Human and chimpanzee comparison. The difference between man and monkey in body structure. Comparative anatomy of humans and great apes

The conclusions of systematics about the proximity of man to these monkeys are based on solid comparative morphological and comparative physiological material.

The latter serves as the basis for the theory of the pithecoid (monkey) origin of man, in view of which we will briefly dwell on it. A comparative morpho-physiological analysis of the characteristics of humans and anthropomorphic monkeys makes it possible, in particular, to outline the formulation of the question of the phylogenetic relationships between them. Indeed, it seems important to find out which of the three great apes is closer to humans.

The table compares, first of all, the main dimensional features of all four forms.

The table shows that for most of the listed dimensional features, chimpanzees and gorillas are closest to humans. At the same time, it is striking that, in terms of brain weight, chimpanzees are closest to humans.

hairline. The body of anthropomorphic monkeys is covered with coarse hair. The back and shoulders are more heavily haired (especially in the orang). The chest is slightly covered. The face, part of the forehead, the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands are devoid of hair. The back of the hand is slightly hairy. The undercoat is missing. Consequently, the hairline reveals the features of rudimentation, however, far from being as pronounced as in humans. In chimpanzees, sometimes the armpits are covered with hair (resemblance to humans). Orangs have a strong development of beards and mustaches (resemblance to humans). As in humans, the hair of the shoulder and forearm of all anthropomorphs is directed towards the elbow. In chimpanzees and orangs, as in humans, baldness is observed, especially in the hairless chimpanzee - A. calvus.

Dimensional signs Orang Chimpanzee Gorilla Human The greatest proximity to a person in this trait
Body weight - kg 70-100 40-50 100-200 40-84 Chimpanzee
Height - m Up to 1.5 Up to 1.5 Up to 2 1,40-1,80 Gorilla
Arm length to body length (100%) 223,6% 180,1% 188,5% 152,7% Chimpanzee
Leg length to body length (100%) 111,2% 113,2% 113,0% 158,5% Gorilla and chimpanzee
Wrist length as a percentage of body length (100%) 63,4% 57,5% 55,0% 36,8% Gorilla
Foot length as a percentage of torso length (100%) 62,87% 52-62% 58-59% 46-60% Gorilla
brain weight to body weight 1:200 1:90 1:220 1:45 Chimpanzee

Color of the skin. Chimpanzees have light skin, except for the face. The pigment is formed in the epidermis of the skin, as in humans.

Skull and jaw apparatus. The skull of an adult human differs sharply from that of apes in a number of ways. However, even here there are some similarities: the table compares some elements of the characteristics of the skulls of humans and great apes.

Selected elements of the characteristic, as well as the data in the table, show that African anthropomorphic monkeys closer to a human than an orangutan. If we calculate the volume of the brain box of a chimpanzee in relation to its body weight, then this monkey will be the closest to man. The same conclusion follows from the comparison of the 5th, 6th, 10th and 12th indicators given in the table.

vertebral column. In humans, it forms an S-shaped profile line, that is, it functions like a spring that guarantees the brain from concussion. Cervical vertebrae with weak spinous processes. Anthropomorphic monkeys do not have an S-curve, the spinous processes are long, especially in the gorilla. They are most similar to human ones in chimpanzees, elongating evenly from the first to the last cervical vertebra, like in humans.

Rib cage. Its general shape in humans and anthropomorphic is barrel-shaped, somewhat compressed in the dorsal-abdominal direction. This configuration chest peculiar only to man and anthropomorphic. In terms of the number of ribs, the orang is the closest to a person, having, like the last one, 12 pairs of ribs. However, the same number is observed in the gorilla, although it happens, like in the chimpanzee, 13 pairs. The human embryo normally has the same number of ribs that is sometimes found in an adult. Thus, anthropomorphic are very close in this feature to humans, especially orangutans. However, the chimpanzee and gorilla are closer to humans in the shape of the sternum, which consists of a small number of elements, more numerous in the orang.

