Soul-saving Orthodox reading. Proverbs. Soulful reading. Archpriest Alexander Men about the Bible

And here is the edition "Children's Bible" is an abbreviated and simplified transcription Bible stories for young readers. Verbatim passages from the Bible are in quotation marks.

Orthodox fairy tales for girls “Modern, ancient, girl names” on pi lard Hope Veselovskaya . In this book you will find three amusing, but at the same time, instructive stories from the lives of girls bearing old Russian names. The fairy-tale events in the book are assessed from Orthodox spiritual positions - from the positions of love and goodness, and girls from different times are united by faith in God's help, in miracles and the willingness to give their lives for friends.

One of prominent representatives Orthodox fiction is Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950) - publicist, writer, Orthodox thinker. His novel "Summer of the Lord" describes the Russian way of life through the church liturgical year, starting with Great Lent. Church holidays and services, family life, customs are shown in the book through the eyes of little boy Vani. The book “The Summer of the Lord” is autobiographical. “In it I show the face of Holy Rus', which I wear in

your heart... - said Shmelev. “Russia, which looked into my childhood soul.”

Russian poets in their poems very often refer to biblical themes am. Yuri Kaplan and Ekaterina Kudryavtseva compiled a poetic anthology Iyu "Biblical motives in Russian lyrics of the twentieth century." The book presents very different authors, from the religious philosopher Vladimir Solovyov to the subverter of all foundations Vladimir Mayakovsky, What unites them all are the holy images of the Book of Books.

In Lugansk, the Orthodox literary association “Svete Tikhiy” published the almanac “ Easter eggs are bright » dedicated to the Passover of the Lord. The collection presents prose, poetry and journalism by Russian and Ukrainian authors. "…this book - shining example how kind creative people, united by faith, regardless of where they live, strive to live in friendship, peace, want their children to live in a highly moral, spiritual society...” says the article from the compiler.

Publishing house Sretensky Monastery published "Green series of hope." We present to your attention three books from this series:
1. Alexander Bogatyrev “The Bucket of Forget-Me-Nots” and other stories.”
2. Archpriest Alexy Lisnyak “Sasha’s philosophy” and other stories.”
3. Archpriest Andrei Tkachev “Wonderland” and other stories.”
These books tell about simple and famous people, about wonderful events, about difficult paths to God, about the infinity of God's world, about love for one's neighbor. This prose is both documentary and fiction. It talks about serious things, but it is not without humor. Wise, kind, smart books.

Has become an island of spirituality in the literary sea "Prince's Island" by Yuri Sergeev. It seems adventure story of the times of the Great Patriotic War, but the struggle in the book takes place not only on the battlefields, but also between the forces of good and evil. The result of the hero’s spiritual wanderings was rooting in the Orthodox faith, which excludes betrayal, deceit and self-interest.

To ensure that Orthodox fiction is read not only by believers, its authors write in different genres.

She wrote some of her books in the fantasy genre. Yulia Nikolaevna Voznesenskaya. Her book "Julianna, or Dangerous Games" - about twin sisters Yulia and Anna, who ended up in a school of magic for future witches. Faith in God and the intercession of the Guardian Angels help them overcome evil and withstand childish trials.

Soulful reading Orthodox fiction will support you in difficult life situations, will not allow you to become despondent and will increase your faith in the triumph of goodness and love.

True believers both see miracles and enjoy miracles; but for unbelievers there are either no miracles, because they are unworthy of them, or if there are, they do not see them. How is it, you say, that there are miracles, but they are not visible? It’s very simple: the sun shines for everyone, but the blind cannot see it.

Bishop Hermogenes. Minutes of pastoral leisure

About the miracle in the Sarov camps

Father Nikon cited a story he heard in the concentration camp from a priest who had previously been in the Sarov camps. One summer, prisoners were sent to dig something on the river, and they suddenly saw that an image of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands appeared at the bottom of the river. Everyone who was at work stopped, amazed by this, stopped digging, stood and watched. The guards came running to figure out what was going on, pushed everyone away and also saw the icon. Then they ordered to dig in this place to remove the image. But it didn't disappear. Then they began to bombard him... Father Nikon said: “If a person does not want to believe, then no miracle will convince him.”

What miracle was King Herod waiting for?

The unclean King Herod expected Christ to perform a miracle in front of him, but he did not expect a miracle of mercy and love for mankind, but a fair miracle, for the amusement of the curious. Before him at that time was the greatest miracle in the world - a sinless and pure Man. The complete opposite of himself, the defiler of the family and the murderer of the holy prophet John, the Baptist of the Lord. I think that this unclean descendant of Esau was able to believe in any miracle of the world, but never in the miracle of the purity and sinlessness of Man. And before him was precisely this greatest and incredible miracle. However, the soulless and unclean could not see him. Just as Pilate, mired in the lies of idolatry, looking into the face of Truth, could not see the truth, so Herod, blinded by the black scabs of sin, looking into the face of Innocence, could not see innocence.

