A lizard that inflates the hood. Frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii). Lifestyle of the frilled lizard

The Australian frilled lizard (lat. Chlamydosaurus kingii) belongs to the Agam family, and is known even to those people who are of little interest in lizards. With what? It resembles a dragon, and is certainly remembered even by random people.

In a frilled lizard (did you notice the characteristic name?), On the head is a fold of skin filled with blood vessels. At the moment of danger, she inflates it, changing color and thereby visually becomes larger, frightening predators. In addition, she stands on her hind legs to appear taller and also runs away on two legs.

The frilled lizard lives on the island New Guinea and the north coast of Australia. It is the second largest lizard among the agamas, second only to Hydrosaurus spp. Males living in Australia can reach 100 cm, although individuals living in New Guinea are smaller, up to 80 cm.

Females are much smaller than males, about two-thirds of their size. In captivity, frilled lizards can live up to 10 years, although females are somewhat smaller due to the regular stress of reproduction and oviposition.

For normal content need a spacious, well-equipped terrarium, with large area bottom. Unlike other lizards, frilled lizards spend their entire lives in trees, not on the ground, and need space.

For a lizard, you need a terrarium with a length of at least 130-150 cm, and at the same time high, from 100 cm. It is better to close all the windows, except for the front one, with an opaque material, so you reduce stress and increase the feeling of security.

They have good eyesight and react to movement in the room, plus a limited view will help them concentrate on the food while feeding. By the way, if the lizard is under stress or has recently appeared, then try to close the front glass as well, it will come to its senses faster.

It is better that the length of the terrarium is 150 cm, the height is from 120 to 180 cm, especially if you keep a couple. If this is one individual, then a little less, then all the same, the height is very important. It makes them feel safe, plus they climb in to warm up.

Branches and a variety of snags should be located at different angles, creating a structure like scaffolding.

Lighting and temperature

The distance between the lamp and the heating zone is at least 30 cm. And in the rest of the temperature is from 29 to 32C. At night, it can drop to 24 C. Duration daylight hours 10-12 hours.


It is better to use a combination of coconut flakes, sand and garden soil, 4-6 cm deep. This mixture holds moisture well and is not dusty. You can also use mulch and reptile mats.


The basis of feeding the frilled lizard should be a mixture different insects: cricket, grasshoppers, locusts, worms, zofobas. All insects should be sprinkled with reptile food with vitamin D3 and calcium.

You can also give mice, depending on the size of the lizard. Juveniles are fed with insects, but medium-sized, daily, two or three times a day. You can also spray them with water, reducing agility and replenishing water supplies from the lizard.

They also eat fruits, but here you need to try, since a lot depends on a particular individual, some refuse greens.

Adults are fed once a day or two, again supplemented with calcium and vitamins. Pregnant females are fed more frequently and supplements are given at each feeding.


In nature, frilled lizards thrive during the rainy season, which keeps them hydrated. In captivity, the humidity in the terrarium should be around 70%. The terrarium should be sprayed with a spray gun daily, and for juveniles three times a day, during feeding. If funds allow, it is better to install a special system that maintains air humidity.

Thirsty lizards collect water drops from the decor, but they will ignore the water container in the corner. Unless it helps to maintain moisture, due to evaporation. They usually pick up drops within a few minutes after you spray the terrarium.

The first sign of dehydration is sunken eyes, then a skin condition. If you pinch it and the crease does not smooth out, then the lizard is dehydrated. Spray the terrarium liberally and observe its behavior, or go straight to the veterinarian for a hypodermic fluid injection.


They feel comfortable in the terrarium and uncomfortable outside of it. Do not touch the lizards once again if you see that it is bad for her outside the familiar environment. The most important thing is that she be healthy and active, even if for this you only have to observe, and not hold her in your hands.

A frightened frilled lizard opens its mouth, hisses, puffs out its hood, and may even bite you. It looks impressive, but keep in mind that her condition is not affected by the most in the best way.

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A lizard is an animal that belongs to the class of reptiles (reptiles), the squamous order, the lizard suborder. In Latin, the suborder of the lizard is called Lacertilia, formerly the name was Sauria.

The reptile got its name from the word “lizard”, which comes from the Old Russian word “skor”, meaning “skin”.

The most big lizard in the world - komodo dragon

The smallest lizard in the world.

