Do fish from Lake Malawi (Malawian cichlids) recognize their owners? Malawian cichlids from Lake Malawi: features and care African cichlids of Lake Malawi Utaka group

African cichlids- lively and aggressive, quarrelsome with neighbors and relatives, but also charming, bright, unique. They easily adapt to new conditions, are quite resistant to diseases, are not picky about food, and do not need high water temperature. Capable of reproducing in the same conditions where they are kept. But they do not tolerate high acidity of water and its low hardness; they need: dH 10-20°, pH 7.0-8.5, T 25°C. Lake cichlids feed on insect larvae and protozoan algae that cover underwater rocks. You can imitate rocks by building a rock out of pebbles with a system of caves, passages and corridors, preferably the entire height of the back wall of the aquarium. In ordinary aquariums, marble and limestone are not used; in aquariums with cichlids, they can be used without restrictions. Few plants are used, such as lemongrass, oak, bolbitis, vallisneria and some others. It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the rock and the side windows are overgrown with algae. They are demanding about the purity of water; in their natural environment they do not live in water contaminated with organic matter, therefore n. filter with an activated carbon element, drain at least 10% of the water weekly, replacing it with fresh water. T in African lakes practically does not fluctuate, so fish cannot tolerate sudden changes in T and drops below 22°C. The unacceptability of changes in temperature is evidenced by the fact that cichlids from Taganyik feel great at 27°C, but with an increase of only 3°C the fish die.

Species of African cichlids

Princess of Burundi(Larnprologus brichardi)

Before 10 cm, O. Taganyika (C. Africa), an insectivorous species, jumping - cover the aquarium with glass. Keep in a flock of 6-10 individuals, which will allow the formation of several full-fledged pairs. The female lays eggs in a flower pot or rock shelter. IN the whole flock takes part in raising the young. Pairs spawn simultaneously or with a short interval. The fry almost simultaneously swim out of the shelter and, mixed together, swim in a school. It must be taken into account that established couples should not be separated under any circumstances.

Parrot cichlid (Pelvacachromis pulcher)

Otherwise, Pelvicachromis pulcher, kribensis, pied parakeet (Pelvacachromis kribensis)- a species of dwarf cichlids, suitable for beginner aquarists, described in 1901, previously included in the genus Pelmatochromis ( Pelmatochromis). More types of pelvicachromis: p. reticulate(P. subocellatus), n. taeniatus(P. taeniatus) and others. Africa: Nigeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, the species is found both in fresh waters with low hardness, and in the coastal zone at the mouths of rivers with brackish water.
Before 10 cm, the color tone is pinkish, there are horizontal dark stripes along the middle of the body and along the back, the abdomen is pink-red. The dorsal and caudal fins are light yellow along the edges; they often have dark round spots, also bordered by a yellow stripe. From different places habitats often differ in color. Albino forms, yellowish-pink, have been bred.
In nature it feeds on invertebrates, in an aquarium: any type of live, frozen and artificial food. T 23-27°C, acidity pH 6.5–7.5, hardness dH 8-16. For papra 70 l. M. in a general aquarium from 80 l., with b. bottom area. N. shelters, thickets of plants, snags, caves. Does not damage plants, during the breeding season, you can dig holes under the roots. M. with strong, proportionate fish. Paired, kept in the lower and middle. layers of water. They consider a suitable shelter - a grotto, a cave - to be the center of their territory; they are especially actively guarded during the spawning period. With a small area of ​​the bottom of the aquarium, they come into conflict with other species of cichlids. To reduce aggressiveness, delimit the bottom area with large snags, stones, and bushes of plants.
The male is larger than the female. Female, which is not so common in fish, is colored brighter male - the stripes on the body are more contrasting, the rounded abdomen is bright crimson; the spots on the dorsal and caudal fin are numerous, brighter than those of the male. Spawn easily in a common aquarium. The masonry is in a shelter. Protected eggs and subsequently fry both parents. Sometimes (especially when kept without neighbors) clashes arise between the male and female for the right to care for the fry. In this case, the “extra” parent must be removed. The fry are large; Artemia nauplii and ground dry food are suitable as starter food.

Melanochromis Johana

Before 10 cm, Malawian coastal cichlid. Malesblue-black With blue stripes or spots females- yellow- orange. When the female reproduces contain eggs laid in the mouth(up to 50 units). Here they go through a development cycle for 17-20 days. During this period, the female does not feed, hiding in one of the caves. To ensure a constant flow of fresh water to the eggs, the fish constantly works with its gills. During this period, it is better to place the female in a separate container, in which she will not be disturbed by other fish and will not be confused by the food. The fry that emerge from the eggs eventually begin to go out for walks. When the slightest sign of danger appears, the female presses her throat to the ground and opens her mouth wide. As if on a signal, the fry quickly swim into the mouth, hiding there. Feeding the fry: Artemia nauplii and live dust. Juveniles of Johana are yellow, and males acquire their typical coloration after a few months, almost reaching sexual maturity. Johans are very active and willingly take any food. They get along calmly with other fish, both large and small.

