The best combat helicopters in the world. The best attack helicopters in the world Top 10 helicopters

Rotorcraft have become widespread nowadays. Combat helicopters, which first took part in military operations during the Korean War, significantly influenced combat tactics. Thus, all armies began to use helicopters developed countries. This universal technology is also capable of transporting cargo for various purposes, taking part in search and rescue, reconnaissance operations, carrying out fire support infantry.

The best helicopter in our understanding is a perfect aircraft capable of successfully performing its assigned tasks in different conditions at the limit of its capabilities. In the ranking of the best helicopters in the world there are only options military aviation, which have undergone rigorous testing in hot spots.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the ten best helicopters

10th place – Mi-26

  • Soviet heavy transport helicopter.
  • First flown in 1977.
  • 310 units produced.
  • Loading capacity – 80 paratroopers or 20 tons of cargo.

This helicopter is the largest in size in the world. Achieving unique capabilities required the use of original technical solutions. The vehicle was equipped with an eight-bladed main rotor, a multi-threaded power transmission, and three video cameras for monitoring the cargo placed on the external sling. The helicopter was used during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It was used for the installation of a shelter, specially reinforced with a thick layer of lead radio protection. After the operation, all Mi-26s were buried in the Chernobyl 30-kilometer zone.

9th place – Westland Lynx

  • English multi-purpose helicopter.
  • First flown in 1971.
  • 400 units produced.
  • Capable of carrying 10 paratroopers and suspended weapons in the form of 4 anti-ship missiles (naval version) or 70-mm Hydra rockets, 20-mm cannons and up to 8 anti-tank missiles (land version).

The appearance of Lynx resembles a representative civil aviation, but despite this, it is one of the most common deck-based helicopters. Westland Lynx was used in the Falklands War and was very successful. Lynxes were also used in the combat zone in Balkan Peninsula, for the blockade of the coast of Yugoslavia and in 1991 in Iraq, where with their help they were sunk landing ship, 4 border patrol boats, a T-43 minesweeper and a missile boat.
But it’s not just its military merits that make the machine unique; in 1986, the Westland Lynx set the speed record for all mass-produced helicopters, accelerating to 400 km/h.

8th place – Boeing CH-47 Chinook

  • Military transport heavy helicopter with a longitudinal design.
  • First flown into the sky in 1961.
  • 1179 units were produced.
  • Load capacity – 12 tons or up to 55 people.

An important property of the army of any country is its mobility. If we look at the transportation of military personnel, helicopters play a significant role in this process. There was a particular need for such a movement during the Vietnam War - mountainous terrain and large temperature changes prevented the transfer of soldiers in any other way. The Chinook helicopter, which was created according to an original longitudinal design using two main rotors, came to the rescue of the soldiers. During rescue operations in Vietnam, a record was set - 147 refugees were taken on board the helicopter. This device received the slang nickname “flying carriage”. It was not thrown onto the battlefield; the CH-47's specialty was transporting cargo from ships to land bases. Interesting fact, that during the Vietnam War, Chincoki evacuated damaged equipment totaling $3 billion.

Until now, the helicopter remains in service with many countries and is actively used.

7th place – Bell AH-1 Cobra

  • Attack helicopter.
  • First flown into the sky in 1965.
  • 1116 copies produced.
  • Equipped with the following weapons: remote-controlled installation with 2 Minigun machine guns, 70-mm NURS, air-to-air missiles, TOW anti-tank missiles.

“Cobras” are deservedly called tank hunters, which they have confirmed with successful missions to destroy enemy ground equipment in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots.

For the first time in the world, this device was initially designed as an attack helicopter. The side projections of the control cabin were protected with composite armor. The Cobra helicopter was equipped with a powerful sighting system that performed well in harsh weather conditions. The compact size of the helicopter facilitates its deployment on aircraft carriers and universal landing ships.

6th place – Mi-24

  • Transport and military aircraft.
  • First flown in 1969.
  • More than 2000 units were produced.
  • It is equipped with built-in weapons in the form of a four-barreled 12.7 mm machine gun and suspended weapons: NURS, free-falling bombs, suspended cannon containers, and an anti-missile system.
  • The capacity of the troop compartment is up to 8 people.

