New beautiful short statuses with meaning. Sad statuses about life with meaning

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom because of this rain ...

Leave muddy water at rest, and it will become clean and transparent. (ancient wisdom)

Life is like the movement of dogs in a sled: if you are not a leader, then the landscape in front of you will never change.

If you delay making a decision, it means that you have already decided to leave everything as it was before...

For some reason, people suffer that they will not be after death. But why don't they suffer that they didn't exist before they were born?
Stanislav Lem

Most tasks are solved surprisingly simply: you just have to go and do it!

This is not me. It's you idiots. With uv. Life…

Life has developed when you have achieved what everyone respects, and succeeded when you yourself like it.

When you were born, you cried and the world smiled. Live so that when you die you smile, and the whole world cries!

The day comes, the hour comes, and you understand: everything is not forever. Life heartlessly teaches us that time is fleeting. About the need to appreciate everything, to protect everything that is given to us. After all, life is like a thin thread, it sometimes suddenly breaks!

Today I have a crazy affair with my own life. Every day I am convinced of how interesting it is to live.

Some people spend their whole lives waiting for their ship, not realizing that they are at the airport.

No matter how much you think about someone else's life, you have to live your own.

I live as best as I can, enjoy every day! I don’t keep anyone, and I don’t need anyone! The one who cherishes me will always be there! And whoever doesn't need it doesn't need it.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​​​victories and never believe that there is no way out.

Do not rush to remove masks from people, perhaps these are just muzzles.

Learned to speak - so matured. Learned to be silent - so wiser.

Life flies by instantly... And we live as if we are writing a draft... Not realizing in the fuss of the scandalous that our life is just a moment.

The wind of life is sometimes fierce... In general, life, however, is good... And it's not scary when it's black bread... It's scary when it's a black soul.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, without instructions.

It's not about life being more days but to have more life in the days.

The law of life: "If you don't get used to it, you'll die; if you don't die, you'll get used to it."

Everything in life is temporary. If everything goes well, enjoy it, it won't last forever. Well, if everything is lousy - do not be sour, this is also not forever.

Life can be started from scratch, but handwriting is difficult to change.

When it seems that everything in life is collapsing, start thinking about what you will build on the vacated place.

Take your life and how HDD from a computer. Remove all trash. Restore all that was lost. And save all the most valuable ...

We are looking for answers to the most difficult questions, as if we had already found answers to the simplest ones.

A person can come to terms with any deprivation and injustice, provided that all this is not happening to him.

Humanity will not be destroyed by artificial intelligence, but by natural stupidity.

Most of all in others we condemn what we cannot afford.

Loyalty, unlike betrayal, is unprovable.

The Lord answers all prayers, but he answers "No" to some prayers.

It is amazing to notice how nothing changes every day, but after a while, looking back, you realize that everything is different now.

Two negatives make an affirmative. So if they try to confuse you with g@vn, just n@sh*t about it.

Recipe for happiness: take what is real for what you want.

In dialogue with life, it is not her question that matters, but our answer.

There are more locks in life than keys.

There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for another.

"Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky"

In the life of every person there is a goal to which he goes, choosing on his way what he needs, and avoiding everything else.

In life, it is not important to be ahead of others, because it is much more difficult to overtake oneself.

In life, a person should have three black stripes. swim in the Black Sea every year. drive a black Mercedes and eat black caviar. This is life!

In life, unlike chess, the game continues even after the checkmate.

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.

"Kozma Prutkov"

At the end of life, only those who suffered from inferiority in the beginning feel their superiority.

See also -

In a moment of all-consuming fear, a person is able to love everyone who shares this fear with him.

Life gives a lot to think about, but little time!

Life itself should please a person. Happiness - misfortune, what a mercantile approach to life. Because of it, people often lose the feeling of the joy of being. Joy should be as essential to life as breathing.


Life is love, life is sustained by love in the indivisible (for them it is a means of reproduction); in this case, love is the mediating force of nature; it adjoins the last link of creation to the beginning, repeated in it, therefore, love is a self-returning force of nature - a beginningless and infinite radius in the circle of the universe.

"Nikolai Stankevich"

Life is a night spent in deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare.


Life is cruel, to the cruel. Dear, dear. Now think, who are you?

Having touched all the ugliness of our life out of the corner of our eye, a strange feeling of disgust and hatred for it wakes up.

Law of life: handsome boys there are always a lot of public transport, but for some reason they are not in their personal lives

Remember, if it's hard for you, then you are on the right path, in the right direction.

If you want - you will find the time, if you do not want - you will find the reason

Why all these showdowns through messages in contact or SMS? Wouldn't it be better to sit next to each other, have a good talk and understand that you are made for each other

And why are men afraid of women? So what can a woman do? Well, spoil the mood, well, break life ... Well, that's all!

