New league coaches. New league. Extra towels for money

In my entire life, this is the fourth fitness club that I use. There were cheap network companies that made clubs in basements with a terrible smell of dampness. There were cool chains like Zebra with a pool, which I only have Nice memories. And now I have moved and I go to the club closest to the house - New League.

When I was invited to a free trial lesson and had a tour, I didn’t have such a reaction inside, “Oh my God, yes! I want to study here!”. I immediately drew attention to the shortcomings, since it was they that worried me. But first things first.

1. Location

Fitness club New League is part of a large organization New League, which includes a whole complex of sports grounds. In addition to the three-story building of the complex itself, the territory includes a basketball field under an inflatable canopy (sometimes used as a concert venue for events), a kerning center, a tennis court and an outdoor basketball court. It's all located inside the festival park at the intersection of Olimpiyskiy Prospekt and Suschevsky Val, that is, straight on the third transport ring. Near metro stations Maryina Roshcha and Rizhskaya.

In my opinion, the location is convenient for those who live nearby, mostly inside the Third Ring Road. Getting there through traffic jams is quite problematic. I chose it precisely because of the location, less than 3 minutes to the house.

2. Cost

For a subscription for a year without time limits, it was given 23 000 rubles. There was also a time limit option - 17 600 rubles from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. or from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. It’s hard to say whether it’s a lot or a little. If we compare it with the same zebra (I went to the club on Ryazansky Prospekt and Proletarskaya metro station), it turns out even cheaper, but there was also a pool. There is no pool here, although they once said that there would be.

3. Comfort

In order to see everything "with my own eyes" I suggest you look at the photos. It all starts, of course, with the locker room. Here everything is as usual. The photos were taken on Saturday at 9 am, the hall is still empty.

Everything is a little shabby, but in general it is still very, very nothing. The cabinets are small, but everything you need fits in them well. It's nice that each has two clothes hangers - it turns out neatly. Other clubs did not have them at all, or such uncomfortable "anti-vandal" ones sewn into the beam so that they would not be carried away.

Settling down, getting dressed, getting ready for class. The dressing room is located on the 1st floor, next to the entrance.

There is a cooler in the locker room, which is always nice. Scales, two sinks for washing and two toilets with a sink. There is a board with current club news and class schedules.

Hair dryers, by the way, are normal, you can use them safely, there is a cold drying mode. I didn’t shoot showers and hammam, as there were people there. let's go upstairs, it's time to start classes!

The building, of course, is very beautiful, you can’t say anything about it. It is worth paying for the interior comfort, space and great view from the window.

In the photo below - a zone of power loads, various dumbbells, pancakes, barbells. I rarely go there - only for the sake of dumbbells

The large gym has a mix of cardio and weight machines. I like cardio more, here is a complete set, while there are really a lot of simulators: 12 treadmills, 6 exercise bikes, 3 steps, 6 ellipticals , two of them are unusual.

These are such cool simulators, all are practically new, with a telecom (sometimes it doesn’t work), almost everything is regularly in working condition and even at rush hour you can find a free simulator! It seems that these devices are some kind of tricky ones, you can install the application and follow the workouts, connect via WiFi, etc., but somehow I’m not particularly interested in this, and no one is eager to help understand the programs.

On the 2nd floor, in addition to cardio and strength training equipment, there are also 2 restrooms, a room for group classes, a room for individual lessons with different devices(ladders, steps, hoops, rugs, dumbbells, pancakes, etc.). Previously, there were 2 of them, now one of them houses a medical room, where for an additional fee you can take a test for body mass index (it costs about 1000 rubles, a useless thing in fact).

On the third floor there is a hall for group lessons, for individual lessons, as well as a room for boxing and yoga. In the photo, the yoga room is my favorite. During the day it is free, you can climb up and then work out all alone with beautiful view to the city.

4. Workload

The hall will be empty in the morning. There are really a lot of people in the evening and this is normal and this is the case everywhere. Usually everyone goes to the gym after work, like me. Pushing through the locker room is a separate pleasure. I envy those who can afford to go to the gym on weekdays.

Perhaps this is all of the advantages. But there is another side that matters a lot. Because of which I, in particular, most likely will not renew the subscription, but will look for something else nearby.

Disadvantages or DIRECTLY FUCKING!!!

