If you had a dream on Sunday: principles of interpretation. Palm Sunday

On the sixth week of Lent there is a great religious holiday- Palm Sunday. It is dedicated to the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. The city residents greeted Jesus with palm leaves in their hands. They also paved the road along which Jesus Christ rode on a donkey. In mid-latitudes, the spreading palm leaves were eventually replaced by willow branches. This tree is the first to bloom in the spring and pleases the eye with golden earrings.

On Sunday, parishioners bring palm bouquets to the church. In the old days, they believed that the willow consecrated in the church protected the house from enemies and sorcerers, healed illnesses, and drove away troubles and misfortunes. Willow branches were kept on the Bozhnitsa, next to the icons. Last year's dried bouquets were not thrown away; they were buried in the garden or floated down the river.

The power of spring water

On March 30, on Alexei Teply, the snow begins to melt abundantly and large streams appear. Previously, people listened to their murmur and looked at the water streams for a long time to improve their vision and hearing. On this day, spring water was credited with magical properties.

On Alexei, mothers bathed small children in birch tubs. First, they washed their feet and legs in river water, from the bottom up, because a person takes strength and strength from his mother earth. Then they rubbed the tummy, chest, back, and arms with a washcloth. Lastly, they soaped their hair. It was believed that after such a bath, children “grow” and do not get sick. To strengthen the immune system, protect yourself from spring colds, raise your Lent vitality, on March 30 the whole family drank birch sap infused with honey. The tasty and healthy drink was loved by both young and old.

Cheating day

April 1 was called a deception day. People fooled each other and those who woke up from hibernation brownie. Nature teased us with spring sunshine and thawed patches. However, no one believed either the April Fool's jokes or the deceptive warmth. Unless they were confused suitors, the girls lied to them outright, they were afraid that their suitors would deceive them and exchange them for others.

By the way, on April 1st they told fortunes about marriage. We went to the river or pond to watch birds. A pair of birds promised a groom and true love. If a girl sees a lonely bird on the water, she may not count on the attention of guys. True, they were not very upset because of such a prediction. They knew that in order to get married as quickly as possible, it was enough to wash themselves with river water and whisper the words of the spell three times: “Melted water to my face, it will lead me to the crown.”

On April 1, they trusted only dreams, they were prophetic, they predicted fate.
- The rustle of a rainstorm leads to bitter tears.
- Curling your hair in curlers means gossip.
- Enjoying cake and pastries is a great joy.
- Wipe off dust from icons - for longevity.
- Holding a finger in your mouth means poverty.
- Peel, cut and eat apples - to unbridled fun and entertainment.
- Holding a broom or broom in your hands is a shame.
- Bandaging someone’s finger means unnecessary accusations.

Photinia the Well

On April 2, they honor the memory of Saint Photinia, who accepted martyrdom for her faith. The Roman Emperor Nero, who brutally persecuted Christians, ordered his servants to throw Photinia into a deep well. Since then, on the day of her death, well water acquires wonderful qualities. They washed themselves with it, sprinkled it on the walls of the house and barn, and sprayed domestic animals against pestilence and damage.

On Photinia they were treated for a spring illness - fever. The healers, having secured the invisible support of the righteous martyr, copied a prayer verse onto a small piece of paper. The patient wrapped it in an old homespun rag and wore it on his body until Holy Week. Then he burned it along with the cloth wrapper in the flame of a passionate candle. To please God, the peasants cast it with their own hands. The ashes were supposed to be swallowed and washed down with fresh well water.

Lazarev Saturday

Shortly before his death, Jesus Christ brought back to life his best friend Lazarus, who had died of illness. The miracle of resurrection occurred on Saturday, the sixth week of Lent. On this day they baked kalachi - round wheat bread like the sun. Small money was placed in one of the rolls. The one who got the surprise loaf was declared lucky, and his family envied him. The girls were especially happy about the coin. After all, she promised them, in addition to happiness and wealth, successful and imminent marriage. They took care of the money like a treasured talisman.