We live as long as we have hope. And if you've lost her, don't ever let yourself guess about it. And then something might change.

"IN. Pelevin"

We live once. And this is quite enough if you manage your life well.

We are silent when we need to scream, we stand when we need to run, we laugh when we need to cry and we lose what cannot be lost in any way ...

We never live, we only hope that we will live.


We reap in life what we have sown: whoever sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed.

"Luigi Settembrini"

We get used to smiling at those who do not want to smile, and look great at the moment when we want to scream in pain ...

She loves to dream... Although no, she lives in dreams. She thinks about things that will never come true all the time. And he believes ... that the wait will not be long ..

She doesn't say anything, she knows too much.. Wears a smile out of habit.. Here she is, look! She is hated by all, she is adored by the elect.

Passed the test. Result: “You are very beautiful. Only your eyes are always wet. Nothing, it even suits you ... ”it became sad ...

The past is a train, but it has already left. The future is a dream, but it is not yet known whether it will come true. And the present is a gift of life. Therefore, you need to live in the present, with hope for the future and with the experience of the past!

Empty days...empty nights, empty life...empty eyes, empty heart...and soul, when there is EVERYTHING, but there is no You...

The meaning of life is to be necessary. If no one thinks about you, then you simply do not exist ...

The meaning of life is not comprehended in the head, it will be felt in the heart!

The meaning of life is not to achieve perfection, but to tell others about this achievement.

The meaning of our life is repentance; God generously rewards those people who sincerely repent.

Life is like a cigarette smoldering and we can only wait, it's only a matter of time, and if you smoke it, it flies by unnoticed.

Life is a pure flame, we live with an invisible sun within us.

"Thomas Brown"

Life is short! Break the rules! Farewell quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably!

Three things never come back - Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore, do not waste time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity!

Desperate girls and guys sit here and write sad statuses in the hope that he or she will come in and see ...

You can be so different: cheerful, sad, angry ... but for me you are always beloved, dear, affectionate and gentle ... I love you, baby ...

You are the Queen of Beauty in this city of dreams. And you fly in his arms, but ... This is a sad movie, you will get tired anyway, and you will melt in his arms ...

You will never see me without a mood, I am always positive. Pride will not allow me to walk in front of you with a sad expression on my face

What do you want? – yes, strong coffee without sugar, “Davidoff black”, and so that the heart could not stand it

See also -

Whatever happens tomorrow must not poison today. Whatever happened yesterday must not choke tomorrow. We exist in the present, and it cannot be despised. The joy of a burning day is priceless, as life itself is priceless - there is no need to poison it with doubts and regrets.

"Vera Kamsha"

What is the most important thing in life? The choices you make, the chances you get, and the changes you have to go through. - You must do right choice to get a chance otherwise your life will never change for the better.

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. It's the bison's breath when winter comes. This is a shadow that falls on the grass and melts at sunset.

I live in a world full of things I don't have but wish I had. Amendment, .. exist, because this is not life.

I live the best I can. Nothing to regret. I find and I lose. And I'm starting from scratch. I would tell you. Yes, I was not asked. As sometimes betrayed, even those who loved. Only I didn't give up. I laughed through my tears.

I love to start this life from scratch, but someday this roll will end

Happiness sometimes falls so unexpectedly that you do not have time to jump aside.

Happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do!

The secret desires of a person are easy to guess. It is enough just to listen to what he most often scolds and criticizes.

Life is so arranged that we are happy only with the anticipation of change; the changes themselves mean nothing to us; they just

What is a sense of life? And what is this life anyway? More than one person has spent his entire life searching for answers to these questions. Are there any answers at all? Perhaps the best statuses about life can at least slightly reveal the secret of its meaning. They will be funny and serious, but all will be meaningful.

If you sit and think too long, you may not have time to live.

For some people, the mind comes only after the appearance of wrinkles.

Life is just a runway, and what awaits us in heaven is not known ...

You can't look at life too soberly, otherwise you'll get drunk.

Only after the darkest sunset comes the brightest dawn.

Trifles need to rejoice, and not fall into depression because of them.

When you point out other people's shortcomings, you multiply your own.

Other people's wings will not help, you must definitely grow your own.

Sometimes minutes are longer than years.

Some people, in order to climb to the top, must first be in a big ... hole.

What a pity that life is given without instructions.

If you have nothing, remember that you still have life, and it has everything.

Remember: you are not for life, but on the contrary, it is for you.

Stop inventing obstacles for yourself and life will be beautiful.

The best statuses about life with meaning

Give people a second chance, but not a third!

Man is like the sea, at first only the surface is visible.

