Bosses of computer and video games. Walkthrough Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is such a versatile game that there are several ways to complete it. You can go into the room and just shoot everyone, you can get valuable information and win over people by talking, or you can act quietly and imperceptibly in the style of Sam Fisher. We will use the last method in the passage of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, as it is the most interesting.

After the introductory video, we speak with Megan and follow her. As soon as we arrive at the place, the attack on the office will begin. We need to get into the basement and find out what's wrong. We go down the elevator, go along the corridor to the first large hall. 2 enemies will come out of the door above. We imperceptibly neutralize them and move on. We get into the next room with other enemies, we sneak past them, hiding behind boxes and racks. Then we will be attacked and a cut-scene will begin...

We watch the video, talk to everyone in the office, get to know our surroundings. Then we go up to the second floor to help the technician fix the device, select "Ignore" in the conversation. Now we go to our boss on the helipad, during the flight we select "Non-lethal weapon".

Our first task will be to clear the factory from terrorists and free the hostages. We speak with the commander of the special forces and go inside. We stun the first enemy, drag the body into a dark corner. There will be three more enemies in the next room. As soon as they begin to disperse, one by one we neutralize them and hide the corpses.

We pass further along the corridor, open the door, jump into the ventilation and exit into the office space. We neutralize two enemies, then we go to the stairs and again we jump into the ventilation, substituting the boxes under the hatch. To go further, you need to hack the system. This is easy to do, if it doesn’t work out, then you can get trained. All locks are the same according to the principle of picking.

Then there will be another crowd of terrorists. We wait until they finish talking and stun one by one. We hide the bodies and move on. There will be a video camera in the corner of the corridor, it can be easily bypassed without falling under its viewing angle. We go further, to the right of the stairs there will be a pile of garbage, removing which you can open the ventilation passage. At the exit, the only patrol will be waiting for us.

Having stunned him, we go to the elevator and rise above. Having rounded the camera, we pass into the doorway and watch the video. Now our task is to neutralize the leader of the separatists. We climb the stairs, pass two enemies and go into the opening on the left. On the map we pass to the place where the hostages are being held, we watch the video.


The situation can be ended in many ways, but the most painless is to always choose the answer option "sympathize". The hostage is saved, now we return to the helicopter and complete the mission. In our office, we go to Pritchard, then we go to Sharif. We need to get into the police station and examine the body. Most fast way- in a conversation with an old friend at the counter, choose the answer "forgive", but you can secretly sneak into the morgue, having received a thousand or two points. To do this, we do not catch the eye of colleagues and crawl through pipes and channels.

We examine the body, take out the chip and talk to Sharif. He asks us to visit a hospital for people with implants. We leave for the clinic, talk with the doctor and return to the office. Now we need to turn off the supply line in the slums. We go to the building on which the antennas are located.

We climb the stairs on the side, go along the balconies and go through the window opening. We wait until the enemies are divided and stun them. We go further, we slip past the patrol, as well as past the mines, which will be a little further. We get out onto the roof, approach the antenna and deactivate it.


We return to our helicopter, follow the instructions and go to the park. We go into the building, hide behind the boxes and furniture, go through the left door. We go along the corridor, stunning the enemies and hiding their bodies in secluded places. We pass by the surveillance camera and get into the elevator. We go down immediately go to the right, neutralize the enemy and go further.

There will be two patrols at the exit. We neutralize them and climb up the stairs. We go along the corridors until we get to the first boss. To defeat him, you need a powerful weapon, but also do not forget about the environment. As the boss prepares to jump on you, stand near the various barrels and transformers and watch the fireworks. Well, from impulses you can simply hide behind the columns.

We return to the helicopter, in our office we talk with Pritchard, go to the boss and answer with the “Justification” item. We go to the helicopter and go to Shanghai. There will be guards at the entrance to the building, so we will not go ahead. We turn right into the passage and go to the end. We open the door, wait for the enemies to pass and quietly neutralize them. We ride the elevator, then we reach the computer from which you need to steal information. Now we go to a party in the Uley town, they will demand money from us for the entrance. Of course, we are not greedy, but we will try to find another way. To the left of the entrance there is a sewer shaft through which you can enter the club. In the building we speak with the Bartender and go to the second floor to the boss, in the conversation we select "Attention". Next, we find out the location of the hacker and go back.

We meet with Van Bruggen, then we go to the hotel. You need to steal a pass from one of the employees. We climb onto the balcony, jump over to another room and take the card. A cut-scene will start, after which you need to clear the entire building, and then get out of it. We go down the mine, then we go along the corridor, not forgetting the mines and traps.


If you have a special ability, you can cut off the turret, if not, then just bypass it. Then we neutralize all the enemies and move on to the next task. We go into the building, a suffocating scientist will ask us for salvation. We burst into the door on the right and turn the valve all the way, we go into the room, we speak with the scientist.

We go further, we pass by the cameras in the server room, and then through the shaft we get to the elevator. There will be enemies in the next room. We need to neutralize them without raising the alarm. We cut off the electricity and move on. Pritchard will get in touch and advise you not to brandish weapons especially, which we will follow.

They won't let us into the workshop, but on the other hand there will be a ventilation shaft on the right, at the exit of which two guards are on duty. We go upstairs, they won't let us in again. Hack the consoles, turn off the turrets and cameras and go through the mine. We leave, neutralize all the enemies and go to the elevator, trying not to attract attention.

The battleship can be bypassed on the right, because it is difficult to deal with it, and we do not need an extra waste of ammunition. Bypassing the cameras, we move on and get to the Chinese woman. You need to leave the building. We neutralize the enemies, climb into the mine and go to the elevator. We deactivate the robots and get into the helicopter.

We talk with Sharif and go on a mission. We enter the hall, speaks with Taggart, choosing the “Conflict” branch, we go to Sandoval. We climb the stairs, neutralize the enemies, hide the bodies. We move the boxes, move on. We suppress the soldier, neutralize the mine and find Sandoval. In a conversation with him, select the "Mercy" branch. We return to the helicopter and complete the task.
After the cut-scene, we go to the right along the corridors. We go down the elevator, from Pritchard we get the task to visit a local clinic. After that, we go further along the sewers, cut down the enemies standing at the exit, move on, neutralizing the enemies along the way and not forgetting to hide the corpses.

We find Tonga, we talk, then we go to the seaport. Be extremely careful in the port area. Everywhere cameras, robots and patrol. We move to the other side, climb up, sneak past the enemies and set the explosives, and then carry our feet. Let's watch the video.


We get out, go outside, eavesdrop on the conversation. After that, we neutralize both talkers, move on, climb out the window. We go further, after the cleaning procedure we head to the main hall. Eliminate all enemies, look for a room with a hostage. We save the girl, then we go in search of the remaining prisoners.

The first is locked up on the third floor, near the laboratory. The second sits in the basement, which can be reached by going down the elevator. Now our task is to save Megan. We leave the building, SILENTLY deal with all the enemies, not forgetting to hide the bodies. We walk along the street. Robots can be disabled using grenades, it is extremely difficult to bypass them. We go into the server room, load the virus into the database, talk to Pritchard.

We go further and get to the boss. To destroy it, throw grenades and use grenade launchers. Also don't forget to use environments to deal with it. After the victory, we go to Megan, then we go to the helipad and complete the mission.

After the cut-scene, we go along the electrified water, climb into the office through the pipe and go further along the building. We find a room with a control panel, turn off the electricity, go to the elevator at the top. We rise further, we meet Darrow, communicating with him, we select "Criticism". You need to go further, but here you will meet very unusual enemies.

Imagine for a second that you are playing a zombie game. And what is the main thing in it? No, of course, to survive by itself, but the main thing is not to let the madmen near you. They are very dangerous in close combat. Now the matter remains small: we break through the crowd of psychos, save our boss and get on the final enemy.

Zhao is not very dangerous. To destroy her, you need to activate 3 charges in the room, and then finish off the villainess herself. After its destruction, we go further, and then several buttons will await us. Which one you choose depends on the end of the game. I recommend to save and try all the options. Adam Jensen says the right things in these endings.

Bosses in Deus Ex: Human Revolution ov_ov wrote in September 2nd, 2011

The latest Deus Ex () took a liberal behavioral gameplay scheme from a role-playing game, and from shooters - a great action architecture, shootout drive and ... bosses. These mostly modified humans are the only ones in the game that can't be bypassed. But even if you are trying to earn an achievement for a bloodless passage of the game, do not be discouraged - killing the bosses will not affect this in any way.

All of the villains (except the final one) who are to be killed took part in the very first attack on Saref Industries, as a result of which Adam Jenson became the weak-willed owner of the coolest implants. In fact, every boss fight is an act of just revenge. However, we still do not know who all these people are, whether they are mercenaries or soldiers, adherents of the Illuminati or random bandits from the streets.

Lawrence Barrett

The first and perhaps the most difficult boss in the game for one simple reason - he appears in the mission at the F.E.M.A factory. almost at the very beginning of the game, when the player has not yet properly pumped implants and weapons have not been improved. Therefore, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, it is better to stock up on grenades and painkillers in advance.
Barrett is armed with a very powerful machine gun built right into his hand, as well as grenades, which he throws very dexterously and accurately. The best tactic is to throw grenades at him and, taking advantage of the confusion, shoot him point-blank with a shotgun or revolver. Then, without wasting time, jump for cover. If you have managed to purchase the Typhoon implant, now is the best time to try it out.

If you want to diversify the boss fight, then pay attention to the arena where the fight takes place. There are enough explosive barrels and cylinders that can be thrown at Barrett. Rounds are also scattered around, which can be collected immediately. For the victory, you will receive the "Bull" achievement.

Elena Fedorova

Lady boss - Elena Fedorova - appears at the very moment when you reveal the secret of Eliza Kassan. On the way to her "residence" you will have to hear more than once about how cruel and unceremonious she is with enemies. Yes, and during the battle, Kassan will tell you about the difficult childhood of little Elena, about how merciless fate is for her.
The most confusing thing about this boss is her disguise system, her algorithm is not immediately revealed. Therefore, in the first seconds of the battle, it is better to listen carefully to what Kassan says - after all, she is interested in you quickly sorting out Fedorova, therefore she will be happy to suggest moments when the disguise subsides. Elena's steps are also visible on the water, which covers the entire floor of the arena. The main thing is not to stand still - she runs very fast and shoots monstrously accurately from her submachine guns. And in no case do not try to fight her in hand-to-hand combat, in every possible way avoid collisions. It's deadly.

The easiest way to defeat Fedorova is with EMP grenades, which drain her of energy for disguise (use carefully, the electromagnetic pulse ruins your implants too), and more powerful weapons - a revolver with an explosive upgrade and a pumped assault rifle will work well. Grenades, by the way, cause short-term discharges from the walls, which hurt with electricity (remember that you run ankle-deep in water).
For the victory, you will receive the "Praying Mantis" achievement.

Jaron Namir

This is the same dude who grabbed Jason against the wall at the very beginning of the game. It's payback time.
The bossfight itself might not be that difficult if you took Pritchard's vague hint and didn't go into the PROSTHETIC blade to put in a new chip. If you still got a new chip, then the malicious CEO from Tai Yun Medical will press the cherished button and your entire HUD will go crazy. Under such conditions, it is much more difficult to fight.

Jaron shoots plasma quite freely, but uses grenades quite skillfully. Gas grenades, most likely, you won't care at all - the implant of a closed breathing system should already be standing by this moment. But fragmentation grenades can be very unpleasant. It is important to keep track of his movements, avoid encounters with grenades and dodge slow plasma. The main rule of this bossfight is to keep your distance and naughty with a larger caliber in combination with grenades.

For the victory, you will receive the "Snake" achievement.

Project Chiron

Strangely, the final boss of Deus Ex: Human Revolution is not some kind of giant colossus, but a symbiotic positron computer that uses the brains of three unfortunate girls as the core. It is the Chiron system that is the very stalemate scene when the "god on a string" should appear in order to solve all the deep problems of the drama at once. This is also the easiest boss in the game.
Zhao Yun Ryu, the nasty CEO from Tai Yun Medical, is trying to control the computer. True, it doesn't matter to her. Your task is to disable Chiron's core. Otherwise, how to kill three unfortunate girls, this cannot be done. The situation is complicated by the fact that automatic turrets are moving around, and when any of the brain girls die, secret doors open and zombified people are released.

Turrets are removed first. This is done with a rocket launcher or plasma. You can also look for a terminal in the center, breaking which simply disables the turrets. After the three brains are destroyed, Zhao's shield should be broken. At this time, electric discharges cover the arena by sectors (just stay away from the floor), and protective drones roll out from special doors (taken out for two counts).
When the shield is broken, Zhao dies, and we enjoy all possible endings (if, of course, we managed to talk to all the necessary NPCs at the level).
For the victory, you will receive the achievement "The End".

Well, everything that I learned by experience, I told.

Kirill Shitarev

street wars

Near future. More precisely, the 2050s. As befits the world of cyberpunk, we are met by a gloomy world of omnipotent corporations, global networks and implants. There are rumors of secret societies seeking world domination. However, rumors are rumors, and the plague of the new century, also known as the Gray Death virus, is raging in all major cities. The corrupt government has a vaccine, but it only gets to the powerful and wealthy. The poor are rioting and attacking the troops and government offices. In response, punitive actions are being carried out with the help of elite forces, the troops of the world military organization United Nation AntiTerrorist Coalition (UNATCO). Something like the unforgettable GDI from C&C, at first glance. Rely on might the latest weapons and on titanium-wrapped semi-cyborgs. Militants from the terrorist organization New Secessionist Front (NSF) try to take part in all spontaneous protests against the authorities. It's like the NOD Brotherhood. The main feature is secrecy and surprise. The battle is on equal footing. UNATCO has a lot of money and advanced technologies, and the terrorists have enlisted the support of the population and are well conspiratorial.

Our hero, JC Denton, represents the pinnacle of all nanotechnology. He is a super cyborg, each molecule of which is fully electronically enhanced. The best anti-terrorist UNATCO agent, surpassing Paul Denton's brother, who was improved with similar, but earlier and undeveloped, scientific technologies. There are two more relatively strong agents (Anna Navarre and Günter Hermann), who also underwent mechanical improvement, turning into a walking metal. However, you are a more advanced and modern operative of the Organization. This is in theory. But in practice it will take a lot of work to prove it. You will have to deal with secret organizations, fight constant conspiracies, remaining in the dark whether you are doing everything right or vice versa. secret laboratories of bacteriological weapons, underground military complexes, underwater bases, dimly lit dirty city blocks. Just remember that any goal can be achieved in different ways. one person and easily win through various tricks and tricks (something like "The Thief"). You can chat with all the characters and listen to their conversations for hours. You can read all the newspapers and voluminous books in an attempt to get more information. You can hack every computer and read the mail. Of course, there are mission limits, but within these limits everything is possible. Almost all. Almost everything, as in a real RPG. So, the game starts at the foot of the Statue of Liberty...

Special abilities

Since the hero is simply a cyborg skillfully created with the help of nanotechnology, he is not forbidden to use abilities that are beyond and impossible for an ordinary person. At first, this is only lighting, but then 9 more super skills will be added to it. All of them are in special canisters, that is, flasks, which are installed with the help of any medical robot in a certain part of the hero's body. Each canister has two abilities to choose from: if you choose one of them, the second one will become permanently closed to you. So make your choice carefully. Abilities can be four levels of development, improve them with a different type of canister. By the way, do not forget that the use of all your abilities takes a certain amount of bioenergy. If you look at abilities as spells, then bioenergy is mana. You can restore this "mana" with a repair robot or a portable battery that restores one-fourth of your maximum energy reserve. Remember that from EMP grenades and enemy lightning, bio-energy is reduced and even completely depleted!

environmental resistance- This ability allows you to reduce the harm from various natural hazards such as electricity, gases and radiation. Similar in action to the Hazmat suit.

Aqualung- the better developed, the more time the hero can spend under water. Similar in effect to the Swimming skill.

Microfibral Muscle- allows you to lift very heavy objects, such as large iron boxes. The stronger the hero, the more weight he can lift.

Combat Strength- Increases damage dealt by melee weapons: knives, crowbars, swords, sticks.

Ballistic Protection- thanks to this ability, the hero can more easily endure attacks with bullets and cutting weapons. The hero takes noticeably less damage, but he still does not become immortal.

EMP Shield- a special shield that protects your bio-energy from being drained by electronic fields and EMP grenades.

Run Silent- a lot of noise is made during the run, so if there are opponents nearby, they will definitely hear you. Therefore, you can move silently either by crawling or running with the help of this device.

Speed ​​enhancement- a cool and usable ability, as it gives three effects at once. Higher jump, less fall damage and faster running speed. Useful if you need to quickly hit the road from enemies. You can also jump somewhere without the help of a small box.

energy shield- Allows you to take less damage from energy weapons, such as a plasma rifle, and from a flamethrower. Not very commonly used types of weapons, but very dangerous if the enemies have them.

regeneration- regeneration, that is, the gradual restoration of health lost in battles. A very useful thing, since you will not be so dependent on first-aid kits and the number of medical robots. Plus, with the help of a repair robot, it will be possible to fully recover. Get to level 2 as quickly as possible to heal 15 lives per second, not 5. On the 3rd there will be 25, and on the fourth - 40 lives at once.

Aggressive Defense System– activating the ability allows you to explode rockets and grenades flying at you right in the air, at some distance from the hero. Useful against enemies with GEP guns. Effective.

Spy Drone- a special small metal bee "drone" is assembled inside the hero's body, which you control to inspect the area and explore suspicious rooms where you do not want to meddle without prior preparation. Clicking the mouse at the time of control causes an EMP explosion, which is similar in effect to similar grenades. Unfortunately, the drone is slow and uses a lot of energy to use it.

Targeting- a special system is built into the eyes of the agent, which allows you to scan the enemy, who is on the "front sight", in the sight. In addition to increasing the accuracy of weapons with a developed ability, information is also given about the state of health of parts of the victim's body and about its weapons. At the fourth level of development, a small screen is issued, similar to an optical sight.

Vision Enhancement– turning on the infrared light is not very useful, but with the development of the ability to the third level and above, it allows you to look through walls!

Cloak- invisibility to all living creatures. Mechanical still see you with the help of radar. It spends a huge amount of bioenergy, so it makes sense to develop it in order to reduce the cost of "mana".

Radar Transparency- essentially the same as Cloak, but invisibility applies exclusively to mechanical creatures. Living beings still see you.

Power Recirculator– the use of other abilities, with this one activated, spends less bioenergy. The more developed, the greater the savings.

Synthetic Heart- an uncommon ability that (when activated) increases the level of all other abilities. For the effect requires development.


All weapons have their strengths and weaknesses. Try to take this into account when choosing tactics to destroy the enemy. The same flamethrower or shotgun is effective only at close range, but a rocket rifle and a sniper are at a distance. But even here there are differences. The flamethrower is best used against several nearby enemies, and the shotgun against one or two. A sniper can still come in handy in a face-to-face showdown if you have a good reaction, but an explosion from a rocket will 100% hit the hero if you fire at an enemy two steps away from you.

Weapon characteristics

There are more than five of them, but only the following five can be improved with the help of special boxes, which are enough for a one-time increase in the characteristics of the weapon selected in the inventory.

Accuracy. The higher it is, the faster the weapon is aimed. That is, the faster the cross of the sight narrows, which means that the less the deviation of the bullet from the target. Also reduces scope wobble, even eliminating it at 95% accuracy and above. Accuracy decreases as the health of one or both of the hero's hands deteriorates. The indicator is critical for ranged and medium-range weapons. When shooting point-blank, accuracy is no longer so important.

Recoil. Recoil. The smaller it is, the less the front sight will move with each new shot. Important for weapons that need to be fired multiple times to destroy a single enemy. Therefore, it almost does not matter for a flamethrower, rocket rifle, sniper.

Reload. How fast a weapon reloads after it runs out of ammo. Important for weapons that quickly "eat" charges and which kill more than one hit. The smaller the capacity of the horn, the more important it is.

clip. The capacity of the weapon's horn. The higher it is, the more ammo or charges the weapon can use before the next reload. Important for weapons that eat a lot of ammo.

Range. Shot range. There are two types: maximum range and effective range. Only the second one can be improved. The higher the score, the farther the weapon can shoot. The improvement is important for weapons with a short range, such as a crossbow or a flamethrower.

Weapon Upgrade Boxes can also provide the following three bells and whistles. They may or may not be suitable for a particular weapon. So, you cannot hang an optical sight on a flamethrower and, moreover, a silencer.


Laser Sight- laser sight. It is insanely rare and is a red dot, which turns out to be in the place where the future shot will have to. It can be used with or without an optical sight.

scope- optical sight. Allows you to accurately aim at the enemy's head to overwhelm him with one hit. Used when the enemy is far away. At close range, you can really do without it. With low accuracy, the weapon moves from side to side, making it difficult to aim. Initially, there is a sniper.

Silencer- muffler. Unlike the top two upgrades, it works automatically and permanently. With it, the sound of the shot is muffled, turning into a click. Thus, it is possible to silently kill enemies with headshots without attracting the attention of their comrades nearby. The crossbow is initially silent.

Melee weapon

Melee weapons are designed more likely not to kill the enemy, but to break wooden boxes with things (stick) and stun the enemy (taser). Destroying an enemy with melee weapons is not easy enough. It takes skill and desire to sneak up on the enemy. This type of weapon does not big damage, which is compensated by high speed. As a rule, they occupy one cell in the inventory and do not spend charges or ammo.

Knife, sword- serve to kill the enemy. It is advisable to aim at the throat and attack stealthily, remaining unnoticed until the first blow.

Stick (Baton)- Unlike sharp weapons, it stuns the victim. The rest is the same.

Shocker (Riot Prod)- Electrically stuns the enemy with one or two hits. Spends "charges", the number of which is limited. Can be used four times without recharging. It is advisable to aim at the body and strike stealthily - in this case it is more effective, that is, it can knock down the enemy at a time. Harder enemies like agents require multiple hits.

Pepper Gun- a primitive means of temporarily neutralizing enemies. While they rub their eyes, they can be stunned or killed. The gas grenade is more effective, and the "charges" come across very rarely.


Something between melee weapons and shotguns. Fortunately, they take up little space in the inventory (one cell) and, unfortunately, have a small lethal force. Ammo is very common, but they are spent quickly enough. The best use of pistols is headshots. If you aim at the body, then they do not justify themselves.

Ordinary- a standard cannon, useful at the beginning of the game, but then turning into a means of shooting lonely and weak enemies in order to save ammo. A good use is to headshot a lone sentry if there are no enemies nearby. In close combat with submachine gunners, it will lead to death (yours, not theirs). Too long pauses between shots and only six rounds in the clip. And reloading is also very slow.

Silent(Stealth) - sucks in theory, but in practice it turned out to be a good thing because of the very high speed shooting and fast reloading. Very often used to quickly and silently destroy one or two enemies. You need to hit a couple of times in the head or fire almost all ten shots in the body.

Crossbow- a cool little thing, thanks to its noiselessness and great lethal force. One hit to the head with a normal dart usually results in death. Tranquilizer Darts (green) will stun the enemy about ten seconds after they hit. That is, use the tactics of "shot, hid, returned to search the body." Illumination darts are not very useful due to the flashlight built into your body. Not the longest range.

PS20- disposable laser pistol Weak little thing, but he is very well-aimed. Or spend it right away or throw it away so that it does not take up space in your inventory.