Labidochromis Hummingbird(Labidochromis caeruleus)

Labidochromis caeruleus yellow- in aquariums, yellow morphs of the species Labidochromis caeruleus are more common; the first specimen of this species was found. bluish color ( caeruleus – blue). Now about 10 color variations species - from almost white to blue and yellow. Endemic to Lake Malawi, the yellowfish lives in western waters. lake shore. Dr. morphs of this species are also found near the east. coast. They occupy rocky areas at depths of up to 20-30 meters, where thickets of Vallisneria are found. They feed on rock-dwelling crustaceans and mollusks, insects and small fish. In nature up to 8 cm, in an aquarium up to 10 cm. The body is strong, elongated, bright yellow in color. A black stripe runs along the upper edge of the dorsal fin and along the lower edge of the anal fin, which develops in adult fish and is brightest in males.
This species is one of the most rare species of cichlids found in their natural habitat, and only thanks to breeders they are present in amateur aquariums. Relate to the Mbuna group of Malawian cichlids– mobile inhabitants of rocky placers. Popular not only because of their bright colors, but also because relatively peaceful disposition compared to other Malawian cichlids. IN good conditions live 6-10 years. Mostly in nature carnivorous, in the aquarium accepts all types of live, frozen and dry food. Plant and animal feed components should occupy approximately equal shares in the diet, to improve coloring, introduce food rich in carotene. T 24-28 C, acidity (pH) 7.2 -8.8, hardness (dH) 10-20, from 120 l., better from 200 l. and more. Strong current, high-quality filtration and regular water changes. The soil is made of fine sand or coral chips. Create rocky terrain with many caves and crevices where pursued individuals can hide. The plants are fine, but you need rigid-leaved species with a strong root system. M. in pairs or from 1 male and several females. Show aggressiveness to the types similar in color and shape bodies. Other non-warlike species of cichlids of the Mbuna group, aulonocara, some lamprologus, and synodontis catfishes are suitable as neighbors.
Males are a bit b. females, during spawning b. brightly colored, the scales acquire a bluish sheen, also b. the black edge of the fins is noticeable, and pectoral fins painted black. Sometimes black spots develop on the lower part of the body. Special conditions No need to create for spawning. Aquarium from 80 l, stone or ceramic grottoes. The eggs are laid on a pebble, after which the female collects them in her mouth. The young leave the mother's mouth after 25-40 days. For a week after this, the female continues to care for the fry.

Pseudotropheus demasoni

Described in 1994, belongs to the dwarf species of cichlids of the group Mbuna(from the language of the indigenous Tonga people - “stone fish” or “ inhabitants of the stones"). As well as many other African cichlids, easily crosses with related species. Endemic to Lake Malawi, in the coastal rocks and scree of the lake shore in Tanzania. Them. the elongated torpedo-shaped body shape typical of cichlids of the Mbuna group. Dimensions up to 7.5 cm. Body coloring is alternating vertical stripes of dark blue, bluish and almost black. 6 dark and 5 light stripes, starting with a dark stripe behind the gill cover and ending with a dark stripe at the base of the caudal fin. On the head there are 3 blue stripes alternating with 2 black ones, one of which passes between the eyes, and the 2nd passes through the forehead and connects with the 1st black stripe of the body. Dorsal, anal and caudal fins. along the edge there is a thin light blue stripe shaded with a darker blue color. In good conditions, the lifespan is up to 10 years.
Omnivores, but the main share in the diet d. formulate plant feed. M. high-quality food for herbivorous cichlids, as well as natural supplements plant food. This species is not recommended to be kept with fish that eat food of animal origin, because b. the amount of such products can provoke gastrointestinal diseases. T 24-28°C, pH 7.6-8.6, dH 10-18. The water in Lake Malawi is highly mineralized, with an alkaline reaction. It must be taken into account that in water with a high pH, ​​ammonia and other nitrogen compounds become more toxic. Therefore, regular water changes and effective filtration. For a group or for sharing with other species, an aquarium from 300 liters, soil: sand or coral chips. Shelters, rocky terrain with caves and niches in the stones to delimit the territory and reduce fish aggression. Keep in groups of 12 or more to dispel aggression of dominant males towards females and other males. To reduce aggression, from time to time you can change the bottom topography by moving or adding new stones. M. with other species of the Mbuna group. It is better with fish that do not have similar colors. “Non-striped” species such as Labidochromis caeruleus, red and blue zebra (Metriaclima estherae, and M. callainos) are suitable.
In young fish, sexual differences are weakly expressed, then males develop b. long anal fin and well-defined egg spots on it. Refers to the species incubating eggs in the mouth. The female carries up to 15 eggs in her mouth. The fry hatch after 7 days, and after another 2 weeks they begin independent life. Feed them: Artemia nauplii, cyclops, crushed flakes.

Pseudotropheus zebra(Pseudotropheus zebra)

Oz. Malawi. The body is elongated, slightly compressed at the sides, the head is quite large with b. and expressive eyes. The forehead of a sexually mature male. fat pad, and the mouth is covered with thick lips. Long dorsal . It is polymorphic, in nature there are at least 50 color variants of this fish, but the most common are considered to be: white, blue, yellow-brown with brown-black spots, double red (the female and the male are red), and red (the female is orange-red and the male blue). Some variants have fry for a long time remain gray, and in other variants they acquire color immediately after hatching. The fish achieve full brightness of color after several spawnings, upon reaching a size of 12 cm. Males defend their space by fighting with each other. If an individual is oppressed by its neighbors, it does not gain full color brightness.

In our country it is more common blue striped shape, body color of male m.b. from light blue to dark blue, and 7-9 transverse stripes are dark in color. Anal fin named after some yellow spots, with a striking black border. Females are yellowish-white. There are many dark spots on the fins and throughout the body. Brown. The color of the fish directly depends on the age of the individual and its condition. Length up to 14-15 cm.
Feed. 60% of the entire diet: nettle, cabbage, sweet peppers, lettuce, black bread. 40% of the diet is animal food (Cyclops, Daphnia and Koretra). It is animal food that will allow these cichlids to delight with their bright and attractive colors. M. also dry or frozen food
N. contain enough large aquarium, having previously arranged a b. number of grottoes and installing driftwood. The eggs are incubated in the female's mouth. This kind does not create permanent pairs, which is considered rare among cichlids. Immediately after spawning, the formed pair breaks up, and the female independently takes care of her offspring.

