and it is difficult to calm her down. Little Evdokia is very inquisitive, even curious, she needs to know everything, see everything. She is cunning and inventive, this girl is constantly coming up with new ideas. Evdokia is capable, studies easily and with interest, but is restless and therefore not always among the first.
Adult Evdokia is independent and determined, and although she is still easily offended, she now knows how to stand up for herself. She often has difficult times in life, but she learns to overcome difficulties and achieve her goals. Sooner or later, this woman begins to understand that whims are of little use and that she herself must fight for everything.
Gradually she becomes practical, learns to approach life soberly. However, Evdokia often withdraws into herself, stops trusting people and suffers greatly from this. She usually has one friend to whom Evdokia is very attached and therefore is jealous of her. She takes quarrels hard, but will never take the first step towards reconciliation. This woman does not like to work, but she fulfills her duties.
Evdokia is not just attractive - she is beautiful and is well aware of it. A woman with this name is charming, men like her, and always has several admirers. But she is in no hurry to choose a husband from them. After marriage, Evdokia usually quits her job, but she does not really like to do household chores, she is not very neat, but she is a good cook. Often sends children to kindergarten or for an “extended period” at school, but spends the weekends with them.
She devotes a lot of time to her appearance and follows fashion. She loves to go with her husband to visit, to the theater, to concerts, to receptions - in short, to places where she can show off her clothes. Rarely cheats on her husband.
This is a proud, unapproachable woman who does not tolerate comments addressed to her. Evdokia is very vulnerable and touchy, but she hides it and that is why she often behaves arrogantly. She likes to be the center of attention. A woman with this name does not let men get close for a long time, limiting relationships to short meetings. Evdokia does not separate love from sex and therefore will never enter into intimate relationships with a man she doesn't love.
In relationships with men, Evdokia strives to lead. She takes the initiative, so she tries to choose soft, pliable, but sensual and affectionate partners. A woman with this name is passionate, but she takes more from her partner than she gives to him. During intimacy, she is able to completely immerse herself in her feelings and does not really care about the satisfaction of her partner. But if a man is unable to give her sexual pleasure, Evdokia grows cold towards him and breaks off the relationship: she does not tolerate disharmony in the relationship. She is able to captivate a man, and she needs either everything or nothing.
"Winter" Evdokia is stubborn, practical, secretive. She is independent and does not like to depend on anyone, she achieves everything herself, never accepts anyone’s help, but she herself rarely helps others. She believes that each person should cope with their own difficulties and not burden anyone with them. Evdokia is restrained in expressing her feelings for loved ones, but in fact she really needs love and suffers from inattention. She almost never has friends, because Evdokia is unsociable. She is looking for a man who would give her love, affection and completely satisfy her as a partner, but she rarely finds one. That's why she gets married late or doesn't get married at all.
"Spring" Evdokia is calm, shy, and affectionate. She is friendly, sociable, and has many friends. She loves to receive guests and go to visit herself. She is a wonderful housewife, knows how and loves to cook. Men like this Evdokia, but she is often unlucky with partners, so she becomes picky and capricious. This woman experiences her failures hard, trying to find her ideal, she goes through many fans.

People named with male names starting with the letter E, Russian or foreign, have patience, insight and intuition. They are easy-going and interesting conversationalists. They know how to find mutual language with loved ones and strangers. Their sociability goes well with energy and impulsiveness. The wealth of their inner world allows them to lead bright image life, full of impressions and emotions.

Names for boys starting with E

The letter gives the owners of names the ability to perceive any situation with a slight dose of humor. Such men rely only on their capabilities and talents. You can safely expect consistency in decision-making, patience, and following your convictions from them.

Examples in Ev

Independent and independent Evgeniy is a maximalist and perfectionist. He is demanding both of himself and of those around him. Time of birth has influence on a person's character:

  1. Winter. An optimist looking to the future with hope. Does not lose heart even in difficult situations. Self-assured. His life position often becomes an example for others.
  2. Spring. Adventurer, overly impulsive, emotional. Unbalance and inconstancy prevent him from achieving his goals.
  3. Summer. A weak character, susceptible to the influence of others.
  4. Autumn. A true strategist who calculates every step. You can rely on him, because this man is a reliable and loyal friend.