The most commonly used weapon. Ammo is relatively common, and the killing power is high. They take up more space in the inventory than pistols (three or four cells), but still not as much as heavy weapons. A sniper and an assault shotgun are enough for any firefight. We use the first at a distance, the second - as the enemies come closer.

shotgun- will fall in the very first mission. It is effective only in close combat (in which the enemy will also not smear and hesitate), it shoots slowly and reloads for a long time. Ideal against a single enemy with weak weapons. If there are two opponents, then it is best to immediately switch to a faster weapon, otherwise you will die. As soon as you find an assault shotgun, immediately throw away the sawn-off shotgun.

Assault Shotgun- just a cool little thing, the most successful weapon for close combat, if you forget about the bulky flamethrower. It shoots very fast and has a decent amount of ammo in the clip. With marksmanship from this weapon, it is quite possible to lay down up to three or four submachine gunners. Great little thing. In addition to regular ammo, there is also Sabot. Insanely good against mechanics and only against it. A few hits on an armored robot may well destroy it.

Assault rifle- an insanely inconvenient weapon, however, it is worth having with you. First, it comes across a lot of bullets. Secondly, in close combat without much hassle, you can fill up one or two soldiers with pistols. If there are more enemies, they will kill the hero while he is reloading. Suitable for shooting at medium distances, but in this case you will have to increase the accuracy with the help of special improvements. Ammo is spent very quickly and a full supply (of 300 rounds) is enough for ten to fifteen enemies, no more. Fortunately, in addition to ordinary cartridges, it can also shoot special explosive ones. They are just as powerful as LAM explosives, but they can be found more often and are also easier to aim.

Sniper rifle- if you attach a silencer and a laser sight, as well as spend all the accuracy upgrades on it, you will just get a BFG and atomic strike in one vial. At the beginning, take care of the ammo and use it only after reaching 90-95% accuracy. One hit to the enemy's head almost always means one ready corpse. Very high firing range. A weapon for the instantaneous and unpunished destruction of any number of soldiers at long distances. Worked well at medium distances as well. If you have a good reaction, then you can use it in close combat. The main thing is to quickly aim at the head ...

By the way, if you are not sure that you will hit the enemy with a sniper, then do not shoot. Losing a few bullets for nothing for her is very unpleasant, even if in the end the bandit was destroyed. Try to spend all the Accuracy upgrades you get on the sniper.

ATTENTION! At the master level in guns, you can destroy things like peephole cameras, automatic guns, alarm systems with one hit from a sniper! Remember this.

heavy weapons

It usually takes up a lot of space in the inventory, usually eight cells. You can carry a maximum of two such things, provided that you give up a lot of useful things and devices like armor, grenades and guns. Heavy weapons are quite effective even when not upgraded, unlike shotguns and pistols. Naturally, the hero's running/walking speed slows down a lot. Ammunition (cartridges) are quite rare, as well as the weapons of this kind.

Flamethrower. It is enough to fry even for a second any enemy soldier to destroy him. You don’t need to aim, you don’t need to be afraid of return fire either, since burning opponents don’t shoot. Few charges and a short range, that's what limits the use of a flamethrower. A useful item if you find a place for it in your inventory.

laser rifle. Fires quickly, dealing heavy damage with each hit. High range and low recoil. However, ammo is rare. It is inconvenient to use in close combat. In the far one, too, since the projectile flies for some time, and the enemy can have time to get away from it. Purpose - fight at medium distances. Not bad to use against mechanical robots. Inconvenient weapon.

rocket launcher(GEP). With the help of this little thing, the enemy can always be treated with a rocket or two. Designed to fire once and then reload. In principle, one shot is enough to destroy most enemies. Missiles are found quite often, so do not save them too much. Beware only of the blast wave, which can hurt you too. Great tool against robots and locked doors. Able to self-target. The best weapon from the heavy weapons section.

L.A.W. It's a disposable grenade launcher. I advise you to always take it with you, so that if not to kill the enemy, then to knock out the locked door. At least save the lockpicks.


All grenades explode approximately two seconds after they are thrown and reach the surface. They occupy one cell in the inventory. Can be attached to walls, in which case they act as mines. As soon as the enemy comes closer to the wall, they explode. Fortunately, your grenades do not react to you.

Scramble- a grenade that temporarily but strongly brainwashes a robot that has fallen into the sphere of its explosion, so that it ceases to be your enemy, but looks for the nearest robot and starts firing at it from all barrels. It doesn't last very long, but it's useful.

LAM- explosives, the most common and most lethal of grenades. Will almost certainly kill any enemy and kick down any door. However, when people see her lying on the floor, they begin to roll out of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe alleged explosion, so she is not very useful in combat.

EMP- causes a wave of electro-magnetic pulsation, acting as a remedy against any enemy electronics that it successfully neutralizes for a while. Disables alarm panels, camera eyes, laser fields and automatic guns. It can also calm the robot if you hit it well. Harmless to the health of ordinary people, but steals their bioenergy. If any other grenade is in the explosion field of this grenade, then it will be neutralized. That is, it will be possible to approach and calmly pick it up without fear of an explosion.

Gas- a cloud of green gas makes coughing and rubbing the eyes of all enemy soldiers caught in it. While they are inactive, no one bothers to carefully make a small hole in the head of each of them, even from the most ordinary pistol.


Ballistic Armor- a special armor that protects against most of the damage caused by bullets. Lasts long enough to last exactly one firefight.

Thermoptic Camo- armor that does not for a long time make the hero invisible to both living beings and robots.

Rebreather– for some time under water, the hero can breathe from this device. Useful if a long swim is required and oxygen may suddenly run out.

Tech Goggles- allows you to better see everything that happens. Not very helpful.

Binoculars- complete crap. Although it allows you to consider distant objects and people at a great distance, it takes up space in your inventory. It is best to view distant things with a sniper scope.

hazmat suit- In this suit, the hero takes less damage from all sorts of natural hazards such as radiation, fire, toxins, electricity and EMP fields.

Multitool– allows you to hack various electronic objects. Somehow: computers, guns, alarms. The higher the Electronics skill, the fewer multi-tools are required to hack each object. Fits up to 20 pieces.

Lockpick- the same as for the multitool, but only breaks doors, non-electronic locks and drawers. Fits up to 20 pieces.

first aid kit- restores lost health. And it does it instantly, at any second of the battle. You can be treated "in general", or you can heal a specific part of the body. Apparently, more needed than the rest of the body. Fits up to 15 pieces. Effective with Medicine on trained.

Food, water and alcohol. While cigarettes take away health, all food and drink of life restores basically two units. A bag of soy food heals up to five hit points.

Fire extinguisher- can perform various functions: immobilize the enemy for a few seconds and cut down laser fields for a very short time. You can also put out the flames on yourself.

Cigarettes- reduce health, but some crafters use their smoke to neutralize the laser beam for a very short time.

When pumping up the hero's skills, remember that at least the missions up to the 7th-8th can be left Computers, Electronics, Lockpicking at the trained level. However, a higher value in Electronics and Lockpicking will allow you to spend significantly less multi-tools and lock picks (respectively) on each hackable object in the second half of the game. The advanced level in Computers (you shouldn't raise it higher at all) will teach the hero how to reprogram automatic guns. So, do not pay attention to logins and passwords of computers. Any of them is easy to hack, even if your Computers skill is at the trained level. In any case, you will have at least ten seconds to turn off all guns and cameras. It’s true that you won’t be able to read the mail completely: here you can either hack the computer several times if you quickly read in English, or find and enter a password with a login. There is another option - just take a picture with an unread letter using a screen shooter program (for example, Hypersnap - and calmly read the text already on the screenshot. Swimming may not be developed at all. I advise you to raise Medicine to trained, and leave it there: this way you will heal 60 health points with a first-aid kit, and not 30. I did not develop Environmental training, nor did I improve Explosives. Grenades already work exactly the way they are supposed to work. It turns out that your whole choice comes down, for the most part, to which of the four areas of weapons to develop: heavy, guns, pistols or low-tech weapons. In the passage of the game, you can only get by with guns or pistols, occasionally using heavy weapons. However, only heavy and low-tech weapons can no longer be dispensed with.

Any explosive will destroy the laser fields without triggering an alarm. In the same way, you can remove the peephole cameras and automatic guns. Most doors can also be blown up. However, why waste weapon charges or LAM on this? If possible, place a box with TNT next to the door, move away and shoot once with a pistol. Voila! By the way, you can only throw a box with TNT on the ground if you are crouched. If you throw it while standing, you can not avoid instantaneous detonation from contact with the floor and the subsequent (very quickly) explosion. Save lockpicks and multi-tools. Always try to open a locked door with a key (what if it fits ?!), and only then break it open. The same goes for multitools. First, look in the records if you have a code, and only then open it. Sometimes it is useful to blow up very strong doors, which require two or three master keys. Doors, crates, and all objects with a strength of 25% or less can be broken with a normal crossbow. You throw a dart at the door, take it and repeat the procedure. That way you won't even waste a single dart! By the way, strong doors with 50% and below can be knocked out with a sniper rifle shot at the master and (sometimes) advanced levels. In the same way, it is realistic to destroy cameras.

If you have found a new character with whom the hero will begin to communicate, then after the end of the first conversation, be sure to contact him again. Again and again. Until new conversations can be started. Always talk to neutral and friendly people in bars, on the streets, etc. There is a chance to learn some useful code or buy things. Explore levels. Look for hidden places where you can find useful gizmos, as well as get points "for research".

The guards sometimes clearly draw a certain line of conduct. Some of them, despite the hurricane fire from your side, will definitely run to the nearest alarm. The vast majority of enemies will also start to run away if they get seriously injured. These guys need to catch up and kill in hand-to-hand combat. If there is an alarm control panel not far from the enemy, then most likely he will run towards it. In this case, either quickly shoot your opponent with a sniper, or hit with a shocker at close range. By the way, the best weapon, at the initial stage, for close combat and (always) for breaking boxes is a stick, baton. Throw away the knives and crowbars you find so as not to clog your inventory.

Robots are not burdened with excessive intelligence, like other mechanisms. Behind them, you can easily run across in the right direction. Robots are different in that they do not have hearing, so they only notice things that they see directly in front of them. It is best to destroy the robot with explosive weapons like LAM, LAW, GEP. However, Sabot Shotgun Ammo and Explosive Assault Rifle Ammo will do just fine. You can also "disable" the robot with an EMP grenade explosion, or "remake" it with a Scramble grenade. Agents, that is, people in black (Man in Black), when they are killed, explode, permanently destroying all the ammunition and things they have with them. The best way to prevent an agent from exploding is to stun him with a few hits from the shocker.

Use the Scout Drone, called by Spy Drone's special ability, to disable it with an EMP hit from enemy fields, cameras, and cannons. You can also defuse the mines installed on the walls. By the way, if you stand in front of a locked door and launch a drone, it may already be right outside the door! Using Microfibral Muscle's special ability, you can lift heavy boxes not only to find something new behind them, but also to block narrow corridors through which an attack can begin.

Always shoot in the head. However, if you are aiming with an assault rifle, then direct the burst to the chest, anyway, the recoil will immediately raise the scope to the head. Wounded hands seriously reduce accuracy, which is very dangerous for snipers. Try to hide somewhere during the skirmishes of your allies with enemies. So at least avoid wasting ammo and getting shot in the... uh... head. Moreover, if a “good” soldier is killed, then his cartridges can also be taken into his pocket. Spend the upgrades you find wisely. Or a sniper, or a shotgun, or a crossbow, or a pistol. Heavy weapons are usually powerful enough to go without upgrading.

Next moment. Always do everything quietly. In unfamiliar areas, crouch instead of running. Try to hide in the shadows and use silent weapons. It would be nice to drag the bodies, if possible. Never burst into a room with several soldiers firing from all guns. Most likely, the hero will simply catch a couple of bullets in the head and safely throw back the fins four seconds after the attack. In already known areas, move by running. Of course, this creates a lot of noise, but if you need to move silently, then you can run "crawling" for a while. By the way, this is no slower than a simple walk. Ways to go unnoticed when the enemy is looking in your direction: stand very far, is in the shade, hide (crouch) behind cover. Running towards enemies in an open field and opening a hurricane of fire from all barrels is the best way to die (unless you are playing on an easy difficulty level, of course). The right commando agent will first hide behind a box or in a dark corner, and then one by one will silently “snap” or cut opponents. Enemies who are unaware of your presence are more harmed than those who are already prepared for your attack in advance. Try to sneak up. It is always easier to overwhelm a patrol standing still than his own, but running and pouring fire on you.

Standing very close to burning barrels on city streets is life-threatening. Or rather, for the legs. They begin to burn a little, and their condition slowly worsens.

There are two ways to get money. This is to find a green plastic credit card and hack the ATM. You can buy things only from a conversation with the characters. There are usually three different items for sale.

What is the best way to put inventory items on buttons? Here is my signature layout. On "1" let there be a stick, on "2" - a shocker, and from "3" to "7" all gradually cooler weapons: a pistol, a crossbow, a shotgun, a machine gun, a sniper. On "8" let there be master keys, on "9" - a multitool. Well, there will always be keys on "0".


Simple UNATCO soldier, policeman, NSF terrorist.

They are equally weak in combat and their coolness is very much dependent on the weapon. The soldiers seem to run more from side to side, but this does not help them much. One shot to the head with a pistol very often solves all problems. True, sometimes a direct hit in the face from a sniper does not kill, but it's just that you were unlucky. Before the battle with the foot soldiers, see in advance what they are armed with: it is immediately noticeable whether they are holding a pistol or a machine gun.

Soldier MJ12, a fighter of the Chinese army. He wears a dark and green uniform, respectively. Usually well armed, up to flamethrowers and rocket rifles. More tenacious than regular foot soldiers. They know how to strafe, that is, to move around the battlefield in every possible way, not forgetting to pour lead on the hero. Some squat, which is very unpleasant. Try to put these guys down quickly.

Man in black. Also known as "agent". As soon as you see these guys, you will immediately understand who they are talking about. Much tenacious of any soldier, sometimes it takes a couple of hits in the head from a sniper. They are good with weapons, shooting accurately. After receiving a mortal wound, they do not fall to the floor, but explode, causing damage to all nearby. If you do not kill them, but stun them with the same shocker (four or five hits are required), then the body will not explode, which means it will be possible to remove a grenade or two and ammunition from the body.

Commando. A man who, as a result of scientific experiments, was turned into a killing machine. Thick black armor is combined with heavy weapons. At a long distance, they use the GEP-gun, that is, a rocket rifle, and at close range they shoot from a machine gun. They almost do not feel shots from a plasma rifle and resist flamethrower fire. It is best to kill with an explosive weapon or a few hits with an assault rifle / shotgun in the face. With a developed skill in guns, these guys can really be killed with one hit to the head. Besides, it will be a silent death. If you have developed the Aggresive Defense System to the maximum, then turn it on and run away from the commando. They will be killed by the explosions of their own rockets, while you will be safe.

Fighting robot. There are three types: small, medium and giant. All robots are quite dangerous even for a tough hero, but fortunately they are less common than non-mechanical opponents. You can kill the robot with an explosive weapon or a grenade. Can also be neutralized with an EMP grenade. There is an option to kill with the help of Sabot-cartridges from a shotgun, they are specially designed to deal with enemy vehicles. Please note that robots do not have hearing, but only vision!

Spider robot. A small iron bug that fires electrical lightning. Lightning only works at medium distances, so it is not dangerous from afar. But if you get closer... Each lightning not only harms your health, but also takes away bioenergy, which is very dangerous! Explosive weapons kill these creatures dangerously, as you can hurt yourself. Therefore, it is advisable to use Sabot shotgun shells. With a developed skill, two hits are enough.

Lizard. Spitting acid and quite tenacious. Try to destroy immediately or at a long distance. A sniper and a shotgun are just right for this, as are heavy weapons. Against acid, the Hazmat Suit and the Environmental Protection ability help.

Monster. A huge animal on four legs. He runs fast and bites his legs: if he gets to the hero, then most likely he is a corpse. It has a huge stock of health, but fortunately it is killed with one hit by something explosive. There is also a small monster: it is not dangerous.

Alien. A white man with a huge head and big round eyes. It is rare and not very dangerous. Spits out clouds of radiation, but dies with one correct hit from a sniper rifle due to lack of survivability. Against radiation, Hazmat Suit and the Environmental Protection ability help.


At the very beginning, you are required to allocate 5000 points to train the required specializations for the character. I advise you to bring to the Trained level Weapons: Rifle, Weapons: Pistol, Computers, Lockpicking. There will be 500 "free" points left: do not spend them yet. As soon as you gain more experience, bring the Electronics specialization to trained.

Along the way, you will often have to return to already known maps (for example, to the UNATCO base). At everyone new such visit in boxes, on shelves, in pantries and in all other places of this type will appear new gizmos. In the same bunker near the base, with each new mission, there is sure to be something useful.

Last note. Each mission task can have two or three types of its completion. Moreover, you can both reach the goal in various ways (through the main door, through the basement ventilation hatch, window, along the roof or, say, through an inconspicuous gate at the back of the house), and solve this goal in completely different ways. For example, enter a previously found code into a computer, hack it; blow up the door, open it with the same key taken from the guard who was killed a couple of minutes ago; go to another passage protected by laser beams. Which, by the way, can really be neutralized by one of the many ways like a regular or EMP grenade, a rocket from a weapon, a fire extinguisher, pepper spray, a cigarette. You can generally put the boxes on top of each other next to the laser and, using the height, jump over the beams from them. Or even crawl under one beam and jump over the next. So, all the ways to perform this or that task are so numerous and very original that it is not possible to bring them in the passage. Therefore, the easiest (compared to others) way to solve the mission goal will usually be indicated. Sometimes, however, alternative ones will be indicated.

I developed skills in guns (for sniper and shotgun) and pistols (crossbow) to master, and left all the rest on trained or did not develop at all. Moreover, I had no problems with passing even at the highest level of difficulty at all.

First mission: Statue of Liberty

At the very beginning, the hero is landed on the docks. There are several useful things here, including in the boxes (you will find a master key). Walk a little forward and in a conversation with your brother you will choose one of three types of weapons: a GEP rocket rifle, a sniper or a crossbow. You will get a crossbow soon, and the GEP takes up a lot of space and is really only needed in later missions, which you still have to live and live. Go down the stairs nearby in the water and from the iron box of rods that is under the docks, take the battery and the multitool. As soon as you leave the docks, find the boxes on the left, jump on the small one, and from it - on the big one. Take a small one from the ground and put it on the big box you are on. Use the small crate again to climb onto the second large crate. There you will get a gas grenade. Go down and on the side of the large box you will find a locked door: if you spend a master key on it, you will find a medical robot inside. This piece of iron can almost completely cure the hero an infinite number of times.

Now walk east, trying to save ammo and stun the soldiers with the shocker. Along the way, you will find another multi-tool, and then you will exit to a darkish clearing. It is guarded by a couple of talkative terrorists. Walk north into the bunker. Inside it, go up the stairs for the multitool. Press the button and hack the computer to disable the lightning. Behind them, two improvements will be revealed: laser guidance and ammunition. To the west of the bunker there is a whole mountain of boxes - you can use them to climb into the statue itself to avoid showdowns at its entrance and on the first floor. However, I advise you to continue from the bunker to the northwest. Spot the TNT box of explosives and find the fisherman's house. Buy darts and sniper ammo from the old lady and then talk to the man to complete an additional objective in the mission. Standing with your back to the entrance to the house, a little ahead and to the left you will see a railing protecting the docks from the ocean. Crawl under the railing and dive down. Break open the door to the hold with a master key and emerge. Now turn on the flashlight and swim inside the ship. There are three boxes here, beat the first one, grab the contents and emerge for fresh air. Repeat the procedure two more times and get a shotgun plus two upgrades: reload speed and accuracy. Return to the exit from the docks, grabbing a crate of explosives along the way.

Follow the path to the west and then south. Periodically leave the box and kill the guards. As soon as the message about the security robot arrives, hide and track down the iron creature. When it drives off, put a box in the path of its patrol route and take cover again. At that moment, when the robot approaches the explosive, make a shot at it with a pistol. Now destroy the living guards and in the central barn, open the box to get sniper ammo and money. To the east is the entrance to the Statue of Liberty. Quickly run along the north wall to the computer by the door and hack it. Turn off the peephole and open the doors. In the box next to get the master key. Do not go inside the statue yet, but explore the area to the south to neutralize the still living terrorists. A little further along the road and to the left will be the base of your allies. Open the shed by dialing the code 0451. Inside, don't forget to take the first aid kit from the top cabinet. After hacking the computer, open the hatch next to the barn and get an EMP grenade inside it. Return to the statue and try to quickly knock out the guard inside before he raises the alarm. At the passage on the left, which is protected by laser beams with signaling, there will be LAM explosives. In the corners of the hall there is also a box with a first-aid kit and a bank machine (top line - 230023, bottom line - 4558). There will be a ventilation grill in the corner near the passage on the left. Crawl along the passage (turn on the lights!) and, after passing the first room on the left, pick up the multitool. In the next room, you will find another first-aid kit and a laser. Go back to the first room and hit the locked door with something. A guard will come running to the sound, who will unlock the lock. Neutralize it and in the room next get one more explosive. In the hall with a guard and a peephole, you need to quickly run to the computer on the opposite wall and break it open to open the door and knock out the peephole. Take the Accuracy Improvement from the table.

Next, talk to the captive agent and exit into the entrance hall of the Statue of Liberty. You can give him a gun, or you can refuse. Climb to the second floor, take the master key from the box, and then go up the stairs again, all the way. Eliminate both guards and try to disable and take all three gas grenades, which are installed on the wall of each of the three passages. In this difficult matter, saving and restoring the game will help a lot. Climb another floor above and neutralize a couple more terrorists: you can use a gas grenade. Take the laser from the balcony and go up further. Take the special ability canister and talk to the leader of the bandits. A soldier will appear and you can leave. There is an option to stun the bandit and / or soldier (take an assault rifle from the latter). Go outside and go to the base of the allies. Meet your brother at her door and go inside. Once (after checking fingerprints) in the main office, start exploring it. You need to find the head - Menderley. For now, ignore the locked doors on the sides of the entrance, and go down to the third floor. Find the medic's room and use the medical robot to set the special ability. Find another warehouse manager's room (he will give you a silent pistol) and take either a master key or a multitool. It remains to find the premises of the chief computer engineer, who had conversations with the hero during the mission. As soon as you enter the room, immediately turn 90 degrees to the right and crawl forward, inspecting the floor. After opening the floor hatch, get an improvement from there - an optical sight and a key to the office. Open the door by entering the code 2001 into the computer. Before leaving, take food from the table.

Return to Chief Menderley and report on your readiness to complete the task. Note: if during the course of the task you stunned or killed a soldier from the leader of the bandits, then the boss will definitely report this. There is also a women's toilet at this base: if you poke your head in there, then Menderley will also be unhappy. Leave the room and open the doors on the sides with the computer key. There is an improvement in accuracy, a master key and a multitool. Leave the base and run to the docks where you started the mission. "Use" the boat and you will be taken to the next episode.

Second mission: on the streets of New York

If you open the box behind you with a master key and enter the code 9183 into the computer, you will open a secret passage. However, it is desirable from the very beginning of the mission to immediately run after an ally. Wait for her to kill all the enemies, and only then go into the one-story building. You already know the password to the computer - 666, but it would be nice to talk with the child and treat him to food for the sake of 50 points. Climb down and pass the first passage on the left. Hack the door and blow up the safe. It will contain a special ability canister. Hack the computer to operate the doors, as well as hack the panel and disable the guns. Go further forward and in the room with a box and a peephole, quickly kill the soldier and the flamethrower that will come up next. To the left is a room with crates and a quest objective: a vaccine canister. Go forward and destroy a few soldiers in order to eventually exit through the secret passage to the starting point of the stage.

