Doctor octopus tentacles in real life. The character "Doctor Octopus. Doctor Octopus in Marvel Comics

Returning the body to Peter Parker, Otto's mind, despite everything, survived and after the Clone Conspiracy event, Octavius ​​received a new body that combines the abilities of Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus, calling himself Superb Octopus.

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Fictional biography

Otto became a well-known and respected nuclear physicist, inventor and teacher. He designed a range of advanced mechanical instruments controlled through a brain-computer interface to aid in the study of atomic physics. The tentacle tools were resistant to radiation and were given greater strength and movement precision by being attached to a harness strapped around his body.

Although his relationship with his staff was hostile, researcher Mary Alice Anders was supportive when Otto impressed her with a demonstration of his harness, explaining that he had invented it for scientists to be able to handle hazardous chemicals from a safe distance. They began dating, Otto proposed to Dr. Mary Alice to marry him, and joyfully announced to everyone that Dr. Anders would soon become his bride. However, Otto's mother did not approve of the wedding, believing that no woman could be good enough for her son. To calm her down, he canceled the wedding. With the death of his mother from a heart attack and the departure of Mary Alice Anders from his life, Octavius ​​began to pay less attention to detail and precautions in his work.

The beginning of a criminal career

During an accidental radiation leak that ended in an explosion, the apparatus was permanently attached to Octavius's body. It was later shown that the radiation had altered his brain so that he could control the movement of his tentacles using only his thoughts.

Although Doctor Octopus himself is in poor physical shape, also nearsighted by his harness, he is physically superior to Spider-Man: in his first appearance, he beat Spider-Man so badly that he considered giving up his heroic career.

Over the years, Doctor Octopus has become one of Spider-Man's most dangerous adversaries, going through many intense fights with him over the years. He formed the original Sinister Six to fight Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus later showed the ability to activate his mechanical weapon remotely, and used it to free himself from prison. Later, Otto waged war with Hammerhead.

Octavius ​​tried to hijack a nuclear submarine. He also wanted to poison New York City with printer ink, and fought the Punisher and Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus has worked with other villains more than once top level, most often as the leader of the Sinister Six. He transformed its composition more than once. In addition, he was a member and leader of the Sinister Seven. He was a member of the Green Goblin's Sinister Dozen.

Despite the obvious obstacles, Octavius ​​was in good relations with Peter Parker's aunt May, whom he met for the first time in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (1964) when he kidnapped her and Peter's girlfriend Betty Brant to get Spider-Man's attention. In fact, only because in more late time May Parker and Otto Octavius ​​were too busy to get married.


His main accomplishment was a near-fatal beating of Black Cat, which led to Doctor Octopus being beaten back by Spider-Man. The injuries he received caused Otto Octavius ​​to fear Spider-Man and spiders in general. For many years he had to be treated for acute arachnophobia. Later, Spider-Man allowed Octavius ​​to defeat him in combat in order for him to get rid of his fears and help save New York City from a nuclear reactor explosion. Octavius ​​planned to blow up the reactor to kill Spider-Man, but after defeating him, it seemed pointless to him. Spider-Man convinced Otto to stop the reactor so that there would be witnesses to his "triumph over the enemy." Octavius ​​left Spider-Man alive to suffer the humiliation he had endured.

Death and resurrection

Otto Octavius ​​meets a young businessman named Carlisle who wants to recruit Octavius ​​to work for his firm, Nexus Industries. Tired of his criminal past and failures, Otto agrees to Carlisle's offer. This turns out to be just a trick, and Carlisle, having put the doctor to sleep, steals his tentacles and, based on them, creates armor with six improved limbs. Leaving Octavius ​​bound in chains and his tentacles in an iron case, he sets out to rob a bank. Otto manages to concentrate and free himself with the help of the tentacles. He finds Carlisle in a hotel and gets into a fight with him. Spider-Man arrives at the scene of the battle, but Carlisle destroys the walls of the hotel, causing the entire building to collapse. Otto helps Spider-Man get all the visitors out, but leaves him under the rubble himself in the process. Carlisle goes to the set, where they are shooting a new film, which involves Mary Jane Watson. By coincidence, Aunt May was by her side. Carlisle takes the site hostage and to show the seriousness of his intentions he wants to kill one person and his choice falls on Aunt May. At this moment, Otto appears on the set and again engages in battle with Carlisle, but he injures the Octopus. Before that, Otto manages to damage his armor. Spider-Man, who got out from under the rubble, hurries to the scene. Octavius ​​tells Peter about the damaged armor and Spider-Man launches a web into his suit. Carlisle is defeated, but Parker notices that Doctor Octopus has escaped.

After upgrading his tentacles, Octavius ​​tracks down Spider-Man and offers to volunteer to take off his mask and walk around Time Square. Peter refuses and Ock demonstrates his superiority over him, easily defeating him. Octavius ​​kidnaps the Palestinian ambassador and reminds Spider of his demands: either Spider-Man takes off his mask in public, or Octopus kills the ambassador, which will provoke an international conflict. Luckily, the Palestinian secret service, with the help of Detective Garrett, finds and rescues the ambassador, and the Spider deals with the Eye and leaves him to the police.

The Doctor was taken to Riker's prison, where he is brainwashed and sent to kill Norman Osborn. He interrupts the fight between Spider-Man and the Goblin, but both villains are struck by lightning and fall into the river. Otto was fished out of the river with no recollection of the incident.

Later, teaming up with the newly-minted supervillain Fusion, Octavius ​​begins to develop cyber prostheses for the Biotechnics company, which can be used to influence the human brain. Biotech's clients were high-profile military and government officials who became disabled after accidents. When Spider-Man became interested in Biotechnics, he broke into the company's building and found the Octopus with the Alloy there. After a brief fight, the Spider escapes, taking Octavius' briefcase. In this briefcase, Parker finds a note marked "John Hancock" and asks Nick Fury who the man is. Fury explains that "John Hancock" is the name of a tracking device that can detect anyone anywhere in the world. With this device, the Fusion was going to find Spider-Man and uncover his secret identity, but Octavius ​​had other plans. Ock pretended to be Fusion's puppet until he got hold of the device, and when Fusion got hold of John Hancock, Octavius ​​severely beat him and left him for dead. Otto was about to sell him for a large sum, but the Spider, with the help of Daredevil, found Octavius, disabled and gave the tracking device to Nick Fury.

Civil War

During Civil War Doctor Octopus tries unsuccessfully to form a new Sinister Six because Captain America's Secret Avengers defeated the group of villains, though Otto himself escaped capture. Then, Otto sees on TV that Spider-Man has revealed his secret identity and appeared to the public as Peter Parker. In a rage, he begins to destroy the entire city. Otto can't believe that he was beaten up so many times as a teenager and that he himself lost a good opportunity to kill Spider-Man in one of his first encounters with him. Octavius ​​was stopped by Spider-Man when Eye was distracted by two students from Peter's class.

Dying Otto

Octavius ​​learned that he was dying, as his body was deteriorating due to years of fighting Spider-Man. He decides that he must give the world something by which he will be remembered and subjugates all the devices and machines of New York to his thoughts, but Spider-Man manages to stop him. Otto runs away, thinking that Spider-Man will always ruin his plans, and if he interferes with giving the world something great and useful, then he will give him something great and terrible.

Octavius ​​is desperate to find a way to heal. During Peter's date with Carlie Cooper in a cafe, Lily Hollander bursts in - the ex-girlfriend of Harry Osborn, as well as the supervillain Menace, who is about to give birth to Norman Osborn's child. Due to the fact that this baby was born under the influence of the Goblin Serum, he has unlimited scientific potential, which Octavius ​​wanted to use as a cure for his illness. He delivers Lily and is about to leave, but at the last minute, Spider-Man snatches the baby from Octopus's tentacles and walks away from him. Otto unleashes all the powerful villains of New York on him, and after a battle with almost every one of them, Peter gives the child to Harry Osborn, but he says that the child is dead. Spider-Man is going to find Octavius ​​and flies away. Harry actually turns out to be a Chameleon and the child is still alive. Furious, Peter beats up many villains in an attempt to find Otto and finds the Chameleon, who reveals to Spider-Man that this is all Doc Ock's plan, to whom he wanted to take the baby, but he was kidnapped by the Lizard. Otto himself, knowing that the child was kidnapped, follows the trail of the Lizard and comes across Spider-Man, who invites him to unite in order to prevent the death of Osborn's son. Suddenly, the Octopus attacks Peter and tries to kill him. Peter realized that being close to the Lizard's lair was causing Octavius ​​to give in to his instincts. He defeats Doc and finds the Lizard, who says the child is useless. Parker examines the baby's blood and realizes that the Goblin Serum is not in it. He says that the child will not help Octavius, who has appeared to destroy the Lizard that has infected his intellect. Peter escapes with the baby, leaving Otto to fight the Lizard.

"Ends of the World"

Otto has only a few months left to live, his body is falling apart, he cannot live without a special life support unit that is built into his new suit, which also had eight new adamantium tentacles for greater mobility and lethality.

Octavius ​​launches many octolenses into orbit that can amplify the effect of global warming and activates them for a few seconds. He then turns to all the inhabitants of the Earth with a request to help humanity, since his lenses can not only increase the effect of global warming, but also reverse it. He asks that octolens factories be launched all over the planet, asks to forgive the Sinister Six for all sins, transfer two billion dollars to each account and build the Otto Octavius ​​University in memory of the day when he saved everyone. Spider-Man does not believe the Eye and joins the Avengers in battle against the Sinister Six. Octavius ​​developed a brilliant plan and defeated the entire team of heroes. Spider-Man, Black Widow and Silver Sable managed to escape from Doctor Octopus, and therefore, Doctor Octopus tells the inhabitants of the planet that if they are not stopped, then all Otto's efforts will be meaningless. Meanwhile, Black Widow, Silver Sable, and Spider-Man begin to destroy Octavius' octolens factories, but Otto sets off a doomsday device and ends up burning half the planet. It turns out that Mysterio staged all this performance and in fact, the planet was not affected by the device Octopus. Peter begins searching for Octavius ​​and is confronted by the Avengers, who were being controlled by Octopus with his Octobots. Spider-Man knocked out the Octobots and made his way to Otto's underwater base, where he learned that his real plan was to destroy all of humanity. Doctor Octopus binds Peter with his tentacles, and after getting out of his suit, he tries to press the kill button, but Spider-Man breaks Octavius's tentacles and throws one of them at the device, which immediately fails. Octavius ​​tries to drown himself, but Spider-Man saves him, saying that no one else will die. He asks Xorizon Labs scientists to build a life support facility for Otto.

In the epilogue, Spider-Man transports Octavius ​​to the Raft and tells him that his companions were easy to hack and could not be used for good. He leaves Otto alone, while saying that his legacy is nothing.

"Death" and Rebirth

Even the latest greatest defeat cannot stop Doctor Octopus. In the Dying Wish story arc, a dying Otto manages to switch bodies with Peter Parker using the Golden Octobot, which Octavius ​​mentally controlled while locked in the Raft.

After learning that the dying Doctor Octopus constantly says Peter Parker's name, Otto (Spider-Man) arrives at the Raft and taunts Peter by saying that he is now Otto Octavius ​​with what little he has left. Parker has a seizure, but the doctors managed to save him. Peter realizes that every time he used Octavius' technology, it gave him full access to his brain. Realizing that he can still control the Golden Octobot, he sends a message to all the villains in New York asking for help. His call is answered by Scorpion, Hydro-Man, and Trapster, who rescue Parker and hook him up to more mobile installation life support and Octavius's old tentacles. Peter manages to set the Golden Octobot into a mind transfer, but Otto finds out that Peter has escaped and is at his former base and leaked its location to the police. Peter escapes and travels to Columbus Circle, Avengers Tower, to fight Octavius ​​one last time. Otto decides to protect himself, so he sets Scorpio on John Jameson, whom he placed in the tower along with all of Peter's relatives and colleagues from Xorizon Labs, but seeing that he could harm May Parker, for whom he still had feelings, he is one blow blows Scorpio's jaw. Terrified, Peter grabs Otto and throws himself out of the window with him. In the struggle, Peter manages to get close to Octavius's skull with the help of the Golden Octobot, but it turns out that he is protected by a layer of carbonadium. Otto hits Peter in the face with all his might and wants to kill him, but he can't, because now, all of Peter's memories are in Otto's head, and he understands that " with great power comes great responsibility". Peter dies and asks Otto to take care of all his family and friends and Otto vows that he will bear the burden of Peter's responsibility. Otto Octavius ​​becomes the new Spider-Man. He creates a new and improved suit for himself and gives himself the name Superior Spider-Man.

Superior Spiderman

File:Superior Spider-Man.jpg

Otto Octavius ​​as Superior Spider-Man

Otto begins to build his legacy as Peter Parker. Octavius' first major achievement is defeating the new Sinister Six, led by Boomerang, whom he wanted to kill, but was stopped by the ghost of Peter Parker, who remained in his own body as a projection of memories. Trying to improve Parker's personal life, Ok tries to build a relationship with Mary Jane Watson, but after several unsuccessful attempts, Otto leaves her. He shows his difference from Parker by first blinding the Vulture and then killing the supervillain the Ripper, earning the attention of the Avengers. Octavius ​​is working on getting his doctorate at New York University, where he meets a short girl, Anna-Maria Marconi. Gradually, Otto's feelings for Anna grow into love.

Dr. Octavius ​​notices something is wrong in his behavior and in order to figure it out, he tries to get his own neurolytic scanner - a device that allows you to enter the subconscious, which was taken by the anti-hero Cardiac in order to perform a complex operation on a little girl who suffered from Otto's actions during the "Ends Sveta". Otto realizes his guilt and performs the operation himself. Taking the scanner, Octopus finds Peter in the subconscious, and defeats him again in battle, erasing Parker's memories.