The “Missionary Letters” of St. Nicholas of Serbia can be called a “spiritual pearl.” “Their value and beauty lies in the fact that the great connoisseur human soul, Orthodox faith and all areas of the earth human existence explained the deepest thoughts and truths simply and clearly, explained them to every God-seeker, despite his age and degree of education, wrote Saint Lawrence, Bishop of Shabatsko-Walewski. “Answers to a wide variety of questions that torment a weak person, the spontaneity of speech, deep thoughts and the convincing power of the author’s language even today make this book the best spiritual anthology...”

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Do you want to see a miracle every day? – Every day, meditate on the incarnation and passion of Christ.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Will miracles ever stop?

Miracles are evidence of God.

Their goal is to convert unbelievers to God and strengthen the faithful in faith. But the holy apostle predicts that times will come when prophecies will cease, tongues will be silent (1 Cor. 13:8). Already in the 4th century, Saint John Chrysostom said that miracles had become scarce.

…The miracles will not stop completely, as evidenced by the prophecy of the Apocalypse that two of God’s witnesses (according to the explanation of the holy fathers, these will be the holy prophets Enoch and Elijah) will appear in last days to expose the Antichrist and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, having power to shut the heavens so that no rain falls on the earth during the days of their prophecy, and power over the waters to turn them into blood and to smite the earth with every plague (Rev. 11:3, 6) . But compared to the first centuries of Christianity, in subsequent times miracles will become extremely rare.

Hieromonk Sergius (Rybko). About the miracles of God

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If the creation of the world is a work of God’s love, then the work of the redemption of people by the death of the Son of God is a miracle of God’s love.

Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna

Believe in miracles!

The Lord Jesus Christ was not the only one who performed miracles; many saints also performed them, and in particular, the holy prophet Elijah performed miracles in extraordinary numbers and with extraordinary power.

Why, why were miracles needed and in earthly activities Lord Jesus, and in the life of His saints? And miracles occupied an extremely large place in the activity of the Lord Jesus Christ. He achieved our salvation first of all and most of all through His honest cross, but to an enormous extent also through His teaching - a teaching that the world has never heard, a teaching the like of which has never, ever existed in the world. And the miracles of Christ were needed then and because enormous power they affirmed and confirmed everything that came from the most pure lips of the Savior.

Miracles had a huge, irresistible influence on their witnesses, and for the sake of the miracles of Christ, for the sake of the miracles of the holy apostles, who were also very numerous, people turned to Christ in hundreds and thousands.

What then is surprising about the fact that miracles happen? What wonder is it that the Lord walked on the waters of Lake Gennesaret; that the Venerable Mary of Egypt crossed the Jordan; Is it surprising that our Seraphim of Sarov, as many saw, walked through the air without touching the ground? Is it surprising that spiritual power, a huge, powerful force, could exceed the gravity of the body and the body became so light that it could walk on the waters?

Believe in the miracles that the Lord Jesus Christ performed. Believe in the miracles of His apostles and saints. Believe also that miracles are being performed to this day, as many Christians know this from their own experience. Believe that in the lives of everyone who fulfills the commandments of Christ, there is undoubtedly a clear communication between them and God.

Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)

The eye did not see, the ear did not hear...

One winter night I found shelter with a man. When his family went to bed, he told me “the most big secret of my life”: “For years I wanted,” he said, “to see a miracle from God. But it didn’t come to me. One day I got up at dawn and began to pray to God. Suddenly a certain light appeared in me, and I felt peace, and joy, and fragrance. Since then I stopped asking God for miracles, because I saw the most great miracle, which I had no idea about.”

Is this not a new confirmation of what the apostle said: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him”?

Saint Nicholas of Serbia. Missionary letters

Spiritual wisdom

Reading is the truth of spiritual life

Archpriest Valentin Mordasov

About reading

Reading is one of the most necessary activities. Without reading it is impossible to know the truth. When I talk about reading, I mean exclusively the reading of the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the fathers and churches. But reading will only bring the desired benefit when what you read, to the best of your ability and ability, enters life, becomes the rule of life, and not simple, bare, soulless and cold knowledge. What good can it be that a person knows that he needs to pray - and does not pray; knows that it is necessary to forgive insults - and does not forgive; knows that he needs to fast - and does not fast; you need to endure - and you don’t? Such knowledge, according to the word of the Gospel, will even condemn a person.