limb skeleton. For anthropomorphic, as for all monkeys, a certain similarity in the functions of the fore and hind limbs is characteristic, since both arms and legs are involved in tree climbing, and the forelimbs, which have a much greater lifting force than Homo, are of leading importance. Both limbs of the anthropomorphic are multifunctional, and the functions of the hand are wider and more diverse than the functions of the leg. In a person, the hand is completely freed from the function of movement, for which other functions associated with his labor activity have been extraordinarily enriched. The human leg, having become the only support of the body, on the contrary, experienced a process of narrowing of functions and, in particular, an almost complete loss of the grasping function. These relationships caused the development of significant differences in the structure of the skeleton of the limbs of anthropomorphic and human, especially the legs. The human leg - thigh and lower leg - significantly exceeds the same anthropomorphic elements in length.

The powerful development of muscles in the human leg has led to a number of features in the structure of its bones. The hip is characterized by a strong development of the rough line (linea aspera), a long neck and an obtuse angle at which it deviates from the body of the bone itself. In the human foot - a row distinctive features. Whereas in anthropomorphs, as a rule, the big toe is deflected at an angle to the others, in humans it is located approximately parallel to the rest of the fingers. This increases the supporting power of the leg, i.e., is a sign associated with upright walking. This is also confirmed by the fact that in the mountain gorilla, which often assumes an upright position, the big toe of the hind foot is similar in position to the human. Another feature of a person is the domed, concave lower surface of the sole, springy when walking. This feature is absent in the flat feet of monkeys. In the latter, the hand and foot are very long. The hand and foot of the gorilla, in general, are closer to the human, which is associated with a more developed chthonobiontism of this monkey.

Taz. The human pelvis is wider than it is long. The structure of the sacrum fused with it includes 5 sacral vertebrae, which increases the supporting force of the pelvis. The gorilla's pelvis is most similar to that of a human, followed by chimpanzees and orangutans. And in this feature, the closeness of the gorilla to man is a consequence of chthonousness.

muscles. A person has strongly developed leg muscles (upright posture), namely: the gluteal, quadriceps, gastrocnemius, soleus, third peroneal, square muscle of the foot. Like humans, anthropomorphic ear muscles are rudimentary, especially in orangs, while chimpanzees are able to move their ears. However, in general, the muscular system of African anthropomorphs is closer to the human than to that of the orangutan.

The brain of man and chimpanzee. (12). Both brains are shown equal in size for ease of comparison (actually, the chimpanzee brain (2) is much smaller). Brain areas: 1 - frontal, 2 - frontal granular, 3 - motor, 4 - parietal, 5 - striated, 6 - temporal, 7 - preoccipital, 8 - insular, 9 - postcentral. (From Nesturh)

Brain, sense organs. The volume of the cranium and the weight of the brain have already been indicated. Orangs and gorillas are farthest from humans in terms of brain weight, and chimpanzees are closest. The human brain is strikingly superior in volume and weight to the anthropomorphic brain. More. more important is the fact that it is richer in convolutions, although it is similar in this respect to the brain of anthropomorphs. However, the functional characteristics of the brain associated with its subtle (cytological) architectonics are of decisive importance. The figure shows that this latter is very similar in man and chimpanzee. However, the anthropomorphic ones do not have developed motor and sensory “speech centers”, of which the first is responsible for the motor work of the human articulatory apparatus, and the second is for the semantic perception of the words heard. The cytological architectonics of the human brain is much more complex and more developed, especially within the frontal lobe, which makes up 47% of the lateral surface of the brain in humans, 33% in chimpanzees, 32% in gorillas, and even less in orangs.

sense organs human and anthropomorphic in many respects are similar. In all these forms, some reduction of the olfactory organs is observed. Human hearing is close in its perceptive features to the hearing of a gorilla, a chimpanzee has a greater ability to perceive high tones. The similarity of the auricle in African anthropomorphic and human is very great. Remarkably, the pinna gives variations that are remarkably similar to those of chimpanzees and other apes. Both man and anthropomorphic are characterized by great visual acuity, and, moreover, both three-dimensional (stereometric) and color.

