Seeing red lice in a dream. Why dream of lice on the head and hair. Dream interpretation in different dream books

The dream book, compiled with the help of observations of several generations, experience, telling what lice dream about, does not frighten at all, but on the contrary, suggests that this is a good sign.

So, according to one of the popular versions, it is believed that the more lice you notice in a dream, the richer and more successful you will be in reality. True, there is a small reservation, it is still better to notice the accumulation of these insects not on yourself, but on a person nearby. In ancient times, they were upset when they saw only one louse in a dream, since this was a sign that the work begun would either fail, or the result would be more than modest.

If we take Modern dream book, we will see that he explains the stories about lice, depending on which part of the body they were seen on. For example, if they are located on the head, hair, then this is an omen slowly progressive disease.

When disgusting creatures occupied the back, chest, without rising above the neck, the dreamer may rejoice at the upcoming cash receipts, an increase in income. This will definitely happen despite the fact that it would seem that in reality nothing indicates such bright prospects.

Ukrainian dream book reassures those who dreamed of lice in their hair. It turns out that this is a sign of imminent progress on career ladder. You will not only be promoted, but also financially encouraged, and your merits will be celebrated in a solemn stop. You will be very pleased.

Why do lice dream, according to the famous Vanga? Her dream book predicts in this case unexpected problems that the sleeper will have to resolve. If he copes with the task, the result will be absolutely unpredictable. Difficulties will be replaced by happy, joyful events. As they say: there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped!

Freud has his own opinion on what lice may dream of. If in night dreams a person managed to poison nits, then in reality he will solve a complex, personal problem. This may be getting rid of the so-called crown of celibacy, loneliness, the revival of the former stormy, passionate romance, fateful meeting with a partner who will make the happiness of a lifetime.

The same seer explains what the lice dream about, which they managed to destroy. It turns out that this plot portends tears. Unfortunately, the interpreter does not give any clue as to what will cause suffering.

The famous Miller is very pessimistic in his predictions, believing that if you see lice in a dream, you will have to be very nervous and worried. And how, his dream book clarifies, the most offensive thing is that all these unrest, as it turns out later, were unreasonable.

birthday predictions

born in autumn months people dreaming of lice prophesy wealth and cloudless business prospects. You just need to remember that excessive timidity, indecision can make adjustments and interfere with the dreamer's career. He needs to try to be a little more persistent and confident.

If your birthday is in the spring, then pay attention to the visions in which pubic lice appear. This is a warning to be more careful and selective in romantic acquaintances. The dream interpretation does not exclude the possibility that you will be so carried away by another passion that you will jeopardize your health and reputation.

Why dream of lice, which you watch not with horror, but, on the contrary, with surprise, even rejoicing? If they crawl on a neighbor who stopped nearby, then your wallet will always be full. Things will go uphill, and you will be able to spend money without thinking too much about saving.

Did you dream that nits swarm on a child? In this case, the dream book recommends that you give the baby a little more will. He needs to learn independence, get used to responsibility. You are still too protective of your child, which complicates and darkens your life.

There is also an opinion that fleas and lice seen in a dream can be identified with the dreamer's environment. Watch your closest ones. So you will understand which of them is extremely annoying, unceremonious. Is it worth it to continue friendship with such unpleasant people who can spoil other people's opinion of you.

How to explain why linen lice dreamed? The dream interpretation gives a disappointing description of the person who observed such a vision. It seems that he is used to insulting and humiliating others for no reason. Sometimes he is frankly rude, cynical, indifferent. The time will come when he will be left alone without comrades and loving family members. And only then will he understand what mistake he made because of the peculiarities of his character and upbringing. And after receiving the recommendation of the dream book, you can think about it earlier.

Destruction of disgusting insects

Envious people cannot sleep peacefully, gossip, plot against you, that's what lice dream of, which you mercilessly crush. To save your good name, frustrate the plans of enemies, you just need to exercise extreme caution, delicacy. The dream interpretation gives one more piece of advice: do not be too frank and gullible.

What does the dream book promise to the one who caught the only nit in a dream? It turns out that the dreamer in reality fusses a lot, makes incredible efforts, spends a lot of time to achieve an insignificant result, which he could easily achieve with a reasonable organization of the labor process.