Palm Sunday, customs

On Sunday, housewives cooked holiday porridge with raisins and pussy willows from wheat. It was generously poured with honey to hide the bitterness of the willow. Also, you can cook. In the morning they tidied up the house and yard, drove away evil spirits. They washed the hut, and rubbed the floor and benches with juniper branches to ward off evil spirits. By the way, this plant is a good natural antiseptic. They shook out and burned the old straw from the mattresses. Over the course of a year, she absorbed the illnesses and misfortunes of her household. We were preparing for Easter, for the bright holiday.

The dreams that I had on the night of Palm Sunday were not left unattended, they were interpreted and solved.
- If you dream of a fly agaric, expect an unpleasant conversation.
- Seeing pork sausage and lard means illness.
- Postman - to confusion, disorder in affairs and actions.
- Beer with a thick head of foam means wealth.
- A big white mouse - to be robbed.
- Hearing a crow cawing in a dream means family quarrels.
- Dyeing your hair means losing love in reality.
- Hiding paper money under the pillow is a sign of a significant, large purchase.

A sure cure for bad dreams is a chatty tongue. Mothers taught their daughters: tell your girlfriends about a bad dream before noon. Then it will definitely not come true.

April 1, 2018 – Palm Sunday for Orthodox Christians. This is a church holiday that commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Celebrated a week before Easter.

On this day, willow branches are blessed in churches, symbolizing a greeting to Jesus Christ. It is believed that the consecrated willow has cleansing, protective powers and protects us from evil and misfortune. Therefore, such branches are placed near icons at home and stored for a whole year.

People have many different customs and rituals regarding Palm Sunday. On this day they pray for health for themselves and loved ones, for well-being and prosperity in the family, for family happiness, ask Higher Powers help and support in overcoming obstacles, getting rid of illnesses and bad addictions. Prayers are read to achieve the desired results.

S. Blonskaya. "Girls. Palm Sunday". 1900.

Dreams on Palm Sunday

They say that the dream you had on Palm Sunday is prophetic and will definitely come true. If you dreamed about something joyful, then such a statement certainly makes you happy. But what if the dream was frightening and ominous? Then you just need to rinse your face with holy water three times and nothing bad will happen.

Willow whipping

IN folk traditions A cheerful custom was widespread among the Slavs: on Palm Sunday in the morning, after the blessing of the willow, to hit each other with twigs, while saying: “Whip the willow, beat it until you cry.” I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow." This act is still practiced today. It is also believed that the illuminated willow also saves domestic animals from all sorts of diseases, unkind people and evil spirits.

Recycling willow branches

After use, consecrated twigs must not be thrown into the trash! They must be treated with respect. You can take it to the forest, float it down the river, put it on fire - burn it, or go to a temple and leave it there.

Poems about Palm Sunday and willow


Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.
The lights are warm,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain,
Don't blow out the fire.
Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up
For the holy day.


Willow, willow, willow,
The willow blossomed.
This means, that's right,
That spring has come
This means it's true
That winter is over.
The very, very first
The starling whistled.
Whistled in the birdhouse:
Well, now I'm from here.
But don't trust spring
The whistle of the wind is heard.
Wind, wind, wind
It turns along the roads
Last year's leaf.
All April jokes!
Rural kindergarten
In the morning I took off my fur coats,
At noon - snowfall.
But it's not that bad
Things are going,
If there is a willow, a willow, the willow has bloomed.

The willow is all fluffy

The willow is all fluffy
Spread out all around;
It's fragrant spring again
She blew her wing.

The clouds are rushing around the village,
Warmly illuminated
And they ask for your soul again
Captivating dreams.

Diverse everywhere
The gaze is occupied by the picture,
The idle crowd makes noise
People are happy about something...

Some secret thirst
The dream is inflamed -
And over every soul
Spring is flying by.

