Ordinary grind. Grinds are large dolphins. An excerpt characterizing the common pilot whale

Grinda vulgaris is a large ocean dolphin. Its other name is the long-finned pilot whale, which was obtained due to the very long pectoral fins.

Grinda vulgaris is considered one of the largest dolphins. The dimensions of the females are approximately 5.8 meters and 1,300 kg, while the males are much larger (up to 7.6 meters and 2,300 kg).

Grinda ordinary has a convex forehead and black color. It can be distinguished from other dolphins by a gray saddle-shaped spot located behind dorsal fin. However, pilot whales got an addition to their name because of the pectoral fins, the length of which is approximately 20% of the length of the entire body.

Long-finned pilot whales are a very close-knit variety. They are often seen in groups ranging from a few to a thousand. However, usually the number of pilot whales in a flock is from 20 to 150. In addition, these mammals sometimes gather for a long time in small groups of 8 to 12 individuals. They are often spotted with common bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic white-sided and gray dolphins. Adult pilot whales mainly feed on mollusks, less often on fish. They usually take a few breaths before diving for food. Under water at great depths, the pilot whale can stay for more than 10 minutes.

Dolphins of this species are quite active and are often seen above the surface of the water. Grind with long fins can often be found on the beaches: strong family ties do not allow them to leave their relative - if he is thrown ashore, then the whole flock can follow him. Also, scientists often observed how adult pilot whales nursed the cubs while their mother hunted under water.

Females reach sexual maturity at about 6-7 years of age. Males need almost twice as much time for this - about 12 years.

There is evidence that some male pilot whales may stay with their mothers after reaching puberty. However, cases of mating within the same flock have never been observed - it occurred only when different groups met.

Pregnancy lasts approximately 12-15 months, and the birth of a cub occurs every 3-5 years. The mother usually feeds him for 27 months, but may do so for longer. The female, having given birth to a cub, gets the next opportunity to become pregnant after 4 years. Most small pilot whales appear in the summer, although there are exceptions. Males can compete with each other, causing damage to each other. During mating, this also happens, so many females can be seen with bite scars.

IN Lately there have been no confirmed long-finned pilot whale population estimates from specialist organizations. That's why international union Conservation Conservancy (IUCN) has given this species conservation status"Data Deficient" ("Insufficient data"). According to estimates, about 13 thousand individuals live near Newfoundland. In another study, researchers found that northern region Atlantic Ocean there are about 780 thousand pilot whales - but when counting, representatives of another species with short fins were also taken into account, since it was difficult to distinguish them in the water. There has never been any evidence of a sharp decline in the number of individuals, so the hunt for pilot whales continues to this day in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The fishery has been open since the 9th century, but for hundreds of years it has not brought significant damage to this species.

Pilot whales are found in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the southern hemisphere. These mammals have been seen off the eastern coasts of the US and Canada in places like the Azores and Faroe Islands. In addition, long-finned pilot whales are found in Strait of Gibraltar on the western coasts of Europe and North Africa. Individuals that live further south are usually seen in the Antarctic convergence zone, where the waters are slightly warmer than near the mainland.

Grinda is a member of the dolphin family. Another name is the ball-headed dolphin. With its behavior and lifestyle, it resembles a whale more than a dolphin.

Habitat - northern and central waters of the Atlantic Ocean and South ocean. This mammal is found off the coast of Norway, Canada, Foggy Albion, off the southern coast of Greenland. Swims in the waters of the Mediterranean, but stays there for a short time and feels insecure, timid. It happens in these areas mainly for informational purposes. Having been near the coast of Tunisia and Libya, the pilot whale returns to its usual habitat, to the Atlantic.

In the far south, this mammal can be found near the South Orkney and South Sandwich Islands. This area is low temperature regime, therefore, to the south, the dolphin tries not to swim. Grinda likes to swim in the waters near Africa, the southern coast of Australia, along the Pacific coast South America often sails to Peru. The dolphin is constantly in a state of migration, very inquisitive and loves to swim.

The appearance of the grind

To be constantly on the move, you need good health and a lot of strength. The dolphin is endowed with all this. Grinda has excellent physical indicators.

An adult male weighs about 3.5 tons. Females are smaller, their weight is about 1.8 tons. The body of males in length reaches 6 meters, in females this figure is less - 4.8 meters.

Grinds are representatives of the dolphin family.

Such parameters are inherent in adults, and pilot whales grow up to 20 years.

The color of the skin of a dolphin varies from dark gray to jet black. The belly and throat of pilot whales have light spots. Most of these mammals have a large patch of light gray below the dorsal fin. A similar spot can be near the eyes. The dorsal fin is crescent shaped. It has very long lateral fins, their length can reach 20% of the body length. The shape of the head is spherical, although it is said to be more like a melon. It widens at the base and tapers towards the muzzle. The grind has an ideal body streamlining. The mammal develops speed up to 40 km/h and is an excellent swimmer.