Run to the northeast now and watch the firefight from a safe distance. Next, from the conversation with Anna, take an EMP grenade and go to the entrance to the subway. From afar, shoot the bandits hiding behind the boxes. If it's hard, you can throw a gas grenade. Then go downstairs and turn the corner. Shoot the terrorists, but don't get close to the blue beams! Take the box and place it at the point where the beam comes from. Now close the point with the beam on the other wall. The passage is free! Note: there is another option to deal with the terrorists who captured the subway. Just find a small house with a ventilation hatch near the subway entrance. Climb inside and follow the passages to the station guarded by the enemy. Shoot the terrorists from several ventilation grilles and exit. The third option, the most "evil" one, is to shoot the box of explosives. The subsequent Armageddon will kill all the hostages (there will be no punishment for this) and terrorists, and at the same time remove the rays. So, the enemies are destroyed, and one of them has a flamethrower. Take this weapon, it will come in handy later. Talk to the former hostages, if they survived, open the train door and go.

Right at the exit from the subway there will be a sewer hatch. Remember its location. Now immediately go to the northeast and set fire to two robbers. In gratitude for the feat, you will learn the password: Underworld. By the way, in this and subsequent battles, try to use a flamethrower. This way you will save ammo for conventional weapons, plus with a light heart you will throw away the flamethrower (taking up so much space in the inventory!) When it runs out of fuel. Look around the area. To the west of the exit from the subway there will be a building with a red neon sign at the entrance. This is the Underworld Bar. Still to the west there will be a dead end with a bully and a beauty. Kill the man and go to the bar. There, talk to all the local population. Buy two beers from the bartender and talk to the pilot at the counter. One of the girls will say the password: bloodshot, and the other will say the number of the code to enter the warehouse (3316). Now get out. There will be two cash registers at the exit: hack both, but before that, withdraw money from account 947761, PIN 2867.

Look around the streets. You will find the Free Clinic and Ton Hotel, as well as a warehouse that had a violent shootout between police and bandits. First go to Free Clinic. Inside, break the locked glass doors by hitting them several times with a stick. Install a special ability on the medrobot and heal. Talk to everyone and leave without buying paid treatment. However, you can intervene in the conversation between the doctor and the patient in order to choose the first option. So you can buy a first-aid kit for a measly 180 credits, and then a second, third, tenth. Now go to the Ton Hotel. Just go not through the main doors, but go around the building and find the fire escape. Place an iron box next to it and climb up - and through the window. Click on the picture and enter the password 4321. A bookcase will open nearby, take a lot of useful things from there. Leave the room and you will see two terrorists standing with their backs. Silently kill both of them or stun them with a shocker, trying not to give the bandit time to kill the hostages. From the second floor of the hotel, shoot the terrorist hiding next to the clerk on the first floor with a well-aimed shot. From the latter, take the key to the locked door on the second floor hanging behind him. Leave the hotel.

Return to the entrance to the subway and find a descent somewhere down two steps from it. Press the button and the hero will say the password (bloodshot). Go inside and to the left of the blue lasers, hack the computer with a multitool. Walk forward and talk to Smuggler. Once you get the key, stop shopping and go up the stairs. Enter the password that is on the wall by the bed (432) and take all the useful things, including the invisibility armor. Go outside and use the key to open the sewer hatch, which is located next to the entrance to the subway. Crawl under the first red laser beam, then jump over the second one. Climb up the stairs and wait until the alarm ends, collecting all the useful things from the corpses. An assault rifle will be found right there. Jump down, so as not to touch the beam at the stairs. Hack the box and enter the code - 2167. In the corridor, crawl under the rays so as not to hit them and enter the same code to open the door (the same code will come in handy here several times). Carefully run past the "eye" and hack the computer, hiding behind the box. Disable all three cameras and open all doors.

Next, climb the stairs up to find yourself in a huge hall with a pool of chemicals below. Kill the guards and take the utility from the room on the left. At that wall, next to which you ended up, climbing the stairs, there will be a computer. Hack it and "turn the bridge". Go straight ahead and go down the stairs at the opposite wall. Immediately fry the soldier, go forward and behind the next door you will see a long corridor with a water channel on the left. In the center of the pipe near the channel there is fuel for the flamethrower. In the next room, immediately go down the stairs, but stand so that there is a wall on the sides. The guards will start running, which is very convenient to shoot with fire. After killing everyone, go back upstairs and hack the computer to turn off all the electronics and open the doors. Explore the premises to find the scientist. Send him home: if you have eliminated all the soldiers, then do not follow him. Hack the computer at the door next to the stairs and you will get to the warehouse. In addition to a bunch of useful things, there is also a disposable rocket launcher. Take it and go outside. Return to Smuggler and he will sell his goods for a significantly cheaper price.

The last building not yet explored remains: the one that had the most lively firefight between the NFS and UNATCO. It's a warehouse called Osgood&Sons Imports. The door is locked, don't waste your lockpicks on it, but just walk along the wall a little to the right and you will see a small window hidden behind a trash can and a box. Break the glass and get inside. Open the locked door: there will be a special ability upgrade module behind it. Next, do not go down the stairs to the basement with red laser beams - this is absolutely not necessary! Just exit the west side of the building through one of the doors. On the way, break open the box, you can find a flamethrower in it. Be sure to take it: you can even throw out an assault rifle or a shotgun. Further, already on the street, put a small box to a large one and climb up. Drop down to the other side of the fence and disable the LAM attached to the wall. Climb up the stairs to the flight above and, looking around a little, you will notice that there are a lot of barrels behind the next fence. Shoot them and there will be a global explosion. Jump down the stairs on the other side of the fence and go forward. To your left will be a staircase leading up (let's designate it: stairs "A"). Pass it and go along the long dark passage. Along the way, defuse the two LAM explosives hanging on the wall to the left. Going out into the open area, prepare a flamethrower. Quickly fry all three terrorists and then the dogs. One of the enemies will have LAM, so you need to destroy them as quickly as possible.

Next, search the corpses for the key to the locked door. But do not open it, but go left and go around the building. As soon as you see a ladder leading to the door on the opposite side of the building, step there. Break the door with a few blows of the stick and hack the computer. Turn off the cooling - and the reactor will explode. Now draw the attention of the terrorists and jump back to the street, standing on the side of the door and ready the flamethrower. Five or six people will run out. It is desirable to burn them all quickly. After work, you can throw away the flamethrower if you think that it takes up too much space. Explore the first floor where the destroyed generator is located. Find the entrance to the basement and climb through the beams (avoid the cameras!), find a room with a computer and two "weapon" boxes (a couple of LAMs inside). Hack the computer panel on the opposite wall from the computer and turn off all cameras. Next, I advise you to blow up the safe under the computer in order to get a new special ability module. Take also the key, it will come in handy to open the locked door to another storage with a master key and pistol cartridges.

Climb now to the upper floors: there should be no more living opponents. You can already finish the mission (and miss a good replenishment of ammo for the spyper). To do this, you need to climb to the roof and sit in a helicopter. At the top you will be met by a friendly agent Herman, if he is blocking the passage, then just attack him and run past, to the roof .. However, I advise you now to return to the stairs "A". So, go up the stairs and immediately climb the left wall of the square shed to its roof. Quickly kill the soldier to prevent him from throwing explosives at you and take it from the corpse. From above, kill a couple of enemies within sight and go back down, breaking the ammo boxes. Break the window glass and go through the house to another glass. Climb down and jump onto the roof of the building below. Now it remains to move to the building in which the generator was located. On the roof, which is easily climbed by a long ladder against the wall, a helicopter awaits you.

At the UNATCO base, search all the caches and rooms again (do this in every mission!), And then set the special ability in the medical room. The warehouse owner will also drop an Accuracy Upgrade, two Multi-Tools, and (if you haven't been killing much) Assault Rifle Ammo. After talking with the main boss, Manderley, go outside and get back into the helicopter.

Third mission: Dungeons and Airport

Once in the city, immediately run to the entrance to the subway. But do not go in yet, but quietly and peacefully in one of the houses, find a little man who will tell you the password (6653), if you know the secret word - underworld. In the subway, go to the phone booth and enter the password into the computer. In the new area, explore the entire abandoned subway station. In one of the corners there will be a drug dealer, and in the northern part - a certain Charlie. He will ask you to enter the room to the north of him. True, the entrance is littered with boards, which must be destroyed with the help of LAM. Climb to the second floor and talk to the leader of the terrorists. Either pay him 750 or agree to complete the task. Having chosen the second option, return to the drug dealer and, without starting a conversation, just give him a volley in the head from something powerful. Take Zyme drugs from the body and go to the men's room, which is located here, on the first floor of the station. Inside there will be Lenny, give him the "nonsense" and take the LAM. Next, return to the leader of the crime on the second floor and get another package of explosives. Now you can do "ugly". Blow off the leader's head, and then slap two of his guards nearby. You can remove another (third!) one pack of LAM from the leader. It remains to quickly go down to the first floor along the nearest stairs - so you do not have to fight with the rest of the punks.

Go back to the door that Charlie was talking about and clear the blockage with one explosive. Go inside, quickly bypass the steam pipe and turn both valves. Return to the quest owner and find out the password (5482). To use it, go to the women's restroom and find a computer under the washbasin. Enter the password and run into the passage that will open next. Once in a new area, immediately run to the right, that is, to the south. Along the way, shoot the terrorists and reach the southernmost wall. To the right will be a half-room with boxes. Move them aside and below, on the wall, press the button. A secret passage to the NFS Commander's office will open. Listen to him, and then finish him off in order to take cartridges from the body. Also grab the key and other utilities and walk along the corridor to the north. Open the door to the men's room, there will be a passage to the next part of the dungeons. So, take the EMP grenade from the hole in the wall on the left. She can temporarily cut down the laser beams in the passage on the left. You can also head to the passage on the right. However, you will first need to crack open the shield next to the steam jets and turn the valve to secure the path from hot gas. Further there will be a corridor with several eyes and a guard. From the body of the latter, you need to take the key for the door. Further, the path will again be blocked by red laser beams. Destroy them by shooting the TNT crate from a safe distance. Click on the button on the wall on the left, and the bridge will extend.

From it, jump to the platform above the pool and quickly jump over to the next one. Just as quickly, jump to the other side, to the exit from the area with the pool. Walk down the darkened corridor and turn the corner. Stop! An EMP grenade is attached to the wall on the left. It must be neutralized and, only then, move on. There is one more test left - to pass two combat robots patrolling the corridor. Use either EMP grenades, or try to run past unnoticed. I strongly recommend choosing the second option for which you slink into the dark hole in the wall on the left, as soon as both robots turn their backs. Next, run across to another hole at the opposite wall. Get out of it through the tunnel through another hole and run to the exit. If the robots did not notice this maneuver, then everything is fine. However, if they spotted you, then try to hide better and sit out for a few minutes. Next, you have to deal with living opponents. After opening the door, quickly and imperceptibly run to the left. Open the door to the toilet on the first floor and stun the guard. Take the key from him and return to the door. Now run from it to the right and immediately go up to the second floor. The key will fit two doors: you need the one that leads to the room with the computer. Hack the computer on the wall and turn off all the "eyes". Ufff... You can already breathe freely. Quietly and peacefully destroy the enemy and go into the dark room with a helicopter. Try to quietly "take off" or stun the patrolmen, and then take on the two guards at the exit, marked with a red Exit sign. Take the elevator up.

Next is the matter of technology. After opening the door, immediately run to the southwest (there will be a helipad in the northeast), to a cluster of boxes. Among them, rush to the south, avoiding encounters with robots. Just before reaching the wall, turn left: there will be a van from the truck and a house (BoatHouse) with a lone flamethrower. Take the key and break the box with shotgun shells in the water. After leaving the building, quickly return to the cluster of boxes, and go all the way to the south. On the left there will be a couple of guards who can be silently stunned in turn with a shocker. Next, move east. Open the box with the red light with the key and press the button. The gate will open, you need to enter the house. Silently kill the soldier standing near the entrance before he raises the alarm. Directly opposite the door is a dart shooting range: from it you can take three crossbow shells. To the left of the shooting gallery there will be a kind of dead end. In fact, there is a button below, by pressing which you can open the passage. In a secret place there will be a lot of ammunition, a key and even a LAW. Climb to the second floor and unlock the door to the bedroom. It makes sense to break open all three boxes if there is a supply of master keys: in one you will find darts, in the other - a multitool and a battery, and in the third - LAM. Exit the bedroom and dial the code (5914) on the computer at the door. The door will open and you will be taken to a mini-airport. Buy goods from a mechanic in bright overalls and go along the ladder inside the plane. Go down to the basement, where you will find a canister with a vaccine. Enter the code 9905 on the mechanism with the special ability canister to get it. Next, return to the main floor of the plane and break open the double locked doors. Talk to Lebedev, leader of the NFS, and get your weapons ready. Agent Anna will now appear and demand to destroy your interlocutor. You can kill Lebedev (Anna will be happy) or do nothing, but only talk to the leader of the terrorists (then Anna will shoot the little man herself). The third option is the most interesting: destroy Anna with your own hands and have a normal conversation with Lebedev. Eye to eye, so to speak.

Exit the closed hangar with the plane. Along the way, you have already met corner towers, at the doors of which hung a peephole and a pair of automatic cannons. So, in the nearest such tower there is a pair of multi-tools. Go to the BoatHouse, there will be ammo in the tower to the north of it. Walk along the wall towards the helipad: the next tower contains a GEP gun. Well, in the last tower there is an improvement for weapons. By the way, a warehouse with damaged electrical equipment will be found in the southeast of the helipad. Here you can find ammo, an EMP grenade and a weapon upgrade for additional ammo. Return to the helipad and fly back to the base. Talk to everyone and collect all things. Don't forget to install the special ability in the medical department. Talk to the chief and go to the helicopter.


Mission Four: Former Friends and New Allies

You ended up in an area already familiar from the second mission. That is why it will become easier to navigate. So, go down from the roof to the second floor and climb into the window, into the brother's room. Don't forget to climb into the secret place and get the special ability upgrade canister. Then go down to the first floor and talk to the owner of the hotel. As soon as he asks to borrow a gun, agree. Wait half a minute and the gangster will come. Put him down with a shocker or a headshot and take your weapon from the corpse. Go outside, and then go to the entrance to the subway. Visit Smuggler for a couple of weapon upgrades and flamethrower fuel. You can climb into the sewer, the entrance to which is located not only near the subway, but also next to the stairs that lead to the brother's dwelling. Get not only points in the amount of 60 units, but also find sniper ammo. Exactly opposite the entrance to the subway, a gate has now opened that leads to the next part of the district. Walk forward and go inside a large warehouse. Climb to the third floor and find a room with a computer. To clear the adjacent room from poisonous gas, you need to find a button on the wall in this room and press it to turn on the ventilation. In the room cleared of poison, find the computer and hack it. Open the door and turn off the peephole. Go down to the first floor and not far from the stairs, near the locked gate, you will see a hatch opened by your efforts. Get down. Hack the door on your left or blow it up with a weapon/LAM. In the next room on the left, hack the computer and open all the doors, turning off the eyes.

In the next room, there are three crates of TNT explosives. Behind one of the three doors (the one that does not lead to the north) will be a corridor with cannons and laser beams. I advise you to take a box of explosives, put it next to the nearest beams and blow it up from afar. Repeat the procedure for the second row of beams using the second crate of TNT from the nearest room. In the next room, simply take one explosive crate from several in the corner and take it to a room with a locked door and a closet with things. Place the box between the door (it leads away from the dungeon) and the closet, blow it up. Take all the things from the box and read the message inside and on it. Return to the room with several TNT crates and blow up one of them next to the poison gas barrels and the locked door. After the toxic green cloud dissipates, pick up the gizmos and leave the dungeon.

Enter the warehouse again and climb from floor to floor until you exit to the roof. Then go into the building and hack the computer on the table. Click on the four options in sequence and the door to the next room will open. Hack into the second computer standing there and "transmit the message". Your allies, UNATCO soldiers, will attack you! Silently kill a couple of enemies nearby, but do not leave the roof. Approach the northern side of it and jump down to the roof below, turning on the Speed ​​Enhancement (if any). Carefully lay down a couple of soldiers below and jump down to the second roof below. Quietly go down the stairs to the ground. Carefully leave the area and go to the Ton Hotel. Climb to the second floor and go to your brother. After the conversation, the assault on the entire hotel will begin. At the exit from the room, throw a gas grenade and destroy the three "men in black" and soldiers. Kill the sniper at the balcony and throw down (do not stick out, but throw while sitting!) Another three gas grenades. Climb up and shoot the soldiers below from the balcony. It is best suited for this sniper and a silent pistol. After the destruction, approach the brother who is standing by the stairs and watch him disappear. Run out of the hotel and let yourself be killed by the first soldier you meet.

Mission Five: Jailbreak

You are in a cell at a secret enterprise of the secret organization Majesty 12. After Anna arrives (if she is still alive), a message will appear from a certain Daedalus, who will open the cell door so that the hero can crawl under it. To the right is a table with a guard sitting behind it. Hide behind the box by taking a stick from it and watch the guard go somewhere. Break the box (inside the shocker) and quickly run towards the enemy. Stun him, and immediately return to the cell before the cannon fills you with lead. Enter the code into the computers at both cells (4679). Heal at the medical robot, take two master keys and a disposable laser from the body. In another cell, the prisoner is alive and may even join you. I advise you to order him to stay, since in battle there will be no help from him.

Run out of the room and in the corridor go south (towards the warehouse-Armory). In the north, by the way, there will be a command post (Command Centre). So, you will find yourself in a hall with several boxes and the upper tier, on which a sniper soldier patrols. I advise you to hide behind the boxes and stun the soldier patrolling the first floor with a shocker. Do it discreetly, and hide the body. Move along the wall on the right and take the multitool from one of the crates. After passing the room from north to south, you will exit into a corridor with steps. It is patrolled by two combat robots, with whom it is better not to mess with. From the stairs, go straight and on the left you will see a door that must be opened by hacking the computer. Quickly kill the soldier inside and immediately go up to the second floor. Turn off the camera using the computer on the wall and collect all the things. The password to the container with a plasma rifle is 5239. Decide for yourself whether you need such a colossus or not. Get down to the first floor, there also collect all-all-all things. After hacking the computer, disable both security robots outside.

Leave the warehouse and run north, through the room with the upper tier and to the entrance to the compartment with prison cells. From here, go north to the command post. Try to quickly (or slowly, but quietly) eliminate all guards and dogs. Inside, hack the computer to disable all camera eyes. Head towards the laboratories, the entrance to them is right next to the exit to the prison compartment. The doctor who came out to meet will report new code- 0199. Go ahead a little, and on the left there will be a laboratory with cells. Carefully lay down two guards and try to stun the agent. Hack the computer in the room and use the options. After leaving the computer, press the button to the left of the door as quickly as possible. It will close cages with lizards spitting acid. If one of these little animals gets out, destroy it. Next, take a new special ability from the container and immediately install it on the medical robot. Leave the laboratory (remember to take two images from the tables) and go to the next medical compartment. There you will have to deal with several more enemy submachine gunners. Do not forget to neutralize and the secretary. Enter the code (0199) and talk to your brother. Or look at the body if you couldn't save it. Exit to the command post and find a door that leads further north. Enter the code received from Daedalus (1125) and you will be taken to the UNATCO base. Next, inspect all the rooms. In the medical room, take a new special ability and immediately install it. It will be possible to pick up absolutely all items from the warehouse manager. Next, talk to the hacker, he will give you the key to the door if you have already killed Anna. If not, then you will have to do it. You can kill her with a weapon, or you can say a code phrase. It consists of two parts: the first is in Anna's computer, and the second is in Chief Manderly's. Buy a couple of grenades from administrator Shanon, if you have money. However, I would advise not to spend money on them, they are too expensive. Neutralize the chief and leave the base. Get on a helicopter and go on a journey.

Mission Six: China

You find yourself at an enemy helicopter base. Go straight, that is, to the south and in the floor near the locked gate you will find a ventilation hatch. Open and climb inside. Immediately turn west, turn the corner and turn west again as soon as you see the passage on the left. Dial the code 99871 on your computer or hack it with a multitool. Run out of the tunnels to the surface. Now you can climb onto the roof of the base along a long wooden ladder to destroy two soldiers, one of whom has a GEP gun. However, if you do not need it, then it is better not to visit the roof. So, find a passage on the side that leads to an iron staircase. If you go up, you will come to Flight Control, but for now go down. Thanks to the poison gas, five out of six enemy foot soldiers are dead. Finish off the living and search the rooms. There will be a gas grenade in a locked box near the kitchen. On the second tier, with lockers, there are also useful gizmos. Open the first drawer from the stairs and crack open the third drawer in the direction of travel. This way you will find the keys you need. Go now to Flight Control. Unlock the door to the left of the entrance and press the button labeled Weapons Lock. Get down to the helicopter and watch how it will take out the door with a rocket. I advise you to throw a grenade at one of the Scramble robots, climb through the remains of the door and quickly get into the elevator until the cannon kills. The elevator will take you to China Street.

So, to your right (east) is the police station. Before entering it, break the boxes in the dark open building near its wall and find the sliding panel at the bottom of the wall. She will lead you to a room with some useful items and give you the password (911) to enter the police station. Enter the code and immediately stun the first policeman. Enter the next room and deal with the second one. Collect all things, and then enter the code (87342) into the computer to open the hatch in the floor. Go downstairs, grab everything and read the information. Get out to the surface and understand the situation. If you go north, you will find the Lucky Monkey Bar and the VersaLife Lab. If you go west, you will come to Tonnochi Road. Head east to find the Bright Path Clan's base and a guard at the entrance to talk to. It turns out that it is required to find one actress (Maggie Chow), which is connected with the disappearance of the legendary sword. If you go further east, you will find Canal Road. Go to Tonnochi Road, passing by the waterway area along the way. You can find a fisherman in it and find out valuable information, or you can find an old ship on which a certain girl will sell as many as three weapon upgrades for miserable loans. So, in the Tonnochi Road area, the only attraction is a luxurious hotel, in which the required actress settled. Exactly opposite the entrance to the hotel there will be a slightly hidden elevator, through which you can climb the stairs leading to the roof. Along the way, you will come across a locked door - this is the apartment of the black helicopter pilot. On the roof itself, you can get a sniper rifle and shells for it.

Come into the hotel. There are several options to get to visit the actress. The easiest is to just take the elevator and go up. The most risky is to hack into the local computer. With it, you can open the gate behind the hotel. Behind the gate there will be a staircase to the elevator, which can be taken up if you type the code 1709 on your computer. If you break the glass on the roof, you can fall into the actress's room (by the way, the alarm will immediately turn on!). The third way is the most sophisticated. Enter the code 3444 into the computer at the second elevator, go up to the dark and ruined floor. From there, break open the gate and neutralize the red rays. So, if the alarm is raised in the actress's room, then a secret passage will immediately open and several infantrymen will run out from there. One of them will be with a plasma rifle! After interrupting them, go inside and hack the computer in the room with the legendary sword, take this artifact for yourself. Go to the Lucky Monkey bar. Inside it, go along the corridor to the disco. Along the way, by the way, you will see a glass-covered grocery store. At the disco, go up to the second floor and find a passage in the wall behind the bar. Chat with the leader of the Red Arrow clan. As the conversation with him ends, the club will be attacked by enemy special forces. The bandits will deal with him without you. One commando in the corridor, however, is best to lure to the allies. During the shootout, you can also break the glass of the grocery store to get a few hundred credits there. Most likely, in this case it will be necessary to kill the police nearby.

