Deus Ex walkthrough: fragment with Evidence in “Claim of Jurisdiction”. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - all side missions

Finally, the release of the sequel to the sensational game project Deus Ex: Human Revolution. In this article we will describe in detail Deus walkthrough Ex: Mankind Divided, or rather completing its main story missions - additional quests will be discussed in another guide.

Backstory of Mankind Divided

The game takes place in 2029, that is, a couple of years after the story told in the previous title of the series. Even though 2 years have passed since the Panchaean incident, which led to the death of millions of people around the world at the hands of those on whom the latest implants were installed, this still has not reduced the level of mistrust in society towards modified people. An incredibly large gap has formed between ordinary and augmented inhabitants of the Earth, which is now almost impossible to overcome.

In the current confusion, high-ranking statesmen and the heads of transnational corporations directed all their efforts to hide the real reason for what happened. They managed to take control of public opinion and skillfully manipulate it throughout these two years, turning the current situation to their advantage.

However, they did not take into account the fact that Adam Jensen will not stop his fight and will try to do everything possible to bring corrupt politicians and greedy corporations to clean water. In Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, he decided to leave his post as head of security at Sarif Industries and become an Interpol agent, joining Task Force 29. He also actively collaborates with a mysterious group of hackers calling themselves the Juggernaut Collective in order to uncover the Illuminati conspiracy.

Together with his squad, Adam heads to Dubai to carry out another secret mission to capture a dangerous terrorist who is gathering a real army of modified people under his command. This is where our first mission begins...

M1 - Black Market Purchase

The first mission in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which begins with a briefing in which James Miller lays out a plan to capture Shepard, a local weapons baron who sells weapons to augmented terrorists. We also have to protect Arun Singh, a double agent who spent a lot of effort to become a member of the Jinn smuggling cartel operating in Iraq.

The actions of this quest will take place in a huge unfinished hotel located in the capital of the UAE. Shepard meets with Singh in the atrium of the building, while the “genies” will guard the penthouse. The main goal is to apprehend Shepard and help Singh.

Although a whole squad was sent to complete the mission, Jensen will carry out his work alone. His priority will be to prevent the Genie cartel from attending the “party” that will take place in the atrium. To do this, he will have to block all the elevator shafts. During the briefing, Miller will ask Adam how he prefers to complete the mission - killing enemies or stunning them. He will then offer him a choice of several types of ranged and melee weapons. We'll try to complete the game without killing, so we'll take a long-range tranquilizer rifle with us. At the end, Miller will report that the city is approaching sandstorm, so you should hurry.

Close approaches to the atrium

Once the cutscene ends, you will have full control of Adam Jensen. First, move in different directions and look around to get used to the controls, and then head towards the entrance. On the rooftop, Miller will continue to help you by developing a route to your goal. But he will immediately note that it is better for us not to go in a straight line. Therefore, we move forward a little, then turn right and jump down. We crouch down and go through the entrance, littered with rubble. Turn right again and find a ventilation grill. We open it and climb inside. We go up the stairs and see large boxes on the right blocking the passage. We move them to another place in order to clear the way for ourselves.

Restoring power to the panel

Considering that this is our first task of this type, we will consider it in as much detail as possible. So, you should first climb onto the high ledge and go forward to the entrance. Next, we listen to Duncan, who will ask us to hack the panel. First of all, we activate super vision (should be selected in the augmentation wheel) to find all the panels and optimal routes. Then we break through the wall and go inside. There you will see that the panel is de-energized. We turn on super vision again to detect the switch and restore the power supply. We jump over the switch and move forward along the ventilation passage.

How to use cover and stealth

Use your hacking skills to obtain access codes. After opening the door, the game will give you a choice: continue with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or take cover training. If you are playing this project for the first time, we do not advise you to skip the instructions. After you finish training, you will have to perform all the learned tricks with real opponents. Knock out all the enemies in the level, and then climb into the elevator and take it up to the penthouse.

We do not recommend skipping the stealth training, which will reveal to you the secrets of one of the main game mechanics. Take out the two guards, and then drag the large steel box towards the vent to reach the vent. When you find yourself in a new location, the game will offer you to go through one training lesson related to battles. It will be especially useful for those players who are going to kill their enemies and complete the game as Rambo. Eliminate the opponents, and then go down to the given point, where the meeting between Singh and Shepard takes place.

Note: Don't forget to check your opponents' pockets after you knock them out. The fact is that you can often find ammunition for weapons, grenades and other useful things in them.

Muting the signal amplifier (additional task)

This is a small secondary mission that we did not include in a separate guide. To complete it you need to find a place in the penthouse that is guarded by a large number of of people. Turn right and go up the stairs into the ventilation hole. We move forward without turning anywhere. As a result, we will find ourselves in a room with a signal jammer and two opponents. We advise you to deal with them using a tranquilizer rifle. Now you can turn off the jammer.

Don't let the helicopter take off

At the control point you will need to hack another access panel. As soon as you open it, a new cut-scene will start. Get ready for a serious battle. You will need to go down the elevator and start dealing with the terrorists one by one. Soon a sandstorm will cover this entire place, so you should eliminate the enemies as quickly as possible. Don't forget to protect Singh as well. Go to the helicopter and remove the battery from the panel. If you don't want to bother with killing terrorists, but at the same time you don't want the agent to die, then we advise you to immediately run to the helicopter, without paying the slightest attention to the enemies shooting at you.

Note: Super vision should be activated in order to quickly spot the helicopter and the undercover agent.

After you manage to stop the helicopter, a sandstorm will immediately begin and a cut-scene will start. This will complete the first task.

M2 - Morning came too early

30 hours after the event in Prague, you will again be able to control Jensen's actions. He will be shocked by what happened and after a short conversation with Alex, he will decide to meet with an implant specialist, Vaclav Koller. This expert must help Adam repair his augmentations.

Preparation before leaving

Look around your apartment and take with you everything that seems useful to you. The fact is that these things can later be used to craft weapons. Start your inspection from the bedroom: look in the wardrobe, search the shelves, go into the restroom (here you can find painkillers), open the bedside table, and then go into the living room.

Try to find the Juggernaut collectible figurine in the hall. Then read e-books and activate your laptop. Examine the secret photo frame. In general, turn your apartment upside down to hide everything that is not bolted to the floor in your pockets. Talk to David, and then get dressed and leave the house.

M3 - Get in better shape

Finding Koller in a bookstore

Talk to Koller online, and then go to the bookstore. A couple of thugs will guard access to the trading post. As soon as you leave your apartment, head to the stairs, go down and go through the first door. Next, go to the window and jump down.

Go to the marked point, but do not enter the store through the main entrance. Better climb onto the roof and go inside from above. Climb through the ventilation hole and climb up to the destroyed bridge. From here it is very easy to remove opponents quietly. Then climb through the building through the window located on the first floor. Deal with the thugs and find the doctor using the marker. Once in the library, Koller will remind you of a secret book with which you can open the entrance to the basement.

Note: Check all the nooks and crannies before going any further as you won't get another chance to do this.

Get into Koller's basement

We get into Koller's workshop on the elevator and watch the next cut-scene. We agree to a test so that Koller can check for hidden augmentations and help you unlock them. After the tests, the doctor will ask you to obtain a certain item from Otar, which will allow him to optimize the operation of our implants, and then we will be able to use several skills at the same time.

M4 - Checking exhaust gas29

We go to the offices of Task Force 29

Using the metro, we go to the offices of the Operational Group. We go into the Prague Dovoz building, which is a cover for the headquarters, and go to the poster marked on the map. Click on it to access the panel. Enter the code to activate the elevator.

Installing a snitch chip

We go forward and go up the stairs to the top floor. We talk with the girl and pay attention to the ventilation grille. We climb into it and get to the floor under voltage. Here you should jump onto the pipe located on the left side, and then jump onto the cabinet. We cut off the power supply and climb further.

Here a combination lock with the second level of security will be waiting for us. You can try to hack it or enter the access code (7734) found in Selina Carter's laptop, lying in the Cybercrimes Office. We place our chip and return to the corridor.

Talk to Miller in his office

We go to Miller's office, talk with him and get a new quest.

M5 - Jurisprudence Claims

Let's go to Ruzicka

We use the elevator to return back to Prague, and then we go to the metro and get to the desired point on the map. We talk with Smiley.

