Kostya Tszyu and his family. Kostya Tszyu: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu

This famous boxer has many victories in competitions of various ranks, which brought him awards, titles, and popularity. Since the boxer became a media personality, interest in his personal life has grown, in which last years a lot of changes have happened. It is known that now Kostya Tszyu’s wife is not at all the same woman with whom he lived for many years.

Konstantin lived in marriage with his wife Natasha for more than twenty years, and their family always seemed strong and happy. More than once they appeared together at social events, demonstrating to others their ideal relationship.

The boxer's family lived in Australia, where three children of Kostya Dzyu and Natalya were born - two sons and a daughter.

When they met, Natalya was working in a hair salon, and in free time I went with my friends to a popular bar in their city, where I saw Kostya. They started dating when Natalya was eighteen and he was a little older. We went to the skating rink and skied together. Dating was infrequent - Konstantin disappeared more at training camps and competitions, and they decided to get married after Kostya was offered a contract in Australia.

This is how their family life began. The news that Kostya and Natalya were getting a divorce was shocking to many. The reason for the divorce was not only new love Constantine, but also that over the years life together She and Natalya have accumulated too many claims against each other.

According to the boxer's ex-wife, they almost did not quarrel, however real family They never succeeded, and Konstantin’s enormous busyness is to blame for this. All his time was occupied by training and competitions, and he appeared at home only occasionally. Natalya says that at home he was a real leader, and everyone around him felt timid in his presence, and all his desires were fulfilled upon his first request.

However, she was not offended by her husband, because she understood that living conditions and sports discipline made Kostya this way. When Kostya Tszyu left big sport, Natalya tried to change him and force him to do something at home, but this turned out to be impossible. Konstantin has his own opinion on this matter, and he believes that during her married life Natalya got used to beautiful life, but she herself cannot do anything to maintain existence at the same level.

Because of mutual claims Quarrels began to occur more and more often between Konstantin and Natalya, which became even more frequent after Kostya met Tatyana Averina at one of the parties.

They exchanged phone numbers and started calling each other. The romance was gaining momentum, but Natalya didn’t even know about it at first. Konstantin’s wife found out that his husband had another woman from messages on his phone. Tszyu did not make excuses and immediately admitted to his wife that he was dating Tatyana.

However, they did not immediately decide to separate, but tried to save the family, but it didn’t last long. When Kostya Tszyu’s first wife realized that the relationship could not be returned and parted with new passion Konstantin is not going to, she filed for divorce. The divorce had the hardest impact on the children, his eldest son Timofey was especially worried, and at first Konstantin’s relationship with them was strained.

Five years have passed since that moment, and now Kostya Tszyu’s children communicate normally with their father, although most often by phone, because the boxer’s first family remained in Australia, and he and his new wife moved to Moscow. Konstantin says that his attitude towards his children after the divorce has not changed at all, and he really appreciates every minute of communication with them. He sometimes flies to Australia, and when the children have the opportunity, they visit their father in Moscow.

For Tatyana Averina, her marriage to Konstantin is second, and from her first she has a son, Nikita. Some time after the wedding, Averina gave birth to Kostya’s son, Vladimir, and a year later they had a daughter, Victoria.

In March of this year, Kostya Tszyu had a heart attack, he underwent surgery, and all this time Tatyana was next to her husband, who was greatly helped by her support.

Konstantin Tszyu is a popular Russian boxer. He currently serves as a coach. Everyone knows about his sporting merits and his unsurpassed fights. But many of his fans are interested not only in Kostya’s sports life, but also in his personal life. We'll talk about her.

Kostya Tszyu

Tszyu was married to Natalya for 20 years. But in 2013, the boxer filed for divorce from his wife. So the 44-year-old athlete became an eligible bachelor. About the reasons for divorce for a long time nothing was known. But soon information appeared about new lover athlete. It turned out that even before the divorce he met with Tatyana Averina. Moreover, the spouses went their separate ways long before the official divorce.