Queen of Tanganyika

Otherwise, Cyphotilapia frontosa - lake. Taganika, males up to 35 cm, their distinctive feature is a kind of “philosophical facial expression”. They also stand out for their respectable, reasonable behavior, surprising their owners. high level"fish intelligence" Despite its impressive size - surprisingly peaceful, they not only do not offend their peaceful neighbors, but also dislike small fish with aggressive tendencies. N. large-scale aquariums filled with all kinds of grottoes, caves, snags. Darling food - snails, m. squid, shrimp, frozen mussels, raw sea ​​fish. They are extremely picky about the quality of food, never pounce on food, and before starting a meal, they examine the food for a long time. Such slowness sometimes allows the more nimble neighbors to steal a tasty morsel from under the noses of the cyphotilapia.
Incubation caviar in the mouth in females lasts over 50 days. Litter of up to 50 fry. During the incubation period, the female eats small food extremely carefully, thereby feeding those in oral cavity fry Thanks to this they are included in adult life quite independent and large.

Cintolapia afra

Before 10 cm, the body is elongated and flattened laterally, on the body 6-9 transverse black stripes, the main body color is blue. Their vertical stripes dim or become brighter depending on their mood. Males have 2 or more characteristic yellow spots on the anal fin. Cintilapia afra was found in the island. Malawi, to the north. and center. parts of the lake. They live in upper layers water near rocky shores, where they feed on zooplankton and algae of the Aufwuchs species (German - growing on something, is a hard fibrous algae that grows on rocks). Among these algae live insect larvae, crustaceans, mollusks and other zooplankton, which also eat cinotilapia in natural conditions.
Omnivore, but it is better to feed varied: among animal foods he prefers bloodworms, shrimp and squid, sometimes giving him scraped beef heart, among vegetable foods - scalded lettuce leaves, spirulina. It is better to feed a little at a time several times a day rather than a lot at once. 120 l. steamed and about 250 l. for 1 male and 2-3 females. When kept with other species of Malawians, the aquarium will be significantly smaller. sizes. They do well in both fresh and slightly brackish water, but good filtration and aeration of the aquarium is necessary. Crushed coral substrate can help maintain a high pH. They swim in all layers of the aquarium. Hardness dh 6-10°DH, acidity ph 7.7-8.6, T 23-28°C (figures based on water values ​​from Lake Malawi). Acclimatization to a different pH level may sometimes be necessary. achieved, but very slowly. All Malawian cichlids do very poorly in dirty water, so regular water changes of 20-50% per week are necessary, depending on biological load. Keep in groups of 1 male and 3 females. Males are quite aggressive towards each other. M. contain with b. big, but peaceful views Malawian cichlids.
Females them. b. dull color. Males are brighter, they have 2 or b. yellow spots on the anal fin. During the spawning period or during skirmishes with other individuals, their coloring becomes very intense. Crossbreeding with similar cichlids should be avoided to maintain the pure coloration of the species. Easy to breed at home. Ready to breed at the age of 6-8 months. To start spawning, T in the aquarium needs 25-27°C. During the incubation period (20 days), eggs are stored in the female's mouth. After hatching, the female continues to guard the young for some time. Starter food: Artemia nauplii, dry food for fry.

Haplochromis Venustus

Nibochromis Venustus - very smart look. Differ from others in what they prefer open areas of the aquarium. All representatives are very cautious predators, each individual to them. their distinctive techniques. From African rivers and lakes, many in about. Malawi and Malombi. Adults live near the sandy bottom at a depth of 15-20 meters, while fry live in shallow waters near steep cliffs. They feed on small fish and invertebrates. They use an ambush technique, partially burying themselves in the sand to catch small prey.
Up to 25 cm, live up to 10 years. The male is golden in color with a blue tint on the head and a yellow-brown stripe that starts on the nose and runs along the upper part of the body. Females and young individuals named after. beige color with more pronounced brown spots. The female has a golden head, yellow anal and caudal fins. The dorsal fin is lighter. Juveniles look the same as females, but their color is slightly lighter, almost white.
Omnivores, in wildlife feeds on fish, in an aquarium - food with a high protein content (live or frozen). Sometimes they feed small fish, although fish can trigger hunting instincts and, as a result, aggression. Open space is a must for Venustus. They love to dig into the soil, so it's important to make sure plants and large rocks are well secured. Also eat leaves of freshwater plants. Temperature 23-28°C, acidity ph 7.7-8.6, hardness dh 6–10 Kept in groups of 1 male and several females. They will stay in a small flock if there is enough free space (6 to 8 adults per 450 liters of water). It is not recommended to keep with peaceful cichlids.
Reproduction. It is important that the female lays eggs not under strong pressure of water, since the eggs have external fertilization. After fertilization, the female collects eggs in her mouth (60-140 eggs) and carries them for 2 weeks. Young animals can eat finely ground flakes.