Return to the street and talk to the guard at the base of the Bright Path clan. He will give the password to the door next to him (1997). Enter it, go inside and in a large room on the wall, enter the password into the local computer. A passage will open to the next part of the bandits' lair. Press the button on the wall on the left and meet the right man, nicknamed Tracer Tong. After the conversation, go straight and then left, into a large room. Stand in the center, in a circle and look at the operation. After it, talk to Tracer again and start searching the premises nearby. You will find a medical area, as well as a room with weapons, in which there are grenades for an assault rifle. After you clear the premises of unnecessary things, exit. Do not forget to take the key to the apartment pilot.

Go to the Versalife headquarters and enter the code 06288 to get through. Climb to the third floor and find a man in a jacket. He will promise to tell you an important password for 2000 credits. If you want, then pay. The second option is to find out the code: hack into the computer and just make yourself a fake pass. The third option is to quietly liquidate the peasant (make it a silent weapon and without witnesses!) and talk to a lone programmer on the third floor. As a thank you, you will receive 150 points and the same password (6512). Enter it into the computer at the elevator, which is also on the third floor, and you can ride it. You will find yourself in a hall with a huge hand - the symbol of Majestic 12. There will be two passages behind it. Go to the one on the left and explore it. If you start picking locks, you will have to fight with the guards. Having examined everything that is possible, it is really possible to find that through the ventilation passage from the toilet you can get into a whole network of manholes and passages. However, this is an amateur. Return to the hall with the hand and now go through the other door. Climb to the top floor and take the key there. Also hack the computer to turn off the cameras and open the floor hatch in the hall with a huge hand. Get down there, down. There are three areas: the first laboratory - with the desired disk, the second is a room with experimental creatures, and the third laboratory contains canisters with special abilities. Along the way from the first laboratory, there will also be barracks with a few soldiers, but they do not have anything of particular value.

Hack the computer in the third laboratory and unlock all the doors, turning off the radiation. Take special abilities and immediately install them. In the second laboratory, you can take the key and immediately unlock the acid-spitting lizards with it. These creatures can fill up a couple of guards on their own. So, go to the first laboratory, hack the computer there and get the required information. Quickly return to the hall with your hand, where you kill enemies or run away from them to the elevator. Ride the elevator and rush to the exit. On the street, go to Tracer Tong, heal there and listen to the instructions to go to the temple a stone's throw from his base. After a conversation between two leaders from Tong, it turns out that you need to find a special virus of the same corporation Versalife. Go to Canal Road, open the door there with the code 55655 and take the multitool plus the flamethrower. Jump into the hole to find yourself in a pond. Get out through the pipes into the hole and read the info about the password (768). Step down and to the left. A message will come from Daedalus with the following task: destroy the reactor of a special machine using the password 525. Crawl into the hole on the right and enter the code 768 into the computer in the room. The door to the red tunnel will open. Get to the end and press the button. The glass path will rise, allowing you to go further.

Find a computer, hack it. After turning off the electronics, at the same time lift the glass path back. Below it will be a staircase to the next area. Disable the blue lasers with either a computer hack or an EMP grenade. You can still cleverly use two boxes, but this is not for everyone. Hack the computer (or enter login: mchow password: Damocles), download the virus and open the door to the mechanism. Step into the tunnel on the side and go down the stairs. Go down one floor, to the canisters with special abilities. Get down and get treated by the medical robot. As you find yourself at the mechanism, which is at the very bottom, the actress herself will run towards you. If you haven't killed her before, of course. Prove to her that an ordinary gun is much more dangerous than the actual one. cool sword and find a computer nearby. Enter the code 525. Colorful explosions will begin, as they go, quickly jump into the passage below, more precisely - under the mechanism. From the poisonous liquid, quickly jump into the well with clean water. Swim through the tunnel, take a crossbow with paralyzing darts from a dead swimmer. Put the mutant to sleep with them and follow the path further. You will find yourself in a familiar place. Get out on land and visit the pilot's apartment on Tonnochi Road. Take ammo and go to Tracer Tong. After talking with him (if your brother is alive, then you will see him too!) go to Fresh air and get into the black helicopter.

Mission Seven: Farewell to New York

Carefully! The streets are patrolled by reinforced squads of police and UNATCO soldiers, so try to kill them silently, or better not get involved in the fight at all. Get down from the roof of the building along the fire escape to the brother's apartment. There, take things from a secret place and get out through the window back to the street. Climb down and go through the door next to the Underworld Tavern. Inside, talk to the Harley informant. After interacting with this subject, strike up a conversation with the soldier at the bar. Promise him to find out what's going on at the naval base by choosing the first answer. Exit through the door you entered through. You will see that Free Clinic is nearby. You can go there and kill the spy reporter, but it's not necessary. Go to the warehouse, Osgood and Sons Imports, through which you made your way to the reactor. Find the man Stanton Dowd in the corner of this burned-out building and communicate with him. Next, there are options. If you go to Smuggler, then most likely you will have to fight pretty much. Useful or heavy artillery, or patience and a sniper rifle. You can use the invisibility ability. Try not to fight the Majesty 12 troops. They move around in a crowd and have nothing to take as a trophy from them. At Smuggler, you'll find five LAMs for a penny price of 3,500 credits. If you have money, then buy it. However, going to the merchant comes with risks. In any case, return to the roof of the building and fly away.

Mission Eight: Naval Base

The pilot will drop you off at a deserted area and tell you that there is a gate nearby that will lead you to the entrance to the base. Further, if you talked to a soldier in the Underworld Bar in the previous mission, then the soldiers at the gate will give you the key and quietly let you through. Otherwise, you will have to kill them. Or build a ladder from the garbage cans near the fence and climb over. Or find the entrance to the manhole system under the gate. On the territory of the base, local guards will not be very friendly, immediately opening fire when you appear. Immediately open the doors to the two trucks on the right and take the ammo and first aid kit. Nearby there is an entrance to the warehouse, near which a fighter with a LAM grenade walks. Kill him quietly and take the dangerous toy. Entering the warehouse, immediately turn into the room on the left and pick up the key there. Hack the doors and take another key. Finally, hack computers and turn off the "eyes". Exit the room and immediately go up the stairs. Break the boxes and take ammo from them. Open the door nearby with the key and knock out the guard on the bridge. You will find yourself in the second warehouse. Jump down and carefully (without attracting the attention of robots!) move to the room next to the gate. Inside, go up the stairs and take the little things. LAW will be very useful to you. Go back down and press all the buttons: they will unlock three bunkers nearby. Enter the nearest bunker with several boxes of TNT. They can be placed in the center of the warehouse. There will be a robot in the farthest bunker, destroy it with a grenade launcher. Another robot will come from the gate, it can be killed with a TNT explosion or Sabot shotgun shells. Collect the contents of the bunkers and go out into the fresh air. You will see two small buildings. Enter the one on the right by entering the code 2249 or by breaking the window. Inside, pack up and recharge the bio-energy. Open the door of another building with the key and find the key and the magazine inside, the picture of which will be entered into your computer.

Go out into the warehouse with bunkers and climb up by jumping on their roofs. Jump down to the barrels and place more barrels at the locked gate. Make some noise and a huge robot will appear. At this moment, explode the barrels from a safe distance. Go outside, and the entrance to the marine terminal will be right. Enter the password 0909 into the computer and go. Pass the shower room on the left and the guard soldier to reach the docks and the giant supercargo ship. Hack the computer at the raised gangway and it will go down. You can jump into the water and swim around the other side of the ship to climb it up there, but that's inconvenient. So, once on the ship, immediately use the stairs leading up. Thus, you will find yourself inside, in the cabins. Perebeyte sailors with pistols and explore the premises. Take the ambrosia flask and find the safe with the special ability upgrade canister. After searching other places, climb the stairs to the top. There are three rooms with names at the doors: sickbay, electronics (electronics), armory (weapons). First visit the sickbay, that is, the medical compartment. Take the key there, find out the code 9753 to the engineering bridge and heal yourself. Open the ventilation hatch in the room and crawl straight through it. You will find yourself in a room with electronics. Restore the bioenergy and find out the code 83353. It remains to visit the armory by entering the code 71324 into the computer at the door. Grab everything valuable and leave. Climb another floor higher to find the captain's quarters. Find another key to the lower deck and collect more than two thousand credits. Climb back down to the very stop and open the door with the key.

You will find yourself in a large hall with many pipes and boxes. Under the stairs is a post of three submachine gunners. It is desirable to kill them by throwing a gas grenade, or something serious. In the northwest corner, not far from the cluster of barrels, is the first hatch (tri-weld seam), which must be blown up with a LAM or, for example, explosive rounds from an assault rifle. In the center of the hall, enter the code 9753 into the computer to lower the bridge. Climb up the stairs and cross the bridge into the room. Break the glass and follow the pipes to the southwest corner of the hall. There, climb onto the boxes and throw the LAM from above to the second hatch. So, it is required to blow up three more similar hatches. Next, go through the post of dead submachine gunners and follow the tunnel east and north until it turns east again. Here you will find a technician and a robot. Take the multitool and the key nearby. Go into the room with electric discharges, and to the right of the doors, destroy the crazy spider robot guarding the first panel that needs to be cracked. Pick up the ventilation mesh on the floor nearby and follow the hole until you hit the laser. If touched, another spider robot will be revealed. Behind the laser there will be a second panel that needs to be hacked. Climb outside and see that the electricity is off. Find a hatch in the room on the right wall and blow it up. Next, climb the stairs to the iron tier and open the door by typing the code 83353 on your computer. You need a door that is located on the far side from the entrance to the room in which you turned off the electricity.

Go down the stairs to the helipad. Carefully finish off the guards, and one of them will have the key to the lockers that are inside the building nearby. In the corner to the left of the entrance there will be the penultimate, fourth hatch that needs to be blown up. Exit the area and return to the iron tier in the electricity room to enter another door this time. Head south and then east to enter a room with working turbines. Kill the guards and find the button next to the computer. Hack the computer and "turn the current" on the ship. Jump on one of the turbines, and then on the second one to try to jump to the platform with the medical box. This is a secret area with several useful items. In addition to ammo, you will find a special ability canister (you already have one) and a GEP gun. Return to the room with the pistons and blow up the last hatch. A series of explosions will begin, leave the ship the way that you got on it. Once on the docks, go to their western part. Climb the stairs nearby and follow to the room with the computer. Hack it and go through the door, which will lead to a sparkling tunnel with electricity and two spider robots. After killing them with Sabot shotgun shells, open the door on the opposite side to find a couple more robots. Climb up the stairs and climb into the hole. Hit the grate or shoot it with a crossbow to get out to the helicopter. You will fly back to New York, or rather to the cemetery of this glorious city. Press the button at the gate and the caretaker will come out. Finish him off and find the crypt directly to the left of the gate. Inside, talk to the little man and take all the useful things from the tombs nearby. In a locked safe next to one of them is a special ability upgrade canister. Get out into the fresh air and take out a few soldiers. Run to the cemetery caretaker's house and throw a grenade into the first room with the bookshelves. Run outside and quickly get into the helicopter before you are shot by new opponents that have just appeared.

Mission nine: search in Paris

(Note: The local cops won't attack you until you do something illegal in front of them, like breaking a door. I advise you to stun them quietly and one at a time.)

Your first task is to get down to earth. Get it in two ways. First: you can use the elevator by entering the password 4003. Second: just jump on the tiers of the empty elevator shaft until you see a passage in the wall. Climb the stairs and meet a strange woman. She will say the password to the sewer door: 0001. You are required to help her cope with the mutants: an additional task will appear to kill four lizards. Search the shelves in the woman's room for a battery, then head down until you reach a sewer door. Take a Hazmat suit nearby and enter the code 0001. The suit will come in handy, as an area of ​​strong radiation will begin outside the door. Use the regeneration or environmental protection special ability, if available. Run along the left wall and turn into the passage. It's already safe here: charge the bioenergy and go down the stairs to the sewer. Kill the four lizards that are close to each other and return to the woman. Inform her of the victory and return to the sewers. Reach the corpses of lizards and now go to the end. Climb up the ladder and open the hatch above your head.

Look around carefully. Three commandos patrol the street: try to lay them down, or get ready to hide behind boxes and barrels. I preferred to quietly and peacefully put everyone with a sniper bullet in the back of the head. If you fight in the open, then turn on the Agressivw Defense System, as the enemies use not only machine guns, but GEP guns. Take the catacomb key from one of the dead commandos. The door to them is in the northeast corner. Open it with the key, but do not enter. Find building number 14 to the southwest and go inside. On the top floor, break open the closet and take the valuables. Also take the battery from the shelf. Hack the computer and disable everything by opening the door. Go downstairs and collect things in the basement. Recharge bioenergy and take LAW. Get out and go down to the subway, the entrance to which is on the street nearby. Talk to the arms dealer to the left of the entrance and move on. Destroy the robot with a LAW shot to then finish off the living guards. Carefully! One will have a LAM and the other will have a flamethrower. Heal from the medical robot and collect supplies. Go back to the merchant and buy a weapon upgrade that costs three times less than before. You can also buy LAM. By the way, you can withdraw some money from the ATM by entering 2221969 and the password dullbill.

Exit the metro building, and opposite will be the entrance to the catacombs. Take the dungeon map from the room by the stairs. It is quite accurate, so look at it often to better navigate. So, go down the stairs and run forward until you are warned about enemy soldiers. Defuse the gas grenade on the wall near the passage and finish off the three soldiers that are patrolling the area. Continue down the corridor and get a voice message again (careful, flamethrower!). Next, finish off the commando and find yourself at the wall with a master key. Click on the brick protruding from the wall, on which this master key lay. Then click on the brick on the wall on the left. After entering the secret area, talk to the leader of the organization Silhouette. He will give you the key and ask you to rescue two of his associates that are held in bunker number three. Exit the bunker area and open the door with the key. Go ahead, kill the commando and look into bunker number two. You can buy a first aid kit or sleeping darts from a homeless person. Next, go to the very north, there break the boxes of ammunition and defuse the explosives on the wall nearby. The passage further north is closed ... Go back a little and go west, to bunker number three. Look more often at the map. Once you reach the bunker, stun the first patrolman to pick up his LAM. Next, you will find red laser beams, turn 180 degrees and climb the stairs to the top. Blow up the iron grid - the robot will repair the mechanism with electricity. Restore bioenergy and collect things. Grab one crate of TNT and take it down the stairs back to the beams. Place the box and blow it up to destroy the lasers as well. Go further and find yourself in the bunker itself. Kill the commando, then (if the gun skill is developed on master) destroy the camera with a sniper. Destroy the soldiers and the survivors will run to the alarm console. At this point, kill them with a headshot. Next, open the door to the bunker itself, and both prisoners will run out. You go into the hall with columns to destroy the agent there, a woman in black. Take the sniper rifle and the sewer key from her desk. Exit the bunker and return to the head of the Silhouette. After talking to him, return to bunker three, but now do not turn to him, but go further west, open the door and follow the tunnels.

Climb out through the unlocked hatch nearby and run to the nearest dark corner to the south. From there, look around the area. Turn on invisibility and run inside the booth in the north. From there, take out the commando with a sniper and shoot the guards when they appear at the entrance. After the battle, hack the computer and turn off the robots. Eliminate another commando and the rest of the guards. Go south along the east wall. On the right there will be a lane with a lone passerby. Talk to him and notice the door nearby. She leads to the Club. Do not go there yet, but go further south. Climb up the sloping path to the apartment and take credit cards on the second floor. Go outside and if you go further south, there will be a door with green illumination on the left. Hack it (stun the cop!) and there's a whole cache of weapons inside, along with upgrades and a plasma rifle. The hotel will be right next to it. On its first floor, find a bandit with a bodyguard and agree on a bakery robbery. On the second floor, take the key from the trash can and use it to open one of the rooms. Find a battery and a credit card. Exit and head west to find a bakery. Break the glass if you are not afraid of the alarm and open the ventilation panel. Find useful things and six pieces of the drug. Take them to the bandit at the hotel to get 300 credits. There is a store next to the bakery, break open the door and find an ATM. Enter the following codes to receive money. The number in brackets is the number of credits in the account. 1) 005133, salem008 (200) 2) 004418, morbus13 (100), 002639, aramis01 (150), 001506, naga066 (300).

Return to the entrance to the Club, which is located next to the hotel. Blow up the door and find the door with the computer inside. This is a warehouse, to enter it enter the code 1966. Talk to the public in the club. Buy batteries from the person sitting in the corner, at a price of 250 apiece. Stock up on more of them. Next, go up to the second floor and talk to a young girl sitting at a table. Go outside the way you got to the club. Talk to the woman again and get into the helicopter.

You will find yourself at a huge mansion. Go around it and from the back side break the boards blocking the entrance with a stick. Find the stairs that lead to the second floor. Walk a little forward, and when your fellow traveler says that there is a key behind the flower, take it. Use the key to open the door further in the direction of travel. Click on the painting in the bedroom to get another key. Go down from the second floor to the first and find the stairs that lead to the wine cellar. Inside, find the candelabra on the wall and use it. A secret passage will open, which you need to go through, breaking the boards. Hack the computer to access the special ability canisters in the computer room. Take LAW and other weapons. Hack the computer itself and "send a message". Leave the house: from the back door, go straight through the labyrinth. It is quite small, but there will be commandos that need to be laid down. Behind the labyrinth will be the entrance to the family crypt. you there.

Mission Ten: Cathedral of the Templars

Appearing in the sewers, immediately get out. Place one of the crates next to the big ones, and after climbing on it, climb up to the window. Break the glass and climb up the plank to the second floor. Find the key to the gate by the mirror. Go downstairs and unlock the gate. Carefully move forward, as encounters with enemies will begin. Use LAW on the robot. After a while, there will be a subway station on your left, ignore it for now. Go further and find yourself on the bridge over the water. If you want to swim for a very long time, you can dive. However, I advise you to just go ahead and go out to a small courtyard. Turn left and hide in a dark corner. Crawl along the wall straight ahead and when you receive a voice message, look to the left. On this grate you can climb up, which you will do. Break the window on the roof and fall down. Take the key under one of the books and go down the stairs nearby. Kill two commandos: one can be taken out with a sniper, and the second can be shot from behind a corner with a shotgun. Search the rooms to find a lot of useful things. Return to the library and explore this tier. Kill the sniper standing by the window and find the bridge that leads to the next tower. Carefully! First, it will be necessary to lay down both snipers, and another one that stands not far from them. Enter the tower and go down two flights. Enter the passage to the north and go down the gray stairs. Open the door by typing 1942 on your computer and turn off the red beams. Hack the computer to knock out electronics and collect usefulness. With the help of a small box, you can climb onto the large ones and find a battery and a weapon upgrade there. Then exit and move on. Climb up the flight, and to the east there will be a passage to the computer room. However, do not rush to go there, but rather climb even higher to find and destroy the woman in black. Take all things and return to the door leading to the computer room. Enter the password 0022 and break the box behind the door. There will be a fire extinguisher, take it: it will come in handy if you are set on fire. Go down the stairs to the computer room, but very slowly. Agent Gunther is standing to the left of the stairs. Try not to let him notice you and start a conversation. That is, it should not be visible in its entirety. Shoot him LAW and he is no longer an enemy. Finish off the enemy and hack the computer. Perform the desired operation and exit. Along the way, you can talk to the image of your main enemy. Exit the castle and go to the subway entrance. Below, use the robot to restore energy and get down to the train. Agree to have the person take you to their boss. Once in a new place, start exploring it. You need to find a room with a computer engineer and a boss. The chief will give the task to go to the base belonging to him. Agree and hack the computer to unlock access to special ability canisters. There is a locked door in the room behind the geek. Enter the code 8001 to open it. Take the key and go to the bathroom on the first floor. Move the mirror and use the key to open the entrance to a new area. Chat with the frozen person. After the conversation, return to the point where you appeared and open the door nearby. Here is the helipad. However, do not rush to get into the helicopter! Just kill or stun the mechanic, and only then climb in... The helicopter will go on a new mission.

Mission Eleven: Science Complex

After dropping you on the roof of the house, the helicopter will fly away. Collect all the weapons from the dead and go down the stairs. Quickly destroy the peephole and then hack into the computer. Go ahead and, opening the next door, get ready to destroy the two foot soldiers facing you. You will go out into the corridor with two more fighters and one man in black. You can throw a gas grenade and shoot everyone, or you can push a cart with a box of TNT in their direction to blow it up. The door on the left is locked (let's call it "door 1"). If you go even further to the left, you will find a computer into which you need to enter the code 5868. Climb through the hole under the computer and find the key to the pantry. Blow up a closet with valuables or hack it. If you climb the stairs, you will get to the second floor of the complex, but you don’t need it yet. Go back to the exit and from it go to the right. Find yourself in a room with a "peephole" and double doors on the left, leading to the central exit from the complex. However, for now, go forward to open the pantry with the key you found earlier. Inside there are explosive assault rifle rounds, plus the doctor will give you an EMP grenade. Next, return to the exit from the complex and destroy both commandos that are standing with their backs. Sniper bullet + enemy back of the head = instant death, as you have already noticed. Don't get caught by enemy robots! Then immediately rush to the left and wrap around the corner. Go straight and bury your nose in the second computer, which requires you to enter the code 5868. Beware! Two fighters perched nearby on a fuel tower, one of whom was a sniper.

Return to the entrance to the main scientific complex and from it you will see two fairly large buildings. The one on the left is the robot parking lot (security). Press the button at the entrance and knock on two more buttons inside to activate both iron defenders. These guys are strong enough to deal with all the offenders. You can provide them with the destruction of all surviving enemies. Now go into the second large building. Inside, talk to civilians and search everything. Find a lot of good stuff. When you're done searching, head up the stairs to get a sniper rifle and some ammo. Then go down and go down the corridor. You will need to destroy two spider robots, do this either with a shotgun or explosive assault rifle cartridges. EMP grenades will do as well. The door on the left (pick it open) leads to a flooded area where you can find a special ability upgrade and a key to the engineering room. However, swimming here for a long time will only work if you have developed the appropriate abilities or have scuba gear. So, go past the door, and right in front of you will be the entrance to the engineering room. Hack this door and make your way through the pipes above the radiation zone. Jump down as soon as the dangerous place ends. Kill the spiderbot below and go down the stairs. Disable the beams, or go through them and destroy the cannon at the end of the corridor. On the remote, press the number 3 and go back upstairs. Cross the bridge to the other side, destroy the spider robot and take the key from the scientist's body. Open the door and rise, in the already familiar area, to the second floor. Unlock the previously locked door with the key and go down the stairs in the new area. Talk to everyone in the command center and restore the bio-energy from the repair robot. Go into the room with electricity discharges and run along the right wall on the computer. Hack it to disable all lightning on the first floor. Now press the button in the center of the floor to lower the elevator. On it, then climb to the second tier. Also hack the computer with multi-tools to remove electricity, and hack the computer. Activate the only option and return to the command center. Listen to the new task. Leave the complex for fresh air and go north, to the road from the area. After talking with Tong, get on the helicopter. Go forward and meet two tramps. You can buy weapon upgrades from them, which is very nice. These same homeless people will give you the key to the sewer. new key. Appearing at the top, immediately prepare any silent weapon. Preferably a sniper. In this task, in no case should you let the enemy raise the alarm! Lean out of the shelter and quietly eliminate the infantryman. See the building with the boarded up shutters? Go inside and turn into the passage on the left. Then go into the semi-dark room again on the left. In the corner there will be a stove with a pipe leading to a ventilation hatch. Place a wooden box next to the stove and climb into the hatch. Climb up to the roof and carefully jump down to the roof of the building to the south. It is in this house that the hostages are kept. Carefully jump down the hatch and immediately shoot the man in black in order to then transfer fire to the soldier. It would also be nice to throw a gas grenade at the enemies before they see you. A hostage will be sitting in a small room. Order her to stay in place, and destroy a couple of commandos walking nearby. Tell the hostage to get out and follow her south to the helicopter. In a small building nearby there is a sum of money. Fly away.

