How a bunny learned to jump. A fairy tale about a bunny from a professional storyteller An interesting modern fairy tale about hares

A fairy tale for a little girl,
her name is Natellochka-Gabriella,
she's so wonderful and sweet
as if she herself was created from a fairy tale,
from the kindest and most magical.

Dedicated to my sons - Vladimir and Vsevolod with love and tenderness.

In big- big forest There lived a little bunny, cute, soft, fluffy. The bunny loved to run and jump, and no one scolded him for it. Mom-hare and dad-hare were only happy about how wonderful their son was growing up: dexterous, fast, cheerful. A friendly hare family lived next to a tall, tall cedar tree, in a warm, cozy hole.
The little bunny was friends with the little squirrels; they jumped from branch to branch and could climb very, very high, right up to the sky. The little bunny watched the squirrels jump from branch to branch and he, too, wanted to climb up, to where the big old cedar tree reaches the blue sky with its crown.
One day the little squirrels were whispering among themselves for a long time on the very big branch, they even made a little noise, and the mother squirrel made a remark to them:
- Be quiet, guys, you will alarm the whole forest, they will think something has happened, they will come running to help, it will turn out ugly!
“Okay, mommy, we’ll be quiet,” the little squirrels answered, and quickly went downstairs to the little bunny. They whispered something in his ear, the little bunny nodded his head joyfully. And then the little squirrels grabbed him by his soft little paws, ears, tail and began to climb higher and higher along the branches of the old cedar, reaching the very top of his head. They sat the little bunny on a branch, the same one that reaches the blue sky.
“Hold on tight,” the little squirrels advised, “the wind is blowing here.”
- Fine! - answered the little bunny and grabbed onto the thin branch more tightly. The bunny sat down more comfortably and looked around. And all around - KRA-SO-TA-A! He had never seen or known that such a thing could happen in this world. Pot-bellied, good-natured clouds floated above him and gently touched his ears. And below it there is a real sea! Only green, from trees and bushes. It spread wide, wide, far, far, there was no end or edge to it.
- So this is the big forest we live in? - the little bunny was surprised - How does all this fit on earth? – the bunny was even more surprised. - What kind of ode should be big, big, our land and beautiful, if you look at it from above? - the little bunny dreamed.
And suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge eagle appeared, he grabbed the little bunny with his claws and began to fly with him high, high above the cedar tree, on which the frightened little squirrels remained sitting. They had already begun to blame themselves for dragging the hare so high, because if he had remained below, he would have hidden in the tall grass or in his hole and the eagle would not have noticed him.
- What to do now? What will we tell his mother-bunny and father-rabbit? - they asked each other.
But our little bunny wasn’t scared at all, he was too small to be afraid, he was happy! He was glad that he could fly so high and see the earth from above, like not a single hare in the world, not a single squirrel had ever seen. He saw a shiny wide river, bears were swimming in it, and deer and roe deer were drinking water, he saw a flock of wolves - they were getting ready to hunt, he saw fields, forests, rivers, mountains, houses, people - from the height of an eagle's flight, everything seemed small, small, smaller than our little one bunnies. And the land turned out to be very large, the little bunny could not imagine that there were other forests and other rivers, other fields and hills, that there were mountains, lakes and seas in the world.
- Hooray! – the little bunny shouted with joy, “I am the happiest bunny in the world, I see the earth as only eagles can see it!” So, am I a bit of an eagle? – the little bunny asked the Eagle.
“Perhaps so,” answered the Eagle. – You had the courage and spirit to climb the highest branch of the highest cedar in your forest and wanted to rise even higher, I flew past and heard your desire. And all my life I dreamed that someone else would see this beauty, our beautiful land, and would love it with all my soul, with all my heart, protecting it from all evil, so that they would take care of it as if they were a dear person dear to their heart. You are very brave, little bunny, and that is why you were able to see what others would never see.
- And why? – the little bunny was upset.
- Because they don't want to. They have warm, cozy holes in which they hide from everything that scares them and are even afraid to dream, let alone go far to look around. So they live, thinking that their minks are the whole world.
- Eagle, you are kind and wise! I thank you! And now I want to go to mommy bunny and daddy bunny and my little squirrel friends. Please take me back.
- Fine. And know that from this day you have a real great friend - the eagle. When you want to fly again or need my help, come out to that hill, wave your paw at me, I will see you and fly to you.
- How great it is when your friend is an eagle! I'm the happiest little bunny in the world!
Big Eagle smiled and landed softly in the clearing near the old large cedar and unclenched his claws, without causing the little bunny a drop of pain. Near the hare's hole, incredible things were happening, squirrels and hares got mixed up and rushed back and forth, back and forth, not knowing what to do, some already thought that the little bunny would never come back.
- Mother! Dad! Little squirrels! I am the happiest little bunny in the world - the old eagle showed me our land from above, how beautiful, green and blue it is, how much life there is on it and how different and beautiful it is! And now I have a great friend - Eagle. - The little bunny hugged the eagle’s neck, and they heard their hearts beating - they were beating cheerfully from the joy that they experienced together, and this joy connected them with a thin magic thread. The eagle hugged the little bunny with its mighty wings and soared high into the sky, it made a circle over the clearing and disappeared behind the distant clouds.
Mama bunny hugged her little big hero and cried.
- Mommy, forgive me, okay? Were you very afraid for me? – the little bunny looked into the hare’s eyes.
- I wasn’t afraid at all, son. If I were afraid for you, you would also become worried and afraid, and then you could crash. I prayed for you, son, and believed in you, in your courage. So you're back.
“I’m proud of you, son,” said daddy hare, “you’re not just the happiest little bunny, you’re the bravest little bunny in the world.” You dreamed, and your dream came true, you have friends - big and small. Well done, son! - And big hare hugged his son tightly.
- Mom, dad, how I love you! - said the little bunny and suddenly began to cry. He hugged his parents, they wiped his tears, and he ran to his friends the little squirrels, who were patiently waiting for the brave little bunny to tell him what he saw when he flew with the big eagle.
And at night, when his mother sang a magical lullaby to him, he dreamed that he himself could fly, but that’s another story.
Moscow, 05/31/2014

