Biography and personal life of actress Ekaterina Volkova: photo. Actress Volkova about divorce and resuscitation of her little daughter  The husband of Ekaterina Volkova starred in the Voronins

Ekaterina Volkova - “that same Vera” from the series “Voronins” on the STS channel - starred for OK! with her husband Andrei Karpov and daughter.

Photo: Jaroslav Kloos

Katya Volkova just looks light and airy. She has increased reactivity and a huge will to win. Take, for example, the actress’s participation in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” when she essentially competed with her own husband. Andrei Karpov (an architect by profession and a dancer by vocation) then performed together with Yulia Volkova, and Katya danced with Mikhail Shchepkin. Family drama, fortunately, did not happen - both couples did not reach the finals.

Or another example. Katya promised her father, a diplomat with five higher education degrees, that after graduating from the theater school where she wanted to go after school, she would also receive a “serious” diploma. She promised and fulfilled. Volkova studied at the Financial Academy, worked at the Film Actor's Theater and still managed to teach stage speech at school. By the way, at the academy Katya brilliantly defended her thesis on the topic “Oil and Gas Policy in Russia and the CIS Countries,” which, however, did not in any way affect the change in her main activity. Since childhood, she dreamed of being an artist - and this, as they say, was already a matter of principle.

Katya, I saw on your Instagram that you want to learn how to do the splits in a month. What kind of thing is this? Why did you need this?

For a bet. ( Laughs.) The child asked if I could do the splits, but I somehow doubted it. And then a friend added fuel to the fire, saying: “I bet you won’t go to jail!” So I set myself this goal. At first it was easy, the muscles gave in well, but then they just stopped. It also coincided with my vacation... But almost at the very end I got this split, I sat on it...

But no one took a picture!

I shout to my goddaughter, with whom we were relaxing: “Nastya, come on, I’m ready!” And it began: you’re not in sportswear, get up, let’s quickly change... I got up and realized that I wouldn’t sit down for the second time. ( Laughs.) I was so offended.

Often you set yourself complex tasks for the sake of sporting interest?

Happens. It's very exciting. At some point you want to give up and say, well, screw it, it’s no big deal. And then you think that no, if you decide, you have to do it. It’s okay, I’ll finish this split.

Have you thought of your next goal yet?

Not yet, I haven’t finished this one yet. We have one next goal - to finally finish building the house, but this is a global task that still cannot be solved.

What's the problem? Are you constantly changing your grandiose plans?

We don't change anything! You just expect that they will assemble your dressing room today, but nothing like that: either there wasn’t enough hook, or the paint ran out, or they were late. Here, let's say, on this moment They're painting the stairwell - it's the third day they've been painting! The first layer was applied - great, it dried in spots, some sanding was done. Second, third, today already fourth layer. And it is already clear that this is no good. I have a feeling that this renovation is just some kind of curse that we will go through, remove from ourselves, and everything will be fine in this life. But sometimes one gives up.

I don’t know why, but I always don’t have enough time, although I seem to distribute it competently, but it feels like these 24 hours are narrowing, narrowing and narrowing.

“Don't rush” - is this even about you?

No, not about me, I’m always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Running out of energy?

In batteries?! I have a battery. ( Laughs.) It recharges at night and never dies, that’s good. Although sometimes you wake up in the morning and feel as if you’re already tired. ( Laughs.) I was sick over the weekend, and I was supposed to have a rehearsal for a play... And then my throat was red, it hurt to swallow - a sore throat started. And the husband is already laughing, and the friend writes: “Calm down, your body is telling you not to jerk around, today is Sunday, rest!” And I rested - I was silent all day!

Could you?

I did it, honestly! Andrey asks something, but I remain silent. Lisa wants something, and I show her, they say, all the questions for dad. Of course, I could talk, but I felt so good: I was lying there, learning the text - such happiness! Sometimes a lazy day like this is just necessary. But that’s it, from tomorrow I’m already in the mix, tomorrow I’m already playing a play in St. Petersburg, at night I return to Moscow, we start filming, then we leave for Karelia to film, we return, then Kamchatka... Tours, tours. And even now, looking at the calendar, I realized that I already have performances from January 2 to 10.

Entreprise? It seems you left the Film Actor's Theater.

I didn't leave. Unfortunately, this is what happened - we were disbanded. Apparently, one door is closing, another is opening. Although I would like, honestly, I really want to get into a theater troupe, because it’s still a different status. These are not entrepreneurial projects where you were invited one-time, you played for a year or two, and that’s it. You have a working life, you are an actress of a certain theater. But now this is difficult.

I'm no longer a student. Show off somewhere? I don't even know how to do this. It seems to me that if I am needed, I will be invited.

This is a wrong position - today it is impossible.

But as? I made a couple of calls, but they told me that the staff was full, they say, we will keep you in mind. But for me now this is task number one - to put it somewhere work book, because the experience must go. It is clear that it is not needed now for pension purposes, but it is necessary for the title.

For what rank, Katya?