Evgraf has an instant reaction and excellent memory. His mood is constantly changing. Relatives and friends have a hard time with this person. The person is incapable of decisive action. But the guy catches on quickly new information, knows how to analyze it.

Evdokim has golden hands. He works slowly, but confidently. The man is prudent, reasonable, sociable, avoids conflicts.

The bearer of the name Evlampy is distinguished by his sincerity, responsiveness, and amenability. A person is not indifferent to everything that happens. Emotions do not allow him to sit in one place and look indifferently at injustice. He is accommodating and peaceful. He hides his envy.

Eusebius is a great friend. Gets along great with people. He has many interests and hobbies. He strives for an independent position, so he chooses a path that no one has yet trodden.

Evsey is endowed with a reserved character. The personality manages to maintain a mask of equanimity under the most difficult circumstances. The man is friendly and sociable. He lacks self-confidence.

Eustathius always hopes for the best and believes in the kindness of people. He has a developed sense of duty. The nature is responsible, not subject to despondency. She is saved by her excellent sense of humor.

Evstigney has organizational skills. He is sensitive and easily hurt. It's extremely difficult to convince him. The guy is confident that he is right and is ready to defend his own point of view to the end.

Eustychius (Eutichaeus) is a happy and successful person who tries to follow moral principles. A fickle person, a little capricious.

Evfimy stands out for his impressionability and peacefulness. Able to sense the true intentions of others.

Other options

The list of male names starting with E continues with Egor. The man is sensible, self-confident, responsible. Poor control of emotions. He is withdrawn and accumulates resentment and irritation for a long time.

Egory is a hard worker and loves order in everything. The concept of honesty is for him a criterion for assessing behavior. His opinion is listened to.

Elizar does not need fame. The guy makes a career by quickly and flawlessly overcoming difficulties. He doesn’t hold grudges, but he can stand up for himself and his loved ones.

Elisha's character is distinguished by compliance, gentleness, and kindness. Positive young man gives to others positive emotions, fills their lives with joy and fun. Treats people with respect. Since childhood, he has a sense of justice.

Reasonable, brave and resourceful, Emelyan rarely becomes the life of the party. He is neat, modest and hardworking. He plans his affairs, sometimes becomes despondent and mopes.

Epiphanius (Epiphanius) brave, proud. Endowed with willpower. It has positive and negative features:

  • bravery;
  • persistence;
  • accuracy;
  • determination;
  • determination;
  • intransigence;
  • intransigence.

Always remembers his own benefit and personal problems. It is rare to be in the position of someone in need.

Eremey does not forget about the insults inflicted on him. Objective, self-confident. Doesn't give in to other people's influence.

Ermolai is calm and calm in any situation. Kind, vulnerable, does not know how to forgive. Strives to be the first in everything.

Erofey is neat and clean. The main trump cards of the owner of this Russian male name starting with E are intelligence, severity, and benevolence. A person thinks through future steps. However, modesty prevents him from moving forward and receiving a decent reward for his talents.

Efim's character is based on justice. His spirituality is reflected in his actions. A man values ​​stability, constancy, luxurious life not chasing.

Ephraim is a little gloomy and withdrawn. He is independent and withstands the blows of fate with dignity. He has an explosive temperament and a strong reaction to external stimuli.

How to name a child in English

Easter (Easter) - self-sufficient, artistic. He has a heightened sense of responsibility. He is sociable, inventive, and strives for prosperity.

Elinor (Elinor) - endowed with great emotional potential. The man is active and temperamental. Hides his sense of purpose and strives to develop himself. From him you can sometimes hear sharp criticism of someone.

Elmer is an extremely purposeful person. The individual has a wonderful imagination. He is distinguished by developed leadership qualities, artistry, and ingenuity.

