Fell in love with a married man what to do. What to do if you fall in love with a married man

You fell in love with what seemed to be perfect man- smart, rich, personable. But after a while you find out that his family is standing between you - he turns out to be married. What should you do? Leave him or fight for your happiness? In fact, women aged 24-30 can very rarely find themselves normal man- everyone is basically already busy, and whoever is free is simply not even worthy of their attention. And here the choice arises - to meet with a married man and not pay attention to it, or to sit alone in the hope of happiness? Everyone will advise you to deal with this situation from their point of view, but the main choice is always yours. We will also give you some tips.

Benefit from it

As cruel as it sounds, we always use each other. A married man needs to be used twice - ask him for gifts, let him fulfill all your whims. You should get at least some benefit from this relationship, you don’t always have to suffer and wait for him to leave his wife. At the same time, do not forget to look around, in search of the best option. In order not to get hung up on your problem, load yourself with things - sign up for driving courses, start learning foreign language. Maybe over time you won’t have time for a “married woman”.

Don't think about his family

If you have really serious feelings for him, then you should try to fight for your happiness. Do not think that somewhere at home his wife and children are waiting for him. Enjoy the fact that now he is next to you and you feel good. Perhaps these, short-lived at first glance, relationships will develop into true love and he will leave his wife for you.

Take it from your wife

You need to fight for your love - do not pay attention to the advice of your friends and acquaintances, if you really want your lover to belong only to you - then overcome all obstacles and beat him off from his wife. In life, you need to take decisive steps to be happy. Do not be tormented by remorse because you will break the marriage - perhaps you will only correct the mistake of your man's youth, who married foolishly.

be patient

Do not get your lover - when will he leave his wife, when will he be completely yours. Usually these are rhetorical questions. Do not flatter yourself even if he tells you that he will soon file for divorce. It is difficult for men to take the first step towards separation, especially if there are children between the spouses. You just have to be patient and wait for him to step towards you.

Be realistic

Do not build big plans with his participation - he will most likely never be able to leave his wife. According to statistics, about 80% of men cheat on their spouses, but only 10% of them go to their mistresses. A man will not change the comfort and tranquility in the house for something unknown new.

Don't wait, get away from him yourself

Don't waste your time on this useless relationship, leave him first. Change your life, find yourself a new man, have fun, fully load yourself. Don't give yourself time to think about it. Treat another the way you want to be treated. If now you take away a woman's husband, then someday it will happen to you too. By destroying a marriage, you will break not only his wife, but also children who will grow up without a father in the future.

Love yourself

Whatever advice they give you, so that you don’t subtract on forums and websites, remember that any relationship is unique. The choice of what to do next is up to you. The main thing is to love and know your worth, do not let yourself be humiliated in front of any man. If you see that the relationship will not develop further - do not waste your time, try to find yourself a worthy man.

On the head of a woman who fell in love married man, a huge amount of condemnation falls down. People call her a homeowner and a destroyer of someone else's happiness and family. And only a few understand that in fact this woman lives not at all sweet and good. This is because when the object of your love is a person who has a legal wife who waits for him at home every day, and maybe even children, it is impossible to be fully happy. When a woman falls in love, for her the logical conclusion of a relationship with a man is, of course, marriage. But if a man is already married, your chances of starting a family with him become very small.

Of course, there are cases when a man leaves the family and marry his mistress. However, these cases do not happen very often. Usually either the man continues to lead double life, constantly promising his mistress to leave the family, but at the same time he doesn’t really even think about it, or completely stops any relationship with his mistress. There can be many reasons why a man does not leave the family. But the most basic is that the wife is stability. They must have been together for a long time, she is reliable and always supports him. A mistress is needed only in order to get away from everyday life for a while.

But what should a mistress do in this situation, who has already managed to fall in love with this man. If you have not yet managed to do unnecessary actions, such as ultimatums, either you or his family, then you should study the tips that will tell you how to behave in such a situation.