1. Hall

Everything is a little unusual here. The hall is large, combined with a cafe-bar. That is, you really go into the hall, it smells of fried chicken and Caesar sauce, and you, like that, came to train :)

Further, it is assumed that you need to undress, winter all the same. Each visitor has a bag, a jacket, a scarf in his hands, and another obligatory rule of the club is to wear shoe covers. Only in order to sit down in the club there is only 1 sofa (in the spring of 2017 they put 2 more chairs). The sofa is tiny, it is enough to put a bag and a jacket on it and there is nowhere to sit down, nor that there is a place for the second person. And then the corps de ballet begins. Half-sitting, half-lying, you put on shoe covers, you catch a falling jacket, a scarf, because in order to hand over everything to the wardrobe, you must first put on shoe covers, then give a card at the reception, get a key and a card on a towel, check in things, get a towel ... aaa! I even think about it when it makes me angry, I don’t want to go anywhere. Why is it impossible to organize the space (and it allows it) in such a way that it would not be necessary to rush to different ends of the hall in order to finally get permission to enter. Put at least 2 more sofas, not chairs! And another question to the administration of the New League ... Why do you need 2 guards? What are these people guarding there?

2. Cafe in the lobby

This is not even just a cafe for club visitors, but a place that has already become a cult "in the area", here people smoke in droves at the entrance, I constantly see my neighbors eating and drinking (they do not visit the club itself). The cafe does not work at all for visitors, but some kind of parallel business, without 5 minutes of hookah. I don’t understand at all who needs it, on the one hand it’s beautiful - you enter, and then there are tables around the reception, fresh flowers are everywhere. On the other hand, on what goat button accordion to a fitness club cafe? Also, right at the entrance.

3. Magnetic door

I hope this will amuse you, but the dressing room is divided into two parts by a door with a magnetic lock. The key fob is located on the bracelet, which you receive at the reception. And now you, having finally completed the quest with dressing up, shoe covers, exchanging one card for another, think that you have passed all the obstacles, but no! It is necessary to overcome one more thing - a magnetic door. Loaded with a backpack, with a towel, you have to manage to attach a tiny key fob to the magnetic shield and open the door. Moreover, a guard (and sometimes 2) is sitting right at the door. Explain to me why this triple security system is needed? Despite the fact that behind the cafe there is a staircase with an open entrance, where any visitor to the cafe can climb, just waiting for the waiter and the guard to be distracted. But if you came to the club to practice, then be kind - go through all the tests with dignity! Really annoying.

4. Extra towels for money

Ok, 1 card - 1 towel, that's fair! But why not clean the hammam very well then? I don’t understand this, did the administrator himself try, wrapped in a towel, to sit on a bench in the hammam? Do you know what will happen to him when you get up? And no, I'm not talking about a million bacteria and fungi, there are black spots on it !!! Well, how is this possible? Whether this is mold, or some kind of grout from the tile with which the bench is laid out is painted - I don’t know, the impression is terrible. When summer is still possible to "dry" after a shower and not use this towel, but in winter you had to carry your own with you. In addition, if we talk about the hammam, the smell there is often unpleasant, sour (even after the reconstruction in 2017). I don’t know how they fight it, but in general it’s squeamish. And many girls without underwear and without a towel come and sit down naked, excuse me, buttocks and soar just like that. How is that at all? I think this is up to the first fungus or STD, then they will understand why to do this by no means is it possible.

5. Lost my umbrella

Well, of course, this is not about the administration, but rather just an individual situation that spoiled my mood. It was a rainy day, I came with an umbrella. I left it in the wardrobe. While I was doing it, it became clear that I left the umbrella in the dressing room, I just forgot about it. The next day I came to pick it up, but they told me that there was no black umbrella. They offered to pick up another - not mine, I refused. Where to go they do not know. A trifle, but a shame.

6. Lack of soundproofing of the halls

It infuriates a little when you lie relaxed on yoga and suddenly shouts are heard from the next room: "Come on, come on, do you want to disperse your fat? One, one, one! Let's go the second kruuuug!" or someone's emotional moans from the boxing hall. Why can't the halls be better isolated from each other so that yoga is generally separate from everyone else? After all, it requires relaxation and concentration, and this amuses, distracts, and annoys those involved.