Search for evidence

We go up the stairs to the top floor, go into the utility room on the left and find a box located on the rack (top shelf). We move it, thereby giving ourselves access to the ventilation grille. We go through the hole and crawl to the very end. Near the exit we wait a little until the police talk to each other and disperse in different directions. We get out of the ventilation and go to the stairs, without being seen by strangers. Having walked a little forward, you will find yourself in a spacious room, which will be full of police officers. We take advantage of the fact that all the cops have concentrated their attention on the briefing and find the entrance to the ventilation, hidden behind a large metal box.

We move the container (certain augmentation will be required), climb into the hole and go to the room with the magazines. In the far corner you will find another ventilation entrance. With its help we get to the hole in the floor. We go outside and observe a cop in an exosuit. As soon as the policeman turns away, we run out of cover and run to the right room. Inside we are looking for a DSD device (it will be on the table).

We transfer the media to Smiley

We go back along the same road to the headquarters of OG29. We find Smiley and give her the device.

M6 - Let's put things in order

The mission will begin already during the last quest, when you approach the Task Force office.

Meeting with Dr. Ozen

While you are in the elevator, Alex will call you, as a result of a conversation with her, a new subtask will appear in the diary, for which you will need to meet with Vega at the Prosthesis clinic. We go to a psychologist and answer a few questions. After this you will be allowed to work again. As you exit the office, you will run into Chan, who will give you a side quest. You can agree to help him or refuse.

Meeting with Vega

We look at the map and go to the marker. It will hang on the door combination lock with a high level of security, but you already know the access code to it (4464). We go down the stairs, talk with Alex, and then go upstairs and leave the building.

Meeting with Miller at the helipad

Already in the basement, Miller will call you and say that he will be waiting for you at the helipad. We go into the building located next to the clinic and enter the following access code to unlock the door: 4465. We go through the workshop and reach the courtyard. We talk with Miller and meet the new pilot.

Flying to Golem City

Let us note in advance that if you decide to fly to Golem, then all side quests you take will be automatically failed, so we advise you to first complete all the side quests, and only then head to a new location.

M7 - Rooker Delivery

A very long task, the action of which will unfold in a new area - Golem City.

Visit Sokol's apartment

Having arrived at a new location, we open the map and look where the point we need is located. We follow the marker and reach the marked apartment. We talk with Adela and learn that Tibor was arrested and hidden in Tesniny.

Find Tibor in Tesniny

We head to the northern part of the area and get to the territory under protection. We go down the stairs. You shouldn’t go straight - it’s better to use the ventilation duct located under the stairs.

We climb into the hole and wait until the cop leaves his post. We get out of the ventilation and take cover behind several boxes. As soon as the policeman returns again, we immediately knock him out. Don't worry, the other cops won't hear you. Then we go to the doors, go through them and find ourselves in the prison block. Here we find Tibor. Unfortunately, you won't be able to pull him out, but you will have a couple of options for further completion of the mission.

Talk to Louis Galois

We go to the merchant. You should exit through another door located not far from Tibor's cell. We use supervision or take cover behind the wall and go through the door. We're watching the cops. When only one of them remains, we pass behind it and get to the ventilation grill.

Pick up Galois goods

We go down the stairs and get to the warehouse marked on the map. The warehouse includes several rooms with separate entrances protected by access panels. In addition, the area is patrolled by cops. You need to wait until she gets as far away from you as possible, and then break open the first door. We go inside, lock the door and take away the box with the goods.

Now you need to break open the door located in the middle, since it has the most low level safety. We take another box and return to the merchant.

Attribute neuropozyne to Galois

You have fulfilled your part of the deal, so the merchant will open the door behind him. Through the passage that appears, you can easily reach the CPA. We open the door, go up the stairs and go through another door. However, we do not advise you to rush and go inside, since in this case all side missions that you have not completed will automatically fail. If you do not want this, then we advise you to do the following: after transferring the supplies to Galois, take on all the available secondary quests, and only then go to the CPA, and it is better to go there through the Lubosh elevator (this way you will definitely complete all the additional tasks).

Retrieve Tibor's key card (optional mission)

The key card can be found from the officer, who can easily be caught in the market square under the shop owned by Galois. When he goes around the corner to relieve himself, knock him out and search his body.

Free Dusan (optional mission)

When talking to Tibor, he will ask you to help his brother. Walk forward a little to see someone being interrogated on the lower floor. We are waiting for it to end. Then we go down the stairs into a room where there are several cameras. Now you will need to deal with four cops (one of them will be wearing an exosuit). Before you start taking down the police, study their routes.

You should hide behind a large box near the stairs and as soon as the cop in the exosuit turns his back to you, we knock out an ordinary policeman. The body should be dragged to a far corner so that no one finds it and the alarm is not raised. Now we need to deal with the guy in the armor. You won't be able to take him down with regular stunning blows, and tranquilizers won't be able to penetrate the suit. Therefore, to eliminate it, you will need a pistol with electromagnetic projectiles and a silencer.

We hide behind a box near the patrol place of a cop in armor and wait for him to turn away. After that, we shoot him with a pistol. His suit will short out, giving you the opportunity to quickly disarm him. You need to get as close to him as possible and stun him. Then drag the body to the same corner where you left the last policeman.

Two more need to be taken out. We pick up a rifle with tranquilizers and take cover behind the boxes located not far from the place where we previously stunned the soldier to the exoskeleton. First of all, we knock out the lawman who is standing next to the entrance, and then we immediately shoot at the cop sitting at the computer. Now you can go to Dushan and free him from captivity. He will tell you the elevator password.

Talk to Lubosh (optional mission)

After completing all the above tasks, you can approach the guard standing near the elevator, located on the market square next to Galois's shop. Tell Lubos the following password: “The person from whom everything was taken away is no longer under your control, he is free again.” The guard will let you into the elevator.

Use the Tibor map in the elevator (optional mission)

This should be done simultaneously with the previous task after talking with the guard.

Go to the territory of the KPA

We go into the elevator and indicate “Throat” next to the inscription destination. We go through the long narrow corridor and open the door at the end. If you got here using the hidden path in Galois's shop, this door will be immediately in front of you after going up the stairs.

After entering a new location, a short cutscene will start. Then we go forward and notice several lasers. On the side we see a massive box. We move it and go through the ventilation hole.

Adam will find himself in a huge tunnel. We walk a little forward to the pillar. We find the access panel on it and hack it to extend the bridge. If you have not upgraded your hacking skill, then use the access code, which can be found in the pocket secretary hidden in the utility room, not far from the lasers (code: 3354).

Penetrate further into CPA territory

Chikane will call you in a couple of minutes. You have to go through a large area full of enemies. You should climb up the inclined ladder and watch the cut-scene. We take cover behind a pillar and wait until all the enemies disperse to different corners of the map. Now you can go to the vertical stairs located on the far right side. Ahead you will meet a girl standing at the side. We wait until she continues patrolling, and then we climb into the ventilation passage located behind her.

We open the code panel on the door, go forward through the shower room and get to the window located in the far part of the room. We climb through the opening and jump down into the corridor. Then we go up the stairs. We quietly make our way through two guards chatting with each other to the door located on the other side of the room. Then we open the door on the right. Try to avoid patrols and take cover behind boxes if necessary.

There will be a camera in the room, so you need to act carefully. Go under the camera, jumping over the container, and then go to the second door. We pass through it and immediately take cover behind the wall so as not to catch the eye of the guards. We are waiting until they talk to each other and go in different directions. One of them will go far, and the second will stand near the side. We run to the elevator located on the right and activate it. It will take him a long time to get to you, so we advise you to hide in the room from where you ran out. As soon as you have the chance, run into the opened elevator and go down to the lower level.

There is no need to leave the elevator immediately, as a patrolman will be passing nearby. Wait until he leaves you, and then take cover behind the boards covering the stairs located opposite the elevator. There will be a guard on the top floor. At some point he will decide to look the other way. That's when you should quickly go downstairs. Some guards may still notice you. In this case, you need to press against the sides of the ladder and not move for several seconds. When you find yourself downstairs, quickly run into the room closest to you.

We break the grate located in the opposite part of the room (you will need a special augmentation for this). We climb inside, walk a little forward and find ourselves in a corridor in which the floor will be flooded with water, energized due to broken wires. You won’t be able to get through here, for this reason you shouldn’t rush - it’s better to go a little back and find a box in the recess. Take it and throw it into the water. Jump onto the box, and then jump onto the laundry bucket. Already from it you can easily cut off the power supply to the cable.

Find an elevator

Chikane will call us again. We remember his words and move forward to the ventilation hole. We climb into it and reach the exit. However, you don’t need to jump down right away - wait until the two girls decide to step aside. Then we go down, go straight to a small structure, climb onto it and get to the bridge opposite.