Having received from Mayor Jameson for the murder of Alistair Smythe the former prison for supercriminals Raft, he supplies it with his technology and hires people as minions. Otto's next action is the destruction of the Land of Shadows - the Kingpin's fortress and the capture of the Hobgoblin. Later, Otto helps Spider-Man 2099 prevent a time rift, however, due to a temporary explosion, he is sent to the future for some time. Otto receives his PhD and founds Parker Industries. During the Darkest Hour arc, he becomes the host of Venom, but due to his excessive pride, he loses control over him and removes him with the help of Peter Parker, who survived and began to collect his memories scattered from Doc Ock's memory.

In parallel, in the subway of New York, the army of the Green Goblin completed the formation. In the Goblin Nation arc, Otto loses everything he has achieved while being Spider-Man. The goblin learns, thanks to Carlie Cooper's diary, the true identity of the Spider and uses Otto's loved ones, including Anna Maria, as hostages. In the end, desperate, Otto finds no other way but to erase his own memories in order to save Anna Maria. At the same time, Otto admits to Peter that he was arrogant and did not notice this. Doctor Octavius ​​erases his memories and finally tells Peter that he is the one and only Superior Spider-Man.

Edge of the Spider World

Events unfold during the explosion at the Horizon Corporation, when Otto is accidentally sent to the year 2099.

Deciding to return to his time, he begins to rob such mega-corporations as Alkemax and Stark Fujikawa in search of equipment for teleportation. After collecting the teleport, Otto begins to travel through the dimensions in search of his own, but instead ends up in other universes and finds the dead Spider-Men. Realizing that the hunt has begun for them, he continues to travel through the universes in order to save as many Spider-Men as possible. He saves the Indian Spider-Man from a supernatural being named Karn, who killed all the Spiders that Otto found. Octavius ​​gathers his own team, consisting of Spider-Man from the Noir universe, Spider-Ape, Spider-Man, who became a killer after the death of Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman - Peter Parker's granddaughter from an alternative reality, Six-armed Spider-Man and begins to develop plan to fight Karn. After, he finds the Cyborg Spider, with whom they try to stop Karn, but during the battle Bora and Brix appear - his brother and sister. Realizing that it is impossible to deal with them, Superior Spider-Man retreats and decides to find out more information about enemies, study them, and then engage them in battle.

Spider World

Octavius ​​continues to prepare for the battle with the Inheritors, but Peter Parker destroys his plan. As a result of Parker's decision to merge his team with Octavius's, they are found by the Inheritors and Otto loses his hideout, which infuriates him. Octavius ​​decides that in order to win he needs to be more determined and cruel, and therefore, declares himself the main Spider-Man. A fight breaks out between Peter and Otto. Through cunning, Peter defeats Otto, who thought that this Parker was from the past timeline, when Octavius ​​had not yet subdued his body, so Otto thought that if he killed this Parker, he would disappear on his own. Nevertheless, he decides to help Parker's team and join forces to fight the Inheritors. Together with other Spider-Men, he enters a world infected with radiation and finds a bunker in which there was another Spider-Man - Uncle Ben. Ben said that this world was destroyed because of the local Otto Octavius, who blackmailed the world with a nuclear bomb, but although his demands were met, the bomb worked and destroyed all life. Later, Otto found out that Peter managed to get his body back, but did not tell anyone about it. He travels with Parker to the Inheritors' homeworld to stop a ritual they wanted to perform to prevent all Spiders from appearing in all realities. While Peter fights Morlun, Octavius ​​decides that the ritual can be interrupted in a more "perfect" way and kills the Master Weaver - the master of all realities and Spider Fates, who was under the control of the Inheritors. Morlun calls Otto crazy and tries to suck vital energy Parker, but Peter, using a teleporter, goes with Morlun to a world infected with radiation and leaves him there.

Otto is trying to change his fate and for this he begins to cut the Great Web of Life and Destiny, which was controlled by the Master Weaver. The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl try to stop Octavius ​​and learn that although Otto killed the Master Weaver, someone else could take his place. Karn (who has sided with the Spiders) decides to take the place of the Master Weaver and learns that it was himself, but at a later time. Otto engages Peter in a fight, who again defeats him and tells Otto that he himself gave Parker the body and admitted that he was the Superior Spider-Man. During the fight, Otto asks his holographic assistant, disguised as Anna Maria Marconi, to put them into sleep mode and begin a 100-day countdown. Otto surrenders and says that he will take revenge on Karn and Peter for their defeat, after which Karn opens a portal, and Parker pushes Octavius ​​out in the moment after the explosion at Horizon Labs.

All-New, All-Different Marvel

After deleting his memories and returning the body to Peter Parker, Otto Octavius ​​is technically still alive. Using technology he acquired in 2099, Otto made a copy of his mind and recorded it on his web shooter, which he modified and turned into a fully functioning Octobot. After the "100 days" mode, a copy of Octavius's consciousness is activated, however, it lacks information about the events taking place during the "Goblin Nation", and since this Otto Octavius ​​did not learn the lesson about great responsibility and did not know how Parker regained his body, he decided not put himself at risk and transferred his mind to the design of the Living Brain.

Being as a servant in the London branch of the company, which he is extremely unhappy with, Otto hides his true identity from everyone. Thanks to Octavius' sabotage, Peter fires Sajani Jeffery, whom he has long suspected of shady dealings against the company. Later, Otto unexpectedly learns that Anna-Maria has started dating Aiden Blaine, her colleague at work in the London branch of Parker Industries. Otto is horrified and promises that he won't let it happen.

Octavius ​​helps Spider-Man in the fight against the Zodiac crime organization, and after Peter defeats the head of the organization, Scorpio, Otto decides that it is time to put his plan into action and "greatly return".

"Dead No More: Clone Conspiracy"

Otto learned that there was a technology that could regenerate old and damaged organs, making them better. This technology is owned by the New U corporation, led by the returned Jackal. While attempting to transfer his mind into Aiden Blaine's body, Octavius ​​discovers that only Peter Parker's body or his original body can receive his brainwaves. Later, in a conversation with Anna Maria, he learned that Anna Maria, the girl he loved so much, really loved the person who was Otto in Peter's body, and treated Doctor Octopus with contempt, especially when she found out Learn more about Octavius' past. Otto wants to repeat the mind transfer process into Peter's body again, but in order to do so, he figures out exactly how he died when he was Spider-Man, which infuriates him. Thinking that he was brutally betrayed, Otto attacks Spider-Man and Anna Maria in a rage, and then blows up his robotic body, and he himself crawls away in his modified octobot, while saying that he will never return to the body of the "imperfect" Parker , but will regain his real body with the help of "New U" technology.

Otto travels to the Potters Hills Cemetery, where his old body rests, only to find that the body is not in the grave. Using 2099 technology, Otto learns that it has been stolen by common tomb raiders and is preparing to be transported to Simkaria. To prevent this, Otto contacts the robbers and asks to bring the body to the New U Corporation. The corporation is trying to revive Otto's body, but Octavius ​​himself recalls that at the time of the death of his old body, it contained the consciousness of Peter Parker. The Octobot infiltrates the flask with Otto's new body, and Doctor Octavius' consciousness once again clashes with the restored consciousness of Spider-Man. Otto emerges victorious from the battle, destroying Parker's consciousness in his body. The jackal presents the old tentacles to the doctor so that Otto makes sure that his body is not cloned, since his connection with the tentacles is due to the peculiarities of Octavius's old body. Doctor Octopus is back. Now Otto is forced to take a special drug "New U", otherwise his body will begin to collapse from cellular degradation. The Doctor invites the Jackal to cooperate in solving this problem, to which the Jackal agrees.

Spider-Man decided to investigate the disappearance of Jerry Salteris, an employee of Parker Industries, on whom New U technologies were applied. He infiltrates the company's headquarters and finds not only the returned Rhino and Electro (Frencine Fry), but also the reanimated Gwen Stacy, as well as Doc Ock. In the fight, Otto reveals the details of his return to Peter, beating him up and about to kill him, but is stopped by the Jackal.

Dr. Octavius ​​sets to work on the problem of cellular degradation and creates a "proto-clone" - an ideal carrier body in which consciousness can be placed. Later, Anna-Maria, who became the hostage of the Jackal (who turns out to be Ben Reilly, a clone of Peter Parker), is connected to his work. Octavius ​​tries to talk to her, but Marconi gets mad at Otto, saying he will never forgive him for what he did to her life. Anna tells the Jackal that she has solved the problem of cellular degradation, to which the Jackal offers Anna-Maria a new body without any physical defects. This infuriates Octavius, as he loved Anna Maria for who she is. While trying to attack the Jackal, he realizes that Ben is actually a spider clone and activates a device that causes all the reanimated ones to start turning into mutating zombies. Degenerating himself, Otto accidentally infects Anna Maria.

Peter tries to stop the virus, and together with Marconi, they find the right frequency that heals the infected. Doctor Octopus engages in a fight with Ben to buy time, thereby sacrificing himself again. When Peter and Anna-Maria find the "New U" lab, they see that Ben, Otto and Gwen Stacy are only ashes left, while Anna notices that the "proto-clone" of Octavius ​​has disappeared. It was later revealed that Otto had fooled Ben Reilly and managed to get away by transferring his mind into the body of a "perfect host".

Secret Empire

After escaping after a battle with Ben Reilly, Otto travels to his old base, intent on getting revenge on Parker for destroying the Parker Industries company that Octavius ​​was building for himself. Entering the base, Otto discovers Hydra agents there, who, due to the death of Doctor Octopus, have established their own lair there. With a new body, Octavius ​​easily defeats a squad of soldiers. Otto discovers that Arnim Zola is also present at the base, who offers Octavius ​​to become one of Hydra's generals to help the organization destroy Parker's company. Otto accepts the offer. He creates a new costume, a set of new tentacles, and gives himself the name Superb Octopus.

Later, Otto arranges a meeting with Parker and tries to convince him to hand over the reins of Parker Industries to Octavius ​​himself. On Spider-Man's refusal, Superb Octopus blows up the company's London branch and escapes. In San Francisco, Otto breaks into Horizon University and steals all of the technology from Parker Industries located there. Following, Otto plans to destroy the Shanghai branch of Parker Industries and, in secret from Hydra, seize all the intellectual property of the company. However, Peter decides to infect all of his technology with a virus to prevent it from falling into Octopus's hands, thus completely destroying Parker Industries. Octavius ​​destroys Spider-Man's armor in a rage, only to find that Peter's old costume is underneath. Spider-Man hacks Superior Octopus's tentacles, forcing him to retreat. At the Hydra base, Arnim Zola remarks on the success of Octavius's operation and conveys praise to him from Steve Rogers, who regards Ock as one of his best soldiers. Otto notes that he will not accept his position as an ordinary Hydra minion and will take revenge on Parker for destroying his empire.

Superior Octopus was seen in the ranks of the HYDRA Avengers along with Scarlet Witch, Deadpool, Vision, Black Ant, Odinson, and Taskmaster.

Powers and abilities

Doctor Octopus Equipment

Octavius ​​is a genius in the field of atomic physics. A brilliant engineer and inventor, he is also an excellent strategist and charismatic leader.

Due to exposure to radiation, Doctor Octopus can mentally control four electro-mechanical titanium tentacles. This weapon can lift several tons, provided that at least one hand is used as a body support. Reactions and agility of mechanical appendages are increased and surpass human. The weapon allows Octavius ​​to move quickly across any terrain and even vertical surfaces.


Doctor Octopus had total three different seat belts throughout his career: the original titanium seat belt, the more powerful adamantium seat belt, and the current seat belt with octopus-like tentacles. Previous belts were destroyed in battles with Spider-Man. His current seat belt is made from a mixture of niobium steel and titanium alloy, which is more durable and at the same time lighter in weight. When wearing a harness, the tentacles allow him to walk on walls. They are also used to grab objects of any size and as weapons. The pincers at the end of each tentacle can also be used to tear the flesh of enemies. The seat belt is also capable of holding a small jump. Doctor Octopus is able to rotate his tentacles around him in such a way as to deflect bullets.

Ultimately, Dr. Octavius's harness was surgically removed, but he was still able to control it mentally, even from a great distance. This ability is explained by the fact that the original accident caused Dr. Octavius ​​and his weapon to be fused together both physically and mentally.

Over the years of his confrontation with Spider-Man, Captain America and other superheroes, Otto received more than 80 head injuries, was subjected to various forms of strangulation and beatings, but Otto himself was not a superman physically. After the explosion at the radiation factory, the radiation accumulated in Otto's body did not allow him to fully heal from his injuries, so his body began to slowly die. To make up for his losses, during the World's Ends event, Octavius ​​wore a special armored life-support suit with eight adamantium tentacles. Otto also created many mini-robots - octobots, so that they perform various tasks.


There are two versions of the Octobots:

  • The first model of the Octobots was created by Otto Octavius ​​when he found out he was dying. They were small spherical devices that moved on eight flagella-tentacles. Managed by mental control.
  • The second model was a giant octopus-shaped mech that Otto used to destroy large structures.
  • The Golden Octobot was created by Doc Ock to switch minds with Spider-Man.

Octobots are known in at least two variations:

  • Spider Slayers- first appeared during the events of Spider-Island and were, in fact, the first generation of Octobots that Spider-Man filled with a special serum that he used to cure all those infected with spider powers.
  • Spiderbots- were small black and red spiders that Otto Octavius ​​used to patrol the city when he was the Superior Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's abilities

For some time, Otto owned Spider-Man's body, all of his memories and abilities. Deciding that the classic Spider-Man costume did not match the image of the Superior Spider-Man, Octavius ​​changed the color scheme of the costume from red and blue to red and black, invented new improved lenses, and added claws on his hands and feet. The second version of the costume was even more distant from the original. The suit became dominated by black, the lenses also became black, Octavius ​​improved the web formula and web shooters, added wrist communicators, and created four additional limbs for the suit that resembled spider legs. During the events of Spider World, Otto upgraded these limbs by fitting weapons that could drain the energy from the Inheritors.

In addition to the costume, Dr. Octavius ​​created about a thousand advanced spider-bots that were supposed to report to him about various incidents in the city. After Otto received the Raft prison from Jameson, he equipped it with the latest technology and created his superhero base there - Spider Island II.

