What mop to use to clean laminate flooring at home. Before choosing a mop for your home, you need to pay attention to: Selection requirements

Modern floor coverings require special care products. One of them is a mop for laminate flooring; which one is best is up to the consumer to decide. There are many types of this device. Each of them is good in its own way and has a number of advantages, but the final choice is up to the hostess. Such a unit must meet all the requirements of both the owner and the laminate flooring manufacturer in order to maintain the durability of the product.

Selection requirements

First of all, you should read the instructions that come with the laminate. Depending on the manufacturing technology and the purpose of the coating, basic care will be carried out for it. Its thickness, method of fastening and joining, moisture resistance remain the most important criteria.

Please note that this type of floor must be treated with moisture with extreme caution. Otherwise, water seeping into the seams will cause swelling and further unsuitability of the laminate. Therefore, it is better to choose a mop with a spin cycle to prevent such troubles.

The material from which the nozzle is made should be quite soft so as not to scratch the floor. At the same time, there should be no stains left that look unsightly after cleaning. Microfiber has all these qualities and is worth paying attention to. Such an important assistant to housewives should absorb moisture perfectly and dry out fairly quickly.

When choosing a mop, you should know that these items are divided into certain types: household, universal, professional, and there are also steam cleaners suitable for cleaning apartments.

Household version of the product

This type is the most budget-friendly and is suitable for cleaning rooms of any size, but it is best to stick to home use. Among the conveniences, it is worth noting a special retractable handle. This design allows you to create the required length for any height. The set also includes 3 types of attachments. They are designed for dry, wet cleaning, and the universal option is designed for any method of removing dirt.

Manufacturers also provide materials for nozzles to choose from. It can be cotton, wool or microfiber. Each option works well in its own way. But in Lately microfiber became the leader. This fabric has a number of advantages. It is soft, durable and light at the same time. Capable of absorbing moisture as quickly as possible. Performs the function of a polish, leaving shine and shine on the floor. It is very easy to care for and durable.

You should thoroughly wash any of the attachments after finishing cleaning, but do not dry them on a radiator or radiator in order to preserve all their properties. Before wet cleaning, you need to collect all possible dust and debris from the mop with a dry cloth. This will allow you to carry out hygiene procedures as efficiently as possible and maintain cleanliness for a long time.

Universal type

It works great on any surface, and this is an undeniable advantage. With its help, you can easily remove various types of contamination not only from laminate, but also from tiles, wood, glass and other surfaces. It is equipped with all kinds of attachments designed to make the owner’s life much easier.

The mop has a triangular-shaped nozzle, the material of which is natural rubber, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently absorb moisture. There is a rubber scraper that allows you to remove excess liquid from the coating.

The attachments are available in 3 different variations. It is recommended to perform dry cleaning using a fluffy option with long pile. Extended hinges allow you to capture dust and debris from different directions and speed up the process of removing them.

The nozzle for wet exposure is presented in the form of a sponge with a fairly short pile. It should be tightly packed so that it removes all wet marks and does not leave streaks. The third type has short loops that are capable of both sweeping and washing the floor.

All devices are attached with Velcro, and at the end of the manipulations they can be removed and washed. Over time, small pellets will begin to form on the flat sponge, but they do not affect the quality of the cleaning process.

A multi-purpose mop will save money and time, which is why it is considered one of the best options. Its ability to remove all kinds of dirt makes the mop a favorite.

Professional cleaning kit

This professional mop is designed for cleaning large spaces over 100 m².

It provides a telescopic handle that extends to approximately 2 m in length. The harvesting platform rotates 360°. This the necessary conditions, in order to reach the most remote corners of the premises.

The included bucket should have a wringing surface, which will allow less contact with water, while the mop will remain slightly damp. Various attachments can be added to help clean windows and surfaces made of different materials.

If you have a small area, purchasing such a unit does not make sense.