Now we climb into the ventilation duct again. We go into the room, trying not to get caught by the cameras, and knock out the girl when she is next to the laptop. Next, turn left and find yourself in a corridor, in which in the distance you will see a protected passage laser devices. We approach the guard and knock him out, waiting for the right moment.

Near the lasers there is a room in which there will be two more opponents. We climb out the window, out of sight of them, and take cover behind the table. We are waiting for the guard to long hair If he doesn’t decide to sit down at one of the tables, we take a tranquilizer rifle and shoot at him. The second enemy can be taken out hand-to-hand. We get out of the room from the second entrance, thereby finding ourselves behind the laser mechanisms.

We go forward to the turret. We take cover behind the container, and when the turret is turned in the opposite direction, we run behind the box located at the other end of the corridor. Again, we wait until the turret turns away, and then we run to the column located near the deadly device. Now you can easily walk behind the machine gun and call the elevator.

Interrogate Talos Rooker

We get out of the elevator and move forward without being distracted by anyone. Talos decides to invite Adam to his office. We go to him and start small talk.

Get to the evacuation point

After the dialogue with Rooker, you will have very little time to take refuge somewhere. You can find a key card on the table next to the bottle. We take it and run into the secret room located on the left. We close ourselves in it and inspect the room.

Then you should press yourself against the wall near the door and open it. Take out your tranquilizer rifle and start eliminating your opponents one by one. First, knock out the two bandits in the room, and then the enemy walking near the entrance.

We get out, not forgetting to hack the security drone, otherwise it will raise the alarm. We deal with another guard using tranquilizers. We go further and find ourselves in a room with five enemies. Try to eliminate them from the shelter one by one. Go to the far side of the room and look for the entrance to the ventilation there. We climb into it and crawl forward.

You don't need to jump down right away - use the ledges. You will find yourself in a location patrolled by a drone and one enemy. We take cover behind the nearest column and wait for the drone to fly in through the window, and the enemy will not look in our direction. We immediately shoot at the guard with a tranquilizer rifle, and then run to the opposite part of the room and jump down. You should not hide behind the nearest boxes, as the drone will definitely notice you. You need to take cover behind the boxes located next to the massive door.

We wait for the right moment, and then press the button to open the door and again hide in a secluded corner. When no one is looking in your direction, go through the door you opened and go outside. We go down the bridge, and then just jump off. We watch the cut-scene.

M8 – Hunting down the real terrorists

Meet Smiley in his office

After completing the last task, you will receive a call from Smiley. We talk with him, and then head to the headquarters of Task Force 29. We go into Smiley’s office and enter into dialogue again.

Find Nomad Stanek

You should go to the watchmaker's apartment. Near the entrance you will find signs of a break-in, but you will not find any strangers in the apartment itself.

Search Stanek's apartment

We begin to search all the rooms. We get to the office and interact with wall clock located next to the window in order to open the door to a secret room. You should not use the laptop right away - first remove all the drawers under the table and thereby open access to the ventilation grill. Also clean out all the nooks and crannies of the apartment, and only then start hacking the laptop.

Get out of Dvali's trap

After reading the email, poisonous gas will begin to enter the room. You should immediately crawl into the ventilation hole and get out.

Interrogate Stanek

Head to the point marked on the map. You will be taken to a local bar. Approach the bar counter and go through the door behind the counter leading to the basement. We talk with the watchmaker and watch how the eighth mission moves into the completed section.

M9 – Who's in charge here?

We talk with Smiley on the phone, and then immediately talk with Alex. Two story missions will appear in the journal at once. You can do them in any order.

Search Miller's apartment

We get to the residential complex. Miller's apartment will be on the second floor. You can enter the apartment unnoticed in two ways: either crawl through an open window, or hack the access panel. You should choose a window located on the third floor, because if you try to do this on the second, you will be immediately noticed. First you need to climb to the third level by stairs, and then along the cornices to get to the desired opening. You shouldn't jump right away - you'll break a couple of limbs (although this won't happen to Icarus). You need to go down to the desired window along the ledges installed on the left wall.

In the kitchen we find a laptop lying on the table. Let's hack it and find out new information about Miller. Then we go up to the next floor and hit the punching bag. This action will open a hidden door. We select the key card and leave the apartment. Although you can stay longer to better explore the premises. For example, not far from the secret room there is a hiding place in the floor.

Meet Vega near OG29

We talk with Alex at the place she indicated, and then head to the headquarters of the Task Force. When talking to her, you have to make a difficult choice: give Alex the Rooker evidence or keep it for yourself. You can see the consequences below.

Spoiler: if you decide to give up the evidence, then in the last mission Alex will help you by giving you the access code to the door behind which the delegates and Brown will be. If you don’t give it back, you won’t receive any code.

Use NPC device

We head to Miller's office. Look around the room. Under the table you can find a button that raises a painting hiding a safe. Then we go to the adjacent Neural Subnet room and find ourselves in virtual reality. Near one of the columns there is a bright light source. You need to stand on it to get into the neural subnet.

Receive data from 5 servers

You should approach the gray object that is susceptible to hacking. We open it to remove it from our path, and move on. We go around the room in which the first server is located (cube purple), on the reverse side and we find a hatch at the bottom. It will be covered by a gray object similar to the one we hacked earlier. We open the ventilation grill and make our way inside.

Data towers hacked

We approach the purple cube and download all the information from it. There are still four servers left. We get out through the same hatch and go forward. On the right we find another cube. You need to pull out two gray objects not far from it, and then go around the central structure and pull out an additional bridge. This will open the way for us to a new server.

The third database is located on the opposite side of the room. Be careful - there are several cameras there. You can find a ventilation hole nearby, but to access it you will first have to move aside a massive box. We move forward along the ventilation duct, and then remove the gray object located on the ceiling. It can be used to partially block the view of one of the cameras. We get to the far side of the room and go up the stairs. Then we load data from the next cube.

There is no need to jump down immediately, since in this case the camera will detect you. Therefore, you will have to choose the same way. We go down the steps and remove the gray object under the ceiling in the recess - this will give you access to the ventilation duct.

We climb inside and in the new room we find a triangular code, and then we lift one of the columns located on the sides. We jump on it and climb to the upper level. We go upstairs again, but this time along the stairs. We hack access to another staircase and end up next to a new server.

In the central part of the room you need to push out all the gray objects, and then jump on them. We look up and see a glass pyramid and a small window. We jump onto the pyramid, and then we reach the window. We jump down and find the last purple cube.

Exit NPC

Getting out won’t be as easy as you might think at first glance, because an unexpected visitor will appear in the office. The conversation with him will not last long, otherwise you will both be caught.

M10 – Facing a Puzzle

Meet Janus

After completing the previous quest, go outside and receive a call from Alex, who will inform you that you should meet with Janus. We go to a closed building and make our way into it through a broken window. We break open the door, go into the room and find a ventilation hole near the doorway. We climb into it and go down to the room on the left. We watch the next cut-scene.

Evade the Drones

It is necessary to get out of the room as quickly as possible. However, you can spend a couple of tens of seconds and pick up several useful items in the room. Then we find the ventilation grille on the ceiling, open it and jump inside using the table. We get to the cornice and run along it to the right. Once near the opposite wall, we go to the nearest corner. As soon as the drones turn away, jump down and look for a hole in the wall. We make our way into the hole.

We go into the next room and wait until the second drone flies up to the hole in the floor. We jump down and listen to how the alarm begins to “scream” (it will sound in any case).

On your way you will encounter two more drones. You shouldn't get into a fight with them. Turn left and find a locked barred door. We break it open and go inside. We move secretly between several shelters on the left and reach straight to the wall. We wait for the nearest robot to be on the far side, climb onto the top pipe and run across to the other “shore”. Then you need to jump off and immediately look for cover.

We go further, go through the second door and come across lasers. We crouch and crawl under the lasers. In the tunnel we try not to step on mines. They can be turned off - to do this, press the Ctrl key and slowly approach the mine, making sure that the lights on it do not light up. At close range you can easily deactivate the mine. We reach the vertical ladder and get out into the street.

M11 – Meeting with a terrorist

This mission will be given to you as soon as you complete the previous task. Once on the subway, Alex will contact you again, who will ask you to do her a favor. Both quests cannot be completed, so you will have to make a difficult choice. You can find out about the consequences below.

Spoiler: if you choose Alison, you will not be able to complete the task with the bank. You will have to infiltrate a house that is full of augmented fanatics. Miller will be pleased with the outcome of the mission, no matter how you complete it. At the end of the quest, talk to Alison, from whom you can take a signal jammer. This device will help you save ordinary people in the very last task. Miller will die in this case.

