I don't throw pearls before swine. "Casting Pearls Before Swine": Biblical Origins, Meaning and Moral. St. Athanasius the Great

Don't throw pearls before swine
From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 7, v. 6) contains words from the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ (Russian translation): “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn , they didn’t tear you to pieces.”
The word “beads” (as pearls were previously called in Rus') entered modern Russian speech from the Church Slavonic text of the Bible.
Often quoted in Latin: Margaritas ante porcos (Margaritas ante porcos). Translation: Pearls before swine.
Allegorically: you shouldn’t talk about something that your interlocutors can neither understand nor appreciate properly. A. S. Pushkin (letter to A. A. Bestuzhev, end of January 1825): “The first sign of an intelligent person - from the first know with your eyes who you are dealing with, and not throw pearls in front of the Repetilovs and the like.”

encyclopedic Dictionary popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Don’t throw your pearls before swine” in other dictionaries:

    From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 7, v. 6) contains words from the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ (Russian translation): “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot... ...

    See Don't cast pearls before swine Encyclopedic Dictionary of popular words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions


    SCATTER BEADS BEFORE THE PIGS- who [to whom] Express thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them. This means that the person or group of persons (X) does not intend that the person or group of persons (Y) to whom the speech is addressed will not understand them and... ... Phrasebook Russian language

    Cast pearls before swine- Express. Iron. It is in vain to talk about anything or prove something to someone who is not able or does not want to understand it. Michel, you forgot the Savior’s commandment: do not throw pearls before swine, you forgot that everything sacred in life should be a secret for... ... Russian phraseological dictionary literary language

    Husband. small glass beads or small strings, for low-cut headdresses and decorations, also for different women's work. | To the church pearl tongue Do not throw pearls before swine, lest they be trampled underfoot. Tears are not pearls, you can’t bring them down. Beads,... ... Dictionary Dahl

    to lavish pearls (beads) of eloquence (foreign language) to use, to use refined expressions, loud words, but not always convincing Wed. The head of this house is the mother... He intended to scatter his beads in front of her. Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina ...

    THROWING BEADS- who [to whom] Express thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them. This means that the person or group of persons (X) does not intend that the person or group of persons (Y) to whom the speech is addressed will not understand them and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    SPREAD THE BEADS- who [to whom] Express thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them. This means that the person or group of persons (X) does not intend that the person or group of persons (Y) to whom the speech is addressed will not understand them and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    To lavish (foreign language) to use, to use refined expressions, loud words, but not always convincing Wed. The head of this house is the mother... He intended to scatter his beads in front of her. Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina. 2, 1. Wed. Die Perle... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

The expression “throwing pearls before swine” means expressing your hidden feelings and thoughts in front of those who are not able to appreciate, accept and understand them.
The origin of this expression goes deep into the past. For example, in the Gospel of Matthew you can feel the conversations of Jesus Christ with his disciples and followers. In one of his most famous conversations, which later became known as “Nagornaya,” he said: “ You should not give your holy things to dogs and you should not throw your pearls in front of pigs, so that they do not trample them with their feet and, turning around, attack you.""Matthew 7:6" (this is the sixth point in the seventh chapter, "Judge not, lest ye be judged").

What does the Gospel mean?

It has three meanings:

Lives of 3 evangelists about the teachings and activities of Christ;

Teachings of Jesus Christ;

The news of the coming of the Messiah is good news.

Who is Matthew?

Levi Matthew is one of the apostles, that is, one of the very first twelve followers and disciples of Christ. Almost nothing has reached us about the identity of this man, except that he collected taxes.
Wikipedia says about this: " After this, Jesus approached the tax collector, who was sitting at the toll office, and said to him, “Come with me.” And he, leaving everything, got up and followed him"

What is the Gospel of Matthew?

This is the very first book from the New Testament that tells about the biography, genealogy and personality of Jesus Christ. You can also learn about the main points of his teaching and talk about various miracles that Christ performed. Jesus' most famous sermon, "The Sermon on the Mount," is found in chapter seven. This book was originally written in ancient Aramaic and apparently was intended exclusively for Jews, which in those distant times was the most widespread in Palestine.