Mission 12: Underwater Center

Try to avoid the first robot you see on the road and run towards the giant structure. On the way, destroy the soldiers and find a small barn. Hack the door to pick up supplies and pull out two keys from a niche in the wall. That column, which is located near the barn, contains a door. Open it with the key and go upstairs. Walk along flights of stairs on the tops until you find a bridge guarded by an infantryman. Kill your friend and turn right. In the laboratory you will see a pool of water: enter the code 1223. In the water, immediately turn into the passage on the left and swim into the hole. You emerge quickly enough, there should be enough air. Resurface in a new area and step forward. Silently remove the soldier on the upper tier, squatting on the threshold of the room with scientists. Also, wait for a man in black to appear from the passage on the left. Talk to the scientist to get a map. Now go out of the room with scientists a little back, to the south. Climb down the stairs, kill the infantryman and go down again. After walking a little along the corridor, you will see a hall with two guns and a soldier. Destroy the enemy, leaving the cannons alone, and open the hatch. On it you will get to the iron bridge from the flamethrowers. Open the second hatch that leads to the next building. Finish off the guard and go down the elevator. Run forward and hide by crouching behind the far (from the entrance) side of the iron box. Hack the computer directly overhead and disable all cameras. Walk along the corridor to the room with scientists and quietly put a lone guard with a shocker. Hack the computer nearby and turn off the cameras. Also open the doors. Rise to the second floor and destroy both soldiers. Next, you will find a repair shop with two mini-submarines. Take the one that is not being repaired at the moment.

Search the corpses and take the contents of the crates by the stairs. Climb up, and then another floor above. If you want, look into the room with the broken camera and get the plasma rifle from the pool. I would advise you to climb even higher, to the very top. In the hall, immediately destroy the automatic cannon in the center and hack the computer to turn off the cameras. Open the door on the left and a well-locked door will be right in front of you. To get the key for it, you will have to destroy the cannon in the passage on the left and take the little thing from the dead infantryman. Stock up on batteries in the destroyed warehouse and break open the door opposite. There will also be a warehouse, but only richer. So, open the door with the key and kill a couple of lizards. Climb down the stairs and kill another lizard in the flooded area. There will be a door to the left of the stairs. Enter the code 5690 into the computer next to it. Behind the next door, slip past the electric flashes and get into a large hall, with various digging and drilling equipment. From the entrance, go forward and turn into the door on the right. Kill a large monster with one explosive round or grenade and take the weapon upgrade plus the key from the table. Get out and walk straight ahead. When you see a door, break it open. Behind two doors in the next corridor there will be small rooms with wardrobes. In one of them (in the room with the lizard) there is a weapon upgrade. Go down the stairs and break open the door nearby if you want to get normal and invisibility armor. Inspect the two rooms again and go to the elevator. Climb down it and explode the laser beams. If you touch them, a huge cloud of spider robots will appear. Walk forward along the corridor and exit into a giant room with a rather big spider robot. Kill the reptile, he is not very tenacious.

After calling the elevator to the left of the entrance, you will fall into the radiation area with multitools and a master key. Having called the elevator, to the right of the entrance, you will find several lizards guarding the batteries. Further from the main hall iditol forward to the big elevator. Before you climb it up, jump into the water. From the body floating in the center of the pool, take the special ability upgrade canister. Climb up the elevator and destroy the two automatic cannons on the sides. Hack the computer to lower the bridge into the computer room. Once there, hack it and "pump information". Get out and come back the way you went. Stop in front of the hall with drilling equipment! You will be met by a cyborg shooting from a plasma gun. Two or three hits on him with something explosive and you are the winner. However, you can also run past. In the area flooded with water, a diver will meet. Another one will meet later, on the way to the minisub. Once you get to it, sit down and return to the main enemy base. Exit to the bridge where the flamethrower stood and go inside another complex. Climb the stairs to its very top and get on the helicopter. If you saved the doctor's daughter in the previous mission, you will receive a special ability upgrade canister.

You find yourself near a nuclear center captured by the enemy. Immediately kill the soldier on the tower with a sniper, otherwise he will finish you! There is a gate right in front of you, but it is locked. Therefore, go around the center fence for now and quietly kill the dogs with a silent pistol. As you will see a small building standing a little further from the fence, come in. Kill the three soldiers inside using a gas bomb or sneaky combat tactics. Take the center gate key and the money. Climb to the second floor and you can get on the board straight to the center, bypassing the fence under you. From above, quickly kill a few soldiers and, if possible, two robots. There is nothing interesting in the three houses, except for a small supply of ammo and a repair robot. You need a barn semi-fenced with a metal mesh. Blow up or break open the door and go down the stairs to the very bottom. Open the door with 8456, repeat the procedure several times. They will not let you in to Missile Silo yet, you will have to go into the passage nearby. Destroy the laser fields, and then the commando nearby. Rise to the second floor and get ready to kill or stun three people in black. After neutralizing them, press the Abort Launch button, and then hack the computer to "redirect the rocket." Now go to Missile Silo. Before you will be a dark corridor, on the other side of which several commandos and men in black will appear at once. You can shoot at them with a couple of explosive cartridges or rockets, or you can simply lift the cover of the floor hatch, which is located at the very beginning of the tunnel. Either way, take the elevator and ride to the fourth floor to recharge your bio-energy. Now go to the second floor and quickly kill the man on the crane before he can throw a grenade. Go to the sixth floor and go up the stairs. The helicopter will take you to the next mission.

Mission 13: Winner Takes EVERYTHING!

Immediately eliminate the sniper on the tower in front of you. Turn around and go to the shed. If you hack it, then behind the gun you will find a box with LAW. However, if you feel sorry for the master keys, and you have enough explosive weapons, then it is better not to go inside. Approach the door of the sniper tower and get a map of the area. You need to get to the Bunker. There are two relatively convenient routes.

1) In the northeast part of it is a small building marked as Comm Building. Inside, take the key to the tower and return to it. Two robots can be ignored. Inside the tower, manually or with an EMP grenade, disarm both LAM explosives on the stairs and go down. Take supplies from the boxes and climb to the very top of the tower. There is a dead sniper here. Hack the computer next to him and open the gate. Exit the tower and go straight to the north. After passing the huge gate, immediately hack the computer on the left to turn off the camera. The area is patrolled by two robots, if there is a Scramble grenade, then use it. At the fork, turn right and find yourself in the engine room. Pick up supplies in the recesses on the sides of the entrance and restore the bio-energy. Use the TNT crate to blow up the building door on the left and click inside on the remote control behind the switchboard. Next, return to the fork and step into another passage. Go down the elevator and find the body of a mechanic with two batteries under the elevator. Now open the doors to the Bunker.

2) There is another way. Go to the large hangar in the northwestern part of the area, around which the second of the robots is spinning. Climb through the half-open gate and get ready to take out two commandos with rocket rifles and a man in black. Happened? Climb up the plank to the roof of the room, there take the key to the pantry. Jump down to the room on the second tier, where there is a civilian soldier and a repair robot. You can also get into this room by breaking the door on the second tier or by jumping through the broken window. After talking, return to the ground and if you want to get a flamethrower and supplies for it, then break open the door opposite the large water tank that stands in the corner. Break open the small door at the bottom of the tank itself and throw a grenade or something explosive into the opening, aiming at the fan. After its blades are destroyed by the explosion, jump down and find yourself in the water. On the left there will be a passage leading to the laser field. Blow it up with an EMP grenade or hack the nearby computer. Go down the stairs and get into the Bunker. Don't forget to take the batteries under the elevator nearby.

So, you are in the Bunker. Go through the gate and destroy the peephole in the next room, it will be on the left. Defuse the lasers with an EMP grenade. As soon as the generator on the right explodes, listen to a message from a friendly little man through the communication terminal at the generator. From here, go into the passage to the north, as you see a door on the left, open it with code 8946. To the left of the door there will be a niche with a dead scientist, open it with code 0169. Take the little things, including the key to sector three and a special ability upgrade canister. Exit and go down the corridor. As you see another door on the left, you can ignore it, or you can enter the code 8946 to kill the woman in black. Go ahead and see a vast hall with decent security. Take out the soldier in the distance and the commando will run towards you. Lure into the corridor and kill. Next, return to the exit to the hall and use the sniper rifle to remove the soldier standing on the crane on the left. There was one more commando left and the job can be considered done. It remains to open the door leading to sector 3 with the key and press the button by the elevator. Two foot soldiers and a man in black will arrive: prepare to meet them. Next, go down the elevator and find yourself in a new area. Tong will appear at the communication terminal, which will give your computer a new image with a map of the area.

1) To your left is a greenish pond with columns. You can get into it through the tunnel nearby. Swim to the center, avoiding the lizards, and take the key and the code number to the reactor - 2001. However, if you already know the code, then it is not necessary to go down. And the key is suitable for the building next to the exit: the door can be cracked and the guards can be attracted, which will unlock the way itself. Be careful! Destroy the monster and take out the patrolman with the GEP gun from afar. Go down the stairs and enter the code to the reactor, 2001.

2) The second way is more interesting. Climb the stairs to the left of the entrance, next to the pond. Go through the bridges through the open door. Put down the soldiers and go upstairs. Along the way, you will come across a door to the Aquinas Hub, but you won't be able to open it yet. At the very top, lay down the man in black and hack the computer to open the door to the reactor and gain access to the canister with a special ability upgrade. Go down the small ladder, kill the sniper and take the ammo. If you climb to the very roof of the building, you will find out the code from the box with explosives (4225).

So, go to the reactor. Pass two huge tanks on the sides and climb the stairs to the lone mechanic. He will say the code for Aquinas Hub (1038). Exit the reactor and try to get past the two aliens. Open the door to Aquinas and get healed by the med robot. Go down the stairs and from here you will see two paths. Straight down the iron bridges plus to the left, up the stairs. You to the left. Kill the commando in the corridor and in the next room (Aquinas Control) restore bio-energy from the robot. You can hack the computer next to the door to find ammo. Take the elevator to the third floor and go over the bridge to the supercomputer. After talking with him, go down the elevator to the second floor. Next, there will be a shootout between two commandos and two friendly robots. Help yours if you want. Then exit along the corridor to the bridges leading down. Put down both aliens and go down to the very bottom to take the fourth Bunker card, which is located by the body next to the radioactive greenish barrels. Find the passage to the corridor lit with red light and go down the stairs. When you see a door with a computer, then get ready to meet the soldier. Type 4225 into the computer to find a rocket and three crates of TNT. Do you see a huge spider robot walking down on the ground? Throw a box of explosives at him from above. If hit, then he's dead. Get down to the ground and go to the locked gate. On the side there will be a door with a computer, if you crack it, you will get ammo. The gate will open on its own, allowing access to the hall with the body.

Behind the next room there will be a hall with several bodies in cryogenic chambers. Names and year of birth, as well as additional information, will be written next to it. One of the cells is empty - you were born in it, by the way. So, the door in the corner will fly out, so try to stay away from the place of the explosion. Go to the corridor on the left and hack the computer. Turn off the radiation, and then open the door and cut down the camera. Go through the room with a couple of aliens to get to Bunker Four. Here you will be met by the main enemy located in the electric protective sphere. After talking to him, destroy the two automatic cannons. Next, save. From this point on, you have a choice between three different endings for the game. They are determined depending on your actions.

I. Merging with a supercomputer. So, turn into the passage on the left and then turn right. The road will take you to a locked door with a sign called Aquinas Router. Hack it (or enter the code 6765) and inside press the two buttons on the side of the computer. Access to the computer itself will open. Hack it and choose the only option available. Leave the area and go to Aquinas Control, where you go up to the third floor, to the supercomputer. So you will merge with him into one whole and get complete power over the world.

II. Destruction of the supercomputer. After seeing the electric sphere and destroying both guns, go to the passage in the south. Use the stairs to get to the metal elevator. He will take you to the bottom. Now either quickly destroy the creatures with the best weapons, or turn on invisibility, or run away. Find the entrance to Coolant B13 in the northwest corner of the floor. Enter the code 2242 into the computer to open the door. Kill the commando inside, as well as a couple of foot soldiers. Press the button on the remote control and exit. Now leave the area and run to the reactor you were going to get the code to the Aquinas Hub. Remember you passed by two cisterns shrouded in greenish smoke and guarded by a couple of aliens? Now you need to go down to the very bottom of each of the tanks to press both buttons. You will be greatly tormented by radiation, so turn on the Regeneration and Environmental protection special abilities. You can also spend all the remaining first-aid kits. Having done the job, climb up and go to the mechanic nearby. In his booth, press the first button on the wall, which will raise the cover of the second button. Press the second and third, kill the mechanic, and then press the button on the remote control. Thus, the global network will be destroyed, and the world will be happy with the new Stone Age without any global systems and supercorporations.

III. Independent power over the world. The hardest ending. To get it, you have to sweat a little. So, the level is a three-story complex. On the top floor is the energy sphere of the main villain. You will be confronted by various enemies that cannot be completely killed, as they are re-produced by blue cubicle-shaped construction machines. On each of the three floors there is one such machine: it can be turned off by entering the UC Control hall located on each floor. On the top floor, you only need to turn left from the energy sphere and you will immediately hit the door of such a hall with your nose. Take it out with explosives and turn the switch inside. Now, having destroyed all the creatures on the top floor, you will get rid of them once and for all. Return to the sphere and from it go to the passage in the south. Climb the stairs up, but do not use the elevator, but go along the corridor and go down the stairs to find the first bluish flask. Enter the code (7243) into her computer to turn it off. Destroy the two robots that appeared nearby and go to the small elevator. Do not use it, but jump onto the roof in the corner where the dead scientist lies. You are on the middle floor. Go down the ramp to the west and you will see the second room with UC Control. Blow up the door and turn off the second car. Deal with the aliens and in the center of the level you will find the second flask with the code 7243. Now find a barn with a radioactive danger icon in the southeast corner of the floor. Turn off the third flask inside, and go down the side passage to the lower floor. Immediately kill the monsters with powerful explosive weapons, super-cartridges for an assault rifle will do. Make your way to the northwest corner, there, next to Coolant B13, is the last UC Control. Destroy the door and disable the final machine. In the center of the level, find the last flask and use code 7243 to close it. In the northeast corner, open the door by entering the code 6765, run past the electricity and take the elevator upstairs. Right next to it is a door to the Aquinas Router (but you don't need it) and an open Infusion Control booth. You in this booth. Press the button on the remote and watch the ending. The world was led by the secret organization Illumati, with your help achieving the well-being and prosperity of all mankind.

There are two types of spurs, Blonde. Some enter through the door ... And the second - through the window.

Feature film "The Good, the Bad, the Ugly"

The working day is long over, but the headquarters of Sharif Industries is bustling with life. Tomorrow morning, the staff is waiting for a trip to Washington and a speech before the UN commission, where Dr. Megan Reed will present her new invention to the public. Megan is terribly nervous and for some reason is sure that the performance will turn into a shame. Her colleagues are also nervous - everyone, from interns to professors, fussing in the laboratories and rechecking the calculations. Even David Sharif's heart is out of place - even though he is all in anticipation of the triumph of his company.

Adam Jensen, head of security at Sharif Industries, is also nervous. But, unlike everyone else, he doesn’t show it - in the end, at least someone in this bedlam should save face with a brick. Adam checked the security posts, personally discussed the plan for tomorrow's event with the Washington police ... It remains only to look to the chief and report. After all, what can go wrong?

Long live the revolution!

Adam Jensen does not yet know that in just half an hour, all the precautions he has taken to protect the company will go to dust.

Meg offers to take Adam to Sharif - she doesn't care on the way. As soon as we approach the girl, Adam will go on a scripted journey to the boss.

All the way, Dr. Reed will behave very strangely - constantly asking Adam for forgiveness for no one knows what, gather his courage to say “something important”, but immediately take his words back, and at every opportunity to move away from talking about his opening. Jensen will attribute everything to the girl's nervous state and will not go into questions. Megan will go to her friend's lab and Adam will go to Sharif's penthouse.

The report of the chief of security will be interrupted by an alarm - but not a security one, but a fire alarm, announcing an accident in one of the laboratories. And not in some random laboratory, but in the one where Megan went a couple of minutes ago! There's probably nothing serious in there, but on such an important night, neither Sharif nor Jensen want to risk anything - Adam would be better off personally checking what happened in the labs. The chief will tell us the code for his personal elevator - 0451 .

We run to the elevator doors, enter David's code, go down to the laboratory. We will be contacted by the head of information security, Francis Pritchard, who will have time to report that none of the surveillance cameras are working on the floor ... After which the connection will be interrupted. Suspecting something was wrong, Adam will get a machine gun ...

When these two realize that they are not alone in the room, it will be too late.

A bleak picture will appear before our eyes - unknown mercenaries in red and black uniforms beat equipment, burn laboratories and shoot scientists. We are not given much choice at this level - forward, through the destroyed workshops, shooting raiders that occasionally come across us on the way. The straight road will take us to the very laboratory where Megan was going to go.

IT IS IMPORTANT: If you're going to get the "Pacifist" achievement, which is awarded for completing the game without a single kill, keep in mind that the countdown has already begun. Even the bastards who smash Sharif Industries cannot be killed - only go around in a wide arc, hiding behind the equipment. Rumor has it that this is a bug that will be fixed in future patches.

Jensen rushes forward without looking back ... And he will fly right into the commander of the mercenaries - a hefty kid, prosthetic from heels to ears. Adam will immediately be pierced by shock-resistant glass, several tables with valuable equipment will be demolished ... And to be sure, they will put a revolver bullet into a semi-unfeeling body. The last thing Jensen sees before passing out in pain is a soldier kicking Megan Reed to the floor with a prosthetic arm...

Back in line

Well, what is this "black helicopter"? Identification marks are in place, flashing beacons are flashing regularly ... You can’t pull any conspiracy theory by the ears.

Six months have passed since the attack on Sharif Industries. The scientists of David Sharif did an amazing job, literally pulling Adam out of the world. True, not so much has been preserved from Jensen's former body - from now on main character almost all consists of biomechanics.

The chief of security is pulled out of the hospital on alarm. David Sharif asks us to proceed to the helipad as soon as possible, claiming that dozens of lives are at stake. But we can’t immediately follow the boss’s order - the retinal implants act shamelessly, everything flickers before our eyes. We need to visit our great hacker, Pritchard.

THIS IS A CHOICE: when Sharif says that people's lives are at stake, it's not just dramatization. The matter is urgent, so if you do not want to fail half the task in absentia, Not linger at the headquarters - run to Pritchard, and then to the landing site.

Frank's office is on the second floor, to the right of the stairs down the hallway. The hacker will fix our implants without stopping grumbling. He blames Jensen for the success of the attack on Sharif Industries. You can quarrel a little with your “colleague” on this topic, but it will be faster to simply ignore the provocation. We leave for the helipad, where Adam is already waiting for the pilot - Farida Malik.

Sharif under siege

Like in old action comedies. The guard will go into the back room, and Jensen will come out.

The helicopter leaves for one of the Sharif Industries factories, and on the way, David Sharif briefly outlines the situation to Adam. The implant factory was attacked by the anti-implant movement "Purity", led by one Zeke Sanders. The special forces have already cordoned off the building and are ready to arrange a bloodbath for the rebels, but in one of the workshops of the factory there is still a military implant of the highest secrecy - the Typhoon system, to which the police cannot be allowed in any way. Jensen's task is to sneak into the building, steal the Typhoon and deal with Zeke. Hostages, if possible, would also be nice to save, but, in principle, not necessarily. Sharif will ask us which weapon we prefer - lethal or non-lethal, melee or ranged.

Farida will drop us off on the roof of the building next to the factory. We go into the utility room, communicate with the special forces, ask about the situation at the factory. However, they won’t tell us anything of value - the soldiers know no more about the situation than we do, they didn’t go inside. We leave the utility room on the other side of the roof, go down ... Well, that's it, we are in enemy territory.

Just around the corner, a lone sentry is on duty, his back to us. Feel free to give him a head. After that, under the cover of air conditioners, we pass along the alley to the courtyard and study the situation. If you have a firearm, as well as a desire to pass with gunfire and noise, then you have a direct road through the yard. Three sleepy guards - this is not serious, it's easy to deal with them.

The other way is longer, but bloodless. We drag a couple of smaller boxes to the containers near the wall and climb up. We are looking for a fire escape leading to the roof of the factory. There we reach the electric cables blocking the further path, and look to the right. Through a small hole covered with a box, you can climb to the switchboard and turn off the electricity. We run to the far edge of the roof and climb into the air duct, which will lead Adam to the back room of the warehouse - the same one that we would have entered through the door.

There are five terrorists in the warehouse, the easiest way to sneak past them is on the left side of the room - hiding behind racks and boxes. Further - either through the foyer, where two guards are repairing the turret, or immediately onto the ramp - and through the door into the corridor.

There are three guards chatting outside the locker room, who will soon disperse to different rooms. There will be only one left in the corridor - we will knock it down and calmly go to the gateway to the internal laboratories. We break open the lock on the door, go through the "decontamination" and find ourselves on the balcony of the first laboratory.

The hall is guarded by four fighters, plus one more searches the utility room. Let's start with it - we go out onto the stairs on the left, jump over the railing, sneak into the back room, neutralize the terrorist. Then we show up in the doorway for a second so that the patrolman notices the movement and comes to check. We send him to a friend to rest. We simply and ingenuously turn off the rest one at a time - they often and for a long time turn their backs to each other.

Hostages are being held on the loggia of the same laboratory. The doors of the loggia are open, but as soon as we go inside, the gas bomb on the table is activated. The timer on it is ticking fast enough, so we will not enter through the doors, but will crawl through the ventilation in the corner under the stairs. You can defuse the bomb by either smashing any of the flasks with chemicals with a shot, or by hacking the control panel, or by entering the emergency shutdown code on the same panel ( 1505 ), which can be removed from one of the guards.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: if Adam did not show due diligence and spent too much time walking around the Sharif Industries building, then none of the above needs to be done. The bomb exploded before we arrived at the factory, and the hostages are already dead.

If we coped with the sapper work successfully, then we ask the hostages to be quiet. One of them - Greg Thorpe - will say that Zeke took his wife with him to the director's office, to serve as a "human shield".

We continue the path to the assembly shop, where the Typhoon lies. In the next corridor is a surveillance camera, under which a guard patrols. It's not worth arranging a shootout - two more fighters are on duty in the next room, and the camera will not fail to raise the alarm. It's better to go quietly. We break open the lock on the door at the end of the corridor - we get into the assembly shop, guarded by four terrorists. Us - in the elevator at the far end.

We will get into the server room, the exit from which is covered by a turret. Holders of the Turret Hacking implant will rush through the shot through corridor to the security terminal, hack it and disable the turret. The rest - calmly climb into the ventilation to the right of the corridor and crawl out already behind the fired zone.

Finally, when we get to the laboratory where the Typhoon is stored, we will see that it is already occupied by an unknown hacker, and obviously with implants - which is atypical for fighters for purity. Even more atypical is the fact that, upon seeing Jensen approaching, the hacker will immediately... shoot himself! Sharif will order the corpse to be left for SWAT in case the implants are booby-trapped, while Adam picks up the Typhoon. Forward, in search of Sanders - to the elevator, then through the passage, then to the stairs, until we come across the talking guards.

Needless to say, not the most polite way to start a conversation.