Honored Artist. Maybe someday it will be popular. Haha, I broke my lip! ( Laughs.) It’s clear that the title doesn’t really give you anything, but it’s nice! I'm missing three years. I worked in the theater for thirteen years! It's such a shame. We knew that there would probably be a purge, they would disband us for a while, but not like they would fire us - and that’s it, goodbye. Well, okay, it passed and passed. It’s just a shame, I wish there was a job.

You've produced in the past. Maybe you will organize your own theater group? You probably could.

I had such experience, but I realized that I had to do one thing. I don’t want to produce anymore, I want to act, I want to rehearse, participate in shows, even sports - this is pure excitement! And I am such a passionate person - I take on all projects headlong and get tremendous pleasure from them, even if there are bruises and scratches. All the same, I have these emotions inside me - they are going through the roof. Therefore, I am for any kind of vigorous activity, even for a hunger strike.

Does your husband support you in this? Doesn't it bother him that he's always carrying his wife somewhere?

It seems to me that Andrey and I are the same in this: he also cannot sit in one place, he also rushes around all the time. Sometimes I say: “Please, let’s just hang out at home together.” And I open the calendar: “And you and I will be able to be stupid in two weeks on Wednesday.” He looks at his calendar: “Wednesday in two weeks, I can’t.” But it’s better to be in the zone and work than to sit and whine that there is nothing. For example, I learned to relax on tour. You switch anyway: there are no household chores, no one bothers you, no need to cook, no need to clean, hotel - moving, hotel - moving. I can say that I happy man and that's great.

Katya, you know, you are one of the few actresses who have friendly followers on Instagram.

There are different ones, but they really tell me about this often. It seems to me that the point is that “Voronins” is watched primarily by children, and children are pure, positive. No, of course, there are teenagers who initially hate and envy everyone. And in general, our people are a little embittered towards life. But, of course, I’m lucky with the audience.

I recently interviewed an actress, and at the end she thanked me for not asking her about the character from the sitcom that made her famous. Don’t you get annoyed when they call you Vera, like Voronina?

Nooo! Children often call me this, and sometimes even adults. We went through all this during our holiday in Turkey. Firstly, children immediately whip. If adults don’t pay attention to who is vacationing there, then children will immediately tell their parents. And then in the evening at dinner or on the beach they come up: “Vera! Can I take a photo?” You leave the restaurant, and there is a line of children standing there waiting for you. And this is good, this is wonderful, it means that my work is not in vain. I am incredibly grateful to the project and my heroine Vera for bringing me popularity.

“Voronins” has been on STS for how many years now?

You are not tired?

Of course, I want to move on, but I don’t have enough time, because we are filming non-stop. And even when we stop, casting directors don’t always know about it and don’t call us for auditions. But over the nine years that we’ve been filming, I’ve realized this: there’s a time for everything. Now is the time for the Voronins. When one thing ends, another begins. So now there is a series and performances that I absolutely love. I adore the stage, I adore the live spectator who reacts, experiences with you, and then shares his impressions. It costs a lot.

I have ten enterprise productions, so I am a happy person who goes on stage once a month - this is even more often than I went on in my native theater.

Do you have another “Voronin” at home or a quieter one?

With us, yes, at least put a camera at home. Recently on vacation: “Lizonka, get up for breakfast!” She told me: “Mom, we came to rest, you’re like a mad squirrel, let the child sleep!” Moreover, she says this without aggression, but from under the blanket in a sleepy voice. I say: “Kitten, I want to drink some coffee.” She told me: “Go have a drink.” I worry: “What about you?” She: “I’m already six and a half years old, I want to sleep. Go and drink your coffee already!” I went, had a quick drink, got her pancakes and cottage cheese there, came back and made her breakfast on the veranda. She: “Have a good rest!” I say: “Actually, everyone goes to breakfast.” Lisa replies: “I don’t need it for breakfast, my mother brings me breakfast to my room.”

Whose upbringing is this?

Mine, of course. I didn’t want to babysit with her right away, I just didn’t think that our communication would become so mature so quickly. When I was little, I loved it when my father’s and mother’s friends came and talked to me as a friend, and not as a child. And our friends communicate with her the same way. I like this style of parenting, but it’s no longer possible to come to an agreement, and this is upsetting.

Lisa is daddy's daughter?

Andrey often asks: “Who is she like?” I answer: “I don’t even know!” He is surprised: “Am I the same?” I say: “Yes, only she is small, and you are big.” But they have fun together. We are now starting preschool. Usually her grandparents take her to classes, but they will leave now. And I say: “Andrey, difficult times are coming. Parents are leaving." He laughs, saying, it’s okay, we can handle it, you’re here.

She hasn't been offered a movie yet? She's very photogenic!

She likes cinema, when she comes to the Amedia pavilions to see the Voronins, it’s like her second family, she’s so happy! We just starred in a commercial together - she loved it so much! True, she worked ten takes and was tired, she said that she couldn’t do it anymore. I say: “Well, are you going to star in “The Voronins”?” At first she was positive, but then she realized that no one would give her any concessions, and decided to “think again.” She wants to act, she likes it, but she doesn’t have the perseverance.

