Make a wooden ppsh. Buildable T.A.R.G. PPSh. How to make a realistic Kalashnikov assault rifle

submachine gun Soviet designer- gunsmith Georgy Semyonovich Shpagin entered service Soviet army in 1941. Produced in the amount of 6 million pieces, the PPSh assault rifle is still used in the armies of states around the world. Simplicity and reliability guarantees 5000 shots without cleaning and disassembling the weapon. It is used with two types of magazines - sector for 35 and drum for 71 rounds. shot speed and effective range two times superior to the German MP-40 and the English Thompson. Nowadays, a modification of the PPSh-41 is sold - a hunting carbine for single shooting.
This is interesting: Shpagin submachine gun became a symbol Soviet soldier during the Great Patriotic War, the hero of many films and computer games. A single shot hit a target at a distance of 350 meters, which was an unattainable indicator for foreign analogues of that time..

Characteristics of PPSh:
caliber - 7.62 mm, pistol cartridge length - 25 mm;
rate of fire - 900 rounds per minute;
the initial speed of the bullet - 500 m / s;
effective range aimed shooting- 300 m;
shooting bursts or single shots.

1. Before assembling, carefully read the enclosed instructions. Pay attention to the places where the glue is applied, the order of gluing and painting, to the parts that must remain movable.

2. Please note that the varnish and glue included in the kit are non-toxic and have a minimum drying time. If the varnish or glue is very thick, then dilute them with a little water and mix.

3. Coloring should be done in two or three thin layers, carefully smearing the varnish over the surface. Thus, the varnish will lay down more evenly. For convenience, you can use masking (paper) tape. Stick it along the border of the area to be painted, carefully smooth it, paint it, remove the adhesive tape after painting. Lacquer smudges after drying can be removed with a knife, needle file, skins. Before applying the second layer of varnish, you can lightly sand the part. Do not overdo it.

4. When gluing decorative veneer elements to a part (for example, decorative overlays for a pistol grip), apply glue to the veneer in an even thin layer. Connect the parts, align and squeeze with your fingers for one to two minutes. During this time, the glue under the fingers will grab slightly and the parts to be glued will no longer move. Then lay the part with the overlay on a flat surface and press down on top with a load, such as a stack of books. The pads will be glued evenly, firmly and neatly.

5. The elastic bands of the mechanisms in our models are quite tenacious, but they can also be torn. They change easily. You can use any elastic bands that are suitable in size: bank, for hair, for weaving, from bicycle tubes. Rings cut off from the balloon valve are well suited. Elastic bands can be folded two or three times if necessary. The reason for the premature failure of rubber bands is the sharp edges of the parts and mechanisms on which they are stretched. Pay attention to this and round off all sharp edges well when assembling the model.

6. Many modellers prefer paint models in other colors. You can use any paints and varnishes for wood. When buying them, pay attention to the drying time of each layer, as well as the moisture resistance of the paint or varnish itself. After drying, the paint or varnish should not get dirty.

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IN modern world Many children are almost indifferent to toys. Much more interest, now, is caused by electronic gadgets. Of course, every parent is concerned about this and tries to introduce the baby to games with real objects.

One of the most better ways, which can wean a child from virtual worlds - is to make a toy with him. A do-it-yourself machine gun will be a great toy with which you can have a lot of fun. And if you manage to keep it, then it will be an excellent souvenir "from childhood", entailing a lot of pleasant memories.

There are several ways in which an automaton can be created. It all depends on how much time and effort you are willing to invest in the craft. Another an important factor is, the presence of all necessary tools. After all, not everyone has a whole set for carpentry in stock.

If the child for whom the product is intended is old enough, then you can further diversify the toy. Namely, to add a shooting function.

The main thing to remember is that in order not to overshadow the process of creating a wooden machine, you should also not forget about elementary safety rules. Take care of your hands when working with cutting tools. Purchase a protective mask and respirator in advance to work on grinding machine or with sandpaper.

There is a huge amount of fun that you can play with your kids. Undoubtedly, these are outdoor games for the street. At the same time, an integral plus of a wooden toy is its strength. What can not be said about plastic counterparts.

