Prophetic dreams in the new year, at Christmas, at Christmas time and at baptism. Dreams on the night of Epiphany. Sleep on Epiphany night

The New Year's time is approaching, so to speak, when we pay special attention to dreams.

We think they have sacred meaning, carry information that applies to the entire coming year. We stare at vague images, get frightened or rejoice, try to interpret them. And, in general, we are doing the right thing. That's just not worth it to everyone, without exception, dreams to attach great importance. Yes, and in the interpretation of "holiday" dreams have their own nuances. That's what we'll talk about today.

When dreams come true

It is rightly believed that dreams on New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmas time and Epiphany have a special meaning and are often prophetic. Only they come true in different ways, each dream has its own special period and its own “sphere of influence”.
New Year (from December 31 to January 1) - dreams refer to the coming year and come true, respectively, during the year.
Christmas Eve - focus on dreams in which there is a fulfillment of desires, this will be an indication of the time frame. That is, if you see in a dream that you, for example, received a promotion in the spring, then the dream will come true in the spring. And if you see yourself getting married, but at the same time you look a few years older, then, most likely, you should not expect a wedding in the coming year - it will “complete” in a few years.

Christmas - these dreams can determine fate, they carry a hint of what is best to do and what is best not to do. Pay special attention to these dreams - they most often turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams come true in a period of a week to five years.
Christmas time - dreams come true within six months. Such dreams also relate to our actions, to right and wrong actions, as well as to entertainment and emotions. But, unlike dreams at Christmas, they do not define some global things, but relate to everyday life.

Baptism - dreams are related to all life, to Fate and can come true even after 20 years.

When dreams are empty

It seems to many that for the "old" New Year's dreams, too, must certainly be prophetic. But it is not so. The fact is that we have been living according to a different calendar for a long time, and this holiday is not even a tribute to the old style, but just another reason to have fun. This is just a date, so on the night of January 13-14, dreams can be completely non-prophetic. Another thing is that this is already Christmas time, therefore, if some dream especially sunk into your soul, then it can come true, but if you didn’t dream of anything so outstanding, don’t rack your brains and don’t expect dreams in the “old” New Year special revelations. Although it is not forbidden to guess that night, even in dreams. Here is such a paradox.

Also, “empty” dreams are dreamed: from January 1 to 2, and further until Christmas Eve, then - from January 8 until the beginning of Christmas time. We can say that we are given a certain respite so that we can again perceive the "tips" that await us in the near future.

In general, this is all purely individual, and sometimes, in special occasions The sky speaks to us even on those nights when dreams are not prophetic. This happens when you need to urgently warn about something. However, this also applies to any other time, and not just the "New Year's time."

What to pay attention to

Do not try to remember all the dreams that come to you at a designated time. There is no need for this, since meaningful dream if you want, don't miss it. The fact is that such dreams are so clearly engraved in your memory that you remember them not only immediately after waking up, but also a week later, and often several years later. If the dream has not “evaporated” by the evening, then be sure to write it down - in as much detail as you remember. And only after that start to analyze.

Do not look for meaning in those dreams that almost completely repeat the events that occurred the day before. It's just a reflection of events. But, if in such dreams you constantly encounter the same person, which was not really the case, then this person will play a significant role in your life. But positive or negative - it depends on what kind of relationship (benevolent or hostile) you were associated with him in your dream.

Particular attention should be paid to dreams in which dead relatives come. Try to remember what they told you - often the words of the departed not only turn out to be prophetic, but also carry a ready-made guide to action.

If you are tormented by nightmares in the days indicated above, this is an occasion to carefully analyze your life and try to understand what you are doing wrong, what you are mistaken about or what mistakes you are making. And, accordingly, try to fix it. Otherwise, very soon the wrong direction of movement will cause major troubles or troubles. True, there is one nuance here - if alcoholic libations and overeating always cause disturbing dreams in you, then don’t be scared right away, but fast for one day, see what they “show” you, and only then draw the appropriate conclusions.