Ontogenesis. Anthropomorphic embryogenesis is unusually similar to human embryogenesis. early stages development is generally little distinguishable in all monkeys. Differentiation according to species (and generic) characters begins at later stages. The figure shows that the heads of human embryos, chimpanzees and gorillas on the eve of birth, as well as the skulls of anthropomorphic newborns in humans, have many similarities - the roundness of the cranial vault, large, forward-directed rounded orbits, the dominance of the cranium over the jaw apparatus. There are also many similarities in the soft parts of the face. In chimpanzee and gorilla embryos, the eyeball protrudes noticeably from the orbit, due to the initial predominance of eyeball growth over orbital growth. In the human embryo, this discrepancy also takes place, but to a lesser extent. On the eyelids of human embryos and these monkeys, characteristic restrictive grooves are visible, which are weaker in humans. The ear of the gorilla fetus has a loose lobe, as in many people, etc. The general similarity of the embryos mentioned is therefore very great. Gorilla and chimpanzee embryos show distinct "whiskers" and "beards". In the human embryo, they are less developed, but Darwin pointed out ("The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection") that in the human embryo in the fifth month, the embryonic down around the mouth is noticeably elongated, so that in this sign; there is a clear resemblance.

However, during postembryonic development, signs of similarity give way to increasing signs of differences, i.e., ontogenetic divergence occurs. In the skull, it is expressed in the progressive development in anthropomorphic monkeys of the dentition, jaws, chewing muscles and sagittal crest (in the gorilla and orang) and the lag, compared with humans, in the development of the cranium.

General conclusion. Made above comparative review leads to the following general conclusions:

A. Man and anthropomorphic monkeys have many similarities in the morpho-physiological organization and in the patterns of embryogenesis.

b. African forms(gorilla, chimpanzee) closer to humans than orangutan. The chimpanzee is closest to man, but in a number of signs - a gorilla, in a few - an orangutan.

V. If we take into account the phenomena of ontogenetic divergence noted above and the fact that signs of similarity with humans are scattered within all three genera of anthropoid apes, then the final conclusion from the review will be the following: humans and anthropomorphic apes originate from a common root, and later historically developed in divergent directions.

Thus, we see that the theory of the pithecoid (monkey) origin of man corresponds to comparative morphological and comparative physiological data.

great apes or hominoids is a superfamily that includes the most highly developed representatives of the order of primates. It also includes man and all his ancestors, but they are included in a separate family of hominids and will not be considered in detail in this article.

What distinguishes an ape from a human? First of all, some features of the body structure:

    The human spine curves forward and backward.

    Facial part of the skull great ape more than brain.

    The relative and even absolute volume of the brain is much smaller than that of a human.

    The area of ​​the cerebral cortex is also smaller, in addition, the frontal and temporal lobes are less developed.

    Great apes do not have a chin.

    The chest is rounded, convex, and in humans it is flat.

    The fangs of the monkey are enlarged and protrude forward.

    The pelvis is narrower than in humans.

    Since a person is erect, his sacrum is more powerful, since the center of gravity is transferred to it.

    The monkey has a longer body and arms.

    The legs, on the contrary, are shorter and weaker.

    Monkeys have a flat prehensile foot with the thumb opposed to the rest. In humans, it is curved, and the thumb is parallel to the others.

    A person has practically no wool cover.

In addition, there are a number of differences in thinking and activities. A person can think abstractly and communicate using speech. He has consciousness, is capable of generalizing information and compiling complex logical chains.

Signs of great apes:

    large powerful body (much bigger size than other monkeys)

    absence of a tail;

    no cheek pouches

    absence of ischial calluses.