I doubt that you yourself were very diligent as a child.

Yes, I have a temperament, mother, don’t worry, but I’m still not like that. Lizka - without a rudder or sail. I remember that you could somehow put pressure on me, you could control me. You tell her that you don’t want any cartoons, and she replies: “Well, please, I’ll play with dolls.” There is only one issue with training - I may not be allowed to go to figure skating as punishment. But this works well until the New Year, because training starts in September, then the body gets tired, and she herself is glad that she can take a walk. I can raise my voice, I can’t repeat it many times, assault is a no-no. But sometimes you bark so much that you’re scared. ( Laughs.) What if he doesn’t hear otherwise?! There was a moment when I got tired of reminding about the scattered toys - I collected everything in a garbage bag and said that I threw it away! It helped. Now he's trying to clean it up. Of course, I do a lot of things wrong, I want it differently, but sometimes I don’t have enough time or strength. Sometimes I look at mothers who sit at home, they have everything according to a schedule: they got up, ate, took a walk, worked out. How boring it is to see the same thing every day! Maybe that's right. But we didn’t have a nanny; a nanny would probably have created such a regime. But I can’t create it, because there’s only one day off and I have to get everything done on that weekend.

I simply would not be able to devote myself entirely to my family and home. I like to arrange the house, clean it, but then go to work, get tired, come back... Everyone has their own happiness.

Has Lisa already passed the notorious crisis of six or seven years?

It seems to me that we have a year-round crisis. I don’t know, in a year, in two, in three. She is stubborn as a sheep, she defends her rights. I think that all the crises are still ahead of us. They say it will get easier every year. In fact, it’s easier, but you can’t slip up anymore, you need to give her the right direction, lay in all the good things, and remove the bad. Of course, it is impossible to protect children from everything; they must learn from their mistakes, step on a rake, as they say.

Do you also have family crises with Andrey all year round or less often?

So, little by little, there are crises in any family. We've probably already gone through the big ones; in eight years, anything has happened. Now we have one crisis - because of this construction. And so all is well. I realized a long time ago that you need to express everything at once, and not save up; There is no need to try to remake and rebuild anyone - it is impossible. Do you think I'm so perfect? Nothing like this! I have a lot of my own jambs. You have to accept your loved ones as they are, or separate. But it’s also stupid to disperse. Well, you separated, you met another person, and the same thing will happen. Just after a year or two.

There is a family, there are trials - it is impossible to do otherwise. I have not seen a single family in which everything was smooth and ideal. Therefore, they argued, muttered, threw out all their emotions, and that’s it, they forgot.

Thank God, no one offends anyone in a big way. Although sometimes you want to give up everything, say: “Go to hell!” But what saves us is that we don’t sit at home. There are tours, filming, and Andrey has construction projects. We are not together 24 hours a day. We can rest, even if we had a fight: we were separated for work, we got over it, some other problems have already arisen - that’s it!


Yes, we switched. Forgot about this problem - solve the current one. And this is good, only this way, only such ease will save any relationship.

Has your popularity become a problem for Andrey?

It seems to me that we have already gone through this too, there was a moment when it was hard for Andrei, he did not want to share me with anyone, he had such a sense of ownership and jealousy. Now he has calmed down, although before he was very irritated when people came up to take pictures on the street. Then he himself had television projects and he began to relate to such things more easily, he had already outgrown it. He and I also hosted a program together - “Mr. and Mrs. Z.” At first I thought it was so cool, great! And then it started: who said something wrong and all that. The first month, despite the fact that we live together, we got used to it. We learned a lot of new things about each other - that’s also good, sometimes it’s also necessary. ( Laughs.)

To be continued?

We hope. We really enjoyed working together - it was challenging, but fun.

Text: Evgenia Beletskaya. Photo: Yaroslav Kloos. Style: Polina Shabelnikova Makeup and hair: Lyubov Litoshkina

Who played the main role in it, I got the impression of a loving wife and mother. She fit into this role very organically. The audience didn’t even think that at the time of filming the first seasons of the series, the girl was not married at all.

This talented actress was able to show all the intricacies of family life on camera, and a little later she already demonstrated this in real life.

Dance lesson

The story of Catherine’s acquaintance with her future husband was not original. She introduced the actress to Andrei Karpov. A casual introduction, a few traditional phrases. But the girl fell into Karpov’s soul, and he decided to continue their acquaintance.

Since the guy was a professional dancer, he decided to take an unconventional approach to continuing the relationship. Andrey invited Ekaterina to a personal dance lesson. This lesson became decisive in Volkova’s life. After him, the young people never parted, and after a short period of time they became husband and wife.

Diverse personality

Fans know Ekaterina Volkova not only as an excellent theater and film actress, but also as a presenter, producer and singer. Her husband is in no way inferior to his talented wife. Ever since childhood, a creative streak was evident in him. Therefore, after graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School. For himself, he chose to study at the production department.

Having received his diploma, Andrey decided not to stop there. He is also a professional choreographer and architectural engineer. Despite being very busy in various dance projects, the young man also works as an architect.