If you decide to choose a bank, then Alison will be killed, and you will have to go through bank security. Miller won't like your actions, but hackers will like them. The reward will be somewhat larger - information about the Orchid and the opportunity to create an antidote against it, which will help you in the last quest to save the delegates and Miller. In addition, near the exit of a financial institution, you will find many useful things in storage cells.

Meet Nomad Stanek

We talk with the watchmaker, and then go through the door located behind the quest character.

Save Alison Stanekova

We find ourselves in a community of fanatics with augmentations. We get to the courtyard without any problems, and then climb onto the roof of the extension. Afterwards we go down to the ledge. We follow it to another part of the structure. 2 mines may interfere with you. You need to slowly reach them, and then deactivate them. We reach the opposite side of the house.

We find it in the recess weakness and break it. We go inside the house and climb into the ventilation hole, located in the same room right under the ceiling. We move along the ventilation passage, and then move on to the pipes. Along them we reach another ventilation, which is located at the other end of the corridor. Do not fall down, otherwise you will immediately be shocked, since the floor is under high voltage.

As a result, we end up in the restroom. We lift the ventilation grille and take out one sectarian using a rifle with tranquilizers. Then we go behind the girl sitting on the sofa and get to the littered ladder. We hide behind the side and wait until a couple of fanatics finish their dialogue and one of them decides to work on the computer.

Without taking our eyes off the camera, we walk forward along the bridge to the window opening. We wait until the girl decides to turn in the other direction, and then we knock her out. We move further under the video camera into another room and again climb into the ventilation hole. We find ourselves on the stairs. We go upstairs, open the door and talk with Alison. Those who want to save her and get the jammer should tell her the following:

  1. Closer to the topic
  2. Closer to the topic
  3. Closer to the topic
  4. Advise

Your inventory should also have free space for a signal blocker (2 slots). This device is not a quest device, so it will end up in the general inventory. Be careful not to throw it away or give it away accidentally.

After the end of the cut-scene, you can start exploring nearby locations - no one will bother you. In this building you can find many useful things, including consumables and weapons. Then you should head to the helipad.

Fly to the GARM complex

M12 – Heist

This is the second quest from Alex, which you can either complete or refuse to complete by choosing the task with the terrorist. The consequences of your choice are indicated in the description of the previous mission.

Get to the bank

As soon as you approach the main entrance of the financial institution, Alex will immediately call you and ask you to pick up a bag from the luggage compartment of the car parked in the parking lot.

Pick up Vega's package

Near the square there is a building with the Ludvik’s sign. You need to enter it and go to the bar counter. There will be a door behind it. We pass through it and go down to the basement. We open the lock and climb into the ventilation passage. As a result, we find ourselves in the parking lot.

We try to crawl unnoticed to the blue car on the right. We find a bag in his luggage compartment. We take the required item and leave the parking lot.

Gain access to the terminal

Once again on the square, we move to the main entrance of the bank. Then we go to the stairs located on the opposite side of the hall and go down it. If you have already been here before while completing the side mission “Samizdat”, then you should not have any difficulties in bypassing the security systems, since most of the passage will coincide with the implementation of the side mission. Plus, you won't have to look for the key card for Vault A again.

If you don't like doing side quests, you'll have to spend a lot of time bypassing the bank's security system. So, we turn right and find in the far corner the entrance to the room, blocked by an electronic interface. We hack it and go inside. Under the table you can find a button that opens access to a hidden wall safe. We open the safe and find a key card in it.

We get back out into the hall and head to storage A, located in the back of the room. We use the card we found and wait for the doors to open and the lasers to turn off. We reach the opposite side of the new room, find another access panel and hack it. Then we go through another door.

Here, on the other side of the door, we come across a ventilation hole. We climb inside and get through the ventilation to the stairs located behind the laser turrets and the guard. We go up the stairs and take cover. As soon as the cleaner talks with the guard, we go to the toilet and knock out the sentry. We hide the body in the stall, move to the adjacent restroom and exit at the other end of the corridor. We take cover behind a column and follow two people talking to each other and standing far ahead.

After they talk and go in different directions, we find the guard patrolling here and put him to sleep with a tranquilizer. We find the door on the left side of the corridor and open it. We go inside and climb into the ventilation duct located to the right of the entrance to the room. We get through the ventilation to the technical room.

We observe the guard standing in the corridor. When he leaves his post, we go to the room opposite and go up the stairs. We try not to get into the camera lens and get to the access panel. We break it open and climb inside. On the table we find a blue encoder device. We insert the key card into it, and then put it in the inventory.

Use the elevator in the corporate storage facility

IN this room you can find a hidden room. You need to go to the table with glowing cubes. To solve this puzzle you need to do the following:

  1. Raise the first pillar 2 spaces.
  2. Lower the first pillar completely down, and then raise it 1 cell.
  3. Rotate the platform.
  4. Raise the second pillar 1 cell.
  5. Rotate the platform again.
  6. Raise 2 pillars 1 cell.
  7. Rotate the platform 2 times.
  8. Lower the pole all the way down.

As soon as you release the pillar, the door you need will immediately open. If you've already solved this riddle before, you won't have to solve it again. In the new room, look for a ventilation hole. You can use it directly to the elevator. We use the key card and go down to the storage room by elevator.

Get into the Versalife vault

You need to wait a little until the bank guards disperse in different directions. Then we approach the left door and pick its lock. We reach the first landing and look up - there we find a ventilation grill behind a column. We climb into it and climb forward, following the marker. At some point, another access panel will need to be hacked. As a result, we find ourselves near the door leading to the storage room. We make our way inside and activate the interface located in the center of the room.

We wait for the large safe to come down, use the card and go inside. We watch the cutscene, and then take a good look around - here you can find a lot of useful things. The most valuable item is found in a safe located near the laptop. We open it and find an antidote in it, with which you can neutralize the Orchid.

Get out of the bank

We leave the safe and go up the stairs. Then we jump onto the bridge and press the button on the wall to open the path. Ahead you can search a couple of vaults if you have certain keys.

We go up another ladder, and then we jump onto the nearest bridge and open the combination lock. A storage unit will pop out from the wall. You need to climb onto it using the steps located on its side. From the roof of the vault you can jump to the next level and use the stairs again. We gain access to the new grille, turn off the ventilation system using the access panel and go forward.

We find ourselves in a car parking lot. We make sure that no one sees us, and we get to the door leading to the exit. We get to the square and go to the main entrance. Access to a new target will appear.

Meet Miller at the helipad

We head to the helipad, where we talk with the pilot Chikane and Miller.

Fly to the GARM complex

Again the pilot will offer us a choice: fly right now or a little later. If you select the first option, then everything side quests will automatically fail, so we advise you to complete them first, and only then fly to a new location.

M13 – GARM

Regardless of what mission you decide to complete - infiltrate the bank or rescue Alison, you will still have to go to the Alps, to a well-guarded complex called GARM.

Infiltrate the complex

Go forward along the only road available to you, hack the access panel and open the entrance to the building. Watch a short cutscene and then try to contact a character.

If you decide to contact Miller, then at the end of this quest an alarm will sound, even if you did not appear on any of the cameras and did not catch the eye of anyone. Therefore, we recommend choosing Alex.

Leave the complex

We go forward and find a mine in which a large fan is working. We pass next to the column and deactivate the power supply to the panel. We go to the fan again, remove the grille from the ventilation and move on.

We climb into the ventilation hole, and then go up the stairs. We wait until the video camera turns in the other direction, and we run into the adjacent room. Then we get to the far corner of the room. If you have the “remote hacking” augmentation open, then after gaining control of Adam you can pull out the ladder located on the left. Through the technical room you will be able to get to the place you need.

We go down the stairs, knock out the guard in close combat or with a tranquilizer and climb into the ventilation located under the stairs. We make our way under the arch orange color, we reach a new room and find a new hatch in the floor. We jump down, climb through another arch and watch the guard. As soon as he leaves his post, we move a little forward and find a ventilation hole under the boxes. We drag one of the containers and climb into the ventilation.

We find an exit near the stairs. We watch the guard and the camera - when they turn away, we run to the other side. You will have to make dashes a couple of times. First we hide behind the columns, and then behind the containers under the stairs.

Let's go to the upper level. We open the door and climb into the ventilation passage located under the table opposite the door. We jump down and destroy the panel. We turn off the power supply at the panel and climb into the pipe.