Haplochromis cornflower(Sciaenochromis fryeri)

Otherwise, Haplochromis Jackson- described in 1993, was found at a depth of 10-40 m in lake. Malawi, b. 200 species. The body of males is bright blue, 9-12 dark vertical stripes, yellow, orange or red anal fins. Females are smaller, silvery with dull vertical stripes, although they can also become colored with age, but not as bright as the males. The fry (up to 1 year) are similar to the females. Lake Malawi cichlids live 7-10 years. Easy to keep, reproduce and raise fry, fish predatory and moderately aggressive, will eat any fish small enough to fit into its mouth.
Differ from other cichlid groups mbuna the fact that prefer open areas of the pool, where there is a sandy bottom and rocks. They live in the center. h.oz. Malawi. IN natural conditions carry out b. hours of time swimming between stones in search of food. There is practically no pure species of Haplochromis on the market, so it is better to avoid crossing. This species should not be confused with a close relative, Sciaenochromis ahli. The coloration of the males of these 2 species is very similar, but with. ahli significantly b. size. Cornflower up to 16 cm length, s. ahli up to 20 cm and requires b. aquarium size. Also noticeable differences are the anal and dorsal fins. At the village akhli on the anal fin named after. several white spots, dorsal fin named after. pronounced white border.
Aquarium from 200 l., length at least 1 m, 1 male with 4 or b. females (to prevent conflicts during spawning). M. with other haplochromiswami and peaceful species of the group Mbuna cichlids. Live, frozen or dry food ( small fish, bloodworms, shrimp, chopped squid, earthworms and granules). Like many others. Cichlids are prone to overeating, so it is necessary to strictly dose food and sometimes arrange fasting days, otherwise the fish may develop a disease such as bloat. Using sea sand or coral substrate can keep the pH level at the desired level. Shelters are needed, e.g. grottoes or caves made of stones, also d.b. open space for swimming. They swim in the middle or at the bottom of the aquarium. Hardness dH 6-10°DH, acidity pH 7.7-8.6, T 23-28°C. Territorial and aggressive, especially towards males of the same species.
Fertilization of eggs during spawning takes place not in the mouth in a female, and in the ground(or on another substrate), only after that the female puts caviar in his mouth. The incubation period for the eggs is 22 days, after which the hatched larvae emerge from the female’s mouth. An adult female lays 70 eggs, but fry are obtained in 2 r. less. For b. During productive spawning, it is better to take the eggs from the female on the 3-4th day and keep them in an incubator with methylene blue. Starter food: Artemia nauplii, finely ground dry food.

Handsome Chromis (Hemichromis lifalili, Hemichromis bimaculatus)

Otherwise, Chromis Red, under the name there are 2 close species - b. common Hemichromis lifalili And H. bimaculatus, which is distinguished by the presence of a black spot at the base of the caudal fin. Africa, river basin Congo, small rivers and streams with a slow flow and developed riparian vegetation. Description:
Before 12 cm. The color tone is pinkish or reddish-brown, with bluish shiny dots scattered throughout the body and fins. There is a dark spot on the side in the middle of the body (may be absent in some individuals).
In nature it feeds on invertebrates; in an aquarium it feeds on all types of live, frozen and artificial food. To enhance the brightness of the color, feed with a high content of carotene can be given. T 22-27°C, acidity pH 6.5–7.5, hardness dH 4-16. Unpretentious look. For an existing couple, the aquarium is 70 liters, there is a sufficient number of shelters, including thickets of plants, snags, and caves. Fish can undermine plant roots, so it is necessary to use species with a strong root system. Famous for its aggressiveness and territorial character, especially during the spawning period. They are kept in pairs, and the partners themselves must choose each other from a group of young fish. M. with proportionate strong species - some catfish, barbs, Congo tetras. B b. aquariums can be combined with other species of African cichlids - pelvicachromis, lion-headed cichlids (steatocranus).
Sexual differences are weakly expressed, males are slightly darker in color. The main difficulty may arise in pair selection, fish that don’t like each other can fight until fatal outcome. Before spawning, beautiful chromis acquire bright color and actively guard the selected area. At this time, it is better to remove other fish. The eggs are laid on a flat stone, the wall of a clay pot, or sometimes simply on the glass of an aquarium. The parents transfer the hatched larvae to a hole dug in the ground. The fry are large enough to feed on Artemia nauplii.


A small genus of ray-finned fish of the cichlid family, endemic to the lake. Malawi (Nyasa) to East. Africa. 2-4 types: Largemouth cyrtocara (Tyrannochromis macrostoma), formerly Haplochromis macrostoma and Cyrtocara macrostoma; Tyrannochromis nigriventer; Tyrannochromis maculiceps- possibly a morph of Tyrannochromis macrostoma; Tyrannochromis polyodon, formerly Haplochromis polyodon - possibly a morph of Tyrannochromis macrostoma
Tyrannochromis - large predatory fish up to 30 cm, representatives of the Predator (Predatory) group. Large mouth, elongated body and predatory appearance. Pronounced sexual dimorphism – males them. bluish coloring, femalesgray-brown. Found everywhere in the lake. Malawi (Nyasa) in hard and alkaline water. They prefer rocky and rocky, sometimes sandy areas without vegetation, at a depth of up to 40 m. They feed mainly on other cichlids, adults and juveniles.
The genus received its name because of its predatory appearance and way of life (from the Latin tyranni - tyrant and chromis (from the Greek χρώμα - color) - colorful, often a generalized name for bright African cichlids, therefore the name of the genus m. interpreted as an “evil cichlid” (compare: “tyrannosaurus” - an evil lizard).
They lead a solitary lifestyle, constantly roaming in search of potential victims. During spawning, males guard the territory. Females carry the fry in their mouths, periodically releasing them to feed. Big fish, so n. aquarium from 1000 l. Like all Lake Malawi cichlids, they need hard alkaline water. In the aquarium, after acclimatization, it eats any food, but preference should be given to large pieces of seafood with a high protein content (fish, shrimp).