Living Brain Abilities

For a long time, the mind of Doctor Octavius ​​was imprisoned inside the design of the robot, his old servant - the Living Brain. As the Living Brain, Otto Octavius ​​was capable of the most complex cyber-manipulations in the computer environment. In addition, the framework of the Living Brain was an indestructible shell that was able to self-repair after damage. Nevertheless, software The Living Brain was quite vulnerable, and could be disabled by the introduction of a special code, which was unbearable for Otto and was considered tantamount to repeated death.

Superior Octopus Abilities

By transferring his consciousness into the body of a perfect "proto-clone", Otto Octavius ​​again became the owner of Spider-Man's abilities, such as increased strength, speed and agility, the ability to stick to vertical surfaces. In addition, Octavius ​​began to have his own analogue of the "spider sense" - "octopus sense". After gaining the status of General of the Hydra, Otto decided to create a new costume, which became a variation on the Superior Spider-Man costume. Instead of spider legs on his back, Octavius ​​added a new set of advanced tentacles, and the design of the suit became more octopus-like than spider-like.

Other versions


In Ultimate Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus is younger than his classic version. He wears dark glasses due to the terrible wounds that he received after the explosion. Controls and manipulates tentacles telepathically. Otto first fought Spider-Man when he tried to take out his rival. The Spider manages to defeat Octavius, then Otto escapes from prison and learns that a movie about Spider-Man is being made in Hollywood. Doctor Octopus appears on the set of the film and runs into Peter (while he knew the secret of Spider-Man), Otto managed to catch the hero. He takes Peter with him on a hijacked plane, later Spider-Man was able to free himself. When the plane landed in Brazil, Spider-Man defeated Otto and went home. Doctor Octopus ended up in Trixelion where Nick Fury destroys Otto's tentacles. Soon the CIA secretly offered Otto his freedom in exchange for research with Ben Reilly into creating superhuman soldiers. They create five clones of Spider-Man, they also created a clone of Gwen Stacy. For the creation of Spider-Woman, who was a female clone of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus received an award. Peter meets Octavius ​​again, after learning that Otto is behind it, Peter and Spider-Woman named Jessica Drew were ready to kill Doctor Octopus. During the fight, Otto kills one of the clones, but Spider-Man and the female clone manage to overpower Doctor Octopus.

During an attack by Reed Richards, the Brain Team captures Jessica Drew, who suddenly learns that their leader is Otto Octavius. But Spider-Man ruins Otto's plans, he saves Jessica, and she began to beat Doctor Octopus. Later, Peter and Jessica leave, but unexpectedly the Roxxon building was destroyed, Otto managed to survive thanks to Jessica and Peter. After that, Octavius ​​changed, he wants to help and joins the heroes in the decisive battle against Reed Richards. Otto then voluntarily surrendered, at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers interrogate Octavius.

In the "Death of Spider-Man" storyline, Doctor Octopus was freed by Norman Osborn of Trixelion as part of the Six, and after refusing to kill Spider-Man, was killed by Osborn.

Spider World

During the Spider World crossover, which brings together many Spider-Men, in addition to the original Octavius, several versions of Doctor Octopus appeared.

On Earth-803, Doctor Octopus appeared as a member of the Sinister Six, led by Norman Osborn, who tried to destroy Spider-Lady, but were immediately defeated because Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) helped her.

In a world where Ben Parker was the Spider Totem, Otto Octavius ​​threatened the world with a nuclear weapon, and although his demands were met, the device went off and destroyed the entire world.

Spider-Man: Reign

The comic takes place in the alternate universe Earth-70237, which is 30 years ahead of the main universe in time. Spider-Man left crime fighting after the death of his wife, Mary Jane. Doctor Octopus had died long ago by that time, but before that he programmed his tentacles so that after his death they would find Peter Parker and force him to return to superhero activities. The tentacles save Peter from the Sinister Six, created by the mayor of New York, who was concerned about the appearance of Spider-Man, and take Parker to the cemetery to the graves of Mary Jane, Uncle Ben and Aunt May. They dig up Mary Jane's coffin, where Peter finds his red and blue suit, which he secretly buried with her, and finally returns to superhero activities.

Age of Ultron

Events take place on Earth - 61112, where the evil robot Ultron returned to Earth and destroyed humanity and most of the superheroes. Among the survivors was the Superior Spider-Man.

Marvel Zombies

Noir Spider-Man

In the Spider-Man Noir comics, Otto Octavius ​​is a scientist in the service of the Third Reich, devoid of legs and moving in a wheelchair. He dreams of working under the leadership of Heinrich  Himmler. Himmler later admired Octavius's work and wished to meet him in person. But seeing that he was imperfect as an Aryan, he ordered to get rid of him. Octavius's tentacles here are thinner and more like claws with interchangeable ends, they are more of a tool for work.

Spider Man India

In this universe, Doctor Octopus works under Nalin Oberoi (Green Goblin). He was turned into a mystical version of Doc Ock so that he would find and kill Pavitra Prabhaker (Spider-Man). As a result, he was killed by the Goblin due to his refusal to kill Spider-Man.

Marvel 1602

Doctor Octopus appeared in the Marvel 1602 universe. Baron Victor Octavius ​​is an Italian nobleman living in France who used the blood of octopuses to cure himself of the bubonic plague, but instead turns into an octopus-like monster. During the battle with Spider-Man, crushed" the role of Doctor Octopus was played by Alfred Molina. Otto Octavius ​​is a talented scientist, colleague and friend of Kurt Connors, Peter Parker's university professor of physics. Harry Osborne invested in his research. In order to perform an experiment with fusion energy, Octavius ​​created 4 tentacles that are inert to heat and magnetization, and able to control atomic energy. During the experiment, the machines are overloaded and the process becomes unstable, but Dr. Octavius ​​refuses to stop it. During the experiment, his wife dies, and the inhibitor's nerve chip, which allowed him to control the mechanism, is destroyed, and the weapon is fused with his spine as a result of radiation exposure. An unconscious Otto is sent to the hospital to remove the tentacles, but they kill the surgeons, and he, having regained consciousness, hides. The tentacles begin to have a bad effect on Octavius's mind, playing on his vanity and ego, as a result of which he decides to end the experiment at any cost.

To finance his experiments, Doctor Octopus tries to steal money from the bank where Peter and his Aunt May ended up. Spider-Man engages Octavius, but Doctor Octopus takes Aunt May hostage. When Spider-Man saves her, she changes her mind about him and realizes that he is a hero.

After a fight with Spider-Man, Otto practically finishes rebuilding the reactor a few days later and needs tritium to power the reactor. To do this, he goes to Harry Osborne. He agrees to this in exchange for bringing Spider-Man to him. Mary Jane meets Peter at a restaurant to ask if he still loves her, just as Doctor Octopus throws a car into a building. The Doctor kidnaps Mary Jane in order to lure Spider-Man into a trap. He accepts the challenge and fights with Octavius ​​on the roof of the train. During the course of the battle, Doctor Octopus destroys the brakes on the train, forcing Spider to rescue the runaway train. Peter manages to do this, after which he passes out. The passengers try to save the Spider, but Otto scatters the people with his tentacles and takes the Spider's body.

The spider ends up in Osborn's mansion. Harry, while preparing to kill him, learns his true identity, but Peter convinces Harry to show Octavius' whereabouts so he can save Mary Jane. Spider-Man finds Doctor Octavius ​​in an abandoned warehouse on the pier. coastline by the sea, where he restarted his experiment. After fighting Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man manages to call on Octavius' true self and begs him to stop the machine. Otto uses his mechanical weapon to destroy the floor of the building and sink the car, in doing so he goes underwater with it and dies in the depths of the sea along with the car.

  • In the movie Spider-Man 3: Enemy in Reflection (2007), you can see a newspaper clipping with Doctor Octopus from the second movie.
  • In The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage (2014), when Gustav Fiers walked towards the Rhino's armor, metal tentacles can be seen standing next to the wings.
  • The Superior Spider-Man costume was introduced as a variant of the costume that Peter could wear in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017).

Animated series

  • Doctor Octopus appeared in the first episode of the first Spider-Man animated series in 1967, where he was voiced by Vernon Chapman.
  • In the animated series "Spider-Man" 1983 Doctor Octopus was voiced by Stanley Jones.
  • Michael Bell voiced Doctor Octopus in the animated series "The incredible Hulk" 1982
  • Michael Bell also voiced Doc Ock in the animated series "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends" 1981-83 years.
  • In the 1994 animated series Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus was voiced by the famous American actor Ephraim Zimbalist Jr. Appears as a constant enemy of Spider-Man.
  • Doctor Octopus makes a cameo appearance in the first episode of The Invincible Spider-Man animated series.
  • In The Amazing Spider-Man animated series, Doctor Octopus was voiced by Peter MacNicol. One of the main antagonists of the series.
  • Otto Octavius ​​appears in the episode "Robot Chicken". Voiced by Seth Green.
  • In the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series, Doctor Octopus was voiced by Tom Kenny. In the animated series, there is a reference to the Superior Spider-Man in the series when Loki teams up with Doctor Octopus, gets him out of S.H.I.E.L.D. prison, transports him to his underwater laboratory, takes control of Spider-Man's body and later after fighting him returns to his body and Doc Ok says it's not a bad idea and he'll take note of it. In the final Season 4 of the Animated Series: Ultimate Spider-Man vs. Sinister Six, Otto is shown wearing a suit similar to the life support suit he wore in the "Doomsdays" arc. Subsequently, with the help of nanobots, he changed in appearance a second time again, with a suit that now looks like a classic suit, which is a reference to the Doctor Octopus armor from the 1994 series. In the last episode of the show, with the help of a special serum, he turned into a huge mutant octopus, but was cured of the mutation by his own antidote, and finally defeated, physically and morally, by Spider-Man. Introduced as the main antagonist of the entire animated series.
  • In the animated series "The Hulk and agents U. D. A. R.a", Otto Octavius ​​was again voiced by Tom Kenny.
  • In the Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload miniseries » Doc Oka was also voiced by Tom Kenny.
  • In the anime Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers » , Otto Octavius ​​is voiced by Dai Matsumoto.
  • Doctor Octopus appeared in the Marvel's Spider-Man animated series, 2017, voiced by Scott Menville. In this animated series, Otto Octavius ​​is presented as a teenage genius who is also Peter Parker's supervisor, who is treated with obvious hostility. Otto's own tentacles first demonstrated at the Stark Expo, however, after being attacked by the supervillain Ghost, who subdued all the equipment at the exhibition (including Otto's hands), Max Modell stopped funding Octavius's experiments.Norman Osborn took advantage of this and offered Otto funding from the Osborn Academy.
  • Spider-Man: Friend or Foe . Also a playable character.
  • Doctor Octopus appears as a boss in two of the game's missions. Marvel Super Hero Squad Online. Playable character as Doctor Octopus and Superior Spider-Man.
  • Doctor Octopus 2099 (Dr. Serena Petel) is the final boss in the game "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions" in the world of 2099. Created by Marvel and Beenox specifically for the game, this is her first appearance. He is the head of the Shadow Division of Alchemax. Created the Hobgoblin, possibly behind the creation of the Green Goblin. Her idol is Otto Octavius. In combat, he uses high-tech armor and six tentacles.
  • Doctor Octopus appears in the second level as a boss in the video game "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes", where he steals the Silver Surfer board piece from Marvel Headquarters: Avengers Alliance. Tom Kenny.
  • In Game " The Amazing Spider-Man 2" you can find Octopus tentacles by getting a task from Jay Jona Jameson. The Superior Spider-Man costume is an alternate costume that can be obtained by completing all tasks in the arcade machine.
  • Doctor Octopus appeared as a playable character in the game "Spider-Man Unlimited". The classic Superior Spider-Man costume and an upgraded version are available. Later after the update, Doctor Octopus appeared as the boss and founder of the Sinister Six. Also in the game appeared Excellent Venom. After the next update, the passage of the comic storyline is available The Superior Spider-Man.
  • Doctor Octopus has appeared in the game "Disney Infinity 3.0." Voiced by Tom Kenny.
  • Doctor Octopus appeared in mobile game "Marvel Future Fight"

(Doctor Octopus listen)) is a fictional character that appears in the Marvel Comics universe. First mentioned in The Amazing Spider-Man#3 (The Amazing Spider-Man, July 1963). Invented by writer and artist. He is a highly intelligent evil scientist, one of Spider-Man's archenemies. Obsessed with the goal of proving his genius and killing Spider-Man. On its back are 4 powerful mechanical tentacles. Stan Lee himself has said that Doctor Octopus is one of his favorite villains.

Starting from issue 698 The Amazing Spider-Man, Otto switches bodies with Spider-Man and after the last fight, Peter Parker in the body of Doctor Octopus dies. Octavius ​​relives all of Spider-Man's memories and vows to do good in this way, taking his longtime adversary's place as a superhero.

In 2009, Doctor Octopus was ranked 28th on the list of " 100 Greatest Comic Book Villains"According to IGN.


Born in New York, Otto Octavius ​​had a turbulent childhood. His father, Torbert, a factory worker, was cruel to Otto and his mother Mary, forcing him to be reclusive at school. Torbert Octavius ​​did not appreciate his weak-willed son, who was bullied by everyone, and demanded that Otto fight back when dealing with hooligans. Mary Octavius ​​defended her son from Torbert's attacks, saying that Otto is a gifted thinker who will use his brain rather than his fists to solve his problems. Otto focused all his efforts on his studies, regularly getting top marks. Otto's dedication to his studies paid off by awarding him a university degree. After a year of study at the university, his father died due to an accident at work, as a result of which Otto directed all his efforts to research in the field of physics. After graduating from university, Otto Octavius ​​found a job with an engineering firm.

Otto became a well-known and respected nuclear physicist, inventor and teacher. He designed a range of advanced mechanical instruments controlled through a brain-computer interface to aid in the study of atomic physics. The tentacle tools were resistant to radiation and were given greater strength and movement precision by being attached to a harness strapped around his body.

