Smart quotes about the sky. Quotes about heaven

The sky... It is always different. The way it looks depends on the weather, the time of day, and the time of year. The sky transforms into the most incredible images. We have prepared the same different quotes about the sky for you. We hope that among all the statements and aphorisms about the sky presented here, you will be able to choose one that accurately describes the vault of heaven above you. Or maybe not. The sky knows best...

Wise quotes about heaven

Look at the sky more often, and not at your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light.
Seraphim of Sarov

No best icon than the sky!
Vasily Aksenov

The sky is the cradle of children's imagination.
Sergey Fedin

The sky is neither above us nor below us, neither to the left nor to the right. Heaven is in the heart of a person if he believes. But I don’t believe it and I’m afraid that I’ll die without seeing the sky.
Salvador Dali

Just as the earth pulls down, so does the sky pull up. And the attraction of the sky is no weaker than the attraction of the earth.
Alexander Vyazemka

War is not talked about under a clear sky when the sun is shining.
Patrick Ness

Life in cities teaches you to look only at your own feet. Nobody will remember that there is a sky in the world...
Haruki Murakami

Never before has such a familiar sky seemed to me a truly blessed heaven...
Anne Rice

No acuity of the human mind is so great that it can penetrate the sky.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

The one closest to heaven is the one who doesn’t need anything.
Grigory Skovoroda

Heaven has always attracted people with its mystery. People have always looked for the meaning of their lives in heaven. And it’s not surprising, because it is always majestic. Against his background human life looks petty and unworthy of attention.

Sayings about heaven with meaning

Perhaps the sky is actually a meadow overgrown with white flowers; and God walks there and plucks stars...
John Galsworthy

A unique opportunity to look into the future: look into a puddle - and you are already in heaven!
Vyacheslav Verkhovsky

Heaven is a perfect creation; no matter who and where he stands on earth, he always feels himself in the center, in the middle of the earth, and the dome of heaven extends an equal distance from him in all four directions.
Irving Stone

It’s strange to realize that, despite the same sky above our heads, we are all completely different.
Veronica Roth

Not everyone who talks about heaven is destined to go there...
William Faulkner

Heaven carries out its plans through human follies.
Walter Scott

No matter how foreign the city may be, you can always look up and see a familiar picture.
Anosh Irani

We all live under the same sky, but we all have different horizons.
Konrad Adenauer

Sometimes I stop believing in the blueness of the sky: it seems to me that this space is perfectly covered with bruises.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.
Joe Louis

The sky is immensely beautiful. In any weather, at any time of the day. Looking into the deep heights, you feel like a small speck of dust, whose life is invisible and not as important as it sometimes seems. But, nevertheless, we believe that man is paramount, if only because only he is able to briefly describe the beauty of the sky in quotes and aphorisms. Heaven itself certainly cannot do this.

Quotes about the sky are short and beautiful

I looked up again and suddenly thought that last time I saw the starry sky God knows when, although all the time it was above my head - it was enough to just raise it.
Victor Pelevin

Sea and sky are two symbols of infinity.
Giuseppe Mazzini

We are nothing compared to the clear, blue, endless sky.
Lev Tolstoy

Heaven is neither a place nor a time. Heaven is the attainment of perfection.
Richard Bach

After all, what is our life? This is heaven. Scenery. View from the cape. Two clouds, sun and air - nothing by a third. You can sit and look for meaning in this sky, and you can spread your wings and fly in it.
Al Quotion

The most beautiful paintings show the sky.
Vadim Sinyavsky

The sky is the same for everyone, but the heavens are different for everyone.
Stepan Balakin

We only lack what we need: a large piece of sky. Try to always keep a piece of sky above your life.
Marcel Proust

Why earth when there is sky?
Pablo Neruda

People take the sky very seriously and prefer it to be painted in the same familiar color - this makes them feel safe.
Max Fry

Children often look at the sky and clouds, but when they grow up, they look at the sky very rarely. Adults are almost always in a hurry somewhere and they never look around, much less look into the heavenly heights. If someone looks into the sky, they will only see the sky as it appears at first glance. And, perhaps, no one thinks about the fact that it also lives, because depending on the time, season, weather conditions changes, is embodied in various forms and images.

Phrases about the sky that are worth thinking about

The sky does not understand hints, but loves sincerity...
Vladimir Borisov

We used to look up to the sky to pray. And now we raise it to curse.
Erich Maria Remarque

What fears can persist for a long time in the bright light of the morning sun, under the blue sky, with a fresh, invigorating breeze?
Theodore Dreiser

It seemed that even the sky was crying, looking into the window of my room...
Janusz Leon Wisniewski

No one can take heaven with them when they part.
Luis Sepulveda

Nobody pays attention to the sky until they fall in love.
Alessandro D'Avenia

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is needed, but also the sky.
Evgeniy Panteleev

Falling from the heavens of spiritual experiences onto the plain of reason, the object of worship will certainly be fragmented into mutually exclusive concepts.