Dolphin Behavior and Nutrition

These dolphins live in packs, the number of which is usually more than 50 individuals. The adult female dominates the pack, despite the fact that the males are larger and stronger. The basis of the diet is cephalopods. They eat fish less often and in much smaller quantities. It searches for food at a depth of 30 to 60 meters. Can dive to a depth of 600 meters. Under water, like all other species, it can be no more than 15 minutes.

Reproduction and lifespan

The life span of females natural environment is about 60 years old. Males live much less, they rarely live to be 45 years old. The female remains capable of reproduction even at the age of 50 years. The duration of pregnancy is 15 months. One cub is born, its weight is approximately 105 kg, the body reaches 1.8 meters in length. The female feeds the cub with milk for 2 years. Females become sexually mature at 7 years old, and males at 12 years old.

Number and protection

Grinds are very smart animals.

Today, more than 1 million of these dolphins inhabit the oceans. Their population size does not cause concern. These mammals are practically not hunted. The exception is the North Atlantic, namely the Faroe Islands, located between Iceland and Scotland. This area belongs to the Kingdom of Denmark. The population of these islands are the descendants of the Vikings, ruthless warriors and formidable invaders. It was pilot whales that served as the main food for these people.

Capturing these dolphins is not a difficult task. As soon as one individual got into the net, she immediately starts screaming, calling her brothers to the rescue. A flock of pilot whales immediately comes to the rescue, because. among the dolphins high level mutual assistance. It was near the coast of these mammals that the Vikings expected. They killed dolphins with spears, swords, knives, butchering and eating them right on the coast. Despite the fact that hundreds of years have passed, and the current population of the Faroe Islands are civilized, law-abiding, quiet and peaceful people, that their way of life is radically different from the formidable conquerors, the bloodthirsty tradition is still observed. Poor animals continue to be crushed and brutally killed.

According to the same custom, one dolphin is first caught, which calls the whole flock to the shore with cries for help. Dozens of these mammals are visible near the coast. This immediately changes the people standing in the water, from calm and quiet, they become angry and aggressive. They have swords, knives, hooks in their hands, and with all these weapons they stab

(Globicephala) of the dolphin family ( Delphinidae).

Pilot whale

A female with a calf in the south of Ireland
scientific classification
International scientific name

Globicephala melas


conservation status


Most feature The common pilot whale is a large head shaped like a melon. This form does not appear immediately after birth, but only after puberty. The color is mostly black, with a saddle-shaped gray spot behind the dorsal fin. The body length of males can reach 8.5 m, averaging 6 m; weight up to 3 800 kg. Females are smaller in size: the maximum body length is 6 m, the average is 4.8 m, and the weight is up to 1,800 kg.


Pilot whales are social animals that live in packs. Such packs include from 10 to 50 animals, sometimes more than 1,000. Females tend to be larger because males have a high mortality rate and leave the pack as soon as they reach sexual maturity.

Pilot whales are nomadic animals, moving to large areas during the whole year. These movements play a different role, for example, for the extraction of food.

To communicate with each other, ordinary grinds use the language of sounds. These signals are quite simple during rest, but as danger or prey approaches, the sounds become more complex. Sounds are also used by animals in echolocation, which allows whales to navigate in space.



Mating can take place at any time of the year, but the peak mating season is from April to June. Females are able to breed from the age of 6. Males reach sexual maturity much later - at 12 years old. Pregnancy lasts 16 months, 1 cub is born. The weight of the newborn is about 100 kg, the body length is about 1.8 m. Weaning occurs at the age of 23-27 months. After that, the female is able to give birth only after 4 years.

The maximum life expectancy for females is 59 years, for males - 46 years.

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Ordinary pilot whale, northern pilot whale, black pilot whale, black Dolphin, ball-headed dolphin, or round-headed whale(lat. Globicephala melas) - marine mammal from the genus grinda ( Globicephala) of the dolphin family ( Delphinidae).


The most characteristic feature of common pilot whales is their large, melon-shaped head. This form does not appear immediately after birth, but only after puberty. The color is mostly black, with a saddle-shaped gray spot behind the dorsal fin. The body length of males can reach 8.5 m, averaging 6 m; weight up to 3 800 kg. Females are smaller in size: the maximum body length is 6 m, the average is 4.8 m, and the weight is up to 1,800 kg.


Pilot whales are social animals that live in packs. Such packs include from 10 to 50 animals, sometimes more than 1,000. Females tend to be larger because males have a high mortality rate and leave the pack as soon as they reach sexual maturity.