Although his relationship with his staff was hostile, researcher Mary Alice Anders befriended him when Otto impressed her with a demonstration of his harness, explaining that he had invented it for scientists to be able to handle dangerous chemicals from a safe distance. They began dating, Otto proposed to Dr. Mary Alice to marry him, and joyfully announced to everyone that Dr. Anders would soon become his bride. However, Otto's mother did not approve of the wedding, believing that no woman could be good enough for her son. To calm her down, he canceled the wedding. With the death of his mother and the departure of Mary Alice Anders from his life, Octavius ​​began to pay less attention to detail and precautions in his work.

During an accidental radiation leak that ended in an explosion, the apparatus was fused to Octavius's body. It was later shown that the radiation had altered his brain so that he could control the movement of his tentacles using only his thoughts.

Although Doctor Octopus himself is in poor physical shape, also nearsighted by his harness, he is more than physically equal to Spider-Man: in his first appearance, he beat him so badly that he considered giving up a heroic career.

Over the years, Doctor Octopus has become one of Spider-Man's most dangerous adversaries, going through many intense fights with him over the years. He formed the original Sinister Six to fight Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus later showed the ability to activate his mechanical weapon remotely, and used it to free himself from prison. Otto later went to war with Hammerhead.

Octavius ​​later tried to hijack a nuclear submarine. He also tried to poison New York City with printer ink, and battled the Punisher and Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus has worked with other top level villains on numerous occasions, most often as the leader of the Sinister Six. He transformed it over and over again.

Despite obvious obstacles, Octavius ​​was on good terms for a while with Peter Parker's Aunt May, whom he met for the first time in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual#1 (1964), when he kidnapped her and Peter's girlfriend Betty Brant to get Spider-Man's attention. In fact, it was only because, at a later time, May Parker and Otto Octavius ​​were too busy that they did not get married.

In the story arc Dying Wish the dying Doctor Octopus manages to switch bodies with Peter Parker. As a result, Peter Parker dies in the body of Doctor Octopus, and the Octopus himself, having survived all of Peter's memories, becomes the new Spider-Man. He creates a new and improved suit for himself and gives himself the name Superior Spider-Man.

Other versions


IN Ultimate Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus is younger than his classic version. He wears dark glasses, due to the terrible wounds that he received after the explosion. Controls and manipulates tentacles telepathically. He has great power over them. He also knows how to manipulate metal. At first, Otto fought Spider-Man when he tried to take out his rival. Spider manages to defeat Octavius, then Otto escapes from prison and learns that a Spider-Man film is being made in Hollywood. Doctor Octopus appears on the set of the film and runs into Peter (while he knew the secret of Spider-Man), Otto managed to capture the hero. He takes Peter with him on a hijacked plane, later Spider-Man was able to free himself. When the plane was able to land in Brazil, Spider-Man was able to defeat Otto and head home. Doctor Octopus ended up in Trixelion where Nick Fury destroys Otto's tentacles. After a final skirmish with Spider-Man, the CIA secretly offer Doctor Octopus his freedom in exchange for research with Ben Reilly into the creation of superhuman soldiers. They create five clones of Spider-Man, they also created a clone of Gwen Stacy. For the creation of Spider-Woman, who was a female clone of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus received an award. Peter meets Octavius ​​again, after learning that Otto is behind it, Peter and Spider-Woman named Jessica Drew were ready to kill Doctor Octopus. During the fight, Otto kills one of the clones, but Spider-Man and the female clone manage to overpower Doctor Octopus.

During an attack by Reed Richards, the Brain Team captures Jessica Drew, who suddenly learns that their leader is Otto Octavius. He explained in detail to his underlings that Spider-Woman was his greatest creation. But Spider-Man ruins Otto's plans, he saves Jessica, and she began to beat Doctor Octopus. Later, Peter and Jessica leave, but unexpectedly the Roxxon building was destroyed, Otto managed to survive thanks to Jessica and Peter. After that, Octavius ​​changed, he wants to help and joins the heroes in the decisive battle against Reed Richards. Otto then voluntarily surrendered, at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers interrogate Octavius.

In the story line Death of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus was freed by Norman Osborn from Trixelion as part of the Six, and after refusing to kill Spider-Man, was killed by Osborn.


Octavius ​​is a genius in the field of atomic physics. A brilliant engineer and inventor, he is also an excellent strategist and charismatic leader.

Due to exposure to radiation, Doctor Octopus can mentally control four electro-mechanical titanium tentacles. This weapon can lift several tons, provided that at least one hand is used as a body support. Reactions and agility of mechanical appendages are increased and surpass human. The weapon allows Octavius ​​to move quickly across any terrain and even vertical surfaces.

Doctor Octopus has owned a total of three different harnesses throughout his career: the original titanium harness, the more powerful adamantium harness, and the current harness with octopus-like tentacles. Previous belts were destroyed in battles with Spider-Man. Its current seat belt is made from a mixture of niobium steel and titanium alloy, which is more durable and at the same time lighter in weight. When wearing a harness, the tentacles allow him to walk on walls. They are also used to grab objects of any size and as weapons. The pincers at the end of each tentacle can also be used to tear the flesh of enemies. The seat belt is also capable of holding a small jump. Doctor Octopus is able to rotate his tentacles around him in such a way as to deflect bullets. Ultimately, Dr. Octavius's harness was surgically removed, but he was still able to control it mentally, even from a great distance. This ability is explained by the fact that the original accident caused Dr. Octavius ​​and his weapon to be fused together both physically and mentally.

In the media
Animated series

Doctor Octopus appears in the 1960s TV series " Spiderman, voiced by Vernon Chapman.

Doctor Octopus appears in the animated series " Spiderman" in an episode called "Bubbles, Oil and Other Troubles", voiced by Stanley Jones.

Doctor Octopus in 1982 appears in the animated TV series " Incredible Hulk in the episode "The Unknown Hulk Episode" voiced by Michael Bell.

And again Michael Bell voiced the role of Doctor Octopus in "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends", in the episode "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow".

Doctor Octopus made several appearances in the 1990s animated series " Spiderman, voiced by Ephraim Zimbalist Jr. in a thick Germanic accent and gruff voice. First appearing in the episode "Doctor Octopus Armed and Dangerous", Otto Octavius ​​was Peter Parker's science teacher at science camp when the young man was 10 years old. He also appears in the episode "Secret Wars".

Doctor Octopus with a cameo appearance in " Spiderman Unlimited".

Fascinating Spiderman", voiced by Peter MacNicol. Otto Octavius ​​is a timid researcher working under Norman Osborn at Oscorp and plays a role in Flint Marko's transformation into Sandman and Alex O'Hearn into Rhino, thus earning himself the nickname "Doctor Octopus", which he viewed as a humiliation.

Doctor Octopus appears on the comedy series " robot chicken", in the episode "The Hero Revealed", voiced by Seth Green. In the episode "Superheroes Tonight", the paparazzi arrested Spider-Man appearing from the window of Aunt May's house, which makes Doctor Octopus think that Aunt May was Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus appears in " Ultimate Spiderman voiced by Tom Kenny. In this version, an accident in the lab leaves him physically paralyzed and completely dependent on his tentacles. Thanks to Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius ​​has, he appears with long hair, wears an apparatus similar to a ventilator, and the tips of its tentacles can transform into various weapons.

Doctor Octopus appears in " Hulk and SMES agents", in the episode "The Poison Within", voiced again by Tom Kenny. He creates an altered Venom symbiote that hits Skaar, She-Hulk, Red Hulk, A-Bomb, and the Hulk in an attempt to destroy Spider-Man. However, Hulk and Man- the spiders defeat the reshaped Venom Symbiote and eventually find Doctor Octopus' hidden hideout.

Doctor Octopus appears in " Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload", voiced again by Tom Kenny.


Doctor Octopus appears as the main antagonist in the 2004 film " Spiderman 2", the role was played by actor Alfred Molina. He first met Peter Parker when Kurt Connors recommends visiting him. As a result of an experiment with tritium, Octavius ​​uses tentacles for safety, but in an accident, these tentacles merge with his dormant brain.

Doctor Octopus appears in the film's opening scene" Spiderman 3", as one of the newspaper portraits on J. Jonah Jameson's office wall.

Doctor Octavius' tentacles appear in the 2014 film " The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage". There they are in a protected box, which can be seen when Gustav Firs walked past them going to the armor of the Rhino. And next to the box of tentacles, there is a box in which the wings of the Vulture are located.


Doctor Octopus appears in Spider-Man Questprobe.
Doctor Octopus was one of Spider-Man's many adversaries, appearing in the arcade "Spider-Man: The Video Game".
Doctor Octopus is one of the bosses in The Amazing Spider-Man for the Game Boy.
Doctor Octopus is the final boss in Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six.
Doctor Octopus is the first boss in The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin.
Doctor Octopus is the first boss in the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games in the Spider-Man Animated Series.
Doctor Octopus appears as a boss in the Japanese Super Famicom game, "Spider-Man: Lethal Foes"

Ephraim Zimbalist Jr. reprises his role as Doctor Octopus in the video game " Spider Man" For PlayStation, dreamcast, PC, Nintendo 64 And Game Boy Color. Doctor Octopus works with Carnage to turn all the people in New York into symbiotes, but they are both defeated by Spider-Man. After being defeated, Carnage fuses with Doctor Octopus, transforming him into Monster Ock (voiced by Marcus Shirok). After Monster Ock is defeated, the Carnage symbiote is separated from Doctor Octopus and arrested.

Doctor Octopus appeared as the final boss in the game for Game Boy Color, "Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six".
Doctor Octopus is seen at the end of the game" Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro"still in his cell.

Doctor Octopus appeared in the game " Spider Man 2", voiced by Alfred Molina. He appears as a boss several times and is the final boss at the end of the game.

Doctor Octopus is a playable character and boss in " Spider-Man: Lethal Foes voiced by Joe Alaskey.
Doctor Octopus - acts as a villain in two missions of the game " Marvel Super Hero Squad Online", originally voiced by Charlie Adler and replaced by Tom Kenny.

Doctor Octopus is available as a downloadable character for the game" LittleBigPlanet as part of Marvel Costume Kit 1.

Doctor Octopus appears in " Spider-Man: Edge of Time voiced by Dave B. Mitchell. The story is changed so that Alchemax was founded in the seventies, Otto Octavius ​​is a scientist employed by the company and has never been involved in crime, although he still uses tentacles as tools for his research. His bio in-game reveals that time travel company founder Walker Sloan hired him the day before the accident, he and Sloan try to use Anti-Venom to kill Spider-Man, but when Spider-Man 2099 intervenes, Doctor Octopus is thrown into a time portal with Sloane and Anti-Venom, where they are trapped between present time and the year 2099, resulting in them merging into the monster Atrocity (voiced by Fred Tatasciore), which uses Doctor Octopus's tentacles and Anti-Venom's powers.

Doctor Octopus, shown as a boss in a game on Facebook" Marvel: Avengers Alliance".

Doctor Octopus and Superior Spider-Man Appear in MMO" Marvel Heroes voiced by Tom Kenny (Doctor Octopus) and Christopher Daniel Barnes (Superior Spider-Man). Doctor Octopus is featured as a boss in multiple locations while Superior Spider-Man is featured as a playable character.

Doctor Octopus and Superior Spider-Man both appear as playable characters in " Lego Marvel Super Heroes", voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and James Arnold Taylor (Superior Spider-Man).

Otto Günther Octavius ​​is a supervillain character, later an antihero, appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. First mentioned in The Amazing Spider-Man No. 3 (July 1963). Designed by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko. He is a highly intelligent evil scientist who is Spider-Man's nemesis (as Doctor Octopus), later his ally (in the role Superior Spider-Man), as well as one of the smartest characters in the Marvel Universe. On its back are 4 powerful mechanical tentacles. Obsessed with the goal of proving his genius and killing Spider-Man, however, he also came into conflict with other Marvel characters, such as Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America.

Doctor Octopus has become one of the most cult characters in the Spider-Man comics. On his first meeting with Spider-Man, Otto beat him so badly that Peter wanted to give up his superhero career. Doctor Octopus was responsible for the death of Captain George Stacy - the father of Gwen Stacy, who was Peter Parker's girlfriend, and also guilty of the fatal attack on Black Cat, who almost died from the wounds received from Octopus. In addition, Otto almost married Aunt May and founded the Sinister Six. Later, Octavius ​​reorganized his team several times. During the events of "Death Wish", Otto switches bodies with Spider-Man, and after the final fight, Peter Parker, in the body of Doctor Octopus, dies. Octavius ​​relives all of Spider-Man's memories and vows to do good, taking the place of his longtime adversary as a superhero in his own comic book series. The Superior Spider-Man and its offshoots, later taking on the guise Excellent Octopus .

Subsequently, Otto Octavius ​​as Doctor Octopus and Superior Spider-Man appeared in various merchandise (clothes, toys, trading cards). Doctor Octopus has also appeared in most of the Spider-Man animated series and video games. He was voiced by such actors as Ephraim Zimbalist Jr. , Peter MacNicol , Tom Kenny etc. In movie Spiderman 2 the character was played by Anglo-American actor Alfred Molina. Feature-length cartoon Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse the female version of the character was voiced by actress Kathryn Hahn.


Otto became a well-known and respected nuclear physicist, inventor and teacher. He designed a range of advanced mechanical instruments controlled through a brain-computer interface to aid in the study of atomic physics. The tentacle tools were resistant to radiation and were given greater strength and movement precision by being attached to a harness strapped around his body.

Although his relationship with his staff was hostile, researcher Mary Alice Anders was supportive when Otto impressed her with a demonstration of his harness, explaining that he had invented it for scientists to be able to handle hazardous chemicals from a safe distance. They began dating, Otto proposed to Dr. Mary Alice to marry him, and joyfully announced to everyone that Dr. Anders would soon become his bride. However, Otto's mother did not approve of the wedding, believing that no woman could be good enough for her son. To calm her down, he canceled the wedding. With the death of his mother from a heart attack and the departure of Mary Alice Anders from his life, Octavius ​​began to pay less attention to detail and precautions in his work.