The Americans, who managed to intercept the Mi-24, affirmatively insist that it is not a helicopter. Despite the visual similarity, if you look at the device from a technical point of view, it can be defined as a hybrid of a helicopter and an airplane. The arguments for this fact are that the Mi-24 is not capable of hovering in one place and taking off without acceleration. Large pylons act as airplane wings, creating additional takeoff force. American technicians conducted an experiment and found that up to 40% of the lifting force is created with the help of pylons placed to the sides. Also, the hybrid must be piloted using “aircraft” technology. During a decline in lift, you need to lower the nose slightly, like on an airplane.

The creation of the Mi-24 implemented the idea of ​​a “flying infantry fighting vehicle”, so it contains a powerful weapon system that is not typical for other standard helicopters. “Aircraft qualities” allowed the heavyweight Mi-24 to enter the line of the fastest military helicopters in the world (maximum speed - 320 km/h).

The helicopter took part in military conflicts in Caucasus mountains and in the Pamirs, became a symbol of the Afghan war.

5 -e place– Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion

  • Heavy transport helicopter.
  • 115 units produced.
  • Load capacity - 13 tons in the cargo compartment, up to 14.5 tons on an external sling, or up to 55 paratroopers.

This helicopter is a deep modernization of the famous CH-53 Sea Steele, built to meet the needs of the US Navy. To the original design, the developers added a third engine and a seven-blade main rotor. The CH-53E helicopter was nicknamed the “hurricane maker.”

It also had a dead loop. In addition to transport missions, the flying boat was used as a minesweeper (MH-53 modification) and was used during search and rescue operations (HH-53 modification). The helicopter is equipped with an in-flight refueling system and can remain in flight for a whole day. In addition to operations on water, it was actively used in ground missions. CH-53 and CH-53E provided fire support for dismounted troops in Afghanistan and Iran.

4th place – Bell UH-1

  • Multi-role combat helicopter.
  • First flown in 1956.
  • Over 16,000 units produced.
  • Capable of placing on board up to 14 paratroopers or 1.5 tons of cargo.

This rotorcraft became a symbol of the Vietnam War. Based on the words of the veterans, it was the Bell UH-1 that became their home. He transported soldiers from one combat position to another, supplied the military with provisions and food, provided fire support and transported the wounded. Although the combat losses of this helicopter are rather large (about 3000 units), combat use can be called successful. During the 11 years of the war, according to statistics, 36 million sorties were flown. Thus, the losses amounted to 1 helicopter per 18,000 sorties - an impressive result, especially considering the fact that this device has no armor at all.
Before the release of the Cobras, it was he who was entrusted with the task of carrying out strike operations. To do this, the vehicle was equipped with a pair of 12.7 mm machine guns and 48 unguided missiles on the suspension.
The Bell UH-1 joined the ranks of the armies of 70 countries. He is often shown in various Hollywood action films.

3rd place - Mi-8

  • Multi-purpose helicopter.
  • First flown in 1961.
  • Over 17,000 units were produced.
  • Load capacity: 24 people or 3 tons of cargo.
  • In combat modifications, it was equipped with 2-3 machine guns and up to 1.5 tons of weapons on an external sling, which included free-falling bombs, unguided 57 mm caliber rockets and an anti-tank complex.

Although the helicopter was created more than half a century ago, it is still in demand, attracting buyers from all regions of the world. In total, there are three dozen military and civilian modifications. It is used as a reconnaissance helicopter, minelayer, tanker, air command post and an ambulance helicopter. Civilian versions are registered with airlines and are used in agricultural work and emergency response services.
The Mi-8 helicopter has a high degree of versatility and can withstand the conditions of both frosty Siberia and the sultry Sahara. It was used in all hot spots: Afghanistan, Chechnya, the Middle East. There is nothing to replace the legendary helicopter yet.

2nd place - Boeing AH-64 Apache

  • Attack helicopter.
  • First flown in 1975.
  • 1174 units produced.
  • Built-in weapons include a 30 mm automatic cannon. The suspended armament consists of 16 Hellfire anti-tank missiles, 76 NURS or missile systems Stinger for air combat.

"Apache" served as a prototype for the creation of a number of modern attack helicopters. He successfully proved himself in the famous Operation Desert Storm, successfully fighting tanks. It is in service and actively used by the Israeli Air Force.
Replace "Apache" in israeli army, most likely, will have to be the Russian Mi-28N, which has the best performance characteristics and won a tender for supply to Israel in 2011.
In 2002, a South Korean Boeing AH-64 Apache was shot down by a North Korean Mi-35. South Korea is suing the manufacturer over this issue for upgrading the entire fleet of these helicopters to the Longbow version.