Modern steam cleaners

On the market household appliances Steam cleaners that are designed for cleaning premises have long been introduced. Such means have a number of disadvantages and advantages. The operating time of the steam mop should not exceed 30-40 minutes. This is the key to high-quality and durable service. You should pay attention to the length of the cord; it should be sufficient to use the device at least when cleaning one large room.

The weight of the device depends on maximum quantity water, which can be poured into a special tank. You should not take it too heavy so that you will have difficulty moving it when cleaning.

When using a steam mop on laminate flooring, select medium power to avoid damaging the coating. You can’t move the device too quickly, otherwise it simply won’t have time to soften and remove dirt.

It is the same telescopic handle with a platform attached to it. The latter is equipped with a sponge nozzle on one side and a silicone scraper to remove moisture on the other. As a rule, such devices have a semi-automatic spin function, which makes the device easier to use.

The advantage of a universal mop is a set of attachments that are suitable for cleaning any floor covering. In addition, the mop can also be used for washing glass thanks to the silicone tip at the end of the platform.

3. Steam mop

The steam mop runs on electricity. Purchasing a device is advisable when regular cleaning of heavily soiled floors is required.

Visually, the device is a regular mop with an adjustable handle; only the shape of the platform differs: as a rule, it is trapezoidal or triangular. A steam generator is built into the platform, which cleans surfaces of contaminants through exposure to hot steam, which is ideal in the case of laminate.

If you listen to the opinions of housewives, you can conclude that the most convenient option for laminate flooring is a universal mop. It allows you to wash the floor and at the same time remove residual moisture, which has such a negative effect on sensitive floor coverings.

4. Professional equipment

The tool differs from a household mop in that it has a stronger handle and a larger nozzle. All models of professional equipment have a movable platform that rotates around its axis and are used for cleaning large rooms and office buildings. Thanks to the wear-resistant adjustable handle and larger nozzle, the service life of the product increases several times.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a mop for laminate flooring, you should pay attention to some little details and follow certain recommendations. The most important criteria for a good mop are the ability to quickly absorb moisture and not cause mechanical damage to the floor covering.

You should not rely on the words of a consultant and purchase a mop on his advice; the main thing in this matter is personal needs and capabilities. It is worth focusing your attention on mops with movable platforms that rotate around their axis - this will facilitate access to remote corners of the apartment. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a mop with an automatic or semi-automatic spin cycle - this will significantly shorten the cleaning process.

It is also important to pay attention to the materials of the attachments included in the kit and the possibility of purchasing attachments separately. You should choose a washing brush with the utmost care: it is the one that can ultimately damage the floor covering.

An excellent household option is a cotton nozzle. The fibers do not stretch, capture debris and dust well, and, moreover, they can be washed frequently and, if necessary, purchased a new nozzle without breaking the budget.

Steam mops are the best helpers

Behind last years steam mops topped the popularity chart. Despite the fact that the device is much more expensive than even the best classic mop, the costs are completely justified.

The device lasts much longer, in addition, the steam mop copes with dirt on any type of floor covering. Manufacturers also offer sets of attachments for windows, furniture and other interior items, which makes steam mops simply indispensable assistants.

Using a steam mop does not involve adding any additional detergents or household chemicals, the whole process occurs due to the powerful effects of hot steam.

It is able to remove even stubborn old stains without much effort. A steam mop not only cleans the floor, it disinfects it quite well, which is why the device is almost indispensable in apartments where there are small children.

However, the all-powerful technology also has a drawback: it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions. Before using the device, you should carefully read the technical data sheet and operating instructions:

violation of at least one of them will lead to irreversible damage to the floor covering, and the restoration and restoration of laminate flooring requires significant financial costs and physical effort.

How to properly wash laminate flooring

Once the desired mop has been selected, you can begin cleaning. It is important to remember that when washing laminate flooring, you should not use household cleaning powders, other abrasive materials, or attachments with coarse fibers: all this will lead to mechanical damage to the coating.