Venerable Nikon of Optina

Bible – Book of Books

The Bible is a book addressed to all humanity. The Bible spoke to our ancestors, speaks to us and will speak to our descendants about the relationship between God and man, about the past, present and future of the Earth on which we live.

His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II

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Reading the Word of God, Scripture, the lives of the saints is true food for the soul.

Archpriest Valentin Mordasov

The unclear will become clear

Many of today's Christians are almost completely unfamiliar with the word of God. They read and studied everything worldly a thousand times - and never once picked up the Bible. You ask: why don’t they read? They answer: because they don’t understand much about it. But this is not an excuse, brothers! That's why they don't understand the word of God because they never read it. If they read it with diligence, then the incomprehensible in it would eventually become clear to them, and the dark would become light.

One monk, having come to his spiritual father, said: “Father! I will stop reading the word of God!” “What’s wrong?” - asked the old man. “I don’t understand what I’m reading,” the monk answered. “Child,” the elder told him then, “the sheep, when they find fat pasture, greedily grab the grass and swallow it without chewing, trying only to grab as much as possible; and then, having eaten, they chew it. So you, while you have time and opportunity, read Divine books as much as possible without laziness, and the dark will become light for you. For either for the sake of skill you will understand something incomprehensible, or you will learn from the fathers and teachers of the Church, or, finally, if there is no one to explain to you, the Lord Himself will enlighten you.”

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After all, you can live a whole century with just the Gospel or the New Testament and read everything. Read it all and you won’t finish it. Read it a hundred times, and everything will remain unread.

Saint Theophan the Recluse

How to read the writings of the Holy Fathers

The elders advise reading and re-reading the books of the Holy Fathers. The writings of the holy fathers contain the truths of spiritual life and wisdom, which always provide those who read them with consolation, admonition, and spiritual reinforcement! They are understood and assimilated gradually, as the reader and aspirant grows spiritually, as they gain understanding from experiences and personal experiences.

By the way, the latter is one of the reasons for the need to re-read the writings of our fathers. And it is advised to re-read them like this: if a person sees that he is being attacked, for example, by the passion of anger, then it is advised to read about this passion and the virtue opposite to it; if anger attacks, then read about anger and love; if fornication attacks, then read about fornication and chastity...

It has been noticed that what makes a particularly strong impression on the soul is what it given time required. This advice should not be considered as a ban on reading books in a row. Those who wish and have the opportunity, let them read each book in a row. This is even necessary to obtain a complete impression and understanding of the writings and teachings of a particular holy father. And you can use this advice according to your spiritual need for this or that reading.

Venerable Nikon of Optina

After the October Revolution, Optina Pustyn was closed, and persecution of its inhabitants began. The Monk Nikon worked zealously, doing everything possible to preserve the monastery. “I will die, but I will not leave,” the monk wrote in his diary. He continued to serve and receive pilgrims to confession who continued to travel to Optina Pustyn. So the Monk Nikon became the last Optina elder.

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Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the rules of the holy fathers comes from studying, reading the books of the holy fathers, where everything is explained.

Archpriest Valentin Mordasov

How to read the Gospel

We must read the Gospel regularly. It is best to read it in the morning, when thoughts have not yet dissipated. But you need to start reading the Gospel without just picking up a book, sitting down and expecting that you will immediately open up to him. We must stand before God and say: “Lord, I will now read the Gospel, which tells about the life of our Lord, Savior Jesus Christ. Every word of His is a word from eternity, it is God’s word to me personally. Bless me, help me to open my mind, be sensitive in my heart; and help you be fearless. Because I will certainly come across words that will demand a change in my life, a change in my attitude towards people, towards myself, and I will be afraid of this change. Help me to become courageous, daring, but also wise.”

Saint Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

Divine books are a means of fighting evil

My friend, when an evil thought comes to you, take out your sword, which is the fear of God, and you will cut off all hostile power. And instead of calling for war, have Divine books. Just as a military trumpet, calling for battle, summons soldiers, so the holy books we read concentrate our minds and make us think about the fear of God. And just as a military trumpet, sounded during battle, arouses courage in an inexperienced warrior, so Divine books arouse good thoughts in us and strengthen us against passions.

So, my friend, force yourself to read such books more often in order to bring your thoughts into proper order, which the enemy dispels with his machinations. Arise, beloved, take heart, try to constantly read Divine books, so that they teach you what you need to do to avoid the snares of the enemy and receive eternal life. Reading Divine books frees the mind from bad thoughts and directs it to think about God.