1st place- Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk

  • Multi-purpose helicopter.
  • First flown in 1974.
  • 3000 units produced.
  • Load capacity – 1.5 tons of cargo on board and up to 4 tons on an external sling. The landing version can accommodate up to 14 soldiers.
  • Armed with two machine guns and four weapon mounting points. The weapons complex includes NURSs, containers with 30-mm cannons, and anti-tank Hellfires. Marine options are completed anti-ship missiles AGM-119 Penguin and 324 mm torpedoes.

The Black Hawk can easily be called a helicopter of the 21st century. It was intended to replace the Iroquois, while a naval version was being developed in parallel. The result is a unique helicopter that is suitable for any type of troops and has best characteristics in the world.
In addition to the land version of the UH-60, there are 2 anti-submarine modifications SH-60F and SH-60B (with a sonar station and magnetometer), a modification of the HH-60, released for special combat rescue operations, many sanitary versions, jammers, etc. Sometimes it is ordered for the transfer of high-ranking officials and generals. The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter is actively exported to all regions of the world.

"Black Hawk" is created from durable materials and staffed the latest equipment, which makes it possible to store it for a long time outside the hangar.

There are twenty-seven models of military combat helicopters in use around the world, and many have probably wondered which one is the best. The following list of the ten most advanced combat helicopters in the world is based on a combination of performance, speed, protection, maneuverability and firepower.

1. Boeing AH-64D “Longbow Apache”

The Boeing AH-64 Apache Longbow became the most powerful anti-tank weapon in the Gulf War. The latest version of the AH-64D is the AH-64E Apache Guardian. The AH-64 Apache is armed with a 30 mm M230 cannon, 16 AGM-114L Hellfire 2 anti-tank missiles, 4 Stinger or 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, 2 AGM-122 Sidearm anti-radar missiles, as well as 4 19-round salvos. 70mm Hydra 70 unguided rockets.

2. Mi-24 "Lan"

The Mi-24 is one of the most famous landing and combat helicopters in the world, which is operated by the air forces of 50 countries. Although production of the Mi-24 ceased in 1991, it is considered one of the best and most modern combat helicopters in history. The Mi-24 is armed with a 23-mm double-barreled cannon, as well as 2K8 Phalanx and Sturm anti-tank guided missiles.

3. Agusta A129 "Mangusta"

The first special-purpose attack helicopter launched in Western Europe, is the Agusta A129 Mangusta. It is a two-seat, twin-engine light attack helicopter designed specifically for anti-missile attacks. It has a 20 mm cannon and can carry 12 mm machine guns on board. Mangusta is equipped with 8 TOW-2A anti-tank missiles and 52 70 mm (or 81 mm) Medusa missiles.

4. Denel AH-2 "Rooivalk"

South Africa
Rooivalk is new helicopter next generation from Denel Aviation of South Africa. The AH-2 Rooivalk can carry a variety of weapons depending on the mission profile. The basic modification is equipped with a 20 mm F2, 4 cannon launchers for TOW or Denel ZT-6 Mokopa anti-tank missiles and launchers of 70-mm unguided rockets.


The CAIC Z-10 is a new and first dedicated Chinese combat helicopter, developed based on the "Project 941" of the Russian Kamov Bureau. It is believed to be in the same class as the A-129 Mangusta and AH-2 Rooivalk. It has a standard attack helicopter configuration with a narrow fuselage and stepped tandem cockpits. The Z-10 is equipped with a 30 mm cannon, HJ-9 or HJ-10 anti-tank missiles, TY-90 air-to-air missiles and 4 units of unguided missiles.

6. Eurocopter "Tiger"

One of the most modern combat helicopters, the Eurocopter Tiger is currently operated by the German and French air forces. It is a four-blade, twin-engine, medium-lift helicopter that first entered service in 2003. The Tiger has a 30 mm cannon, 8 HOT 2, HOT 3 or Trigat 2 anti-tank missiles, four Stinger 2 or Mistral short-range air-to-air missiles, 68 68 mm unguided rockets and 12.7 mm machine guns on slings.