How to make a simple vending machine out of wood

To diversify your child's games, you can make a simple wooden machine. It won't take long, but first you need to prepare everything you need.


  • Circular saw;
  • Drill;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Sharpener 10 cm.
  • Sandpaper;

To simplify the work, print out the drawing of the model of the machine. The drawing can be easily found on the Internet. Then follow the instructions below:

  • Take wooden block or a piece of thick board;
  • Based on the drawing or photograph of the machine gun, carefully mark the boundaries of the future weapon on the tree with a marker;

If you print the image of the machine on paper, and then cut it out and use it as a stencil, then the product will turn out to be very realistic. After all, all proportions can be observed.

  • Start cutting straight lines with a circular saw;
  • Pay special attention to sawing out the curved parts of the machine. To do this, you need to use a jigsaw;
  • With the help of a sharpener, process the weapon along the contour;
  • To make the machine more interesting don't forget to drill holes such as the muzzle;
  • Polish the resulting weapon, manually using sandpaper;
  • Take a small piece of wire, preferably aluminum, to build the trigger;
  • At the end, paint the machine or varnish it;

Such toy machine made of wood is quite simple to manufacture, and will bring a lot of joy to the child.

How to make a realistic Kalashnikov assault rifle

A realistic model of the machine can be made at home using the available tools. So here is a list of things you will need:

  • Thick and wide board (thickness must be at least 4 cm);
  • Wood cutting (thin enough);
  • Plywood sheet;
  • PVA glue;
  • Dye;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Milling machine;
  • Sandpaper;
  • magnets;
  • Marker;

To start, choose necessary material for work. It is better to choose a board made of pine.

When choosing wood for the product, please note that it should not have knots or chips.

We make a sketch on the wood. With a marker we outline the outline of the future Kalashnikov. It should be borne in mind that the store will be separately attached to the machine, so you need to draw it separately. When the image is ready, start carefully cutting out the blank with a jigsaw.

In order for the magazine to be securely attached to the base of the weapon, you need to try it on and grind it several times. Nothing should be hooked, only in this case, during the game, the child will be comfortable.

On milling machine give volume to the product. To do this, it is necessary to remove the chamfer from the handle, as well as from the butt. Subsequently, grind the blanks as best as possible.

Take the prepared side parts, cut out of plywood, and glue them to the main part of the machine, smearing it with plenty of glue. Particular attention should be paid to the contour of the workpiece. After pressing all the details, for more reliable bonding, and leave for several hours, until completely dry. As a result, it is worth sanding the product again so that the plywood parts do not stand out.

Start modeling the barrel of the future wooden machine gun. At this stage, you will need a thin cutting (you can make it yourself, or purchase it in the construction department of the store). You also need to cut out the front sight and drill holes in the machine to later fasten the barrel. Lubricate all parts with glue at the bonding points. After the machine is fully assembled, let it dry.

At the final stage, start painting the resulting model of the machine. You can use dark paint or varnish.

If you prefer paint, then use water-based paint. She is more secure.

In order for the magazine to be attached to the machine more reliably, it is necessary to use magnets. If the purchased magnets are in the form of a tablet, then before gluing them, it is worth drilling small holes in the magazine and the inside of the machine. The diameter of the holes must match the diameter of the magnets. If a roll-type magnet was purchased, then glue a piece of the magnet desired shape and size for inner part machine. And in this case, it is necessary to glue a metal plate on the store. Glue is better to choose a quick drying, or superglue.

Now the machine made of wood is ready. This weapon model is very interesting and realistic, which means it will undoubtedly be in demand among children.

How to make a toy machine and wood

Before you start working on a future toy, carefully draw a sketch of the future machine and transfer it to the material from which the product will be made. In addition, each detail must be drawn separately.

Make sure you have all the tools you need for the job at hand. For the initial finishing, you need: a hammer, a chisel, an hatchet, a plane, a hacksaw for wood, a hacksaw for metal, a drill, a level.

For harvesting, you should choose wood from coniferous species. And on the "blank" leave at least 15% of the material as a reserve. This is required for the subsequent adjustment of the shape of the product. All elements of the future machine are cut out separately.

