Why is a game console better than a computer? Which is better for gaming, PC or game console?

Hello friends, although I’m not a gamer, I don’t even remember when last time was playing something. Probably a couple of years ago I played Half-Life 2 a couple of times and that’s it, I really liked the game. Today I would like to write a little text and answer the question of what to buy a gaming computer or console.

You say, what is there to think about here, because these are different things, and choosing between them is stupid. But I don't agree with you. If you really love gaming and love checking out new games, then choosing between a gaming PC and a gaming console is a natural choice for you.

In order to have something to focus on, let’s take a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 console (average price 2500 UAH, or 10 thousand rubles), and a good gaming computer. By “good gaming computer” I mean powerful system the price is approximately 8000 UAH. (30 thousand rubles), plus a good monitor and keyboard.

As you already understand, the price for such a kit will not be small. Well, if you want to play PSP games without a console, then you can download a psp emulator and run it on your cobbled computer if you choose it :).

I wrote the prices because it is clear from them that perhaps the most acceptable option would be to buy a game console and a laptop for work and entertainment. This option should be cheaper than a powerful gaming computer. Yes, you also need a TV for the console, but most likely you already have one.

Buy a game console

If you want to buy a gaming device for children. Remember that the prefix is ​​much easier to understand. And you will be less bothered by various questions, such as why it doesn’t work, and therefore it’s frozen, etc. Truth of life :).

If you already have a good TV and don't want to listen to the noise of your gaming computer. In addition, powerful gaming computers consume a lot of electricity.

Remember, the console is not just for games. With its help you can watch movies on big screen your TV, or look at photos.

Choose a console, if only because it is designed for games. And whatever one may say, you will get more pleasure from playing on a console than on a PC.

Buy a gaming computer

You're better off getting a PC if you can't afford to occupy the TV for a long time. Parents, relatives, well, you understand me :).

PC games are cheaper.

You don't have a computer in your house yet. Well, if you have one and you want to upgrade it, then it’s better to buy a set-top box.

If we consider the PC in comparison with the gaming platforms Xbox and Sony Playstation, then, at first glance, the advantage will be on the side of the PC due to its versatility. Of course, modern game consoles support such entertainment options as watching videos, listening to music, chatting in social networks, Internet surfing and much more, using such applications is not as convenient as on a regular PC or. In addition, the game console is completely unsuitable for work.

On the other hand, if you need a computer solely for games, then in this case it makes sense to think about buying a game console. To be able to play modern games, your PC must be equipped with modern electronic hardware, which is not cheap. In addition, “gaming hardware” becomes outdated very quickly and requires constant “upgrades”, which, in turn, results in serious financial investments.

Such problems do not arise with gaming platforms, since game developers release content specifically for certain devices (Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4), so the console owner does not have to worry that the new game will not work.

From an economic point of view, buying a game console seems to be the most profitable. However, this trend does not apply to games. The fact is that games for consoles cost several times more, so owners of Sony Playstation and Xbox consoles have to spend a lot of money on new games. The high cost of games for consoles is due to the fact that they are released on large DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, which, as is known, are distinguished by their high cost.

The situation with a PC is exactly the opposite - it has a full-fledged operating system with various auxiliary software, so the game installation files can be compressed to such an extent that they fit on one regular CD. In addition, PC users have the opportunity to download some games completely.

The cost of games is far from the only determining factor influencing the choice of a multimedia device; the range of games offered will also play an important role in this case. Despite the fact that there are a number of exclusive games for each platform, the market for game consoles is approximately 6-7 times larger than the PC market. That is why developers of popular game series think first of all about console owners. If the console market were not saturated with a huge number of high-quality games, then there would be no point in buying a game console.

Another criterion that has a significant impact on the choice between a game console and a PC is the genre of preferred games. For example, if you are a fan of Japanese role playing games, then the Sony Playstation console is best for you, since 90% of all games in this genre are released for this platform. If you prefer to play strategy games, then it is definitely better for you to buy a PC, since 99% of all strategies are developed specifically.

Consoles or PC – what to choose for computer games?

Computer games today are more popular than ever - exciting plots, realistic special effects, excellent three-dimensional graphics attract the attention of users of all age and social categories. But, having decided to purchase a system specifically for computer games, the buyer is forced to decide difficult task. He needs to choose between modern gaming personal computers and game consoles, they are also game consoles.