Perhaps the dreams that come from Saturday to Sunday can be confidently considered the kindest and most favorable of the whole week. Even if you had a nightmare, which, by the way, happens extremely rarely, it does not promise much negativity, but only encourages you to delve a little into yourself.

General description of dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Sunday dreams are truly sunny and bright. And this is not at all surprising if we remember that these days are under the auspices of the brightest star - the Sun. It represents all the best that can happen in life, promising increased creativity, good luck and inspiration. Sunday visions are full of invisible positive energy; they personify the dreams and aspirations of the dreamer, and also indicate better prospects.

Sunny dreams dissipate quite quickly, but if the vision of that night is remembered in all its details, then it is very important to find in it the most important signs and tips. They contain information about what a person lacks for complete happiness.

Of course, sometimes our own desires are very different from what fate is ready to offer us. But it may make sense to moderate your excessive ambitions and allow yourself to enjoy what you already have. After all, most often, happiness is nearby, and not in those sky-high dreams that do not allow you to see the big in the small.

Features of a dream for Sunday

A weekend dream is a vivid reflection of the dreamer’s psychological and emotional state. Most often, on Sunday night a person sees what he dreams about in reality. Therefore, if the vision is painted with dark colors or does not have a clear picture, then it is worth thinking about, maybe you are dreaming about the wrong thing?

But even if you dreamed of a pleasant vacation on the shore of a distant sea, a luxurious gift from a lover, successful advancement in your career, or the purchase of a new dress, this does not mean that this will happen in reality. Such visions only call for a little rest, to think through plans, and choose the right priorities.

If Sunday's vision was dim and caused some mental anguish? Nothing bad is expected, just another boring week ahead without any special joys or stormy changes. Everything will be smooth, calm and familiar. But this is a great period to reconsider your life and enjoy this peace.

Particularly bright visions, rich in details and characters, promise imminent changes. Take a closer look, who was nearby and what they were doing? Perhaps your well-being depends on these people.

A somewhat hazy black and white vision hints that it’s time to take a break from the hustle and bustle. This is also a sign that there is mental discomfort. A cheerful holiday in a dream promises bright events in real life. Single people may soon meet their soul mate, married people will enjoy some good news or solve a long-standing problem.

If you happened to see your friends or relatives on Sunday night, then they will soon need moral support or advice. If the vision had a negative connotation, then on the contrary, you should not bother with your advice. You'll only make it worse.

When will the vision from Saturday to Sunday come true?

There is an opinion that Sunday dreams come true very, very quickly. Most often - on the same day, most likely before lunch. And if the dream does not come true within a couple of days, then it can be forgotten.

In principle, this is true, but there are some clarifications. For example, if a person fell asleep before midnight on Sunday and dreamed of something related to his family, then this vision will come true with almost 100% probability. Moreover, the maximum deadline is until Wednesday of the next week. But this only applies to dreams that carry a prediction on what is called an everyday level. If you really dreamed from Saturday to Sunday prophetic dream, then its execution may be delayed for several years.

It is highly likely that Sunday visions will come true for people born on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. But those who were born under the water signs of the Zodiac (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) should not particularly count on their dream for Sunday coming true. They had better look for prophecies in the dreams of other nights.

It is not known for what reason, but most often Sunday dreams become prophetic if you think about the stars before going to bed, outer space and in general about the meaning of life. Probably like this in an unusual way a closer connection is established with the world that sends night visions. If, before falling asleep, you imagine the desert, snow or ice, then you can not count on a serious predictive vision.

How to interpret a dream from Sunday night

Sunday dreams are special and need to be interpreted in a special way. The best help in this will be your own intuition. It is worth listening to your feelings and subconscious, they are the ones who will give the exact answer. In addition, there are always many clear signs in visions for Sunday. You just have to find the correct interpretation for them and you can get detailed guidance for action.

It is best if you have a very detailed dream with numerous actions and characters. By their behavior you can guess what they will do real people in an example situation.