Then Chikane will call you and the alarm will sound (if you decided to contact Miller at the beginning of the quest). We go forward, trying not to get into the electrified sections of the pipe. We get to the end of it and find ourselves in the back room.

Wait until one of the guards walks past you and enters the hangar, and the second one has his back to you, and then quickly run to the boxes on the right. Turn on your super vision and see what's happening in the left hangar. You will need to wait until a person walks inside it near the entrance, stand behind him and crawl through the ventilation hole in the floor.

We move forward through the technical room located under the hangar, and then get out of the ventilation when the guards leave the room. You must immediately hide behind the rack on the right and knock out the patrolman who entered.

We get to the door through which the guard just entered, take cover behind the wall and open the door. We find a ladder ahead. We watch the camera and two guards. When the moment is right, we run behind the containers under the stairs and wait. When the guard leaves his post, we go up to the top floor.

On the right we find a room. We go inside, take cover behind the wall and open a new door. We wait until the guard goes a little forward, we get out into the corridor and run into the room opposite. We go to the other end of the room, go behind the guard and hide near the boxes. We knock out the guard using a tranquilizer. One shot will not make him fall asleep, but he will be interested in where the fire was coming from. He will approach your cover, and then you can knock him out in close combat.

From here you can knock out the second guard patrolling the entire room. There will only be one person left who constantly stands near the camera. You can turn off the video camera on your laptop so that it stops looking at the elevator. Then we take cover behind the wall near the door and open it. The guard will decide to check why it opened on its own. We run up to him and knock him out in close combat.

We climb into the elevator and go up to the street. Chikane will be waiting for us there. We go to the transport and watch as the thirteenth mission goes into the completed section.

M14 – Finding the last clues

We fly back to the capital of the Czech Republic. This will be our third visit to Prague in the entire game. The authorities have decided to impose a curfew, so movement around the city will be difficult.

Meet Vega at the Protez clinic

We get out and watch a short cutscene, after which we immediately find ourselves in the clinic we need.

Meet Miller in his office

Once you have the above goal, you can achieve it in two ways. If you have unlocked an augmentation that improves jumping, then try jumping into the hatch installed on the ceiling. Here you will find a lot of interesting things and can get into the ventilation. We get out into the street and jump onto the truck. Next we go down to the ground and take cover behind a flowerbed.

The second path involves exiting the street from the main entrance. Once outside, we immediately take cover behind the wall. We wait until a policeman passes next to you, and then we run left into the arch and jump onto the truck. Now you need to jump from the truck to the ground and hide behind the flowerbed.

We're watching the cop. When he stops looking in our direction, we jump over the flowerbed and turn to the right. We go forward along the bridge, again choose the right path and reach 2 warehouses with combination locks. We break into the one with a low security level, go into it and climb through the ventilation passage into the adjacent storage room.

We break the ventilation grill and find ourselves on the street. We jump over the fence and immediately sit on a bench so that the patrolman standing next to the advertising board does not suspect you of shady dealings. We get closer to the cop and wait for him to start digging into the locals - we go behind his back and hide in cover. We find a yard highlighted with a marker and go to its territory.

We find an open window, climb into the building, go to the elevator and take it down to the headquarters of Task Force 29. Next we talk with Miller.

Infiltrate Dvali territory

We get out onto one of the city streets and go left until we find ourselves near the Protez clinic. Don't forget to hide from the police. We walk even further, trying to stay on the right side of the street. Watch the patrolmen, wait for the right moment and run behind the person wearing the exosuit. Then take cover behind the van.

Go to the next street to find yourself in the right area. Now there is no need to rush. Go to the Red Queen club and find three Dvalis. Pay attention to who has long hairstyle. Keep an eye on him. Once he is on the second level on the far side of the corridor, not far from the booths, knock him out and take the key card from him that opens the Dvali gate.

You need to go outside and go to the tunnel that the mini-map points to. Again we try not to get caught by the police. We use the card taken away earlier and open the gate. However, you should not rush to go inside, as a horde of hostile “monkeys” will immediately attack you.

Wait for the right moment, and then head to the left nook, located directly in front of the building. We climb to the upper level along the vertical ladders. We take cover around the corner of the structure and knock out one enemy with a tranquilizer. We move to the roof of the building where the enemy was just there and hide behind the dome. We deal with the second patrolman in the same way.

We make our way under the video camera. There will be a ventilation duct on top of it. We move the box to the wall and climb into the ventilation. Then we jump onto the pipe, and from it we move to a ledge with a destructible grate. We find ourselves in the ventilation again. Having reached the fork, turn right. Then we jump into the toilet.

Find Radic Nikoladze's office

The wall in this room is destructible, so you should wait until the enemy leans against it and break it, knocking out the guard. We turn left, go forward to the end of the corridor, and then go through the door. There will be a video camera that covers a large area, including the ladder we need. We wait for the right moment, and then we run to the stairs. We go down it, run around the corner and pick the lock on the door. Let's move forward.

We go out into the corridor and come across a robot guarding the perimeter. On the right you can see the stairs. We follow it down and find ourselves in a new corridor, to which the marker pointed. We get to the quest door and watch the cut-scene.

There are many gems in the gameplay of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that only begin to play in the gamer's spotlight if certain, fairly simple conditions are created for this to happen. Which, in turn, does not mean simpler gameplay, rather, quite the opposite. What did the Japanese say there? Something like “fast is slow, but without a break.” Yes, it seems so. In fact, any gamer who wants to have a blast in the company of Adam Jensen can take this saying to their shield.

Because in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided you can’t rush, go into a frontal attack too often and, of course, fuck... I wanted to say, be afraid. I am sure that the latter is not about you and me. This means that all that remains is to learn to enjoy the leisurely and intelligent gameplay, when enemies until the last minute do not suspect that death is on their heels and rely on their computer power, not knowing that everything around has long been quiet - peacefully hacked and hacked.

Difficulty level - to the maximum!

Yes, let's not waste time on trifles. Mankind Divided truly shines only when it can bear down on the gamer with its full force. Of course, you can warm up a bit on medium difficulty settings. You even have to do this if you have never crossed paths with Adam Jensen in the vast gaming universe before. (as funny as it may seem, such people still really exist, I checked). But in all other cases, don’t be afraid to set the difficulty to maximum. I'm sure you'll enjoy the results in a couple of hours.

Always take a tranquilizer rifle

At the beginning of the first mission you will need to select a weapon based on your hand. Find the “non-lethal weapon” item in the dialogue, then the “ranged combat” option and you will be offered a tranquilizer vintar. This choice will not bring you advantages when it comes to the quality of weapons. Nor will it force you to choose a stealth approach, depriving you of the joy of shooting properly. A tranquilizer is needed primarily because later in the game this weapon is found relatively less often than other guns, so it makes sense to stock up on a rifle in advance so that, as they say, it does not “excruciately hurt.”

Hide and hide

Generally speaking, there are no rules of this kind in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. No one is forcing you to choose a playing style against your will, but... Believe me, experience, and not only mine, shows that the gameplay of Mankind Divided is geared towards stealth. So sit back and indulge yourself in a spy detective story with explosive action elements. Hide, crawl, attack from the corner, use invisibility and hide the corpses of enemies well.

Which Augs should I take?

Early in the game, Jensen's system begins to malfunction. You have points to correct the situation. Let's assume that you took my side and decided to fight in stealth mode. Based on this assumption, we will begin the selection of Aug-improvements in order to add weighty arguments to the Adam system in the fight against enemies

Critical important Augs:

  • Smart Vision

An important improvement, used always and everywhere. Using “smart vision” you search and find loot, hidden entrances and exits, cavities in the walls. It's useful to bind this enhancement to a specific movement or button on the controller.

  • Glass-Shield Cloaking

Invisibility is a great quality that Jensen actively uses, regardless of how he is used to taking down enemies or hacking terminals. Aug greatly drains the battery while running, but it “eats” almost nothing if main character toys are in place. It's also a good idea to tie invisibility to the controller, because you'll be using this improvement all the time.

No less important are the augs, which allow Adam to penetrate closed rooms and areas.

  • Hacking capture

Hacking ability needs to be developed from the first moments of gameplay. In some situations, this Aug will be the only one capable of getting you out of trouble. You need to reach the third or fourth level as quickly as possible, but it’s nice to have the fifth level in order to completely relax and have fun.

  • Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis 1 (Jumping)

Cybernetic jumping prosthetics are very effective, especially when the situation goes in the wrong direction and Jensen has to make a move. Quickly jump onto the roof, “fly up” into the ventilation, get away from overly annoying and numerous enemies - for all this, prosthetics are just what the doctor ordered.