You should not cross the ocean for the sake of a person who will not even jump over a puddle for you.

Wherever they hide from problems, they still know where to find us.

There is no need to thank for kindness, because it in itself is gratitude.

In fact real life- this is the one that some only dream of, while others do not even dare to dream.

Sometimes life is better than even wildest expectations.

Time is like the tissue that makes up our entire life.

Life is fleeting, but sometimes boredom makes it longer.

Here are even better life statuses:

Ask a lot from life to get at least something.

Understand who is in front of you, good or bad person You can only read his mind.

Why try to subjugate others, if sometimes you can’t control yourself.

In life, as in the ring, you need to be able to fight!

It's hard to live easy...

There is no need to take revenge on people for insults, you just need to learn how to be happy and they will not be able to survive this!

Don't expect blows from life, always strike first.

Selfishness is not when you live the way you want. And then when you force others to live like that.

Statuses about life

Whether a person has brains can be understood even without an x-ray.

The length of life cannot be corrected, but the width and depth - please.

Life is very short, no need to waste time on empty arguments about it.

You can be able to speak beautifully, but it is very difficult to learn how to be silent somehow.

The past needs only to be taken into account, you need to live in the present, and you need to look to the future.

Let dreams into your life and you will live the way you dreamed.

The strength of every woman is in her weakness.

Only the one who does not try to hold on to anything will get everything.

Even better statuses about life, choose:

We build our own fence beautiful life. With their “ugly”, “impossible”, “indecent”, “I can’t”, “it won’t work”.

You can immediately see the fool, he himself calls everyone around fools.

For stupid people the world seems simple and clear, but for smart people the world is full of riddles and secrets.

If you understand life, you will stop rushing somewhere...

The best philosophical statuses about life

Everyone will get the life they believe in.

Often, saying goodbye to childhood, we say goodbye to our sincerity.

You need to surround yourself with only those people to whose level you need to grow.

Even if a diamond falls into a swamp, it will still remain precious.

Learn to live with your experience, someone else's will still fail.

Of course, you can argue with me, but you will lose!

Do not save money for a rainy day, otherwise it will definitely come.

You can find out the meaning of life only after death, looking back and looking at what you spent it on.

The more you study this world, the more you realize that you know nothing.

All life is a constant choice between good and evil.

The best statuses about life

The greater the expectation, the less likely it is to come true.

And only in a dream we become ourselves ...

Only in solitude can you hear your true inner voice.

Even cacti can be more tender than some people.

When you play cards with life and you have every chance to win, she suddenly offers to play chess...

Life, like a bad road, throws you from side to side.

Stop limiting yourself and start living!

If you meet on the way a person who wants to offend you, then it is even worse for him than for you.

If you work all your life, then you will not have time to earn.

Some more best statuses about life with meaning:

All mothers have children - geniuses, but for some reason from stupid husbands ... Paradox!

All life passes in the fight against the evil that lives within us.

When you hear a lot of words from a friend, do not expect help from him, real friends do not need many words to help.

If you have someone to strive for and achieve, then you can achieve everything that you dream of.

Life is short, so don't waste it in a bad mood.

What is life? This is a series of successive joyful and sad events. Publishing life and beautiful statuses with meaning, users of social networks express their attitude to what is happening in their lives. By changing their statuses, one can easily understand what a person is currently experiencing for the period. There are such life statuses with meaning about life on this page.

There are far fewer people who are ready to die for an idea than those who are ready to kill for it.

Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than screaming. Indifference is worse than war.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.

Giving up at the beginning of the journey is a weakness. Giving up midway is stupid. Therefore, you either do not start the path, or go to the end.

If the caterpillar had held on to the past, it would never have become a butterfly.

One day, the right time will come in the right place.

Very often a person turns out to be smarter than he needs to be happy.

Some things just need to be experienced without doing anything.

Unfortunately, when we are upset, we always take out our feelings on the closest and loved ones.

The rider may be headless. The horse can't afford it.

Know how to say "thank you" to what is left behind. It certainly taught us something important.

Slaves never fight for freedom - always only for a new master.

You can say and promise anything, but only your actions show a real attitude.

How many of you sawed sawdust at least once in your life? Of course, no one can cut sawdust. They are already drunk. The same with the past. When you start worrying about things that have already passed, you are in the business of sawing sawdust.

Don't give up where others give up. And win where you can't win.

Once I told her that each of us invents our life, our woman, our love, and even ourselves. And the poorer the fantasy, the better.

Someone else's life, like someone else's windows. Even if there are flowers on the windowsill, this does not mean that there is paradise inside.

Everything goes on as usual. Take your time, be calm: life is wiser than us. Everything is going the way it should.