Golden parrot (Julidochromis ornatus)

The name is due to its resemblance to a parrot fish. Perfectly adapted to living conditions in an aquarium and do not require adherence to thorough chemical conditions. water composition of the area natural habitat. They live and reproduce at T 20-30°C, dH 6-25°, pH 7.1-9.2. M. in a community aquarium with other fish. Sexual maturity at 8-10 months of age. Males They look more graceful than females, they are smaller in size. Spawning pair. The female lays 50-70 eggs in a secluded place several times. Incubation period After 3 days, after a week the fry are able to feed on Artemia nauplii on their own. Typically, parents and b. large fish don't hurt babies. A month later, the spawning of golden parrots repeats. In one aquarium, up to 5 generations of fry from different spawnings can peacefully coexist. Julidochromis live in aquariums for 12 years.
Currently listed in the Red Book, their catching in their natural habitat is prohibited. The most popular among collectors are several species of Julidochromis, similar in appearance and in their habits to Golden Parrots: Julidochromis Dickfeld, Marliera , Regan , Mask .

Dolphin blue

Small depths of the lake. Malawi, before 25 cm. Distinctive features are a convex forehead (fat growth) and a protruding mouth; these features create a resemblance to a mammal like a dolphin. Calm, peaceful, but also strong enough to m.b. contain them b. aggressive and, preferably, small species mbuna from the lake Malawi. Territorial. Male and 2-3 females. Aquariums with a sandy bottom, caves or other shelters, and b. open space for swimming.
The body is elongated and laterally compressed. Body color blue different amounts black spots on the fins depending on their place of origin. During skirmishes, their color intensifies: the throat and fins become almost black, and the body color becomes bright blue.
They are omnivores, eat all types of live food, prefer food with a high protein content, they can be fed with pieces of beef heart, earthworms, shrimp (live or thawed). They swim in all layers of the aquarium. Hardness dh 10-18°DH, acidity (ph): 7.2-8.8, T 24-26°C. M. with aulonocara bensha, or aulonocara multicolor.
A growth on the forehead develops with age in both males and females. Most often, males are larger and brighter. The easiest way to distinguish a male from a female is by characteristic vertical stripes, the number of which varies from 4 to 7 pieces, and in a female there may be some on the body. a couple of spots instead of stripes. Males also have caudal fins blue color, and in females they are covered with reddish dots. As males age, their foreheads acquire a yellowish tint.
Puberty at 3 years. Reproduce in the absence of other species aquarium fish in aquarium. This type of fish carries fertilized eggs in its mouth. Young females carry 15-25 eggs, and adults carry about 80 eggs. Breeding of these fish is similar to others that carry eggs in the mouth.

Pseudotropheus Lombarde

Popular due to the original pale blue color of the fry. Up to 14 cm. Growing up, males change color from pale blue to bright yellow. But the females, growing up, do not change their color. Males are quite aggressive and may fight with rivals for territory, so keeping two males in a small aquarium is undesirable. The eggs incubate in the female's mouth. On average, a female lays no more than 50 eggs.


Cichlids are the most common and favorite fish of many aquarists. These fish are widely known throughout the world and are found mainly in America and Asia. The Cichlid family belongs to the order Perciformes and has a wide variety of species. Cichlids from the African Lake Malawi appeared in European countries relatively recently and immediately attracted the attention of all amateurs and experienced aquarium specialists. Malawian cichlids are distinguished by their distinctive bright appearance, large size and interesting character.

Pseudotropheus zebra


Aulonocara orchid edit

Cichlids inhabit the waters various countries, many of them are commercially available, and some species are on the verge of extinction. These fish have a high, laterally compressed body and a single fin on the back. Their color becomes especially bright during the breeding season. The head is large, and with age, some species develop a fatty growth on the forehead. The lips are full, the front rays on the fins are hard. The fins are elongated, longer in males than in females.

Most cichlids are predatory; they fiercely defend their personal territory and can even attack large rivals.

Aquarium species of large cichlids and their maintenance at home do not pose any special problems, unlike representatives of small species. Big fish are able to recognize the owner, allow them to be fed by hand and react to events occurring outside the aquarium.

Features of Lake Malawi

Labidochromis yellow

The history of the discovery of Lake Malawi is associated with the name of the Scottish explorer of the African continent, David Livingstone, who discovered this freshwater lake in 1859. Initially, the reservoir was called “Nyasa,” but after the state gained independence, the lake was given the name “Malawi,” which translated means “shining light above the lake.” The lake lies along the borders of three countries: Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. It is part of one of the largest lakes on the planet; several of its islands are declared nature reserves.

The territory of Lake Malawi is the only park in this state; it contains over 500 species of cichlids, most of which are endemic.


Red zebra

All Malawian cichlids are divided into 2 large groups: "mbuna" and "utaka". Mbuna cichlids, which means “rock attackers,” are distinguished primarily by their diet, which includes plant foods. The main representatives of mbuna fish are labidochromis, melanochromis, and pseudotropheus. The color of the fish is very bright, they reach up to 15 cm in size.

These herbivorous cichlids feed on algal fouling, stripping it from stones. They have a mouth structure that is convenient for such a process. At a younger age, fish eat zooplankton, but later they simply need to eat plants. If you give them live food too often, they will quickly become obese and lose their ability to reproduce.

The “utaka” group includes cyrtocara, aulonocara, and haplochromis. On the contrary, fish eat live food and can eat their relatives. They are distinguished by their larger sizes, reaching up to 20 cm; the color of their females is much more modest.

Some of the most beautiful Malawian cichlids are considered to be various types of aulonocara, yellow and cornflower blue labidochromis.

Basic conditions of detention

Haplochromis cornflower

To decorate the landscape of the aquarium, shells, driftwood, grottoes, caves, and pots are used. Such decor will additionally serve as a shelter for fish. Aquarium cichlids are not averse to digging in the soil, which should be of medium size. Therefore, when planting living plants in an aquarium, you need to choose ones with strong roots and cover them with weights and stones. Suitable plants include Echinodorus and Sagittaria latifolia. Fish also find food in plants with delicate leaves and floating duckweed.