7. Mi-28 “Night Hunter”

The Russian all-season, two-seat anti-tank helicopter Mi-28 is one of the most advanced armored combat helicopters in the world. The Russian army received it into service in 2006. The Mi-28, which can reach a top speed of 320 km/h, is armed with a 30 mm cannon, 9 M114 Sturm-S anti-tank guided missiles, 9 M120/M121F Vikhr or A-2200 missiles.

8. Ka-52 “Alligator”

The newer, improved two-seat version of the Ka-50 is one of the fastest and most advanced attack helicopters in the world. The Ka-52 Alligator is a multi-purpose, incredibly powerful attack helicopter, which is one of the most maneuverable helicopters in the world, and is also capable of flying missions both day and night. The Ka-52 uses a 30 mm cannon (460 rounds), 12 Vikhr (AT-9) anti-tank missiles or 4 Igla-B air-to-air missiles, and can also carry Igla unguided missiles. .

9. Bell AH-1Z "Viper"

The most technically advanced attack helicopter in the world is the Bell AH-1Z, which is a modern version of the AH-1 Cobra. It is the only combat helicopter with a fully integrated missile system"air-to-air". The AH-1Z Viper is equipped with a 20 mm tri-barrel cannon (750 rounds), AGM-114A/B/C anti-tank missiles, AGM-114F anti-ship missiles, AIM-9 air-to-air missiles, pods with 70 mm unguided rockets and bombs .

10. AH-64E "Apache Guardian"

In the US, the Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian is the most advanced attack helicopter ever built. The Apache Guardian has a top speed of 300 km/h and is equipped with a 30 mm cannon, 16 AGM-114L Hellfire missiles, 2 anti-tank missiles, 4 AIM-92 Stinger or 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, 2 anti-missile missiles AGM-122 Sidearm, as well as a Hydra 70 unguided missile suspension with 19 rounds.

First project aircraft, similar to a modern helicopter, was created by Leonardo da Vinci back in 1475. But for the first time a person managed to get off the ground in a rotorcraft only on September 29, 1907 - brothers Louis and Jacques Breguet made the first vertical flight in history in a helicopter built according to their own drawings.

But the Breguet brothers' helicopters, like all previous projects, were designed only for vertical lift. On May 18, 1911, Russian engineer Boris Yuryev published in the magazine “Automobile and Aeronautics” a diagram of a single-rotor helicopter with a tail rotor and an automatic blade swash. Until now, this mechanism is used on most helicopters and allows the machines to fly on a horizontal axis.

Speed ​​is important technical characteristics helicopter. To improve speed characteristics, developers use various load-bearing systems with different quantities propellers and blades, and some models are equipped with special pusher propellers. Behind hundred year history helicopters, aircraft designers managed to “accelerate” them to almost 500 km/h. This week, the editors of the Swedish Internet portal compiled a rating of modern helicopters, naming the Top 10 fastest rotorcraft.

1st place
Helicopter Eurocopter X3. Maximum speed– 472 km/h

Experimental hybrid helicopter (rotorcraft) created by Eurocopter. The first flight took place in 2010 in France

2nd place
AH-64D Apache. Maximum speed – 365 km/h

Since the mid-1980s, the Apache has been the primary attack helicopter of the US Army. First saw action during the American invasion of Panama in 1989

3rd place
Ka-52 "Alligator". Maximum speed – 350 km/h

The multi-role attack helicopter is a modernized version of the Ka-50 Black Shark. It made its first flight in 1997 and has been in serial production since 2008. The only combat helicopter in the world in the cockpit of which the pilots sit side by side and not behind each other

4th place
NH90. Maximum speed – 324 km/h

The NH90 is a multi-role helicopter developed by Eurocopter. Made its first flight in 1995

5th place
Boeing CH-47 Chinook. Maximum speed – 315 km/h

American heavy military transport helicopter with a longitudinal design. In operation since the early 60s

6th place
Mi-35M. Maximum speed – 310 km/h

It is an improved modification of the Mi-24 helicopter. Serially produced since 2005

7th place
AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin (until 2007 called EH101). Maximum speed – 309 km/h

Medium-lift helicopter used for military and civilian purposes. First flew in 1987

8th place
AgustaWestland AW139. Maximum speed – 306 km/h

Anglo-Italian twin-engine multi-purpose helicopter. The military version can accommodate up to 10 military personnel in full gear. The first flight took place in 2001

9th place
Mi-28N " Night Hunter" Maximum speed – 300 km/h

Currently, helicopters are one of the most advanced means used in logistics, war and rescue operations. Since the appearance of these vehicles during the Great Patriotic War To this day, helicopters could radically change the course of a battle.