Of course, there are a huge variety of options offered on the market today, but initially it is necessary to make a “strategic” decision - which platform is optimal for the specific desires and requests of the buyer. This is very important, because the final verdict is influenced by many factors, even down to such a seemingly trivial matter as the preferred game genres.

Only after the answer to the main question has been received can you move on to specific devices. But you need to make the right decision to get the most out of your day-to-day use of these home gaming and multimedia centers. The purpose of this article is precisely to help an inexperienced buyer - how to do right choice and not regret later what you spent cash. Moreover, we're talking about about a considerable amount for many Russians.

It's no secret - personal computers today are bought not only for study or work. The user usually devotes a significant part of his time to computer games. From this point of view, a modern PC can easily be called one of the most popular gaming platforms in the world.

But game consoles are no less popular - the Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii, which have sold millions of copies, certainly have certain advantages over PCs. Otherwise, the market for game consoles would not be so voluminous and so interesting for both manufacturers and buyers. For some reason, set-top boxes attract special attention. Let's try to figure out why exactly and why many gamers prefer gaming consoles to gaming personal computers.

Today, almost every family has a personal computer. It is used as an excellent teaching aid, a universal working tool and means of communication, a “palette” of tools for realizing creative talents and games. It’s impossible to list everything. It is versatility that is the main strength of a personal computer. But this can also be seen as his weakness.

Complete universality and unification cannot be achieved. When choosing hardware, it is necessary to take into account the tasks that will be solved using a computer. Will this be an option for simple office and homework, “travelling” to websites and online stores, studying and exercising scientific work or the PC will be used exclusively as a gaming machine - it is necessary to take into account all the features when choosing the system configuration. The buyer risks either overpaying for unnecessary performance and functionality, or getting a machine that is too weak due to excessive savings. The task is complicated by the fact that today there are countless components and platforms on the market, sometimes even incompatible with each other.

But choosing the right configuration for a personal computer is not so bad. The real problem for the user (gamer, in relation to our topic) arises when new computer games are released. Very often, a new gaming masterpiece places such demands on computer performance that it is necessary to carry out a serious upgrade, associated with significant financial expenses. Rapid development of the sphere information technologies and computer games has led to some unpleasant consequences. Namely, in order to be constantly “in good shape”, it is necessary to change components for new ones about once a year, especially for video cards. That is, having bought a gaming computer, you need to constantly remember the need for a quick upgrade and prepare for it in advance.

Game consoles are a completely different matter. Having released new version, the manufacturer, with the exception of small and often cosmetic updates, “forgets” about it and has been working on creating the next generation console for almost a decade.

Let's give an example. The Japanese company began selling its latest version of the Sony PlayStation 3 back in 2006. Since then, the only major update has occurred - the PlayStation 3 Slim model was released. But in this case, the matter was limited to reducing weight, overall dimensions and power consumption, installing a more capacious hard drive and exactly the same central processor, but manufactured using new technology (45 nm process technology). That is, the performance of the set-top box remains the same.

Microsoft does not update its models more often - the first Xbox was released in 2001, and the next generation of consoles, the Xbox 360, was introduced almost simultaneously with the PS3, in 2005, and has not been significantly updated since then. Nintendo followed the same path with its Wii model.

So, for more than five years, neither party has radically updated their game consoles in terms of hardware platform. But during this time many were released game projects, and one cannot say about the weakness of the special effects and graphics implemented in them in general. Quite the contrary, in terms of these parameters they are at their best and meet the most serious requirements of gamers.

How does this happen - the hardware of consoles, by the standards of personal computers, has repeatedly become outdated, but consoles do not even think of giving up their positions? This can be explained, on the one hand, by the use of non-standard components. For example, the Sony PS3 console is equipped with a unique multi-core IBM Cell processor, which perfectly copes with the calculation of “physics” in games, which is why the special effects look amazingly realistic. A specialized RSX processor is responsible for processing graphics, and the RAM is high-performance XDR DRAM, which you will not find in personal computers.

However, the main advantage of game consoles remains that game developers are forced to optimize their projects and program code as much as possible for the hardware capabilities of the consoles. In case of “brakes”, gamers will not be able to go to the store and buy a new video card or increase the amount of RAM; they will rather refuse to buy such a game. This means that poorly optimized projects simply will not achieve commercial success. So programmers have to use the full potential inherent in consoles, precisely through well-written code.