The beginning of a criminal career

During an accidental radiation leak that ended in an explosion, the apparatus was permanently attached to Octavius's body. It was later shown that the radiation had altered his brain so that he could control the movement of his tentacles using only his thoughts.

Although Doctor Octopus himself is in poor physical shape, also nearsighted by his harness, he is physically superior to Spider-Man: in his first appearance, he beat Spider-Man so badly that he considered giving up his heroic career.

Over the years, Doctor Octopus has become one of Spider-Man's most dangerous adversaries, going through many intense fights with him over the years. He formed the original Sinister Six to fight Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus later showed his ability to activate his mechanical weapon remotely, and used it to free himself from prison. Later, Otto waged war with Hammerhead.

Octavius ​​tried to hijack a nuclear submarine. He also wanted to poison New York City with printer ink, and fought the Punisher and Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus has worked with other top level villains on numerous occasions, most often as the leader of the Sinister Six. He transformed its composition more than once. He was a member of the Green Goblin's Sinister Dozen.

Despite obvious obstacles, Octavius ​​was on good terms for a time with Peter Parker's aunt May, whom he met for the first time in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (1964) when he kidnapped her and Peter's girlfriend Betty Brant to get Spider-Man's attention. In fact, it was only because May Parker and Otto Octavius ​​were too busy at a later time that they did not get married.


His main criminal accomplishment was a near-fatal beating of the Black Cat, which led to Doctor Octopus being beaten back by Spider-Man. The injuries he received caused Otto Octavius ​​to fear Spider-Man and spiders in general. For many years he had to be treated for acute arachnophobia. Spider-Man later allowed himself to be defeated in combat by Octavius ​​in order for him to get rid of his fears and help save New York City from a nuclear reactor explosion. Octavius ​​planned to blow up the reactor to kill Spider-Man, but after defeating him, it seemed completely pointless to him. Spider-Man convinced Otto to stop the reactor so that there would be witnesses to his "triumph over the enemy." Octavius ​​left Spider-Man alive to suffer the humiliation he had endured.

Death and resurrection

Otto Octavius ​​meets a young businessman named Carlisle who wants to recruit Octavius ​​to work for his firm, Nexus Industries. Tired of his criminal past and failures, Otto agrees to Carlisle's offer. This turns out to be just a trick and Carlisle, having put the doctor to sleep, steals his tentacles and, based on them, creates armor with six improved limbs for himself. Leaving Octavius ​​bound in chains, and his tentacles in an iron case, he goes to rob a bank. Otto manages to concentrate and free himself with his tentacles. He finds Carlisle in a hotel and gets into a fight with him. Spider-Man arrives at the scene of the battle, but Carlisle destroys the walls of the hotel, causing the entire building to collapse. Otto helps Spider-Man to get all the visitors out, but at the same time he leaves him under the rubble of the building. Carlisle goes to the set, where they are shooting a new film in which Mary Jane Watson takes part. By coincidence, Aunt May was next to her. Carlisle takes the site hostage and, to show the seriousness of his criminal intentions, he wants to kill one person and his choice falls on Aunt May. At this moment, Otto appears on the set and again engages in battle with Carlisle, but he injures the Octopus. Before that, Otto manages to damage his armor. Spider-Man, who got out from under the rubble of the building, hurries to the scene. Octavius ​​tells Peter about the damaged armor and Spider-Man launches a web into his suit. Carlisle is defeated, but Parker notices that Doctor Octopus has escaped.

After upgrading his tentacles, Octavius ​​tracks down Spider-Man and invites him to volunteer to take off his mask and walk around Time Square. Peter refuses and Ock demonstrates his superiority over him, easily defeating him. Octavius ​​kidnaps the Palestinian ambassador and reminds Spider of his demands: either Spider-Man takes off his mask in public, or Octopus kills the ambassador, which will provoke an international conflict. Luckily, the Palestinian secret service, with the help of Detective Garrett, finds and rescues the ambassador, and the Spider deals with the Eye and leaves him to the police.

The Doctor was taken to Riker's island prison where he is brainwashed and sent to kill Norman Osborn. He interrupts the fight between Spider-Man and the Goblin, but both villains are struck by lightning and fall into the river. Otto was fished out of the river with no recollection of the incident.

Later, teaming up with the newly-minted super-villain Fusion, Octavius ​​begins to develop cyber-prostheses for the Biotechnics company, which can be used to influence the human brain. Biotech's clients were high-profile military and government officials who became disabled after accidents. When Spider-Man became interested in Biotechnics, he broke into the company's building and found the Octopus with the Alloy there. After a brief fight, the Spider escapes, taking Octavius' briefcase. In this case, Parker finds a note marked "John Hancock" and turns to Nick Fury with a question about who this person is. Fury explains that "John Hancock" is the name of a tracking device that can detect anyone anywhere in the world. Having obtained this device, Fusion was going to find Spider-Man and reveal his secret identity, but Octavius ​​had other plans: Ock pretended to be Fusion's puppet until he took possession of this device, and when Fusion got "John Hancock", Octavius ​​severely beat him and left him die. Otto was about to sell the device for a large amount of money, but the Spider, with the help of Daredevil, found Octavius, neutralized and gave the tracking device to Nick Fury.

Civil War

During the Civil War, Doctor Octopus unsuccessfully tries to form the New Sinister Six because Captain America's Secret Avengers defeated a group of supervillains, though Otto himself escaped capture. Then, Otto sees on TV that Spider-Man has revealed his secret identity and appeared to the public as Peter Parker. In a rage, he begins to destroy the entire city. Otto can't believe that he was beaten up so many times as a teenager and that he himself lost a good opportunity to kill Spider-Man in one of his first encounters with him. Octavius ​​was stopped by Spider-Man when Eye was distracted by two students from Peter's class.

Dying Otto

Octavius ​​learned that he was dying, as his body was deteriorating due to years of fighting Spider-Man. He decides that he must give the world something by which he will be remembered and subjugates all the devices and machines of New York to his thoughts, but Spider-Man manages to stop him. Otto runs away, thinking that Spider-Man will always ruin his plans, and if he interferes with giving the world something great and useful, then he will give him something great and terrible.

Octavius ​​is desperate to find a way to heal himself from death. During Peter's date with Carlie Cooper in a cafe, Lily Hollander bursts in - the ex-girlfriend of Harry Osborn, as well as the super-villain Menace, who is about to give birth to Norman Osborn's child. Due to the fact that this baby was born under the influence of the Goblin Serum, he has unlimited scientific potential, which Octavius ​​wanted to use as a cure for his deadly disease. He delivers Lily and is about to leave, but at the last minute, Spider-Man snatches the baby from Octopus's tentacles and walks away from him. Otto unleashes all the powerful super-villains of New York on him, and after a battle with almost every one of them, Peter gives the child to Harry Osborn, but he says that the child is dead. Spider-Man is going to find Octavius ​​and flies away. Harry actually turns out to be a Chameleon and the child is still alive. Furious, Peter beats up many supervillains in an attempt to find Otto and finds the Chameleon, who reveals to Spider-Man that this is all Doc Ock's plan, to whom he wanted to take the baby, but he was kidnapped by the Lizard. Otto himself, knowing that the child was kidnapped, follows the trail of the Lizard and comes across Spider-Man, who invites him to unite in order to prevent the death of Osborn's son. Suddenly, the Octopus attacks Peter and tries to kill him. Peter realized that being close to the Lizard's lair was causing Octavius ​​to give in to his instincts. He defeats Doc and finds the Lizard, who says the child is useless. Parker examines the baby's blood and realizes that the Goblin Serum is not in it. He says that the child will not help Octavius, who has appeared to destroy the Lizard that has infected his intellect. Peter escapes with the baby, leaving Otto to fight the Lizard.

Destruction of the planet

Otto has only a few months left to live, his body is literally falling apart, he cannot live without a special life support installation that is built into his new suit, which also had eight new adamantium tentacles for greater mobility and lethality.

Octavius ​​launches many octolenses into orbit that can amplify the effect of global warming and activates them for a few seconds. He then turns to all the inhabitants of the Earth with a request to help humanity, since his lenses can not only increase the effect of global warming, but also reverse it. He asks that octolens factories be launched all over the planet, asks to forgive the Sinister Six for all sins, transfer two billion dollars to each account and build the Otto Octavius ​​University in memory of the day when he saved everyone. Spider-Man does not believe the Eye and joins the Avengers in battle against the Sinister Six. Octavius ​​came up with an ingenious plan and defeated the entire team of superheroes. Spiderman, Black Widow and Silver Sable managed to escape from Doctor Octopus, and therefore, Doctor Octopus tells the inhabitants of the planet that if they are not stopped, then all Otto's efforts will be meaningless. Meanwhile, Black Widow, Silver Sable, and Spider-Man begin to destroy Octavius' octolens factories, but Otto sets off a doomsday device and ends up burning half the planet Earth in flames. It turns out that Mysterio arranged all this performance and in fact, the planet was not affected by the Octopus device. Peter begins searching for Octavius ​​and is confronted by the Avengers, who were being controlled by Octopus with his Octobots. Spider-Man knocked out the Octobots and headed to Otto's underwater base, where he learned that his real criminal plan was the destruction of all mankind. Doctor Octopus binds Peter with his tentacles, and after getting out of his suit, he tries to press the kill button, but Spider-Man breaks Octavius's tentacles and throws one of them at the device, which immediately fails. Octavius ​​tries to drown himself, but Spider-Man saves him, saying that no one else will die. He asks Xorizon Labs scientists to build a life support facility for Otto.

In the epilogue, Spider-Man transports Octavius ​​to the Raft Prison and tells him that his companions were easy to hack and could not be used for good purposes. He leaves Otto alone, while saying that his legacy is nothing.

Death of the Amazing Spider-Man

Even the latest greatest defeat cannot stop Doctor Octopus. In the Dying Wish story arc, a dying Otto manages to switch bodies with Peter Parker using the Golden Octobot, which Octavius ​​mentally controlled while locked in the Raft.

After learning that the dying Doctor Octopus constantly says Peter Parker's name, Otto (Spider-Man) arrives at the Raft Prison and taunts Peter by saying that he is now Otto Octavius ​​with what little he has left. Parker has a heart attack, but doctors manage to save him. Peter realizes that every time he used Octavius' technology, it gave him full access to his brain. After realizing that he can still control the Golden Octobot, he sends a message to all the supervillains in New York asking for help. His call is answered by Scorpion, Hydro-Man, and Trapster, who rescue Parker and hook him up to a more mobile life-support unit and Octavius's old tentacles. Peter manages to set up the Golden Octobot to reverse consciousness transfer, but Otto found out that Peter had escaped and was at his former base and gave away its location to the police. Peter escapes and travels to Columbus Circle, Avengers Tower, to fight Octavius ​​one last time. Otto decides to protect himself, so he sets Scorpion on John Jameson, whom he placed in the tower along with all Peter's relatives and colleagues from Xorizon Labs, but seeing that he could harm May Parker, for whom he had friendly feelings, he one blow blows Scorpion's jaw. Terrified, Peter grabs Otto and throws himself out of the window with him. In the struggle, Peter manages to get close to Octavius's skull with the help of the Golden Octobot, but it turns out that he is protected by a layer of carbonadium. Otto hits Peter in the face with all his might and wants to kill him, but he can't, because now, all of Peter's memories are in Otto's head, and he realizes that " with great power comes great responsibility". Peter dies and asks Otto to take care of all his family and friends, and Otto vows that he will carry the burden of Peter's responsibility. Otto Octavius ​​becomes the new Spider-Man. He creates a new and improved suit for himself and gives himself the name Superior Spider-Man.

Superior Spiderman

Otto begins to build his legacy as Peter Parker. Octavius' first major achievement is defeating the new Sinister Six, led by Boomerang, whom he wanted to kill, but was stopped by the ghost of Peter Parker, who remained in his own body as a projection of memories. Trying to improve Parker's personal life, Ok tries to build a romantic relationship with Mary Jane Watson, but after several unsuccessful attempts, Otto leaves her. He shows his difference from Parker by first blinding the Vulture and then killing the supervillain the Ripper, earning the attention of the Avengers. Octavius ​​is working on getting his doctorate at New York University, where he meets a short girl, Anna-Maria Marconi. Gradually, Otto's sympathetic feelings for Anna grow into love.

Doctor Octavius ​​notices something wrong in his behavior and in order to figure it out, he tries to get his own neurolytic scanner - a device that allows you to enter the subconscious, which was taken by the anti-hero Cardiac in order to perform a complex operation on a little girl who suffered from Otto's actions during "Ends of the World". Otto realizes his guilt and performs the operation himself. Taking the scanner, Octopus finds Peter in the subconscious, and defeats him again in battle, erasing Parker's memories.

Having received from Mayor Jameson for the murder of Alistair Smythe the former prison for super-criminals Raft, he supplies it with his technology and hires people as minions. Otto's next action is the destruction of the Land of Shadows - the Kingpin's fortress and the capture of the Hobgoblin. Later, Otto helps Spider-Man 2099 prevent a time rift, however, due to a temporary explosion, he is sent to the future for some time. Otto receives his PhD and founds Parker Industries. During the Darkest Hour arc, he becomes the host of Venom, but due to his excessive pride, he loses control over him and removes him with the help of Peter Parker, who survived and began to collect his memories scattered from Doc Ock's memory.

In parallel, in the subway of New York, the army of the Green Goblin completed the formation. In the Goblin Nation arc, Otto loses everything he has achieved while being Spider-Man. The goblin learns, thanks to Carlie Cooper's diary, the true identity of the Spider and uses Otto's loved ones, including Anna Maria, as hostages. In the end, desperate, Otto finds no other way but to erase his own memories in order to save Anna Maria. At the same time, Otto admits to Peter that he was arrogant and did not notice this. Doctor Octavius ​​erases his memories and finally tells Peter that he is the one and only Superior Spider-Man.