All this knowledge of architecture helped Volkova’s husband become the host of the “New Life” program. The essence of this project is that its participants are invited to update not only the interior of their home, but also their appearance. Not only builders and architects are working on this project, but also a team of plastic surgeons, designers and cosmetologists.

Also, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband tried his hand at cinema. Andrey had a small role as a doctor in the TV series “Voronin”.

Family life

Relations with Ekaterina Volkova developed quite quickly. A few meetings were enough to understand that Andrei wanted to spend his life with this woman. The guy was not embarrassed by the age difference: he was five years younger than his chosen one. But the young people were so compatible that they could complement each other in almost everything.

Andrey decided not to delay proposing marriage to his beloved girl. He did it very romantically. He arranged for Catherine to travel to Paris and during a concert at the opera he got down on one knee and proposed to her.

Upon returning from France, the couple began planning the wedding, which took place without unnecessary pathos. Only the closest people were present, and the young people enjoyed each other’s company.

Soon after the wedding, fans found out good news that the couple is expecting a new baby. In 2011, Ekaterina Volkova and her husband Andrei had a daughter, Lisa. Despite her pregnancy, Volkova continued to work almost until her eighth month.

In an interview, the actress recalls that her birth was very difficult. She was unable to give birth for 9 hours. And all this time her husband was next to her, who, despite the fear, did not leave her side and supported her all the time.

Problems and jealousy

As in any family, after some time Andrei and Ekaterina began to have problems in their family life. Some of them were related to the spouses’ employment. Each of them participated in various projects and they devoted less and less time to each other.

Interesting notes:

Besides, the problem arose when Andrey accidentally met his first love. His feelings for this girl flared up again. And only Catherine’s wisdom and the support of her mother-in-law helped the couple overcome this problem.

But jealousy did not leave the couple alone. Adding to the problems were journalists who colorfully described the relationship that Andrei allegedly had with his partner on the show “Dancing with the Stars.” It was rumored that she almost took the man away from the family.

To stop all this talk after the end of the show, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband broke off all relations with Podkaminskaya. At this time, Catherine did not start scandals, but waited until the end of the show to see if the story would continue.

But not only Andrei’s relationships with his dance partners were a reason for jealousy. One day, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband became jealous of her on-screen husband in the TV series “Voronin”. But everything was resolved peacefully and divorce was avoided.

Now Ekaterina and Andrey are trying not to let journalists into their personal lives, but because of this, more and more speculation is appearing in the press. However, the couple, having gone through so many tests of jealousy, learned to ignore them.

For young people, the most important thing now is raising their adored daughter. The couple does not hide that they are not against having another child. And it is not ruled out that this could happen soon.

Andrei and Ekaterina serve as support and support for each other. They often consult about certain projects; it is important for everyone to know the opinion of their other half and feel their support. If in the future they do not change their principles, then they can easily claim the title of an ideal couple.

Actress Ekaterina Volkova has long been accustomed to the fact that her name is often mentioned in the news not in connection with professional activity, but because of his busy personal life. Bright celebrity novels attract the attention of the public, but Catherine’s works deserve no less interest.

In addition to acting, the screen star is interested in music and fashion. Volkova promotes her own brand of women's clothing, and in free time performs with a jazz program.

Childhood and youth

Volkova Ekaterina Yurievna was born in mid-March 1974, in the city of Tomsk. When the girl was little, her family moved to the city of Tolyatti. Already at the age of 5, Ekaterina chose an idol whom she dreamed of being like in the future. It became the singer, whose concerts on TV the young Volkova did not miss. Having heard her favorite star, the girl immediately sat down at the screen and ordered her family to be silent in order to be able to fully enjoy the prima donna’s vocals.

Pugacheva became the standard of artistry for Ekaterina and gave her a goal in life. The girl became seriously interested in music and learned to play the piano, while simultaneously developing her vocal abilities. Later she entered a music school, where she mastered the profession of a choral conductor.

When the time came to choose a university, Ekaterina was confused. She dreamed of fame, but saw no point in continuing her musical education. Then Volkova decided to try herself as an actress. She entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute and began her studies in the workshop of Vyacheslav Shalimov. From her first year, Katya played the role of Nastenka in the production of “The Village of Stepanchikovo” based on the work.

However, the provincial theater was not at all the level that Catherine dreamed of. She was attracted by great opportunities and prospects that were available only in the capital. After the 2nd year, the girl dropped out of college and went to conquer Moscow.

Already in the capital of Russia, Volkova applied to all institutes, but only at GITIS she was given the opportunity to start studying immediately from the 3rd year. Choreography classes were held on the territory of the Lenkom Theater, where the future star met famous actor. A strong friendship developed between them, despite the serious age difference.


GITIS gave the artist not only a friend, but also her first role in the capital’s theater. Her fellow student Sergei Aldonin was involved in the production of “The Master and Margarita,” which was to take place on the stage of the Academic Youth Theater. Volkova dreamed of the role, but it had long been occupied by another actress, so Ekaterina had no choice but to watch the rehearsals. To somehow have fun, she embroidered a hat and imagined how she would play this or that scene. Aldonin appreciated the girl’s perseverance and desire and decided to give Volkova the main role.