After all the details are cut out of wood, you need to proceed to the grinding stage. For achievement desired result use the following sequence. First, process each detail with files. Then use sandpaper, first large, and then fine, to bring the surface of the product to required level smoothness.

On last step, take care of the design of the future toy. To do this, varnish the surface of the wood, preferably in two layers. Pre-prime the places where the paint will be applied.

Let the toy machine dry. And you can start playing.

How to make a Schmeiser machine

You can make a machine gun out of wood different ways. It all depends on your skill and the materials that are at hand.

To make a model of the machine you will need:

  • Wooden rail - 2 pcs.;
  • Super glue;
  • Nails;
  • Espagnolette;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Sandpaper;

Boards or slats to be used must be at least 50 centimeters long. We cut the first rail along the middle, leaving only a third. While the bottom part needs to be removed. We divide the second rail into two not equal segment. The longer part will be the magazine, and the short one will be the handle of the future machine.

The prepared parts of the product must be sanded with sandpaper. Then fasten all the parts using glue.

Also, any weapon needs a front sight. Make it from a nail, carefully hammering it into the top of the muzzle. Make the trigger in the same way. Attach a latch to the side of the machine as a shutter.

At the final stage, sand the future toy again with sandpaper. Then cover the entire machine with dark paint. And let it dry.

Now you can enjoy playing with such a slot machine and win new victories.

How to make a simple Schmeiser

It often happens that there is not enough time to create a complex model of an automaton. But this is not a problem, because a simple Schmeiser can be made from improvised materials. You will need:

  • Chisel;
  • Nails;
  • A pair of wide rails;

Divide one of the rails into two parts. It is desirable that one of the halves is longer than the other.

On the second rail, cut out a few pieces in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future trunk. Also in the opposite part, saw off a piece of wood in such a way that you get sharp corner. It will be an improvised butt, a machine gun.

Finally, use nails to attach the magazine and handle to the main body of the toy.

How to make a dummy machine gun out of wood

Often an excellent material for creating a dummy is ordinary plywood. Using one of the methods, you can easily make a model of the machine with your own hands.

For work, you will need the following “basic” tools and accessories:

  • Plywood. It is not necessary to use a whole sheet of material, in most cases, scraps are sufficient. However, it is important that the pieces are of the right size and thickness. Sometimes it is worth choosing a thicker plywood, since during use the layout can be subjected to significant loads;
  • Tools. This list includes both grinding and cutting devices. To make various recesses and holes on the surface of the dummy, you must have a carpenter's knife or chisel at hand. While a few sheets of sandpaper, of varying degrees of grit, are sufficient for sanding;
  • Protective covering. The future product, first, must be coated with a special composition that protects against moisture. And then cover the dummy with wear-resistant paint. Most often, black paint is used for wood. But you can also use silver.
  • Glue. In order for all parts of the machine to be securely fastened, it is necessary to use epoxy resin as glue. If it is not available, then you can get by with PVA glue. And in some cases even superglue;

To create a real dummy, you need to find in advance a sketch of a real machine gun. It is desirable that all exact dimensions be indicated on the drawing.

When all the components of the future model have already been cut out of plywood, it is necessary to glue them and securely fasten them until completely dry. Clamps will be very useful in this process. They securely fix all the details together.

In order for the "blank" to take the form of the desired machine, it is necessary to recreate all the holes and recesses. Use a jigsaw for this, first drilling holes, and then shaping them.

The dummy must have a realistic look. And that means you have to work hard. If you don't have enough experience with cutters, it's best to start with simpler parts. Otherwise, you can accidentally damage the product and work will have to start from scratch. However, the result should please with its resemblance to the original.

Pay special attention to grinding. To give the necessary smoothness, carefully process the model with sandpaper. First, go over the entire surface with sandpaper with large grains. For example, marked M - 100. And then use fine paper for a fine finish.

Of course, it is necessary to paint the model. At the same time, please note that the colors must match the original, this model of the machine. Choose the colors you want.

How to make a gun that shoots rubber bands

Any model of the assault rifle presented above can be modified by adding the ability to fire.

The easiest way is to attach a small cutting to one of the sides of the machine. A thin rail may also work. Install " trigger mechanism” can be both from above and from the side. The main thing is to be comfortable for small children's hands.