Spider World

Events unfold during the explosion at the Horizon Corporation, when Otto is accidentally sent to the year 2099.

Deciding to return to his time, he begins to rob such mega-corporations as Alkemax and Stark Fujikawa in search of equipment for teleportation. After collecting the teleport, Otto begins to travel through the dimensions in search of his own time, but instead ends up in other universes and finds the dead Spider-Men. Realizing that the hunt has begun for them, he continues to travel through the universes in order to save as many Spider-Men as possible. He saves the Indian Spider-Man from a supernatural being named Karn, who killed all the Spiders that Otto found. Octavius ​​assembles his own team of superheroes, consisting of Spider-Man from the Noir universe, Spider-Ape, Spider-Man, who became an assassin after the death of Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman - Peter Parker's granddaughter from an alternate reality, Six-Armed Spider-Man and begins to develop a plan to fight Karn. After, he finds the Cyborg Spider, with whom they try to stop Karn, but during the battle Bora and Brix appear - his brother and sister. Realizing that it is impossible to deal with them, Superior Spider-Man retreats and decides to find out more information about the enemies, study them, and then engage them in battle.

Octavius ​​continues to prepare for the battle with the Inheritors, but Peter Parker destroys his plan. As a result of Parker's decision to merge his team with Octavius's, they are found by the Inheritors and Otto loses his hideout, which infuriates him. Octavius ​​decides that in order to win he needs to be more determined and cruel, and therefore, declares himself the main Spider-Man. A fight breaks out between Peter and Otto. Through cunning, Peter defeats Otto, who thought that this Parker was from the past timeline, when Octavius ​​had not yet subdued his body, so Otto thought that if he killed this Parker, he would disappear on his own. Nevertheless, he decides to help Parker's team and join forces to fight the Inheritors. Together with other Spider-Men, he enters a world infected with radiation and finds a bunker in which there was another Spider-Man - Uncle Ben. Ben said that this world was destroyed because of the local Otto Octavius, who blackmailed the world with a nuclear bomb, but although his demands were met, the bomb worked and destroyed all life. Later, Otto learned that Peter managed to regain his body, but did not tell anyone about it. He travels with Parker to the Inheritors' homeworld to stop a ritual they wanted to perform to prevent all Spiders from appearing in all realities. While Peter is fighting Morlun, Octavius ​​decides that there is a more "perfect" way to interrupt the ritual and kills the Master Weaver - the master of all realities and Spider Fates, who was under the control of the Inheritors. Morlun calls Otto insane and tries to drain Parker's life energy, but Peter uses a teleporter to travel with Morlun to a world contaminated with radiation and leaves him there.

Otto is trying to change his fate and for this he begins to cut the Great Web of Life and Destiny, which was controlled by the Master Weaver. The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl try to stop Octavius ​​and learn that although Otto killed the Master Weaver, someone else could take his place. Karn (who has sided with the Spiders) decides to take the place of the Master Weaver and finds out that it was himself, but at a later time. Otto engages Peter in a fight, who again defeats him and tells Otto that he himself gave Parker his body and admitted that he was the Superior Spider-Man. During the fight, Otto asks his holographic assistant, disguised as Anna Maria Marconi, to put them into sleep mode and begin a 100-day countdown. Otto surrenders and says that he will take revenge on Karn and Peter for the defeat, after which Karn opens the portal, and Parker pushes Octavius ​​out in the moment after the explosion at Horizon Labs.

All-New, All-Different Marvel

After removing his memories and returning the body to Peter Parker, Otto Octavius ​​managed to survive. Using technology he acquired in 2099, Otto saved a copy of his consciousness and recorded it on his web shooter, which he modified and turned into a fully functioning Octobot. After the "100 days" mode, a copy of Octavius's consciousness is activated, however, it lacks information about the events taking place during the "Goblin Nation", and Otto from this time point has not yet learned the lesson about great responsibility and did not know how Parker regained his body, therefore decided not to put himself at risk and transferred his mind to the design of the Living Brain.

Being as a servant in the London branch of the company, which he is extremely unhappy with, Otto hides his true identity from everyone. Thanks to Octavius' diversion, Peter fires Sajani Jeffrey, whom he has long suspected of shady dealings against the company. Later, Otto unexpectedly learns that Anna-Maria has started dating Aiden Blaine, her colleague at work in the London branch of Parker Industries. Otto is horrified and promises that he won't let it happen.

Octavius ​​helps Spider-Man in the fight against the Zodiac crime organization, and after Peter defeats the head of the Scorpion organization, Otto decides it's time to put his criminal plan into action and "greatly return".

The Clone Conspiracy

Otto learned that there was a technology that could regenerate old and damaged organs, making them better. This technology is owned by the New U corporation, led by the returned Jackal. While attempting to transfer his mind into Aiden Blaine's body, Octavius ​​discovers that only Peter Parker's body or his original body can receive his brainwaves. Later, in a conversation with Anna Maria, he learned that Anna Maria, the girl he loved so much, really loved the person who was Otto in Peter's body, and treated Doctor Octopus with contempt, especially when she found out in more detail about the criminal past of Octavius. Otto wants to repeat the mind transfer process into Peter's body again, but in order to do so, he figures out exactly how he was erased when he was Spider-Man, which infuriates him. Thinking that he was brutally betrayed, Otto attacks Spider-Man and Anna Maria in a rage, and then blows up his robotic body, and he leaves in his modified octobot, while saying that he will never return to Peter's body, believing that Parker's limited cognitive superpowers had corrupted his mind. He decides to regain his real body with the help of New U technology.

Otto travels to the Potters Hills Cemetery, where his old body rests, only to find that the body is not in the grave. Using 2099 technology, Otto learns that it has been stolen by tomb robbers and prepares to be transported to Simkaria. To prevent this, Otto contacts the robbers and asks to bring the body to the New U Corporation. The corporation is trying to revive Otto's body, but Octavius ​​himself recalls that at the time of the death of his old body, it contained the consciousness of Peter Parker. The Octobot infiltrates the flask with Otto's new body, and Octavius' consciousness clashes with Spider-Man's restored consciousness. Otto emerges victorious from the battle, destroying Parker's consciousness in his body. The Jackal presents Doctor Octopus with his old tentacles so that Otto can make sure that his body is not cloned, since his connection with the tentacles is due to the peculiarities of Octavius's old body. Doctor Octopus is back. Now Otto is forced to take a special drug "New U", otherwise his body will begin to collapse from cellular degradation. The Doctor invites the Jackal to cooperate in solving this problem, to which the Jackal agrees.

Spider-Man decided to investigate the disappearance of Jerry Salteris, an employee of Parker Industries, on whom New U technologies were applied. He infiltrates the company's headquarters and discovers not only the returned Rhino and Electro (Frencine Fry), but also a reanimated Gwen Stacy, as well as Doc Ock. In the fight, Otto reveals the details of his return to Peter, beating him up and about to kill him, but is stopped by the Jackal.

Dr. Octavius ​​sets to work on the problem of cellular degradation and creates a "proto-clone" - an ideal carrier body in which consciousness can be placed. Later, Anna-Maria, who became the hostage of the Jackal (who turns out to be Ben Reilly - a clone of Peter Parker), is connected to his work. Octavius ​​tries to talk to her, but Marconi gets mad at Otto, saying he will never forgive him for what he did to her life. Anna tells the Jackal that she has solved the problem of cellular degradation, to which the Jackal offers Anna-Maria a new body without any physical defects. This infuriates Octavius, as he loved Anna Maria for who she is. While trying to attack the Jackal, he realizes that Ben is actually a spider clone and activates a device that causes all the reanimated ones to start turning into mutating zombies. Degenerating himself, Otto accidentally infects Anna Maria.

Peter tries to stop the mutation virus, and together with Marconi, they find the right frequency that heals the infected. Doctor Octopus engages in a fight with Ben to buy time, thereby sacrificing himself again. When Peter and Anna-Maria find the "New U" lab, they see that Ben, Otto and Gwen Stacy are only ashes left, while Anna notices that the "proto-clone" of Octavius ​​has disappeared. It was later revealed that Otto had fooled Ben Reilly and managed to get away by transferring his mind into the body of a "perfect host".

Superb Octopus

After escaping after a battle with Ben Reilly, Otto travels to his old base, intent on getting revenge on Parker for destroying the Parker Industries company that Octavius ​​was building for himself. Entering the base, Otto discovers Hydra agents there, who, due to the death of Doctor Octopus, have established their own lair there. With a new body, Octavius ​​easily defeats a squad of Hydra soldiers. Otto discovers that Arnim Zola is also present at the base, who offers Octavius ​​to become one of Hydra's generals to help the organization destroy Parker's company. Otto accepts the offer. He creates a new suit, a set of new tentacles, and gives himself the name Superior Octopus.

Later, Otto arranges a meeting with Parker and tries to convince him to hand over the reins of Parker Industries to Octavius ​​himself. On Spider-Man's refusal, Superb Octopus blows up the company's London branch and escapes. In San Francisco, Otto breaks into Horizon University and steals all of the technology from Parker Industries located there. Next, Otto plans to destroy the Shanghai branch of "Parker Industries" and, in secret from Hydra, seize all the intellectual property of the company. However, Peter decides to infect all of his technology with a virus to prevent it from falling into Octopus's hands, thus completely destroying Parker Industries. Octavius ​​destroys Spider-Man's armor in a rage, only to find that Peter's old costume is underneath. Spider-Man hacks Superior Octopus's tentacles, forcing him to retreat. Back at the Hydra base, Arnim Zola remarks on the success of Octavius's operation and conveys to him praise from Steve Rogers, who regards Ock as one of his best soldiers. Otto notes that he will not accept his position as an ordinary Hydra minion and will take revenge on Parker for destroying his empire.

As a reward for destroying "Parker Industries", Superior Octopus becomes the leader of the Hydra Avengers, which included Scarlet Witch, Deadpool, Vision, Black Ant, Odinson, and Taskmaster.

After HYDRA's defeat, Octavius ​​escaped capture. When Norman Osborn, with the help of the Carnage symbiote, turned into the terrible Red Goblin, he decided to destroy all of Peter's loved ones in order to hurt him. He sends his grandson Normie Osborn (whom he also infected with the symbiote) to kill Aunt May. However, at the last moment, Superior Octopus appears and rushes to Mei's defense. When the Red Goblin arrives, Octavius ​​shields her from Osborn's darts, saving her life. When Spider-Man appeared, he saw that May was alive thanks to Otto. It turns out that Peter's memories in Otto's head actually changed him for the better. Peter, in gratitude, forgives Octavius ​​everything that happened between them, releasing him with a clear conscience.

In the epilogue, Dr. Otto Octavius ​​(under the name Elliot Tolliver) begins a new life as a scientist at Horizon University alongside Anna Maria Marconi, reverting to his superhero guise as Superior Spider-Man.

New Start

Spider Armageddon

At the same time, on Earth-001, Karn and Spider-Britain discovered that someone was using Inheritor cloning technology. Spider-Britain, Spider-Man Noir, Miles Morales, and other Spiders arrive at Octavius's lair, where they engage him in battle to destroy Superior Octopus's cloning device. However, after tracking down the Eye's technology, the Inheritors escape by transferring their consciousnesses into new bodies, killing Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Britain in the process. Superior Octopus activates his base's self-destruct device, giving the rest of the Spiders a chance to escape. Otto changes from the Superior Octopus costume to the Superior Spider-Man costume and, together with Octavia, Otto begins to gather the Spider Army again, the Spiders of which are ready to kill the Inheritors. He recruits Cain, Ben Reilly, to his army, sends Spider-Punk to also gather his squad, and also arrives on Earth-1048, where he meets Spider-Man from the game of the same name, and warns him of the threat of the Inheritors.

At this time, another team of Spiders under the command of Morales make their way to the former headquarters of "New U", where the Inheritors have settled. After recreating Solus' body, the Inheritors are still unable to replicate the Jackal's technology and cannot create a supply of cloned bodies for themselves, so they can still be killed. Team Morales is quickly discovered, but thanks to Octavius's rescue operation, all of the Spiders retreat to the Leopardon (a giant robot controlled by the Japanese Spider-Man). The heirs resurrect Solus. In Superior Spider-Man's army, Spider-Man (Norman Osborn) decides to trick the Eye by trapping the Inheritors on Earth-616. Spider-Norman confronts Octavius, saying that none of the Spiders will accept the former Doctor Octopus as their leader. To Osborn's dismay, the Spiders all sided with the Superior Spider-Man. Otto kicks Osborn off the team, taking his communicator to prevent Norman from traveling between worlds. However, Osborn manages to get through the portal to Earth-001 and destroys the Web of Life and Fate, cutting off Earth-616 from all other universes. Octavius ​​and Ben Reilly, having learned about what happened, come up with a plan to destroy the Inheritors, but at the last moment, Otto knocks out Ben (who knows how to use the New U technology) and gives him to the Inheritors, in exchange demanding that they leave Earth-616. Spider-Man of Earth-1048 sees this and attacks Octavius, accusing him of betrayal, but when Jennix tries to absorb the Scarlet Spider, he relives the memory of Ben's 27 deaths and goes insane. Otto reveals to Peter of Earth-1048 that Ben was trying to redeem himself by stopping the Inheritors from recreating the Jackal's technology. The rest of the Spiders and Morales, who has Cosmic Power, come to the aid of Otto and Peter. While Morales and the Spiders battle Solus and the Inheritors, Superior Spider-Man and Octavia Otto resurrect Ben Reilly, but erase all memory of his misadventures, returning him to "factory settings". Octavius ​​devises a plan that ends with the Spider-Men killing the Inheritors, but Otto transfers their consciousnesses into the bodies of babies, also erasing their memories of who they were. Aunt May from an alternate universe, who has become the Spider Madame, is called to raise them. Octavius ​​and Peter of Earth-616 agree that there is no better candidate. Octavius ​​says goodbye to Peter Parker of Earth-1048, after which Morales and Peter of Earth-616 tell Otto that they are always ready to help him if he gets in trouble. Ok reciprocates, but remarks that Superior Spider-Man will deal with all threats on his own, no matter where they may come from.