In this particular case, beads play the role of pearls

How the expression “throwing pearls before swine” is used in literature

  • "You forgot the main commandment of the savior - do not throw pearls before swine Michelle" ( letter to M.A. Bakunin from Belinsky dated November 1, 1837).
  • “And why are you silent? That you are motionless and monumental, as if cast from bronze? You act according to the covenant: “Do not throw pearls before swine” - Yes? - However, I don’t like preachers or their sermons, - said Samghin coldly.” ( "The Life of Klim Samgin" M. Gorky)
  • “However, Chatsky was condemned not for the content of his speeches, but to whose address they were directed. He simply throws his pearls in front of Skalozub and Famusov” ( "Griboedov and the Decembrists" by M. Nechkin)
  • “The old lady was very reserved. Before settling down in front of her instrument, she asked: “Will they even understand?” - meaning, is it even worth throwing pearls before swine.” ( "Long Day" by V. Tokarev)
  • "You bastard, you confused me with a White Guard! And this is me, Tentennikov, a Russian pilot? Although, why would I throw pearls before swine - Tentennikov said angrily, looking with hatred at Rigo" ( "Earth and Sky" V. Sayanov)
  • “I had a desire to talk about the trial of Migulin, but after my first sentence, I suddenly felt that this was of no interest to anyone and immediately fell silent. There is no point in all this. Throwing pearls.” ( "Old Man" Yu. Trifonov).

Throwing pearls before swine Express. Iron. It is in vain to talk about anything or prove anything to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand it. Michel, you forgot the Savior’s commandment: do not throw pearls before swine, you forgot that everything sacred in life should be a secret for the profane(Belinsky. Letter to M.A. Bakunin, November 1, 1837).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “throwing pearls before swine” means in other dictionaries:

    Cast pearls before swine- see Do not throw pearls before swine Encyclopedic Dictionary of popular words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ...

    Cast pearls before swine- BEADS, a (y), m., collected. Small glass colored beads, grains with through holes. Embroider with beads. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


    cast pearls before swine- an expression from the Gospel: “Do not give holy things to dogs and do not throw your pearls (glory beads) before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.” This phraseological unit is used in the meaning of “to speak, ... ... Phraseology Guide

    cast pearls before swine- It’s in vain to talk about anything. or prove something. to those who are unable or unwilling to understand this... Dictionary of many expressions

    Throw (scatter) beads before swine- Book It is in vain to talk about something, to prove something. to those who are unable or unwilling to understand it. DP, 638; FSRY, 246; BTS, 80, 537; BMS 1998, 47. /i> Goes back to the Gospel... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    SCATTER BEADS BEFORE THE PIGS- who [to whom] Express thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them. This means that the person or group of persons (X) does not intend that the person or group of persons (Y) to whom the speech is addressed will not understand them and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Glass bead game in front of pigs- Glass Bead Game Studio album Citizens ... Wikipedia

    Don't throw pearls before swine Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Don't throw pearls before swine- From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). The Gospel of Matthew (chapter 7, v. 6) contains words from the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ (Russian translation): “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions


  • Biblicalisms in modern Russian speech, Mokienko Valery Mikhailovich. We offer readers another book by Doctor of Philology V. M. Mokienko. It is addressed to those who want to express their thoughts clearly, speak colorfully and competently. This book is dedicated... Buy for 359 RUR
  • Biblicalisms in modern Russian speech How to understand and use them correctly, V. Mokienko. We offer readers another book by Doctor of Philology V. M. Mokienko. It is addressed to those who want to express their thoughts clearly, speak colorfully and competently. This book is dedicated...

Hello, dear creatives! How are you feeling? Today we will not talk about beading techniques and how to wear jewelry. Let's talk about philosophy. Probably, each of you has heard the following phrase: “Don’t throw pearls before swine.” Do you know what it means and where it came from? Let's figure it out.

In the article you will learn:

  1. What does the phrase “don’t throw pearls before swine” mean?
  2. Where does the phrase “don’t throw your pearls before swine” come from?
  3. What does beads have to do with it?

I originally came across this phrase in the Gospel of Matthew, specifically in the sixth verse of the seventh chapter. It contains the words of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. The words sound like this: “Do not give what is holy to dogs and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”

  1. Shrines are a sacrament of the Christian faith.
  2. Dogs are people who blaspheme and scold Christ.
  3. Pigs are passionate people who do dirty things.
  4. Throwing means teaching, teaching, enlightening, offering sacred things to these dirty people.

What does it mean to cast pearls before swine?

The phraseology of throwing pearls before swine in everyday life will naturally be interpreted differently in special case. This phrase is often used in speech when a person wants to say that there is no need to waste your time trying to explain something if the other person does not strive to understand it and is not able to appreciate it.