Do not be lazy about creating your salvation, but create it by reading and pray to God to enlighten your mind, and you will be perfect and preserved from evil thoughts. Just as a thirsty deer wants to come to the springs of water, so should you hasten to read the Divine books, so that by the power of the teaching contained in them, you can extinguish and overcome the power of the passions that rise up against you.

Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

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The Greatest Secret and the miracle of the Bible is rooted precisely in the fact that it is the word of God in human language. Quite rightly, the first Christian exegetes saw in the Old Testament writings an anticipation or prototype of the future incarnation of God.

Archpriest Georgy Florovsky

Why is the Gospel called the Gospel?

Why is it called good news? This is news from the other world to the sinful earth. A message from God to a suffering man languishing in sin; the news of the possibility of rebirth to a new, pure life; news of bright happiness and joy of the future; the news that everything has already been done for this, that the Lord gave His Son for us.

Saint Basil of Kineshemsky

Archpriest Alexander Men about the Bible

Holy Bible is not scientific material for intellectual exercise and should not be read like any other book. Scripture is like the starry sky. The more you look into it, the more stars you see.

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Archimandrite John (Peasant)

About spiritual laziness

The Bible lies on the table, and next to it is an empty little book filled with worthless fables; It will rarely turn out that for reading they will not prefer the latter to the former. They talk about God, about the soul, about eternal salvation - they doze, get bored, patiently wait for the end of the conversation; If some joker appears here and starts telling tall tales, everyone will perk up, everyone will be happy, everyone will show him the greatest attention and shower him with praise...

Our soul is created in such a way that it has the same need for daily renewal of its strength with the thought of God, just as the body needs to strengthen itself with food. Meanwhile, how many of us are wise? The day is absorbed in everyday affairs, and part of the rest is spent worrying about everyday things. Thinking about God, about the soul, about future life if we ever indulge, it is mostly as if to the very last of our worries. And in this state of affairs, with a mind and heart clogged with worldly cares, is it possible to become responsive to what you least think about? Alas, the water does not penetrate into the clogged channel, but bypasses it, and the seed that falls along the way, on stones and among thorns, does not bear fruit.

Archpriest Viktor Guryev. Prologue in teachings

Read the Gospel often

Love the Gospel, read it more often, everything written in it is sweet for the heart and saving for the soul. Especially often read the Savior’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1–12), the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John about love and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans (chapter 13), which indicates everything how a Christian should live.

Schema-abbot Savva (Ostapenko)

Seek salvation in the Word of God

Holy Scripture is the Word of God. It speaks to you, as it speaks to every person. It was given to you to receive eternal salvation: why seek your salvation in the Word of God - the Holy Scriptures. Stop wondering what is happening in this or that place; take care to find out with the help of the word of God what is happening in your soul, what final goal you are going towards, towards destruction or towards salvation, what path you are on, are you on the path of the righteous or on the path of the wicked?

In the Holy Scriptures, God, who is greater than any image, is depicted, so that we may know Him, to the extent and how He has given us to know Him; the Holy Scripture sets forth the all-holy will of God for us to fulfill it; in the Holy Scriptures the old and new person, or perishing and being saved; shown are the path leading to salvation and the path leading to destruction. In the Holy Scriptures you will see what should happen to every person after his death, in eternity.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

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Anyone who wants to acquire true knowledge of the Holy Scriptures needs to read the Holy Fathers.

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

The Lord will help you understand

The nobleman of the Ethiopian queen Candace, on the way to Jerusalem, read the 53rd chapter of the book of the prophet Isaiah, which contains a prophecy about Jesus Christ. The nobleman did not understand the prophecy, but the Lord, seeing his sincere desire to know the truth, sent him unexpected help. The Holy Spirit took the Apostle Philip onto the road along which the nobleman was traveling; Philip approached the nobleman and spoke to him. Philip asked if he understood what he was reading? The nobleman answered: “How can I understand when I don’t have a mentor? Sit down with me and explain who the Prophet is talking about—yourself or someone else?” The Apostle fulfilled his desire and explained to him the prophecy about Jesus Christ. Then the nobleman believed with all his heart in the Savior of the world and immediately received baptism, and after this the Holy Spirit descended on him (Acts 8:26-39).

The Holy Spirit will find an opportunity to help you understand the word of God if you listen or read the word of God with diligence and attention. He is always close to those who lovingly accept it and learn from it. You only ask Him to enlighten you, and He will enlighten you either directly or through the pastors of the Church, to whom you always turn for admonition when you do not understand something in the word of God.

Archpriest Viktor Guryev. Prologue in teachings

Stand persistently at the doors of the wise

Recognize your mind as the lamp of your entire life.