Pilot whales are nomadic animals, moving over large areas throughout the year. These movements play a different role, for example, for the extraction of food.

To communicate with each other, ordinary grinds use various sound whistles. These whistles are fairly simple when resting, but become more complex as danger or prey approaches. They [Who?] also used [by whom?] in echolocation, which allows whales to navigate in space.


Common pilot whales are carnivores. They feed mainly on shellfish and fish, and eat about 34 kg of food per day. Favorite foods are squids, as well as various types of fish - cod, mackerel, herring.


Mating can take place at any time of the year, but the peak mating season is from April to June. Females are able to breed from the age of 6. Males reach sexual maturity much later - at 12 years old. Pregnancy lasts 16 months, 1 cub is born [Who?] . The weight of the newborn is about 100 kg, the body length is about 1.8 m. Weaning occurs at the age of 23-27 months. After that, the female is able to give birth only after 4 years.

The maximum life expectancy for females is 59 years, for males - 46 years.


Ordinary pilot whales are common in temperate and circumpolar zones. They are found in deep water or coastal waters in the North Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean and North Seas. Previously found in the Pacific Northwest, where they are now probably missing. Around Antarctica, pilot whales penetrate far south, sometimes as far south as 68°S.

conservation status

Studies conducted in and 1989 showed that there are about 750,000 common pilot whales in the central and northeastern part of the Atlantic, about 200,000 in the northeastern part. Around the Antarctic, the number of pilot whales is estimated at approximately 31,000 individuals. There is no evidence of a global change in the abundance of this species.

Fishing for common pilot whales is carried out in the Faroe Islands and Greenland. And although fishing has been carried out since the 9th century, it has not caused a decrease in the number of animals, as happened in Newfoundland. The average annual catch in the Faroe Islands is estimated at approximately 850 individuals.

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  • : information on the website "Encyclopedia of Life" ( EOL) (English) (Retrieved December 19, 2010)

An excerpt characterizing the common pilot whale

“Be healthy,” said Balaga, also drinking his glass and wiping himself with a handkerchief. Makarin hugged Anatole with tears in his eyes. “Oh, prince, how sad it is for me to part with you,” he said.
- Go, go! Anatole shouted.
Balaga was about to leave the room.
“No, stop,” said Anatole. “Shut the door, get in.” Like this. The doors were closed and everyone sat down.
- Well, now march, guys! - said Anatole, getting up.
The footman Joseph gave Anatole a bag and a saber, and everyone went out into the hall.
- Where's the coat? Dolokhov said. - Hey, Ignatka! Go to Matryona Matveevna, ask for a fur coat, a sable coat. I heard how they were being taken away,” Dolokhov said with a wink. - After all, she will jump out neither alive nor dead, in what she sat at home; you hesitate a little, then there are tears, and father, and mother, and now she is cold and back, - and you immediately take it into a fur coat and carry it to the sleigh.
The footman brought a woman's fox coat.
- Fool, I told you sable. Hey, Matryoshka, sable! he shouted so that his voice could be heard far across the rooms.
A beautiful, thin and pale gypsy woman, with shiny, black eyes and black, curly bluish tint hair, in a red shawl, ran out with a sable coat on her hand.
“Well, I’m not sorry, you take it,” she said, apparently shy before her master and pitying the coat.
Dolokhov, without answering her, took a fur coat, threw it over Matryosha and wrapped her up.
"That's it," said Dolokhov. “And then like this,” he said, and lifted the collar near her head, leaving it just a little open in front of her face. “Then like this, you see? - and he moved Anatole's head to the hole left by the collar, from which Matryosha's brilliant smile could be seen.
“Well, goodbye, Matryosh,” said Anatole, kissing her. - Oh, my spree is over here! Bow down to Steshka. Well, goodbye! Farewell, Matryosh; you wish me happiness.
“Well, God grant you, prince, great happiness,” said Matrona, with her gypsy accent.
Two troikas were standing at the porch, two young coachmen were holding them. Balaga sat on the front three, and, raising his elbows high, slowly dismantled the reins. Anatole and Dolokhov sat down beside him. Makarin, Khvostikov and the lackey sat in another three.
- Ready, huh? Balaga asked.
- Let go! he shouted, wrapping the reins around his hands, and the troika carried the beat down Nikitsky Boulevard.
- Whoa! Go, hey! ... Shh, - only the cry of Balaga and the young man sitting on the goats could be heard. On Arbat Square, the troika hit the carriage, something crackled, a scream was heard, and the troika flew along the Arbat.
Having given two ends along Podnovinsky, Balaga began to hold back and, returning back, stopped the horses at the intersection of Staraya Konyushennaya.
The good fellow jumped down to hold the horses by the bridle, Anatole and Dolokhov went along the sidewalk. Approaching the gate, Dolokhov whistled. The whistle answered him, and after that the maid ran out.
“Come into the yard, otherwise you can see it, it will come out right now,” she said.
Dolokhov remained at the gate. Anatole followed the maid into the yard, turned the corner, and ran out onto the porch.
Gavrilo, Marya Dmitrievna's huge traveling footman, met Anatole.
“Come to the mistress, please,” the footman said in a bass voice, blocking the way from the door.
- To what lady? Who are you? Anatole asked in a breathless whisper.
- Please, ordered to bring.
- Kuragin! back,” shouted Dolokhov. - Treason! Back!
Dolokhov at the gate, at which he stopped, fought with the janitor, who was trying to lock the gate after Anatole had entered. With a last effort, Dolokhov pushed the janitor away and, grabbing Anatole, who had run out, by the arm, pulled him by the gate and ran with him back to the troika.