Malawian cichlids, or Malawi cichlids, are one of the more popular varieties aquarium fish. Lake Malawi cichlids come in two varieties: Mbuna cichlids (herbivorous fish, feed on vegetation) and Utaka cichlids (predators, feed on plankton and smaller fish of other species, live in rocky bottom conditions). In the wild, these fish live in water areas African Lake Malawi.

The most common type of aquarium fish is the mbuna cichlid, or herbivorous fish. Lake Malawi cichlids, both utaka and mbuna, have won the hearts of many aquarium keepers due to their beauty, ease of maintenance and interesting features behavior. Main, What are the differences between Lake Malawi cichlids?(utaka and mbuna) from other fish is that the eggs, intended for reproduction and fertilization, mature in the female’s mouth.

Malawian cichlids: appearance features

Malawian cichlids of the mbuna variety are distinguished by their beautiful, bright appearance. Such a fish is immediately noticeable in any aquarium. Perhaps that is why they are so popular. Mbuna cichlids love to have the bottom covered with vegetation, such as various types of algae. While awake, they actively move along the bottom, uprooting plants and obtaining food for themselves, since the cichlids of Lake Malawi of the Mbuna group feed exclusively on plant food.

Belonging to this group, they are distinguished by a pronounced desire to protect their territory from aliens. Males can be aggressive towards strangers, so Lake Malawi cichlids of the Mbuna group are recommended to be kept separately from other varieties of aquarium fish. It is strictly not recommended to add other fish to their aquarium.

Herbivorous cichlids Lakes of Malawi are distinguished by the following external features:

Lake Malawi cichlids, which belong to the group of predators (utaka), visually resemble their Mbuna counterparts, differing from them only in their larger size. Lake Malawi cichlids of the Utaka group can reach up to twenty – twenty five centimeters in length.

Nutritional Features

Aquarium fish- cichlids are unpretentious eaters. However, each of the two varieties - utaka and mbuna, as mentioned above, has certain taste preferences. Utaka cichlids eat only animal foods that are high in protein. They willingly eat their own fry and the fry of other fish, as well as their adult counterparts and adult aquarium fish of other varieties. In an aquarium, it is necessary to provide duck cichlids with a sufficient amount of protein in their diet.

Cichlids, which belong to the mbuna variety, on the contrary, eat exclusively plant foods high in carbohydrates. Therefore, they will have a completely different diet. In any case, the diet of Malawian cichlids of both species must contain the following components necessary for normal development and reproduction, and also to maintain good physical well-being:

It is advisable to feed the fish at the same time.

Attention: you should not allow leftover uneaten food to remain in the aquarium for a long time, as this may adversely affect the quality of the water. Some time after feeding, the remaining food must be carefully removed. Attention: use leftover feed for subsequent feeding is strictly prohibited, since the food must always be fresh. Regarding the use of vitamin and mineral supplements, it is recommended to consult with specialists who will recommend the most suitable option.

If you feed the fish at a certain hour, they quickly get used to it and begin to float to the surface strictly at a certain time. If cichlids are healthy and well, they always respond very quickly to food. There may even be fights for food between aggressive males.

Content Features

To keep Malawian cichlids you need an aquarium with a filter, lighting and temperature regulator. What will be inside the aquarium depends on what type of cichlid it contains: predatory or herbivorous. If the aquarium is intended for herbivorous mbuna cichlids, ideal option there will be a flat bottom covered with marine vegetation. In this case, the fish will not have problems with nutrition. They will actively swim along the bottom and feed on algae. Marine vegetation on the bottom of the aquarium must be changed periodically. Attention: if algae spoil or rot on the bottom of the aquarium, they must be removed immediately to avoid infectious diseases and fish poisoning.

To keep cichlid predators of the Utaka group, on the contrary, a rocky bottom with sea pebbles of various sizes and driftwood is recommended. Duck fish love to hide behind rocks or snags. In this way they disguise themselves in order to surprise their prey and attack it. To ensure that predatory fish do not have problems with protein-rich animal food, it is recommended to place fry or adults of other fish species in their aquarium.

Malawian cichlids are spectacular look great in an aquarium with beautiful decorations. Such decoration may include the following elements:

  • Stones of bright colors and large sizes;
  • Large driftwood;
  • Sea shells of different shapes and sizes;
  • A small plastic house with an opening door and a window into which the fish can easily swim.

Everything you need for such decoration can be purchased at a specialized store. In addition to herbivorous fish, you can also visit aquarium snails. It is recommended to purchase decorations for an aquarium in specialized pet stores. An aquarium with Malawian cichlids, at the bottom of which there is a spectacular decoration, will become worthy decoration any interior. Perhaps this is why aquariums with Malawian cichlids can often be found in cafes and restaurants, in break rooms at enterprises, in living corners of schools and kindergartens. In order for the aquarium to always look impressive, it must be cleaned regularly, and the water must be changed periodically.

In order for Malawian cichlids to delight the eye with their bright colors for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for the fish and their artificial habitat - the aquarium. The most important - take into account that variety, to which the fish belong (herbivorous mbuna or predatory utaka), and keep them in accordance with the specifics of a particular species. It is also important to organize suitable conditions for the reproduction and fertilization of these fish in captivity in order to obtain healthy offspring.

The cichlids of Lake Malawi are quite unpretentious in keeping; the main thing is to provide the fish with proper nutrition. If you feed them the wrong food, the lifespan of Malawian cichlids in captivity will be significantly reduced. The aquarium for keeping fish should be large enough so that the fish have room to swim freely along the bottom in search of food. If the aquarium is small, settle in it a large number of fish is not recommended, because crowded conditions negatively affect the well-being and activity of Malawian cichlids.