The result of such a strategy is that you can completely forget about the need to modernize the gaming system for five or two years. Now game developers will take the rap for gamers, and users themselves can only follow new products and purchase new accessories.

By the way, a little about accessories. If not many “gaming” control devices have been developed for personal computers - gaming keyboards and mice, joysticks and computer steering wheels - then for consoles, in addition to those listed above, revolutionary controllers have already been released that dramatically change the gameplay we are used to.

Nintendo was the first to stand out here with its Wii console and the then-unique Wii Remote controller, equipped with an accelerometer and an optical sensor. As a result, despite the frankly weak graphics and not the most outstanding performance, the popularity of the Wii was for some time higher than the PS3 and Xbox 360. And all thanks to the new gameplay, which made it possible to feel like a professional tennis player or, for example, to fight with swords with an opponent. After the advent of the Wii, it was no longer necessary to just sit in front of the TV screen, but it became possible to take the most Active participation. At the same time, it’s a good workout for the muscles.

Following this, the PS3 released a similar, but more advanced Move controller, and games appeared like mushrooms after rain, taking the idea inherent in the Wii Remote to new level. Has not remained aloof from progress and Microsoft company, which released the Kinect device: now the player’s body becomes the controller, and Kinect cameras transmit all movements to the virtual hero.

So, we figured out how to play computer games on consoles. Now let's talk about the games themselves - they have both their pros and cons. Let's start with the last one.

If we purchase new game for a PC, then the only question is: does the system performance meet the requirements laid down by the programmers? In the case of game consoles, there is another problem - some games are compatible with only one gaming platform, the so-called exclusive games. That is, developers specifically release projects only for a certain console, and owners of, for example, Xbox 360 will not be able to appreciate the delights of Heavy Rain or GT5, and PS3 owners are forced to come to terms with the fact that they will not be able to play the Halo or Gears of War 2 series of games.

Of course, there are many worthy projects that are compatible with both platforms and even released on PC, but exclusive games are usually very, very good looking. So you have to either put up with the current state of affairs, or buy yourself a second, or even a third console from the “Big Three”.

Another disadvantage is a strong system for protecting content from unauthorized use or, simply, theft. This lies in the fact that the developers have implemented such serious protection that it has not yet been possible to truly hack it. Sony especially distinguished itself here with its PS3 console. Hackers reported the hack only very old version firmware, but this will not give any dividends to the user. After all, as soon as it goes online from the console, it automatically updates to latest version firmware and all efforts to remove bans are going down the drain.

Operating the console only in offline mode will not allow you to reveal the full potential of the PS3, because many functions are tied specifically to working on the Internet, from purchasing mini-games, additions to already released projects, downloading demo versions of new products, various “beauties” and so on, to an excellent virtual universe and opportunities to communicate with millions of similar users around the world. Not to mention online battles. So what about pirate games in relation to the PlayStation 3, you can forget - only licensed versions, which are quite expensive in relation to Russian reality.

As for the advantages, it is that game developers have long given preference to consoles and are in no particular hurry to release versions for PC. If support for PC compatibility is stated, this does not mean that the game will not have strange flaws and “bugs” that are absent on consoles. Personal computers are no longer considered the main gaming platform. PCs have gone into the shadow of consoles. Games of certain genres still remain their domain: strategy games, browser games, flash games, MMORGs and a number of others. Here the position of personal computers is very strong and will remain so for a very, very long time.

But where personal computers are unconditionally inferior to consoles is the possibility of collective play. All set-top boxes allow you to connect multiple controllers, divide the TV screen into several zones and have fun with friends or family. Especially when it comes to games using Remote, Move or Kinect. Need I say that PCs are not capable of this?

But you shouldn’t consider consoles only as gaming platforms. No, these are also very powerful, functional and convenient multimedia centers, in no way inferior in functionality to personal computers. Moreover, they are constantly connected to the television system and always ready to work. But the most important thing is that both PS3 and Xbox 360 understand video high resolution and support HD optical media.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that the Xbox 360 seriously loses on this point, since it works with HD DVD format discs. At one time, Sony relied on its own Blu-Ray format and at first almost lost the battle due to production difficulties and a shortage of components for optical drives. Because of this, truly massive PS3 sales began with a significant lag behind schedule and behind competitors. But later Sony was still able to solve the difficulties, and then completely “buried” the competing HD DVD format. And now all high-definition films are distributed only on Blu-Ray discs.

