White cat with kittens. Why do you dream about a cat?

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Why does a woman dream of a cat with kittens? The exact interpretation of such a vision can only be found out by comparing a number of accompanying factors. After all, there is no clear answer to this question.

Interpretation in different dream books

In dream books you can find both positive and negative interpretations of dreams where a cat is present. It is important to take into account all the nuances of the night’s plot.

Miller's Dream Book:

  • Cat with kittens - bad sign. The dreamer expects quarrels and numerous life trials.
  • If she was angry, then you should look for enemies in your immediate environment.
  • An animal that fawns over the dreamer is a symbol of the fact that intrigues are woven around; you should not trust even your best friend.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation:

  • An animal with kittens foreshadows the arrival of bad news.
  • And also a cat can be a symbol of speedy discord, as in family life, and in professional activities.
  • If in a dream a cat carried its cubs from place to place, this indicates the unstable health of the sleeping person.
  • I happened to see how a mother eats her own kittens - someone will help cope with life’s problems.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:

  • The birth of a cat portends an improvement in material well-being.
  • If the kittens were alone and were sleeping peacefully, this means successful completion of business.
  • Natural disasters can be foreshadowed by a dream in which you happen to see a cat of any color with a large number of kittens.

Dream Interpretation Enigma:

  • Watching kittens and cats play means well-being and happiness.
  • Seeing how angry animals are is a sign of problems.
  • The cat abandoned her litter - you can postpone all your dreams, since they are not destined to come true.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • Multi-colored kittens and a monochromatic cat are fortunate in the family.
  • Animals of black color mean trouble is on the doorstep.
  • If a cat hid her children from you, in reality you need to be wary of deception from good friends.

For the most part, all dream books are similar in deciphering visions of cats with offspring - they are rarely positive.

Why do you dream that a cat gave birth to kittens?

If you dream that a cat gave birth to kittens, then this is most likely a symbol of sudden profit. A vision where an animal is allowed to leave the house indicates that cash will be received in the near future.

  1. If an unmarried person had a dream, then soon she will meet the man of her dreams, who may even become a legal spouse.
  2. For a married woman, such a plot foretells a new addition to the family, gifts and pleasant surprises.
  3. If the girl for a long time is trying to get pregnant, then the dream in which you saw the birth of kittens symbolizes the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.
  4. For those women in whose family Lately Misunderstandings reign, conflict situations and other problems arise; sleep is a symbol of improving relationships.

If the cat was pregnant, then this vision is interpreted differently:

  • An animal that is looking for a place to settle down is a sign of speedy career advancement and the emergence of new ideas.
  • If a married lady saw the plot, it means that quarrels and scandals await her with her loved one.
  • The girl had to see a pregnant cat - to new acquaintances.

The interpretation of dreams about a cat giving birth is often positive.

The main thing is that at this moment the pussy does not show aggression towards the sleeping person.

Animal with tiny babies

Small kittens in a cat can symbolize not only quarrels and losses. Much depends on the nuances of vision.

  1. If they were active and aggressive, it means that there are people in your environment who do not wish you well.
  2. Sick cubs are a sign that someone close to you is in dire need of your help. And a vision can also portend danger for the dreamer herself.
  3. Financial difficulties are symbolized by a plot in which tiny kittens were completely covered in fleas.
  4. Exhausted babies mean an imminent illness or death of a loved one.
  5. Seeing newborn kittens on the street is a sign of a conspiracy against you.

A dream in which you had the opportunity to feed babies abandoned by a cat has a good meaning.

Interpretation depending on the color of the animal

The color of the dreamed cat is extremely important point in the interpretation of vision.

  1. I dreamed of a white cat with a kitten. Such a dream can be a symbol of the solution to all problems and well-being in life. If a light cat attacked the dreamer, then we should expect betrayal from those who were most trusted.
  2. I saw a red animal with offspring - the sleeper will face deception, slander and cunning from the people around him. In this case, you should not only take a closer look at your surroundings, but also carefully think through any action you take. The number of ill-wishers also depends on how many red kittens were in the vision.
  3. A black cat is not the most favorable sign. The dream may foretell problems of a global nature. If the animal has shown aggression, then it is worth taking a closer look at its health.
  4. Cat gray in many dream books it is a symbol of despondency, depression, moral exhaustion and melancholy. The dreamer needs to change something in her life as soon as possible, relax and take her mind off problems, otherwise everything could end in tears.
  5. A tricolor animal can become both a symbol of an improvement in life and a sign that a woman has a rival who can destroy even the most serious relationships.
  6. A Siamese cat of the appropriate color is a sign that you will soon have to pay bills. The time has come to pay for the deeds committed.