Marya Dmitrievna, finding the weeping Sonya in the corridor, forced her to confess everything. Intercepting Natasha's note and reading it, Marya Dmitrievna went up to Natasha with the note in her hand.
“You bastard, shameless,” she told her. - I don't want to hear anything! - Pushing away Natasha, who was looking at her with surprised, but dry eyes, she locked her with a key and ordered the janitor to let through the gate those people who would come that evening, but not let them out, and ordered the footman to bring these people to her, sat down in the living room, waiting kidnappers.
When Gavrilo came to report to Marya Dmitrievna that the people who had come had run away, she got up with a frown, and with her hands folded back, paced the rooms for a long time, pondering what she should do. At 12 o'clock in the morning, feeling the key in her pocket, she went to Natasha's room. Sonya, sobbing, sat in the corridor.

Hello, today I will introduce you to the grinda - a marine animal of the dolphin family. You can meet them all over the oceans. Grinds are distinguished by a friendly character, and they have a very highly developed social behavior which, at times, can lead to sad consequences.

There are 2 species of these animals: the common pilot whale (Globicephala melas) and the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Each of them has its own habitats: the short-finned pilot whale prefers tropical and subtropical seas ( South Africa, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand etc.), while the pilot whale chooses temperate waters (from the North Atlantic to mediterranean sea).

Common pilot whale (lat. Globicephala melas)

Short-finned pilot whale (lat. Globicephala macrorhynchus)

Also, these species differ from each other in the length of the fins and the number of teeth. At pilot whale there are from 16 to 26 of them, and in the short-finned one - from 14 to 18.

Grinds can reach a length of 8.5 meters and weigh up to 3 tons. A real little submarine.

Unlike dolphins, which have an elongated muzzle, pilot whales have a rounded head shape with a short muzzle. Almost all animals are painted jet black, and under the chin they have a small White spot shaped like an anchor.

white spot

During the day, these animals mostly sleep, and at night they begin to hunt. Their favorite "dish" is cephalopods - squid, octopus, cuttlefish. Fish are eaten less often. In pursuit of prey, they can reach speeds of up to 40 km / h. With such powerful dimensions, this is a very decent speed of movement.

In search of food, they can descend to a depth of 600 meters and at the same time hold their breath for 10 minutes.

Female with cub

Like many large mammals, the pregnancy of the pilot whale lasts a long time - 15-16 months. Females give birth every 3-5 years. Newborn pilot whales can reach 1.5 meters in length and weigh about 100 kg!!! It takes more than a year and a half to feed such a “crumbs” with milk. The childbearing period in females can last until old age - up to 50 years. During this time, they give birth up to 9 times. Puberty females occurs by 6-7 years, and in males - by 12.

Pilot whales have a highly developed social behavior. They live in small groups of about 20 individuals. Each group has a leader whose commands are carried out unquestioningly. Old individuals, pregnant females and females with cubs form separate groups. Pilot whales communicate using various signals - whistles, squeaks, smacks, whimpers, etc.

In addition, they have a highly developed instinct for the preservation of the species. They will never leave a relative in trouble. Sometimes this leads to sad consequences. There are cases when a pilot whale thrown ashore called for help, and the whole “family” was thrown onto land in the hope of helping the poor fellow. As a result, all animals died from dehydration. Very sad.

Washed ashore pilot whale

The main enemy of the grind is a man. This animal has been hunted at all times and in all parts of the world. The most diverse methods of hunting were used, including sometimes wild ones - the animals were driven with stones to the shore and finished off there. Indeed, man in cruelty has no equal.

So far, pilot whales are not considered an endangered species, but this is only for now. They are constantly hunted, and every year pilot whales are destroyed by several tens of thousands. In Spain, for example, a convention has already been adopted to protect these animals.

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