South American golden hare 5 letters. Agouti (humpbacked hare): description, lifestyle in the wild. Curious facts about humpback hares. Humpbacked Hare: Interesting Facts

golden hare South America

Alternative descriptions

The humpback hare, from whom our famous singer inherited the surname

The golden hare is a rodent that lives in the tropics of South and Central America

Genus in the family Agoutiaceae of the order of rodents

hunchback hare


The humpback hare, from whom our famous singer inherited the surname

humpback hare

Hare with a hump

Crooked Hare

Rodent, hare

Bunny with a hump

Rodent from hares

Hare with a hump

Hare in the jungle

Humpback hare

Hare, “relatives” to Varum’s husband

Humpback hare for husband Varum

American Tropics Golden Hare

Genus of mammals of the order Rodents

Hare of American nationality

. "crippled" American hare

hunchbacked hare

Hare from the tropics of America

American hunchback hare

Humpbacked hare for singer Leonid

Guinea pig relative

. "crippled" (humpbacked) American hare

Hare with short ears

Amazon golden hare

Hare with American registration

golden hare

humpback hare

Humpbacked hare, a rodent mammal

. "Crippled" (humpbacked) American hare

. "Crippled" American hare

A humpback hare for the husband of Angelika Varum

Hare of American "nationality"

Hare with American "registration"

Hare "Quasimodo"

Hare, “relatives” to Varum’s husband

Unsloping. South American golden hare. m. Adea, Gehenna, Tartarus, Tartars, the abyss, the underworld, pitch darkness, fiery furnace; Vyat. hailo, mouth, pharynx, throat, pharynx. *Unbearable life, quarrel in the house, screaming, cursing, fighting, sodomy. What the hell is this, what are you screaming about? people live in hell, about habit; and you’ll live in hell, so nothing. At least rejoice in hell, just bypass us, about an evil person instead: at least in heaven. Everyone is afraid of hell, but the path is torn. they ask for heaven, but end up in hell alive. Hell groans and weeps. He calls sinners to himself. The voice of God will call the soul of a sinner out of hell, they talk about contributing to the bell for the repose of a suicide. It is better to live with a smart person in hell than with a fool in heaven. Life is like living in hell. Hell stands on the unmerciful. Let your soul go to hell, you will be rich. There will be no hell, there will be no wealth, because the rich often make money by untruth. There is no (no, no) repentance in hell. The devils are carrying poles: they want to create hell, it’s a joke. It's a stone's throw from the pool to hell; in a pool of water, a demon, and in a pool they drown. In hell, intercession is good: sometimes they even give you a poker instead of a pitchfork: everything is easier. The keys of hell, the keys of the abyss, among the eunuchs: known. parts. Evil person hellish acquisition. The gates of hell. Hellish malice, characteristic of hell; hellish life, hard labor, unbearable. Hellstone, lapis, burning silver, saltpeter-acidic silver. Adojnoy arch. hellish, devilish, evil; unclean, vile. Adoven m. arch. abusive scoundrel, scoundrel; hellish vol. arch. every person, animal, plant, etc.; abomination. What the hell, arch. to plot deceit; sedition; to defile, to defile. What a bonfire. stingy, stingy. Adit? What, I'm growing up. accumulate; consume immoderately

When asked what the humpbacked hare is called, many people throw up their hands in bewilderment and think: “What kind of animal is this?” Before your eyes, your imagination immediately draws a creature with the ears of a hare and the hump of Quasimodo. In fact, everything is completely different. The humpback hare comes from the tropics. In appearance it is quite a cute animal, very similar to guinea pig, only with long legs, it is called "agouti". There are about 11 species of agouti in the world, and in different places its rodent habitat is called different names. For example, in some areas of the Amazon local residents They came up with the name “kutia” for him.

Agouti (humpback hare): description

The unusual hare belongs to the order of rodents. As mentioned earlier, he looks a lot like a large guinea pig. He got his paws from the hare - they are relatively long. The agouti's back is rounded: it gives the impression that the animal is humpbacked, which is why it got the name - humpbacked hare. The head is elongated, the ears are small - they resemble a short-eared hare. The tail is almost invisible, its size is so small. There are only three toes on the hind limbs. Experts in the animal world noticed similarities in the rodent with the distant ancestors of the modern horse. In a word, agouti cannot be confused with any other rodent.

The body length of the animal is about 60 cm, weight can reach up to 4 kg. The hare's fur is thick and coarse with a beautiful shiny sheen. On the belly of all species it is equally light, and on the back it can vary from black to bright golden with an orange tint.


The second name for agouti is the South American hare; he received it because he lives in Central and South America. Rodents live in tropical jungle and prefer to settle near bodies of water. One of the species lives in mangroves. IN Lately More and more often, people are taming them and they are becoming pets, since at a young age they willingly make contact.