  • Optimized Musculature

In principle, hitting through a wall is also necessary, but optimizing muscular effort is much more practical. This Aug will allow you to lift and move any heavy stuff, which is important, since the gameplay of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided quite often offers secret rooms, the entrance to which is filled with all kinds of heavy boxes and boxes. Without optimization, Jensen with his “smart vision” fully justifies the old proverb “the eye sees, but the teeth are numb.” You see secrets, but you can’t get close to them, which is annoying. Enhancing your muscles will solve this problem.

  • Remote hacking

A critical improvement for players trying their hand at stealth. In Mankind Divided, there are often situations where you can’t fool the enemy with just a distraction. An entire battery of various tracking devices, including drones, as well as laser systems and barriers, remain vigilant. Hacking all this computer stuff from a distance very effectively solves the problem and makes it easier to get through especially difficult sections of the game.

Dubai, 2029

– Cut off access to the atrium.
– (Optional) Turn off the signal amplifier.

Select the difficulty level and start a new game. The briefing will begin. The commander will tell you about the mission. In short, a meeting between Sheppard and Singh is to take place at the unfinished Gem of the Desert Hotel in Dubai. Sheppard is an arms dealer (terrorist), while Singh is an undercover agent. Jensen's task is to prevent the Djinn, militants from Sheppard's group, from getting from the penthouse to the atrium.

Briefing from Miller.

Passage option:

- Not fatal.
– Tranquilizer Rifle (Long Range).

Go forward and right. Jump down and look in the opposite direction. There is a ventilation grill here. Open it, bend down by pressing the C key, and follow inside. Search the corpse and also pick up the triangular code lying nearby. By downloading the Deus Ex Universe application for Android or iOS, you can use it to scan the found code. What will it give? You can watch exclusive developer videos!

Keep moving forward. Open another ventilation, move through the shaft on the right, breaking down the grate along the way. Go up the stairs. Do not hurry! Jump down to the tier below where the corpse is lying. Search the corpse. You will find a pocket secretary - Quasim Mir, “Everyone has gone crazy!”. Read the information and find out that the code for the roof vault is 4801.

Climb up and onto the ledge ahead. To reach a higher ledge, simply hold down the Spacebar. Go down to the room with the corpse. Press F3 (or whatever key you have assigned to this function) to activate super vision. In this mode, you see which objects you can interact with. In this case, you need to pay attention to the weak point of the wall. Approach and interact with it to destroy it.

Go into the room. The game tells you to open the door on the right. But don't rush! A little further, against the left wall there is a corpse pressed against a metal structure. Search the construction worker's corpse to find a pocket secretary - Conner Banks, "Shall We Meet?", by Vares Nouri. There is no code here, just a collectible entry.

Approach the panel by the door.

Target. Restore power to the panel.

Follow to where the builder's corpse is located, pinned down by a metal structure. There is a small opening to the next room. Climb up there and look to the right. There is a switch on the transformer. Lower it to apply power to the panel. At the same time, in the passage through which you came here, there is water and exposed wires. You need to climb onto the transformer, and from there - even higher. This way you can get out of the room without getting hurt.

Hacking panels

Approach the panel. You can enter the code if you know it. But since we don't have the code, press the Q key. Briefly about the hack: you start from the blue I/O device. Click on the nearest block to start hacking (either press the C key while it is highlighted, or click on the “Hack” icon again). Follow the closest path to the registry - green icon. Once the registry is captured, the hack will succeed. If you don't have enough time, the best thing to do is switch off.

Next, you can agree to learn secrecy. When one enemy leaves, sneak up on the other and attack by pressing the Q key. This will disable him. If you hold down the Q key and hold it, you will kill a person. Drag your body back. You don't have to go straight: on the right side there is a room with the corpse of a builder. There is also a staircase there. Using this ladder you can climb onto the concrete floors under the roof and be above the two enemies. Try to neutralize them - attack one when the other is not looking.

Remember that code 4801? So here there is a metal fence with a door and a panel. Open the panel and enter this code to access the vault without hacking. Once inside, search all the cabinets and the corpse. There is a weak part of the wall behind the wooden box to the right. Destroy it, climb over and jump down the shaft from the elevator. The “Fall of Icarus” skill is triggered every time you land, so you don’t lose health points.

But it’s better to return to the elevator, open it with the green button and select the “Penthouses” direction. Defuse the nearest enemy. You can do the same with the distant ones, since they are turned away from you. Go into the room on the right. You see a dangling grate at the top. When you get close, it will fall off. Approach the wall and hold Spacebar to jump into the ventilation. Climb to the very end and climb out through the opening on the left.

Move along the hill. Defuse the nearest enemy. The next enemy will enter the room on the right, opening the door. He's there alone - deal with him. Go down the steps (from this room) and deal with two opponents. On the table in this room, find a pocket secretary - Bark Demian, “This Place Belongs to the Dead,” by Faiz Baddour.

Return upstairs to the penthouse. Find the passage to the technical room. There are still clouds of poisonous gas below. Jump down and immediately climb into the ventilation hole. Climb through it. Once in new part premises, deal with the nearest Genies. Climb the stairs to neutralize the terrorist looking down on everyone from above. Before reaching it, go right. Locate the vent. Get there and go right. Along the way you will need to break the grate. Soon you will see the second part of the penthouse. This is where the Djinn signal amplifier is hidden. You will see two people guarding it. Once they're separated, deal with them and interact with the amplifier to turn it off.

Use the nearby computer to get the information - two email entries. Go further, use the ventilation to avoid enemies. Be careful: there are two enemies next to the doors. You can bypass them through the ventilation, but one of them will enter the very room where you need to hack the panel. Deal with him, and then hack the access panel. Open the door and watch the cutscene.

After the appearance of an unknown group, the task will be updated.

- Don't let the helicopter get away.
– (Optional) Protect Singh.

Jump down. The most important thing to understand here is that Singh, as such, does not need to be protected. You just have to ensure that the helicopter doesn’t fly anywhere as quickly as possible. And to do this you need to approach the helicopter and open the hatch on its side, rear part. Remove the battery and a cutscene will play.

Prague, a week later

Watch the long cutscene.

Mission 2. Morning came too early

Prague, 30 hours after the explosion at the station

- Prepare before leaving.

As soon as you regain control, look at your feet. There is a hiding place in the floor (can be seen with super vision). Open it, take out the pocket secretary - anon74@hackernet, “No topic”, from no1@hackernet. There is also a triangular code and an e-book “How to prevent yourself from being killed.”

Go into the hall and pick up another e-book about the Juggernauts team from the table. Go outside through front door. Adam will automatically talk to the commander, and then to Dr. Vaclav Koller.

Mission 4. Checking OG29


– Go to the Chista area.

Go outside from a multi-story building. By the way, you can jump out of some window.

Mission 3. Get in better shape


– Find Koller in the bookstore.

Go to the place where the marker points. The guy with the machine gun will refuse to let you through.

Side Mission 00. Neon Nights

A new drug called Neon has appeared in Prague. As it turns out, it is already well known on the black market. There are many places where you may hear about the drug for the first time. You can take the quest under different circumstances, depending on what you heard.

The quest, as far as I remember, began in a small courtyard northeast of the apartment complex where Adam Jensen lives. In this shady area, you should hear two homeless people talking about a drug called Neon. If you go higher, you will see a dealer named Bonbon and an Auga looking for Neuropozyne. The cache is located behind her, in a restricted area with security. There is an electric field on the right side. Here you can jump onto the windowsill above the gate and jump down on the other side. Sneak past the guard when his back is turned to you. You will find a locked safe containing money, neuropozyne and a pocket secretary. You will find out the door access code - 0310.

If you have the appropriate upgrade that allows you to break walls, then you can find a weak wall near the safe. It will lead you to the maintenance area with a dead body and a disturbing note in the pocket secretary. You will learn why Neon is not intended for augmented people.

Flower trade

Go up to the second floor of the Zelen residential complex, to apartment 22. On the map you will see that this is a place with limited access. The person inside will attack you as soon as he sees you. However, you can get inside through the bars in the entrance. Overhear a conversation about selling neon drugs and collaborating with the Dvali gang. On a small table outside the kitchen you can find a pocket secretary with an access code to a laptop located in the kitchen. Research the information to get your first objective.

Duncan MacReady.

Target. Find out who is distributing drugs.

