Firefighting connecting heads and their types. Bayonet connector with quick fixation: what is it, description, drawings Fire coupling heads

Hi all! Don't be alarmed right away by our topic today. But we will not talk about anything, but about the bayonet connector.

Not everyone knows what it is, what its essence is and where it is used. But after familiarizing yourself with the material, you will understand even such issues, and will be able to explain the meaning and design of bayonet connectors to your uninformed friends.

Therefore, let’s not put it off for a long time, but let’s start studying the topic. I hope you find this useful and interesting information. Still, it’s not every day that we discuss some kind of quick-release mechanism.

Historical reference

To begin with, I propose to look into the past and move to France for a while. After all, this is where the concept of a bayonet or bayonet connection came from.

Initially, this was the name given to piercing-type bladed weapons used by the French military. Literally translated, this is a bayonet. It was adjacent to the barrel of the firearm.

This bayonet was invented around the middle of the seventeenth century in the city of Bayonne. Hence the name of the device. Such knives were inserted into gun barrels using a handle. In Russia, the bayonet was better known as a baguinet.

From here the principle of connection was subsequently borrowed. The quick-release connection actually consisted of two components - a bayonet and a receiving socket on the gun. Due to a special shaped slot, the bayonet was inserted into a socket where there was a corresponding protrusion. The part was rotated, as a result of which the protrusion did not allow the bayonet to move.

A simple but very reliable fastening was a success. Now we can observe it in much more peaceful areas of application than weapons.

Basic information

I won't hide it. I myself didn’t quite understand what it was and why anyone would even need to buy such a connection for a hose, an 8mm tube, or even for a welding machine or for a Schmitz semi-trailer.

Not exactly the format of our site, but the issue requires consideration. Moreover, the plug according to din 72585 and other similar bayonet connections can be found in ordinary passenger trailers, on MAZ and KAMAZ trucks and semi-trailers.

Therefore, let's start with the simplest. Namely, what it is and what is wrong with standard type fixation. Historical information you have already studied, so in the future it will be easier for you to understand the essence of the issue.

Bayonet connectors are called special kind connections between parts, where there is necessarily a factor of axial movement of one of the connected components relative to the other.In the role of movement, rotations or lateral displacements are used. Bayonet connectors are also called bayonet connectors or bayonet connections.

BRs are widely used in connectors during installation local networks and in other cases when it is necessary to create the strongest possible connection. This fastening method has replaced the usual threaded connection. The new solution turned out to be easier and faster to implement, so it is gradually gaining rapid momentum in popularity.

Design features

Interestingly, the mount can be either two-pin or even 35-pin. Any of them is actively sold in Russia, Ukraine, and is in demand in European countries and not only.

This is not just an automotive connection method. It is also actively used in electrical welding machines, cameras, etc. The widespread use of the bayonet mount is extremely easy to explain. This is a simple, fast and universal solution.

The following are used as a lock for the bayonet connector:

  • special sector grooves;
  • electrical contacts;
  • mechanical levers.

With their help, such a high-quality, durable and reliable connection is created.

The principle of bayonet fixation has been successfully used to connect cables, including coaxial, and optical connectors.

But an interesting fact is that the bayonet connector is most often mentioned in relation to cameras. To be more precise, camera lenses. This describes a mounting method that allows you to connect the frame (removable lens) directly to the device.

Modern mounts have noticeably transformed, changed and improved. This is one of the main components in creating electronic interfaces on all kinds of equipment, cable networks, welding machines. Gradually, bayonet connectors are conquering the automotive market.

The drawing turned out to be quite simple for many manufacturers. For example, currently the bayonet can be used to connect the rear lights of a regular passenger trailer. But they are also suitable for semi-trailers and trucks equipped with towbars.

Key Benefits

If we talk about the advantages of the bayonet mount, then strengths This method of connecting parts includes:

  • the ability to obtain an ideal connection between the current source and its consumer;
  • perfect safety of contact between components;
  • an elementary joining process, accompanied by the most durable and reliable fixation;
  • high-quality current transmission (especially relevant for use in the field of welding equipment);
  • compliance with the most stringent international standards and quality requirements.

As you can see, another military invention was continued in civilian peaceful life. But the fact remains a fact. Again, military cunning, there is no other way to call it, turned out to be useful and convenient in everyday life.

I hope you were able to understand with me the issue of the features and purpose of the bayonet connection. In essence, this is a special durable clamp of a special design that allows you to combine different components to ensure reliable and high-quality fixation.

Otherwise, this is a thing for wide use. Bayonet mounts are used everywhere. It is difficult to find an industry where bayonet connectors have not been at least partially used.