  • Try to understand yourself. The fact is that many girls like married men. And the reason for this is the desire to assert itself. Girls sometimes even unconsciously think that he already has a woman, but he chose her, he is not happy in the family, and with her he will be the happiest, married men are more experienced, and so on. Therefore, think about whether you can represent another with a stamp in your passport in place of your married man. If the answer is yes, then the point is not at all in serious feelings for this man, but in the fact that you simply like those men who have wives.
  • If possible, try to put aside your feelings and objectively evaluate your situation and your relationship. Of course it's difficult. After all, falling in love deprives a person of the opportunity to soberly assess the situation. If your love for a married man is a real problem and you are wondering what to do you will have to look at everything objectively. You need to evaluate what chance you have that you will be with your man not as a lover, but as a wife. And if you decide to talk about it with your man and ask him about it, then this is not always a good idea. All because few men can boldly admit to you that they are not going to leave the family and that they are with you for a while. Most likely, he will just try to get out. And not to confuse you, but only because he himself does not know what to do. Therefore, you need to take matters into your own hands and start assessing the situation yourself. You need to understand whether your relationship will lead to something more or not.

  • Think about whether you really need it. After all, your man regularly returns home, where another woman is waiting for him, with whom he spends weekends, holidays and vacations. And for your meetings there are business trips that he allegedly goes on and a delay at work and many more different excuses for his wife. And, of course, your meetings cannot be frequent, because otherwise the wife may begin to suspect something. And this can hardly be called a serious full-fledged relationship. You are probably still hidden from relatives, close friends, family. In such a situation, it is quite difficult to feel happy man. Which leads to conflicts, resentment, stress and so on.
  • Many mistresses, tired of being in such a situation, make one of the main mistakes, they begin to put pressure on a man. Do not do this. Do not put before him the choice of you or his family, do not demand an immediate answer, make a choice right now, tell your wife about everything and immediately divorce her. In fact, it's hard to believe, but it's hard for your man too. All because lying has always been not easy, and even more so to deceive, looking into the eyes of a loved one and native person. You need to give him the opportunity to understand everything, in his feelings, in who exactly he wants to be with. And for this you need to learn to respect the man who is next to you. And therefore, stop throwing tantrums and arranging scenes of jealousy.
  • Try to imagine yourself in the place of his wife. Of course, you consider her a terrible woman who constantly saws her husband, does not give him a normal life, and there has been no love between them for a long time. Of course, it's easy to think so. It seems that you are saving this man, giving him the opportunity to feel loved and happy. What if you're wrong? You don't know this woman well. Perhaps she is just as deceived and unhappy. Every evening she waits for her husband to go home, having prepared a delicious dinner for him, listening to his stories about how he spent the day and does not even suspect that he was late not because of work, but because he was with you. Would you like to be in her place?

  • If, after analyzing your relationship, you realized that they will not lead anywhere, then you should change something in your life. You just need to relax. Try to start a new relationship with another man. Of course, he may not be as wonderful as your married man, and you are unlikely to immediately fall in love with him. But on the other hand, the new man should have one big advantage: he should not be married. You are not going to find a married man again in order to suffer again and torment yourself with the question of what to do.

If everything suits you and you do not experience discomfort in a relationship with a married man, your romance can continue for as long as you like. If your love for a man who has a wife is a real problem for you, then you should apply all of the above tips, finally understand your relationship and decide what will happen between you next and where it will lead.

The emergence of love is impossible to predict, and even more so to force yourself to fall in love or stop loving a person. This emotional condition does not lend itself to a rational explanation and is very difficult to manage. Absolutely any man can become the object of love, whether he is married or not, is in a relationship or is absolutely free. That is why love can bring both a feeling of happiness and a feeling of bitter disappointment. The most inappropriate object for love can be a man who is married. It is best to protect yourself from such relationships by all possible ways even hurting yourself. The result of loving a married man can most likely be only your broken heart, wounded pride, a complete decrease in self-esteem and self-love.

Reasons for loving a married man

To cope with absolutely any problem, first of all, you need to find its cause, why this situation could happen to you at all. You can cope with such an inopportunely flashed feeling of love simply by understanding what you liked about this particular man, looking for reasons somewhere deep in yourself. It can be an acute feeling of loneliness, female unfulfillment, low self-esteem, a desire for affection, attention and love. If you honestly admit to yourself that you just felt terribly lonely and lacked male petting, you will understand that it is not a real feeling of love that guides you, but simply a desire to solve your problems. psychological problems. But do not forget that a man who belongs not only to you cannot give that kindness, attention and care that you deserve. Therefore, you should not exchange for a man who does not appreciate you, but simply look for a man who can give you all his love in its entirety. Moreover, it doesn't exist now. big problems to find tips on how and where to best meet your love.