7. Part of group classes is paid

Naturally, in order to maintain such personnel it is not clear why assembled people, you need to take extra money for something (well, except for towels). The administration came up with the idea of ​​taking money for group classes. Of those that really upset me - "Healthy Back" is carried out for a separate fee, not included in the subscription. I don’t know how much it costs, I won’t go for money in principle.

8. Showers without doors

I perfectly understand the logic of most club owners. Why make doors if a person can lock himself in there and do not know what to do ?? But, damn it, you can also say about the toilet - let's not make doors there then, but what's wrong? I am offended by fitness clubs where showers do not have small doors. I believe that everyone has the right to personal space. Everyone who comes to the club has different features physiology, orientation, religion. You have to respect the boundaries of a person somehow. I personally do not like to wash in front of everyone, especially since the cabins are so crowded in a small room, everyone who enters immediately finds himself in the epicenter of events, there is not even a corner. I have no complexes, but honestly I would not like to show or observe some things, understand me correctly!

9. Solarium in the locker room

It would seem that it was worth building a three-story building of a fitness club, so that later a solarium could be stuffed into the women's locker room! So the smell of toasted leather and tanning lotion in the solarium was regularly undressed, and, plus, the heat from it. Is it legal at all?

10. Hello 90s!

I love it in every club. Instead of coming up with cool ones, modern schemes loyalty, managers choose to make fat the old fashioned way. A striking example- showcase at the entrance with jars of the most common shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, hats, washcloths, etc. at a price of 400-500r. Bought for sure across the road in the 7th continent, but sold with a 1000% markup (apparently to recoup the costs of the manager, who went for a chocolate bar and at the same time grabbed the gels). It's GO! Ridiculous, disrespectful to the club's visitors. Who needs all these gels for such a cost? Such things must be in travel packages with the logo of the club and given free of charge upon request. A nice bonus that increases loyalty. Manager, adopt a ready-made business idea!

That, perhaps, is all. Why then 4 stars if there are so many flaws? The fact is that for me the most important thing is the simulators. I come to practice, I just note the rest, but I don’t focus on the shortcomings. You can do it, everything is fine with the simulators, even if you have to go through a number of uncomfortable moments BEFORE them.

And also important plus- nice staff. The girl in the locker room is always smiling and pleasant to talk to, the cleaners in the locker rooms always help to find lost things. Several times I saw how the cleaner washes window sills, benches, mirrors, etc., that is, they really monitor cleanliness. The girls at the reception are also nice, they help if needed.

Here's a review, thanks for reading!

Fitness club "New League" is a unique business class sports complex located in a park area in the center of Moscow. The area of ​​the fitness club is 4200 m2.

During its work, the club has become a favorite vacation spot from the bustle of the city for those who love themselves, their body and healthy lifestyle life.

Sports club "New League" is constantly developing and offers its customers more and more new fitness opportunities:

Spacious Gym, equipped with the latest equipment from world leaders Technogym, Hoist and Precor;

Ski simulator "President", which will help beginners learn to ride skiing and snowboarding, and for experienced athletes to keep fit in the off-season;

The cardio area is equipped with the most modern equipment from such companies as Technogym, PRECOR with the innovative PREVA system, Concept and Expresso Fitness. The club offers professional Treadmills, exercise bikes, steppers, elliptical trainers, AMT adaptive trainers, rowing machines;

Studio Body & Mind - a spacious and cozy room with huge windows overlooking the park. There are classes such as yoga, hatha yoga, Pilates and Flex;

Kinesis sports complex from Technogym, which allows you to perform exercises in different planes and work out all muscle groups without exception;

Studio Cycle - in our studio, two types of training are offered. These are group classes on stationary bikes that simulate races at different intensities and small group classes on bikes with the latest Real Ryder technology that simulate real movement in three dimensions;

GRAVITY simulator - personal training on the unique GTS simulator will give you a new feeling of the body in space! GTS is new approach to personal, rehabilitation training and Pilates!