In general, bright visions signify the right path and the absence of obstacles. Dark and gloomy on the contrary indicate that you are following a crooked path and may pay for it. Take this as a warning from heaven - if you don't change something, you'll get into trouble. And you don’t have to blame anyone - you were warned!

Nightmares on the night from Saturday to Sunday are very rare. And even then, for the most part they reflect mental anxieties, worries or doubts. If you still had a nightmare or a particularly disturbing dream on Sunday night, then just look at the sun in the morning and ask it to take away the unpleasant vision. The negative “aftertaste” will immediately disappear as if by hand.

What to pay attention to

Remember, all things and objects in a Sunday dream symbolically reflect happiness. If you dreamed of a car, a train, an airplane, or you were driving, running, flying, then fortunately you will have to literally get there. A quiet natural corner, a house in the village and other places make you think about changing your place of residence or vacation.

Visions with romantic overtones most often reflect a possible state of affairs, but it makes no sense to interpret them literally. In them you see what you want, but this will not necessarily happen in reality.

For example, if you dream that a person you care about is in love with you, then in reality he experiences a bit of sympathy. And perhaps, with certain circumstances this feeling will develop into something more. If in your dreams you find your lover with someone else, then beware. Most likely, a breakup or at least unpleasant proceedings is coming. Besides:

  • Take a closer look at the characters who surrounded you in Sunday's story. These people can become true friends and reliable partners.
  • I dreamed very real, as if real life dream? This is a sign of a successful period, a big win, a pleasant trip or a new job.
  • In a dream on Sunday, did you get lost in the forest or lost in an unfamiliar town? Yours Vital energy at zero and you wasted it. Rest and then change your behavior.
  • Have you ever seen natural disasters such as severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, storms? In real life, you will experience emotions comparable in strength to them.
  • This same vision hints that your life has become too calm and measured. It is necessary to introduce a fresh and active stream into it. Do something interesting, do something you've been dreaming of for a long time, go on a long journey or just into nature.
  • On Sunday night you had a chance to visit a fairy garden, incredible beautiful palace or some other wonderful place? Your wish will soon come true, and fate will present you with a worthy surprise.
  • Have you found or just seen treasure chests, precious jewelry, big money and just trinkets dear to your heart? Expect changes in better side, unexpected success and prosperity.

On this night you can often see friends, relatives and acquaintances. This is a clear hint that it's time to talk to them. Call, write, make an appointment.

Why do you have dreams on Sunday?

Sunday stories, due to their uniqueness, can simultaneously have several interpretations. They can be interpreted in completely different ways, based on the clues of your own intuition. Remember this.


Sunday dreams are very emotional and sensual. They reflect not so much the real state of affairs as what is dreamed in the sweetest dreams. Therefore, you should not take a positive image for granted if its appearance is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Negative emotions of this day do not promise troubles or misfortunes, they only encourage you to think about whether you did the right thing or are you just planning to do so? At the same time, positive moods do not guarantee that everything will be fulfilled with amazing accuracy.

Feelings in Sunday dreams largely reflect the dreamer’s attitude towards a particular situation, convey his current mood, inner comfort or opposition.

Besides emotional condition in a dream is a reflection of the same feelings that you will experience if your wish comes true. But there is one warning here. You shouldn’t take them on faith, because a dream is still a dream and you shouldn’t celebrate in advance.


Seeing your real lover or spouse on the night from Saturday to Sunday is very good. Especially if the vision is kind, homely and even somewhat intimate. This means you're done right choice and deserve their happiness.

If you are secretly in love, but discovered that your chosen one is walking with someone else, then do not waste precious time on him. Remember, your soulmate is still wandering around somewhere.

Did you dream that you married your loved one? You will know your great happiness with him, and even if this union does not end in real marriage, he will give you a lot. If the groom got married to someone else at night, then a cooling is coming in the relationship, disagreements and probably a breakup await you.