Before wet cleaning the laminate flooring, it is necessary to sweep away all small debris and dust with a mop with soft bristles; this will help prevent scratches from occurring while washing the flooring. Next, you need to dilute the liquid laminate cleaner in water, according to the instructions on the package.

If the mixture is unfamiliar, you should first use it on the boards remaining after the repair, or do a test on a less noticeable area of ​​the coating. Washing should be done in such a way that no excess liquid remains on the laminate.

If there are stains that are difficult to remove, you will have to use special products, but under no circumstances scrub the floor with brushes. One of the most effective means- acetone. 2-3 drops of liquid are enough to remove the stain.

Even in the last century, there were no other types of mops other than a wooden flat board mounted on a stick, which was used for cleaning in any room. But everything is improving, even such a primitive assistant for cleaning floors is undergoing changes. Laminate flooring is widely used in all areas, and it is demanding when it comes to wet cleaning of premises.

Choosing a mop: table

The table shows the basic principles for choosing a floor cleaning device.

Mop with wooden base

It came into the 21st century from the past century, is distinguished by its simplicity of design, and is considered obsolete. It is a narrow, long base attached to the handle. In the past, a long-handled brush was often used to clean floors. First they swept the floor, then they wrapped unnecessary rags around it, then they washed the room with a mop, squeezing the rag out with their hands. Nowadays they are used mainly for cleaning industrial premises. But this model has a number of advantages:

  • it is environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • easy to implement;
  • inexpensive (you can do it yourself).

Disadvantages include low maneuverability and the impossibility of mechanical spinning. If there is a lot of space in the room and there is little furniture under which dust accumulates, a mop is suitable for washing laminate flooring. The lazy one costs a little more than 100 rubles.

Household mop

It consists of a height-adjustable metal handle and a base that is fixed movably, allowing it to rotate 360 ​​degrees. You can use this type of device for cleaning under low furniture and corners. Using a crab latch, which securely holds the material, you can attach various attachments to the base.

Before wet cleaning, it is recommended to collect litter and dust using a nozzle designed for dry cleaning. If a stain is noticed on the floor surface, apply a drop of professional stain to it and wipe with a dry cloth. Then, using the desired pad, wipe the floor, carefully wringing out the cloth, and ventilate the room so that the floor dries faster. These mops are chosen for cleaning laminate floors. Attachments for attachments to the base in the form of Velcro are short-lived and it is better to avoid using them.

Mop with loops

It is a plastic handle with a bell that widens towards the bottom, into which looped fabric is inserted. The price of such mops starts from 500 rubles. The advantages include:

  • collects dirt, old stains, dust well;
  • The spin system allows you to avoid bending over and getting your hands wet;
  • The large volume of the looped cloth allows you to quickly wash a large surface.
  • leaves stains;
  • does not collect animal hair or hair well;
  • not suitable for cleaning floors under low sofas and kitchen furniture.


It is not recommended to use this type of mop for washing laminate flooring due to poor moisture absorption.

Mop - butterfly

It is a height-adjustable handle on which a movable base is attached. It can rotate 180 degrees, which allows you to remove dirt and dust in corners and reach secluded places under sofas, beds, and kitchen cabinets. Characteristics:

  • the handle is made of metal or metal-plastic (a plastic handle is a fake);
  • when squeezed, the base folds in half, like the wings of a butterfly;
  • has several attachments.

The attachments are made of microfiber, mixed fabric, cotton, and are attached to the base using pockets and Velcro. Easily washed under running water. You can even wash carpets with this mop.

The use of microfiber as a material for cleaning floors with a butterfly mop allows us to call it one best mops for washing laminate flooring. This material is hypoallergenic, polishes the surface, has absorbent, dirt-washing properties, and dries quickly. The price of a butterfly mop is from 600 rubles.

Use for washing steam unit

A steam mop will provide significant assistance in removing from the surface:

  • dust;
  • mud;
  • greasy spots;
  • rust.