On VKontakte you must indicate your marital status “in passive search.” That is, it means that you are stretched out on the sofa, waiting for marvelous men or delightful ladies to fall from the sky.

All evidence is ridiculous, naive and powerless. You don’t trust either prophets or doctors if your clipped wings hurt, when you don’t dream of the sky at night.

I never take offense for a long time, and even if it’s very offensive. I will definitely forgive someone close to me in my heart. But I retain the secret hope that heaven will avenge me and whip the offender on the backside with a twig.

When you often raise your eyes upward, you will see a lot of interesting things, but if you look at the ground more often, you will not fall.

Love, dreamily floating in the air, warms the soul. And love, dissolved in everyday routine, will add warmth to the family.

When we are happy, we fly up to the clouds, rush towards the sun and stars. But one day, dreams will be destroyed, happiness will disappear and only regret for what has been lost will remain.

Loved ones are not sought, they are sent by heaven.

I blow a kiss to the sky so that it can pass it on to you... wherever you are.

You are better than the sun and the moon, you are better than the starry night! You are better than heaven and earth, I love you very much!..

If suddenly the heavens cry with rain, know that it is I who miss you, if it breaks out at night bright Star- I give you my love.

A cat loves a kitty, a bird loves a sparrow, the sky loves the sun, but no one loves you

If the sky, then blue. If a friend, then a strong one. If friendship, then eternal. And love is endless.

The limit for me is only the sky...

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you; this is a natural phenomenon. It is just like the air, just like the sky.

It’s good when the sun appears in the blue sky from behind the white clouds, the mountains in the distance are freed from the gray haze, and the flowers in the green meadows begin to bloom and exude the most delicate aroma. And at the same time, you can still sit in your chair and move your cursor over all this splendor.

Summer is a drop of heaven in your palms, a drop of light on your eyelashes... And a drop of unforgettable life...

I would like to take the autobahn... rush straight into the sky... no need for brakes...

I am free, like a bird in a clear sky... I fly and feel happiness!

By your smile, by your eyes... in the sky all the stars suffer, but on earth I suffer.

Looking at the sky, I see one star, it burns so brightly that it reminds me of you, you are just as beautiful and I am glad that you are mine.

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven. I’m warning you, there’s no need to put up a ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

Happiness comes from little things, from small insignificant joys. Great happiness, like a brick from the sky, does not fall from the sky, but is painstakingly created.

When Masha finally married Igor, she was in 7th heaven and 3 months pregnant with Konstantin.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky. Smile when there is bad weather in your soul. Smile and you will immediately feel better. Smile, because you are someone’s happiness.

Two crocodiles are flying across the sky - blue and red, especially red.

There are unexpected winds and clouds in the sky, and a person has sorrows and happiness.

Open your eyes and stand under the endless sky, enjoy every sip fresh air, enjoying each other’s company is happiness.

Come with me to the seventh heaven... I have already taken your place, on the best cloud.

Thank you for the peaceful sky above your head, dear veterans!!! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't exist now.

Each of us has our own madness, and in each of us there lives an irresistible desire to fall, some from the roof, some into the sky, some from the coils.

I looked up - there was the sky. I looked down - the ground. I looked in the mirror - oh damn.

The grass is looking for crowds of its own kind on the earth; the tree looks for its loneliness in the sky.

There are stars in the sky... but I miss so much the little lamp that is not lit in my house.

The magical night is coming, scattering stars in the sky. She leads the wonderworker Nicholas with her.

Sometimes you want to raise your eyes to the sky and ask: “Are you kidding me?!”

Her eyes are the color of the sky, her lips taste like vanilla chocolate, and her heart looks like a broken vase.

The sky is neither high nor low, neither to the right nor to the left. Heaven is right in the middle of the chest of the person who has Faith.

Salvador Dali

Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Prove the cynics wrong. It's their problem that they have no imagination. The only limit is the sky. Your sky. Your limit.

Tom Hiddleston

Victor Hugo

There is a sight greater than the sea, and that is the sky; there is a sight more majestic than the sky - this is the depth human soul.

Victor Hugo

Don't give wings to someone you're not going to heaven with.

Lina Kostenko

Albert Einstein

When someone points a finger at the sky, only a fool looks at the finger.

Albert Einstein

Being on the top of the mountain, we peer into the abyss. Having fallen into the abyss, we contemplate the sky.

Victor Hugo

The sky is not for us... We are not given to fly... and all we can do is try not to fall...