Behind our backs

The emails referred to an apartment complex known as Neon Nights, located in apartment 202 of the Main Apartments. When entering the courtyard, look in left side, on the second floor. There is a window here that you must go through. Either use the experimental remote hacking augmentation and open the terminal of the second level of difficulty, or go into the next room and find the grate above the main room. The ventilation will take you to another room.

As it turns out, a Smart Home system is installed here, which recognizes that you do not have access to the apartment. There won't be much time left before the police will be called. You can hack the first level system on a laptop and re-set up a Smart Home that recognizes you.

The clue (clue) you need is on the edge of the bathroom. There will be a pocket secretary that mentions another location. Go up the stairs to an apparent overdose victim who will have another pocket secretary.


Move into Louis' courtyard and find a low wall to jump over into a small park area. The door in the corner leads to the party, but you'll need a key card. If you have multiple augmentations and a lot of painkillers, you can go around the door, look to the left and see heavy trash containers. Behind them there is a weak wall that can be destroyed with the appropriate skill. Behind the wall there will be a channel with electricity.

If you do not have the necessary augmentations, then use another method. Some letters and notes refer to "cleaners." Use the laptop in the apartment again and call the cleaning staff. On email There should be confirmation about when the cleaners will show up. Leave the house, go to the subway. When you return, the apartment will be clean. There will be no body, and on the bed you can find the key card you need.

At the party you will find drug addicts dancing. If you go left, you will overhear a conversation between two people at a locked door. They will talk about dead person. Apparently, all augmented people who took Neon die. When they leave, break the door to the first level and you will find the body. Read the Pocket Secretary of the Deceased for information on the sellers. You should visit the laundromat next to Pilgrim Station.

Door of Perception

Move to the Pilgrim Station area and enter Libushe's apartment, the door to which is on the second floor. The same symbol will be here. You can get inside in different ways. Either hack the second level door or use remote hacking to open the window shutters. Or move through the ventilation shaft through an open cabinet.

Unlock your laptop and examine the data. Examine the pocket secretary in the bedroom. Continue exploring the area until you see a fake wall in the kitchen. Check the spray bottle on the right to open a secret cabinet (or move through the grate for the memory block below). There will be a safe of the fourth difficulty level. Hack it or use the multi-tool to open it. Inside there will be money, a multitool and another pocket secretary. The next cache is in the laboratory. It's somewhere in the sewers under Jensen's house.

Where all colors come from

Return to your area, leave the Zelen apartment complex and head south to find a sewer grate and go down into the sewers. Move forward into a large room. There is a locked door here on the right side that leads to a rotating turret on the other side. You can get above it by following the left side of the door and using augmentations to negate the effects of the electricity. You will rise to the second tier, to another locked door overlooking the turret. If you turn off the power downstairs, the door break panel will also turn off.

If you can, hack the third-level laptop that controls the turret. Or try to make a dash to the small safe on the couch, near the turret. Inside is a pocket secretary with an access code and money.

Climb up the stairs from the turret and you will find a terminal with the fifth level of access. Alternatively, you can go higher and jump from a height to get to another location (if you can move heavy containers).

There are six armed bandits in the underground laboratory. Two are outside the lab, three are inside and one is upstairs with a laptop in the corner disabling the security system. There are several scientists in the laboratory, one of them is in the far right corner. You can reach the security laptop from above using pipes. To hack a laptop you need the third level of skill. It can be disabled using the same security code as the turret. The laptop also disables the alarm and laser bars near the vat of mixture in the far corner.

If we talk about the far corner, then you can go down from the top floor and talk to the scientist. Counteract her by offering evidence you collected earlier. If you do this, the doctor will relent and open the door, allowing you to turn off the reactors and end the quest.

If she doesn't do this or you choose the wrong options, you'll have to act on your own. This could mean: either you turn off the laser tripwires and jump down from above, or use a remote hacking of the stairs, or hacking the third level security door (there is a multi-tool on the table behind the girl). Once inside, turn off the reactors yourself, using two cell batteries for each container. Then use the first level terminal to apply power.

You can also go through the main laboratory, but you will have to deal with all the guards and make sure that the scientists do not raise the alarm. Both entrances to the laboratory have switches.

Golden ticket

Target. Meet with the clerk.

A little to the left there is a police checkpoint with red lasers. Chat with a person who refuses to let you through. Play along with him and agree to visit the clerk.

There is a blue marker on the map where the clerk stands. Follow the street there, it's not far. The clerk stands to the right of the security guard at the entrance. Talk to him about everything. Tell him that Dragomir promised a free pass. Finally, choose a bluff - no pass needed yet.

Target. Interrogate the forger.

Climb over the fence and jump across the roofs. Below, in the courtyard there are two guards - neutralize them. Enter the house and move past the lasers. There is a guard upstairs. Disarm him and search him to find a pocket secretary - Mikhail Trefil, "Konitzki's Legacy", from Franz Trefil. In the message you will learn the code from the security node - 1980.

Another pocket secretary can be obtained from the clerk. One way or another, inside the house you need to go upstairs. You can hack the laptop to disable all lasers and security cameras. Meet the girl and find out what's going on here.

As it turns out, Dragomir is to blame for everything. Go to him and talk. There's no way to deal with him like that. If you threaten, he will attack you. Give change and the rest of the cops will attack. Dilemma.

For now, you need to give two passes to Irenka and Edward. Follow the nearest marker. The girl is in the basement, inside the house. As for Edward, inside his store you will need to neutralize a bandit with a machine gun using the Q key. After giving the passes to both, go to the station.

Going down the metro, choose the direction - Monument station. Having arrived at the place, rise from the subway to the surface and turn the corner to the left. Go to the registration desk. You can't just enter here - it's a restricted area. Wait for the guard to move away and squat down inside. Move through the doors. The next door will need to be opened by entering the access code on the terminal. Go further and you will find yourself in a room with a computer.

Hack your computer. Disable both cameras, but enable the checkpoint. Quickly go to one of the two working terminals and interact with it. Next, you will need to decide whose pass to activate – Irenka’s or Edward’s. The decision is yours! Take the metro back to Fountain Čapek station.

Go to Dragomir. There are three police officers to the left of the checkpoint. Talk to the woman (officer), tell about Dragomir. Select:

- Surrender Dragomir.

– Extortion and forgery.

Wait until the police kill all the enemies. Also be sure to wait for the alarm to go away (the percentages in the upper right corner of the screen). Mission completed!

– the last part of the series telling about the cyber future of humanity. Not a very happy future, by the way. The artificial evolution of man brought him to such a “zugunder” that in the course of this very evolution such a character as Adam Jensen was formed - our main character. Half-man, half-cyborg, stuffed with all kinds of bio-electronic body kit in the form of implants, adding many skills to him, because this is an RPG for us, despite the fact that the game itself looks like a pure FPS. Well, and the most important thing that needs to be said about what runs like a red thread through the entire game is that you can beat Deus Ex: Mankind Divided practically without killing anyone, or you can make such a bloody mess that no one will find it enough. Here it’s up to you to choose, and, therefore, depending on your playing style, upgrade the appropriate skills.

It’s worth saying right away that there will be spoilers in this material. We will try to keep them to a minimum, but they will still happen, so we warn you in advance.

The first thing you will see is a 12-minute plot, unfortunately, non-disabled video about the events of the previous part represented by the Human Revolution, when the modified part of humanity committed genocide against the unmodified, reducing the population of the latter by fifty million citizens, which they, naturally, did not forgive, therefore, in this part Adam Jensen will be subjected to contempt and outright hatred.

Basics of movement.

Despite the fact that the game has the opportunity to start killing enemies from the very beginning, we do not recommend doing this, because the main character is still weak at the start, and he will have a hard time when the guards call for reinforcements, so the first hour or two is only stealth and secret killings , if you want. Always stick to walls, stay in the shadows, and try not to be caught out in the open. Ideally, each of your dashes should start from cover and end with cover.

Movement in this game is also complicated by the fact that it is easy to get lost. The locations in Mankind Divided are multi-level, layered, therefore, in order to minimize the risk of getting lost in this diversity, constantly check the map, because losing your goal and not understanding where to go is one of the main troubles that will happen to you in this game. Orientation on the terrain is quite simple: the yellow marker is your current goal. The target can be selected in the quest log.

In Mankind Divided you will have to hide a lot, and you can complete the entire game without killing at all


Learn to quickly hide your weapon, and also quickly change it. This will help a lot during the game. Since there are a lot of peaceful zones here, full of civilians, walking among them waving guns is not advisable, because the police will arrive very quickly. Unfortunately, due to glitches, society, and even the police, do not always react to you waving a weapon, but hope for glitches, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Therefore, move the “Hide Weapon” command to the most convenient button, such as the central mouse button, or to some kind of trigger if you play with a gamepad, and you will be happy.