Kostya Tszyu with ex-wife Natalia

Kostya Tszyu with his ex-wife Natalya and children

Back in 2005, a misunderstanding arose between the spouses. It's time for Konstantin difficult period in life, he needed support loved one. But Natalya, instead of helping her husband by being next to him, chose a different path - she decided to leave her husband alone and go to work. Tszyu regarded this act as indifference. Since then, tense relationships began to develop in the family.

Kostya Tszyu and Tatyana Averina

But Natalya still does not understand and does not accept her guilt. Yes, she never liked her husband’s hobby; she dreamed that he would end his career as soon as possible. But all this was done for the sake of family, children and a quiet life. By the way, Kostya and Natasha have three children. After the divorce, the boxer left all his property to them.

As mentioned earlier, Konstantin has been dating another woman, Tatyana, for a long time. Natalya found out about her husband’s new lover almost immediately; you can’t hide anything from a woman. And Kostya himself did not want to lie to his wife.

Kostya Tszyu and Tatyana Averina

The boxer met Averina in 2006 at another party. Tatyana is 10 years younger than Kostya and has a child from her first marriage. As for the marriage of two lovers, there is no question of this. The boxer no longer wants to sign. He agrees to live together, have children and be a full-fledged family, but without a stamp.

Kostya Tszyu and Tatyana Averina

Konstantin Borisovich Tszyu is a famous boxer who competes in the middleweight division. The most interesting thing is that he boxed not only for the Russian Federation, but also for the Soviet Union and Australia.

The guy was never the favorite of fate, but he always achieved everything through constant training and a great love for this sport. It is worth clarifying that Tszyu is a titled athlete who trains many successful young boxers of our time, including Sasha Povetkin and Denis Lebedev.

At the same time, Kostya is involved in social and charitable activities; he devotes a lot of time to educating the younger generation of athletes.

It is worth noting that many people would like to know what the boxer’s height, weight, and age are. It is almost impossible to understand how old Kostya Tszyu is, since the guy looks incredibly young.

The most interesting thing is that Kostya Tszyu: the photos in his youth and now are similar, the athlete himself associates this with the fact that he eats right and plays sports constantly. The guy was born in 1969, so he is already forty-eight years old.

Tszyu received the Zodiac sign - Virgo, therefore he amazes with his thriftiness, caring, calmness and smiling. Wherein Eastern horoscope endowed him with the sign of the charismatic, stylish, handsome and cheerful Rooster.

Konstantin’s height is one meter and seventy centimeters, and the handsome man weighs no less than sixty-one kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu

The biography and personal life of Kostya Tszyu attracts the attention of people, but the guy was not born into a rich family.

Father - Boris Tszyu - worked at a metallurgical plant in the Yekaterinburg town of Serov.

Mother - Valentina Tszyu - had medical education, but worked as a nurse all my life.

The sister, Olga Tszyu, did not become famous, but she supports her brother morally, since as a child she shared the last candy with him when the family lived in a communal apartment.

The boy was incredibly active, so it was decided to channel his energy into sports. Kostya was talented, so after just six months he could defeat opponents much taller and stronger than himself in boxing competitions.

At the age of twelve, the guy not only did well at school, but also helped coach the junior team Soviet Union, while simultaneously winning a ton of competitions. Since 1989, Kostya became the USSR boxing champion, followed by victories at the European and world levels.

The guy graduated from SIPI and Ural University federal significance, and received a red diploma.

In the nineties, he received gold at the Goodwill Games, and then earned awards of the same value at the World and European Championships. After this, Tszyu ended up in Australia and began training under the guidance of Lewis.

Throughout his entire career as an Australian, Soviet and Russian boxer, the guy took part in 282 fights, winning two hundred and seventy times. In 2011, Kostya was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame, and after that he began training the younger generation using a special system.

As part of charity programs, he opened on the territory Russian Federation numerous schools for young boxers. Since 2010 he has been the editor of the first boxing magazine electronic type, and also began to often shine on television as a guest star and star in Australian TV series.