In 1999, Volkova graduated from GITIS and began collaborating with theaters. At the theater named after her she played in the play “Orpheus and Eurydice”, with the theater troupe “Praktika” she staged “Alceste”, and at the Moscow Art Theater she took part in the resonant production “My Blue Friend”.

Ekaterina is also involved in the fashion business, where she not only acts as a model for fashion designers, but also develops her own clothing brand, Wolka, which combines exclusivity and style. The beauty is not hampered by her non-model height, which weighs 56 kg and is only 166 cm.

Ekaterina Volkova and Nikolai Dobrynin in the play "The Tsar's Gift"

The actress is also no stranger to charity. Ekaterina supports the “Life is a Miracle” fund to help children with liver diseases. Volkova uses part of the money earned from the sale of her brand’s clothing to support the health of patients.

Another page in the actress’s life is her vocal creativity. Volkova is a professional jazz musician and performs together with Vladimir Agafonnikov’s orchestra “Agafonnikov Band”. The artist performs hits of popular jazz music of the 20-40s of the 20th century.


Debut film in creative biography Catherine's film was the mystical thriller "The Collector", filmed by the director in 2001. By that time, the girl was already a famous theater actress. She easily passed the casting for the simple role of Masha. After a good start in cinema, the actress starred in the TV series Next 2 and the action film “Instructor” for several years. Gradually she gets leading roles in films.

Ekaterina Volkova in the film "Instructor"

In 2004, Ekaterina was invited to the melodramatic film “About Love”. She was recommended for the role of Nyuta by Alexander Abdulov himself, who played the main role in this film. The girl incredibly enjoyed the filming, which contributed to the growth of her popularity among viewers and directors, since the film received several awards: 2 prizes at the Cinema Without Barriers festival and 2 more at Kinotavr in Sochi.

The success of the films with the participation of Catherine gave her the opportunity to get the main role in the series about the times of the USSR. In the film “KGB in a Tuxedo,” the actress played the role of a journalist who, against her will, was forced to help the secret service and travel around the world, performing dangerous tasks. Another striking work of this period is Ivan Dykhovichny’s drama “Inhale-Exhale,” in which Catherine appeared in an acting duet with.

Ekaterina Volkova in the TV series "KGB in a Tuxedo"

Thanks to this project, Katya was finally convinced that she liked short-run projects more, so Ekaterina at one time refused to participate in TV series, preferring feature films. In 2008, Volkova starred in the sequel to the popular film “Assa”, where she appeared together with the musical performer and leader.

In the same year, the actress appeared as the main character in the drama Clinch. business woman, spouses former boxer. In addition to Catherine, they played in the film. For this work, Volkova received the main prize at the Yalta Film Festival.

Ekaterina Volkova in the movie "Clinch"

However, she soon had to abandon her beliefs. After another divorce, the woman realized that she had nothing to feed her children. Then Katya began to agree to participate in any project, even in the filming of soap opera-style series. Thanks to this, Volkova got into the film “Such usual life" She was also involved in the filming of the Russian adaptation of the popular American series “Beautiful to Death.”

Ekaterina Volkova in the drama "Atonement"

The artist did not ignore the genre of melodrama, having received leading roles in the films “The Love Equation”, “Eternal Tale”, “Double Life”.

In 2015, the mini-series “Communal” was released. The film tells the story of the colorful life of the wealthy Saburov family. Ekaterina Volkova plays the role of Anna, the wife of the talented scientist Ivan Saburov. TV viewers immediately respond positively to the film, demanding a continuation of the beloved plot. By this time, the actress appeared in the top-rated Russian TV series “”, “Fartsa” and “Londongrad. Know ours!”, together with and played in the comedy “Husband for an Hour”.

Ekaterina Volkova on the set of the TV series "Communalka"

In 2016, 3 films were released with the participation of Catherine - “Teach Me to Live”, “Night Guards”, “ Heart of Stone" The next year was successful for Volkova: the long-awaited series “” was released, which dealt with the difficult post-war period in the USSR.

On social networks, Ekaterina Yuryevna Volkova is often confused with another representative Russian show business, who is known for her participation in the series "". Users of the Instagram network and readers of Maxim magazine have repeatedly argued about the relationship of the actresses, arguing that their surname indicates a common genetic component, but this is not so.

Personal life

Catherine was married three times, and also stayed in civil marriage. She met her first husband Alexei in her hometown of Tolyatti in her youth. The couple had a daughter, Valeria, but the relationship did not work out, and the couple separated. Later, the actress’s daughter received the profession of sociologist and psychologist, having studied at the University of Marburg. Now she conducts dance psychotherapy sessions.

Volkova's second choice was theater director Eduard Boyakov. Despite the serious and long-term relationship, they were not officially signed. After this affair, Catherine’s companion was producer Sergei Chliants, with whom she soon divorced.