You should not leave without attention the mood in which you wake up on the above days. That is, try to remember what impression your dreams leave behind - this also affects the interpretation and the tone of the predictions. For example, if you saw a frightening dream, but at the same time woke up in a great mood, it means that either unpleasant events will turn into positive changes, or the symbols of sleep should be interpreted exactly the opposite.

Shine, lights, loud sounds in New Year's and Christmas dreams do not carry such significant meaning as at other times - there is too much of this in reality - tinsel, fireworks, crackers, garlands - and all this without a twinge of conscience enters our dreams, without carrying any semantic load.

In the same way, you should not expect immediate profit after dreams in which you are very, very fat - this is the body and subconscious mind reacting to an abundance of goodies, that is, the calorie counter turns on, and fear of gaining weight begins to “talk” in your dreams.

Prophetic dreams and symbolic dreams. How to distinguish and what to do

Dreams that come in the "New Year's time" are divided into prophetic - those that come true "word for word", and symbolic - vague, incomprehensible, requiring competent interpretation and based on a set of characters. It depends on whether the event is already defined or you have just started building the prerequisites for some event to happen.

In the first case, dreams are understandable, they relate to a certain area of ​​​​your life, real people participate in them. existing people, acts and actions are performed that can actually occur. And the probability that everything will happen, that everything will be as you saw in your dream, is somewhere around 95%, that is, you only have a small chance to fix something or at least correct it if you orient yourself in time .

But in the second case, dreams can be completely fantastic. You can easily find yourself in some unreal world, face strangers or strange creatures, you can do things that you never did in reality. But you, one might say, are the mistress of the situation, that is, it depends only on your future actions whether the symbols that you saw in a dream will become reality. Therefore, if something does not suit you in them, if after interpreting the images you were horrified and clutched your head, then urgently start changing course - perhaps you have set yourself a goal that leads to the abyss, or you are trying to achieve a person who will bring you to your life pain, loss, chaos and devastation. Or maybe you were going to start some business that, having taken your strength, time and money, will not bear any fruit. Therefore, translate the symbolic language from the “enraged reality” into a language that is understandable to you (using a dream book, or by contacting a specialist) and act according to the interpretation.

Be attentive to your dreams, which will surely come to you on New Year's Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas time and Epiphany. But do not be afraid of them - they are usually just tips, following which you can avoid many troubles. The main thing is to adequately respond to what you see in a dream on such symbolic days and nights. Do not let the events with which your dreams will be associated take their course, and then everything will be fine for you. Have a nice dream!

The Feast of the Epiphany, like other holidays, has its own traditions that have evolved over thousands of years. Since ancient times, people prepared themselves for Baptism in advance. On January 17, the merry Christmas time ended, and on the 18th came Epiphany Eve - the day of strict fasting. The whole family, as before Christmas, gathers at the table, to which only lean dishes are served, kutya (sochivo) is prepared from rice, honey and raisins. That evening, returning from the church from a prayer service, people put crosses over all windows and doors with chalk or candle soot. The main tradition of the feast of Epiphany is the blessing of water. Physicists and chemists in different countries conducted experiments and found out: the structure of holy baptismal water is many times more harmonious than on an ordinary day, and its energy and beneficial features are simply unique. Epiphany water improves and enhances a person's energy, which has a beneficial effect on a person's health, unblocks "stuck" energy. What actually happens to the water on the night of January 18-19? To begin with, let's turn to the wisdom of our ancestors and the latest research of modern science.

Word "WATER" came from a derivative "VEDA", it is water that is a special energy-information field of the Earth, capable of absorbing and transmitting information over great distances! Water is able to listen, remember and speak - this is its birthright, so the wisdom of the ancient Russ tells us and modern science. The accumulated information field of water forms its character and properties, due to which water can be harsh and grateful, calm and unpredictable, restore the human biofield or destroy it. On the night of January 18-19, the water is cleared of all the information that it has heard and felt, and therefore this time is considered the Christmas of Dead (Zeroed) Water. This water kills all harmful substances, perfectly cleanses and heals wounds, cleanses the skin, reduces inflammation, slows down neoplasms, has an analgesic effect on the body, heals and rejuvenates. Sprinkle this water on every corner of your home - there will be order and peace in the house. As you spend in holy water, you can add ordinary water. Even one drop of baptismal water can sanctify any amount of ordinary water.