It’s not worth going down the stairs to the first floor - we’ll go to the conference room and from there we’ll go down the ventilation to the toilet. A drawer near the toilet door offers a wonderful view of the office. Sitting there, you can either click the guard with any small arms, or take a moment, slip to the left, hide behind office furniture and, under its cover, reach the stairs up. And upstairs is the principal's office, where Sanders has locked himself in, holding a gun to Josie Thorpe's head. And he claims to have no idea about any "modified" hackers on his team.

The worst thing Adam can think of is letting Zeke go with the hostage. Sanders gets into a shootout with the police and escapes, but Greg's wife is killed. A better option is to tell Zeke that we don't negotiate with terrorists. In this case, he will gather his courage for a couple of seconds before shooting Josie. This is enough to stun the rebel with a stun gun or kill him with an accurate headshot. Finally, the most peaceful way to solve the problem is to convince Sanders to leave the hostage alone and clean up the hell out of it. The boss will be very unhappy, but Zeke reluctantly admits that he is now in Jensen's debt.

Whichever way we choose, we will learn about the consequences a little later. And now we have only one way - to the helicopter and to Sharif Industries...

Wolf among sheep

In the police station, a petty bandit is being interrogated with might and main. For bigger things public services no longer wavering.

We give the Typhoon to Pritchard, then we go to the report in David's penthouse. We get either a scolding for letting the bandit get away (or killing a valuable witness), or gratitude for handing the stunned Zeke into the hands of the police. But they will not scold or praise much. Obviously, Sanders is just a small fry that someone used to deliver his man with hacker implants to the Sharif factory. It is all the more strange that the medical examiners of the Detroit police state that none no implants were found on the hacker's corpse. Sharif orders Jensen to sneak into the police morgue and inspect the hacker's body for himself. Plus, the chef wants Adam to undergo a routine examination at the PROTEZ clinic.

The doctor's visit won't take long. But to get to the police station, you have to try. The easiest way, which the game insistently pushes for, is through the front door. The problem is that the station attendant is Jensen's old and by no means kind friend, Wayne Haas. He will immediately inform us that the site is closed, sealed and sealed, and he does not want to part with work for the sake of our whim. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to convince him, especially with the social one. Having broken, Haas will write out a pass for us, after which Adam will only have to go down to the morgue, located in the basement of the building. Security will not touch us.

If you are disgusted to communicate with these slug, then you can get into the building through the sewer. Jensen will get out right near the morgue, in the corridor blocked by a laser alarm, which is easy to hack and disable. If you don’t feel like crawling through the waste, make your way to the backyard of the site. From there, it's easy to get inside either through the roof (an air duct will take Adam to the third floor of the building) or through a locked (but hackable) fire exit. Please note that if we pass around Haas, the police will be extremely against our presence in the station - up to attempts to shoot Adam on the spot. You will need to make your way to the basement as quietly as possible, because the police in the station incredibly a lot - which, in general, is not surprising.

The dissector at the morgue will decide that Adam was sent by the secret services, and will gladly provide access to the hacker's body. We remove the implanted neural node from the corpse and get out of the building through the door (if we are welcome in the station) or through the sewer.

Sharif forbids Jensen from bringing the implant into the office - Prichard hasn't finished testing the network and setting up the firewall yet. Instead, Adam is asked to run home and connect the neural node to his home computer so that Frank can create a virtual network and examine the implant remotely.

Cassandra Reed, mother of Adam's deceased fiancee. He copes with his grief even better than the main character.

Adam lives in Chiron Building, and in a very good apartment. We connect the implant to the computer, we contact Pritchard, we learn very entertaining information. The neural node allows you to completely control the body of its owner! The “hacker” who broke the Sharif Industries network did not know anything about computers - someone else controlled his hands. And the signal that controlled the neural node came from an abandoned factory in Highland Park. But it's still too early for us. Pritchard discovered a breach in the company's security system - a bypass channel that transmits data to a radio tower in the slums of Detroit. Before continuing the investigation, Adam must "put out" this channel of information leakage. That's just a street gang of opponents of implants lives in the slums, so there's nothing to think about going there in the open.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: if at the Sharif factory, Adam persuaded Sanders to leave the hostage and leave in a good way, now Zeke will contact him and set up a meeting at the Sharif Industries headquarters. At the meeting, he will give us some notebooks with passwords that will come in handy in the future.

Ghosts and pawns

The extravagant-looking young lady is not a moth at all, but a deep-cover police investigator. Plus, an old friend of Adam's.

The easiest way to get into the slums is through the rooftops. We climb the fire escape to the building located between the Chiron Building and the slums, go through its attic, get out onto the roof and Very carefully climb through the pipes and air conditioners to the attic of the last building in the slums. Then the happy owners of the Icarus system demolish the cracked wall with a grenade (or modified hands), deal with two guards and plan down to the basement.

The rest can take an excellent sniping position on the fire escape and properly feed the bandits with tranquilizers (or lead). Then you can sneak through the door, behind which only three sleepy guards are waiting. But it is better to go down into the sewers, which will lead Adam almost to the goal of the assignment. We will only have to discard disgust and jump into the river of sewage in order to get around the bandits guarding the passage we need.

There are about a dozen bandits in the yard, but it's quite easy to get around them - along the wall and the fence, hiding behind the containers. If we went through the sewers, then we don’t need to make our way anywhere - we are already at the foot of the desired building.

On the first floor - three bandits. Two of them are watching TV and don't even look into the corridor, one will go out of necessity - well, he just asks for a blow to the head. We go around the "viewers" and climb the construction stairs to the attic of the building. Very slowly and carefully we crawl along the corridor, removing abundantly placed mines from the walls. There are two more enemies on the roof, but while they are talking, it is very easy to bypass them and hide behind the air conditioners. We crack the control panel on the tower and turn off the transmission.

Now we rise to the roof of the building and wait until Farida arrives for us. Time to go to Highland Park!

Shadow play

If that elevator stops now, Jensen will be in trouble.

Not far from the landing site is a friendly bandit who will gladly share the news. The factory is not so uninhabited - a month ago, soldiers came in large numbers, dragged weapons and equipment, dispersed all the locals and guarded the camp so that mother did not grieve. We pass into the factory building, look out the window ... Yes, there are not just soldiers here, but those same the soldiers who smashed Sharif Industries half a year ago! Moreover, they are already collecting things and talking about the fact that it's time to "end in the water." Maybe we'll finally find out who's in charge here.

The easiest way to get through the yard full of guards (seven people in the yard, three more in the guardhouse) to the storage room in which the mercenary base is located is the easiest way through the roof. We go around the guards along the fence on the left side, drag the box to the scaffolding, climb on them, wait for the guard standing on the porch to smoke a cigarette, run to the fence. It has a third-level lock, the code - 7984 .

Another option is through the door guarded by the smoker. The third - through the main gate, along the wall to the right in the yard. This is especially easy for owners of modified legs, which can climb onto containers and cut dangerous corners.

One way or another, we will find ourselves in the main warehouse room - either on the second floor or on the first. Our goal is an elevator in the center of the first floor. The second tier is patrolled by a lone sniper who is very easy to take out. The first floor is patrolled by four guards, plus one more each in the guardrooms. Patrolmen are easy to bypass or stun one by one, the main thing is not to catch the eye of cameras at the corners of the guardhouses. In the empty room on the left there is an air duct that will lead Adam directly to the elevator.

The elevator will take us to the storage cellars, to a room with two mercenaries and a huge sentry robot. We will go around the room on the left - the entrance is blocked, but we will drag a box to the barricade and jump over. The main thing is that the snipers who roam the bridges above the ceiling do not notice. If you want to clear the room - in the same room there is a rocket launcher with ammunition.

Which is better - to deal with one robot, or with several snipers? That's another question.

There are two guards in the next corridor, and the corridor itself leads to the prison block. In front of the prison - an empty guardhouse with a computer of the third level (password neural hub). We turn off all observation cameras, if desired, and if there is an implant, we switch the turret to clear the prison block from the guards. There are six guards there, all crawled into tiers like cockroaches. Immediately to the left of the entrance, behind the boxes, is a ventilation shaft. We crawl along it, get out on the other side of the room, make a throw to the right - we are in the corridor leading to the barracks. The barracks is empty... Except for two "feds" who will let Adam through if he knows the access codes received from Zeke. If not, you will have to fight. After that - a clear road to the next elevator, which will bring Adam to an empty basement.

Let's run through the completely empty hangars. The leader of the mercenaries will jump into the elevator in front of Jensen's eyes - and he was like that, and one of his henchmen will enter the hall, Lawrence Barret, the first game boss.

Barrett will shoot us with a machine gun, and in between bursts he will throw handfuls of fragmentation grenades. If you have a couple of EMP or flash-noise grenades left, the fight will not be the slightest problem for you - they stun Barret for a time long enough to put an automatic magazine or a dozen pistol bullets in his head. It will be a little more difficult without grenades - you will have to run around the hall, hiding behind the columns and running away from the abundantly scattered explosives. It is important to remember that when the boss throws grenades, he does not look around at all, so at this moment you can quickly change position, go behind Barret or calmly catch your breath while he pours fire on a long-empty cover. If you run out of ammo - run around the back rooms, there are mountains of this stuff. But there’s nothing to think about embedding Lawrence in hand-to-hand combat - you just have to go up to him point-blank, and he himself will embed so much that he won’t seem enough.

The dying Barret will give Adam the address - the penthouse of the Hengsha Gardens residential complex in China, after which he will blow up on his own grenade, unsuccessfully trying to capture Jensen with him to the next world. We leave the building through the elevator, on which the leader of the mercenaries escaped from us, and the faithful Farida will take us to Sharif Industries.

Black cat in a dark room

Bill Taggart, leader of the Human Front. Feigns charm, but in fact - a prank politician.

Pritchard will contact us immediately after landing and ask for a meeting. It is recommended to do so before conversation with Sharif - Frank will report that the communication channel, hacked by mercenaries six months ago during the attack on Sharif Industries, was opened by David Sharif himself, and will ask you to talk to him on this topic.

A not-so-pleasant guest is waiting for us in the reception room of the penthouse - William Taggart, founder of the Human Front party and the most ardent opponent of implants in the entire United States. The politician, putting on the most mournful face, appeared to testify to Sharif's sympathy and assure everyone of his complete innocence in the troubles that befell the corporation. Taggart will try to show sympathy for Jensen as well, but he will only get him to point to the door - either extremely polite or openly boorish. Having talked heart to heart in this way, we go to report to the authorities.

David admits that he really opened a secret communication channel in secret from his own guards, and then safely forgot about it. To get out of it For what he did it, Adam will have to sweat, but this is no longer part of his main tasks.

Sharif demands that Jensen travel to China and verify the address Barret provided. Well, maybe at least you can take a nap in a helicopter ...

Black market

Even in 2027, Shanghai remains true to the old traditions.

Hensha Island is a huge human anthill that has grown up no less than in breadth. Therefore, the Icarus implant will be very useful to Adam - it will facilitate travel around the city. When we reach Hensha Gardens, we will find, without any surprise, that the complex is cordoned off. On guard - security Agency A Belltower hired by the Chinese government to carry out police duties.

You can get into the building, as usual, in a whole bunch of ways - for example, through the front door (a dozen guards) or the fire door on the roof (only two). The safest option is through the elevator shaft, which is not guarded at all. Climb onto the scaffolding at the wall of the complex, follow it to the end, pick the lock on the back room and crawl to the elevator through the ventilation. Stairs in the shaft will lead us to the top floor of the hotel.

The corridor is patrolled by two soldiers, in the penthouse - three more. The owners of the enhanced arms won't encounter any of them, because they will move the vending machine opposite the elevator and climb into the ventilation shaft, which will lead them straight to the target. Others can enter the same shaft from the penthouse bedroom without having to sneak around the room past the guards. We'll find the computer of a hacker named Arry Van Bruggen, aka Melnik. The man who hacked into Sharif Industries' security systems and wiped Pritchard's nose is now on the run.

Malik will advise us to check the Hive club - its owner, Tong Si Hung, is an influential crime boss, and not a single high-profile event in the city passes him by. The problem is that they won't let us in just like that. You can give a thousand credits to the guard at the entrance, but it's easier to bypass the club on the left and climb into the ventilation shaft in the alley.

After asking the bartender where to find Tong, we will get an offer to try our luck upstairs in the VIP room. And indeed - only the most inattentive players will not guess that the bartender there, hung with implants and surrounded by bodyguards, is Tong. This obvious truth will reach Adam only when using a social implant - otherwise it will take a long time to persuade the cunning mafioso to meet with "Mr. Tong". If we don’t persuade you, you will need to sneak into the secure basement, climb through the ventilation to Tong’s office and eavesdrop on the necessary information there. In any case, we will find out the address where Melnik hid - the Alice Garden Hotel.

Van Bruggen will not even deny participation in the defeat of the corporation. Moreover, he will report that the customer, Tai Yung Medical, a direct competitor of Sharif, is now trying to get rid of the performer who has become unnecessary.

Corporate wars

If Adam leans out from behind the corner, he shines acute poisoning heavy metals. Straight to the head.

The hacker will report that he has evidence of the Tai Yung conspiracy, only they are hidden on the servers of the corporation itself - Arry did not have time to copy the information before fleeing. To get into the TYUM building, Van Bruggen will offer to steal an electronic pass from one of the employees.

An employee is resting at the Honghua Hotel. It will not be difficult to steal a card from him - while the guard is busy with the “moth” in the bathroom, the pass is lying on the table in the living room.

The hacker still lurking at Alice Garden will re-register the document in our name. But as soon as he finishes the job, the Belltower mercenaries, sent to "soak" the ends, will burst into the hotel. Arry pleads for help...

If you go down the main staircase to the hall, then there is a very high risk of stumbling into crossfire from a bunch of machine guns. So from the Van Bruggen capsule we turn left and, while a couple of warriors inspect the capsules for extra witnesses, we go down the service stairs. There, under the cover of boxes, we make our way to the exit.

So it is - the main entrance is tightly sealed. You will have to run through the laundry. The main threat along this path is not rare guards (who can be bypassed, if not behind their backs, then through the nearest ventilation), but the road through the shower room, one passage in which is energized, and the second is mined. Here we already proceed from the presence of improvements: either we pass through the cables, or we jump onto the water pipes and go through the top, or we crawl along the right road, removing mine after mine.

The last machine gunner with a partner, who separate Adam from the street, can be bypassed through the hole on the right side. It remains only to reach the Tai Yung Medical building, where a fast train will rush Adam to the basements of the corporation.

Looking for evidence

It is not known what the designer of this signaling was guided by, but certainly not for security reasons. Passing through such a "barrier" is easy.

We climb the stairs from the metro, break open the door of the first level and ... we receive a call for help. A scientist calling out from behind the glass managed to damage the gas pipe. You can block it from the next room ( 4865 ). In gratitude for the rescue, the scientist will advise you to tell the guard at the entrance that we are from him. In this case, traveling through this part of the level will be practically safe. The only thing they will ask Adam is not to shine in front of the video cameras and the security below. In addition, the sentry can be bribed or bluffed by pretending to be a plumber.

To reduce the chance of being detected by the camera, you can hack the mobile crane control panel ( 5720 ), move it under the open doors at the top of the complex. True, this path is suitable only for owners of the Icarus system. There is no ladder in the technical well, and the height is sufficient to kill yourself.

After that, all that remains is to get to the high-speed elevator, which will raise Jensen to a higher level - to the implant warehouse. On the roof, you can fly into a puddle under voltage - we carefully go around it and make our way through the ventilation to the switch that turns off the electricity. After that, it remains to climb to the stairs along the racks with boxes. If there is a jump improvement - just jump out, if not - feel free to use smaller boxes.

We sit in the next elevator, which will take Adam to the upper floors of the TYUM. The scientists will take Jensen for a guard, the guards for a scientist, and thus, until Adam draws a weapon, everyone will treat him like a native. However, we will still not be allowed into the protected area - a pass is required. On the way from the elevator, one of the employees is just complaining about the loss of his. We sneak into his office, shovel the email and find out that the pass has already been found and lies in the security room. Since Adam has nothing to do with the guards, it is better to crawl into the guardhouse bypassing. The bypass vent can be found in the room across from the scientist's office.

You can do without a pass - behind the locked door leading from the office, there is a pipe that just goes out into the protected area. Or you can just move the soda machine under the balcony above the corridor. But in this case, you can’t do without a jump booster.

After that, Adam needs to climb the stairs to the data center. It belongs to high-security zones, and Adam will not be allowed in just like that. We'll have to get in badly. You can either turn off the laser grid by hacking the control panel, or wait until the patrol comes up - the barrier will turn off automatically, after which it remains only to hit the guard on the head. Next - go to the end of the corridor, neutralize another fighter in heavy armor and get through the ventilation to the guardhouse. There, or hack the service exit ( 0703 ), or use the security terminal (password: muonrule), which opens the main door.

The polite guard who let Adam through with a stolen pass would probably get hit. However, we will not know this.

On the approaches to the data center, you need to portray one of Ocean's friends - the room is studded with a laser detection system. Half a minute of observation - and the path of passage becomes obvious. Just keep in mind that if you get into the laser beams, security will come running from almost the entire floor to alarm.

Arry did not lie - there is evidence on the servers, and very solid. This is a security camera footage of Zhao arguing with the mercenary commander. The lady claims that kidnapping Reid's team was stupid. Sharif will immediately track them down with implanted tracking devices, and Zhao does not believe that "that precious Liza Kassan of yours" will help cover their tracks.

It will take Jensen a few seconds just to catch his breath. Meg and her partners are alive! We need to find Zhao and shake everything she knows out of this hypocrite.

The way to the director's penthouse lies through the elevator. A couple of guards who control the approaches to it, the easiest way to bypass through the meeting room. It remains to go along the corridor and, without shining in front of the camera, open the lock ( 6906 ). We are on target. The penthouse is empty and unguarded…

Zhao will go into hysterics and, while Adam will blink his eyes, he will slip into a secret shelter. The trap is nowhere more primitive. Of course, a crowd of guards will immediately burst into the penthouse.

If there is no desire to send the whole horde to the next world - on the right hand, near the stairs, you can find a ventilation shaft that will lead Adam almost to the exit. All that remains is to seize the moment and sneak back into the elevator, which will take us to the helicopter hangar.

They are looking for us. Search, eagles, search. Don't forget to check the ventilation.

Bad luck ... The landing pad is guarded by two patrol bots - real titans that can turn Jensen into mincemeat by simply stepping on him. You can deal with them by giving each of them an EMP grenade. If there are no grenades, we sneak up the stairs to the balcony. In one of the observation rooms located there, there is a button that opens the roof of the hangar, in the second - a control panel for bots. Hack, turn off. As soon as we clear the area and open access to the landing site, a helicopter will arrive for Jensen. Forward! But not to Detroit, but to Montreal, to the main office of the Peak TV company! We need to ask a couple of questions to Miss Eliza Kassan, the most popular TV presenter in the world ...

White noise

From the heliport we head straight to the only entrance to the building.

Network "Peak"

With this celebrity we will make a close acquaintance. It's not even clear if it's good or not.

We go down to the main office of "Peak". Anticipating trouble, even cockroaches fled from there. Prichard doesn't like this situation either, and he advises Adam to quickly sort things out and get out of there. On the way to the key room 404, we methodically rummage through all the tables for usefulness, and also hack into all electrical engineering to gain experience and useful information.

Jensen's conversation with Eliza Kassan is interrupted by an alarm. A few seconds later, seven soldiers burst into the office, dispersing relatively evenly across the room and balconies. If there is no desire to get involved in a firefight with them, they can be bypassed through the ventilation - from the room opposite the four hundred and fourth to the balcony, and then down the stairs. Let's go out into the room, which is patrolled by a couple of guards, covered by a vigilant camera, and along the right wall we will sneak to the elevator shaft.

Another option is to walk underneath, under the cover of office equipment and tables. Let's go around the room around the perimeter on the left side. Then the guards in the next room can be bypassed using the air duct in the men's room.

After that, we have a direct road to the elevator. If there is an Icarus system, you can “miss” past the elevator and glide into an empty elevator shaft located nearby. One way or another, we get to the third floor of a skyscraper.

You can also get there without an elevator at all, through the server room. True, in this case, Adam will need to have an improvement in his hands, which allows him to break through walls. Or a couple of grenades. You can find the way to the server room if you go around the main office not on the left side, but on the right side. The corridor itself will lead us to the stairs to the desired room, after which it remains only to make our way to the lower floors.

The road to the funicular is guarded by four fighters (one of them in heavy armor) and a stationary turret, and all this under the cover of two snipers. Strongly only a heavily armed fighter will interfere with us, so it would be desirable to get to him under the cover of furniture, knock and hide at some table.

If there is a desire to shoot everyone, then it is best to do this from the side of the operator's booth. You can get there either by breaking the lock of the third level (if you decide to ride the elevator), or through the ventilation (if Adam was planning on the wings of the Icarus). If at this point Adam has an upgrade that allows him to hack the turrets, you can turn the weapons of the soldiers against them. The turret control terminal is located under the stairs on the outside of the control room. Although before that it is better to deal with snipers in advance - the turret will not reach them anyway.

The path is blocked by a door with a lock of the first difficulty level. If you hack it, two guards below will alarm and go to find out who is making noise there. But next to the door is a thin section of the wall, and the rumble of crumbling plaster does not bother anyone.

On the way, Pritchard contacts Adam and informs that the called funicular not only travels very slowly, but also activates an alarm, so that guests will not fail to look at the light.

The approach to the funicular is guarded by two patrolmen and a turret under the supervision of a camera, so you won’t be able to go directly. If you lure the turret to your side, then not only patrolmen will get nuts, but also those who come running to the sound of a running engine (seven people). The difficulty is that the terminal is located next to the funicular gate. But the fact that he is under the cover of boxes makes the task a little easier.

On the way to the funicular, you can see a vending machine with drinks - it closes the ventilation shaft leading directly to the terminal. If Adam does not know how to move heavy objects, you can sneak along the railing of the stairs leading to the balcony. There you can equip a firing point or find a ladder leading to the terminal.

Cellars "Peak"

The stun gun eliminates annoying enemies quickly, silently, and, with a certain sleight of hand, unnoticed by their colleagues.

A long descent in the cable car will lead Adam to a semi-storage room with one camera. The passage to the corridor is blocked by a laser grid, the control panel of which falls into the tracking zone. And a couple is walking along the corridor, which is unlikely to be happy to meet. With a camouflage system, you can safely ignore both laser protection and live guards and just walk past them. If there is no camouflage, but you don’t want to meet with the guards, there is a thin wall to the left of the grate, in the room behind which there is a ventilation pipe running parallel to the corridor.

One of the exits opens right behind the corridor and leads to the guardhouse. There you can turn off the cameras that monitor the passages and go to the stairs to the second floor. The further path will lead Adam to the armory. The main thing is not to catch the eye of another camera, which, having found Jensen, will joyfully roll out a combat robot towards him. You can disable or reprogram all this equipment from the weaponry. And if you also open the doors in it ( 1980 ), then you can expropriate items that are pleasant to your heart and inventory.

From the exit to the guardhouse, the pipe takes to the left and up. If you head in that direction, Adam will look out of the wall at a level of two meters from the floor, right behind the backs of two talkative soldiers. The difficulty in eliminating them is the camera (there are more than enough of them at this level) and the patrolman, who periodically looks into this corner. Although, if you choose the right moment, you can eliminate everyone without raising an alarm.

One way or another, Jensen will make it to the main hall. The only difference is that if you make your way through the top floor, you can turn off the remaining two cameras and the robot guarding the exit and approaches to it.

On the stairs, you can run into a deafening mine. She will not spoil her health much, but will let the guards know that an uninvited guest is approaching. Carefully deactivate and, if necessary, save as a keepsake.