By the way, the ability to produce high-resolution images, including in games, places increased demands on the television system, which must itself support HD resolution and, accordingly, have an HDMI video connector. Of course, no one can prohibit connecting the set-top box to a regular TV, but then everything will be beautiful modern games won't be able to see. To be fair, let's say that this was a serious problem a few years ago. Today, HD TVs can be bought in any electronic supermarket, including at reasonable prices.

Let's pay attention to virtual worlds in which users can meet, communicate, spend money and have fun. Sony has PlayStation Home, Microsoft can offer a similar service Xbox Live - they provide a service for text, voice and video messages in real time, offer access to tons of digital content, audio and videos, game demos, online stores, Internet resources etc. True, Sony company over the past few months I have been busy eliminating hacker attack on its PlayStation Network, and for a long time online services, including the application store, were disabled. By this time, it was possible to restore the operation of most of them, but the loss of data about bank cards users who made purchases through PSN, significantly undermined trust in Sony and its brainchild.

So, let's summarize. The main gaming platforms for most game genres today are set-top boxes - this is evidenced by both the emphasis of developers and the priorities of consumers.

As strengths consoles, the following can be distinguished: there is no need to constantly upgrade the system; optimization of games by developers for the hardware capabilities of a specific platform; exclusive projects; unique controllers and accessories that make gameplay revolutionary fun; full-fledged virtual Universes for communication and online battles; Wide multimedia capabilities, including audio playback and work with high-resolution video.

All this makes gaming consoles an excellent choice for computer game lovers, especially if you already have a television system that supports HD mode. And since today there is a personal computer in almost every home and every apartment, most likely, both of these platforms will live peacefully side by side, complementing each other perfectly.

If you have the desire and opportunity to purchase a game console, then we have just indicated many compelling reasons in favor. But which specific system to choose - this issue should be given separate material.

Exit of many great games on different consoles and PCs, the eve of SteamMachines, all this gave me the idea to write an article about what is better, is it even possible to use the word better, and if you are going to make a purchase, where to stop and what

The word "better" in this comparison of a computer with a console is a very vague concept. Which plan is better? In terms of functionality or as a gaming system? We need to figure this out a little.

Let's look at the pros and cons of a computer and a console (we won't take a specific platform, let's take consoles in general).


+ Exclusives

- Expensive games, more than 2000 rub.

+ Convenient media device for the living room (In particular, new generation consoles)

- Playing shooters on a gamepad is more inconvenient and the accuracy is lower*

- Loses in PC graphics. more about this.


+ You can turn your PC into a console by connecting it to the TV and attaching a gamepad. It’s just that you won’t be able to play the exclusives that are only available on one console or another, but that’s not a problem, because there are very few of them and it’s pointless to bet on them.

+ Flexible control in games with keyboard+mouse/gamepad

+ Licensed games are much cheaper than consoles. Moreover, it is possible to download from torrent trackers of prohibited sites.

+ Powerful and it is possible to easily install the part even more powerful.

- Sometimes it’s not “plug and play” and you have to work with your hands

+ Multifunctionality. A PC can do more than just be a media center. PC is everything.

+A huge variety of games. Only console exclusives are missing. There are not many games on consoles and there never will be that are on PC, in turn, consoles don’t have many exclusives for which on PC, but only a couple of worthy ones per year.

Conclusion: I think everyone will draw their own conclusion based on the facts presented. However, it is clear to the naked eye that a PC can be said to be a console (without exclusive games) and at the same time be a multifunctional PC. However, it is possible for those who do not like any difficulties in computers, but want to just take a gamepad and immediately start playing, for those who want a device only For games and related entertainment in the form of TV, music and video consoles will come in handy. Only PC can give more.

*The topic “Gamepad versus keyboard and mouse” is perhaps worthy of a separate discussion.

Should I buy a console or a PC?

Some people doubt whether they should buy a console, a PC, or upgrade an old PC, or what to do at all. It all depends on what you are buying the device for. If you want to play console exclusives, then the choice is obvious. Otherwise, it is advisable to buy new hardware for your computer or if you have a desktop computer (Desktop), you can buy a laptop, but as a gaming platform it has several disadvantages compared to a desktop.