The main thing is to remember the dream. Everyone knows about baptismal divination. But ordinary dreams on the night of Epiphany are also “letters from the future.” Before falling asleep, you need to ask a question about your fate, which interests you the most. unmarried girls in the old days they put a comb under the pillow or king of diamonds and asked to dream of the betrothed. The evening before, spend as calmly as possible, go to bed early, and wake up on the morning of the 19th not at the wake of the alarm clock. In this case, it is more likely to see a prophetic dream and not forget it right there. They say that a dream will be brighter and better remembered if you eat something salty at night, but do not drink water. Put a pen and a notepad next to the bed, and when you wake up, immediately write down the dream or tell someone right away - this way you are more likely to remember.

MOST cherished

The night from the 18th to the 19th is the perfect time to make your most secret desires. It is believed that the sky at this time hears best what people ask for, and requests are fulfilled. Only one main condition: you need to make wishes with a pure soul. And only good ones! Before asking for something for yourself or your loved ones, it is better to first, at least mentally, ask for forgiveness from those whom you have hurt for a year, and whom, even reluctantly, have harmed. And also - thank God for all the good things in life.


Here is advice for ladies who want to keep their youth for a long time. Early in the morning on December 19, pour Epiphany water into a bowl and look at your reflection. You need to examine yourself very carefully, noticing wrinkles and flaws, after which you wash your face three times with your hands. Water the flowers with the rest of the water. The effect will increase if the water is from the river, where the woman herself goes for it early in the morning. But, if you believe that in Baptism all water gains strength, ordinary water left overnight under the sky may also do. By the way, water can be drawn even from a river, even from a tap, on this day it is the same everywhere, experiments of scientists prove. Epiphany water will retain its good quality in the vessel for a long time. They say that after such a magical procedure, your face will be fresh and attractive all year long.

As the world dawns at the moment of Epiphany -
So incense penetrates the blood,
Enlightenment descends to people,
Love comes to every home.

The deep spiritual essence of fire is transformation, that is, the transition from one state to another.

Everything else follows from this: both energy and the symbol of fertilization.

Male strength, and renewal of life.

Baptism by fire restores the original purity, clarity.

Not without reason, in the Middle Ages, an ominous method of executing heretics was chosen - burning at the stake.

And although modern man does not accept such reprisals against the sinner; in dreams, fire often acts as a symbol of punishment.

Sometimes light and heat mean intellect, emotions, the strength of a person, his spiritual energy.

In such cases, divine images with a halo appear in a dream.

Glow around the head.

Sometimes mysterious radiations or blazing fire come from the dreamer himself.

Such plots personify the divine powers of patronage or the potential creative possibilities of a person.

Fire and flame often symbolize love.

It contains the all-overcoming and destructive power of passion.

And a movement that leads to merger, unity.

The customs of carrying torches on the occasion of engagement and during the performance of fertility rites emphasize the reproductive function of fire.

And only the fire of the hearth personifies the invisible presence of the keeper of the hearth - a woman.

Any water is a symbol of the great mother, the feminine.

It is a symbol of primary matter, vital forces.

A dry bed in the dream of both a woman and a man is a sign that some part of the vitality has left you.

Such a dream is especially unfavorable for women, who in some cases are completely identified with the river.

Water, like fire, is used in rites of initiation, baptism.

This is the personification of the new birth.

Baptism by immersion in water symbolizes the return to the womb, to the mother's waters.

In the form of rain, water carries the fertilizing power to the earth, symbolizes fertility.

Translated into the language of dreams - to see yourself diving into the depths of the waters means to reveal some kind of secret. Generate new knowledge.

It is not bad to feel yourself in a dream and walking on the surface of the water. It means to stand on the border of the material and spiritual worlds. This is a symbol of lightness, soaring through the air.

Creatures such as fairies and witches could walk on water without drowning.

On this, again in the Middle Ages, the test for witchcraft was built.

It was believed that an innocent, God-obedient woman should drown, and a witch should swim.

However, great sages and saints, with the blessing of God, could walk on water.

This personified their power over the elements.