4 halls of group programs with an extensive schedule, which includes aerobic, strength, dance and martial arts programs;

Outdoor classes - due to its unique location, the New League fitness club offers its clients group fitness classes not only in the halls, but also in the fresh air;

PILATES personal training studio, equipped with the latest Cadillac simulator;

Classes in small groups - this is an opportunity to attend group lessons at a convenient time for you, outside the general schedule;

2 indoor universal sports grounds with stands - perfect for tournaments up to 700 people. in sports such as futsal, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, table tennis etc. It is also possible to hold Health Days, presentations, conferences, etc. here. A wide range of sections on team sports;

Curling Club "Novaya Liga" - is the only site in Moscow with a professional ice surface, on the basis of which Moscow and Russian teams train, including the Olympic team;

For the training of athletes in our club, a curling school is open: for children (paid and free education) and adults.

For corporate clients, we are ready to offer the possibility of holding events with many interactive zones and team building.

In our club you can hold any event: birthday, children's holiday, theme party, graduation or last call for schoolchildren.

In the sports club "New League" everything has been created to ensure that your training and rest are of the highest quality.

At your service are not only vertical solariums and hamams in each locker room, but also a massage room where you can plunge into the atmosphere of the East and relax after a workout without leaving the New League. We are pleased to offer you various types of massage from Filipino masters!

In the menu of the fitness bar of our club you will find freshly squeezed juices and sports cocktails, a variety of dishes prepared according to all the rules of a healthy diet.

For the comfort and safety of our customers, we also provided for the availability of individual safe boxes.

Sports club "New League" is located between the Olympic Avenue and the street Soviet army, near the metro station Novoslobodskaya, Rizhskaya and Maryina Roshcha.

Hello! I want to tell you the story of my experience with this "wonderful" club. At the beginning of 2012, the club was young, luring its visitors as best it could. When choosing among the clubs in my area, I settled on the New League club because of the "very favorable terms" of membership. My husband and I are often absent from Moscow, and buying a subscription for a year is not profitable for us, because the usual frost is not enough, we are absent much longer sometimes. At that moment, the New League club offered following conditions: perpetual membership fee for membership in the club 7500r + 2500r per month. You don't have to pay every month, only as needed. That is, you spent a month, then you can not go for some time, you wanted to recover - you came, paid 2500 and you study for a paid month. Membership fee 7500 rubles does not go anywhere, this is a fee for using such conditions, and indefinitely! We worked out for a while (several months), left, then for some time we just lived without sports. And so, after a year, we decided to restore our classes in the club again. Come to good mood, and they answer us: but our conditions have changed, buy a subscription for a year! Excuse me dear, said the husband, but what about the conditions for which we paid 15,000 rubles last year? We have a contract in hand. To which they answer us: we don’t know anything, our conditions have changed, we called everyone, offered to switch to new conditions on a preferential basis, but we didn’t get through to you (there are two of us and there were no calls to either me or my husband, we didn’t we never turn it off!) In general, it’s a long story, we’ve been talking with this club for like two weeks, in response, it’s just rudeness. They don’t offer any alternative, they don’t return the money for the contribution, preferential terms, too, as you understand .. To be honest, I’m in complete shock, they don’t even care that we have two contracts on hand .. We would agree to any preferential terms, whether then two months for free or a discount for an annual subscription, whatever .. We were simply sent! That's the attitude to "beloved customers"!!! Draw conclusions friends, because such a situation can happen to anyone! And I’ll probably turn to the Consumer Protection Union, it’s not about money, but about who you are considered to be in our country!

P.S. Dear administration of the New League club, your managers, unfortunately, cannot provide us with your data: full name, phone number where you can communicate with you. You apparently do not consider it necessary to hear your customers. But you still have a chance! Call me, I'm ready for a compromise until an application is submitted to the right authority. Your client is Chernysh Alesya.