Latest and most famous husband actress was a writer and politician who older than wife for 30 years. According to the woman, the writer influenced her worldview. Communicating with him, Catherine changed her image and shaved her head.

The actress was not Limonov’s wife for a long time. This marriage turned out to be short-lived; they stayed together for only 3 years, living in different apartments. Catherine herself cites Limonov’s unpreparedness for children as one of the reasons for the divorce, although the family had a son, Bogdan, and a daughter, Alexandra. Now the boy is keen on studying in English, and the girl attends an art school.

The beauty was not bored alone for long; businessman Vasily Dyuzhev soon won her heart. The couple did not hide their relationship; there were even reports in the media that the actress was ready to give birth fourth child. But in 2015 it became known that the union had collapsed.

Catherine’s personal life again took a sharp turn. The woman met new love– Evgeny Mishina, who was involved in organizing the Moscow fashion festival “Power of Light”. Young man The artist introduced her for the first time to her friends and colleagues at the premiere of the film “Motherland”.

Despite her busy schedule, Volkova manages to spend time together with her children.

In 2017, the artist visited Thailand, where she only had time to relax for a week. But during this time, Ekaterina acquired an even chocolate tan, which she happily demonstrated in a photo in a swimsuit. Fans appreciated the celebrity's appearance: to keep in shape, Volkova regularly conducts Pilates training and visits a massage room.

Ekaterina Volkova now

Ekaterina Volkova is still one of the sought-after actresses today and is known for the versatility of her acting talent. Directors willingly invite her to melodramas, retro dramas, comedies and detective stories.

In 2018, with the participation of the artist, the film “Yellow Brick Road” was released, which was created during the life of Dmitry Maryanov. Volkova played episodic roles in the films “Snoop-3”, “ Ambulance", "My star".

Now the famous performer is starring in several projects, including the drama “Doctor Preobrazhensky.” Its premiere is scheduled for 2019. Making a film about the origins in the USSR plastic surgery are working.


  • 2002 – Next 2
  • 2005 – “KGB in a tuxedo”
  • 2006 – “Inhale-Exhale”
  • 2008 – “Clinch”
  • 2009 – “2-Assa-2”
  • 2010 – “Such an ordinary life”
  • 2011 – “A Short Course in a Happy Life”
  • 2013 – “Locust”
  • 2015 – “Motherland”
  • 2017 – “Penalty”
  • 2018 – “Ambulance”
  • 2018 – “Yellow Brick Road”
  • 2018 – “The one who reads minds”
  • 2019 – “Doctor Preobrazhensky”

Today’s article will tell you about film and theater actress Ekaterina Volkova, who gained fame thanks to her role as housewife Vera in the popular sitcom “Voronin”. It’s worth mentioning right away that there is an actress with the same last name and first name on Russian television screens. Some people confuse them, but let us immediately note that that Volkova is 10 years older than “Vera”.

Along with a tight schedule on set, Ekaterina always finds time to appear on the stage of the theater, where she shows her unique talent from a young age.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Volkova

Some fans are jealous ideal figure actresses and are interested in her height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Volkova - very frequently asked question, which interests fans, because, despite the fact that the series “Voronins” has been published for almost 10 years, the actress has hardly changed. So the weight famous actress equal to approximately 56 kilograms, and height – 167 centimeters. She has such amazing external data at 35 years old. It is impossible not to mention the zodiac sign for the most inquisitive fans - Capricorn.

Biography of Ekaterina Volkova (actress)

The biography of Ekaterina Volkova begins in the city of Tallinn, which belonged to the Estonian SSR. She was born on January 15, 1982. Her family was of average income, in which her father was the “breadwinner”. By the way, Catherine was not the only child in the family - she has a beloved and valuable brother.

Because Ekaterina Volkova's grandmother was a teacher kindergarten, it was she who made the greatest contribution to the education of the future actress. Many years later, she admits that if it weren’t for her grandmother, she would hardly have achieved such success in acting.

It is worth noting that Creative skills She has been observed since childhood. So, the future actress often appeared at her aunt’s work in the hair salon, where she demonstrated her acting and musical abilities to all people. The parents could only ignore this, because they expected that their daughter would engage in a more serious profession.

Closer to graduation, Ekaterina Volkova’s family moves to Moscow. While in the capital of Russia, young Katya began to think more and more about a career as an actress and began attending theater clubs. In addition, I started preparing to enter the theater institute, which my parents were not very happy about. Because parents weakly shared their daughter’s hobby, she had to promise that after theater she would take up a second higher education.

She easily entered the best school in the capital - Shchepkinskoe, and with the same success completed it with “excellent” marks in 2003. But, immediately after graduation, she failed to become famous, because every year hundreds of students graduate from these schools, and only a few manage to immediately gain fame.

The actress understood that she would not be hired to work in famous theaters, so she would have to start with less famous places. Thus, she gets a job at the State Film Actor Theater, where she works together with several of her classmates.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Volkova

While her theater career was gaining momentum, her career as an actress was still difficult for her. Ekaterina spent her free time from the theater at film castings, but she was given only episodic, minor roles.