If water surrounds something, for example, a defensive moat around a castle, then it not only protects, but also symbolizes the purity of what is inside.

Water and fire are warring elements.

But penetrating into each other, they unite.

Therefore, to dream of a fire blazing on the surface of the water portends you an interesting romantic adventure.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation - Baptism

To be present at baptism is to normalize family relationships.

The rite of baptism is for the renewal of life.

Procession - you need a confession in front of a loved one whom you completely trust.

Interpretation of dreams from

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Baptism

Baptism - Seeing a rite of baptism in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. To dream about how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you - in reality, your guardian angel will save you from misfortunes.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Baptism - To accept the rite of baptism yourself - to labors and trials that can end in a happy ending. Baptizing your children in a church or church is a harbinger of happiness or prosperity. To act as godfather or mother means to join joyful, festive events, to take part in a charity event.

The meaning of the dream of Communion (message of Tarot cards)

Baptism is an extraordinary event.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Baptism in a dream

Baptism - Seeing a rite of baptism in a dream means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if your friends underestimate them. - to see that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly for the good of others. - to see that John the Baptist baptizes Christ in the Jordan River means that you have a desperate mental struggle before choosing: either indulge in hard work to support others, or follow your desires, which will lead you to wealth and an exceptional position. Seeing the holy spirit descending on Christ is a sign of submission to duty and self-denial.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Baptism as an image in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Baptism in a dream why dream

Baptism - Receive a valuable package.

What does it mean to see Baptism

Who was baptized in a dream? Under what circumstances? Is this a Christian rite or a conversion to another faith (possibly involuntary)? Or do they baptize an adult, which indicates a change in his system of values? If you are baptized in a dream, do you feel renewed, reborn, ready to start all over again? Or are you doing it to please someone? If in reality you are not baptized, perhaps a dream is an expression of your unfulfilled desire. Seeing in a dream how you are being baptized means that you are ready for serious trials, in a sense, a baptism of fire.

Seeing Baptism, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

To be present in a dream at this ceremony or to celebrate this holiday means that you are expected big changes. Sometimes a dream means that your life will be joyful and comfortable. To be baptized yourself in a dream is a sign of a heavy burden, great trials. Baptism - Seeing a rite of baptism in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. To dream about how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you - in reality, your guardian angel will save you from misfortunes. Indicates that a person has fallen into an extremely difficult situation, of a hereditary nature. Violent family relationships. As an option - the manifestation of negative karma. Perhaps the presence of directed magical influence from the past or present. It can also testify to the slavish obedience of a person (who dreams of baptism).

Dream Interpretation of Arnold Mindell

Dream Maker's Apprentice: Interpreting Baptism in a Dream

I dreamed of Baptism - you saw the rite of baptism in a dream - your gentleness and fear of offending someone often harm you, even your loved ones, knowing your weaknesses, twist ropes out of you; you can go to extremes; you should become stronger; you should know: kindness is very different from gentleness; you should remember: kindness sometimes has to be with fists. In a dream, you accept the rite of baptism - someone will humiliate you, but you will endure humiliation, thinking about the good of others - most likely, your loved ones. It is as if you are present at the baptism of Jesus Christ - you have to make a difficult choice between duty and pleasure, between hard work for the common good and pleasant work in your own interests; the search for one's path will not do without a painful mental struggle.

Dream interpretation for the whole family / E. Danilova

Why dream of Baptism in a dream

Baptism is healing; novelty. The baptism of Christ is a desperate mental struggle; to baptize the child himself is the desire to strengthen his reputation.

To see Baptism, why? (according to the Magic dream book)

I dreamed of Baptism - to receive timely support.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Baptism in a dream

Baptism (rite) - You will be able to strengthen your reputation and gain the approval of colleagues. Unless the rite of baptism was performed on you, imagine that you are the godfather or godmother of an infant who is being baptized.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joles

Dream interpretation. Interpretation of over 1000 characters: Baptism

Baptism, Confirmation, Initiation - These ceremonies serve to introduce a person into a religious community and celebrate milestone in spiritual life. Dreams of baptism indicate a willingness to cleanse and start over in reality, while other ceremonies may indicate a desire to be accepted into the community and receive the status of an adult, with all its privileges and responsibilities.