It recently became known that the man suffered a heart attack, but reliable data shows that the heart attack was avoided by installing a stent. It is unclear how Kostya Tszyu lives after a heart attack, but the boxer underwent rehabilitation on Lake Issyk-Kul.

The handsome man’s personal life is not as turbulent as it seems, because before his eyes was the story of his family, where dad and mom loved each other. Cheating for Tszyu was something supernatural, and he married his loved ones. It’s safe to say that there were only two real love stories in the guy’s life.

Family and children of Kostya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s family and children always came first for the boxer; he always found a minute to chat with the kids. By the way, Tszyu has many children happy father, since he has five children from two marriages and Foster-son Nikita.

At the same time, Kostya’s family had only two children - the guy himself and his sister Olya, and they grew up as independent people, since their parents worked constantly.

Many people think that Tszyu is a catchy pseudonym, but this is not so, since great-grandfather Innocent was a Korean, and a native one at that. The guy came to Russia from China in his youth, and then met his love there and stayed to live there.

Son of Kostya Tszyu - Timofey Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s son, Timofey Tszyu, was born in 1994, and his first wife, Natalya Tszyu, became his mother. The boy looked incredibly like his famous father, he inherited his athletic talent.

Tima's father began to train him quite early age, his grandfather helped him, so the guy called his childhood a continuous training camp. He graduated from school, received higher education, but always dreamed of getting out of his father's shadow.

Timofey is engaged in boxing, occupying one hundred and ninth place in the world ranking of middleweight boxers. He lives with his family in Australia, is not married, but often communicates with his father, calling him his best adviser.

Son of Kostya Tszyu - Nikita Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s son, Nikita Tszyu, was born in 1995, his mother was Natalya Tszyu. The boy repeated the fate of his older brother, as the first photos of the baby in boxing gloves appeared in family album for about a year and a half now.

Nikita did well at school and trained with his famous grandfather. The guy did not start boxing professionally, but is still performing at the amateur level.

Nikita is less attached to his father than his older brother, however, he often visits him in Russia. It is worth clarifying that the guy is interested in football, although sometimes he goes out in public and gives master classes with his father.

Son of Kostya Tszyu - Alexander (Vladimir) Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s son, Alexander (Vladimir) Tszyu, was born in 2015; his mother was the boxer’s second wife, Tatyana Averina. He became the first-born in this marriage and a rather late child of Constantine.

The boxer proved himself caring father, who ran up to the first call of his baby, did not hesitate to change diapers and walk with the boy. By the way, the man protected his son for so long that journalists still don’t know exactly what his name is – Sasha or Vova.

The boy is still too young to talk about his preferences, but he can often be seen with his father at sporting events.

Son of Kostya Tszyu - Nikita Averin

Kostya Tszyu’s son, Nikita Averin, is adopted, but the guy often calls the boxer his own father. The fact is that the guy was born in 1999 in the first marriage of his mother Tatyana Averina.

Kostya quickly found mutual language with him, showing him the world of sports and finding the sea common interests. He was the guest of honor at the wedding of his mother and stepfather; it was from Nikita that the boxer asked his mother’s hand in marriage.

It is worth noting that little is known about the guy, except that he graduated from school and is receiving a higher education in economics. His stepfather had already introduced him into his business of organizing children's sports schools, so it became clear that the boy would clearly not be left without support in the future.

Daughter of Kostya Tszyu - Anastasia Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s daughter, Anastasia Tszyu, is the boxer’s eldest daughter, whom he also hid from the public for a very long time. The girl was born in 2002, her mother was Natalya Tszyu.

Nastenka currently lives in Australia with her mother and brothers. She is very attached to her mother, so she often helps her with household chores. At the same time, Nastya quite often comes to visit her father in Russia, but no one tried to make a boxer girl out of the young lady.

Anastasia studies at a prestigious Australian private school, and makes great progress in the humanities. In addition, Tszyu’s daughter has been involved in gymnastics for many years, constantly winning competitions, representing the Australian junior team.

Daughter of Kostya Tszyu - Victoria Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s daughter, Victoria Tszyu, is the youngest in the family of the boxer and Tatyana Averina, she was born just two years ago. By the way, the age difference between the half-sisters is almost fourteen years, which does not prevent them from being friends.