Hero of San Francisco

Returning to his Superior Spider-Man identity, Otto Octavius ​​finally breaks himself from his past as Doctor Octopus and Peter Parker. With the goal of being not the perfect Peter Parker, but a better person than Octavius ​​was originally, Otto, with the help of the Night Shift (a team of villains hired by Octavius), keeps San Francisco safe from threats. But the past catches up with him when Anna-Maria recognizes Otto Octavius ​​in Professor Elliot Tolliver and is about to bring him to justice for all his crimes. Their argument is interrupted by Galactus' former herald, Terrax, who attacks San Francisco. Anna has no choice, and she releases Otto to fight him. In a battle against a cosmic-powered opponent, Otto is mortally wounded, but at the last minute, using a device Doctor Doom used to drain the Silver Surfer's power, Superior Spider-Man gains Terrax's cosmic power. With her help, Octavius ​​defeats Terrax, but after space force leaves Otto, he passes out from his wounds. He is saved by Anna-Maria, who decides to give the Eye a chance, but keeps the same device charged with cosmic power for herself in case Otto returns to the path of evil again.

Gradually, Otto becomes a real hero, really aware that "with great power comes great responsibility". After defeating Terrax, Octavius ​​throws all his strength to help the inhabitants of the city, who have suffered from the attack of the former herald Galactus. At the same time, Otto has a new romantic interest in his life - Emma Hernandez, his colleague at Horizon University. On the first date with her, Otto, at the insistence of Anna-Maria, reveals his true identity to Emma, ​​after which she runs away in horror from Octavius, trying to turn him in to the police, but is subdued by the demons of Master Pandemonium. Ock realizes that demons have taken over all of San Francisco and turns to Doctor Strange for help. Together they defeat Pandemonium, after which Strange sends him to Hell.

During the "War of the Kingdoms", when the enemy of Thor, the dark elf Malekith goes to war on Midgard, Octavius ​​is the only hero in San Francisco, who began to besiege the ice giants. With the help of experimental technology, Otto moves all the inhabitants of the city to another dimension in order to avoid human casualties, after which he teams up with the West Coast Avengers with the intention of ending the threat of Malekith himself. Meeting with the team sent in search of Thor, consisting of Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America and other heroes, Octavius ​​tries to win them over to his side, but realizes that he is needed on the periphery, protecting his own city.

With the end of the war, Superior Spider-Man is awarded the keys to San Francisco for his many services to the city and the people, however Otto quickly leaves the ceremony. Anna Maria notices strange behavior Octavius, therefore, asks Spider-Man to speak with the Eye. During their conversation, Otto is angry with himself for not being able to save all the people in America, talking about the thousands who died during the war. Octavius ​​completely loses confidence in his actions as an "excellent hero", but Emma (who decided to give Otto a chance after being saved from Pandemonium) convinces him that Otto is the same person as everyone else, therefore he needs help and support, after which, she and Otto go on a date together. Otto decides to take advantage of Otto's problems Spider-Man (Norman Osborn), who intends to take revenge on Otto for his humiliation during the second battle with the Inheritors. He reveals on the news that San Francisco's Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus are the same person, after which he blows up Horizon University. Otto manages to save Anna Maria and Max Modell from the explosion, but Emma gets severely injured. Spider-Norman intends to destroy everyone Octavius ​​cares about and sets James as his next target - little boy, whom Otto rescued after the battle with Terrax. Otto realizes that he cannot defeat Osborn because he cannot risk James' life. Octavius ​​realizes that he has changed too much inside, having gone all the way from a villain and a murderer to a real hero who worries about others, while Osborn is ruthless, cunning and does not attach to anyone, so Otto will not be able to win. Octavius ​​finds a solution in the form of Mephisto, who offers Otto a deal - Octavius ​​is stripped of Peter's sense of responsibility as well as his new body, but Mephisto restores Otto's old body and "heals" him of any psychological trauma that Otto thought was the cause of his evil behavior as Doc Oka, and also leaves Octavius ​​all his heroic memories. Despite pleas from Anna Maria, Otto realizes that he will have to do this in order to save James and defeat Osborn. Otto Octavius ​​once again becomes Doctor Octopus and goes in search of Osborn in order to destroy him at all costs. The octopus finds Osborn and easily defeats him in a fight, saving James at the same time. With the help of his many mechanical arms, which Ock summoned to fight Osborn, Otto breaks most of the bones in Osborn's body, saying that he will forever remain in the crippled body and throws Norman into the portal of his home dimension. Octavius ​​publicly announces to the world that Doctor Octopus has returned. Doc Ock returns to Anna Maria and Emma to say goodbye to them, talking about not remembering anything that Spider-Man did, including Peter's secret identity. Anna Maria and Emma beg Otto to stay with them, but Doctor Octopus leaves. Some time later, "Elliot Tolliver" is buried. Octavius ​​stands in the distance, watching the procession. Digger asks Otto what he will do next, to which Ok gives Digger an envelope in which the payment for the Night Shift is located and says that the die has already been cast and there is no turning back. Doctor Octopus discards his Superior Spider-Man costume and leaves.

Powers and abilities

Doctor Octopus Equipment

Octavius ​​is a genius in the field of atomic physics. A brilliant engineer and inventor, he is also an excellent strategist and charismatic leader.

Due to exposure to radiation, Doctor Octopus can mentally control four electro-mechanical titanium tentacles. This weapon can lift several tons, provided that at least one hand is used as a body support. Reactions and agility of mechanical appendages are increased and surpass human. The weapon allows Octavius ​​to move quickly across any terrain and even vertical surfaces.


Doctor Octopus has owned a total of three different harnesses throughout his career: the original titanium harness, the more powerful adamantium harness, and the current harness with octopus-like tentacles. Previous belts were destroyed in battles with Spider-Man. His current seat belt was made from a mixture of niobium steel and titanium alloy, which is more durable and at the same time lighter in weight. When wearing a harness, the tentacles allow him to walk on walls. They are also used to grab objects of any size and as weapons. The pincers at the end of each tentacle can also be used to tear the flesh of enemies. The seat belt is also capable of holding a small jump. Doctor Octopus is able to rotate his tentacles around him like a windmill in such a way as to deflect bullets.

Ultimately, Dr. Octavius's harness was surgically removed, but he was still able to control it mentally, even from a great distance. This ability is explained by the fact that the original accident caused Doctor Octavius ​​and his weapon to be fused together both physically and mentally.

Over the years of his confrontation with Spider-Man, Captain America and other super-heroes, Otto received more than 80 head injuries, was subjected to various forms of strangulation and beatings, but Otto himself was not a super-human physically. After the explosion at the radiation factory, the radiation accumulated in Otto's body did not allow him to fully heal from his injuries, so his body began to slowly die. To make up for his losses, during the World's Ends event, Octavius ​​wore a special armored life support suit with eight adamantium tentacles. Otto also created many mini-robots - octobots, so that they perform various tasks.


There are two versions of the Octobots:

  • The first model of the Octobots was created by Otto Octavius ​​when he learned that he was dying. They were small spherical devices moving on eight flagella-tentacles. Managed by mental control.
  • The second model was a giant octopus-like mech that Otto used to destroy large structures.
  • The Golden Octobot was created by Doc Ock to switch minds with Spider-Man.

Octobots are known in at least two variations:

  • Spider Slayers- first appeared during the events of Spider-Island and were, in fact, the first generation of Octobots that Spider-Man filled with a special serum that he used to cure all those infected with spider powers.
  • Spiderbots were small black and red spiders that Otto Octavius ​​used to patrol the city when he was the Superior Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's abilities

For some time, Otto owned Spider-Man's body, all of his memories and super-powers. Deciding that the classic Spider-Man costume did not match the image of the Superior Spider-Man, Octavius ​​changed the color scheme of the costume from red and blue to red and black, invented new improved lenses, and added claws on his hands and feet. The second version of the costume was even more distant from the original. The suit became dominated by black, the lenses also became black, Octavius ​​improved the web formula and web shooters, added wrist communicators, and created four additional limbs for the suit that resembled spider legs. During the events of Spider World, Otto upgraded these limbs by fitting weapons that could drain the energy from the Inheritors.

In addition to the costume, Dr. Octavius ​​created about a thousand advanced spider-bots that were supposed to report to him about various incidents in the city. After Otto received the Raft prison from Jameson, he equipped it with the latest technology and created his super-hero base there - Spider Island II.

Living Brain Abilities

For a long time, the mind of Doctor Octavius ​​was imprisoned inside the design of the robot, his old servant - the Living Brain. As the Living Brain, Otto Octavius ​​was capable of the most complex cyber-manipulations in the computer environment. In addition, the framework of the Living Brain was an indestructible shell that was able to self-repair after being damaged. However, the software of the Living Brain was quite vulnerable and could be disabled by the introduction of a special code, which was unbearable for Otto and was considered tantamount to repeated death.

Superior Octopus Abilities

By transferring his consciousness into the body of a perfect "proto-clone", Otto Octavius ​​again became the owner of Spider-Man's super-powers, such as increased strength, speed and agility, the ability to stick to vertical surfaces. In addition, Octavius ​​began to have his own analogue of the "spider sense" - "octopus sense". After gaining the status of General of the Hydra, Otto decided to create a new costume, which became a variation on the Superior Spider-Man costume. Instead of spider legs on his back, Octavius ​​added a new set of advanced tentacles, and the design of the suit became more octopus-like than spider-like.

After Norman Osborn's final defeat at the hands of Spider-Man, Otto decided to start a new life as Elliot Tolliver, once again becoming the Superior Spider-Man, this time in his own body.

Other versions


In Ultimate Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus is younger than his classic version. He wears dark glasses due to the terrible bloody wounds that he received after the explosion. Controls and manipulates tentacles telepathically.

Otto first fought Spider-Man when he tried to take out his rival. The Spider manages to defeat Octavius, then Otto escapes from prison and learns that a movie about Spider-Man is being made in Hollywood. Doctor Octopus appears on the set of the film and runs into Peter (while he knew the secret of Spider-Man's identity), Otto managed to capture the hero. He takes Peter with him on a hijacked plane, later Spider-Man was able to free himself. When the plane landed in Brazil, Spider-Man defeated Otto and went home. Doctor Octopus ended up in Trixelion where Nick Fury destroys Otto's tentacles.

In the Clone Saga storyline, it is Octavius ​​who creates five clones of Spider-Man, including Gwen Stacy, who could temporarily transform into Carnage. To do this, he began working for the FBI and the CIA, for their project to create super-soldiers (super-humans), so the government wanted to surpass Fury and his team of Ultimates. He later self-satisfiedly reveals that he is now out of Fury's jurisdiction and takes pleasure in learning that his experiments caused a heavy blow to Spider-Man's life. In issue #104, he unleashes his new powers of metal control by creating tentacles from the rubble of an abandoned lab to fight Spider-Man and Spider-Woman, who defeat him after all.

Octavius ​​briefly appears in Ultimate Spider-Man #113, confronting Norman Osborn as the latter breaks out of the Triskelion; he attacks his former boss to prevent his escape. However, Electro intervenes in the fight, which neutralizes Octavius ​​with an electric discharge.

Noir Spider-Man

In the Spider-Man Noir comics, Otto Octavius ​​is a scientist in the service of the Third Reich, devoid of legs and moving in a wheelchair. He dreams of working under Heinrich Himmler. Himmler later admired Octavius's work and wished to meet him in person. But seeing that he was imperfect as an Aryan, he ordered to get rid of him. Octavius's tentacles here are thinner and more like claws with interchangeable ends, they are more of a tool for work.

Spider Man India

In this universe, Doctor Octopus works under Nalin Oberoi (Green Goblin). He was turned into a mystical version of Doc Ock so that he would find and kill Pavitra Prabhaker (Spider-Man). As a result, he was killed by the Goblin due to his refusal to kill Spider-Man.

Marvel 1602

Doctor Octopus appeared in the Marvel 1602 universe. Baron Victor Octavius ​​is an Italian nobleman living in France who used the blood of octopuses to cure himself of the bubonic plague, but instead turns into an octopus-like monster. While fighting Spider-Man, he is crushed by Henry La Pym.

Amalgam Comics

On Earth-9602, Otto Octavius ​​is Spider-Boy's assistant (a mix of Spider-Man and Super-Boy) and provides him with various gadgets. Here he also has tentacles, but is not a super villain.

Marvel 2099

In this universe, Doctor Octopus is a xeno biologist from Atlantis who has real octopus tentacles on his back. He was a member of the Sinister Six 2099. After discovering the betrayal of the Green Goblin 2099, Doctor Octopus killed her.