This mop disinfects without using special means. Is an assistant in families with children, allergies, and animals. The steam mop comes with a number of attachments that help in pushing dirt out of corners, crevices, and from under low-standing furniture. Suitable for washing batteries, stoves, bottlenecks where other devices cannot reach. The cost depends on the availability of additional functions and starts from 1200 rubles.

Laminate is classified by type of load. Class 33 and above are usually laid out in offices with heavy furniture and high traffic. It is in such rooms that steam washing units can be used. They make the cleaning process easier and faster. In addition to the high wear resistance class of the laminate, when using a steam mop it is necessary that:

  • the joints of the lamellas were treated with wax, sealant and glued;
  • there is no floor deformation (swelling, cracks).


Do not use steam mops on laminate flooring all the time; this will lead to clouding of the top paint layer. This device can be used to wash laminate flooring during general cleaning.

Laminate flooring requirements for cleaning products

Laminate floors look attractive and expensive, but have a number of cleaning requirements, since this flooring is prefabricated and has problems where the planks join. In inexpensive types, they are not treated with wax-containing compounds, and when constantly wet when washing floors, they lead to swelling and delamination of the coating due to the peculiarities of the composition of the laminate. In expensive types, the fastening points are treated with water-repellent mixtures, which extends its service life. Daily wet cleaning is contraindicated for laminate. For enjoy different types types of mops, using auxiliary means. But, before wet cleaning:

  • sweep the floor with a soft broom to remove debris, dirt, sand and other abrasive substances that can scratch the surface from the floor surface; carefully, using a wooden spatula, remove plasticine, paraffin, and wax;
  • vacuum, collecting hairs and dust particles.

Cleaning is carried out according to the following principle:

  • prefer a mop with a height-adjustable handle;
  • They mainly use a microfiber cloth so that after washing there are no stains and lint left on the floor, this happens when the floors are washed with old knitted T-shirts;
  • carefully wring out the rag to avoid moisture getting into the cracks;
  • wash along the floorboards, this cleaning reduces the amount of water getting into the joints;
  • if possible, use water whose temperature is about 70 degrees, in this case the floor is disinfected and moisture evaporates faster from the surface;
  • after wet cleaning, open the windows to dry the water faster;
  • do not walk on wet floors so as not to leave marks;
  • when cleaning a contaminated room, do not use scrapers or try to clean the surface using other mechanical methods;
  • use special cleaning and detergents for laminate flooring that do not have abrasive properties, do not contain carbonate salts and do not have an acidic or alkaline reaction;
  • The dried laminate is polished with a soft cloth or a dry lint-free cloth.


Since tap water leaves stains after washing, it is softened by adding a glass of 3-9% table vinegar to the container for rinsing the rag.

One of the main criteria when choosing is the ability of the material used to squeeze out water well. Important role play nozzles, or rather the material from which they are made. To understand, it is necessary to indicate for which premises it is chosen. Suitable for weekly cleaning:

  • household;
  • mops - butterflies.

For general cleaning and floor washing in offices the best option will become a steam mop. The lazy mop is suitable for cleaning laminate floors. The nozzles differ both in the materials from which they are made and in their purpose. They should be soft, wring out water well, strong, durable, dry quickly, and have short, dense pile.

Nozzles are made from:

  1. Natural materials (cotton and wool), which quickly lose their shape and begin to absorb moisture worse. They are inexpensive and are sold complete with a mop.
  2. Synthetic nozzles last a long time without losing their appearance and absorb water well.
  3. Microfiber is made from polyamide fibers, takes excellent care of the surface, and has a long service life. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material.

The attachments are used for wet and dry cleaning and for any type of cleaning. For dry use, devices with wide, fluffy pile are suitable; for wet and joint use, devices with short and thick pile are suitable. After cleaning, the attachments require washing and drying, but not on a radiator, as the properties of the material are lost.