Hominoids are also distinguished by their way of moving through trees. They do not run on them on all fours, like other representatives of the order of primates, but grab the branches with their hands.

Great ape skeleton also has a specific structure. The skull is located in front of the spine. At the same time, it has an elongated front part.

The jaws are strong, powerful, massive adapted for cracking hard plant food. The arms are noticeably longer than the legs. The foot is grasping, with the thumb set aside (as on a human hand).

The great apes are, orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees. The first are singled out in a separate family, and the remaining three are combined into one - pongids. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

    The gibbon family consists of four genera. All of them live in Asia: India, China, Indonesia, on the islands of Java and Kalimantan. Their color is usually gray, brown or black.

Their sizes are relatively small for great apes: the body length of the largest representatives reaches ninety centimeters, weight - thirteen kilograms.

The lifestyle is daytime. They live mainly in trees. On the ground they move uncertainly, mostly on their hind legs, only occasionally leaning on their front legs. However, they rarely go down. The basis of nutrition is plant foods - the fruits and leaves of fruit trees. They may also eat insects and bird eggs.

Pictured is the great ape gibbon

    Gorilla is very great great ape. This is the most major representative families. The growth of a male can reach two meters, and weight - two hundred and fifty kilograms.

    These are massive, muscular, incredibly strong and hardy monkeys. The coat color is usually black, older males may have a silvery-gray back.

They live in African forests and mountains. They prefer to be on the ground, on which they walk mainly on four legs, only occasionally rising to their feet. The diet is vegetable, includes leaves, grass, fruits and nuts.

Fairly peaceful, they show aggression towards other animals only in self-defense. Intraspecific conflicts occur, for the most part, between adult males over females. However, they are usually resolved by demonstrating threatening behavior, rarely reaching even fights, and even more so to murders.

Pictured is a gorilla monkey

    Orangutans are the rarest modern great apes. Currently, they live mainly in Sumatra, although they used to be distributed throughout almost all of Asia.

    These are the largest of the monkeys, living mainly in trees. Their height can reach one and a half meters, and weight - one hundred kilograms. The coat is long, wavy, and can be of various shades of red.

They live almost entirely in the trees, not even going down to get drunk. For this purpose, they usually use rainwater, which accumulates in the leaves.

For spending the night, they build nests for themselves in the branches, and every day they build a new dwelling. They live alone, forming pairs only during the breeding season.

Both modern species, Sumatran and Klimantan, are on the verge of extinction.

Pictured is an orangutan monkey

    Chimpanzees are the smartest primates, great apes. They are the closest relatives of man in the animal kingdom. There are two types of them: ordinary and dwarf, also called. The dimensions of even the usual type are not too large. The coat color is usually black.

Unlike other hominoids, with the exception of humans, chimpanzees are omnivores. In addition to plant food, they also consume animal food, obtaining it by hunting. Quite aggressive. Often there are conflicts between individuals, leading to fights and death.

They live in groups, the number of which is, on average, ten to fifteen individuals. This is a real complex society with a clear structure and hierarchy. Common habitats are forests near water. The range is the western and central part of the African continent.

Pictured is a chimpanzee monkey

Ancestors of great apes very interesting and varied. In general, there are much more fossil species in this superfamily than living ones. The first of them appeared in Africa almost ten million years ago. Their further history is very closely connected with this continent.

It is believed that the line leading to humans separated from the rest of the hominoids about five million years ago. One of the likely contenders for the role of the first ancestor of the genus Homo is considered Australopithecus - great ape that lived more than four million years ago.

These creatures contain both archaic signs and more progressive, already human ones. However, the former are much more numerous, which does not allow australopithecines to be attributed directly to humans. There is also an opinion that this is a side, dead-end branch of evolution that did not lead to the emergence of more developed forms of primates, including humans.

And here is the statement that another interesting human ancestor, Sinanthropus - ape, is fundamentally wrong. However, the statement that he is the ancestor of man is not entirely correct, since this species already unequivocally belongs to the genus of people.