The further path is blocked by a hefty forehead in heavy armor and with a machine gun on his shoulder. You can shoot him right in the aisle, but if his carcass falls into the field of view of the camera, then a bunch of guests will come running. The camera, however, is quietly turned off from the next room, you just need to quietly somersault through the passage. If you don’t want to mess with anyone, you can break the wall opposite the passage. The ventilation shaft located there allows you to shorten three-quarters of the way to the exit. If the situation allows, the door blocking the exit can simply be hacked. The third level of difficulty by this point should no longer be a big problem. Or you will have to go around, risking running into other patrolmen.

In front of the computer center, our main goal on the level, it will be useful to look into the utility room. And if at the same time the place in your pockets allows, you can get hold of a brand new machine gun. In the computer center, Adam meets real Eliza Cassan. What Jensen had previously taken for a hologram is just an artificial intelligence interface. The real face of the most popular TV presenter in the world is a huge server cabinet.

A conversation attempting to find out where Megan Reed has gone is interrupted by an appearance Elena Fedorova, the second boss of the game. It was she who at one time halved the staff of Sharif Industries and disappeared from under our noses in Highland Park along with her commander.

Elena is a fast fighter armed with two submachine guns and a stealth system. But the greatest danger for us is her hand-to-hand attack. Fedorova quickly closes the distance and inflicts a powerful blow to the area, similar in action to the Typhoon implant. To dodge this attack, you need to rush towards Fedorova with a sprint a second before the impact; if everything is done quickly, Adam will have time to get out of the affected area. Having spent all the energy of the implant, Elena will turn on camouflage and try to escape from the visibility zone. At this moment, she is practically defenseless, but if you run up close to her, she will open fire from a service weapon that can turn Adam into a sieve in a couple of seconds.

Eliza will lead us into a trap two times. But at the same time, more than the most faithful friends will help us.

There are four power generators against the walls of the room, each of which can disable the blow of Elena, who missed Jensen. Then both her and us will be shocked for some time - and if this only stuns the lady, then Adam, who did not bother with the EMP protection implant, can easily be killed. Just dodging the explosion is not enough - the floor is covered with water, which conducts electricity remarkably. And it's in server room, Yes. For the same reason, it's pointless to try to throw EMP grenades at Elena.

But gas mines, grenades and a stunner are great at turning off the boss for a while. Fedorova is especially conveniently stunned when she approaches for a melee attack. And while the enemy is not combat-ready, we put as many bullets into him as we have time. And you can also just throw fragmentation mines under your feet, the main thing is not to get into the radius of fragmentation yourself.

After the fight, Eliza will share a recording of a telephone conversation with Adam. To cover the traces of the kidnapping, the mercenaries were helped by none other than Isaiah Sandoval, the right hand of William Taggart! It was he who removed the tracking devices from the bodies of Sharif's employees.

On the only possible road we return to the helipad. Time to head back to Detroit, ask a few questions.

Truth and lie

The social activity of the citizens of Detroit can only be envied. Three o'clock in the morning in the yard, and they have a mass protest and civil unrest.

While Adam was wandering around Montreal, Detroit was covered by a wave of riots. Duty waving posters "Down with implants!" turned into a rally, the rally turned into a natural riot, and now Sharif Industries is practically under siege. The siege is so tight that David Sharif can't even get into his own office and meets Jensen in his apartment.

In the current situation, the chief blames the order of the Illuminati, who seek to appropriate Megan Reed's discovery. Sharif claims that her invention will forever rid humanity of the negative effects of prosthetics, so that all people can become ... more than people. Such as Adam. David will share information that the Front of Humanity is almost in full force at the speech of its leader in a conference center near the main building of Sharif Industries. That's where we're going.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: if during the robbery of the police morgue you tried to go through the main door, then Wayne Haas will meet Adam at the exit from the Chiron Building. He was finally kicked out of work, and once again he found someone to blame for his problems. You can take pity on the loser (Adam will recommend him to Sharif's security service) or tell him everything you think about him - then the matter will end in battle.

The network of clinics "PROTEZ" is open 24/7 to help everyone in need of implants.

In the area of ​​the PROTEZ clinic, Pritchard will contact Jensen and please him with the news that Sandoval is no longer in the building. However, this does not change our route - Isaiah did not leave the coordinates, we will have to go and find out from Taggart where his assistant disappeared.

Once in the building, we rise to the second floor along the near or far escalator and head to the assembly hall where William is speaking. The leader of the "Front of Humanity" does not show any desire to cooperate. In order to squeeze information out of him, you will have to defeat him in a kind of debate in front of the public.

If it was not possible to convince Taggart, we will turn to his computer for help. To do this, we go back a little, jump over the cords blocking the corridor, and move on until we get a turn from the very unfriendly types from the gate. After that, we pass into the men's toilet, where there is a wonderful air duct, which will lead Adam to the right place. The main thing is not to fall on the guard's head. You can also get into the same ventilation through the emergency exit and technical rooms, but it will take much more time.

One way or another, we find out that Sandoval went home, which means that we are dear there too.

In the apartment, Adam will find a corpse and traces of the fact that Sandoval went down the drain. You can follow him either through the wall broken in the bathroom and descending behind it, or by looking for a switch blocked by boxes in the same bathroom, which opens a secret passage to the stairs. It remains only to eliminate a couple of bandits hanging around near the sewer manhole.

You can go through the sewers to Isaiah's shelter either from the left side, where laser bars and mines block the path, or from the right side, where malevolent individuals with weapons in their hands crowded. You can also find a technical hole behind the barrel. From the exit from it to Sandoval's room - only one laser grid.

Isaiah is in the darkest depression - all the dirty machinations of the "Front of Humanity" Taggart shoved onto him. Sandoval won't even unlock. Yes, he helped mercenaries kidnap scientists, which he now deeply regrets. No, he failed to remove the tracking devices from their implants - he just changed the frequency of the signal, removing the "dead" from Sharif's radars. Seek and you will find. Having finished the confession, Isaiah will get a revolver and a single cartridge for himself. But the shot may not happen if we can convince the scientist that he still has something to live for.

Fallen soldiers

They didn't save him... Farida Malik, practically Jensen's only true ally, is somewhere out there, under a pile of burnt metal.

Regardless of the state of Sandoval, we leave the sewers through the back door of his room. Prichard must be reported, and the only way to the beleaguered Sharif Industries is through the air. We return to the roof of the Chiron Building, where the faithful Malik is already waiting for us.

And at Sharif Industries, surprise after surprise awaits Adam. Not only did Pritchard disappear somewhere on business, but also in the office of Jensen's boss, not David, but Hugh Darrow, the creator of biomechanical implant technology, will meet. The ensuing conversation about the unique Panheya project, a huge station that will save the Earth from global warming, interrupts the appearance of Sharif. The signal from one of the tracking sensors belonging to Vasily Shevchenko was detected in the Hensha area. So Adam again has to go to China.

On approach, Farida will report that the Chinese government has canceled their pass, and therefore they will have to look for a new landing site. But at that moment, an EMP missile flies into the helicopter.

Here Jensen has a rather difficult moral choice - to run to the elevator while an impressive crowd of mercenaries will methodically turn the aircraft into a pile of debris, or rush to save Malik, who did not have time to evacuate. Save Farida Can, but the fight will be frankly difficult. The hardest thing will be for those who go to the honorary title of a pacifist - but also nothing incredible.

The elevator will take Adam to the Daigun area, not far from the PROTEZ clinic. From now on, the guards of the Belltower Corporation will be very “glad” to see Jensen and, upon meeting, will solemnly greet him with firing from all barrels. Youzhao area, from which the tracking sensor signal comes, can be reached by subway, the descent to which is located directly along the road. The second path leads past the Hive. To do this, you need to climb the stairs behind the Tai Yung clinic, go along the alley and sort out the rubbish blocking the hole in the fence. And then follow the signs.

THIS IS A CHOICE: it's been hours since Jensen's (and everyone around him's) implants start to fail from time to time. For us, this manifests itself in short-term interference on the screen and the disappearance of the interface for a few seconds. Pritchard will get in touch in Hensha, who will report that the problem is well known and the World Health Organization has already released a new biochip. It can be installed free of charge in any PROTEZ clinic... Or you can not install it. Eventually the world will fail any implants, regardless of generation, manufacturer and date of manufacture, and this is very suspicious.

No matter how you get there - by subway or on foot - the entrance to the Assembler's hideout, from which the sensor signal comes out, is within easy reach. But the main entrance is guarded by six people who are in no hurry to go anywhere. You can get involved in a shootout, or you can just look for workarounds. One of these paths leads through the sewers, where it is much easier to seep past the guards. You can climb onto the roof of the building - there the ventilation grate is generally not guarded by anyone.

Inside the building, you just need to make your way to a key point located a floor or two below (depending on which way Jensen made his way). You can go down there right along the ramp, along the way shooting everything that moves. Or you can knock out two chattering goons and go down through the technical stairs on the first floor, through a freshly made hole in the wall. Behind the car near the hole are several boxes that block the loophole directly to the signal source.

Surprise. The sensor signal comes from a mechanical arm, which already belongs to Mr. Tong. From him we will receive information that not "Tai Yung", but "Belltower" are involved in the loss of scientists. Every couple of days, ships belonging to the corporation leave the port in an unknown direction. On a tip from the head of the Chinese group, who has his own interest in weakening the Belltower, Adam goes to the port.

Harvest of Hope

Not a very comfortable and not too safe haven. Relax and change position.

The gates leading to the port are not only closed, but also under guard. The computer from which they can be opened is located in the trailer a little further. But the guards will definitely come to check with what joy it is behind their backs that the doors decided to roll to the sides. If there is no desire to convince the watchmen of the legitimacy of visiting the port, you can bypass them on the left or right side of the gate. To the right is a hole in the fence, blocked by a large heavy box. The path on the left lies through yet large sizes a metal container from which you can jump over the fence. But you should not jump right away - the container is under current from a fallen electrical wire. You can turn off the voltage from the same trailer in which the gate control panel is located.

Port of Belltower

We sit high, we look far. Port Belltower clearly needs a cleanup.

Jensen needs to pick up a "package" left behind by the people of Tonga. It can be reached both on top and through the sewer. Passages to the sewer - to the left and to the right of the storage area of ​​the port. But to go this way, it is desirable to acquire a respiratory implant - otherwise, it will simply not be possible to approach the exit from the sewer due to particularly suffocating gases. A security robot plying at the exit can either be bypassed or disabled with an EMP grenade.

The house with the package is guarded by two soldiers - a sniper on the roof and a patrol inside. You can remove the sniper from afar (and let him lie, no one will see the body anyway) or climb up to him through the boxes, which form a very convenient staircase. Inside the house you can enter both through the door, which is under the supervision of the patrol, and through the window on the side. You can also make a new door in the wall, but then the guard will come to see who is making noise there.

In the agreed place lies, oddly enough, a bomb that Tong asks to place on the port chief's desk. The manager's office is located inside the warehouse, and the most inconspicuous way to get there leads further through the sewers. At the exit, we try not to catch the eye of the turret - we reach the garbage containers and climb them to the ground level. Under the cover of trailers, we make our way to the building, move the trash can under the window and climb onto the balcony. With a lone sniper, you can deal with your favorite method. A locked door leads to the warehouse ( 6555 ) and ventilation, the entrance to which is located just below the railing.

If you don’t have enough strength to carry garbage cans, you can break the window and climb through it, alarming the guards. You can also crawl to the warehouse doors without being seen by the camera ( 4589 ) and log in as a white person.

The easiest way to the boss's office is on the left side. Under the cover of boxes we reach the stairs, and then along the ladder to the roof and from there - into the ventilation. You can also enter the door behind a pair of idle fighters - code 3295 . If you look into the closet under the stairs and eliminate two warriors there, then you can reprogram the turret, and then it will cope with the protection itself.

And everything would be fine, but only on the bomb timer, Adam discovers not the promised two minutes, but only ten seconds. Jensen barely manages to smash a window and jump off the second floor a split second before the explosion. After that, it remains only to follow the advice of Tong and hide in the cargo hold.

singapore complex

In the future, laser signaling will be improved - to see the beams, JC Denton will tar like a locomotive. Jensen sees that too.

Jensen wakes up a couple of hundred kilometers from the place of departure - in Singapore. As Pritchard, who miraculously remained in touch, reports, the signals from the missing group of scientists are very close. But where exactly is not clear, the connection is unstable due to the signal suppressor. So it would be nice to turn it off.

We leave the warehouse. Right next to the exit, a couple of soldiers are talking peacefully, not expecting trouble. We deal with them at our own discretion. The jammer control panel is located in the barracks nearby. The nearest path to the building leads through the window straight ahead. Another pair of patrolmen can interfere here, but neutralizing them from the back is quite simple. It is also possible to get into the building by slipping through a hole in the fence, pushing a heavy box and using another window, without guards. Turn off the suppressor antenna ( 0111 ). Pritchard can now pinpoint exactly where the scientists' signals are coming from.

There are two entrances to the research complex. The first can be accessed by turning right from the building with the remote control. To the second, if there is no desire to shove ahead, you can crawl through unnoticed - with reinforced legs. From the entrance to the building we turn left and move the box covering the hole in the fence. We wait until the patrol turns away, we jump to the transformer box, and from there - through the fence.

You can save scientists in any order - depending on which side Adam entered the building. Declan Faherty is in the basement of the left wing. To get to him, just go down the elevator, located near the entrance next to the laser grid. Niki Colvin's room is located on the second floor of the right wing. You can get there from the side of the door, on the way to which you will have to do something with a couple of guards, a video camera and a lock of the third difficulty level. As an option - on the first floor there is a wall, breaking which we get into the ventilation leading directly to Nicky. Eric Kos was hidden above all - as much as on the third floor. If not laziness, we are looking for a ladder, if laziness and there are reinforced hand implants - an elevator. It is easy to find if you turn right from Dr. Colvin's room down the corridor and reach the door. The door is locked with a lock of the third level of complexity. We break open or literally two meters further we make a new passage. To get into the cabin, you just need to pull apart the boxes blocking the passage.

As a result of communication with scientists, an interesting picture emerges. Vasily Shevchenko began to make escape plans almost from the very moment of the abduction. And he even created a special virus, which, being uploaded to the Belltower computer network, should prevent scientists from tracking the sensors. But Vasily did not have time to implement his plan. This task will fall on Jensen's shoulders - after all, only by killing the corporate network, he will be able to get into the internal laboratories of the complex where Megan is being held.

It is more convenient to leave from the right wing - through the basement or down the stairs next to Nicky Colvin's office. But in both cases, you will need to punch a hole in the wall. In the first case, we will fall into a corridor filled with poisonous gas. You can remove it by turning the valve nearby. In the second option, only patrolmen inside the building can interfere.

The road to the computer goes through an alley where two robots pose the greatest danger. It is better to bypass them and reprogram from the security terminal. When, after downloading the virus, three soldiers run out to the sound of the alarm, the bots will easily deal with them. Adam, on the other hand, will just have to get to the elevator and go down to the bunker, where he will ... be met by Zhao and Jaron Namir- the third boss of the game and the same person who commanded the attack on Sharif Industries and personally crippled Adam.

THIS IS THE CONSEQUENCES: If Adam replaced the “jumpy” biochip, then he will be forced to fight this battle without the help of implants. Only passive upgrades, such as a skin shell, a breathing device, and the like, will function, while everything else, including even the game interface, will be hopelessly corrupted by Zhou's meddling.

After the attack on Sharif Industries, the mercenary acquired a camouflage system and a plasma rifle. The fight with him can be both very easy and very difficult. It all depends on what kind of implants Jensen has acquired by this point. Improvements are highly desirable, allowing you to ignore flash-noise and gas grenades, which the boss scatters in batches. Also, strengthening the skin, which reduces damage, does not interfere. In this case, Namir can simply be shot. If such details did not work out, you will have to run in circles, periodically catching the boss on mines. Just keep in mind that he loves to climb walls very much and rarely falls into traps.

Even a half-blind, implant-free, and weak Jensen is capable of putting an end to Namir's plans.

After defeating the mercenary commander, a direct corridor will lead Adam to the person he has been looking for for so long - Megan Reed. It will also help restore disabled implants, if Jensen bought into the “free improved biochip” trick. Developed, by the way, by the Meg team commissioned by TYUM.

Adam is furious at how easily Megan went to work for her captors, but Megan informs him that she was convinced by... Hugh Darrow! Which is just gathering the leaders of the UN and the heads of leading corporations at his station "Panheya" ostensibly to discuss the future of implantation technology. Adam tries to get in touch with Sharif, but it's too late, the meeting has already started. Jensen can only watch the live feed from the summit site.

Darrow enters the podium, flips the switch... And all the owners of the implants, who have updated the biochip, immediately fall into a uniform frenzy. Some of them simply fall to their knees, unable to endure the tearing pain in their head, but most begin to behave violently and aggressively. Megan recalls that the new biochip allows any information to be transmitted to the brain and is able to make the mind produce the most terrible hallucinations.

It's time to leave Singapore. The scientists hijack the helicopter (or wait for Farida to arrive if she is alive) and head to Detroit. And Adam's path lies in "Panchea" - the place where the installation is located, which distorts the signals of biochips.

moment of truth

A huge puddle in which electric cables float is not the best way to the tower. Unless, of course, there is a protective implant.

The last level of the game is more like Left 4 Dead, how Deus Ex. The signal acting on the biochip turned the modified people into a bunch of bloodthirsty zombies. They do not touch each other, but when they see Jensen, they will seek to destroy him at any cost. It is good that in such an aggressive state they do not use weapons, but prefer their own hands. We urgently need to turn off the installation broadcasting Darrow's signal.

Upon arrival, Adam meets chaos and devastation. All entrances to the station are either blocked or destroyed. If you have a jump booster, you can get inside by first climbing onto the containers, and then through the ventilation into the complex. The second path leads through the basement. Here, an improvement would be extremely useful, allowing you to ignore the electrical impact - the floor in the basement is not only flooded with water, but no one bothered to de-energize the broken cables. In addition, the corridors of the basement are mined. If electricity is still able to send Adam to the next world, we make our way over the flooded floor through the pipes, find the vent, illuminated by the detonator of the fragmentation mine, and through it we make our way to the generator room. From there we go up the stairs.

This proud building was supposed to save the Earth, not plunge it into chaos.

It will not be possible to move around the station in full - the doors are closed tightly, and it is impossible to open them with improvised means or bypass them. So you must first disable the security system. The security terminal is located in the tower of the complex, where you can easily take the elevator.

Near the button, Adam meets Darrow, who explains the motivation for his action. The millionaire is convinced that people have played gods and this is leading society to destruction. Modified citizens are easy to control, albeit with the help of biochips, and their moral standards are getting weaker and weaker every year.

Hugh warns that disabling the security system will not only open all the doors, but also free the crowds of hallucinated employees of the complex. In addition, he will report that the broadcasting station is covered by the most powerful defense system in the world - Chiron, and only he has access codes. By the method of a long argument, the scientist can be convinced that his act is terrible and wrong - then Darrow will give the codes and ask Adam to tell people the truth about what he was trying to achieve.

After deactivating the security system, we go down the elevator, and ... Darrow did not deceive. The complex is no longer crowded. The madmen see badly, but they such a crowd that they just plug the passages with their bodies. Through the garage directly or through the ventilation wells we rise to the second floor and jump into the broken window. And then - along the corridor to a multi-level balcony. In the same corridor, if you move the large soda machine away, you can get to the PROTEZ clinic, which, oddly enough, is still working.

The PROTEZ clinic operates even at a dilapidated station in the Arctic Ocean.

On the balcony, Adam begins to pick up a distress signal from both the upper and lower floors. Taggart and Sharif gathered adequate people around them and barricaded themselves in rooms that you would not suddenly get to. Taggart is on the same level where Jensen comes out onto the balcony, the very top. If Adam has the Icarus system and a jump booster, you can simply jump down, go to the end of the room and return to the balcony through the scaffolding, otherwise we make our way through the crowd of madmen. Further - crouching under a bunch of beams blocking the door, we get into the corridor, which is watched by cameras. You can bypass the cameras by jumping onto the pipe on the left and walking along the wall to the ventilation, which will lead the survivors to the shelter. Or you can open the door on the right, go around the crowd of zombies on top and find the entrance to the same ventilation or make a hole in the wall. The frontal route will work only for the most talented hackers - the door to Taggart is locked with a level 5 lock.

Sharif is on the lower level, in the engine room. In the presence of Icarus, we simply jump into a huge round well near the balconies, calm down three aggressive individuals and get to Sharif through the ventilation. You can also get there if you use the elevator on the middle floor, and there you just pass the crowd of zombies either under the cover of invisibility, or through pipes under the ceiling.

IT IS IMPORTANT: the number of endings directly depends on whether Adam visited Sharif and Taggart's hideouts. Both will ask him not to tell people, because of which Darrow made all the fuss. Sharif will suggest saying that the madness of the modified around the world is a virus launched by the "Humanity Front" to get rid of all opposition to progress. Taggart will offer to move his party to the top by tightening control over the manufacturers of implants. To do this, he needs Adam to declare live that the tragedy is just the side effects of a defective batch of drugs that suppress the rejection of implants.

It remains only to pass a long corridor, the second half of which is simply teeming with people. We sneak past them on technical balconies, or simply activate the acceleration and literally run over their heads.

Adam's broadcast center is now separated by a long, long elevator descent. And below is Zhao, who had been standing behind Namir from the very beginning. The lady will immediately try to take control of the Chiron supercomputer, but she will suffer a crushing fiasco in this field - rather, Chiron will take control her. But it doesn’t make it any easier for us - both Zhao and the car agree that Adam does not belong here.

End of the road

In the bathroom of a cheap apartment, trying to help an old man beaten half to death, Jensen utters a phrase after which even the most gloomy player will want to live.

The last fight is perhaps the easiest in the game, even though it is divided into two whole stages. On the first of them, Jensen will be confronted by the Chiron, consisting of three machine gun turrets on an annular rail under the ceiling.

As soon as the Chiron fails, the second phase of the battle will begin. Zhao, covered with bulletproof glass, will begin to open compartments with patrol bots. There are four robots in total, you need to destroy everyone - fortunately, they are produced strictly one at a time. At the same time, flocks of crazy workers will start running into the room, and Zhao will periodically release 220 volts into the floor. At first, only a quarter of the floor will be affected by electricity, but after killing the first robot, the current will spread through half of the hall, after the second it will begin to capture three quarters, and when the fourth bot enters the arena, each electric shock will affect the entire floor. It is possible and necessary to hide from electricity in the back rooms and in open compartments for bots.

After all the robots are destroyed, the bulletproof glass in front of Zhao will shatter, and we will only have to finish off the failed queen of the world.

IT IS IMPORTANT: if Adam has a laser rifle, the fight can be avoided altogether. "Saber" is all the same - what a wall, what a shelter, what bulletproof glass. With a miracle weapon, you can easily shoot Zhao in the first stage of the battle. If there is a rifle, but no charges - run around the back rooms, there will be a couple of batteries.

The body will heal... But the mind is not always so malleable.

* * *

The explosion of Chiron will free the passage to the broadcasting center, and the caring Eliza Kassan herself will offer to draw up an appeal to the people. Tell people the truth about what Hugh Darrow wanted to achieve, even if it puts an end to all attempts to develop implants further? Or, perhaps, brazenly lie for the benefit of general progress, untying the hands of Sharif? Or keep silent, preserving the fragile status quo at the cost of an incredible strengthening of Taggart's position?

Or ... spit on everything? You just need to go into the corridor next to the broadcasting station and turn off the Panhei pressure control systems. The huge station will go down - along with all these purists and technologists, politicians and inventors, each of whom is sure that he can speak for all of humanity. And Adam... He's still so tired of it all.

