Thermometer with a temperature of 37 5. How to fill the temperature on a thermometer (mercury and electronic) at home and at the doctor's? Using an unusual way of measuring

I quickly take a thermometer
And between the palms I rub for a long time,
I breathe on him, I breathe
And I ask myself, I ask:
“Dear, pretty little mercury!
Well, get up a little more!
Well, rise at least not quite -
Stop at thirty-seven!

So Sergei Mikhalkov wrote back in the 70s. Nothing has changed, the children still want raise on a thermometer and skip a lesson or not go to school at all.

This advice is not for children, as it is "harmful" advice, but rather for moms. Our children already know how to quickly heat up the temperature by. Where they learn this: on the Internet, at school, talking with friends, I don’t know. Of course, many mothers trust their children (and rightly so). But as they say: "trust, but verify."

We ourselves were children and we know that it is possible imperceptibly:

- heat the thermometer on the battery,
- soak in hot tea
- soak in hot water
- press against a table lamp,
- rub on clothes, etc.
The main thing is not to overheat.

When I take my daughter's temperature, I usually look after her. Imagine my surprise when my daughter lies quietly under the covers, does not get up anywhere, there is nothing hot nearby, and the temperature is 38 degrees. I touch my lips to my forehead - cold. I ask you to change. Again 38 degrees. I'm clearly being fooled. But how?
But everything secret always becomes clear. The daughter was frank. It turns out everything is simple. To raise the temperature, just hold it under your armpit to warm up the mercury.

Unnoticed to get it, while mom turned away and ten or twenty times lightly tap the blunt side of the thermometer on the wrist, elbow or bones on the fingers. It's completely invisible under the covers.

Voila! So the coveted 38 degrees are heated!

Thus, you can fill any temperature, and any caring mother Of course, he will not let a sick child with a fever, a child go to school.

The unnatural concept of body temperature is a way out of a situation where you don’t want to go anywhere at all. Such a trick was used by many children, placing a thermometer for a short time on a hot battery.

Today, there are much more ways to quickly raise the temperature to 38. Some of them are safe, others need to be exercised with caution.

All the presented methods that help to artificially increase the temperature are not recommended, but can be applied if necessary. They will help raise it to 38-39 degrees.

If a person has a low temperature, it is not recommended to use these funds - it is better to visit a doctor to normalize the indicators:

Some believe that raspberries can raise the temperature. This is not so, because it is taken to lower degrees. The berry helps to increase sweating, and the acetylsalicylic acid contained in the composition adversely affects the temperature.

Folk remedies

There are several not always pleasant, but effective methods to raise the temperature. They are based on folk remedies one of them is the use of salt.

To do this, take salt and rub it on the armpit area. With this action, a local increase in the thermometer will be observed, but this will be enough.

The onion raises the temperature equally, but a specific smell emanates from it, which will be immediately recognizable by the nurse.

Note! If there is confidence that others will not use the thermometer for measurement, then you can use another method that will briefly increase the performance.

To do this, you need to drink 2 cups of warm tea in a row, and for greater effectiveness, apply a hot compress to your forehead.

Methods that help to safely raise the temperature in an adult in the body are based not only on the internal use of any component.

They are also associated with external means. Some of them urgently raise degrees, for the action of others it is necessary to wait at least half an hour.

Consider methods for increasing degrees on a thermometer with folk remedies:

Pouring First you need to pour a bucket on yourself hot water. After that, quickly pour cold water. It is worth measuring the temperature and if it has not changed, stand by the battery for a while
mustard solution Prepare a bowl with warm water in which you dissolve the mustard powder. Soak your feet in the water for 20 minutes and soon you will see a rise in the thermometer to 38 degrees
Vegetable oil Pour a few tablespoons of the product into the pan and ignite a little. Once the oil has cooled down a bit, drink it. If you do not wait for cooling - there is a risk of burning the throat
Physical exercise As you know, sport warms up the body, so you need to actively squat, run in place, and bend over for 10 minutes. This method will not only increase the temperature, but will also help strengthen the immune system.
Glue The method is suitable for additional simulation of a runny nose. It is necessary to smear the nostrils with PVA glue a little, then the temperature will rise to 38 degrees and will be accompanied by sneezing
Breathing technique This method is borrowed from climbers, who, in order to avoid hypothermia high in the mountains, perform special exercises for the lungs.

After 5 deep breaths, you need to sharply hold your breath and tighten your abs and diaphragm. The exercise is repeated 7 times, then the temperature can reach 37.3 degrees

Fat This method will help to maintain the elevated temperature for a long time. To do this, smear the body with fat and wrap yourself tightly under the covers. The technique is fraught with the occurrence of fever, so it is important to be extremely careful

Another effective method, requiring manual dexterity - quietly replace the thermometer. It is necessary to know in advance how the thermometer will look like and artificially raise the indicators on it at home. Arriving at the clinic, put your thermometer instead of a medical product.

These methods are good in moderation. You should not resort to the use of the listed ingredients daily to perform tricks - it is recommended to do this once if necessary.

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Answer from Sofia Skobeleva[guru]
When slightly elevated temperature Keep the thermometer for 10 minutes. When it is very high, it will heat up in 3 minutes. Look at how you feel. For some it normal temperature, and in some - a sign of pathology.

Answer from Inna Dobrodeeva[guru]
Your temperature is 37.

Answer from Denis Titov[guru]
Usually a thermometer measures the temperature in 3 minutes. Further time does not affect anything. But.. .
... if you manipulate the thermometer, for example, turn it in your armpit, then heat is released from the friction of the skin on the glass and the thermometer shows more.
Therefore, carefully insert the thermometer and carefully remove it.

Answer from V T[guru]
For a person, a normal temperature is considered to be in the range of 35.7 - 37.2
traditional mercury thermometer long years will not leave our everyday life. Despite the advent of accurate electronic thermometers, many still trust only mercury thermometer. A mercury thermometer is a glass flask with a capillary that contains mercury (2 grams).
It got its name "maximum" due to the fact that the mercury column after heating remains at its highest point of heating and does not fall when cooled. To return it to its original position, you just need to shake such a thermometer.
High accuracy of temperature measurement (permissible error is not more than 0.1 degrees).
A variety of ways to measure temperature (armpit, oral, rectal).
Long service life (if you do not drop the thermometer and handle it carefully, then there is nothing to break in a mercury thermometer). It does not require periodic replacement of batteries.
There are no problems with disinfection (but you can not boil).
Low cost of a thermometer (15–25 rubles).
The very fragile and unreliable design of the case makes it easy to break the thermometer, which will inevitably lead to contamination with poisonous mercury and glass fragments.
Long-term temperature measurement - about 10 minutes.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

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