Also try to immediately learn how to switch weapons blindly, without looking at your inventory. The whole point is that if you just decide to get into your inventory, then time will freeze, and you can poke around there as much as you want, but if you decide to get into your inventory at a hot moment, for example, when you were noticed after breaking into a door, then turning on inventory will not stop time, and the enemy will attack you, despite your busyness. Quick access slots will help with this. Place everything that is most important and frequently used there. A separate recommendation: set the grenade selection button to a separate key - this can be quite useful.


The events of Mankind Divided are developing in the cyber world, so there are a lot of surveillance cameras there, but we personally believe that in the future there will be many times, orders of magnitude more, but this would break the gameplay, so the cameras have a rather traditional look for our time.

One of your main responsibilities is to stay out of sight of the cameras, which, as a rule, turn out to be much smarter than ordinary guards. Your task is to get into the blind spots of the cameras. They are most often located closer to the walls. This is no secret if you've completed Human Revolution. Also, if the camera is really in the way, you can destroy it with a well-aimed shot, but there is one insidious thing hidden here. Destroying some cameras may make it impossible to complete some quest. When shooting at the camera, remember that you may need it, and destroying it may force you to reload from your last save. Cameras are needed to hack them, connect them, and take control of them.

Don't buy guns in stores. You can take it from defeated enemies

Side missions.

Don't neglect side missions. There are fewer of them in Mankind Divided than in Human Revolution, but they still exist, and completing them will give Adam a lot of useful things, primarily money and experience. True, all this will take a lot of extra time, because the side quest must not only be completed, but also found, and for this you will need to study almost every square meter of each location. In addition to the above bonuses, completing such tasks will give you more knowledge about the world and reveal some details of the upcoming plot. But when completing side missions, you need to know one important nuance: if you leave some part of the in-game world, such as Prague, you will not be able to go back and complete the unfinished one. In other words: if you picked up some side effects in Prague, finish them, because if you leave, you will lose them.


Gaping vents here and there are perfect places to hide. In addition, sometimes you can find all sorts of interesting things in them, but first of all, it is a secret hole where you can sneak in if it becomes really dangerous. The enemies in Mankind Divided - with all due respect to the game - are not very smart and quick-witted, so no matter how much we experimented, we never followed Adam into the ventilation hole. Yes, and one more thing: hide and seek in the ventilation compartments is the alpha and omega of the game, because this maneuver teaches us that we should always look for an alternative path.


The main character of Mankind Divided is a marauder and thief. It's impossible to argue with this. That is why the game is crammed with a bunch of lockers, safes, boxes and chests, which, sometimes, can be opened just like that, and sometimes you have to crack them by playing a mini-game, or by finding them nearby (or maybe not nearby) secret code. In general, we strongly advise you not to miss a single cabinet, not a single shelf, and search, search, search. Yes, it takes a lot of time, but it’s worth it, because biocells, cartridges, first aid kits and other useful things will never be superfluous. This is especially true for biocells, with the help of which you can develop your skills.

Chat with NPCs. This will take time, but will reward you with interesting side quests.

Communication with NPCs.

There aren't very many non-player characters in Mankind Divided, but they are there and you need to talk to them. Unfortunately, after a series of useless, as they said in Odessa, empty conversations, many stop paying attention to the opportunity to communicate, but in vain, because sometimes (about once in a dozen) you will come across someone like a bartender behind the counter who doesn’t will only offer you an extremely interesting quest, but will also promise you an interesting reward for completing it, much more interesting than what you can get for many main missions. In general, we need to communicate. Well, and, of course, try to conduct your speech differently from how you would conduct it in real life, and so as to extract the necessary quest from the NPC, and not offend him ahead of time.

The shops.

Adam, despite his stern appearance, also likes to spend money, so don’t neglect shopping. True, the vast majority of such stores are hidden behind stairs, disguised as sewer hatches, etc. This is us again about the fact that the world of Mankind Divided needs to be explored scrupulously. The most interesting thing is to get caught by an arms dealer. From such a citizen you can buy such useful things as a silencer, special ammunition that allows you to jam security robots, bio-cells, armor-piercing shells, etc. In addition, during the course of the adventure, Mr. Jensen himself will turn into a lost and found office, and in his inventory there will be a lot of different things lying around that would be better to sell. But there is no point in buying the weapons themselves, because they can be taken away from liquidated enemies.


We have already mentioned biocells earlier. If we discard the pretentious name and leave the essence, then these are special gizmos that allow the hero to pump up. You can find them or create them yourself. With the help of biocells, you can increase your inventory, which is especially useful for replenishing ammunition, because often firefights can be protracted, and you will remember with annoyance the piles of cartridges that you left on killed enemies. Similarly, with the help of biocells, you can improve the effectiveness of treatment, as well as learn how to hack all kinds of defense systems much more practically. Therefore, in fact, hunt not only for the biocells themselves, but also for the items necessary to create them.

The ending follows...

Never before have xenophobes exposed themselves to such danger! Bullets did not bounce off the Indians, and even the strongest black slave could not unbend his shackles. This time, the dissatisfied will face a most difficult test: Augs - people with mechanical prostheses. A minority that is supposed to be oppressed, and yet almost every representative of it can easily destroy any oppressor. If he doesn't chicken out. A thin wall of consciousness and fear protects humanity from bloody revenge for the shortest and still cruel period of oppression.

Marks over the heads of enemies are an inevitable genre convention, but terribly useful.

The benefit for adherents of open combat is obvious: the more convenient it is for the hero to change position, the easier it is to escape from under fire. And this will be useful to you - the enemies love attacks from the rear and generally cut Jensen off surprisingly quickly, especially if you stupidly do it a lot.

For quiet people, shelters are also useful: they help to better control the situation due to the third-person view. Augmentations such as supervision are rapidly losing their usefulness: why look through walls when sliding between covers and looking around corners is quite convenient?

And the stealth system itself has been improved. Visibility indicators have appeared, as in any decent stealth action game. Even the tricks hand-to-hand combat Finally, you can use it immediately from behind cover or, for example, right around a corner. Simply put, stealth has become much smoother and has more options.

Antivirus is powerless

A competitive mode also appeared in Mankind Divided. It was called BREACH, and it is dedicated to hackers infiltrating the servers of influential companies. It's essentially the skeleton of Deus Ex, bare mechanics immersed in virtual reality. There are no boxes of junk, no civilians, no tinsel - just white walls, information posts and security systems that need to be bypassed.

In this form, to be honest, Deus Ex is not that interesting - the value of a game without ambiance and environment is quickly lost. However, you want to compare your intellect with other virtuosos of corporate espionage? There is also leveling up the avatar with the purchase of new augmentations (partly new, partly borrowed from the main game), inventory, weapons and various techniques such as silent elimination.

Behind successful operations on other servers they reward you with experience and packages of equipment. And if you can’t wait to upgrade your avatar to the development ceiling, exchange rubles for chipsets and buy everything you need.

This is where the dog is buried.

However, the optional nature of the BREACH mode does not allow one to swear too much about microtransactions. But it's strange to see them in Deus Ex. It's like discovering hats in or purchasable skins in Fallout.

Titan straightens its shoulders

The core mechanics have not changed. The same levels, full of secret passages and delicious nooks for storing bodies. The same endless ventilation shafts. But the opponents are more densely spaced and run away from the entire level if you raise the alarm.

A battle with such a tough enemy is noisy and dirty; it’s easier to sneak behind his back.

Because of this, it has become noticeably more difficult to play, but new experimental augmentations save the day. There are only seven of them, but each one expands the field of work of any agent, both silent and reckless. For example, Tesla is a shocker that knocks out villains at a distance of several meters. At first, nothing special, but after improvement it knocks down as many as four reptiles with one shot.

Another epic modification is the blade shot from the hand: silent death, nailing the corpse to the wall, like hunting trophy. Or the Titan armor, which absorbs a ton of damage. There's also an electromagnetic jolt, time dilation, and a jerk almost like Corvo Attano's.

Didn't this skew the mechanics? Not at all, all these augmentations simply won’t work at once. Since they are experimental and generally installed in an unknown place and when to Adam (there is a separate intrigue here), they overload the system, being activated at the same time. We have to choose whether to turn off the old implants to free up some more of Adam’s internal resources, or ignore some of the new ones. There is no need to be afraid, the new augmentations will not have a fundamental impact, but will only expand the range of possibilities in the form that you prefer.

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