You can attach the cutting with nails or superglue. The main thing is that the fastening is reliable.

Another thing necessary for shooting is an elastic band. It is better to use the so-called "bank" gum. They cost quite a bit and also fit perfectly in size. A couple of such rubber bands are possible, you can find them in your organizer. To charge the weapon, weave two rubber bands, to one of which attach a paper clip. If possible, it is better to make several charges. To fire a shot, carefully grasp the paperclip. In this case, the elastic must be pulled to the very edge of the handle. And then release the paperclip.

Try not to point the weapon at people and animals, because the shot can have considerable force and harm others.

How to modify the machine

In order for the wooden weapon to be fully equipped, in addition to the machine gun itself, you will need a bayonet knife and a belt to carry. This will be especially true if the toy was made of dense wood.

The belt can be made of tarpaulin tape. And attached to the machine on two rings of metal wire, or in pre-cut holes. Also, for more comfortable wearing, you should make a “double loop” of the tape. To do this, you will need a piece of a weapon belt twice the standard length and a thick wire ring. First we attach the belt to the machine so that one of the edges is fixed near the barrel, then we thread the belt into the prepared ring and draw it closer to the base of the barrel. We pass the middle of the tape through the mount near the butt. If everything is done correctly, there should be a long “tail” from the belt, to the edge of which, it is necessary to sew a ring made of durable metal, which remains to hang on the fixed section of the tape.

In the future, it is the elongated part of the belt that is put on the person, and the machine gun remains hanging on it. This option of carrying a wooden weapon will allow the child to play carelessly, without having to hold the machine gun with his hand all the time. However, when calculating the length of the belt, it is worth considering that in a free position, the muzzle should not touch the ground.

Now the dream wooden submachine gun has been created and is fully equipped!

Dear visitors of the site "Visiting Samodelkin", from the master class presented by the author, you will learn how you can make your own from wood PPSh(Schpagin submachine gun).

This machine gun was created for the author's son who is 6 years old, the guy has a natural and healthy craving for small arms, mostly like the weapons of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Seeing the PPSh at the parade, I had a burning desire to get the same one))

Well, the father's duty is to find a toy machine at all costs, in toy stores the prices are usually too high, and the quality leaves much to be desired. It was decided to make a submachine gun out of wood on their own, just on the balcony for about 10 years 2 furniture panels from a Christmas tree had been lying, they then became the source material.

I found a finished sketch on the Internet, downloaded it, redrawn it and transferred the drawing to 2 furniture panels previously glued together. I glued the shields with wood glue and clamped them with clamps, the thickness of one plate was 18 mm, in the process it turned out that they were not very even, maybe it led from time to time, in general, glued and pulled together with difficulty.

I also wanted the machine to be very similar and detailed, so removable magazines, a trigger, a front sight, a bolt, swivels, a sight, a butt plate for the butt were added.

And so, let's look at what exactly is required for the manufacture of a submachine gun?


1. furniture board 2 pcs (spruce) 18 mm
2. wood glue
3. latch
4. butt plate from a real gun of the 19th century (you can use a simple brass plate)
5. paint, varnish, primer
6. aluminum plate 3-4mm
7. swivels


1. jigsaw
2. drill
3. router
4. file
5. chisel
6. screwdriver
7. sandpaper
8. paint-remote
9. clamps
10. brush
11. spray booth or box
12. ruler

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for making PPSh from wood.

To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the history of the creation of the machine itself, by whom and when was it developed?
small historical reference. PPSh, also known as the Shpagin submachine gun, was developed in 1940 by gunsmith G.S. Shpagin. Adopted by the Red Army on December 21, 1940. Cartridge 7.62x25 TT, drum magazine capacity is 71 rounds, rate of fire is 1000 rounds per minute. Is one of the main symbols of victory Soviet Union in World War II. It was in service until 1960, then it was replaced by the AK-47. In some CIS countries, it is in service with the police and security to this day.

In our case, the machine will be a toy, but as close as possible to the original in terms of appearance) The main material is 2 furniture panels 18 mm thick, the author took spruce, but according to him it is better to take wood of harder species, because spruce is soft and brittle, in the process it was necessary to glue broken pieces many times.