We have compiled the top 10 most efficient helicopters today. Each is rated on avionics capabilities, speed, agility and firepower.

10. Z-10

The Z-10 attack helicopter is used by the Air Force Chinese army since 2008. The Z-10 is designed as a standard gunship with tandem cockpits. The gunner's position is in the front, the pilot's position is in the rear. The Z-10 can carry a 30mm cannon, HJ-9, HJ-10 and V-V missiles. Including the ability to carry inoperative missile capsules.

The Mi-24 is a huge attack aircraft, as well as a small-tonnage transport for transporting passengers (no more than 8 people). The Mi-24 is the first helicopter designed for the Russian Air Force as a combat ship. It is an analogue of the Western Apache AH-64, but what distinguishes it from this and similar American helicopters is the ability to transport passengers.

The AH-2 Rooivalk is manufactured by Denel, South Africa. Rooivalk is translated from African as “Red Kestrel”. The African Air Force operates 12 AH-2 helicopters. Although similar to the modern helicopter, the Rooivalk is somewhat based on reverse engineering of the Aerospatiale Puma, using the same engines and main rotor.

The AH-1W is a twin-engine helicopter based on the United States Air Force's AH-1 Cobra. The Cobra family of twins consists of the SeaCobra, AH-1T (an improved SeaCobra), and the SuperCobra.

The Agusta A129 Mongoose is an attack helicopter originally developed and manufactured by the Italian company Agusta. It is the first attack helicopter entirely designed and manufactured in Western Europe.

The T-129 ATAK is a derivative of the A129 and is being developed by the Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI) together with its main partner AgustaWestland.

Mighty. Flexible. Multitask. The ideal combat helicopter. The Viper is a twin-engine helicopter based on the AH-1W SuperCobra, created for the US naval forces. Features a four-blade supportless composite rotor system, overdrive and new system sight. The AH-1Z is part of the H-1 modernization plan. Another name for the helicopter is “Zulu Cobra”.

Eurocopter Tiger is a combat helicopter created by Eurocopter. Known as Tiger in Germany; in Spain and France it is called Tigre. Equipped with two MTR390 engines.

The Mi-28 (NATO codification: "Devastator") is a Russian all-weather military tandem two-seat helicopter. The Mi-28 cannot carry out transport operations, as it is intended only for military operations; it is an optimized version of the Mi-24. Armed with one cannon in a barbette under the nose and missiles on the outside, resting on the wings.

The Ka-50 is a Russian single-seat combat helicopter with a coaxial rotor system from the Kamov Design Bureau. Developed in the 1980s, it began to be used by the Russian Air Force in 1995.

The Ka-50 is designed to be small, fast and agile, which improves its survivability and ability to fly. Its minimal weight and size (respectively, maximum speed and mobility) made it unique among single-seat attack helicopters. The Russian-developed Ka-50 Hokum can be armed with 24 Vikhr guided missiles, four pods of 20 unguided aircraft missiles, or a combination of them. The Deceiver is also capable of carrying AA-11/R-73 Archer V-B missiles, making it an extremely dangerous threat to other attack helicopters. In addition, it is equipped with a single-barreled 2A42 (30mm) cannon. The maximum speed of the helicopter is 350 kilometers per hour, the firing radius is 250 kilometers.

The AH-64D Apache Long Bow attack helicopter was the most deployed and most powerful armor-piercing system during the Gulf War. Designed to perform combat missions day or night, and in adverse conditions weather conditions The Apache was designed specifically to meet the stringent requirements of the U.S. Army's Advanced Attack Helicopter plan. The Apache is equipped with modern electronic technology and fire control systems. Firepower amazing. The Apache can be loaded with 16 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, 76 70mm air missiles with folding fins or a combination thereof - in addition to 1,200 30 mm rounds from its M230 automatic cannon.

You will see the ten COOLEST attack helicopters in the world! Which one of them do you think deserves the first line of the rating?

Helicopter - today it is the most effective remedy, used for material technical support, in military operations and rescue operations. Since the first World War II, participation in Vietnam War and until now, best helicopters helped change the course of events on the battlefield. Here are the top ten combat helicopters in the world. Each is characterized by features of electronic equipment, speed characteristics, and firepower. The list of the fastest helicopters and advanced jet fighters is also of interest. This is a rating of the best combat helicopters in the world.