The baby got her name Victoria to prove that she is the biggest victory in her father's life. Not sports, but personal and the most expensive. Konstantin constantly spends his free time with his daughter, he walks with Vika, feeds her and rejoices at her new achievements.

Victoria looks like her mother, but received her stubborn and slightly capricious character from her father. The girl always wants to be in first place, so Kostya already believes in her great future in any field.

Kostya Tszyu's ex-wife - Natalya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu’s ex-wife, Natalya Tszyu, met her husband in his youth, when he was an aspiring boxer. In the nineties, in provincial Serov, young people relaxed in the same cafe.

The young beauty impressed Kostya so much that he decided to immediately take the bull by the horns. He approached and met the girl, but did not allow himself anything extra. Before deciding to kiss the ring thunderstorm, he courted his Natasha for six months.

In 1993, the marriage was concluded, but twenty years later it broke up, the reason was that the spouses stopped loving and understanding each other. Kostya was offended that Natasha, who worked in the tourism industry, rejoiced at his losses and demanded that he leave his sports career.

Kostya Tszyu's wife - Tatyana Averina

Kostya Tszyu’s wife, Tatyana Averina, appeared in his life almost immediately after the dissolution of his first marriage, which gave rise to rumors that the guy was cheating on his wife. Tanya herself confirmed that before they began to live together, they had been dating for many years. However, there can be no question of betrayal, since Kostya and Natasha did not live together for three years before the marriage officially broke up.

The boxer saw Tanya for the first time in a bar, he met her gaze and realized that he had fallen in love forever. The girl waited five years until her beloved left the family. Konstantin was struck by the fact that she did not even insist that the relationship be legalized.

Currently, the couple is happily married, they understand each other perfectly and are raising children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Kostya Tszyu

Kostya Tszyu has Instagram and Wikipedia famous boxer for many years. It is from these sources that you can learn a wealth of interesting and relevant information, and you can vouch for its reliability.

From an article on Wikipedia you can really learn everything about personal and family life boxer, about his children and spouses. At the same time, from this source we also learn about Konstantin’s sports career, his opponents and fights.

Tszyu also has an official profile on Instagram, which already has 175,000 subscribers. In it you can find many current photos and videos taken from Konstantin’s personal archive, most of them related to personal training or sports.

The wedding celebration took place in the circle of close friends, away from camera flashes, on February 28 in the boxer's Moscow restaurant "Boat". For this occasion, Kostya’s children from his first marriage flew in from Sydney: 20-year-old Timofey, 16-year-old Nikita and 12-year-old Anastasia, as well as his parents – Valentina Vladimirovna and Boris Timofeevich. On Tatyana’s side was her mother Elena and 16-year-old son Nikita. About 30 guests had fun in the closed banquet hall "Boat", where there is karaoke. They all learned about the celebration a few days before it.


The celebration continued until night, and Kostya, as the owner of the establishment, even managed to congratulate the birthday girl from the neighboring VIP room on her birthday. This is not the only reason for joy in a young family - at the beginning of the year, Tatyana gave birth to a son, Vladimir, in one of the capital’s clinics– the baby was named after Kostya’s grandfather on his mother’s side.

“I called Kostya and congratulated him on the appearance of another heir,” Alexey Gamanyuk, head coach of the Kostya Tszyu Boxing Academy in Yekaterinburg, shared with Starhit. Kostya and Tanya are wonderful parents, they will be able to give the baby the best. Now we are actively discussing how we will congratulate the young father and new husband at our academy."

The athlete met Tatyana Averina in a restaurant in the company of mutual friends. It was because of his new lover that the athlete left the family. Ex-wife The boxer said that she was never able to reach her husband: Tszyu did not want to break off relations with his new passion and take on some of the household responsibilities. Then Natalya realized that they needed to officially break up. Divorce proceedings took place on December 3, 2013 in Sydney.