Dreams about work on Sunday are not exactly prophetic, but they don’t promise anything bad either. They usually reflect the usual work environment, relationships with superiors and colleagues. Less often – your fears or concerns about completing the task correctly. It’s good to receive encouragement from superiors, a bonus, and praise from colleagues. These situations actually promise something similar.

Dream interpretation willow

People attribute positive properties to willow. It is believed that this plant promises joy and is a symbol of rebirth.

As for dreams, interpreters give the following answer to why the willow is dreamed of: the dreamer will find peace of mind and become a successful person.

Dreaming of a willow bush

As Sigmund Freud wrote in his dream book, the willow is a symbol of pleasures that the dreamer considers sinful. Sometimes you should not listen to your mind, but give in to your instincts and receive intimacy pleasure.

Modern predictions

There are many dream books that were created in our time, and their interpretations are as close as possible to the modern worldview.

I dreamed of branches in my hands

Thus, the 21st century dream book says that a willow in the hands is a positive symbol. Soon all your work will be noticed, you will be rewarded as you deserve.

A modern interpreter says that a willow in a dream is a symbol of success in business, elation, and high performance.

Predictions from other dream books

The willow branches that bloom in your dream promise a cloudless life. It is possible that you will do good deeds, and fate will reward you for this.

Interpreter of Simon the Canaanite

The branches of a willow tree that go down to the water represent troubles in life, hard times.

If this is a weeping tree, a willow, then grief will occur in the dreamer’s family.

Esoteric interpreter

Dreaming of a weeping willow

I wonder why you dream about willow? The interpreter says that such a dream promises peace of mind for the sleeping person.

Interpreter Longo

In general, a dream in which a willow appears is considered positive. Now luck is entirely on your side. Any business you undertake will be successful.

Now the sleeping person can rest and reap the fruits of his labors.

Watching another person break branches or cut down a given tree means the dreamer is tormented by the fact that he has offended another person. It is believed that some guilt is indeed present, and you should apologize and, if possible, correct the situation.

If you put a bouquet of willow in water, then you constantly do not have enough strength and time to redo everything. You are too busy with work, everything literally falls out of your hands. Longo advised focusing your attention on what really matters to you. You shouldn’t waste your energy and time on unimportant things, otherwise you risk not getting anything done.

Presenting a bouquet as a gift - there is a person near you who is experiencing negative emotions and needs support. Provide it if possible.

Seeing a willow twig in a dream

Witnessing street vendors offering willow branches is quite interesting sign. Soon you will witness an unpleasant situation, and you will acutely feel the need to make the life of another person easier. The problem is that you will not be able to change anything.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Willow sprig in this dream book viewed negatively. It promises the sleeping person sadness that he will experience for a certain reason.

Interpreter Fedorovskaya

When you simply see a willow in a dream, you will be consumed by melancholy and will begin to feel sad for any reason.

If you broke branches for your bouquet, then no matter what obstacles life puts in front of you, you will be able to cope with them.

Ukrainian interpreter

This dream book gives clear predictions about what this or that vision associated with willow may mean in a dream:

I dreamed of a plant above the water

  • to see her - an unrequited feeling awaits you;
  • branches descend to the water - sadness, unpleasant events;
  • branches to the ground - misfortune in the family;
  • holding a bouquet in your hands means joy;
  • falling from a tree means quick death.

What do psychologists say about this?

In the psychological dream book you can find information that when you dream of a willow, the feelings that you experience seem sinful to you.

The dreamer tries with all his might to suppress his instincts, but the body does not obey him. It is possible that your upbringing does not allow you to enjoy sex.

Everything will be fine

Why else do you dream about willow? If a girl in a dream receives a bouquet of roses and willow as a gift, then in reality she will go on a romantic date where she will have a pleasant time. What it will be, a dinner with a significant other or a meeting with an unfamiliar man, the interpreter does not specify.