They steal! When visiting the New League fitness club on 10/10/2016, she left her boots in the locker room under the bench, as everyone does, because. The lockers do not provide a dedicated place for shoes. Left the locker room at 18:55, returned to the locker room after class at 19:50. My pair of shoes was missing. I looked at everything possible locations in the locker room. I contacted the administrators about this problem. The girls were indifferent, they only referred to the cleaning lady, who has information on forgotten things. They said that the club does not bear any responsibility for things left unattended. I turned to Tatyana Marchuk, sales manager, because she led the conclusion of my contract, I knew her. I want to clarify that by that time I had visited this fitness club for only 1.5 weeks. Tatyana showed at least some interest, said that I needed to contact Elena Orlova (deputy reception) on this issue. I decided to leave a statement on this incident addressed to Director General fitness club, insisted on the approval of the application by the staff of the fitness club, in particular the girls from the reception. After 2 days, Elena called me back saying that there was nothing she could do. I didn’t turn to the police that same evening, because I thought that someone just mixed up the shoes, perhaps unintentionally took mine instead of their own. I couldn’t even think of such a disgrace as stealing shoes in a fitness club. Given the fact that everyone leaves their shoes under the benches. The question remained in the same state: the reception does not care, the sales department does not deal with such issues, they are sent to security and a cleaning lady. The guards openly laughed at me, saying that I might have vision problems, etc. A week later, when my hopes for the return of the stolen did not remain, I urged to take action, in particular, to watch the video for this hour, in which the theft occurred. Elena took a detached position, the video refused to show without a prescription law enforcement. And when she nevertheless agreed to let me watch the recording, she deliberately delayed the time, and the video was deleted due to the limited storage time of information on the server. At the same time, Elena behaved in a boorish way during all the meetings when talking with me. One gets the feeling that the staff of the fitness club "New League" is responsive and attentive only until the moment the contract is concluded. After even 1.5 weeks, I was faced with an extremely unpleasant financial and moral situation in this institution. There was no attention, understanding and respect from the staff of the New League fitness club. They steal in the fitness club, but the staff doesn't care. Very upset, there is no desire to visit the aforementioned club, despite quite good equipment and group classes.

Fitness club "New League" is a unique business class sports complex located in a park area in the center of Moscow. The area of ​​the fitness club is 4200 m2.

During its work, the club has become a favorite vacation spot from the bustle of the city for those who love themselves, their body and a healthy lifestyle.

Sports club "New League" is constantly developing and offers its customers more and more new fitness opportunities:

Spacious gym equipped with the latest equipment from world leaders Technogym, Hoist and Precor;

Ski simulator "President", which will help beginners learn to ski and snowboard, and experienced athletes to keep fit in the off-season;

The cardio area is equipped with the most modern equipment from such companies as Technogym, PRECOR with the innovative PREVA system, Concept and Expresso Fitness. The club offers professional treadmills, exercise bikes, steppers, elliptical trainers, AMT adaptive trainers, rowing machines;

Studio Body & Mind - a spacious and cozy room with huge windows overlooking the park. There are classes such as yoga, hatha yoga, Pilates and Flex;

Kinesis sports complex from Technogym, which allows you to perform exercises in different planes and work out all muscle groups without exception;

Studio Cycle - in our studio, two types of training are offered. These are group classes on stationary bikes that simulate races at different intensities and small group classes on bikes with the latest Real Ryder technology that simulate real movement in three dimensions;

GRAVITY simulator - personal training on the unique GTS simulator will give you a new feeling of the body in space! GTS is a new approach to personal, rehab and Pilates training!

4 halls of group programs with an extensive schedule, which includes aerobic, strength, dance and martial arts programs;

Outdoor classes - due to its unique location, the New League fitness club offers its clients group fitness classes not only in the halls, but also in the fresh air;

PILATES personal training studio, equipped with the latest Cadillac simulator;

Classes in small groups - this is an opportunity to attend group lessons at a convenient time for you, outside the general schedule;

2 indoor universal sports grounds with stands - perfect for tournaments up to 700 people. in such sports as mini-football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, etc. It is also possible to hold Health Days, presentations, conferences, etc. here. A wide range of sections on team sports;

Curling Club "Novaya Liga" - is the only site in Moscow with a professional ice surface, on the basis of which Moscow and Russian teams train, including the Olympic team;

For the training of athletes in our club, a curling school is open: for children (paid and free education) and for adults.

For corporate clients, we are ready to offer the possibility of holding events with many interactive zones and team building.

In our club you can hold any event: birthday, children's party, theme party, graduation or last call for schoolchildren.

In the sports club "New League" everything has been created to ensure that your training and rest are of the highest quality.

At your service are not only vertical solariums and hamams in each locker room, but also a beauty salon where you can plunge into the atmosphere of the East and relax after a workout without leaving the "New League". We are pleased to offer you various types of massage from Filipino masters!

In the menu of the fitness bar of our club you will find freshly squeezed juices and sports cocktails, a variety of dishes prepared according to all the rules of a healthy diet.

For the comfort and safety of our customers, we also provided for the availability of individual safe boxes.

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