All the given pros and cons are laid out absolutely to the point, as is. If you want to add something, write in the comments.

A difficult choice for a gamer: game console or PC? Everyone faces such a difficult choice, so we invite you to look at all the pros and cons of both sides and help you make your choice.

In turn, I was an active PC user and believed that consoles, to put it mildly, were not worthy of my attention. However, my opinion completely changed when I purchased a PS4 with a wonderful and unique game"The Last of Us"and passed it in one breath. It was worth it: there was just a sea of ​​emotions.

So, let’s look at all the above options and determine the Pros and Cons.

Pros of game consoles:

Price (since the price of a good gaming computer is many times higher);

Full 100% optimization of the game for the hardware of consoles;

Protection against piracy (only licensed discs);

Purely multimedia and gaming orientation (created for games and only for them);

Exclusivity (many gaming masterpieces are released only on consoles, for example, mega cool game"The Last of Us" If you have a PS4, I highly recommend buying, exchanging, or playing this wonderful disc with the game. By the way, a minus in the direction of XBOX One, you won’t be able to use it with your friends anymore. After the first launch on a console, the disc will not run on another. And this, in my opinion, is a huge minus);

Compactness, weight, dimensions (convenient to transport even in plastic bag to the dacha, you only need a TV and the Internet);

Has built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (which is very convenient).

Cons of game consoles:

Frankly weak this moment, hardware (optimization alone won’t get you far);

Cost of discs (depending on the game, the price varies from 2000 to 4000 thousand rubles. Games on a PC are several times cheaper);

Controls (this is my subjective opinion. I’ve been playing on the console for a very long time, but I still haven’t gotten used to playing shooters comfortably. If you’ve been playing on a mouse and keyboard all the time and suddenly picked up the console joystick in your hands, then at least a little nervous a breakdown lasting the first couple of weeks is guaranteed);

Permanent connection to the Internet (for XBOX One this is a prerequisite);

A small amount of third-party multimedia software (and, in principle, the console is not very suitable for functions other than games).

Pros of PC.

An endless increase in productivity, since upgrading hardware is a truly enjoyable and very interesting experience. If you have adequate funding, you can simply assemble a “monster”;

The amount of software and games (just a lot, the Internet is 200% full);

Input devices (keyboard, mouse and other devices, the same joysticks, but in principle they are also available on consoles, but the price is several times different from a PC, I would say tens of times);

The cost of the discs, I repeat (at least doubled, or even tripled);

Functionality of use (for all functions, from multimedia and games, to typing and converting videos. Yes, even surfing pages on the Internet is much more pleasant through a normal browser and on a mouse with a keyboard than typing on a joystick, which is terribly annoying).

PC Cons:

Dimensions (this is the main disadvantage. A good system unit weighs a lot, plus a monitor of about 24-27 inches))), it’s difficult for one person to carry it away, unless from a store);

Price (a good gaming machine at the current exchange rate costs about 50-70 thousand rubles and this is without a monitor, keyboard and mouse, not to mention audio, Wi-Fi, etc.);

The absence of many gaming hits for the PC platform (see the question of exclusivity above);

Availability of Windows (the most common operating system, in turn, the most buggy and with a sea of ​​viruses. However, Windows 10 is pretty good, I recommend it);

OS price (again, Windows 10 costs about 5-8 thousand rubles).


I won’t go into too much detail; of course, it’s up to you to decide. Some will say that the comparison is not equivalent, but I am an active user of the console, namely PS4 and PC in the average configuration, and I can safely say that the graphics on the PC and the console are significantly different and not in favor of the latter device. These are, of course, different devices, but still we looked at the gaming component, which is key in our review.

The console is an excellent device for gaming, which is 100% optimized for comfortable gaming. However, if you want to really enjoy cool graphics, for example, crush a couple of police cars into an accordion GTA V(which you will never do on consoles), and also need not only to satisfy gaming appetites, but sometimes or constantly use a PC for work, watching movies, converting videos, and so on, then your choice is obvious.

A gaming system unit with an average level of performance for games without a monitor will cost about 45,000 rubles. And for 30,000-35,000 rubles we can also afford a new modern PS4 or XBOX One console. Again, the question is finances. The choice is always yours. Good luck to all! Thank you for your attention.

IGB were with you.

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