No matter how powerful the compressor you have.
No matter how good your pneumatic tool is.
If connected incorrectly, it will not work.
We connect and make any pneumatic equipment work.
Any diameters. Any threads. Any fittings.

This section is entirely devoted to seemingly insignificant things such as pneumatic fittings, pneumatic hoses (sleeves) and, accordingly, pneumatic tubes. As practice shows, if the matter concerns a serious matter, then there should be no trifles. After purchasing a compressor, tool or other pneumatic equipment, the user sooner or later faces the problem of transportation compressed air to places of consumption. And here the question arises: how to install, what material to assemble from, what should be taken into account when installing a pneumatic line?

Currently, manufacturers in the field of industrial pneumatics offer consumers a wide variety of pneumatic fittings and pneumatic hoses. At MAGIMEX you will find the widest selection of fittings, hoses, sleeves and tubes for compressed air:

  • threaded adapters and connections
  • quick release couplings (QRC)
  • fire-fighting type bayonet connections (crab)
  • PVC hoses
  • polyurethane tubes (PU)
  • polyamide tubes (Rilsan)
  • rubber hoses with textile reinforcement

Thanks to your design features hoses (sleeves) and connecting fittings (fittings) from the MAGIMEX company make it possible to ensure simplicity and ease of installation of pneumatic lines of any configuration and complexity in a short time and without special skills.

For example, bayonet joints, like fire joints, are among the most practical and effective types connections that allow pneumatic hoses to be instantly connected to each other or to equipment such as a compressor or pneumatic tool such as a jackhammer. The connection is made through axial movement of one part relative to another. The body material is brass; rubber gaskets are used as a seal.

Other connections that have proven their reliability over long periods of testing and operating conditions are threaded pneumatic fittings. Pneumatic fittings are universal connecting parts. They are used to connect pipes of any type, regardless of material. The design of the threaded pneumatic fitting was invented quite a long time ago and it is so simple and reliable that even for a long time there will be no worthy replacement for her. The pneumatic fitting is screwed onto a threaded connection, forming a very strong connection that is easy to install/dismantle. Due to their simplicity, the scope of application of fittings is very wide and allows them to be used in places where other types of connections are difficult - hard-to-reach places, joints different types pipes, etc. Threaded pneumatic fittings are also used in all cases where branching or joining of pipeline lines and in connection points of various instruments and devices is required. The use of threaded pneumatic fittings eliminates the need for welding and makes the connection quite simple and quick.

IN Lately Quick release couplings for compressed air are becoming increasingly popular. The MAGIMEX company offers a wide range of these components. They are used for quickly connecting and disconnecting pneumatic hoses. Couplers make it possible to change the consumer source in the shortest possible time without removing the pressure in the line.

At MAGIMEX you will find the widest selection of hoses (sleeves) and connecting fittings (fittings) from leading manufacturers. Experienced specialists of the MAGIMEX company will help you correctly calculate and select all the necessary components, and affordable prices will pleasantly surprise you and allow you to purchase everything you need in the right quantity.

WORLD OF FIRE SAFETY offers fire heads for connecting hoses to each other and to various fire equipment.

Depending on the type of connection, you can buy six different types of heads from us:

Fire hose heads

The hose head is intended for connecting the hoses to each other, as well as to various types fire equipment. These heads are made of aluminum. Options with plastic parts are also possible.


The design of the proposed fire heads is a load-bearing part that looks like a cover with a groove for a sealing rubber ring located on the end edge.

Sleeve heads have a special clip that fits onto the load-bearing part itself. To connect the two heads, “fangs” are used, which are placed on the holder.

To connect the fire head to the pressure hose, galvanized wire or galvanized steel rings are used.

Fire heads

The pin fire head is designed to connect fire hoses to each other and, if necessary, connect the fire hose to various equipment.


The pin head is a bushing, on the end edge of which there is an annular groove. This groove contains a rubber O-ring. Two fastening “fangs” for connecting fire hoses are located on the outer surface of the sleeve.

Fire plug heads

The plug head is used in cases where it is necessary to block the supply channels for water and other fire extinguishing agents. These ducts include splitters, tankers, fire hoses, and hydrants.

These plug heads prevent water or foam from seeping through and moving freely through blocked channels.


Fire heads coupling

The coupling head is used to connect fire hoses together and connect them to various types of equipment.

Coupling heads are divided into suction and pressure. And are used for corresponding sleeve models.


Our company offers you heads made of aluminum and tested for strength under conditions of a certain hydraulic pressure. Also, these heads underwent mandatory leak testing.