Malawian cichlids love warmth and light, so the aquarium must be equipped with a special lamp. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the water temperature and pollution levels. If there is decoration made of artificial materials at the bottom, it must be washed and cleaned periodically to avoid mold. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the condition of aquatic vegetation. You can place special aquarium snails in an aquarium with Malawian cichlids, as they will play the role of a natural “filter”, helping to effectively purify the water.

Malawian mbuna cichlids are different increased level aggressiveness. In this regard, when several males are kept together, the risk of injury increases several times. Males actively fight for their territory and can cause serious damage to each other with their sharp grater teeth. Injured, lethargic, sick fish must be promptly isolated from their relatives. Timely isolation of sick fish helps prevent the spread of dangerous infections. Frequent changes of water in the aquarium are also an excellent prevention of mass fish diseases. You should clean the aquarium regularly, and not occasionally.

Malawian cichlids are a very popular species of aquarium fish.. They have long won mass recognition due to their exotic coloring, unpretentiousness, interesting behavior. You can watch Malawian cichlids for hours, and you will never get tired of the wonderful sight of bright fish scurrying along the bottom of the aquarium. Children especially love these fish for their bright, unusual beauty. Watching Malawian cichlids is great for calming your nerves and is a great way to relieve stress caused by your busy schedule. modern life. Such fish will serve as a worthy decoration for any aquarium.

Malawian cichlids owe their name to Lake Malawi, located in East Africa. According to various sources, from 500 to 1000 different species of fish live in its depths, the largest number of which belong to the cichlid family. Attracts aquarium lovers in these bright fish appearance, as well as behavioral characteristics.

Features of Lake Malawi

The territory of Lake Malawi is the only park in this state; it contains over 500 species of cichlids, most of which are endemic. The history of the discovery of Lake Malawi is associated with the name of the Scottish explorer of the African continent, David Livingstone, who discovered this freshwater lake in 1859. Initially, the reservoir was called “Nyasa,” but after the state gained independence, the lake was given the name “Malawi,” which translated means “shining light above the lake.” The lake lies along the borders of three countries: Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. It is part of one of the largest lakes on the planet; several of its islands are declared nature reserves.


These herbivorous cichlids feed on algal fouling, stripping it from stones. They have a mouth structure that is convenient for such a process. At a younger age, fish eat zooplankton, but later they simply need to eat plants. If you give them live food too often, they will quickly become obese and lose their ability to reproduce. All Malawian cichlids are divided into 2 large groups: “mbuna” and “utaka”. Mbuna cichlids, which means “rock attackers,” are distinguished primarily by their diet, which includes plant foods. The main representatives of mbuna fish are labidochromis, melanochromis, and pseudotropheus. The color of the fish is very bright, they reach up to 15 cm in size.

The “utaka” group includes cyrtocara, aulonocara, and haplochromis. On the contrary, fish eat live food and can eat their relatives. They are distinguished by their larger sizes, reaching up to 20 cm; the color of their females is much more modest.

Some of the most beautiful Malawian cichlids are considered to be the blue dolphin, various types of aulonocara, yellow and cornflower blue labidochromis.

Cichlids: description

In appearance, these underwater inhabitants are very diverse. Their body may have an elongated torpedo-shaped shape, as, for example, in predators - African Lepidiolamprologus and American Crenicichlus. But severums, angelfish and discus are distinguished by tall and flattened bodies. They live in reservoirs with a sufficient number of plants among clusters of branches and coastal plexuses of roots.

Their separating color helps them to hide - vertical black stripes, reproducing the change of shadow and light. But the colorful, eye-catching color of certain African cichlids allows them to notice and recognize an enemy from afar - a male of their own breed or a female (the tone of both individuals differs quite significantly). When excited, most fish species can almost instantly change shade: it becomes beautiful, contrasting, spots and stripes appear. The same thing is observed during spawning: female green nannakars are colored patterned black with a checkerboard pattern, and females of some apistograms take on an expressive yellow color.

What are the diseases of Malawian cichlids?

When buying fish, ask the seller carefully what kind of food they are best suited to - dry, canned or live. Mbuna feed on vegetation, grow up to 12 cm, and have a bright, variegated color. But ducks eat food of animal origin and can reach 20 cm in length. Often these fish can even attack their small relatives. If you start feeding cichlids with food that is unusual for them, then this practice can lead to undesirable consequences.

Food should be fresh and of such a size that it is easy to swallow. “Malawians” can be offered cyclops, daphnia or brine shrimp. The latter is suitable for both fry and small cichlids. Fans of plant foods can be treated to scalded pieces of lettuce, nettle or spinach. Some people pamper predators with young guppies or small fish of another species, if you happen to have an excess of such living material.

Breeding rules

Malawian cichlids are not monogamous; a male is able to spawn with several
small females. Although there are individuals who choose a mate for life. Females lay eggs on a flat stone or in a pre-prepared nest. They hatch eggs and fry in their mouths. It is easy to determine whether fish are ready to reproduce in an aquarium - the anal fin of the male becomes sharp, and in the female it becomes cone-shaped.

The amount of eggs varies between species, depending on age and water conditions. Usually the larvae of the fry appear after 2-4 days. Producers care for the offspring, sometimes the female and the male fight for primacy over the offspring, organizing disputes and fights. In this case, the male or female is removed from the spawning tank. Also, during the spawning period in a general aquarium, hybridization of species is possible. Hybrid offspring do not have such bright colors.