They already had a developed speech, language and their own, albeit primitive, but culture. It is very likely that Sinanthropus was the last ancestor of modern Homo sapiens. However, the option is not excluded that he, like Australopithecus, is the crown of a side branch of development.

In the course of the evolutionary process, a person has developed features that are not characteristic of other representatives of the animal world.
These differences are perceived most clearly at the organismic level, that is, when considering the organism as a whole. We will characterize some of them when comparing a person with a gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan and gibbon.

1. Comparison of anatomy

In terms of body weight, a person occupies a position between a chimpanzee and an orangutan. A human is 3 times lighter than a gorilla and more than 10 times the weight of a gibbon. According to the shape of the chest (the ratio of its transverse size to the anteroposterior), a person does not differ from a chimpanzee (shape index - 129% in both cases), is close to an orangutan (126%), narrower chested than a gorilla (135-146%) and broader chested, than the gibbon (118%). In relation to the circumference of the chest to the length of the body, a human (162%) ranks between the gibbon (149%) and the chimpanzee (176%). They are outnumbered by the orangutan (185%) and the gorilla (207–223%). In relation to the length of the upper limb to the length of the lower, a person (88%) differs significantly from all great apes: gorilla - 137-140%, chimpanzee - 137%, orangutan - 170%, gibbon - 162%. In terms of the ratio of the length of the lower limb to the length of the body, a person (171%) is superior to anthropoids - a gorilla (112-131%), a chimpanzee (128%), an orangutan (119%), a gibbon (147%).

Thus, the ratios of the longitudinal dimensions of the body serve as the most distinguishing man from anthropoids; a person is characterized by a greater relative length of the lower limbs (long-legged) and a relative shortening of the upper limbs.

For a person who occupies an intermediate position between anthropoids in the shape of the hand and foot (the ratio of their width to length), a large length of the thumb is characteristic in relation to the length of the hand and foot.

Comparison of the skeletons of a woman and a gibbon

The human face is characterized by brow ridges varying in size (in all anthropoids, except for the orangutan, they are well developed), protruding nasal bones (their weak protrusion is typical only for gorillas), and a well-defined chin (in all anthropoids it is absent).

Of the other features of the skeletal system, we should mention the presence in humans of lumbar lordosis (in anthropoids it is only slightly outlined), an expanded and flattened shape of the pelvis (in anthropoids it is narrowed and high).

2. Hairline

Humans are characterized by less development than anthropoids. hairline on the body. So, for the skin of the chest, the number of hairs per 1 cm2 is 1 (human) - 5 (gorilla) - 21 (chimpanzee) - 107 (orangutan) -499 (gibbon). On the back, the corresponding series of values ​​revealed no lesser differences: 0–127–48–176–1727. On the head, the differences are expressed in lesser degree: 312—440—112—158— 2035.

3. Nervous system

Thus, not only at the organismic, but also at the systemic level (skeletal system, integuments of the body), the differences between a person and the most biologically close representatives of the animal world - anthropoid apes (anthropoids) are established. Morphological differences are even more distinct when comparing humans with other animal species. These differences exist at the organ level. This is best established for the organs of the musculoskeletal system (due to their more frequent consideration than others by anthropologists and primatologists). However, differences in the structure of organs are known nervous system: for example, differences in the branching of the facial nerve in humans and anthropoids (among the latter, the chimpanzee is distinguished by a greater wealth of branching of this nerve than the gorilla) or differences in the sources of the formation of the brachial plexus. Known differences between humans and anthropoids and other primates in the structure internal organs, branching of blood vessels, etc.

4. DNA

Molecular biologists today have also studied the features of the carrier hereditary information- DNA molecules in humans and anthropoids. Only minor differences were found. So, between humans and chimpanzees, they do not exceed 2% of the amino acid composition of the molecules. On this basis, an original interpretation of the paths of pre-hominid evolution and the chronology of its individual stages is proposed.