Fire heads transitional

The transitional fire head is designed for a hermetically sealed connection of several hoses of different diameters. Head models of this type vary depending on the diameter of the intended hose and the material of manufacture.

There are heads of this type, some of the parts of which are made of plastic. But our company is pleased to offer you only those fire heads that are entirely made of aluminum. Such equipment is as reliable as possible in operation and will not fail at the right time.


Suction heads

Suction heads are used to connect suction and pressure-suction hoses to each other, as well as to fire-fighting equipment. Since suction hoses differ from traditional types of hoses for extinguishing fires, they require special heads.


Parameter Inner diameter Diameter by fangs Weight, no more than kg


GDV-100 87 175 1,5
GDV-125 110 210 2,3


GMV-100 64 175 0,8
GMV-125 110 210 1,1
GMV-150 136 242 2,5


GZV-100 87 175 1,3
GZV-125 110 210 1,9

And so today we will talk to you and examine a rather important topic - hose fittings, and more specifically, the types fire connection heads. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special about the types of fire connectors available, but if you pay attention and do a little searching, you will be shocked by the abundance and variety of fire connectors.

But it is precisely this small detail that makes it impossible to use firefighting equipment different countries peace. And then our “Kulibins” have to make their own adapter heads for foreign water hand fire nozzles, foam fire nozzles, and other hose fittings.


Before we look at the most common connecting heads in Europe and the world, let's take a look at our domestic ones.

In the territory former USSR Today we can say with almost 100% certainty that they are used Bogdanov connection heads approved .

Depending on the purpose and the fire hoses with which they are used, Bogdanov fire heads can be either pressure or suction.

In general, these connecting heads are connected by two teeth that move along the outer bevels. The peculiarity of this connection (as well as some connections that we will consider below) is that we can connect two different ends of the fire hose, that is, there is no difference between the inlet and outlet, unlike some connections discussed below.

Although there is some classification of these heads:

  • most commonly used pressure fire heads (with pressure hoses);
  • coupling Fire heads are used to connect different fire equipment. Due to the internal thread, they can be screwed onto various types of pipelines and fire fittings;
  • pin-type the heads have internal threads;
  • plug heads used to block outlet openings on water collectors, pressure and suction pipes of cars;
  • adapter heads for connecting hoses of different diameters and hose fittings.

Despite the widespread use of the Bogdanov compound today, you can still find another type

connecting fire heads, which were widely used until about the 60-70s of the XX century - we're talking about o "ROTT" connection.

This type of connection is fundamentally different from Bogdanov heads in the presence of three teeth that interlock with each other, which makes it possible to lay hose lines and shafts much faster.

But the advantage of this connection is also its drawback, due to the leakage of the connection and loss of pressure on the line, today the “Rott” type connection is practically not used, except on sports equipment in fire-applied sports or on outdated fire-fighting water supply systems.

Europe and USA (symmetrical)

Today, divisions in Europe and the USA are the most common connection heads “STORZ” (Storz)

In 1890, Carl August Guido Storz patented his fast connection in Switzerland. Very soon it became the generally accepted norm in many parts of Europe to use this compound. And over the last 100 years, Storz connection heads have become popular in the US and the rest of the world.

A special feature of this connection is the presence of two internal teeth that engage on the internal bevels. Essentially, this is the Bogdanov head turned inward.

But thanks to the internal placement of the fastening system, the STORZ head is more protected from external mechanical damage and is easier to use.

Another type of connection head is the Swedish “SMS” connection head. It is very similar to the STORZ head, but has a distinctive technical detail - a small lever on the head body, which is used to disconnect the head.

At the same time as the Storz heads, US divisions use connection heads with National Standard Thread (NST) threaded connections. Which from the point of view of efficiency is not very rational.

Using a threaded connection divides the fire hose into inlet and outlet pipes; here it is already necessary to distinguish where the beginning and end of the hose are.

Although, if you carefully examine the work of US fire departments, you will notice that on their vehicles the hoses are already pre-connected in lines (by analogy with our pump-hose vehicles), so perhaps this is why they use this type of connection.

Not symmetrical

Thus, we have looked at the most common hose heads, where some force must be applied to connect them. But modern technologies and developments today also allow the use of quick-release fire heads, which are connected using the plug connection principle or similar.

An example of the first type of quick-release (non-symmetrical connecting fire heads) connection is the Japanese “Machino” model

The British quick-release coupling head is also widely used.

In this article, we did not focus on the material from which the heads are made (and it should be clear that they are made from low-melting anti-corrosion materials) and in what areas of human activity they are used.

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