The choice is yours.

1 2 3 All

Before embarking on a full-fledged campaign, it is worth paying attention to the "Training". Here you can learn the mechanics of the game, which will be useful as you progress. ...

Before embarking on a full-fledged campaign, it is worth paying attention to the "Training". Here you can learn the mechanics of the game, which will be useful as you progress.

After the introductory video, we speak with Megan and go to the boss. Along the way, we study the laboratory, and also visually get acquainted with new characters. The conversation with the boss is interrupted by an alarm caused by a technical failure. We go directly to the scene through the service elevator on the left. We drive in the code 0451 and, having gone inside, press the button on the elevator panel. A weapon has appeared in our hands, but there is no need to use it at the moment. We move along the corridors, crouching, we pass under the glass partition. We observe the scene of the execution of the laboratory staff and turn into the room on the left. We remove the boxes from the wall, open the grate of the hatch and, having jumped, we get inside. We find ourselves on the other side, just where the employees were killed. We move along the corridor, at the end there will be a door. We penetrate further, but do not forget to close the door behind us. So, two opponents go down the stairs. Our job is to go unnoticed. There are several ways, the main thing is to choose the right moment. Having taken a sitting position, we move through the shelters. At one point, they will simultaneously delve into the tables. When the one closer to the stairs starts to leave, and another one arrives in its place, we will be able to get to the stairs unnoticed. We go upstairs and move along the corridor. We watch the opponents through the glass. When they start moving, we can get into the room by pressing against the wall and opening the door. The easiest way to get to the door at the other end of the room is on the right side. At the end, use the central box to go unnoticed. And finally, the last hall is already with four enemies. Everything is simple here: we go down the stairs and use the shelters under the stairs. Let's watch the video. We were killed and, so to speak, restored by introducing implants. Six months later we are back in business.

M1 - Back in the saddle.

We go to the second floor to the technical laboratory, to meet with Pritchard to fix the retinal display. In the communication thread, select "Ignore". Next, we get to the helipad to our boss Sharif. We speak with Farida and choose the answer on the left. During the flight, we communicate with Sharif and choose answers - a non-lethal melee weapon.

M1 - Cleaning up the Sharif factory.

Arriving at the place, we enter the building and at the end of the corridor we meet a policeman. After talking with him, we choose outside. To the left is a staircase leading down. Sneak up to the first enemy and stun. It can be searched, be sure to hide the body after neutralization. There are three more ahead. We stun the terrorist standing with his back to us at the moment when the enemy patrolling near the marked door begins to move away. We hide the body and head to the next goal. We do the same with him. Dealing with the latter is not difficult. We enter the building. We go straight until we come across a door. This room contains a computer and stairs leading up. Being at the top, we jump down to the boxes. On the right is the enemy, digging into something. We neutralize it, and then another one patrolling nearby. Nearby is another one, which we deal with when the patrol turns away. We go to the other end and, after watching for the patrolling enemy, we stun him and deal with the digging in the boxes. We have three paths - these are two doors and one staircase in the corner leading up to the ventilation shaft. We will follow it. To successfully jump to the mine, we substitute the box lying nearby, sit down and at the same time press jump + forward. After passing through the tunnel, we find ourselves in the locker room. There may be useful items in the lockers, so don't be lazy to inspect them. The next door is locked and requires a password, so we have to break it open. We pass further, where four enemies are located in the hall. We carefully descend the stairs until the conversation between them is over. When they disperse, we neutralize the nearest of them. We hide the body and stun another one near the table. There are two left who are patrolling in a circle. First, we will deal with the extreme, and then with the one in the center. Ahead is a corridor with a surveillance camera. Getting around it is easy, just go under it and not fall for its rays. Break open another door and go through. Ignoring the conversation of opponents, we turn left and see boxes under the stairs blocking the ventilation shaft. After passing through it, we find ourselves in another room and stun the only patrol. We quietly get to the elevator. Arriving at the desired floor, immediately at the exit we select the praxis. With it, we can improve our implants, since we have chosen the stealth mode, we are upgrading the corresponding branches. And at the corner we see a ventilation shaft on the wall on the right. She will lead us straight to the right door, bypassing the surveillance camera.

M2 - Neutralize the leader of the terrorists.

After the video, we get to the elevator. We go up the stairs and see two divergent patrolmen. It is best to neutralize them and then go to the left of the stairs. In the last room there will be a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the first floor. From there we can easily make our way to the next staircase. Having risen, we open the door and watch the video. We have a choice. Trying to free Josie. To do this, we constantly select the “Sympathize” branch.

M3 - Evacuation.

We leave for the helipad to Malik.

M4 - Finishing the job.

After asking her a little, we head to Pritchard so that he studies the Typhoon. Then to the boss Sharif to receive a new task and tell the details about what happened at the factory.

M5 - Investigation of a suicide attack.

Having agreed to a new task, we go to the police station. We go inside and talk to Wen Haas in the window. We constantly select the “Forgive” branch. Having gained access to the mortuary, we examine the body and extract the neural node. We go home, and connect it to the computer.

M6 - Visit to the PROTEZ clinic.

Upon arrival at the clinic, we learn that no additional injections are required. At the same time, here we can buy items to increase energy, as well as a more important resource - Praxis.

M7 - Disable transmission.

We leave for the slums, where we have to hack the antenna that transmits signals. You can get into the slums in different ways. The easiest way is through the door. However, there the path is blocked by large boxes, which can be moved away with the appropriate implant. The second way is through the roof, which you can climb on the fire escape in the alley. Then we climb along the ledge and get to the opposite side. We go down the stairs. We penetrate the building and follow the patrol. Two more are standing and talking. Having dealt with this, we go along the right side crouching. Next, we move along the left side behind the containers. At the same time, we listen to conversations between opponents. We enter another building, kill the patrolman. Two enemies are sitting on the couch and watching TV. After listening to their conversation, we very carefully make our way to the stairs on the left. Having risen, we see mines on the walls. We pick up the barrel and throw it along the located mines. Thus, we will destroy them all. Of course, the enemies will be alarmed, so we will wait and move on. Having dealt with them, we proceed to hack the system. We make the antenna inactive and wait for Farida near the helipad.

M9 - Transfer.

Arriving in the area, we enter the building through the door and after passing a little, we watch the video.

M10 - Search for evidence in Highland Park.

We open the door and get out. We go around on the left side, hiding behind the containers. You can completely do without stunning opponents. To do this, we move only on the left side, remove the containers and sneak to the door. We penetrate the building, on the right there will be a ventilation shaft. We continue to go to the elevator. Here we neutralize the patrol until the guard at the top sees. We hide the body and, bypassing the surveillance camera, we get to the elevator. After descending on it, we turn right and jump into a certain hole. We remove the box and climb forward along the ventilation shaft. Being in another pit, we wait for the enemy and deal with him. The robot patrols the area, so when he does not look, we get out of the pit and go further through the door. Two soldiers are talking ahead. We will neutralize one of them when it comes to us. We climb up the stairs. We reach a room with doors on both sides. We choose the left path. We deal with the patrol on the central bridge. On the left is a room in which there is a ventilation shaft near the computer. On it we get into the next room, and from there it is easiest to get to the stairs, which will lead us to the first floor. If necessary, neutralize the patrol. On the elevator we go down even lower, where we meet with the first boss. It takes a powerful weapon to kill him. We run from column to column, moreover, we try to lure the enemy to explosive objects. Don't forget to dodge enemy grenades and throw your own as Barret is vulnerable to them. Useful items are scattered around, including weapons. After the victory, we will collect the remnants and return to Malik.

M11 - Whisper of conspiracy.

Let's visit Pritchard first, because he wants to tell us something important. Having learned new details, we go to Sharif. In the reception room we meet Bill Taggart. In the dialog, select the branches "Keep Calm" and "Ask". In a conversation with Sharif, we use the “Justify” branch. Then we speak with him again and, having received a new task, we go to Malik, for a flight to China.

M1 - Hunt for a hacker.

Before us is a new city and, accordingly, new part plot. All additional tasks that we did not have time to complete in Detroit are automatically burned out, and it will not be possible to return to their implementation. We get to the penthouse, but we are not allowed to enter it. Therefore, we pass further, where there will be a ventilation shaft in the corner. After passing through it, turn right and go to the end. There will be another ventilation on the wall to the right. From there, open the door leading outside. We do not lean out until the patrolmen finish talking. Then we get to the elevator. Going down the elevator, we see vending machines with drinks in front of us. One of them blocked the ventilation shaft. On it we will get to the desired computer. It is advisable to neutralize nearby enemies. After hacking, we contact Malik and return back the same way that we came. Next, we head to the nightclub "Uley". You can get there through the main entrance, but in this case you will have to pay 1000 credits. There is an easier way: on the left in the alley there is a ventilation shaft that will lead us inside. We speak with the bartender and learn about Tonga. On the second floor, we talk with the manager, choosing the “Draw attention” branch. Now we can go to Tonga and find out where Van Bruggen is. On the way we will meet Malik, which will turn out to be very strange, and we will carefully ask her about the secrets. It is not necessary to complete the quest that Malik will give, so let's move on.

M2 - Gaining access to Tai-Yun-Medical.

After talking with Bryggen in residential areas, we go to a brothel and try to steal an employee card. It is very simple to do this: we penetrate into the next room, and from there through the balcony we will get into the desired room. We return to Van Brugger to remake the data for us. After the video, we pass the weapon to Van Brugger and start escaping from this area. We head to the stairs and go down to the floor below. We turn right, we enter the first room, where there are two opponents. After neutralizing them, we look for a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the exit. In the next room is a patrolman, as well as a surveillance camera. It is advisable not to disturb them, but, picking up the moment, slip past. It is very easy to do this, because the camera does not move at all. The last toilet has a ventilation shaft. Having got out of it from the other side, we see a turret in front of us and two opponents on the right. Having slipped past them, we find ourselves in the shower room. On the one hand blocks electricity, on the other - mines. We grab the box and throw along these mines. While the enemies come running, we will already have time to run to the laundry. There are two more here, we will deal with them when both are next to us. Then, after saving, we lean out from behind the corner and see the usual and heavily armed fighters. You can’t just slip through, so they must be neutralized. One of them will look at us, while the second will turn in the other direction. When he turns around, quickly move to the nightstand obliquely. Waiting for the right moment to turn left. We hide behind the curbstone on the right. We wait for the enemy, stun him and finish off the heavily armed one. Next, we leave the building and go to the train, which will take us to the "Tai Yun Medical".

Tai Yun Medical.
M1 - In search of evidence.

We go up the stairs and break open the door. We are stopped by a choking employee in a locked room. To save him, you need to break open the nearby door and unscrew the valve. Then we make our way into the room with the employee, remove the boxes and crawl to him. After talking with him, we move on. In the server room we are stopped by a guard. In the dialogue, we select "Mention Lee", and he gladly skips us. In the center we break open the console and go to the room on the left. We go up the stairs, where we go along the first bridge into the room. We select a pocket secretary, in which there is a code from the pumping room. We return back to the server room and go down the stairs to the level below. We sneak past the first camera. Then past the second, but there we turn right. Behind the container is a ventilation shaft that will lead us to the right door. We use the elevator, leaving it, we break open the door of the utility room on the right. We turn off the electricity and go to the next room. Climb up the structure on the right. We go up the stairs and get to another elevator. On the advice of Pritchard, we will hide the weapon and head to the laboratory. We are not allowed there, so we are looking for another way. For example, in the room on the right there is a ventilation shaft. You can get to it by breaking the door. After passing through the mine, turn right. There are opponents across the room. We deal with them and at the exit from the room we turn right to the stairs. On the second floor there will be no problems. We'll be back in the safe zone again. A strict guard will not let us through, so we turn right and, going a little lower down the stairs, hack the console while no one sees. We make inactive lasers. When the guard on the other side begins to move away, we catch up and neutralize him. There are two more ahead and the one in the center has secret code for the desired door. However, the same door can be cracked. In the room with lasers, we move first to the left, then to the right. To the right is a small room, and behind the box in this room is a ventilation shaft. She will lead us to a room with guards. We neutralize the guard sitting at the computer and then the remaining two. After opening the door, we wait until the laser leaves, and quickly move to the right. We pass by the boxes and enter the elevator so that the camera does not notice us.

M2 - Entrance to the dragon's lair.

After the cutscene, go through the door to the left of the elevator. Ahead is a corridor patrolled by a heavily armed soldier. We go around it on the right side, where we neutralize another, constantly standing in one place. Hide the body and move on. We move along the corridor to the right room. Here everything is covered by a surveillance camera. Let's climb into the nearby computer and find out the code for the door. It is advisable to turn off the camera at this moment. We take the elevator to Zhao. After the video, we are trying to escape from the guards that have appeared. We go down the right stairs. In the corner there is a ventilation shaft leading to the first floor. It will be more difficult to get out of it, so first we will open the mine door, this will lure the guards. When they calm down, we can get out and gradually get to the exit. On the elevator we will go down to the hangar, where you need to neutralize two robots. This can be done using EMP grenades, or by hacking computers nearby. Having finished with them, we open the gate, use the button on the tower and sit down in a rescue helicopter.

M1 - Meeting with Eliza Kassan.

Having landed on the helipad, we enter the building and move to room 404. Since the doors are blocked, we go around. After talking with Eliza, we learn that we are trapped. Leave the room and turn right. The next room has a ventilation shaft. We go straight along it and after listening to the conversation of opponents. Get out and turn left. We move between the tables, and then go down the stairs. Turn left and follow the corridor. To prevent the camera from detecting us, we quickly hide behind the sofas on the right until the enemies see us. And from there we get into the elevator. We move along the corridor, ahead we see two. We enter the room on the left and from there we get to the second floor, where we destroy the patrolmen one by one. On the other side we go down and sneak to the right door. It is desirable to neutralize a heavily armed soldier. Going down the stairs, we head to the funicular. Immediately neutralize the two standing with their backs to us. It will not be possible to approach the funicular directly, so we move the vending machine located nearby and through the ventilation shaft we get into the room with the funicular. We climb the stairs up and, luring opponents here, we neutralize them. We get to the button that calls the funicular. However, we are not in a hurry to press: we will install containers near the elevator door so that we can hide behind them. After all, the funicular will not arrive soon, and at this time opponents will hang around here. Our task is to hold out at any cost. We go down on the funicular and, turning right, we sneak under the camera. Behind the sofas we are waiting for the appearance of security. After talking to each other, one of them will go back. At this moment, we leave the shelter and follow him. That way we can safely get past the switchable lasers. At the end, we will stun the enemy so that he does not interfere with us to calmly move through the complex. Turn right and enter the first door. We leave the other when the enemy moves away. We stun him and hide the body in the room. Next is a long corridor, at the end of which is a chamber. Before going around it, let's look into another room. We find the access code on the computer. Around the corner is another room with an ammunition storage. We open the next door when the enemy moves away and turn left. Having gone forward a little, we go down the stairs and hide behind the column. Having picked up the moment, we sneak to the door. We go down the stairs and go further when the heavily armed soldier turns away. On the left there is a door to the room through which we will pass and find ourselves on the other side. We turn right, where there will be a small room with two patrolmen. We act very carefully, rolling from one obstacle to another and always looking at the camera. Further in the corridor is another surveillance camera, we pass under it and crawl along the ventilation shaft. Before you go to fight with the second boss, let's look into the room on the left. Here is a heavy machine gun with a lot of ammunition.

The leader of the mercenaries is perhaps the most powerful enemy in the game. She uses a very powerful weapon and can also become invisible.

These are the recommendations for the fight. If the EMP Protection implant is installed, then you can safely run around during her attacks in the longest circle, trying to provoke the explosion of her mines near the special devices on the wall. This will cause electricity to spread as the floor is covered with a layer of water. Taking advantage of its slowdown, we quickly attack from everything that we have.

The second option is as follows. We run around the second circle, that is, the one that is smaller and try to attack as accurately as possible, at the same time, running away and dodging her attacks. In case you run out of ammo, you can always find it in the big circle wall cabinets. When the enemy is invisible (rechargeable), she can attack suddenly and without warning from our AI assistant (Eliza Kassan). Therefore, at this time you need to be in the smallest, central circle. To see her location, you need to use the ability to see through walls. Finally, having dealt with the boss, we will examine the corpse in search of useful items, as well as the entire hall, leave the building and get to the rescue helicopter.

M1 - Conversation with Sharif.

We head to our apartment to talk with Sharif.

M2 - Find Isaiah Sandoval.

We get a VIP pass and go to the conference center. Having burst there, we enter into a dialogue with Taggart. In the conversation, select the "Conflict" branch. Having successfully persuaded him to give out the location of Sandoval, we go backstage. After talking with him again, we get to the Grand River Road. You can enter the apartment through the fire escape. Noticing two talking people on the stairwell, we wait until they leave, and we pass into the desired apartment. In the next room is Zeke Sanders. We open the door and quickly deal with it. We remove the boxes and go to the bathroom. It also removes the boxes, and activate the electrical panel on the wall. A secret bunker has been opened, in which Sandoval is probably hiding. We go down the stairs a little, then we jump onto the barrels, go a little along the structure and turn left. We jump down, and from there we pass forward and again we go down the stairs. Let's go forward and hide behind the box on the left. Let's wait until the patrol leaves and make our way into the passage on the wall on the left. We neutralize the next guard when he stands between the lasers. We hide the corpse and very slowly sneak past one single mine. In a conversation with Sandoval, select the Cruel Mercy branch. We get to the surface and get to the roof of our house, where Malik will be waiting for us.

M1 - Old debts.

Pritchard is not in the office, but he asked to visit Sharif. After the video, we return to the helipad to go back to Hengsha and find the transmitter of Vasily Shevchenko, and perhaps himself.

M2 - Find Vasily Shevchenko's transmitter.

After we crashed, being shot down, we will take advantage of Malik's distraction and go in search of the transmitter. We turn right, jump down and sneak through the building until the opponents notice us. Before the helicopter explodes, we will have time to get to the elevator. Once in Lower Hengsha, we continue our search. Along the way, we get advice from Pritchard to visit the local PROTEZ clinic to get a new biochip. Near the clinic there is an enemy that needs to be neutralized in order to go further. We go down to the subway and take the train to the Yuzhao area. The door we need is carefully guarded. In the alley we come across a sewer hatch and go down. You need to go on the right side, it's much safer. First we deal with the patrolman, and then with the one sitting on the chair. The bodies are thrown into the water. We pass further through the central door. Here, on the contrary, we first neutralize the sitting one, and then quickly the patrol. We pass further behind the boxes. Two people are sitting on the couch and they will surely notice us if we move into the open. Using the rolls, first to the left and then to the right, we get to the doors. We sneak behind the sofa and then behind the rusty cars. At the end, we remove the boxes and enter the right door.

M3 - hide and seek.

After talking with Tong, we set off for the Belltower port. Having got out to the surface, we pass further than the main gate, where we remove the box and penetrate the territory. We pass forward and, having missed the robot, we will go down the stairs. We watch for the patrolman and neutralize him when he comes closer. We hide the body and make our way under the camera. We go up the next stairs again. Hiding behind the trucks, we move forward, the main thing is that the sniper at the top does not notice us. Ahead is a camera and a patrol. We carefully pass behind the containers, preferably by neutralizing the patrolman, who, by the way, has a pocket secretary with a code for the door next to the camera. We get into the right room and neutralize the sleeping guard. We break open the door and get a bundle from the locker. We return to the cell, or rather to the door next to the cell. We open it with the received code. Entering the warehouse, turn right and move to the end. Let's wait until the guards finish talking, and we'll move on. Once on the other side, we rise to the second floor. We climb the metal stairs to the very top and jump through the passage on the ceiling into the room. We install explosives and watch the video.

M1 - Rescue Megan and her group.

Having got out of the capsule in which we stayed for several days, we leave the building through the door next to the red gate. We turn right and listen to the conversation of the patrolmen, hiding behind the barrels. One of them will go to us, and we will neutralize it, then drag the body away. There is a passage straight ahead. We remove the container from the path and climb into the building through the window. It's very easy to neutralize everyone here. In the last room, we hack the central computer, thereby completing an additional task. Now it's much easier to navigate. We get out of here through the double doors and turn right. Having bypassed the terrace, we will watch for the patrolman and neutralize it. After hiding the body, we enter the building on the right. After sterilization, we will find ourselves in the central hall. To the right of the chamber there is a ventilation shaft. Carefully follow the enemy and sneak in there. We get out on the other side and climb the stairs. Having risen, we turn right and follow the long corridor, eliminating the guards one by one, until we find ourselves at the door where one of the employees is being held. Hack it until the camera sees it. After talking with Nia Colvin, we set off to rescue other members of the group. Getting to the next scientist, who is in the laboratory on the third floor, is a little easier. We go up the stairs in the central hall and turn left, of course, when the patrol does not see. We enter the door on the right and move along the corridor. We pass through the lasers using the guard, who periodically walks back and forth. We speak with Eric Koss and leave the laboratory using the elevator located in the next room. After going down the elevator, we leave the room and turn right. Then turn right again at the first turn. Ahead of the guards, having picked up the moment, we quickly climb the stairs to the right. We go through the central door to the left and go down the stairs. Hack the terminal to turn off the lasers. We go down the elevator straight to the next scientist - Declan Faherty. After talking with him, we return to the elevator. It remains to save the main person - this is Megan. Faherty gave us a virus that needs to be downloaded to the main computer located outside the complex. This virus will make it impossible for Belltower to monitor our scientists. We leave the building the way we got here. To the right of the exit is an enemy paired with a turret, as well as a patrol moving back and forth. When they gather in a heap, we throw them at them, clinging to the wall with an EMP or a smoke grenade. Thus, we will deal with everyone without raising the alarm. You should not throw a smoke grenade into the area viewed by the turret, because it will quickly detect the "enemy" and start incessant fire, which naturally leads to undesirable consequences. We move on, where two cameras and a robot are waiting for us ahead. It won't be hard to get around them. In the room with the main computer, we download the received virus into the disk reader, next to the computer. After talking with Pritchard, we wait until the patrol that appears leaves, and go to the elevator through the opened gate. We watch the video and start the battle with the next boss - John Ramira. Immediately after the video, we throw a grenade at him and hit him with the most powerful weapon that we have. Our implants are out of order, so we can't use features like Typhoon, etc. There is a place on each side of the central glass where we can cuddle up and fend off the enemy. If he throws grenades to smoke us out, quickly run to the opposite cover. John is especially vulnerable when he jumps over glass. We attack it until it is completely destroyed. Finally we get to Megan. After the video, we go to the hangar to open the roof, thereby preparing for the evacuation. We watch through the glass the rescue of employees and then quickly run to Leo's shuttle to go to Panchaea. We stun enemies that get in the way with simple blows.

M1 - Stop transmission.

Having received instructions from Pritchard, we head to the tower. We focus on the beacon on the screen. We jump down and after passing a little, we come across electrified water. We jump onto the pipe on the right and move along it. We remove the container and again jump onto the pipe on the left. After passing the corner, we shoot the boxes and penetrate into the ventilation shaft. Inside you can see a mine, which is easily destroyed by a shot. Once in the room, turn off the electricity and exit through the door. We turn right and move along the corridor. Turn right, go up the stairs. The most difficult part is over, it remains only to get to the elevator. We move along the corridors to the center of the tower. In a conversation with Hugh Darrow, select the "Criticize" branch. Having received the access codes, we return back to the elevator. We will have to break through the crowd of distraught employees. Do not forget that they are fast, cause serious damage even one at a time, but most importantly, they cannot jump over even the simplest obstacles.

To be continued…

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