It's no secret that any floor covering, including laminate, needs regular and thorough cleaning. However, not every equipment or detergent is suitable for these purposes. In this material we will tell you which mop is best to wash laminate flooring so that it retains its original appearance for a long time.

Laminate, although it is a fairly strong and durable material, still requires special attention. If improperly cleaned, stains and streaks may appear on the laminated surface, and abrasive particles of sand or aggressive detergents can scratch it. You need to choose laminate care products that are suitable for this material.

Excessive moisture when washing floors, dirt and dust particles, as well as heavy furniture with sharp edges can lead to the loss of beauty and shine of the laminate, as well as the appearance of squeaks. To avoid these negative consequences, you need to know exactly how to choose a mop for laminate flooring.

Let us immediately note the fact that you should not buy a product equipped with Velcro attachments, as they quickly become unusable.

Types of mops

For cleaning laminate flooring the best way The following types of mops are suitable:

  • Household butterfly mop. Such mops consist of a telescopic handle and a movable platform with a nozzle attached to it. The handle can be freely adjusted in height. The platform can turn 180°, which makes cleaning in nooks and crannies easier. The attachments can be changed at your discretion; they are attached using pockets or Velcro.
  • Universal mop. This equipment allows you to clean any type of surface. The design of the mop requires the presence of two different attachments: on the one hand, a rubber scraper for collecting dirt and water from glass and floors; on the other hand, there is a hard abrasive sponge that removes even dirt that is strongly adhered to the surface. Specifically for cleaning laminate flooring, special attachments are sold with these mops.
  • Mops for professionals. This mop is most often used for rooms with a very large area. Like the butterfly mop, it has a height-adjustable telescopic handle and a movable platform that rotates 360 degrees around its axis.

In our opinion, a universal mop for cleaning laminate floors is quite suitable. When purchasing, make sure that the kit includes various attachments for dry and wet cleaning of laminate floors.

Here are a few practical advice to make it easier to decide which mop to choose for laminate flooring:

  • To carry out dry cleaning of the flooring, as well as to rub it with special wax, a brush for laminate flooring or a mop with long woolen bristles and a long handle is perfect. In addition, such equipment makes it easier to collect dust and small debris in hard-to-reach corners of the room.
  • There are mops on sale with a rectangular base and a head with long bristles protruding from the edges. This product is ideal for cleaning large rooms, as it can collect more debris on the sides of the sole.
  • If the laminate surface is too dirty, it is advisable to use a mop attachment with short loops to clean it. It is capable of not only collecting garbage, but also removing dirt that has dried to the floor surface well.
  • Another criterion when choosing a mop for laminate flooring is its moisture absorption capacity. This is important because after cleaning there should be no excess moisture remaining on the surface of the laminate, otherwise the coating may deteriorate (read also: " ").

Note that a mop for laminate flooring with a spin cycle does a good job of cleaning the house. It does not leave streaks, and excess moisture does not get into the joints between the canvases.

Steam mops for laminate flooring

You can't ignore this the new kind equipment, such as a steam mop for washing laminate flooring - we’ll tell you how to choose the right model below.

Criterias of choice

When buying a steam mop, you should pay attention to some details:

  • On average, one refill of water in the mop should be enough for 40 minutes of work.
  • The supply of cord should be sufficient to easily reach any corner of the largest room in the apartment.
  • The volume of the water tank affects the operating time of the mop. However, an overly bulky device is not very convenient to use.
  • It is better if the mop has a removable steam generator. In this case, you can also use it to clean clothes, furniture, or the inside of a car.

It is worth remembering that steam takes some time to dissolve dirt. Therefore, do not rush while cleaning the laminate - move the mop slowly and smoothly.

User manual

  1. Fill the steam generator tank with water to the maximum level. At the same time, hold the mop at an angle, without plugging it into the mains.
  2. Set the intensity of the steam supply - to clean the laminate, a medium supply level is enough.
  3. Plug in the mop and start cleaning, moving it smoothly across the surface.