5. Aging

A person differs significantly from other biological species, including such close ones as anthropoids, in the dynamics of ontogeny, that is, in the phenotypic implementation of the genetic program of growth and development. In other biological species, growth activity changes after birth with age rather smoothly and gradually, in humans it changes abruptly. Two rises - growth spurts occur at the end of the first and middle of the second decades of life. The second jump is timed to puberty. Differently than in other biological species, a person's post-reproductive period of life proceeds. Its shortening in animal biology led to judgments about the genetic non-programming of the aging process. Human - species, whose representatives do not lose their social significance even in the post-reproductive age. This allows us to consider the genetic program for the development of aging in the human body as not coinciding with the program for the development of the animal body.

So, human biology is specific and not reducible to the features of the structure, functioning and inheritance of living primates. It would not be a serious mistake to transfer this position to fossil primates, one of whose species served as an ancestor for modern man.

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Disposers Bone Crusher and InSinkErator

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It is known that there are no two the same people. Even doppelgangers, on closer inspection, are not at all identical. Nature has laid down an innumerable variety of species, which, ultimately, is an element of evolution. Surely many paid attention to the fact that everything in a person is different: even ears. So, there are several classifications of auricles. Of course, when it comes to personal identification, first of all, we mean the identification of corpses in forensic science. So, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, every year more than twenty thousand (!!!) unidentified corpses are found in the country. Therefore, this problem is of interest to a greater extent to experts in the criminal investigation department. ...

Personal identification by auricles in forensics

0 1895

Caterpillars are known pests. Of course, then they will become butterflies and, although they will remain the same harvest destroyers, they will acquire a certain colorfulness and delight the eye. As for their forerunner - caterpillars, or, as they are also called, larvae, they do not cause sympathy. Although some representatives are definitely photogenic. ...

Caterpillars are phytophages that eat leaves

0 1891

In addition to Russia and Europe, "agile lizards" live even in the north-west of Mongolia. However, perhaps it was from Mongolia that they came to Rus' along with the hordes of Genghis Khan! Look at the two maps - the habitat of the "agile lizards" and the delineated border of the Mongol Empire - they overlap. There is an alternative opinion that this is no accident. ...

The Path of the Lizard: From Mongolia to Europe

0 1342

Ipoh is a city in Malaysia that began to develop rapidly at the turn of the 19th century. Now it is home to over seven hundred thousand inhabitants, surrounded by modern buildings. However, the buildings of the colonial era have also been preserved. Quite interesting are the graffiti on the walls of the old town (Old town), which were created by Ernest Zakharevich. The drawings appeared after the artist's trip around the country. This is how such images as "pedicab", "old man with a cup of coffee", "children on paper airplane", "tea bags", "girl on a stool" and "hummingbird". ...

Graffiti on the walls of Ipoh, Malaysia

0 967

MAXANTO correspondents attended the training "103 new chips active sales”, which was held by the famous sales coach Dmitry Tkachenko. ...

103 new features of active sales

0 1264

Today international edition has published a series of photos of the "mysterious prototype of a large sedan". The pictures were taken by the publication's photographers during sea trials on one of the frozen lakes in Sweden. And if some foreign readers are not quite familiar with the design of the future presidential limousine, which should be ready for the upcoming inauguration in 2018, then MAXANTO readers can easily guess under the camouflage the future limousine of the AURUS brand, and not at all Rolls-Royce or Bentley. ...

Test of the presidential limousine (project "Cortege") in Sweden

0 1536

They say you can't teach how to trade. But it's not. For example, recently deceased David Rockefeller Sr., despite the inherited capital, studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Moscow has been hosting the Sales and Marketing 2017 conference organized under the auspices and with the direct support of B2Bbasis for several years now. MAXANTO correspondents visited this interesting event to get acquainted with all the current trends in the field of marketing and promotion of services to the market. ...