The smallest lizards in the world are the Haraguan sphero (Sphaerodactylus ariasae) and the Virginian round-toed gecko (Sphaerodactylus parthenopion). The size of the babies does not exceed 16-19 mm, and the weight reaches 0.2 grams. These cute and harmless reptiles live in the Dominican Republic and on Virgin Islands.

Where do lizards live?

A variety of species of lizards live on all continents except Antarctica. Representatives of reptiles familiar to Russia are real lizards that live almost everywhere: they can be found in the fields, in the forest, in the steppes, gardens, in the mountains, deserts, near rivers and lakes. All types of lizards move perfectly on any surface, firmly clinging to all sorts of bulges and bumps. Rocky species of lizards are excellent jumpers, the height of the jump of these mountain dwellers reaches 4 meters.

large predators, such as monitor lizard, hunt small animals - their own kind, and also eat the eggs of birds and reptiles with pleasure. The monitor lizard from Komodo Island, the largest lizard in the world, attacks wild boar and even buffalo and deer. The Moloch lizard eats exclusively, while the pink-tongued skink eats only terrestrial molluscs. Some large iguana and skink lizards are almost entirely vegetarian, with a menu of ripe fruits, leaves, flowers, and plant pollen. Lizards in nature are extremely cautious and agile, approaching the intended prey stealthily, and then attack with a swift jerk and capture the prey in their mouths.

Komodo monitor lizard eating buffalo

A unique species from the agam family, which is distinguished by its very unusual appearance. A large collar-shaped skin fold, which is located around the head, allows you to unmistakably distinguish it from many species of lizards. It is not difficult to guess that it is thanks to the exotic "cloak" that the lizard got its name.

"Cloak" serves as a lizard at the same time a means of protection and communication with relatives. The cervical membrane is supported by cartilaginous outgrowths of the hyoid bone - two on each side. In times of danger, the frilled lizard spreads its "cloak", and the outgrowths support it, like the spokes of an umbrella, which at the same time turns bright red or orange, due to the location a large number blood vessels in a given skin fold. In addition, the "cloak" acts as a thermostat. If necessary, the lizard catches the sun's rays with it. Males open their coats to attract females. mating season.

Along with maintaining desired temperature it is important to make sure that. This will avoid a large number of problems associated with the development of bacteria and other unwanted microorganisms. However, ventilation should be moderate to avoid heat loss and dampness.

Lighting: photoperiod allows to stimulate activity, reproduction and other vital functions of reptiles. Fluorescent lights are the cheapest lighting option. However, the frilled lizard, like other reptiles, absolutely needs full spectrum UVB lamps in order to produce enough vitamin D in the body. The following types of lamps are recommended: Zoo-med Reptisun 10.0 UVB or. They should be placed no higher than 300 mm above the lizard, as its effectiveness decreases with distance from the animal. UV lamps need to be changed every 12 months.

In order to recreate the conditions of keeping for lizards in captivity as close to natural as possible, it is recommended to create the effect of dusk and dawn in the terrarium every day.

Humidity maintenance: the optimum level of humidity in a terrarium with a frilled lizard is 50-70%. To do this, you can use a sprinkler installation, or spray the terrarium once or twice a day.

Decor: the presence of thick branches and snags is important for frilled lizards, since in wild nature they spend most of their time in trees and shrubs. Avoid sharp edges and thin knots on the placed branches so that the lizard does not accidentally damage his cloak during abrupt jumps. As a decor, you can place a few clean smooth stones. Non-poisonous ones will also look great. tropical plants with dense leaves.

In addition to animal food, a small amount can be included in the diet of lizards. plant food, consisting of spinach, soft fruits and vegetables that grow in the habitats of these animals.

A prerequisite for the healthy life of a frilled lizard is the addition to food, which are contained in sufficient quantities in specially designed vitamin and mineral complexes.

The feeding frequency of adult lizards is 2-3 times a week. Young animals up to six months need to be fed every day, and then up to two years 3-4 times a week. It is necessary to add calcium during each feeding, both adults and young animals. Vitamins can be added 1-2 times a week.

There is one feature: when feeding frilled lizards, it is necessary to separate them from their relatives in order to avoid damage to the “cloak”, which rises and falls while eating, which can lead to bites.
It is necessary to organize a drinking bowl for lizards with clean water, as they drink quite a lot, especially after meals.