Please note that the mop is designed for a certain period of use, which should not be exceeded. Otherwise, the device will quickly fail.


So, to keep your flooring clean and in perfect condition, you need a mop for laminate flooring - which one does the best job of cleaning. In any case, the available equipment will make your daily work easier, provided that it is of high quality and convenient to use.

One of the most popular floor coverings today is laminate. It is often used in houses, apartments, offices, and industrial premises. After this covering is installed and the first joyful emotions have subsided, the pressing question always remains - how and with what to clean the laminate. Since this coating is very expensive, this question is quite relevant. How you approach cleaning laminate flooring depends on appearance and service life. Cleaning must be carried out so as not to damage the coating.

How to properly care for laminate flooring

Laminate flooring, like any other flooring, needs to be properly cared for. How properly care for laminate flooring? There are several simple rules:

For laminate flooring, daily dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, soft cloth or brush is recommended. This removes dust and pieces of dirt. Not every vacuum cleaner is suitable for dry cleaning of laminate flooring. For example, washing vacuum cleaners may not be suitable - they can ruin the coating.

Wet cleaning should be done once or twice a week, not more often. In this case, the rag must be wrung out well to prevent excess moisture from getting between the panels and causing streaks. If there are any stains on the coating, they must first be removed. To clean laminate flooring you should only use special cleaning products, which are intended for such coatings.

Mops for laminate flooring

Main types

The most common item used for wet cleaning of laminate flooring is a mop (experts do not recommend using ordinary mops with a rag). There are certain requirements for a mop for such cleaning. It should not damage the coating. There are several types of mops for laminate flooring:

  • Household.
  • With bucket and wringer.
  • Universal.
  • Steam.
  • Professional.

A laminate mop should dry quickly and easy to absorb moisture. It does not require abundant wetting. It is enough to spray the material from a spray bottle or place it under the tap for a short time.

In order to decide on the choice of mop, you need to learn more dwell on their differences.

Household mop

Considered the cheapest option for cleaning laminate flooring of any size. Mop handle length regulated. The set includes three replaceable attachments for different types of cleaning:

  • Wet.
  • Dry.
  • Universal (this attachment combines the functions of the other two).

Nozzles these can be made from:

  • Microfibers.
  • Cotton.
  • Wool.

For household mops, they are most often used microfiber attachments.

You can attach attachments to the base of the mop either using Velcro, or put on according to the type of pockets. The attachments can be washed, but you should not dry them on a hot radiator. This mop is great option for not large areas.

Mop with bucket and wringer

Convenient for washing laminate flooring. The set includes a bucket with a squeezing device excess water. With such a mop, laminate floors will be reliably protected from moisture and its penetration into the joints between the panels. This mop is also suitable for small spaces.

Universal mop

The mop is suitable for washing any surface: laminate, parquet, linoleum, glass, plastic. Has removable attachments. On one side of the base there is an abrasive coating to remove stubborn dirt, on the other side - rubber scraper to remove excess water. This mop can be used to clean not only floors, but also other surfaces in the house. In some cases, this option is very economical.

It is plugged into the network and has a water tank. In the work of this mop steam is used. It softens the dirt, which is then easy to remove. The steam supply must be regulated - set it low or medium, but not high. A steam mop has another important advantage - the steam generator can be used separately from the mop itself.

This type of mop will appeal to those who like to use modern technology, thus making housework easier for yourself.

Professional mop

Such mops are used for cleaning large areas - offices, commercial premises, houses large area. The mop has durable elastic handle and a base surface larger than that of a household one. The base can rotate 360 ​​0, which allows you to reach hard-to-reach places. The nozzles have looped ends. This makes it possible grab a large number of pollution.

Which mop should you choose for cleaning laminate flooring? The answer will depend on the cleaning area, your desires and capabilities. In any case, the choice is yours.

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