Beyond comics


Animated series

  • Doctor Octopus was the first supervillain that Spider-Man met on the small screen. He appeared in the first episode of the first Spider-Man animated series in 1967, where he was voiced by Vernon Chapman.
  • In the animated series "Spider-Man" 1983 Doctor Octopus was voiced by Stanley Jones.
  • Michael Bell voiced Doctor Octopus in the animated series "The incredible Hulk" 1982.
  • Michael Bell also voiced Doc Ock in the 1981-83 Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends animated series.
  • In the 1994 Spider-Man animated series, Doctor Octopus was voiced by famed American actor Ephraim Zimbalist Jr. Appears as a constant enemy of Spider-Man.
  • Doctor Octopus makes a cameo appearance in the first episode of the Invincible Spider-Man animated series.
  • In the animated series The New Adventures of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus was voiced by Peter MacNicol. One of the main antagonists of the series.
  • Otto Octavius ​​appears in the TV series episode "Robot Chicken". Voiced by Seth Green.
  • In the Great Spider-Man animated series, Doctor Octopus was voiced by Tom Kenny. In the animated series, there is a reference to the Superior Spider-Man in the series when Loki teams up with Doctor Octopus, takes control of Spider-Man's body and later returns to his body after fighting him and Doc Ock says it's not a bad idea and he will take this is a note. In the final season 4 of the animated series: The Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six, Otto is shown in a suit similar to the life support suit he wore in the "Doomsdays" arc. Subsequently, with the help of nano-bots, he changed in appearance again, with a suit that now looks like a classic suit, which is a reference to Doctor Octopus's armor from the 1994 animated series. In the last episode of the show, he turned into a huge mutant octopus, but was cured by his own antidote, and defeated by Spider-Man. Introduced as the main antagonist of the entire animated series.
  • In the animated series Hulk and the Agents of W.D.A.R., Otto Octavius ​​was once again voiced by Tom Kenny.
  • In the Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload miniseries » Doc Oka was also voiced by Tom Kenny.
  • In the anime Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers » , Otto Octavius ​​is voiced by Dai Matsumoto.
  • Doctor Octopus appeared in the 2017 Spider-Man animated series, voiced by Scott Menville. In this animated series, Otto Octavius ​​is presented as a teenage genius who is also Peter Parker's advisor. Otto showed off his tentacles for the first time at the Stark Expo. After the attack of the super-villain Ghost, who subdued all the equipment at the exhibition (including Otto's hands), Max Modell sent Octavius's project for revision. Norman Osborn took advantage of this and offered Otto funding from the Osborn Academy. In "The Rise of Doc Ock", a 4-part storyline, the explosion of an experimental reactor causes the tentacles to fuse with Octavius's nervous system. Inspired by Peter's words, Otto decides to become a hero. Along with Peter and Miles Morales, he patrols the streets as Octopus, however, due to the machinations of Norman Osborn, Otto is fired from Horizon School. Later, as part of Osborn's Commando, Ock attacks the Jackal's secret lab at Midtown High. When the Jackal appears, Octavius ​​betrays Osborn, and with the help of mind control, subjugates Osborn's Commandos, renaming them the Sinister Five, and himself becomes Doctor Octopus. In the Hobgoblin storyline, Doc Ock kidnaps Max Modell to capture Spider-Man. Again, through mind control, Ock subdues Peter, making him a member of the Sinister Six. Thanks to the intervention of the Hobgoblin (Harry Osborn), Spider-Man manages to defeat Octavius. Later, Ock re-attacks the Horizon School, but is caught by the Hobgoblin, disguised as Norman Osborn. In the second season, trying to atone for all his sins, Doc Ok again tries to get a job at the Horizon school, where Max Modell began developing the Neuro-Cortex, a device that can simulate the activity of the human brain. After an encounter with a group of mercenaries led by Silver Sable who were trying to kidnap the Neuro-Cortex, Otto regained the trust of Spider-Man and Max and once again became a school teacher. However, this was only a cover for the real, criminal plan of Octavius. After gaining access to the Neuro-Cortex, Otto attempted to empower his brain, but failed at the hands of Spider-Man and Carolyn Trainer (who initially admired Octavis' genius) and fell into a coma. In the "Bad Boys Attack" storyline, a mysterious villain promises a big bounty on Spider-Man's head, causing all of the city's B-Villains to continuously attack Spider-Man. This mysterious villain turns out to be Octavius, whose mind survived while in the Neuro-Cortex. Having deceived Max Modell, Ok forced him to make a protective shell for the Neuro-Cortex in the form of a Living Brain robot. Peter learns that Ock did all this only in order to move his mind into the body of Spider-Man, thereby carrying out his revenge on him. Exhausted from long battles, Peter was unable to stop the transfer of consciousness, as a result of which he himself was imprisoned in the broken frame of the Living Brain, while Otto Octavius ​​became

, Vulture , Sandman , Electro , Scorpion , Rhino , Kingpin , Shocker

Enemies Spiderman special powers
  • high intelligence
  • Mental control of tentacles
  • Mechanical tentacles
  • Various inventions

Doctor Octopus is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe. First mentioned in The Amazing Spider-Man #3 (The Amazing Spider-Man, July 1963). Designed by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko. He is a highly intelligent evil scientist who is one of Spider-Man's archenemies. Obsessed with the goal of proving his genius and killing Spider-Man. On its back are 4 powerful mechanical tentacles. Stan Lee himself has said that Doctor Octopus is one of his favorite villains.

In 2009, Doctor Octopus was ranked #28 on IGN's list of the 100 Greatest Comic Book Villains.


Over the years, Doctor Octopus has become one of Spider-Man's most dangerous adversaries, going through many intense fights with him over the years. He formed the original Sinister Six to fight Spider-Man.

Doctor Octopus later showed the ability to activate his mechanical weapon remotely, and used it to free himself from prison. Otto later went to war with Hammerhead.

Doctor Octopus has worked with other top level villains on numerous occasions, most often as the leader of the Sinister Six. He transformed it over and over again.

Despite obvious obstacles, Octavius ​​was on good terms for a while with Peter Parker's Aunt May, whom he met for the first time in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (1964) when he kidnapped her and Peter's girlfriend Betty Brant to get Spider-Man's attention. In fact, it was only because, at a later time, May Parker and Otto Octavius ​​were too busy that they did not get married.

Powers and abilities

Octavius ​​is a genius in the field of atomic physics. A brilliant engineer and inventor, he is also an excellent strategist and charismatic leader.

Due to exposure to radiation, Doctor Octopus can mentally control four electro-mechanical titanium tentacles. This weapon can lift several tons, provided that at least one hand is used as a body support. Reactions and agility of mechanical appendages are increased and surpass human. The weapon allows Octavius ​​to move quickly across any terrain and even vertical surfaces.


Doctor Octopus has owned a total of three different harnesses throughout his career: the original titanium harness, the more powerful adamantium harness, and the current harness with octopus-like tentacles. Previous belts were destroyed in battles with Spider-Man. Its current seat belt is made from a mixture of niobium steel and titanium alloy, which is more durable and at the same time lighter in weight. When wearing a harness, the tentacles allow him to walk on walls. They are also used to grab objects of any size and as weapons. The pincers at the end of each tentacle can also be used to tear the flesh of enemies. The seat belt is also capable of holding a small jump. Doctor Octopus is able to rotate his tentacles around him in such a way as to deflect bullets. Ultimately, Dr. Octavius's harness was surgically removed, but he was still able to control it mentally, even from a great distance. This ability is explained by the fact that the original accident caused Dr. Octavius ​​and his weapon to be fused together both physically and mentally.

Other versions


Ultimate Doctor Octopus

In Ultimate Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus is younger than his classic version. He wears dark glasses, due to the terrible wounds that he received after the explosion. Controls and manipulates tentacles telepathically. He has great power over them. He also knows how to manipulate metal. At first, Otto fought Spider-Man when he tried to take out his rival. Spider manages to defeat Octavius, then Otto escapes from prison and learns that a Spider-Man film is being made in Hollywood. Doctor Octopus appears on the set of the film and runs into Peter (while he knew the secret of Spider-Man), Otto managed to capture the hero. He takes Peter with him on a hijacked plane, later Spider-Man was able to free himself. When the plane was able to land in Brazil, Spider-Man was able to defeat Otto and head home. Doctor Octopus finds himself in Trixelion, where Nick Fury destroys Otto's tentacles. After a final skirmish with Spider-Man, the CIA secretly offer Doctor Octopus his freedom in exchange for research with Ben Reilly into the creation of superhuman soldiers. They create five clones of Spider-Man, they also created a clone of Gwen Stacy. For the creation of Spider-Woman, who was a female clone of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus received an award. Peter meets Octavius ​​again, after learning that Otto is behind it, Peter and Spider-Woman named Jessica Drew were ready to kill Doctor Octopus. During the fight, Otto kills one of the clones, but Spider-Man and the female clone manage to overpower Doctor Octopus.

During an attack by Reed Richards, the Brain Team captures Jessica Drew, who suddenly learns that their leader is Otto Octavius. He explained in detail to his underlings that Spider-Woman was his greatest creation. But Spider-Man ruins Otto's plans, he saves Jessica, and she began to beat Doctor Octopus. Later, Peter and Jessica leave, but unexpectedly the Roxxon building was destroyed, Otto managed to survive thanks to Jessica and Peter. After that, Octavius ​​changed, he wants to help and joins the heroes in the decisive battle against Reed Richards. Otto then voluntarily surrendered, at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers interrogate Octavius.

In the "Death of Spider-Man" storyline, Doctor Octopus was freed by Norman Osborn from Trixelion as part of the Six, and after refusing to kill Spider-Man, was killed by Osborn.

Appearance outside of comics


Doctor Octopus in movie Spiderman 2.

In film Spiderman 2 Otto Octavius ​​is a talented scientist, Peter Parker's university professor of physics. Harry Osborne invested in his research. To perform the experiment, Octavius ​​created tentacles that were inert to heat and magnetization. During the experiment, an overload occurs, the process becomes unstable, but Dr. Octavius ​​refuses to stop it. During the experiment, his wife dies, and the nerve inhibitor chip that allowed him to control the mechanism is destroyed and the weapon is fused to his spine. Otto is sent to the hospital to have the tentacles removed, but they kill the surgeons and he escapes. The tentacles begin to influence Octavius's mind, playing on his vanity and ego, as a result of which he decides to end the experiment at any cost.

To finance his experiments, Doctor Octopus tries to rob a bank where Peter Parker and his Aunt May happen to be. After a brief interval, Spider-Man appears, but Doctor Octopus takes Aunt May as a hostage. When Spider-Man saves her, she reconsiders her attitude towards him and realizes that he is a hero.

Otto is about to finish rebuilding the reactor, and needs tritium to power the reactor. For this, he goes to Harry Osborne. He agrees to this in exchange for bringing Spider-Man to him. Mary Jane meets Peter at a restaurant to ask if he still loves her, just as Doctor Octopus throws a car into a building. The Doctor kidnaps Mary Jane in order to lure Spider-Man into a trap. He accepts the challenge and runs into Octavius ​​on top of the train. During the course of the battle, Doctor Octopus destroys the brakes on the train, forcing Spider to rescue the runaway train. Peter manages to do it, but after that he becomes exhausted.

The spider ends up in Osborn's mansion. Harry discovers his true identity, but Peter convinces Harry to show Octavius' whereabouts so he can save Mary Jane. Spider-Man finds Doctor Octavius ​​in an abandoned warehouse on a waterfront pier, where he has restarted his experiment. After fighting Doctor Octopus, Spider-Man manages to call on Octavius' true self and begs him to stop the machine. Otto uses his mechanical weapon to destroy the building's floor, sinking the device at the cost of his own life.

Animated series

  • Doctor Octopus appeared in the first Spider-Man animated series in 1967, where he was voiced by Vernon Chapman.
  • In the animated series "Spider-Man" 1983 Doctor Octopus was voiced by Stanley Jones.
  • Michael Bell voiced Doctor Octopus in the animated series "The incredible Hulk" 1982 and "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends" 1981-83 years.
  • In the 1994 animated series Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus was voiced by American actor Ephraim Zimbalist Jr.
  • Doctor Octopus makes a cameo appearance in the first episode of The Invincible Spider-Man animated series.
  • In The Amazing Spider-Man animated series, Doctor Octopus was voiced by Peter MacNicol.

video games

Doctor Octopus appears in Spider-man: Return of tne Sinister Six as the final boss Doctor Octopus appears in Spider-man 2000 as the main boss in a duet with Carnage * Doctor Octopus is also the main boss in Spider-Man 2: The Game.

  • Doctor Octopus is the first boss in Spider-Man: Friend or Foe.
  • Doctor Octopus (female) is a boss in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions in the 2099 world.
  • Doctor Octopus (under the name "Doctor Octagonapus") also appeared in the Internet-famous Lazer Collection series of commercials, where he is assigned the role of a villain who kills others with a laser beam from his mouth.
  • In the Spider-Man Noir comics, Otto Octavius ​​is a scientist in the service of the Third Reich.
  • In the Spider-Man 2099 comics, Doctor Octopus is a female Dr. Serena Patel. She uses more modern tentacles and is obsessed with killing the Spider - doing something her predecessor couldn't. She is the head of the Alchemax company's science department, which Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) left.


Real name Otto Octavius. As a child, he experienced many troubles, since his father, a drunkard and a domestic despot, constantly beat his son and wife. He mocked the boy in every possible way, forced him to contact street gangs, fight and get involved in illegal acts. Despite all this, the boy did not go down the slippery path, he grew up well-mannered and obedient, he devoted all his time to study and books. Mother strongly protected and encouraged her son.

After graduating with honors from high school, Otto entered the university and seriously took up physics, where he was caught by the death of his father. Since there was no longer a threat to the health of his mother, Octavius ​​devoted all his time to hard study, which allowed him to become one of the outstanding nuclear physicists and head a scientific institute. One of his inventions was large titanium tentacles, which he used in his work as additional limbs. The tentacles were fastened with straps to the back of the scientist, and with their help he could perform various high-precision scientific actions.

At the institute, the inventor became close friends with his assistant Mary Alice Anders and even thought about marrying her. But the girl did not please Octavius's mother and she categorically forbade him to associate his fate with Anders. As an obedient "sissy," Otto broke up with Mary, although he suffered greatly because of this.

Once, greatly tormented by a break with his beloved, he made a mistake in the calculation and fell under the strong influence of nuclear rays. The radiation had such a strong effect on the scientist's body that from a quiet and good-natured person, he turned into an evil and uncontrollable monster with ambitions to enslave the world. In addition, radio waves permanently soldered titanium tentacles to Otto Octavius's back, making him Doctor Octopus. With the help of the power of thought, the evil genius could turn his eight limbs into any kind of melee weapon, move along sheer surfaces, break through walls and lift tons of weights. In physical abilities, he surpassed Spider-Man several times.

In his quest to dominate the world, Octavius ​​found Peter Parker to be a permanent adversary. Whatever Doctor Octopus does, Spider-Man always gets in his way. Fight and you with the iron tentacles of the octopus in

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