To fulfill her promise of education, she enters the Financial Academy. It is impossible not to note the fact that she managed to combine the stage and training, because she showed herself from two sides - as an actress and an accountant. Completes his studies with honors in 2007.

Without giving up hope for a film career, she starred in advertising for the popular product “Gallina Blanca”, which brought her her first success on television. After a short amount of time, Ekaterina began to receive a huge number of offers from directors. In 2005, he received his first role in the series, which was called “Kulagin and Partners.”

It is worth noting that Ekaterina Volkova’s filmography, although not so wide yet, is very diverse. Russian TV viewers, of course, know her thanks to her permanent role as Vera in the sitcom “Voronin”. By the way, they gave her this role only after three unsuccessful attempts at the casting. The actress was rejected due to her relatively young age and the inability to fully prove her skills at the first audition. Because The series has been airing for almost 10 years, the entire set has become friends, and often calls each other family. She has been starring in it from the very beginning, since 2009. It is impossible not to note her participation in such films as “Alibi Agency”, “Who’s the Boss?” Took part in the filming large quantity entertainment programs, for example “Fort Boyard”, “The Smartest”, “Let Them Talk”, etc. She was the host of several programs, such as “Long time no see” and “Mom for 5”.

At the moment, the actress is not limited to her role in “The Voronins” and continues to stage plays in the theater. One of these famous works became “Dog in the Manger,” in which she participated as a producer.

Personal life of Ekaterina Volkova

The personal life of Ekaterina Volkova is full of various scandalous statements from incompetent journalists who often publish false information that bites the actress.

Ekaterina met her future husband after another performance, in 2009. The young man, whose name is Andrei, immediately noticed Ekaterina Volkova and decided to invite her to his own dance lessons. The young actress agreed without hesitation, and their mutual relationship soon began to develop.

A year later, Andrei Karpov made an offer to Catherine, which she, of course, could not refuse. The modest wedding took place the same year, in April. This event, star couple considers it the most important event in their lives. A year later, the actress became a mother, giving birth to a daughter, who was named Lisa.

It should be noted that married couples do not live without conflicts. The union of Catherine and Andrei did not avoid the well-known scandal associated with the project “Dancing with the Stars”. The fact is that Catherine’s husband participated there, and it seemed to her that they were too close to their dance partner. Fortunately, their scandal did not lead to divorce; moreover, any relationship between husband and partner ended immediately after the project.

Family of Ekaterina Volkova

As mentioned above, Ekaterina Volkova’s family was of average income. Her father, who was the main money earner, was an employee at the Embassy. Mom was a housewife, and raising children fell on her shoulders. Despite the fact that her mother tried to devote more and more time to Ekaterina and her brother Leonid, in matters of education, the young actress listened to her grandmother. Perhaps her age and extensive experience as a teacher affected her. For all her acting successes, Ekaterina Volkova will thank her family and, in particular, her grandmother more than once.

Children of Ekaterina Volkova

At the moment, the actress has one daughter, so the children of Ekaterina Volkova are a new topic and not too extensive. The actress was looking forward to her first child, and during the birth, which, by the way, lasted almost 10 hours, she held on with all her strength. Her husband was nearby, supporting and helping Catherine. The actress admits that Andrei is, in fact, afraid of blood, but in such a situation he behaved well. As he himself later said, he gave it 100%, as if he himself were on the surgical table. Ekaterina Volkova says that a daughter is new center Universe, for her. She tries “like a squirrel in a wheel” - to have time to act in a movie or participate in the next play, while always finding time for her family and daughter. Recently, she admitted that they are already planning a second child.

Daughter of Ekaterina Volkova - Elizaveta

Ekaterina Volkova’s daughter, Elizaveta, was born in 2011, in April. She is now 6 years old and has already given several interviews. Moreover, it is worth noting that she behaves boldly in front of journalists and almost does not feel nervous. The girl wants to become a dentist, but she would also like to connect her life with the theater. In his at a young age, she is already taking dance classes and skating. Elizabeth also admits that her parents behave gently with her, although if she doesn’t obey all day, they can punish her. And also, Elizaveta says that she doesn’t like to watch “The Voronins,” because there her mother behaves the same way as in life, only under a different name.

Ekaterina Volkova's husband - Andrey Karpov

Ekaterina Volkova’s husband, Andrei Karpov, was born in the capital. He is a professional dancer. In addition, he has an architectural education. He appeared in episodic roles in films several times. Participated in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” Throughout his participation, his wife Ekaterina Volkova was jealous of his partners. There were moments when the marriage was on the verge of breaking, and frequent scandals only “added fuel to the fire.” But at the end of the project, all the scandals subsided, and married couple continued to live as before.

Photo by Ekaterina Volkova before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Ekaterina Volkova before and after plastic surgery are any topic for journalists to create “fake stories”. As you know, the actress has never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. It’s not surprising, because the way she looks now is a credit to nature and her parents. To get back in shape after giving birth, she worked hard at sports and fitness and even went on a diet. As she herself admits, in her free time from filming or walking, the actress tries not to even use makeup, because there is plenty of it on film sets. In addition, Andrei Karpov also appreciates her natural appearance and beauty.