The main thing is just to want to solve this problem, and you yourself will be surprised how all your strong love somewhere will disappear by itself. It will not be superfluous to use techniques that help raise your self-esteem and love yourself. As unpleasant as it may be, but the presence of a married man in your life is a sign of low self-esteem, a deeply rooted opinion that you are unworthy of other relationships and a man who will belong only to you. Even if you are convinced that you are doing well with self-esteem, it will not be superfluous to once again remember about self-love and strengthen it.

How to deal with falling in love

Very often in such a relationship, you yourself are in no hurry to give free rein to your feelings and plunge into them, as if into a pool with your head. You understand that you should not rush, and do not even make any plans for the future with him, but, unfortunately, over time, as you communicate more and more with a married man, you quietly begin to fall in love with him, your sympathy develops into a deeper feeling, no matter how you feel about it yourself. Therefore, the most the best option, but not the easiest, there will be a break in relations, sharp and unexpected. To soften the gap for yourself, work on yourself psychologically and go to a club with a friend. To cope with the feeling of love for your lover, remember that he constantly cheats on you and does not even hide it. He is never near you during the holidays that he celebrates with his family. Thus, he constantly offends you and does not spare your pride, does not appreciate your attitude and love, neglects your company in order to spend time with another woman. There are no concepts in love, it is my first and more important, because my wife. Only two people are important here, and there is no place for a third.

You need to put him before a choice, either you or she, and calmly let go of a person who does not respect you, does not love, does not protect and does not choose. You absolutely do not need a man who prefers your beautiful society to that of another woman. Learn to love, respect and appreciate yourself, and then these unhealthy relationships will become a thing of the past, making room for true and caring love based on mutual respect.

In order to not have a feeling of falling in love with a person who is married at all, work on your psychological protection. You need, as soon as you feel the interest of a married man in yourself, always remember that you are worthy of respect, and this is not your last chance. And it will not be very pleasant when a man comes to you after another woman, and again goes to her. Before you reciprocate a married man, think about how your relationship will develop further. You will finally feel tenderness and care from a man and begin to give him the same in return. But over time, you will begin to feel that you do not have enough time that he can devote to you. You cannot call him, you do not enter the circle of his friends, hiding from everyone. If his wife finds out about you, then her reaction may not always be adequate. Sooner or later, the wife will put a choice before her husband, or even take active steps to return him to the family, becoming again the woman whom he once proposed to marry him, with whom he has so much in common. Nothing connects you except for frivolous relationships, and you will find yourself abandoned, with a broken heart, condemned by everyone, and even worse, they will begin to feel sorry for you or gloat behind your back. Therefore, before you start, think about why you need these troubles when you can meet a man who will be faithful to you and love only you, without exchanging for others.

Do not forget to remember that you will simply be annoyed in a relationship with a man who is busy. No matter how different men are, all married people behave in exactly the same way, and at their core, they are just traitors. Remember all the unpleasant features of a married man who is trying to achieve reciprocity from you. This will help to immediately cool your feeling for him, and will provide an opportunity to look at him from the side. At the same time, remember all your virtues, and try to remember them as often as possible. Such a discrepancy in his attitude towards a loved one with yours will make such an unfortunate man an absolutely unpromising option for you. Try to remember this all the time, and then you simply do not threaten to fall in love with such a loser who cannot decide on his feelings.

How to quickly get rid of falling in love with a married man

A good way to get rid of any crush will be your full load of other things. They simply will not leave you time to think about a married man and pay attention to his advances. Your immersion in work affairs, taking care of yourself, your favorite things and hobbies, will very soon let him understand that you are not an easily accessible woman who lacks the love of men, but a self-sufficient woman who is not going to endure humiliation and share her man with another.

Give yourself enough time, pamper yourself, go to a beauty salon, sign up for dances, change your wardrobe. All these pleasant worries will improve your mood and make you smile on your face. Here is such a beautiful and self-confident woman, go on vacation or to a club. Make new acquaintances, friends. Sign up for an interest club where a lot of men go, and your good mood will be a signal for free men that you are ready for communication and acquaintance.

The most important factor that will help protect you from married men will be the idea that such a relationship will only bring you painful emotional experiences due to the fact that you will be alone all the time, depriving yourself of the chance for a normal relationship with a man who belongs only to to you. If your man decides to link his fate with you and leaves his wife, you will be tormented by remorse that you have harmed a woman, and even more so children who are not to blame for anything before you. So better try to immediately become indifferent to a man who is married, no matter how he tells you about his bad wife. If he has serious feelings for you, in order not to hurt you, he will divorce his wife earlier and only then will he begin to care for you, as a real and responsible man should.

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