Once upon a time there was a Little Bunny who couldn't jump. He, of course, moved, but in a different way, moving his paws like a cat. Because of this, the other bunnies, his brothers and sisters, made fun of him. The bunny was very worried about this and finally decided to learn how to jump. One day he got ready and walked into the forest, hoping to find someone who would teach him to jump.

Zainka walked for a long time until he reached the pond. Then he saw the Frog.
“Here’s someone who will help me,” Zainka was happy and ran up to her, “Frog, please teach me how to jump.”
“Why not teach?” answered the frog, “Look!” You stand on the shore near the water, sharply push off with your hind legs, and you’re in the pond.
The frog said this and demonstrated how he jumps into the water.
The bunny approached the pond, touched the water with his paw and walked away. He thought that he didn’t know how to swim either. After thinking for a while, Zainka quietly slipped away until the frog emerged from his pond. He wandered on.
Suddenly, he saw a Kangaroo. The kid deftly jumped, trying to reach the branch with the filling apple.
“Hurray, Little Kangaroo will definitely help me,” said the Bunny and ran up to him. “Hello, Little Kangaroo, teach me to jump as well as you.”
“It’s easy - you stand on your hind legs, lean on your tail and jump up,” the little kangaroo showed how to do it and finally took out a ripe apple. “Wow, it worked!” Now you try it!
The bunny stood up on his hind legs and tried to lean on his little tail. But he lost his balance and fell on his back, hitting the ground painfully.
“Oh-oh-oh,” Zainka moaned, “how it hurts!” No, I can’t jump like you, sorry.
Bunny wandered on. Suddenly he heard a cheerful song and saw the girl Masha skipping along the path. Today was the girl's birthday and she was given a lot of gifts and balloons. That's why Masha had great mood, she jumped on one, then on two legs. She had a beautiful blue ball in her hand.
“Girl,” our Bunny dared to address, “you can jump so well, but I can’t, teach me, please!”
“With pleasure,” agreed Masha.
The girl picked up a sharp twig from the ground and pricked her blue ball. It burst with a deafening bang, and the echo echoed throughout the forest. Poor Zainka, hearing this terrible unfamiliar sound, jumped so high! And then he took off running. He ran quickly, skipping like a real hare, until he reached the house. The bunnies began to ask him where he learned to jump like that. Finally, the Bunny calmed down, understood and was glad that he had learned to jump after all.
Since then, he often told this story to his brothers, then to his children, then to his grandchildren. True, since then the hares became cowardly and began to be afraid of everything.