What does beads have to do with it?

When they say this expression “throwing before swine,” beads are understood here not as a material for creativity, not as glass, but as human values. Values ​​are emotional, spiritual, intellectual, material.

It is also our knowledge, our work and our efforts, our dreams and goals, desires and thoughts.

In the context of the expression we are analyzing, this means the following: you should not flaunt your values ​​in front of people. You shouldn’t share, you shouldn’t pour out your soul, complain and ask. There is no need to completely reveal to a person (literally to a pig) your innermost secrets and dreams.

You should not argue with people, conflict and prove that you are right. There is no need to waste your personal time on those who are not interested in you.

Otherwise, one day it may turn against you, i.e. in the context of the phrase: “people will bark at you, curse you.”

But why do we throw beads in front of people? We want to prove that we are right, to convince of something, to appear better. Why are they rushing in front of us? yes for the same reasons.

What does the expression cast pearls before swine mean in other sources?

  1. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. Throwing pearls before swine means expressing thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them.
  2. Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. Throwing pearls before swine means it is in vain to talk about something or prove that you are right to someone who is not able or does not want to understand it.
  3. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. There is no specific phrase for our request in this dictionary. But there is a decoding of the word “beads” and examples of its use: - do not throw beads before swine, lest they trample them underfoot; - tears are not beads, you can’t bring them down.
  4. Michelson's large explanatory and phraseological dictionary. This source uses the following expression: - beads of eloquence - to use, use sophisticated expressions, loud words, but not always convincing.

That's probably all. I think I have clearly explained what the expression “don’t throw your pearls before swine” means. I hope you found it interesting to read and think about.

“Who should I throw in front of then? Who should I open up to and who should I talk to?” - you ask. To those who are truly close to you, who are ready to listen to you day and night. Who will always come to the rescue and listen to even your most delusional nonsense. In front of your loved ones for real.

Appreciate every second of your time! Remember, this is your value. Don't waste it on useless conversations with pigs. After all, sometimes it happens that there is not enough for anything. Don't throw pearls before swine.

Be sure to subscribe to blog updates and you will be the first to know: how to weave a heart from beads in the next article.

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Throwing beads Show off in front of someone, show off. Don't throw pearls in front of her, Shura. Conversational vocabulary

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what “throwing beads” is in other dictionaries:


    Throw beads- Zharg. they say To be afraid, to feel a sense of dread. Maksimov, 34 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Cast pearls before swine- see Do not throw pearls before swine Encyclopedic Dictionary of popular words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Cast pearls before swine- BEADS, a (y), m., collected. Small glass colored beads, grains with through holes. Embroider with beads. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CAST PEARLS BEFORE SWINE- who [to whom] Express thoughts and feelings to someone who is unable or unwilling to understand and appreciate them. This means that the person or group of persons (X) does not intend that the person or group of persons (Y) to whom the speech is addressed will not understand them and... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    cast pearls before swine- an expression from the Gospel: “Do not give holy things to dogs and do not throw your pearls (glory beads) before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.” This phraseological unit is used in the meaning of “to speak, ... ... Phraseology Guide

    Cast pearls before swine- Express. Iron. It is in vain to talk about anything or prove something to someone who is not able or does not want to understand it. Michel, you forgot the Savior’s commandment: do not throw pearls before swine, you forgot that everything sacred in life should be a secret for... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    cast pearls before swine- It’s in vain to talk about anything. or prove something. to those who are unable or unwilling to understand this... Dictionary of many expressions

    THROW Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    THROW- 1. THROW1, sword, throw, imperfect. 1. what. Throw, throw. Throw a spear. Throw bombs. Cast lots. “The boys from the ravine started throwing stones at me.” Maksim Gorky. 2. who what. About some animals and fish: giving birth, producing offspring... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Biblicalisms in modern Russian speech, Mokienko Valery Mikhailovich. We offer readers another book by Doctor of Philology V. M. Mokienko. It is addressed to those who want to express their thoughts clearly, speak colorfully and competently. This book is dedicated... Buy for 359 RUR
  • Biblicalisms in modern Russian speech How to understand and use them correctly, V. Mokienko. We offer readers another book by Doctor of Philology V. M. Mokienko. It is addressed to those who want to express their thoughts clearly, speak colorfully and competently. This book is dedicated...

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