Breeding in captivity

Frilled lizards become sexually mature at the age of one year. However, it is recommended to allow the female to breed no earlier than at the age of 2 years. Egg laying takes a lot of calcium from the lizard, as well as energy, and therefore in more early age reproduction can shorten the life of the female.

In the wild, the breeding season for frilled lizards falls between August and December. This period should be preceded by wintering (cool dry climate), it should be replaced by a warm wet season. During this period, it is necessary to increase the amount of calcium and protein in the diet of lizards. Approximately after a month of active feeding, one can observe the beginning of the mating season of these lizards. The courtship of the male is expressed in the easy opening and closing of his cloak, which is accompanied by a shaking of the head. The female answers him by shaking her head, cloak, and also her forelimb.

After successful mating, the female lays eggs in wet sand. The thickness of the soil for laying should be 15-20 cm. The laying may consist of 12-18 eggs, depending on the size of the female. The weight of each egg can reach 2.4 g -4.6 g. The incubation period lasts from 54 to 92 days. Masonry is recommended to be removed from the terrarium and placed in a special container. When doing this, make sure that the eggs are not damaged. To do this, you need to remove the masonry along with the soil.

During incubation period the temperature should be 28-29 ° C. With an increase or decrease in temperature, only females develop from eggs. After hatching, the young must be placed in a terrarium separate from their parents.

In distant Australia, one can observe a very interesting picture. Enough large lizard quickly climbs a small hill, stands on its hind legs, and suddenly a huge bright “collar” opens around its head, like an umbrella. She begins to hiss angrily and open her huge mouth, and then abruptly turns around and runs on her hind legs to the nearest tree. This whole performance was started by a frilled lizard.

You can meet her in the north-west of Australia and in the south of new Guinea. These reptiles live in forest-steppes and dry forests. They spend most of their time in trees. It descends to the ground only in search of food or in order to climb a neighboring tree.

This is a fairly large lizard belonging to the Agam family. The length of her body is approximately 80-100 centimeters, 2/3 of which is occupied by the tail (50-70 centimeters). Their color depends on environment. Most often, the body color matches the color of fallen leaves - brown, golden, yellowish, gray, etc.

The tail takes up 2/3 of the body

The frilled lizard boasts strong limbs and sharp claws that help it move briskly through the trees.

prehensile paws

Now let's figure out why the lizard got its name. If you look closely at it, you can see a large leathery fold around the head and neck. In the absence of a threat, this fold is folded, but as soon as danger appears, the animal instantly opens its “collar” with notches along the edges and immediately takes on a frightening look. It is for this huge fold, which is somewhat reminiscent of a cloak, that the lizard got its name "frilled".

Folded leather fold Open "collar"

The opening mechanism of the collar is directly related to the opening of the mouth. The wider it is opened, the more the leathery fold will unfold. This occurs as a result of tension in the throat of a special muscle that activates the processes of the hyoid bone. In the unfolded state, the diameter of the resulting "umbrella" can reach 30 centimeters, in the center of which there is a huge open mouth. Terrifying picture, no doubt about it.

For greater persuasiveness, she rises on her hind legs, raises her head and torso high. If the enemy does not retreat, then she goes on the attack - begins to attack, bite hard and deliver serious blows with her long tail. On snakes and dogs, these techniques work well.

As soon as it becomes clear that the enemy is confused, the lizard quickly runs away on its hind scent into the bushes or to the nearest tree. The raised tail at the same time serves as a balance stabilizer when running.

In addition to being protective, the open leather collar helps regulate body temperature. In the morning, while it is cool, the lizard with its help "catches" the sun's rays, and when overheated, it cools down.

Also, with its help, males during the mating season attract the attention of females. After mating, the female lays 8 to 14 eggs in a shallow hole dug in wet sand. After 10 weeks, offspring are born.

Frilled lizard eggs

They find their food in trees or on the ground. They feed on various invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles, insects and spiders. Their special delicacy is bird eggs.

Detachment - scaly

Contract - lizards

Family - Agamas

Genus/Species - Chlamydosaurus kingi

Basic data:


Length: up to 80 cm.

Collar diameter: 15 cm.

Weight up to 500 g.


Puberty: from 2-3 years old.

Mating period: early spring.

Number of eggs: 2-8.

Incubation period: 8-12 weeks.


Habits: frilled lizard (see photo) - loner; does not care about offspring; guards its territory.

What does it eat: insects, spiders and small mammals.

Lifespan: about 8-10 years in captivity, in nature - unknown.


