Oak, summary of an integrated lesson on native nature and fiction in the middle (senior) group. Questions about the legend

Summary of an integrated lesson on native nature and fiction in the middle (senior) group, topic “Oak”

Program content:

Expand children's knowledge about oak.
Vocabulary: oak grove, long-lived, acorn, bog oak.
Continue to teach children to understand the figurative meaning of legends, poems, riddles, sayings, and signs.
Strengthen your knowledge of numbers and counting skills.
Develop emotional perception of literary works, thinking.
Foster an ecological worldview


Pictures of an oak tree. Acorns. Cards with numbers.

Progress of the lesson:

Make yourself comfortable, we will start our today's lesson with a legend. Listen to her.

Legend of the Oak

“Trees, like people, die of old age or die from disease, an ax or fire. They fight each other, and the winners live much longer than the losers. But extraordinary luck is needed for the tree to live its entire lifespan. Such luck falls to one out of many thousands.
Once upon a time, trees were alive, they could talk to each other and even move from place to place. Their language was well understood by the people who lived then; they treated trees with care, considering them their friends, because they gave them shelter, protection and food. For fires and building houses, they used only dead trunks that fell to the ground.
But as time passed, people needed more and more wood - they built huge houses, and their stoves, like insatiable monsters, continuously devoured fuel. And then axes and saws began to ring in the forests and groves. Former friends fell to the ground with a dull groan, hugging her with their branch-like arms. And gradually people forgot how to understand the language of trees; they no longer needed it. Most often and the very first to die were tall and mighty trees. Some of them tried to escape into the impenetrable thickets, but time passed, and the fugitives were eventually overtaken by an ax or a saw.”

Questions about the legend:

1. How did the legend make you feel? Why?
2. How did trees live before?
3. Why did man need more and more wood?
4. Why did people and trees cease to understand each other and consider each other friends?
5. What can people do to help trees?

Today we have to learn a lot of new and interesting things about amazing tree. Which one exactly, guess for yourself:

Riddle about the oak tree:

I crawled out of the little barrel,
It took roots and grew.
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small.

What words of the riddle told you the answer?

A forest in which, in addition to other trees, grows a large number of oaks, called oak grove. Repeat this word and try to remember. There is such a sign: “The oak forest is noisy in bad weather.” How do you understand it?

Oak grows slowly, at first in height, later in thickness. The powerful roots of the oak go deep underground, the trunk of the oak is large and powerful, because this tree stands firmly and is not afraid of even very strong winds.

The oak is always taller than all the trees, as it cannot tolerate shadows and reaches up towards the sunlight.
Oak trees have dark bark covered with deep, sinuous cracks. How older tree, the deeper these cracks and wrinkles on the trunk become.
Leaves and flowers on oaks appear simultaneously in May, but later than other trees. In autumn, leaves on oak trees fall reluctantly; some remain hanging dry on the branches almost all winter.

Oaks are long-lived trees. How do you understand the word “long-liver”? The one who lives long. Oak trees live a very long time.

Since ancient times, people have considered oak a symbol of durability, strength, health, and beauty.


Oak of rain and wind
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?
After all, until late autumn
It's green.
This means the oak is hardy.
So, hardened!
(I. Tokmakova)

Dynamic pause “There is a green oak in the clearing”

There is a green oak in the clearing,
He reached out to the sky with his crown.
(Stretching - arms up)

He is on the branches in the forest
He hung the acorns generously.
(Stretching - arms to the sides)

And mushrooms grow below,
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy,
Lean over for mushrooms!
(Bends forward)

Here the frog jumped,
She apparently doesn't have enough water here.
And the frog jumps cheerfully
Straight to the pond, no less.
(Jumping in place)

Well, we'll walk a little.
Raise your leg higher!
(Walking in place)

We walked around, frolicked,
And they landed on the grass!

Birds often nest among the oak branches. And many mushrooms grow under oak trees. Let's try to quickly say a tongue twister about an oak tree: “The woodpecker was gouging the oak, but didn’t finish it.”

And now - another mystery, about oak fruits.

Riddle about the acorn:

Into a golden ball
The oak tree hid.

Acorns are an excellent food for bears, wild boars, deer, squirrels, various small rodents and some birds.

The bird takes it in a sock,
The best piece
What remains?
The pig gets it.

Boars especially love acorns, there is even a saying about it: “Even though a boar is full, it will not pass by an acorn.” How do you understand it?

There is such a sign: “A lot of acorns on an oak tree - for a fierce winter.”

Didactic exercise “Collect acorns”

Children are given cards with numbers. Each child must collect as many acorns (scattered on the carpet) as indicated by the number on his card.