We take a shield, coat it with carpentry glue, then cover it with a second shield on top and tighten it with clamps, again, the author recommends using metal clamps, because plastic ones are too weak if the surfaces are uneven.

After that, it is necessary to allow the glue to dry for at least a day (24 hours). Further, the author, using a drawing from the Internet, drew a contour on the workpiece and sawed it out using a jigsaw.

Here's what actually happened in the end.

We chamfer, round and grind with sandpaper.

The air cooling holes of the submachine gun barrel are milled.

A semicircle is honed with a file.

Wood is selected with a chisel under the swivel.

Preparation of metal blanks for subsequent painting, except for the butt plate, because it is from a real gun of the 19th century.

They are hung in the spray booth and covered with primer.

Painted, now you need to give time to dry the details.

From metal plate a lever is cut out for attaching the disk magazine of the submachine gun, and on the disk itself, the attachment point is reinforced with a plate with a hole.

After that, a groove is drilled for installing the lever.

The grooves for the bracket and trigger are also drilled.

And here is the result of the painstaking work of the master.

As you can see, if you wish, you can make a child a cool toy with your own hands from wood, and most importantly, that the kid will hold in his hands the symbol of the Victory of his Heroic Soviet people over World Evil. A real patriot of his Fatherland and a defender of the Motherland is growing.

Dear Fathers! Do to children wooden Toys with patriotic overtones! You have a sample, so we take it and do it. Hold on friends. I have the honor!

This concludes the article. Thank you all for your attention!
Come visit more often and do not miss the news in the world of homemade products!

Childhood is certainly carelessness, joy and the most beautiful moment in a person's life. The girls played with dolls, while the guys ran around the yards with a huge arsenal of purchased and home-made weapons. The author of today's article decided to please his son with a toy that many of the boys could only dream of before. He made a wooden PPSh submachine gun with your own hands!

A small one, apparently after watching films about the Second World War dedicated to the Victory Day, prikoryachilisya to have a PPSh. Let's go shopping, there's shish. Those. all sorts of ultrasounds, M16, blasters are a dime a dozen, but there are no PPShs ... Well, in despair, foolishly and blurted out, at the end of the first class I’ll drink your barrel down. The man said, he did, as they say.

Of course, not an exact copy, the main thing is that the silhouette should be similar. All materials are board and old parts.

I decided to make not a full-size thing, but so that the child would have an arm. I measured a bunch of his machine guns, settled on a half-meter size.

We take a board, draw ...

We cut with a jigsaw along the contour ...

We process with files of different profiles and notches ...

We mill (with a cutter on a drilling machine) the openings of the casing. It is very important, since the small one said that it does not roll without them. In parallel, we make the trigger, brace and front sight ...

We skin until blue in the face (face, I mean) ... Since the toy is a minimum of corners and burrs ...

No, the presentation on Monday was...

Well, so ... I got a bit of oak wood stain, I didn’t understand what kind of color on a real butt, it seems to be similar. I mounted the hook tightly, for cold welding ...

I sawed out a green rear sight from some garbage. I put him and the fly on long screws through the entire thickness so that it would not fall off. I covered the heads with welding and sanded ...

Need a shutter. I remembered my childhood - that's right - LATCH our FSE. True, the functionality does not fit, but there is something to clamor about. I chose a deeper place with a chisel, screwed it, smeared it ...

Got colorless varnish twice. Where will the paint, did not.

Now - "tambourine". To be honest, I broke myself a tambourine while I figured out how to do it. It has to be heavy to give weight. In general, I sawed a round timber from a 10mm duralumin, then the same from 28mm plywood. Fastened with threaded screws. I sanded around and...

Now you need to securely fasten. I drilled at the end of the duralumin under the M6 ​​thread, cut it accordingly and screwed a mm50+ screw through the entire barrel, drove a 70mm self-tapping screw into the plywood. Hold on tight...

All cracks, recesses under the screw heads smeared cold welding and sanded...

The painting process is not Fotal, there is nothing special to see. I bought a screw-ring-2 pcs in the store, picked a belt from some kind of sack in my wife’s stocks, and voila ..

And here is the happy owner of this product...

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