Sergei Lukyanenko

See eternity in one moment,
Huge world- in a grain of sand,
In a single handful - infinity
And the sky is in the cup of a flower.

William Blake

Friedrich Schiller

I am my own heaven, I am my own hell.

Friedrich Schiller

The whole sea needs the whole sky,
A whole heart needs the whole of God.

Marina Tsvetaeva

H. Murakami "Listen to the song of the wind"

I love the sky. I can look at him as much as I want - I don’t get tired of him.

H. Murakami "Listen to the song of the wind"

Life in cities teaches you to look only at your own feet. Nobody will remember that there is a sky in the world.

Haruki Murakami

Tenderness and depth - this is the whole woman, this is the whole sky.

Victor Hugo "Les Miserables"

Victor Hugo

Man is where the earth ends... Woman is where the sky begins...

Victor Hugo

Fedor Dostoevsky

The sky was so starry, so bright that, looking at it, you involuntarily have to ask yourself: can all sorts of angry and capricious people really live in such a sky?

Fedor Dostoevsky

The sky was so starry, so bright that, looking at it, you involuntarily have to ask yourself: can all sorts of angry and capricious people really live in such a sky?

Fedor Dostoevsky

How I would like to become a bird at this moment, fly into the sky, dissolve in the rays of the moon and not see more people of this world.

Solved by Nuri Gyuntekin "The Kinglet is a songbird"

Just as a person cannot stand on his feet without leaning on the earth, the spirit of a person cannot stand without leaning on the sky.

Fazil Iskander

Two people looked out the window:
One saw the rain and mud,
Another green elm foliage,
It's spring and the sky is blue.
Two people were looking out the same window.

Rasul Gamzatov

I really want to sit down and just have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Talk all night long. Look at the night sky together, discuss something, argue furiously, remain silent. I miss spending time like this. Crazy enough.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Max Fry

It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter, why is the sky in Once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive.

Max Fry

It always seemed to me: it happened, that means it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky once again fell on my head? It collapsed, therefore, we must survive.

Max Fry

My mother always said: “Silence is a sign of consent.” I always thought differently: sometimes a short, well-aimed phrase can shut anyone up.

Sylvie Testud "Heaven will help you"

Under this cedar, under the centuries-old linden trees, in front of the picture of the unceasing harvest, in the evenings under the starry sky, minutes finally take on meaning.

Andre Maurois

What fears can persist for a long time in the bright light of the morning sun, under the blue sky, with a fresh, invigorating breeze?

Theodore Dreiser

Human! Raise your gaze from the earth to the sky - what an amazing order there is there!

Kozma Prutkov

Lined with clubs storm clouds, the sky pierced by a tower spire twisted over the castle like a huge black creature, scattering tentacles of white lightning and loudly rolling boulders of thunder in its belly.

Olga Gromyko

Nature is in a sense the Gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and all the greatness of God. And not only the heavens, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God.

Mikhail Lomonosov

I drowned in the hot grass a long time ago, and my eyes got lost in the sky, entangled in the clouds...

Max Fry

Sometimes it seems that nature itself sympathizes with people. Of course, a pragmatist will say that this is just a coincidence, that a person simply tends to perceive everything that happens around him through the prism of his mood. Perhaps this is so, but, probably, there is no person on earth who would not notice how brightly the sun shines when the soul is light and, conversely, the heavens begin to frown when sadness falls on the heart?

Oleg Roy

Look how beautiful it is! - Abomination... - Well, how about that? Look what the sky is like! Trees! And the clouds in general!!! - That's it! Separately everything is fine, but together it’s rubbish.

Oleg Tishchenkov

The ocean was noisy. Eternal and the same. Everywhere and always the ocean was free. Poison could be poured into it, boundaries could be drawn in it. And the ocean lived. The ocean did not remember the insults. Like the sky, he believed in freedom, like the sky, he did not tolerate barriers...

Sergei Lukyanenko

I can't stand walls and fences. The sky, which covers the whole earth with its gaze, the wind, which meets no obstacles, the ocean, washing all the shores - this is the ideal.

Mahatma Gandhi

War is not talked about under a clear sky when the sun is shining.

Patrick Ness

After the war, it took so long to get used to it that you no longer had to be afraid of the sky.

Svetlana Alexievich

He loves her and always will, but they can't be together. They are born under different stars, and she loves another. He forbade himself to think about her, but tomorrow he goes into battle and cannot help but remember. He looks at the sky and thinks about her and about death, which will take both his life and his love.

Vera Kamsha

I really want to sit down and just have a heart-to-heart talk with someone. Talk all night long. Looking at the night sky together, discussing something...furiously, arguing. be silent. I miss this kind of pastime. Crazy enough.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Only the sky can give birth to stars.

Alexander Primak


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