Our ancestors called oak “breadfruit” because they made flour from acorns and baked acorn bread. A drink was also made from acorns. Oak leaves were used for pickling cucumbers. In the bathhouse they washed themselves using brooms made of oak leaves.
Oak bark and leaves are used to treat certain diseases.

Guess the riddle:

Riddle about the saw:

How the godfather got down to business,
She squealed and sang,
I ate, ate oak, oak,
Broke a tooth, tooth.

What is this riddle about? About the saw. What do you think can be said about oak wood if a saw's tooth breaks while cutting it?
In terms of strength, oak wood is considered one of the best. Gates and barrels were made from oak wood, houses were built, furniture, doors, and wheels were made. In the old days, warriors made weapons from oak: clubs, spears. Bog oak was especially valued. People immersed entire oak trunks on long years underwater.

Here's a log:
In the water for a long time
Lies, but is not lost,
It became even stronger.

Indeed, the oak tree, which was (stained) under water, acquired amazing beautiful colour wood from which carved decorations, furniture for palaces, even thrones for kings were made.
And people got so carried away that they cut down a great many oak trees. Even Tsar Peter the Great had to prohibit cutting down oak trees and advise people to plant acorns in the ground on occasion.

After all, it is from acorns that oaks grow.

Acorn and oak

From branch to ground
An acorn fell
Ripe acorn
The acorn is heavy.
He's scared
Cries and cries
And acorns
She doesn’t hide her tears.
- What should I do,
Giant oak?
Hey, answer me
I'm your son!
- What should you do?
Bury yourself in the ground
So that by spring
Turn into an oak tree.
(Leila Eradze)


1. Why is oak considered a symbol of durability, strength, health, beauty?
2. What is an oak forest?
3. How do oak trees grow?
4. How can you determine whether a tree is young or old by looking at the bark of an oak tree?
5. Why is oak a long-liver?
6. How do birds and animals use oak? Human?
7. Why was oak called “breadfruit”?
8. What is “bog oak”?
9. How is a young oak tree born?
10.What did Tsar Peter the Great do to protect the oak trees?
11.What forest animal loves acorns so much that it eats them even if it is not hungry?
12.What type of oak wood is it?

Children answer questions by pulling out “barrels” from a bag with numbers corresponding to the question number.

After the lesson there is manual labor from natural material(acorns, oak leaves).

Children's funny poems about an acorn for preschoolers 4-5 years old

N. Chudinova

Near the oak tree on the path
Thick acorn warms the back
The sun catches on its sides,
It is important to look into the clouds:

Like clouds pouring down like rain,
I will put down a mighty root!
Scratching his green forelock:
- I'm almost an oak tree!

O. Shuvaeva

Acorn fell from a tree
Got into loose soil
The baby will wait out the winter,
It will sprout in the spring.
The branches will stretch to the sky
And one day it will become an oak tree.
His head touches the clouds.
He will be strong and powerful

I. Fink

Matures acorn on the oak trees -
This is pig food.
Crunches juicy on your teeth
At Dinky Pig's.

M. Gerasimenko

The yellow beetle was carrying an old acorn.
The acorn was very heavy.
The yellow beetle was terribly greedy,
Even the leaf was a pity.
The beetle kept its path downhill,
The acorn was losing its support.
The beetle cruelly drove everyone away,
Who wanted to help him?
The acorn suddenly fell off the beetle,
He quickly rolled down the hill.
The beetle now sighs heavily.
He won't be able to chew an acorn.

T. Andreeva

How much does an oak grow? acorns
How many children should an oak tree have?
Who will count and give me the answer?
How many years does an oak tree need to live?
Do you need a lot of snow and rain?
So that from these, from all the acorns
From underground to heaven
A huge fairy forest has grown.
So that flowers and mushrooms grow in it,
Squirrels played and goldfinches sang?

O. Ulybysheva

In the park, right behind the bench,
Where are the young oak trees?
Met the family -
Everyone is so funny!
Dad Acorn, mother Acorn
And twins - Acorns.
Everyone is wearing funny ribbed hats,
Oh, funny guys!
They did a round dance with me.
We also played tag,
I didn't want to leave -
I brought them home in my pocket:
Here are the guys - Zheludyatki,
The two of them are not at all chilly,
This is Mother Acorn,
And this... Someone's hat?!
And behind her is Papa Acorn
Appeared gradually
It turned out that without a hat
He was completely bald!!!

We walked acorns along the gutter
Cheerful family
Woke up with the sun
And they hurried on their way.
On the way, the rain caught them -
We climbed under the bench -
And there they decided at the same time
Get a little rest.
Then along thin canes
We ran through the puddles
Holding the hats -
(After all, they can’t go without hats)
And they sang a song together
Acorns, too,
With a very strange chorus:
“J-J-J, Tra-La-La-La.”
Hearing this song
Even mice from minks
They stuck their faces out
And they looked into the distance...
And Acorns from the Grove
We hurried to the spruce forest to see Shishki,
On the acorn-cone
Autumn Festival!