In one city there lived a little bunny. One day he went on a trip. He wanted to conquer high mountain, because according to legend, there was happiness at the top of this mountain. The hare really wanted to find him there, so he gathered all his strength to achieve his goal. He knew that on the way he would come across various obstacles that would lead him astray. But he must avoid them and climb to the heights.

The Tale of the Hare: Where Do Blind Goals Lead?

Day and night the hare walked forward. He climbed one step after another. Neither the sun, nor the rain, nor the wind could stop him. One day, a little girl in a pink dress came across a little girl in a pink dress.
- Why are you going to the mountain? - asked the little girl.
- There is my happiness. - answered the hare.
- Why do you think so? – the girl asked in surprise.
- That's what everyone says. Happiness is at the top there.
- I'll tell you honestly. There is no happiness there.
- Where is it?
- In front of you. – the little girl smiled tenderly.
- Is it you who is the lucky one? I'm sure it doesn't look so ridiculous and funny. And happiness cannot be here - in the middle of the mountain. It can only be at the top. And you distract me with your conversations.
The hare pushed the girl away and walked forward. He climbed higher and higher. It was getting harder and harder to climb. The taller the lop-eared man was, the more I wanted to give up. But he still continued on his way. I found strength in myself. And finally reached the top. The bunny was very happy about this. He began to look for happiness. He looked under every stone. It was dripping in the ground. I looked around. But at the top it was very lonely and empty. Only the wind flew so high. Silence and emptiness. Is this really happiness? Loneliness on a mountain top? The hare thought it looked different. And somewhere down there he heard the laughter of a little girl. He suddenly wanted to return to her. But there were already others next to the baby forest animals. They danced in circles, sang songs and laughed very loudly. Their eyes glowed. And this light was their happiness.
The tale about the brave hare is over; those who listened will definitely be happy.

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Bedtime story for a child - effective way put the baby to bed. At the age of 3-4 years, children like to listen to fairy tales about animals, about their adventures, and most importantly about courage and bravery. They just don’t like braggarts. The first fairy tale about a proud braggart bunny will teach the little one that it is not good to brag, especially if the merits have not yet been justified. And fear is a completely natural feeling, but anyone can become brave. The main thing is to believe in it.

Read a bedtime story to your baby, remembering the intonation, but do not tell it too loudly. Stories like these require a quiet voice. Place emotional emphasis on poetry.

Everyone knows what kind of cowards rabbits are. This bedtime story is for young children. A tale of a braggart who was actually very afraid.

The Tale of the Braggart Bunny

Once upon a time there lived a family of rabbits in the forest. And their son, a bunny, was born. He was still a coward. His fear was so strong that even the rustle of a branch could scare away the gray one, the crunch of snow or the howl of the wind. The baby’s heart immediately sank, his fur stood on end and his eyes became big, big. The hare was so afraid, not for a day or two, but for a long time, until one day he became an adult.

The bunny became so scared,

It seemed that in the shadows -

Someone is there, and there are lights.

The lights came on in the house

It's scary for a hare alone!