You let people into your sea and they kill your fish. You teach people to fly, and they fly away from you. Don't trust people.

Any problem ceases to be a problem with the right attitude towards it.

It's strange, but I don't want to share my feelings with anyone. Unanswered calls on mobile, unread emails, sms. I'm not looking for friends. No desire to talk to anyone. Be silent. Be silent. Be silent. Elchin Safarli

Never tell people about your misfortunes, most are not interested at all, and the rest are glad that you have them!

Every woman likes to be given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

Want something more than the standard phrases common on the web? Then life statuses with meaning are exactly what you need.

More purity, more simplicity in thoughts

  1. If they dig a hole for you, don't be sad. It's good that you knew about it before you fell there.
  2. It is impossible to arrange an “above average” life if you just have a good heart.
  3. Forbid yourself the least. This is the surest way to the appearance of temptations.
  4. Being in a good relationship with a lover is not so difficult. The difficulty is to keep them good after the lover is no longer a lover.
  5. I used to get upset when unpleasant events arose in my life. And now - I am glad at least some stability.
  6. It would be nice to conquer Hollywood, but for some, changing jobs is already an achievement.
  7. The older a person is, the more he appreciates the absence of passion for alcoholism.
  8. We all love to wash bones. But how terrible it is to think that they can also talk about us. Yes, and bad!

May the roads always lead to the achievement of goals

Good statuses about life with meaning real wise advice which are just fun to read. The most interesting thing is to select the desired phrase to be installed in the status bar.

  1. Tune in for the best. We're not saying it will solve the problem, but it will piss off your enemies!
  2. Everything in this life is doomed, including its meaning.
  3. A person who has money a little lower than others life priorities, becomes either famous or doomed to eternal ridicule.
  4. I wonder what Life would tell us if it could speak? ..
  5. Not only the error can be serious, but also the quality of the attempt to correct it!
  6. If you realize that you hurt, be sure to apologize. Feelings of guilt will gnaw at you, not the offended one.
  7. Take a more responsible attitude to life: with every moment it is reduced!
  8. The height of modern insanity is to break the rules ... on schedule.

Erase the tears, release the offenders

To use all the opportunities that life provides is unrealistic. But most people are unhappy precisely because they don't even try some of them. This is what the best statuses about life with meaning tell about.

  1. Do you want to "catch" a friend in hypocrisy? Quarrel with him, and find out exactly what he thinks of you.
  2. Learn to look up, and respond with a smile to the smile of the guy you like, until you are 50.
  3. Each of us needs silence. Consider if the passion for silence is preventing you from building relationships normally!
  4. Everyone experiences pain in their own way. Moreover, each of us is endowed with his own pain ...
  5. Don't rush God if you believe in him. The very first foundation for faith is patience.
  6. Of all the skills you can develop, not panicking is the most effective.
  7. If you are raising a daughter, then teach her to say “no” when necessary. And if you're raising a son, teach him to respect girls who can say no.
  8. The bitter truth is aimed at helping. But not everyone is able to accept it!

Appreciate the one who can be called human

Good life statuses with meaning are simple and understandable for everyone. They should be installed both in a calm and in a slightly anxious mood.

  1. The most interesting story starts when you find someone who is comfortable with your cockroaches in the head.
  2. It turns out strange, you can live your whole life, but never see the world.
  3. Can you imagine what life is like for those who constantly tell the truth?!
  4. Practice confirms: it is not at all necessary to wait for bad events in life in order for depression to develop.
  5. To people to whom we are indifferent, we simply write messages. To the people we need like air, we are always trying to convey something between the lines.
  6. The more good you do, the more likely it is to go unnoticed.
  7. Give yourself permission to do stupid things once a day. This is the first step towards inner balance, if you do not have it.
  8. As soon as you stop wanting something very, very much, you immediately find that it has come true. Draw your own conclusions gentlemen!

Silence is a very dubious gold

Keeping feelings to yourself is the most thankless task. Rigid statuses about life with meaning - effective way convey your thoughts to the minds of others.

  1. The presence of happiness does not guarantee the presence of wealth, and vice versa. However, this does not mean that a person should have at least one thing.
  2. Often those who intend to forbid their soulmates to even think about betrayal are forced to forgive real betrayals.
  3. If a failed relationship is just an experience, then let fewer people consider you a part of their experience.
  4. Pride only enhances beauty. A neat, beautiful, moderately wide line ...
  5. It's a shame to look after that person who left unfulfilled hopes.
  6. Years pass, whiskey turns gray, and at night I ask myself the same question about when it will be easier.
  7. If you see a couple who have been together for several years, then know that in our reality they may well be united by an unpaid loan.
  8. True words like cold shower in the morning. Sober up.

Don't be afraid to share your life in statuses!

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