There are many compatibility tables for aquarium fish. But you need to understand that the behavior of these beautiful creatures Many factors influence - the size of the tank, its design, the type of food, even the water temperature. Cichlids can get along with other fish, especially if they are not too different from them in size. But the “Malawians” prefer to control the territory, and fights between the inhabitants of your aquarium are almost inevitable. How can you reduce aggression? It is best to introduce all your cichlids into a new aquarium at once. If you do this in stages, then the old-timers can attack the newbies. Also in this matter important role Various shelters play - driftwood, stones, shells. Each inhabitant will find shelter if desired and wait out the dangerous period.

Behavioral characteristics of the family Cichlidae

The behavior of these representatives of the underwater fauna is peculiar and attractive. Sociable and active by nature, cichlids are in constant motion, using the entire space of the aquarium.

Their activity increases in proportion to the increase in hunger. In pursuit of a portion of food, they organize real races and can instantly absorb everything that is offered to them, although such greed does not bring them any benefit.

Certain types of fish have highly developed hunting skills:

  • livinqstonii, buried in the sand, pretends to be inanimate, thereby luring prey;
  • compresessips, having a narrow and strongly flattened body, is hardly noticeable to other inhabitants of the reservoir, which allows it to approach prey unnoticed;
  • copadichromis, having a tube-shaped mouth, is able to easily suck in plankton like a vacuum pump.

The intelligence of cichlids is attractive to aquarists. They are able to recognize their owner and demonstrate unique social behavior.

Thus, almost all varieties of this family have developed parental care for their offspring. Cichlid aquarium fish carefully guard their clutches and care for the larvae and fry. Specifically, the Malawian species of fish hatch eggs in their mouths, and the hatched fry find refuge in the throat sac of their parents in a moment of danger. Therefore, with a relatively small number of eggs in these fish, their survival rate is quite high.

Malawian cichlids are endemic to Lake Malawi, which is part of the African Great Lakes network. Only in this place is the fish population widespread. Some species of Malawian cichlids are of industrial importance, while others are of decorative value. Their general feature– incubation of eggs in the mouth.

Malawian cichlids are divided into two groups: mbuna and utaka. Representatives of the first group live in places with dense vegetation and are herbivores. Representatives of the duck prefer a rocky bottom and feed on live food.

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Mbuna group

If you decide to settle in home aquarium cichlids of the Mbuna group, you should know that they really like to sort through the bottom, uprooting plants. In nature they live on rocky areas of the bottom. "Mbuna" translates to "attacking rocks." They are distinguished by territorial behavior - males are armed with grater teeth, which allow them to scrape vegetation from rocks, as well as defend and attack. It should not be placed in a cramped aquarium with few hiding places. Catalog of fish of the Mbuna group, genus:

  • Maylandia;
  • Cyathochromis;
  • Petrotilapia;
  • Tropheops.

We have collected photographs of fish from the mbuna group.

Admire the Mbuna cichlids.

Utaka Group

Predators inhabiting shallow underwater reefs. They live in the upper layers of water. They feed on animal food - fry of other fish and adult relatives. The average length of fish from the Utaka group is 15-25 cm. They require a spacious aquarium; they can be placed with closely related African cichlids of similar sizes that eat animal food. Catalog of species of the Utaka group, genus:

  • Corematodus;
  • Scienochromis;
  • Other.

General characteristics

Malawian cichlids are very attractive fish that are preferred to be cultured in the home aquarium. Their content is very simple and will bring pleasure to many aquarium lovers. The character of the fish is interesting and quick-witted. Many of them are distinguished by their luxurious appearance and variegated scales.

Cichlids of Lake Malawi prefer open space for swimming and secluded places where they can calmly spawn or hide from annoying neighbors. Keeping in a common nursery is possible with close relatives; you should not place herbivorous fish next to predators. The average body size of males and females is 10-20 cm. Utaka is larger than mbuna. All Malawian cichlids have special behavior, so before placing them in an aquarium, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of their maintenance and compatibility with other fish.

Conditions of detention

Comfortable keeping of cichlids is possible in a spacious aquarium with a volume of 150-200 liters per couple of individuals. They prefer clean and clear water. Once a week you should replace 30% of the water with fresh water. Powerful filtration and aeration are also necessary. Valid parameters aquatic environment: temperature 23-26 degrees Celsius, acidity 7.5-8.5 pH, water hardness 4-8 o. Shelters in the form of grottoes, shells, and caves are allowed.

It is important to remember that keeping all Malawian cichlids in an aquarium requires constant maintenance of water temperature and cleanliness; they are sensitive to pollution and sudden changes. Allowed to be kept in salted sea ​​salt water, proportions are selected depending on the type. The water may be a little hard, but it should not be too alkaline.

Plants as decoration - with strong roots, potted varieties are possible. The soil should not be very small and not very coarse. Mbuna cichlids are fed plant foods with spirulina, salads, spinach, and cereals. Utaka cichlids - animal food. Can be fed with frozen and artificial food. There are special foods for cichlids that are sold in pet stores.

Look at the feeding of Utaka cichlids.

Breeding rules

Malawian cichlids are not monogamous; a male is able to spawn with several females at the same time. Although there are individuals who choose a mate for life. Females lay eggs on a flat stone or in a pre-prepared nest. They hatch eggs and fry in their mouths. It is easy to determine whether fish are ready to reproduce in an aquarium - the anal fin of the male becomes sharp, and in the female it becomes cone-shaped.

The amount of eggs varies between species, depending on age and water conditions. Usually the larvae of the fry appear after 2-4 days. Producers care for the offspring, sometimes the female and the male fight for primacy over the offspring, organizing disputes and fights. In this case, the male or female is removed from the spawning tank. Also, during the spawning period in a general aquarium, hybridization of species is possible. Hybrid offspring do not have such bright colors.

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