Sales and Marketing - 2017: This Year's Trends

0 1260

When Jean-Claude Van Damme showed the splits on two moving Volvo trucks, the world choked with applause. But the Van Damme video is far from the first time artists have shown stretching between moving objects. Of course, the first to show people such tricks were circus performers. MAXANTO managed to find a photo of Vladimir Durov's students. In all likelihood, the picture dates from the 60s of the last century. In the photo - circus performer Vladislava Varjakoienė. ...

Twine on elephants, trucks, motorcycles

0 1175

Over the past decade, Satoshi Saikusa has created a number of projects that touch on themes such as night, memory and the fragility of being. Whether he works in a series of portraits, still lifes or installations, a Buddhist concept runs through all his work impermanence - with an emphasis on memento mori. ...

Photographer Satoshi Saikusa: themes of death, birth and sleep

0 956

Eva Green is the fatal beauty from the latest reboot of the James Bond films. The same Vesper Lind, who left scars on the heart of agent 007. We will not speculate on the attractiveness of this woman. Today MAXANTO will show you the images she created in collaboration with Japanese photographer Satoshi Saikusa. ...

Eva Green: Bond girl in a Japanese lens

0 1832

Of course, we will not be original if we say that praying mantises are alien creatures. Of course, they live on Earth and are very common on it. But take a closer look at them: didn’t American film studios copy and copy their heads, creating their films about terrible aliens from outer space? Looking at them, only one thing calms: praying mantises are small insects. If you imagine that they would be at least the size of a cat or a dog, we assure you, when you meet them, you would feel uncomfortable. ...

Praying mantises: fiends from another planet?

0 1364

Great apes, or hominids, are not human ancestors. However, most likely, humans and anthropoid descend from common ancestors. Our anatomy is very similar to that of hominids, but the human brain is much larger. The most important difference man from the great ape is the mind, the ability to think, feel, do deliberate actions and communicate using language.

Hominid (lat. Hominidae) is a family of primates, which includes gibbons and hominids. The latter include orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans. The first researchers who discovered such monkeys in the jungle were struck by their resemblance to humans and at first considered them to be a kind of cross between man and animal.

The brain of modern humanoids is relatively larger in volume than that of other animals (except dolphins): up to 600 cm³ (in large species); it is marked by well-developed furrows and whorls. Therefore, the higher nervous activity of these monkeys resembles that of a human, conditioned reflexes are easily developed in them, and - which is especially important - they are able to use various objects as the simplest tools. They have a good memory, a fairly rich facial expression expressing different emotions: joy, anger, sadness, etc. But, despite all the similarities with a person, they can not be put on the same level with people.

Chimpanzee(lat. Pan) live in Africa, where, apparently, the first people appeared. common chimpanzee grow up to 1.3 m, weight - up to 90 kg, able to move on their hind limbs. It is the closest primate to humans. Once every three to five years, the female gives birth to one cub, which is still for a long time remains in the care of elders. Family ties chimpanzees are very durable. It happens that an old female helps her daughter to nurse her grandchildren. Chimpanzees have a very rich "language" of communication: sounds, facial expressions and gestures.

When they ask, they quite humanly stretch out their hands. Rejoicing at the meeting, they hug and kiss. They know how to notify relatives by drumming on hollow tree trunks. They use stones and branches as a tool. They break nuts with stones and get termites with twigs. Leaves applied to wounds medicinal plants and even ... wipe them after the toilet. In male chimpanzees, as in humans, male friendship is of great importance for life. Such inseparable friends are always ready to help each other. They live in family groups, learn quickly and use a variety of tools. Although chimpanzees pass on their accumulated experience to the next generations, no animal is able to do this as effectively as a person. Pygmy chimpanzees are more fragile physique, long legs, black skin (in an ordinary chimpanzee it is pink), etc.