Pregnant women have a unique energy, which is why some dreams have a special interpretation for them.

  1. If a pregnant woman happens to see stillborn kittens, this means a successful birth and the health of her baby.
  2. A cat expecting offspring is a warning signal that the woman’s health is not all right.
  3. If a pregnant woman sees kittens and a cat playing cheerfully, this indicates that there will be several children in the family.
  4. If you happen to feed babies and a cat, you will need help raising your baby.

If the dreams for a pregnant woman were pleasant, then they are always interpreted positively.

Domestic or wild cats

Wild cats, as a rule, are a symbol of problems and squabbles with familiar people and neighbors. Therefore, interpreters advise avoiding conflict situations by any means, since simple troubles will negatively affect the dreamer’s psychological and physical health.

Important. Black cats and kittens in a dream living outside the home are a sign of an approaching threat from strangers.

Pets can remind you of problems in a small circle. It can be family conflicts, quarrels with friends or colleagues. But in any case, you need to take into account all the nuances of the dream.

With dead kittens

Dead animals are not always a symbol of something bad. Sometimes such dreams can also foreshadow good changes in life.

  1. A cat with dead kittens is in someone else’s house - don’t expect too much of a visit good people. The same plot can be interpreted as favorable changes, but if this vision was seen by an unmarried lady.
  2. Happened to see dead animals on the doorstep own home- to gossip.
  3. I had a chance to kill kittens and a cat myself - soon I will be able to solve all my problems. You can count on the onset of a white streak in life.
  4. You dream about many black cats and kittens that turned out to be dead - to the resolution of all troubles.
  5. Watching someone kill animals is a sign of a conspiracy against your actions. It is better to postpone important matters for a more favorable period.
  6. If you see kittens covered in blood, it means danger threatens your blood loved ones, possibly children. But if the kittens eventually died, then the problem will be resolved without dire consequences.
  7. When a cat feeds its offspring in a dream, it is a prosperous sign. After all, she raises her children and takes care of them.

    1. I had a chance to see kittens being fed by an animal white, you can soon expect a gift from a member of the opposite sex.
    2. If a cat taught its offspring to eat from a bowl, then in reality you can find a way out of any situation.
    3. A dream in which the dreamer took part in feeding babies promises her imminent marriage. If the lady is already married, then such a vision symbolizes good luck in all matters and an increase in love in the family.
    4. I had to watch a cat feed her kittens, and you hear her talking, it’s worth remembering her words. This is very important, since the magical speech of an animal is a valuable prediction.

    When a dream with kittens and a cat evokes tenderness in the dreamer, we can safely say that the interpretation of the vision will be favorable. For those who do not like this animal, such stories can be an important warning of danger.

It turns out that a cat's brain is biologically closer to a human's than a dog's brain. Therefore, the same areas of the head are responsible for our emotions. Indeed, these affectionate purring creatures are able to penetrate our hearts and stay there for a long time. Why do you dream of a cat with kittens, we’ll find out in famous dream books.

During the Spanish Inquisition, cats were recognized as the devil's helpers and thousands of animals were burned. Modern interpreters are divided in opinion. They endow this pet with both positive and negative traits.

Because of their ability to see in the dark and move quickly and silently, they are called mysterious beasts, who knows secret powers darkness, especially for black cats.

The feminine principle of a cat gives her grace, cunning, intelligence, and fertility. In Christianity, it was customary to let the cat into the house first. It was believed that she brings with her the warmth of the hearth, comfort, calm and harmony, attracting positive energy.

In Feng Shui philosophy, it is considered a symbol that attracts good luck. A dreamed figurine of a cat with its paw raised up will portend happiness and wealth to the dreamer, protecting him from negative forces. That is, these pets help the continuous circulation of positive and negative energy, filtering and aligning the flows.

With games, she neutralizes stagnant areas, settling in them and licking herself. Therefore, for the sleeper, such a plot promises a lot of strength, ideas and enthusiasm to change something in his life. Activity will manifest itself in everything: work, family or favorite hobby. And by jumping from above, the cat in a waking dream removes obstacles to the sleeping person, opening previously locked doors for him.

Cat joys for women

A cat with kittens is the personification of tenderness and care for offspring. Such a dream will allow women to harmonize their aspirations by identifying thoughts that need adjustment.

If kittens try to prevent you from doing household chores in a dream, drawing you into their games - in real life they let you know that you've been staying too long at home. You are smart, educated, which means it’s time to start a career.

A kitten interferes with a romantic date by meowing annoyingly and pestering you - this is a hint of... excessive concentration love aspirations that harm your official duties.