There are about 300 species of agamas, about 65 of which live in Australia, such as moloch and water leguan.

The frilled lizard lives in trees in Northern Australia and New Guinea. When this reptile raises its unusual collar, it becomes, undoubtedly, the most beautiful lizard of the continent. On the ground, the frilled lizard moves very quickly, running mainly on its hind legs.


The basis of the diet of the lizard is insects, spiders, small mammals. There are only a few species of lizards that feed mainly on plant foods. These lizards often become the prey of other animals themselves.


The male lizard guards his territory and drives out rivals. During the breeding season, during fights, males open their collar, flaunting its bright color in front of each other. In males, the front collar is brightly colored with numerous blue, white and pink spots, and the chest and throat are jet black. marriage ritual agamas, which include the frilled lizard, are quite complex. Males tend to win the favor of females. The eggs are fertilized in the body of the female. After laying eggs, the mother does not care about them or about the cubs, which lead an independent life from the moment of birth. Cubs are born after 8-12 weeks.


Like most other lizards, the frilled lizard is active during the day. The sun, heating its blood, transfers the energy that the lizard spends in search of food. Rigid scales covering her body protect her from fluid loss. She lives in trees, where she often lies on branches and basks in the sun.

This lizard moves equally well both in trees and on the surface of the earth. She can run on both two and four limbs. When the frilled lizard runs along the ground on its hind legs, it keeps its body almost vertically raised above the ground. At the same time, the front legs hang down freely, and the raised tail makes oscillatory movements and helps to maintain balance. Paleontologists believe that some ancient reptiles, such as dinosaurs, moved in this way.

The body of the lizard is pink or dark gray on top with dark transverse stripes on the back and on the tail. The collar of this lizard is a thin leather membrane covered with scales. On each side, it is supported by two long cartilaginous outgrowths of the hyoid bone. In case of impending danger, the lizard opens the collar like an umbrella. At the same time, her mouth opens, and the more it opens, the wider the umbrella collar unfolds. At the same time, the lizard itself sits on its hind legs, raising the front of the body high. If the enemy does not retreat, then the frilled lizard goes on the attack: it bites strongly and strikes with its long tail. It is thought that the collar of this lizard also serves as a collector solar heat and captures the sun's rays.


IN Lately they began to be kept in terrariums and zoos. The lizard frightens enemies with its amazing "clothing" that resembles an umbrella. However, he uses it only as a last resort, mostly running away from his pursuers on his strong hind legs, besides, he hurries to run to the nearest tree, where he hides among the branches. The lizard is up to 80 cm long.

  • The frilled lizard is often kept as a pet. In captivity, she raises her collar only in exceptional cases.
  • A remarkable feature of this lizard is its ability to run on its hind legs, keeping its body almost vertically raised above the ground. She maintains balance while running with the help of her tail.
  • Along the edges of the jaw, the lizard grows strong teeth, similar to human ones: molars, fangs and incisors.
  • Another tree-dwelling lizard in Australia is the Gulde monitor. Aborigines believe that wounds from his bites do not heal.
  • The frilled lizard featured on the Australian two-cent coin. The lizard is also called the "dragon lizard".

Self-Defense Mechanisms of the Frilled Lizard

The collar is covered with large scales, the edges are serrated. The color of the collar varies depending on the habitat of the lizard.

In case of danger, the collar opens like an umbrella. This movement is accompanied by opening a wide mouth and hitting the ground with the tail.

- Habitat of the frilled lizard

WHERE Dwells

The frilled lizard lives in Northern and Northwestern Australia, as well as in New Guinea.


Today, this lizard is not threatened with extinction.

Large frilled lizard. Impressive view. Video (00:02:08)

Large frilled lizard can reach 90 cm from the nose to the tip of the tail.
The lizard's attempts to look more impressive are funny.
However, the fact that she is only able to walk and run on her hind legs is quite impressive.
This style of running may not look natural, but for them it is the norm.
Researchers say that when they are not in trees, they spend 90 percent of their time on their hind legs.
Why do they run in such a strange way?
The lizard climbs the tree. At a height of about 2 meters, it freezes.
Looks like she's in a trap. And again in motion. Runs on hind legs. Someone has been caught.
These lizards feed on insects seen from the trees.
Thanks to good eyesight a frilled lizard can spot a grasshopper at a distance of 20 meters.
Seeing food, she immediately rushes after it.
If she moved on 4 legs, the grass would block the view and the insect could be lost from sight.
Standing upright, the lizard can constantly see the target.