IN wildlife Agoutis live in small groups, although individual pairs are also found. These rodents are active in daytime, and in the light of the sun they get their food, build housing and arrange their personal lives. At night, they hide in burrows, which they make in the roots or hollows of tropical trees.

By nature, the humpbacked hare is very cowardly and is easily excitable for any reason. With close and long-term contact with people, the animals cease to be afraid and become almost tame. Agoutis move gracefully and quickly. If you observe their movement, you will notice that their running is similar to a trot or gallop with a series of jumps. Rodents are not afraid of water and are excellent swimmers.

Hares eat very funny. Having obtained food, they sit on their hind legs, holding the food in their front legs and, carefully bringing the food to their mouth, eat. The agouti's diet consists mainly of nuts, seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, roots and tree bark. Sometimes rodents cause significant damage to farmers by visiting banana plantations and sugar cane plantations.


One can only envy the marital fidelity of humpback hares! Having created a pair, the animals remain faithful to each other until death. The male is responsible for the safety of his female and offspring - he does not miss the opportunity to demonstrate his strength and fearlessness to the family, which is why fights sometimes arise between males. Fights occur especially often when young agouti seek the favor of a female in order to start a family.

The female agouti gives birth twice a year, bearing the babies for 40 days. There can be from two to four cubs in one litter. They are born completely independent. After spending just a little time near their parents, the animals begin to organize their own lives.

Humpbacked Hare: Interesting Facts

Golden hares in natural environment Unfortunately, they cannot live long: they have too many enemies and dangers. In captivity, agoutis can live up to 20 years. Many interesting facts are known about these funny rodents:

Agouti can jump 6 m long and 2 m high from a standing position;
. Few animals are able to crack Brazil nuts, which are extremely hard. The humpback hare does this with ease thanks to its extremely sharp teeth and strong jaws;
. Agoutis have excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell. Combined with fast running, they present a difficult target for their main natural enemies - Brazilian dogs and big cats;
. Very poor vision- this is the only drawback of golden hares;
. Agoutis are considered excellent swimmers, but people have not yet been able to find out whether they are capable of diving. For some unknown reason, they were never seen diving underwater.

Agouti (lat. Dasyprocta) or the South American golden hare is a small animal from the order of rodents. Sometimes it is called the humpback hare, however, despite the name, agouti is more like a guinea pig, only its limbs are more elongated. The weight of the animal is on average up to 4 kg with a body length of about 60 cm.

The appearance of the agouti is inimitable - it combines the features of not only the one mentioned above, but also short-eared hares, and even the extinct forest ancestors of the modern horse. The animal's back is round (hunchbacked), its head is elongated, its rounded ears are small, there is practically no tail, and its hind legs have three toes.

Agouti's coat is hard, but thick and shiny. Its belly is light, but the color of the back depends on the species and can vary from blackish to golden, very often there are different shades of orange. By the way, there are 11 species of agouti in the world that live in tropical forests Central and South America. True, in some areas of the Amazon, golden hares are called cutia.

You can meet them only during the day, since at night golden hares seek refuge in tree hollows or in burrows between roots. They often settle near bodies of water. The diet of these funny creatures includes flowers, leaves, bark, roots, fallen fruits, seeds and different types nuts Interestingly, with the help of their sharp teeth and considerable physical strength, agoutis are able to crack strong Brazil nuts, and only capuchins can boast of such a skill.

The way of eating in these rodents is also quite unusual: sitting on their hind legs, they serve themselves food with their developed forelimbs. Farmers often find them in this position when agoutis damage their sugarcane or banana plantations. Therefore, local residents do not really like golden hares, but on occasion they do not refuse to hunt them: the animals are valued for their very tender dietary meat.

Agoutis are usually distrustful of people, but in captivity they willingly make contact and quickly become attached to their owner. The Indians used to use this character trait: they lured animals to their homes in order to then fatten and eat them.

In addition to humans, Brazilian dogs and large cats are considered enemies of agouti. Such an abundance of ill-wishers forces the unfortunate animals to be very cautious and nimble. Golden hares move in large leaps or at a hasty trot. They feel great in water, although they never dive. To escape from predators, agoutis rely on their keen hearing and excellent sense of smell. But their vision is poorly developed.

Golden hares live in pairs or small family groups. In order to please his future partner, the male sometimes has to give a good beating to several competitors. Perhaps this is why spouses remain faithful to each other throughout their lives.

As a rule, the female gives birth to babies twice a year. Her pregnancy lasts 40 days, and in one litter there are usually from 2 to 4 sighted and fully formed cubs, which very soon leave their parents. In captivity, agoutis live up to 20 years; in the wild, much less.

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