A red kitten crossed the path of an unmarried lady - this is a good chance to find your soul mate and get rid of loneliness. The main thing for you is to understand in time that this is the one and not to miss it.

A pregnant tricolor cat has come to the house of a young lady - this means that nature will soon bestow you with feminine happiness, you will experience the love of a man, motherhood and family joys.

If you dreamed of a cat with one kitten, in reality you need to show respect to your elderly relatives or parents. Give them attention and talk. Perhaps you are their only support and hope, it is important to remember how much you love them and how dear they are to you.

If you saw a basket with white kittens on the threshold - expect great joy, financial profit and all sorts of blessings from fate. But this is also a sign that you will have to work hard. Coming big changes, and with them new worries, troubles that you did not know before and, perhaps, avoided. This will help you change your lifestyle, views, and values. What previously seemed necessary will become unimportant, and what was not paid attention to will acquire special meaning in the present.

A cat will not jump on a proud man's chest

Cats appear in visions to purposeful, bright individuals, like themselves. Therefore, for a successful prediction, the color of the pet and its color are important to the dreamer.

A black cat will bring a lot of positive moments in real life to those who are successful, confident in their abilities, all moves are calculated and verified. He will support your active position bright events, after which you will become recognizable and popular.

Unlucky, sedentary people can only expect trouble from such a dream. Because black color attracts those energies that are already next to it.

A man engaged in work dreamed of gray pets. dangerous profession- This is a warning against danger. You rely too much on luck and chance, risking your life. This can be a way of self-affirmation, and on the other hand, a challenge to colleagues, proof that you are the best in your field.

Seeing beautiful fluffy kittens crawling out of a basket in different directions - in reality you cannot decide on your goal in life. Go to work, sleep, eat, love, and everything seems to be fine, but sometimes a question arises that you find it difficult to answer. And a goal is absolutely necessary in order to become the master of life, to achieve success, to reveal talents, to free oneself from concentration on everyday problems, gain independence, strength, freedom, become respected, loved.

Kittens moving in different directions act as opportunities sent to you by fate. But you need to understand yourself and decide on the kitten you like.

You have decided and take the red meowing happiness in your arms - an excellent choice. Good prospect quickly earn initial capital, which will become a platform for large financial transactions and successful business development.

Paying attention to a colored pet in a dream, but then switching to a white one - in reality you are too frivolous about love affairs.

Don't wake up a sleeping cat, author's dream books

Gustov Miller

Adhering to a negative interpretation endows a cat that has kittens with aggression and hostility. Warning the dreamer to be very careful during this period, such a plot means someone’s attacks, pressure and terror in your direction.

But on the other hand, perhaps you yourself were the reason for this behavior. We sometimes give people around us a reason to think about us in a way that is not what we really think. Try to understand your enemy, his motive for behavior. Making contact and finding out the reasons for the disagreement would be a reasonable decision.


Lots of pets different ages and size in a dream - they speak of the dreamer’s discreditable connections. This does not necessarily apply to the intimate sphere. Black magic and relationships with otherworldly forces and spirits may take place here.

In any case, this can bring down the indignation of people on the sleeping person, provoke conflict situations and a break in relationships with subsequent expulsion from their place of residence.


A wild representative of the cat family can personify an upcoming catastrophe, epidemic, drought. But if you see a basket with little kittens, peace and kindness will reign in the near future.

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing is failure unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight;

Throws itself at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property;

To drive her away means overcoming enormous obstacles, fate and reputation will take off;
a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat is bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;

Hearing cats squealing and meowing means your false friend is doing everything to harm you;

A cat scratched you - your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from a transaction on which you spent a lot of time and effort;

For a young woman - holding a cat or kitten in her arms - you will be involved in some unseemly affairs;

Seeing a pure white cat means confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of fortune;

For a trader - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors;

Seeing a cat and a snake being friendly towards each other is the beginning of a fierce struggle; you are supporting the enemy in order to use him and discover some secret that has to do with you.

Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Interpretation of dreams from

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Cat

Seeing is failure unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight;

Throws itself at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property;

To drive her away means overcoming enormous obstacles, fate and reputation will take off;
a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat is bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;

Hearing cats squealing and meowing means your false friend is doing everything to harm you;

A cat scratched you - your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from a transaction on which you spent a lot of time and effort;

For a young woman - holding a cat or kitten in her arms - you will be involved in some unseemly affairs;

Seeing a pure white cat means confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of fortune;

For a trader - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors;

Seeing a cat and a snake being friendly towards each other is the beginning of a fierce struggle; you are supporting the enemy in order to use him and discover some secret that has to do with you.

Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Interpretation of dreams from

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