Saint Gregory the Theologian

Signs of Spiritual Wisdom

The signs of spiritual wisdom are: 1) careful teaching in the word of God; 2) seeking guidance, advice from the pious and reasonable people; 3) the ability to lovingly accept instructions, punishments, useful tips, denunciations; 4) reasoning about the wondrous Providence of God, about His truth and mercy; 5) frequent memories of death and what follows, that is, Last Judgment Christ, about a blissful and unhappy eternity; 6) contempt for the world; 7) most of all prayer, without which spiritual wisdom cannot exist.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

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He is not wise who speaks a lot; but he who knows the time when he should speak.

Reverend Abba Isaiah

About vain wisdom

How many are like the eyes of an owl who practice vain wisdom! And the owl’s vision at night is sharp, but it becomes dark as soon as the sun rises; and they, the wise men of this world, have a very sophisticated understanding for empty speculation, but are darkened towards the knowledge of the true light.

Saint Basil the Great

Wisdom lies in choosing a person to whom you can entrust your soul. Appreciate wise people, experienced in spiritual life, and keep them close to you.

Archpriest Valentin Mordasov

The Wisdom of Solomon's Proverbs

Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding; do not forget this and do not turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not leave her, and she will protect you; love her and she will protect you. The main thing is wisdom; acquire wisdom and with all your wealth gain understanding (Prov. 4:5-7).

Wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing you desire can compare with it (Prov. 8:11).

Pride will come, and shame will come; but with the humble comes wisdom (Prov. 11:2).

A man who loves wisdom makes his father happy; but he who associates with harlots wastes his wealth (Prov. 29:3).

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Prov. 2:6).

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There is also a certain human wisdom; This is experience in everyday affairs, according to which we call those who are knowledgeable in one of the useful arts wise.

Saint Basil the Great

He is wise who follows Christ's commandments

N. yours finds the teaching of Christ far from perfect. It seems like this to people who do not believe and therefore neglect to fulfill the life-giving commandments of Christ. And whoever believes in simplicity of heart and tries to the best of his ability and ability to direct his life according to the law of Christ, is convinced by his own experience that there has never been and cannot be a more perfect teaching than this. N. considers the reason for Christ’s imperfection to be the Lord’s promise of reward for fulfilling His commandments. But this reward is not some kind of payment, for example, a man dug a hole and received a ruble. No. With the Lord, the very fulfillment of the commandments serves as a reward for a person, because it is in accordance with his conscience, which is why peace is established in a person’s soul with God, with his neighbors and with himself. That is why such a person is always calm. This is his reward here, which will go with him into eternity.

Venerable Ambrose of Optina

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Stand persistently at the doors of the wise; never stand at the doors of the rich.

Saint Gregory the Theologian

“Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness.”

True Christian wisdom is to overcome natural evil, that is, pride, arrogance, anger, malice, envy, hatred, impurity, voluptuousness, love of money, stinginess, intemperance, etc., and to follow the example of the holy life of Christ, that is, His humility, love , mercy, patience, meekness and His other beautiful Divine virtues. His holy apostles exhort this and this is what Christ Himself teaches: “I am the light of the world; Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(John 8:12). From this it follows that those who do not follow the example of Christ’s life walk in darkness and are mistaken.

If a given thing is used not sinfully, it can be sanctified, but if it is used sinfully, then it is not necessary.
O. Valentin Mordasov


The Slavic word “rite” itself means “outfit”, “clothing” (you can recall, for example, the verb “to dress”). The beauty, solemnity, and variety of church rituals attract many people. But the Orthodox Church, in the words of St. John of Kronstadt, does not occupy anyone and does not engage in idle spectacles. Visible actions have invisible, but completely real and effective content. The Church believes (and this faith is confirmed by two thousand years of experience) that all the rituals it performs have a certain sanctifying, that is, beneficial, renewing and strengthening effect on a person. This is an act of God's grace.

Conventionally, all rituals are divided into three types:

1. Liturgical rites- sacred ceremonies performed during church services: anointing of oil, great consecration of water, removal of the holy shroud to Good Friday and so on. These rituals are part of the temple, liturgical life of the Church.

2. Symbolic rituals express various religious ideas of the Church. These, for example, include godparents the Omen which we repeatedly perform in remembrance of the sufferings on the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and which at the same time is a real protection of a person from the influence of evil demonic forces and temptations on him.

3. Rites of consecration everyday needs Christian: commemoration of the dead, consecration of homes, products, things and various good undertakings: study, fasting, travel, construction and the like.


Their ritual forms sacred meaning says prayer. Only through prayer does an action become a sacred act, and a number of external processes become a ritual. Not only the priest, but also each of those present must make their contribution to the ceremony - their faith and their prayer.