If a sick person dreams of willow branches in the wrong hands, then the dream book believes that he will soon get better.

For single people, a positive vision is one in which a person sees willow branches near the church. The vision means that the dreamer will soon meet his fate.

Collecting a bouquet that includes a willow on Palm Sunday is a very positive dream. The dreamer will experience joy, happiness, and success in the near future.

Why do you dream of a willow with buds, or in bloom? You can rejoice, everything will be fine in your family.

Your mark:

It has long been believed that Sunday is the Day of the Sun. And the Sun, as you know, makes our life joyful! Therefore, dreams that occur on Sunday night, as a rule, predict good news. They can concern both ordinary things and love, as well as talents that a person keeps within himself for the time being.

Dream interpreters in their theories adhere to the designation of the Sun as a planet where love, inspiration and boundless creativity reign. The Sun brings happiness and joy to the hearts of people. Therefore, the dreams that come to people on Sunday night show various situations or people whose purpose is to illuminate the lives of others with a special, happy light. However, there are other people, and you should understand that in life everything cannot be endlessly cloudless.

In cases where a Sunday dream is distinguished by its beauty, this may mean that the dreamer should wait for the arrival of new, interesting ideas or the appearance of acquaintances with unique abilities that can amaze everyone around. However, there is another interpretation if the dream was colorful and sunny on Sunday. This may mean a premonition of the coming strong love. Interpreters do not rule out that the appearance of a beautiful Sunday dream may precede the discovery in the dreamer of extraordinary talents, which he could only guess about before!

Such a wonderful dream perfectly motivates the dreamer to actively engage in creativity. But if the dream is stingy and monotonous, there are no sun rays in it, then this may be a harbinger of trouble. The only thing left to do in this situation is to learn lessons and see some positive aspects in the event that happened.

It is interesting that a faded, gray Sunday dream is interpreted by some experts as an ineffective waste of energy out of pity for a friend, to a loved one or just a friend. This same dream can be interpreted as the presence of excessive nervous tension. Interestingly, the abundance of different animals in Sunday dreams can mean completely different perspectives. A deer running towards the dreamer means that everyday adversities are approaching, but there is no need to worry, they will pass by. Seeing a cockroach is a sign of imminent incredible events.

So, from a Sunday dream, the main component is not its plot and something seen or heard in it, but what this dream is like in itself, how the dreamer perceives it. If there is something pleasant in a dream, giving the dreamer a bright and joyful feeling, then events similar in their mood await ahead. It can be anything! Children will be pleased with their successes, good feelings will flow from something that has already happened, new acquaintances will come into life, communication with whom will leave them alone. positive emotions. This could also mean a long-awaited trip.

If we fully analyze what a dream on Sunday means, especially if it is colorful, then we can clearly state the fact that the dreamer has an excellent mood and good mood. Of course, this will help in new achievements. At the same time, a Sunday dream that brings heaviness may indicate general overwork of the body. And in this case, it is necessary to take a vacation and make a trip that will distract the dreamer from the everyday hustle and bustle and help restore strength.

If a hunting leopard appeared in a dream, eating its prey, then this could be a harbinger of overcoming existing family troubles. A cuckoo crows in a dream - your life will be long. If the sound of cuckooing is not heard, your ears will hurt. The cuckoo is flying - there will be a fire. If the dreamer simply saw a cuckoo, it means that his beloved dog will soon leave his life forever.

It is very important to understand that Sunday dreams, unlike dreams that appear on other days of the week, have a general tendency to quickly come true. This can happen either on the same day, or the day after tomorrow, on Tuesday, in the morning. And since these dreams concern close friends and relatives, they must be remembered immediately and remembered in the future until they come true.

Sometimes it happens that a person comes bad dream. What should I do? There are many ways to change your future: hold your head, look at the flame of a candle for a long time, knock three times window glass. In the middle of the night, you can turn over the pillow, turn out the pillowcase, or tell this dream to as many people as possible before lunch.

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