The meaning of sleep about Initiation (Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious)

I dreamed of Baptism what it is for. The essence of any rite of baptism, in whatever form it may be carried out. - rebirth, renewal, resurrection. Baptism usually marks the change of a certain stage in the emotional or physical sphere of life.

positive value

The dream of baptism means a deep dive into new project. You are developing a plan that will be successful.

Negative implications

Unforeseen circumstances in the future may bring disappointment, but you will soon be able to return to your chosen path again.

A dream about baptism means a desire to become stronger and more confident.

Epiphany fortune-telling is considered one of the most accurate. Even our ancestors used this time to lift the veil of secrecy, look into the future and make a wish.

Various fortune-telling, especially on days when magical powers are at the peak of activity, help everyone to know their fate and contribute to the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. From ancient times, Epiphany was considered the day when the spirits descend to earth and open the way to another world. Mysterious phenomena are not rare on this day, so you should pay attention to everything that happens around. Peculiar signs of fate suggest the right decision and warn against trouble. This is the best time to use divination.

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

On the eve of Epiphany in the evening, you should light a candle and pray in front of the icon, ask Higher powers protection and patronage. Then write down your innermost desires on pieces of paper, but no more than ten. Think carefully about what you will write. Unfulfilled dreams are unlikely to come true in full, and you will not get what you are striving for. You should not ask for space travel or to catch a goldfish. Desires must be real and feasible. Papers are placed under the pillow all night. In the morning, the fortuneteller washes three times with baptismal water and says:

“The wish is made, on a magical night it will come true. Everything that was good in a dream will not be forgotten. Water will wash away the bad dream and the evil eye, and the desire will come true at once.

After that, one piece of paper is taken out from under the pillow without looking. The wish written on it will surely come true. Remove the leaf from prying eyes and believe in a miracle. Fate will surely smile at you.

Divination for a loved one, or baptismal love spell

Before midnight, the girls light a red candle in front of a mirror. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper and write your name and the name of a loved one in it. Below each other, write down their and his dates of birth. Outside the circle with a red pen write wishes about happy life, love and imminent marriage. Also indicate best features lover's character. Wax from a candle evenly "seal" the circle.

A photograph of a loved one is shown to a mirror, and then a circle is drawn on its surface. Inside the circle write their own and his initials. Thus, they catch the feelings and emotions of this person and direct them to themselves. It is worth being more careful with the choice of a partner. If he does not experience any reciprocal feelings, your relationship in the future will develop unsuccessfully. Bewitched against their will do not experience true love, - only attachment, which is weighed down.

The photo is placed under the pillow along with their image with the words:

“I’ll bewitch my beloved, I’ll put it under my pillow. We will dream of each other all night long, he cannot overcome the attraction of love. I believe in strong and mutual love, feelings are strong and mutual.

After waking up, they wash themselves with running water and do not look in the mirror until lunch. After that, they erase the drawn circle with a clean napkin and hide it in a secluded place. After the love spell begins to take effect, the napkin should be thrown away.

Prophetic dream

Every person sees dreams, but not all of them are prophetic and come true. It is believed that in Baptism the dream is prophetic. You can use this to your advantage: make a secret wish and think all evening about making it come true. Before going to bed, you should change the bed and put on a long light-colored shirt. Two cups of water are placed at the head. Sugar is added to one, salt to the other. If you have a bad dream, you should wash your face with running water three times, and then drink from a cup of salt water. Salt will help get rid of bad feelings and remove all night negativity. Good dream should be remembered and written down on a piece of paper so that it will surely come true, and then “wash it down” with sweet water. If you dreamed that the desire will not come true, do not be discouraged. This only means that the fulfillment of the desire is delayed and you should not wait for its realization right now.

Remember that the power of thought and the belief that your dreams will become a reality give you the strength to fulfill them. There are many ways to fulfill your innermost desires. Never give up and move towards your dream. We wish you good health and happiness in your personal life. Believe in miracles and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.01.2017 02:05

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic. Since ancient times, our ancestors devoted this time to fortune-telling on ...

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