Gorillas(males) grow to 1.75 m or more and weigh up to 250 kg. Chest girth up to 180 cm. This is the largest primate in the world, including humans! Its range is humid. equatorial forest Central and East Africa. An ardent vegetarian. It feeds on fruits, succulent herbaceous vegetation, young shoots. No meat food in nature does not eat! An adult male always has a gray back. In gorillas it is a sign of male maturity. At night, females with children sleep in the trees in the nest, and heavy males on the ground arrange a bed of branches. By nature, gorillas are phlegmatic and do not quarrel with anyone. Not aggressive. They begin to rage only when they try to persecute them, beat their chests, and then attack the enemy and selflessly protect their relatives. A wonderful example of true nobility for animals and people.

s(lat. Pongo) live in Borneo and Sumatra. Males grow up to 1.5 m, weight can reach 130 kg. Long forelimbs allow them to easily move through the trees. This is the largest tree animal in the world! The female gives birth to only one cub every three to five years. A child up to four or five years old remains under her care. From the age of 4, they begin to unite in games with other kids. Its close relationship with man is confirmed even by the name. Orangutan means "forest man" in Malay. The orangutan is very strong, only the elephant and the tiger cause him respect! In the hands of a leisurely, even slow. Doesn't do jumps. Just swings the tree it's on, long strong hand intercepts the branch of the neighboring one, then pulls itself up - and already on another tree. Its slowness is deceptive, not a single person in the forest can catch up with the orangutan. At night, it settles in a nest built from branches and leaves. It turns out a wonderful springy bed. From the downpour, it often hides under a plucked giant palm leaf, like under an umbrella.

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The assumption that the chimpanzee is the closest relative of man was first proposed by Charles Darwin. Despite its adventurous nature, this hypothesis aroused keen interest among scientists. Well, how could it be otherwise, because both humans and chimpanzees have so much in common. This applies to nutrition, brain size, DNA structure, social aspects, language and facial expressions, sexual habits, body structure. Of course, despite the huge number of common points, there are opposites that cannot be ignored. But the fact remains, which means that we can assume that both humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor.

To begin with, both humans and chimpanzees are members of the family of the most highly developed primates, called hominids. Despite the fact that a person is singled out here as a separate species of "Homo sapiens", scientists have not yet come to a consensus about its origin. Who was our ancestor, we still do not know. Although, if you do not get into the wilds, then you can agree that both humans and chimpanzees belong to the same species, since both are fertile. True, chimpanzees, unlike humans, have two subspecies - ordinary and dwarf. But this does not give us the right to doubt that the ancestor of both them and us was common. Scientists even agree that he was Sahelontrop, who lived on earth seven million years ago.

The common origin is also evidenced by the fact that human and chimpanzee DNA have almost the same structure. The difference is only one percent. As for genetics, it is, of course, different. Plus, genes can mutate. But even in this case, we have about 90% of common genes. This, of course, is debatable. The thing is that most of the DNA is directly involved in the construction of the cell. They are the same for all living beings. Believe it or not, even a banana peel has DNA molecules similar to human ones. However, this does not mean that we have something in common with this vegetable. So it turns out that such a high percentage of coincidence still does not mean anything. In addition, chimpanzees have two more chromosomes than humans. However, scientists have found an answer to this fact. In their opinion, as a result of human evolution, its two pairs of chromosomes were able to join together, forming one pair. This has led to the fact that the variation of the genes of modern man turned out to be extremely poor, and does not allow for inbreeding. Chimpanzees are clearly winning in this regard.

The volume of the human brain can range from 900 to 1350 milliliters. In chimpanzees, it is much smaller, and is only 370 milliliters. Although studies have shown that mental ability the volume factor has a minimal effect. The IQ level of ordinary person depends on the structure of individual parts of the brain, and their organization. If we compare the brains of chimpanzees and humans, we will find significant differences in the area of ​​the cerebral surface and the number of convolutions. In humans, these indicators are disproportionately higher, which means that he is much smarter and more organized, and besides, he has logic and abstract thinking.

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