Ely (Eli) - knows how to win the affection of others. He is prone to vanity, which at times pushes him to do wrong things.

Emmanuel (Emmanuel) - loves to be the center of attention. He is sociable, outgoing and cheeky, but jokes in a kind way.

Emory - determined, achieves goals in every possible way.

When deciding on the naming of a baby, you need to pay attention to one point. It doesn’t matter whether the version you like will have 5 or 6 letters, whether it’s of English or Russian origin. The main thing is that the boy’s name starting with the letter E sounds beautiful with his surname and patronymic.

Attention, TODAY only!

In the past, parents might have considered such names if their newborn girls were extremely weak and unadapted to life. There is an opinion that energetically the capital letter E in the name gives the child a positive charge and an internal desire for life.

Women's names starting with letter E

The desire for self-expression, the richness of the inner world, as well as extraordinary friendliness and love for the world around them accompanies such women throughout their lives. The girl's name starting with the letter E also symbolizes her tendency to find a way out in conflict situations without harming others. What names starting with the letter E, Russian and foreign, are the most popular today:

  • Christmas tree, Slavic name. Such girls are very artistic and often connect their lives with creative professions. They know how to stay afloat even in the most difficult life situations and will never show their weakness. Insightful and powerful;
  • Yozge, Turkish name. Literally translated it means “other”. Such women always strive for financial well-being and have good intuition. They are passionate and always want to show their talents in something;
  • Yokut, Tajik name. In life, such women are very resilient, but it is precisely because of increased nervousness that it can be difficult for them to find a way out of situations. At a young age they are vulnerable and know how to empathize with others;
  • Yort, English name. Such women are always self-confident and can spend a lot of time searching for their ideal. They are sensitive, but will never allow themselves to be taken advantage of;
  • Yozlem, Turkish name. Literally translated it means “longing.” Such women are artistic, but very petty in life, always looking for opportunities to enrich themselves. They are pedantic and inventive, but at the same time they do not know how to work with large teams.

Interestingly, women with names that begin with the letter E have a rich inner world. When calling girls with such names, you need to remember that in life they will always strive for self-expression by any means. At the same time, it is difficult for them to leave their comfort zone.

Male names starting with the letter E are often of Japanese or Turkic origin. But it is also interesting that some of them are modified versions of original Russian names, for example, Yodgor. In the old days, names that began with such a letter were often given to children who were very quiet and calm from birth.

This was done because the letter E is a symbol of impulsiveness and sociability. Thus, parents wanted to give their children the necessary character traits that would help them in life.

Men's names starting with letter E

Many people believe that male names letters starting with the letter E, Russian or foreign, carry a certain imprint of self-doubt and irritability. Indeed, in combination with some other letters in the name, the meaning capital letter may weaken somewhat or acquire a different character. What secrets do the most popular male names starting with the letter E keep?

  • Yovar, Tajik name. Often in the Russian language they find an analogue - Ivar. This name symbolizes an assistant, a person who is always able to come to the rescue. At an early age, such children are very fickle and do not know how to properly plan their time. However, very close to nature. IN mature age– these are self-confident and powerful individuals;
  • Yodgor, Tajik name. Such men are self-confident, however, in their hearts they always hesitate in making a choice. From time to time he can be shy and feel uncomfortable if he is in the company of people who are not very pleasant to him. Almost all their lives they are in search of an ideal;
  • Johan, a Germanic name, is often used as Johann. WITH early age Such people show their creative inclinations and often achieve great success. Also, their interest is directed deep into themselves, they are interested in learning something new, they can connect their lives with medicine, since they have great abilities in these matters. A sharp mind allows them to bypass any obstacles;
  • Yodgor, Uzbek name. Such people are very sociable and, interestingly, sometimes communication is not at all beneficial to the bearers of such a name. They may be too trusting. Very often they are too tense, so they calm down only by immersing themselves in creativity/

Often, parents who have chosen boy names starting with the letter E believe that such children will be very gifted in the future. And what was especially attractive was the fact that in the future such men could easily make important decisions and express themselves in society.

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