If you are trying to detect, find lice in a dream, it means that upon awakening, show rare determination and perseverance. These qualities will help you achieve the goal you are striving for. The main thing to remember is that you can not give up and stop halfway. And so you will succeed!

A wonderful sign, according to the dream book, is a dream about combing out lice, on the eve of a responsible event: business or commercial. After such a vision, all partners, colleagues and other participants in the transaction will be extremely friendly. This is the most favorable moment for large, serious agreements, signing contracts.

Crush nasty insects, in a dream also to receive news. This news will delight and inspire you. Moreover, they will concern money, the amount of which you will soon noticeably increase. You will forget what saving is.

Especially long-awaited will be a dream in which lice are destroyed for those people who are in need or are in a difficult financial situation (have large debts). It turns out, according to the dream book, dead lice predict an unexpected cash flow that will allow you to patch up financial holes, get rid of persistent creditors.

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People have changed over the centuries. IN medieval France they were called "God's pearls", the poet Giambattista Marino in his poems sang parasites on the curls of his beloved. Contemporaries treat small insects with no respect at all and consider them a sign of non-observance of elementary personal hygiene. Most people have never seen with their own eyes neither, nor, only occasionally do parasites visit in dreams. Authoritative dream books interpret in different ways what lice dream of. The most original interpretation of dreams with parasites belongs to Freud.

How to solve dreams with bloodsuckers

The meaning of the dream depends on the actions of the insect, the multiplicity, the presence of other people, animals. Therefore, if you dreamed of lice, it is worth remembering in detail all the episodes of sleep, counting the individuals by their heads, their sizes.


Paradoxically, but the little bloodsuckers were also a sign of prosperity, well-being. Families deprived of their attention were considered unhappy, unsuccessful. Therefore, a dream about lice foreshadowed wealth and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Muller

The most authoritative and popular publication in the circles of people who are fond of such "literature" connects the appearance of small bloodsuckers in dreams with new worries, troubles, troubles. But according to Miller's dream book, no global changes, deaths of lice portend:

  • lice in hair strangers mean self-doubt, notoriety, internal fears, fear of losing material values;
  • if you dream of lice on a child’s head, it means that the dreamer is tormented by fears for the health of their children and unwillingness to part with them; such dreams often come to parents who are overprotective;
  • attempts to shake off insects are interpreted by the dream book as a solution to problems in the near future and the beginning of a new life; such a dream indicates the presence of a difficult life situation that does not allow you to live and sleep peacefully.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

An equally popular source that gives the most truthful interpretation of sleep. According to the seer, if you dream of lice, in reality you will have great luck in business. The expected success is directly proportional to the size of the insect. Vanga focused on the feelings that the dreamer experienced in dreams. If he was pursued by fear, in reality he will boldly and decisively go towards his goal.

The Austrian psychoanalyst associates all dreams with sexual sensations. And if other small insects: cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas in his interpretation were somehow attached to children, then lice and nits occupy a separate place and indicate problems or changes in the intimate sphere:

  • just watching lice means sexual abstinence, the reason for this may be diseases, or your own psychological settings, complexes;
  • crushing lice, combing out according to Freud is interpreted as solving problems of an intimate nature
  • if a large accumulation of bloodsuckers is dreamed, then the dreamer dreams of a bold sexual experience involving several partners;
  • lice on another person portend a new object for desire and satisfaction of lust.

Why dream of a louse in other dream books

Most publications are in solidarity in the interpretation of what lice dream about in their hair on their heads - the expectation of profit, the resolution of problems. Attempts to crush, kill them in other people's hair warn of possible mistakes in raising children, the desire to impose their will and opinion on them.

And even more so their murder, then we should wait for the news. A modern dream book interprets such dreams as career advancement and overcoming all obstacles. portends the arrival of guests who want to stay longer.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, lice dream of difficulties and making mistakes. The psychologist recommends refraining from long trips, postponing all business, analyzing recent events and highlighting the most important thing in life that has highest value. Loff's dream book is of a similar opinion, considering dreams with bloodsuckers to be harbingers of problems and a series of failures.