The Z-10 attack helicopter was introduced into service with the Chinese Army in 2008-2009. The Z-10 has the configuration of a conventional heavily armed helicopter, with a narrow fuselage and a stepped two-seat cockpit. The gunner is on the front panel and the pilot is on the rear panel. The Z-10's armament could consist of a 30 mm machine gun mount, HJ-9 anti-tank guided missiles (comparable to the TOW-2A), the newly developed HJ-10 anti-tank missiles (comparable to the AGM-114 Hellfire) and the TY-90 air-to-air missile -air". It also carries a unit of unguided aircraft missiles.

The Mi-24 is a specialized rotary-wing combat vehicle, with a cargo compartment that can accommodate eight troops. The Mi-24 became the first Russian helicopter introduced into the Russian Air Force as an attack transport. It is a close analogue of the American AH-64 Apache, but unlike this and other Western attack helicopters, it can carry up to 8 paratroopers.

8. AH-2 Rooivalk

Denel Rooivalk is a South African attack helicopter manufactured by Denel. Rooivalk means "red kestrel" in Afrikaans. In South African air forces Only 12 AH-2 Rooivalk helicopters are operational. Although the helicopter looks updated, the production uses the same engine and main rotor as the French Aerospatiale Puma helicopter.

7. AH-1W "Super Cobra"

The Bell AH-1 Super Cobra is a twin-engine superior attack helicopter descended from the US Army's AH-1 Cobra helicopter. The Cobra family includes the AH-1J Sea Cobra, the AH-1T updated Sea Cobra, and the AH-1W Super Cobra.

6. A-129/T-129 (Italy/Türkiye)

The Agusta A129 Mongoose is an Italian attack helicopter originally designed and manufactured by Agusta. It was the first attack helicopter designed and produced exclusively in Western Europe. The Agusta Westland T-129 ATAK is a modified version of the A129 produced by Turkey Aerospace Industries (TAI), in partnership with Agusta Westland.

5. AH-1Z "Viper"

Spacious. Universal. Multipurpose. Last generation percussion technology. The Bell AH-1Z "Viper" is a twin-engine attack helicopter based on the AH-1W "Super Cobra" developed for the US Navy. It features four-blade propellers, a composite main rotor and rudder, modern engines and an improved sighting system. The AH-1Z is part of the H-1 modernization program. It is also called "Zulu Cobra" in another variant.

4. Eurocopter Tiger

The Eurocopter Tiger is an attack helicopter produced by the Eurocopter consortium. In Germany, France and Spain it is known as the "Tiger". It is powered by two MTU Turbomeca Rolls-Royce MTR390 turboshaft engines.

3. Mi-28H Havoc (Russia)

The Mi-28H (NATO version Havoc, translated as “devastator”) is a Russian anti-tank attack helicopter, operating in all weather conditions, at any time of day or night, two-seat. This specialized combat helicopter is better optimized and designed for combat purposes than the Mi-24. It carries a single machine gun mount in the nose, as well as additional payloads carried on pylons under the wings.

2. Kamov KA-50/KA-52

The Ka-50 "Black Shark" is a single-seat Russian attack helicopter, with a distinctive coaxial rotor system created by the Kamov Design Bureau. It was developed in the 80s. and adapted for the needs Russian army in 1995, the Ka-50 was designed to be compact and fast to minimize the risk of death. Due to its small mass and size (due to which it developed high speed and maneuverability) it became the only helicopter controlled by only one pilot. The Russian Ka-50 can carry 24 missiles, 4 missile pods. The Hokum can also carry AA-11/R-73 Archer air-to-air missiles, making it a worthy opponent to other attack helicopters. It is also equipped with a 2A42 30mm combat cannon. The maximum speed of the Ka-50 Hokum reaches 350 km per hour, and the combat radius is 250 km.

1. AH-64D Apache Long Bow

The best combat helicopter in the world. The Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter was known as a powerful anti-tank helicopter in the Gulf War. Designed to perform military missions, day or night, in adverse weather conditions, the Apache was created to meet the demanding requirements of the US Army's advanced attack helicopter plans. The helicopter is equipped the latest level electronics and fire control system, has unique firepower. The Apache can be equipped with 16 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, 76 70 mm air missiles, in combination with an M 230 automatic cannon.

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