He was sitting on a stump one day and thought: “Well, how much can you be afraid of everything that the world has seen and not seen?” And how he decided to immediately declare to the whole forest that he was no longer afraid of a dry twig, or a snowstorm, or a flock of winged birds and strong winds. “I’m not afraid of anyone anymore, I’m brave and courageous now,” he convinced everyone around. Yes, so loudly that the whole flock of hare came running to his statement.

I am the bravest, I am the most skillful!

Little bunny I'm in my prime...

And I’m not afraid of blizzards, blizzards,

I would protect the whole flock!

And grown-up old wise hares and families with daughters and sons came out to listen to the words of the oblique one. And he continued to sing of his courage and bravery. Everyone listened to the braggart and thought: He looks like a coward, but he says that he is not afraid. And no one believed the little bunny, because where has it been seen that hares, in whom fear is inherent in nature, are not afraid of anything!

Then the wisest hare of the pack came out from behind a large old oak tree: “I suppose you’re not afraid of the formidable wolf?” - he asked. - Not a bit, I’m not afraid of anyone, not the sly fox, not big bear, I'm fearless now! - he assured everyone around. So much so that with his speech he made the hare people laugh.

And I'm not even afraid of the wolf,

And if suddenly I get angry,

It will be scary for everyone around!

Myth - this rabbit scare!

Children and old people, and even those who are considered heroes in the pack, laughed for a long time at the boastful little hare, because they were able to escape from the clutches of the fox and the wolf. And they are afraid, but this one is not... It was very funny for the forest people. The bunny's performance amused them. How everyone began to laugh, somersaulting with laughter, jumping and testing their strength. And our hero acquired pride, and became more courageous, so that he began to shout even louder: “YES I, YES, IF I CAUGHT A WOLF, I WILL SHOW HIM WHO IS THE BOSS HERE!”

Everyone became even funnier. Stupid, stupid bunny. And it was pride that led to trouble in the little houses. The wolf was nearby, and hungry at that. He walked and wandered and he wanted to have a bite to eat, but something more substantial! And suddenly I heard a hare noise:

What do I hear, are these hares?

Are they having fun without me?

I hear laughter and fun,

This is a bunny run!

So my tummy growled

He's tired of being hungry.

I'll go and refresh myself,

And I'll share the fun!

The top came close, so close that he heard them laughing menacingly at him. This angered the wolf, especially this scythe, who boasted that he would defeat him.

But the wolf himself is proud and will not allow the pack to be humiliated.

He chose for dinner the one who exalted himself!

It was the braggart that the wolf chose for dinner. Meanwhile, the bunnies don’t even realize that they are about to have a snack. Have fun and be happy.

And now the fairy tale about the proud, boastful hare comes to an end.

And it all ended with

That having climbed higher on a tree stump,

Kosoy wanted to climb higher,

And prove to everyone from the pack,

How brave he is, let me say again.

And then he noticed a wolf,

Yes, I suddenly froze in fear

No one saw the formidable wolf, only our braggart. And how out of fear he jumped, and plopped down on the wolf’s nose, and rolled like a bullet, and ran without feeling his legs. It seems the bunny ran to the other end of the forest. Without looking back until all his strength was gone, he was sure that the wolf was hot on his heels and would overtake the scythe. The little one was completely exhausted, curled up into a ball under the largest bush and trembled with fear and cold.

And the wolf actually ran away from that edge. The hare's jump was so sharp that a branch above it crunched and the sound was similar to a hunter's shot. And he gave in. I decided to eat a hare somewhere else, but here they are strange, rabid.

And the rest of the bunnies hid in all directions. And after a while they just began to emerge from their holes.

There was surprise on their faces.

Surely the hare didn’t lie to them!

He cleverly scared the wolf,

But where did he run off to?

They all decided that the braggart was their savior and began to look for their hero. It took a long time to find it, but it worked out. And here the hare lies in front of them, trembling with fear. The flock encouraged him: “Good girl, you are our hero!” Ay, oblique, how fearless, ah, what a fine fellow you are! We thought you were bragging, but you drove him away!

The bunny immediately cheered up.