Grace, help, various gifts are given by God, given solely by His mercy. But “just as the source does not forbid those who wish to draw from it, so the treasure of grace does not forbid any person from being a partaker of it” (Reverend Ephraim of Syria). We cannot, with the help of some magical actions, “force” God to send down what we need, but we can ask Him with faith. The Holy Scripture says about the need for faith for prayer: “Let him ask in faith, without doubting in the least, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, lifted and tossed by the wind. Let such a person not think that he will receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:6- 7). When we pray to the Lord, we must believe that the Lord is omnipotent, that He can create or grant what we ask for. To believe that He loves us, that He is merciful and good, that is, He wishes the best for everyone. It is with such faith that we must pray, that is, turn our mind and heart to God. And then, if during the ceremony we not only stand next to the priest, but also pray heartily with faith, then we too will be worthy to receive sanctifying grace from the Lord.


Orthodox Christians call sanctification the rites that are introduced by the Church into the temple and personal life of a person, so that through these rites the blessing of God descends on his life, on all his activities and on the entire environment of his life. The basis of the diverse church prayers is the desire to spiritualize human activity, to do it with God’s help and His blessing. We ask the Lord to direct our affairs in such a way that they are pleasing to Him and benefit our neighbors, the Church, the Fatherland and ourselves; bless our relationships with people so that peace and love prevail in them, etc. And therefore we ask that our home, the things that belong to us, the vegetables grown in our garden, the water from the well, through the blessing of God that has descended on them, help us in this, protect us, and strengthen our strength. The consecration of a house, apartment, car or any other thing is evidence, first of all, of our trust in God, our faith that nothing happens to us without His holy will.

Church everything you need for human life sanctifies with prayer and blessing. The Church sanctifies all nature and all the elements: water, air, fire and earth.

In the thirteenth year of the reign of Romanus, the Greek king, there lived a certain man in the royal capital city. He was one of the king's close associates. Having the pious intention of becoming a monk, this husband left the royal service and found peace in the monastery. In the holy monastery Paradise River he accepted monasticism and became its abbot. After some time, he happened to fall into a severe, long-term illness.

And when he had been ill for five months, at three o'clock in the afternoon, having come to his senses a little, he rose silently on his bed, held by his cell attendants by the arms. And when he sat down, from the third to the ninth hour he fell into a kind of exhaustion, with his eyes looking towards the church, inaudibly whispering something with his lips alone. After this long time, he came to his senses a little and began to ask his cell attendants for two edges of bread: “Give me those two pieces of bread that I accepted from the honest old man.” And, having said this, he put his hands on his chest and began to feel inside his bosom, trying to find something. Some of the monks who came to visit the abbot guessed that this was a miraculous vision, and began to ask the elder to reveal this great mystery to them: “Tell us, father, do not hide spiritual benefits from us: where were you at these hours, when with your lips was talking to someone, and here we were crying about you?” He answered quietly: “Be silent, children, for the Lord’s sake; when I come to my senses, I will fulfill your request.”

The next day, all the brethren gathered around the abbot’s bed, and he began the story:

“As much as I remember, fathers and brothers, I will try to tell you. As only the human mind can understand and the language can convey, so I will tell you. Yesterday, as soon as I stood up on my bed with the help of my brothers, I suddenly saw a lot of people to our left, whose faces were blacker than tar: some very black, and others less so. Suddenly, everyone’s faces became angry: some had bloodshot eyes like murderers, while others began to look at me like wild animals; some had puffy cheeks and turned blue, some had lips that stretched upward, others downward; such terrible people gathered at my bedside, intending to take me away from you, brothers. First I began to look around to see if any of you would be afraid. And I don’t know how, but, enraged, they grabbed me fiercely and dragged me away from you: some tied me up and dragged me by the neck, others pushing me from behind, others kicking me from different sides; someone was pulling forward strongly. And finally they dragged me to a very high cliff, the width of a stone throw (throwing a stone), and the depth of the very underworld of tartarus - they forcibly dragged me to such a cliff. At the very edge I saw a very narrow path, so tight that it seemed that even one foot could not fit on it. Along such a narrow and terrible path I was forcibly dragged by them to the right edge. I pressed myself in fear of being separated from them and falling into this terrible abyss. In the depths of this abyss a stormy river was visible, thundering terribly and making a loud noise with its flow. Having walked that narrow path with much trepidation, already passing left side to the top of this high cliff and its river, I saw an open gate, at which sat a crazy-looking, huge-looking man with a terrible face. His eyes were very bulging, and a huge fiery flame came from his mouth, and he released stinking smoke from his nostrils. A vile tongue hung from his mouth a full cubit long. Pulling strongly right hand, dry as a tree trunk, he grabbed people guilty of sins and threw them into a terrible abyss, in which those condemned to torment desperately cried out: “Alas! Woe to us!” When we approached this gloomy and monstrous husband, he exclaimed loudly, looking at me: “Oh! Here is my favorite!” And as soon as he extended his huge hand towards me to grab me, a sinner, I cowered in horror and tried to hide. But quite suddenly, as if sent by someone, two sacred-looking and gray-haired men appeared, in whom I recognized the glorious holy apostles Andrew and John, as they are written on holy icons. And as soon as this villain saw them, he immediately turned around and disappeared. And, having so valiantly received me, both elders went through those small gates. Having gone inside, we came out to some beautiful, light-filled place, where we felt joyful and good. After walking a little, we found a place of indescribable beauty, the kindness and grace of which it is absolutely impossible to convey in words! In the middle of that place sits a certain venerable old man and around him a huge multitude of children, who are larger than the sand of the sea. Then, having become a little bolder, I silently asked those leading me: “Who is this old man and who are these countless children around him?” They answered me: “This is righteous Abraham and Abraham’s bosom,” and they commanded me to bow to him. I immediately bowed earnestly and kissed Abraham. And we moved on. When we passed this wonderful and lush place, we saw a great mountain: on it there is an oak grove and trees larger than the stars of heaven, and on every tree there is a canopy, and under every canopy there is a bed, and on every bed a man is reclining, and I recognized many of them: and those brought up in the royal house, and many townspeople, some villagers. I recognized some from our holy monastery. Everyone I recognized was long dead. And just as I thought to ask what kind of wonderful garden this is, the elders preceded me, saying: “What are you thinking when you say, ‘What is this wonderful garden and what is all that is in it?’ What you heard: ‘You have many abodes. , Our Savior, and according to their wealth they are shared by everyone according to the measure of virtues." And, having passed that garden, they saw a city of indescribable beauty, its beauty and good, orderly structure cannot be described. The walls of that city are surrounded by twelve different ribbons according to the number of different shining precious stones. And in the walls there are different gates, gold and silver. Inside the gates there are golden houses, and golden seats are built, and they have golden stools, and golden steps ascend to them. And that wonderful city is all filled with unspeakable light and filled with fragrance and grace. Having walked around that entire city, they saw neither man, nor cattle, nor birds, nor anything else moving either on the ground or in the air. And on the edge of the city the royal buildings were seen built. In the royal courtyard there is a palace the length of a stone casting. From the edge of the palace, even to its edge, there is a table made of various marble stones, rising above the ground, and filled with many who reclined there. That whole house was filled with indescribable light, fragrance, and grace. At the end of the palace there was a small bowl that shone brighter than the sun and stood at the same table. She also had two light-like servants, whose joy-filled faces shone stronger than lightning. They said to the elders who were with me: “Let him sit down at the meal,” and, speaking, they showed me a place, and the elders took me there and sat me down, and they themselves sat down in a separate place. And while the servants for a long time lingered over the meal, I took a look at those present. I recognized many of those reclining at the meal both from the monastery of our saint and the laity. After a long time, the servants returned and, turning to the holy elders, said: “Bring him back, because they regret a lot about him and his departure to God, and the king is consoled, knowing that he is a monk. So, return him the same way and take him instead of him Athanasius from the Trajan Monastery." The elders immediately grabbed me and took me out of the palace and the wonderful city along the same path. And as they walked, they saw lakes filled with terrible torments: one gloomy, one fiery, another filled with stinking darkness, and the other with disgusting worms. And one after another there is torment, and the river is filled with torment, and the common human multitude is filled without number, and sad crying and bitter sobbing for all. Nevertheless, having passed the lakes, again in a certain place they saw that old man, whom they called Abraham. I approached him again and kissed him. Righteous Abraham gave me a golden cup full of wine sweeter than honey, and three loaves of bread. I ate one bread, wet it, and drank all that wonderful wine. I put the other two loaves in my bosom - it was these that I asked of you yesterday. So we slowly reached the place where the terrible, evil-smelling husband was sitting. Seeing me, he gnashed his teeth fiercely and said with rage and anger: “Now you have escaped me, but now I will not close my eyes, rebelling against you and your monastery!”

Behold, my brothers, everything that I learned and saw, I confessed to you, without forgetting anything.”