Kostya Dzyu, a phenomenal boxer and a great athlete, who suffered only one defeat in the ring, also strives to be a winner in life. After 20 years of marriage with his first wife Natalya, he was not afraid to radically change his life. He met a woman, fell in love, and immediately confessed this to his wife. Divorce was painful for Natalya, but for Kostya Ju it was a natural phenomenon. This is what it was all about.

The athlete's first wife

Kostya met his first wife Natalya in one of the bars in his hometown of Serov. The athlete gave her his phone number, and the girl called back some time later. Love at first sight didn't work out. The young people went to the pool and skating rink together.

Kostya devoted most of his time to sports, and there was simply no time for a whirlwind romance. After his Olympic victory in Sydney and an offer to work in Australia, Kostya unexpectedly invited Natalya to go with him. The offer was unheard of for a hairdresser from provincial Serov, and she happily agreed.

Life on the new continent was not easy for Kostya at first. A foreign country, laws, language - adaptation was difficult. Natalia had to endure and be strong. As Natalya herself recalls, Kostya is one of those people who does not tolerate tears and complaints. She needed to be a rear, a wall and a support for her husband, and Natalya tried her best.

In 1995, the couple had their first child, and he moved his parents to Green continent. Natalya recalls that they lived with his mother for 9 years, tolerated each other and tried to maintain a good relationship.

The husband distanced himself from all household and social problems, leaving Natalya to decide all matters. “He had to train and win, and I did everything possible so that he would not be distracted by everyday problems».

Then a second son was born, then a daughter. Natalya also took care of the children. The crisis happened at the moment when Kostya Ju lost Ricky Hatton and decided to end his career. It is very difficult for an athlete who has been involved only in boxing since a young age and lives from fight to fight to suddenly adapt to ordinary life.

He expected support from his wife, but she didn’t seem to feel her husband’s inner drama. She began to actively engage family business, hinting to the spouse that he could take on some of the household chores.

Kostya Dzyu was getting ready to go to Moscow. At that time he had a beautiful home in Australia, home for his parents and sister. He could easily rest on his laurels, but the life of an Australian pensioner depressed Kostya. The champion returned to Russia.

New woman

In Moscow he met Tatyana Avernia. He just picked up the phone, not thinking that he would ever dial her number. Kostya recalls: “ There was something about her... a half-forgotten feeling of warmth, probably" Kostya felt that Tatyana was the only person who was ready to support him. He called and sympathy arose.

Kostya informed his wife about his new novel immediately. That is why he does not consider himself a traitor. Natalya was very worried about the upcoming divorce, but Kostya had already decided everything. About my ex-wife he said this:

“You don’t need to introduce 18-year-old hairdresser Natasha from Serov. That Natalya is long gone. Today’s Natalya has a Porsche and a Bentley in her garage, she’s such a high-status lady.”

Ju prepared the divorce carefully so that everything would be sorted out. He left all his property to his wife and children. Natalya refused alimony, but he still pays her money for the children.

Kostya speaks very warmly about his new wife: “She is a neat person, she cleans our apartment endlessly. I suggested that she find an assistant, but she refused, she doesn’t like strangers in the house.”

The athlete trusts completely new friend life. For example, she manages all of Kostya’s money. He's so used to it. When in 1985 he received 1000 rubles a month (compared to the average salary in the USSR of 120 rubles), and gave all the money to his parents. It is more convenient for him when someone close to him manages the money.

In 2015, Tatyana and Kostya had a son, Vladimir, and in 2016, a daughter, Victoria. Kostya admits that he is enjoying late fatherhood. Due to his busy schedule, Kostya practically never saw his first three children, but he dotes on his little son and daughter.

In Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of Man” Kostya admitted that at the beginning of his relationship with Tatyana they had to go through difficult times. The couple experienced enormous public pressure. Tatyana was accused of destroying the family. On the other hand, the divorce procedure lasted quite a long time, and Tatyana listened different opinions that Ju will not leave the family.

Kostya himself was forced to listen to allegations that Tatyana needed the Kostya Ju brand, and not he himself. The lovers overcame difficulties together, and time put everything in its place.

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