Riddles about the acorn

Auntie Au

From a wonderful egg
It's not the bird that hatches -
Not a starling, not a dove,
And the tiny oak tree!

By solving riddles about the oak tree, the child will learn about why this mighty tree has been valued for several millennia. To this day he is treated with respect and love. Its size is impressive, because sometimes it can reach up to 50-60 meters. The powerful roots of this tree go deep into the ground, so it stands very firmly and is not afraid of even strong winds.

  1. And you don’t even have to guess -
    Right here, let’s call it right away,
    If only someone could tell me
    That there are acorns on it!
  2. He is mighty!
    The crown is in the clouds.
    Acorns are visible in the crown.
    And it’s not in vain that people come to him
    Early in the morning wild boars.
  3. Came out of the baby barrel,
    I was reaching for the sun. Increased.
    And now I am firm, powerful,
    I'm not afraid of flocks of clouds.
    I feed jays and squirrels -
    Don't look that my fruit is small.
  4. Lyuba planted an acorn,
    So that my son can be with...
  5. A mighty hero stands above the steep slope:
    Head up to the clouds, shoulders apart,
    He spread his arms, his fingers were knotted,
    The strength is endless...
  6. We plant in the ground
    Acorn - stomach Ok,
    Will grow from an acorn
  7. In the forest among birches and aspens
    a huge giant is growing.
    Large curly crown
    It makes noise in the forests all day long.
    He is the king of trees in Rus'!
    Ask anyone!
    The lumberjack goes around him -
    It's too hard and strong...
  8. Green fur coat made from carved leaves
    On the thick trunk of the mighty...
  9. This tree is mighty
    And it grows in the dense forest,
    The fruits are polished,
    Recommended for birds.
    , nuthatches and jays,
    The fruits are collected steadily.
  10. Strong, slender and strong,
    After all, he is the ruler of the forest.
    He is a living witness for us
    In the oblivion of sunk centuries.
    It's a good log frame.
    Did you guess it? This …
  11. It is covered with dark bark,
    The leaf is beautifully cut,
    And at the tips of the branches
    A lot of acorns are ripening.
  12. Little kids
    Sitting on a branch
    And they grow up -
    They will jump to the ground.
  13. Lukomorye has only one -
    Green, strong giant.
    King of the Trees Lumberjack
    Always bypasses. This - …
  14. There's a stick on the bitch
    And on it is a scoop;
    In that scoop of boxes,
    There is a live oak tree in it.
  15. Which tree has babies wearing hats?
  16. It's not even a mystery
    Let's say right away
    If only someone would say -
    There are acorns on it!
  17. The autumn giant is glad

    brown, put on your outfit.
    From the branches, as if for an undertaking,
    scatters acorns.

  18. The crown is curly,
    The branches are clumsy,
    And the fruit is polished,
    Like forged from copper.
  19. He is tall and powerful.
    The acorn is its fruit, gross.
    Rustle among the clouds
    Leaves in the wind
  20. He doesn't spoil children
    Dresses without any fuss:
    Everyone is in his family
    They wear skullcaps.
  21. I'm the most serious
    I won’t just give in to the log house.
    The crown is spreading, my branches are strong.
    And people call me...
  22. Riddles about the acorn

    1. In a long box
      A young oak tree is hidden.
    2. From a wonderful egg
      It's not the bird that hatches -
      Not a starling, not a dove,
      And the tiny oak tree!
    3. Ripening on green branches
      Bald children wearing berets.
      Without fear they will jump from the branches -
      They will find themselves without berets.
      Their dad has curly hair
      There is no beret, no hat.
    4. We're hanging on thin branches
      And we have berets on our heads.
      As soon as the time is right -
      The boar will find us immediately.
    5. Into a golden ball
      The ball hid.
    6. In this smooth box
      Bronze color
      A small oak tree is hidden
      Next summer.
    7. Dropped all my fruits
      Oak near old stumps
      The pig has food
      There will be many days.
    8. A mother has a thousand sons,
      She gave everyone a bowl,
      But I didn’t take it for myself.
    9. Bald kids
      They are wearing hats.
      Curly dad
      Walks without a hat.
    10. All the kids are on the branches
      Wearing berets from birth.
      They will fall from the trees -
      They won't find the berets.
    11. There are bellies, there are also hats -
      Cheerful guys!
      And they live on oak branches!
      You don't have to think too much here!
      The pig loves them very much.
      And I admire them.
      Dark yellow in color
    12. On oak branches
      The kids are swinging
      Small, mischievous,
      They have carved hats.

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