On social networks, fans often discuss the topic “Ekaterina Volkova in a swimsuit” and admire her sophisticated figure. Such photographs can be found, for example, on the actress’s social networks. In addition, the request “Ekaterina Volkova photo Maxim 2016” is also popular, due to the actress’s candid photo shoot. Related to this topic is “Ekaterina Volkova in underwear in Maxim magazine,” which delights many fans.

Particularly inquisitive people use the request “Ekaterina Volkova in underwear in the Voronins, photo.” Many fans are surprised that her figure looks impeccable, despite her age. And many would even like to know the recipe for such an impeccable appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Volkova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Volkova are very popular among fans. On official page V social network Photos often appear on Instagram with family, on the set or from Catherine’s regular walks. From there you can find out last news from the life of a star. Wikipedia contains basic and verified information about the career and personal life of Ekaterina Volkova. In addition, VKontakte, or as it is now called for short “VK”, has a confirmed page for the actress, which she maintains personally. Information related to Catherine’s life is also published there. By the way, it is worth noting that she has others as friends famous actors, for example, from the set of “The Voronins”.

Volkova Ekaterina Valerievna - short biography

Born on January 15, 1982 in Tallinn.

Age 37 years

In 2003, Katya Volkova graduated from the Theater School. Shchepkina with honors!

Later, the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation appeared in Volkova’s biography.

Since 2003, Ekaterina has been serving at the Film Actor's Theater.

Ekaterina Volkova starred in the TV series “Who’s the Boss”, “Montecristo”, “Kulagin and Partners”.

But Volkova’s most famous role was the role of Vera Voronina in the TV series “Voronin”.

Ekaterina Volkova - personal life:

Married to dancer Andrei Karpov, the couple are raising a daughter, Elizaveta (4 years old).

- Ekaterina, please tell us about the biography of your childhood and family. What kind of child was Katya Volkova?

I was born into a military family. My parents worked a lot, my grandmother raised me mainly. She and I often went to my aunt’s hairdresser. There I entertained visitors with dancing, singing and reciting poems. I was only three years old. Since childhood I dreamed of becoming an actress...

- And you became it! How was the relationship between actress Ekaterina Volkova and cinema?

This was not without difficulties. For almost two years I went to castings to no avail and heard only refusals. You walk, worry, and you’re like a kitten muzzle: “No!” No, no... I often saw my own photographs being thrown into the trash before my eyes, I heard from producers: “How tired of you!”

This is how the destinies of many are decided. It was hard, my hands gave up. But I a strong character. Set a goal and go towards it! When you really want something, you achieve it. Everything has its time.

- Actress Volkova’s real popularity came after her role in the TV series “Voronins.....

Yes, it's a wonderful time. When I was offered the role of Vera Voronina, I happily agreed. I ended up in a very good team, where no one stuck out, everyone helped each other. We worked on the series with great dedication.

- In the series you play a wife, a young mother. How was Ekaterina Volkova’s personal life?

In my personal life, passions boil no less than in the movies. I was introduced to my husband, a participant in the “Dancing with the Stars” project Andrei Karpov, by a friend, actress Daria Sagalova.

At first, Andrey and I just looked at each other and smiled. Then he made up his mind and asked me out on a date. It took place, I would say in an unusual way: not somewhere in a cafe, but in a dance school. Andrei admitted later that he had been thinking for a long time about how to organize our first meeting in private. And so we danced... 40 minutes! And later my husband’s catchphrase became the words: “Well, yes, you’re not a log!” (Laughs.)

After the dance, Andrey and I met again and spent the whole day in the cafe. We chatted about everything, this was exactly the moment when it becomes clear whether people are interested in each other or not. We found it interesting. From that day on, we never parted, we met every day, talked, and exactly a year later, on April 9, we got married! This year we celebrate our five wedding anniversary.

In March 2011, your daughter Lisa was born, but literally a few months later you were back on stage. How did Katya Volkova manage to get back into shape so quickly?

After giving birth it was very difficult. Small child, sleepless nights. We had a nanny, so I did all the responsibilities with the child and household chores myself. This is probably why I got into shape so quickly after giving birth. The birth of a child is a difficult moment for the relationship of spouses. For example, I began to notice that Andrei was paying less attention to me.

Apparently, at such moments the man calms down and thinks: “Like, where will she go now!” It was a shame. And I decided to teach my husband a lesson. At the beginning of 2012, I agreed to appear for Maxim magazine. The photo shoot was quite frank, and at first my husband was categorically against it, he was very jealous, we had a serious fight, and our personal life almost reached the point of divorce.

But then, when the passions subsided, Andrei realized that a woman always remains a woman whom men look at with admiration.

- Ekaterina Volkova has recipes family happiness in personal life?

I would advise readers to always try to look good, first of all for themselves. If a woman looks good and likes herself in the mirror, then, of course, her man will like her too!

Interviewed by Maria Wingart 17751

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