He stood up and immediately became charged.

Well, what did I say!

He became brave and did not play around!

And the bunny himself believed

It’s a miracle that he became brave!

That he is not afraid of anyone,

And he shared his courage!

Cartoon about a hare and a hedgehog

Watch with your little one a cartoon about a hare and a hedgehog, which was created based on Ivan Franko. The story is about how, having returned to his native forest after many years, the bunny began to boast that he had become a champion. Yes, I didn’t notice my friend and classmate the hedgehog. With such behavior, the hedgehog decided to teach the oblique one a lesson. And challenged him to compete in a running competition. History teaches that boasting and being proud is not the best The best way find friends. And only ingenuity will help you become stronger!

Watching time: 10:07

A fairy tale about Tishka the Bunny, who did not listen to his mother

In a green forest in a sunny clearing there was a hare's house. The Hare lived in it with her bunnies: the boys were called Tishka and Fluff, and the girl was Mila. Mother Hare went to the forest every day and brought sweet grass and berries from there to her bunnies, and the bunnies had to help her with the housework. Mila was cleaning the house, Fluff and Tishka were lighting the stove so that when mom returned from the forest, she could cook dinner.

But Tishka was a naughty child and even a little lazy; he often tried to evade household chores, play, jump on the lawn, or run away to visit his friend the hedgehog.

Mom returned and saw that Tishka was not helping her brother and sister, and this upset her very much.

“Oh, Tishka, Tishka, what can we do with you,” she sighed, and the bunnies saw how tears glistened in her eyes.

One day Tishka felt ashamed, he thought about how to please his mother, and decided to run to the edge of the forest and pick a big, big bouquet of dandelions for his mother.

Mom and Fluffy went into the forest to get brushwood to light the stove, Mila was cleaning the house, and Tishka quietly ran out of the house and rushed to the outskirts of the forest.

I’ll bring a bouquet to mom, Tishka thought, I’ll ask forgiveness for my pranks, she’ll be happy and forgive me.

But the naughty little hare again did not think that he could again upset his mother with his disobedience: after all, walking into the forest alone is very dangerous. And indeed, danger lurked for the naughty girl at every turn. A fox's face appeared from behind a bush. The fox hid in anticipation of prey. But Tishka remembered how his mother taught him to confuse his tracks, and deftly dodged the red-haired cheat. Tishka was running at full speed through the forest when he suddenly heard the cracking of branches and the growl of a bear. The little bunny's soul sank into his heels, but even here he was not at a loss, he remembered his mother's lessons about how to hide under a bush so as not to be noticed. The bear passed by and did not see Tishka.

During these adventures, the little hare did not even notice how he reached a large sunny clearing on the outskirts of the forest. The endless number of dandelions made it seem even brighter, as if the sun had descended to the earth.

Tishka carefully picked the flowers, choosing the best and fluffiest, and kept thinking about how he would give his bouquet to his mother.

And mother had already returned home and, not finding her naughty son anywhere, cried bitterly. The fluff melted the stove, Mila swept the floor and washed the dishes, but nothing made mom happy:

“Oh, Tishka, Tishka, come home, you naughty child,” she mourned.

Suddenly a huge golden ball jumped out of the forest and ran straight to the hare's house. "What could it be?" - the hare and the bunnies were surprised, but then they saw that it was Tishka running as fast as she could towards the house with a huge bouquet of dandelions:

Mommy, dear, forgive me, I will never upset you again,” he said timidly and gave his mother flowers.

And mother did not scold the naughty girl, but only said:

It's so good that we are all together!

“It’s so good that mom is with us,” the bunnies said, and Tishka read the poems that he himself composed for his beloved mom:

Mom is the main thing in the world,

Mom is loved by her children:

Nimble bunnies,

Fluffy guys.

We will help you in business,

We'll cook dinner too

We will sweep the floor in the house,

We'll sing you a song!

We won't upset mom

And we won’t give you any offense!

Dear Mommy,

Be always happy!

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