After this conversation, someone was sent to the Trajan Monastery and, when he arrived there, he found the monk Athanasius dead. Just at that moment, his body was being taken out of the cell on a bed, and he asked those who were carrying the deceased: “When did you rest?” And I heard the answer: “Yesterday at the ninth hour,” - at the same hour when the abbot saw a miraculous vision. And these monasteries were not far from each other; just as to this day, they stand side by side and are guided by one spiritual mentor.

After that vision, the abbot stayed for another thirty for long years, living well in God, managing and caring for both monasteries, living with his brotherhood. And so he ended his days for the glory of God.

  • Through the cares and labors of my mother, I was included in the number of pupils of the Zvansky Derzhavinsky School for 9 and a half years, on August 15, 1876, where I continued my studies for three and a half years, until January 18, 1880, in good health. That same year, on the 18th of January, I hurt my right leg above the foot and was immediately admitted to the school hospital... On January 13, 1881, I was sent for treatment to St. Petersburg, to the hospital at the Holy Trinity Community of Sisters of Mercy, where my the disease is inflammation of the periosteum in the joints, and here I stayed until June 10 of this year. On June 11, I was again returned to the Derzhavinsky school, having not received any relief and unable to walk without a crutch and a guide, and at the same time I felt pain on the entire right side of my body. Seeing my bitter, difficult situation, at the inspiration of my mother, I realized that there was only one thing left to do - to seek help from the Heavenly Physician, and I turned with fervent prayer to the saint of God, the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon (whose icon, with part of his saints relics, is in our church), and read the akathist to him several times a day.
  • Messenger, Soulful reading, 2012
    The Word of God is infinitely great. And human peering into it, not even beyond the limits of the understanding of the Holy Orthodox Church, constantly acquires new shades of comprehension and previously undisclosed meanings of eternal and permanent meaning. The Savior’s parable about the unclean spirit that came out of a man is well known and widely used. When the unclean spirit leaves a person, it walks through waterless places, seeking rest. And he doesn’t find it; Then he says: I will return to my house from where I came. And, having arrived, he finds it unoccupied, swept and tidied up; then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and having entered, they live there; and for that person the last thing is worse than the first (Matthew 12:43 - 45) ... What would a person need to do if he managed to overcome a sinful habit? To begin with, put your mind on guard over your heart, so that it considers at least the grossest sinful thoughts and, like a guard, even a not very good one, tries not to miss the most undoubtedly hostile ones. And when this is not the case?.. Let's see what can happen...
  • Messenger, Soulful reading, 2012
    A year before I was given the commandment to serve Mother of God at the Diveyevo monastery, the great elder Seraphim healed me from serious and incredible, great rheumatic and other diseases, with relaxation of the whole body and the removal of legs, crumpled and swollen at the knees and bedsores on the back and sides, with which I suffered incurably for more than three years. 1831, September 9, Father Seraphim healed me from all my illnesses with one word.
  • Messenger, Soulful reading, 2012
    Getting to the story of Blessed Pimen, we note that here we will become acquainted with his great sufferings and learn about the example of uncomplainingly enduring illnesses and learn how to endure bodily illnesses valiantly, with thanksgiving, and how the power of God is perfected in weakness.
  • Dmitry Alexandrovich, tell me why one person is prone to neuroses and another is not?

    Of course, I won’t answer this question with mathematical precision. I can say one thing with confidence. Neurotic disorders are characteristic of a soul upset by sins. It is they who disorganize the will, remove emotions and imagination from the control of consciousness. Simply put, a person’s mind, his will and feelings become like the swan, crayfish and pike from the famous fable: everyone pulls in his own direction, there is no harmony, while everything should be in subordination. The will is subordinate to the mind, and the feelings are subordinate to the will.
  • Life is given to us by the Lord

    Abortion is the killing of a child in the womb. Tragically, millions of unborn children around the world are killed in the womb. I can't wrap my head around this fact. Children are killed by their mothers themselves! At their request or with their consent. And the numbers of abortions, unfortunately, not only are not decreasing, but are even increasing. Today there are girls 13-14 years old who have already completed this terrible sin. October 13, 2016 Western media reported a sensational discovery by European scientists: the human heart “beats” earlier than on the 16th day after conception, writes the Russian Mothers website. Previously, there was an opinion in science that a child’s heart begins to beat at least a week later. At three months, doctors stop calling the baby a fetus. This is an already formed fruit that just needs to grow and ripen. I will not forget how one old priest tried to persuade a young woman not to have an abortion. Tears flowed down the priest’s cheeks. He told her about the sin of infanticide, and much, much more. When the elder ran out of “arguments,” he exclaimed: “Maybe there is a saint in your womb, or maybe this is your breadwinner in old age. Come to your senses! Life was given to us by the Lord!”...

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