Frilled Lizard Attacks Human. Video (00:00:30)

Frilled lizard. Animals & fish. Video (00:05:20)

Frilled lizard. Huge claws, strong paws, sharp teeth, a long tail, fan around the neck -
This is the Frilled Lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii), of the Agamidae family (Agamidae). An amazing lizard, common in Australia and lives alone, climbing high on a tree. The lizard has a long, dangerous tail, covered with sharp scales, which serve as a defense against an enemy attack.
The tail of the frilled lizard is one third of the body length and serves as a tool for attack and hunting.
The lizard has one feature - a large collar fold around the neck.
In times of danger, when the muscles of the neck tense up, the collar of the lizard rises and turns bright colors. and scares off enemies.
During the breeding season, the collar serves to attract females.
With a lack sunlight the collar traps heat and keeps the lizard warm.
The Frilled Lizard hunts in trees and on the ground.
During danger and hunting, the Frilled Lizard opens its dangerous, huge mouth, begins to hiss intimidatingly.
With a sharp throw, SHE attacks the gaping victim, clinging to it with huge paws with incredibly sharp claws.
In case of danger, the Frilled Lizard will surely open its huge mouth, showing the victim a series of dangerous sharp teeth.
With its gait, the Frilled Lizard resembles dangerous dinosaurs that died out millions of years ago.
The lizard hunts small mammals, will not refuse to feast on large insects and spiders. She destroys bird nests and eats bird eggs.

When keeping the Frilled Lizard in a domestic environment, a terrarium is necessary.
The terrarium should have a pool of water for body thermoregulation. The lizard loves to swim.
The humidity level in the terrarium is from 50 to 70%.
Even if there is a clean water pool in the terrarium, necessary condition: water should always be crystal clear.
Additionally, do not forget to spray the terrarium at least 2 times a day, or put special installation sprinkling,
The temperature in the terrarium should be between 24 and 28 degrees. At night, do not drop the temperature below 20 degrees.
Install a thermostat, check the temperature in different corners of the terrarium.

Frilled Lizard - Frilled Lizard (Animal Encyclopedia). Video (00:00:53)

Chlamydosaurus kingii
These lizards are found in New Guinea and northwestern Australia.
On the head is a fold of skin filled with blood vessels. At the moment of danger, she inflates it, changing color and thereby visually becomes larger, frightening predators. In addition, she stands on her hind legs to appear taller and also runs away on two legs.

All About Pets: Frilled Lizard - Real Dinosaur! Video (00:03:25)

Frilled lizard. Video (00:01:13)

Trying new food...

The struggle of two male frilled lizards for a female. Video (00:01:17)

The male of the frilled lizard, the owner of the territory, is trying to drive away the rival. The stranger turns his head to the opponent.
War has been declared. Both show a menacing stance and open collars.
The battle is over. The alien male runs through the park and leaves the area.
Yes, males arrange violent fights for females.

All About Pets: Frilled Lizard - Let's Get Acquainted. Video (00:03:39)

The mystery of the frilled lizards. Video (00:02:56)

Scientists believe that the ancestors of frilled lizards began to stand upright to improve the view of the area.
It took time to get back on my feet. But in the end, they learned to run on their hind legs.
Most other lizards do not have this ability. Why does the frilled ones have it?
The key to this mystery is in their posture. Other lizards can raise their bodies by about this much, the weight of the head prevents them from rising higher.
The frilled lizard is held vertically by throwing its head back.
The center of gravity shifts towards the hind legs, making it easier to move.
Also, to maintain balance, these reptiles stretch their long tails.
In fact, frilled lizards keep their backs upright at all times, even when perched on a tree.
They do it for the purpose of disguise. Arching its back, this lizard became like a branch.
This remarkable feature is the result of their habitual posture.
She descends again and catches the insect. Bipedalism gives best review. It allows you to keep an eye on the prey while hunting, increasing the chances of success.
However, most lizards catch their prey by moving on 4 legs without having a view of the frilled ones.
How do they do it? This is a very interesting question.
As a rule, lizards rely more on charm than sight when tracking prey.
They use language. The tongue collects smells from the air, telling who is nearby - a victim or a predator.
As for the frilled lizards, they hunt from ambush looking around the surroundings from a height.

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