A bad sign if you dream of a black louse. Such an individual promises illness in the dreamer himself, relatives or friends. But if you happen to see a giant louse of abnormal size, you can consider yourself lucky, because such a dream portends the fulfillment of the cherished dream.

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In a dream, people often see or meet something that makes the hairs on their heads stand on end, and which no one has encountered in life. Similar unpleasant phenomena include lice, who dared to appear in dreams. It is too loud to say that everyone has dealt with them at least once, but to say that every person can dream of them is appropriate. Hence the appropriate question arises as to whether why do lice dream.

Dreamed of lice

To most, this seems like a threatening failure and money problems and is perceived negatively. But people are mistaken, predicting non-existent diagnoses and difficult life situations.

It is worth looking deep into the origins, turning to ancient history. Indeed, since time immemorial, people have interpreted dreams in different ways, turning the information received and warning themselves from dangers. In past centuries, lice were considered something everyday, ordinary. Their absence in a person threatened the appearance of a serious illness or imminent trouble.

For what

Determining what lice are dreaming of without details will be difficult, but not impossible. As said before, take into account the details that may seem important in order to define and interpret the dream.

Watch the video. Why do lice dream?

in hair

93% of dreams about lice - to significant profits

You need to discard all unpleasant thoughts and understand that seeing lice in your hair is a positive dream that promises wealth in reality. Moreover, your well-being depends on the number of insects - if there are so many of them that the hair on your head literally “stands on end”, then a serious and significant luxury awaits.

Not in hair

Seeing lice outside the hair - on clothes, on furniture, crawling somewhere - promises sadness, frustration and resentment. You should not be very nervous and attack yourself with sad thoughts: sadness will be short-lived, most likely associated with some small household items.

On the head

Expect a sharp replenishment of finances in the near future. Moreover, wealth will fall on you so unexpectedly that it will even be pleasant.


On the body



If the lice in your dream were white, then they call for some action or conversation that you have been thinking about for a long time. Come boldly and don't be afraid.

Large white lice in a dream portend some kind of loss. Moreover, losses can be not only in the monetary sphere, but also in any other. You should beware of large spending and suspicious promotions.


A lot of

The number of insects also affects the interpretation. A huge amount promises a frivolous illness or some kind of postponement of plans. So you should be more careful about your health.


Despite the favorable information about dreaming beetles, one louse that appeared in your dreams promises disappointment. Do not give up and try to prepare as much as possible or prevent unpleasant events. Soften the situation and do not get involved in conflicts. If there is only one louse, but it is fat and large, the dream promises serious financial profit.


Lice in a dream

run away

Feel but not see

Watch the video. If you dreamed of lice?

The child has

Often, mothers see lice in their nightmares from their precious child. Do not worry and sound the alarm. Such a dream means excessive concern about the child.

7 out of 10 dreams about child overprotection

If for some reason in a dream you crush lice on a child’s head, this means that you are trying to isolate him from problems and troubles, and you succeed.

If the futility of this activity is immediately visible - the lice are not getting smaller, but on the contrary - perhaps they are too carried away by guardianship. It is worth exhaling and giving the child a little freedom.

At another person

Seeing insects in a stranger's head promises joy, good luck and prosperity, as well as a positive end to long business. Rejoice, because you are no longer afraid of trouble.




When an adult and mature woman dreams of lice, this is a reason to doubt the fidelity of her soulmate. You should not build any theories and assumptions, make decisions on a hot head or break off relationships. Just talk frankly about it and try to figure something out. You can always resolve the issue that torments you peacefully, without scandals.


68% of men confirm the positive realization of sleep

Anyone who sees them will soon finish some large-scale business, receive money or money for it. bonus remuneration, as well as universal recognition and success.

In addition, insects promise some kind of favorable period in personal life and increased efficiency.

Why see lice in a dream

Despite the variety of interpretations about what lice dream about, it is worth considering many details or nuances. Correct interpretation will help to improve the interpretation as accurately as possible. You will be able to find out what the future holds, prevent significant problems or pay attention to important aspects in your life.


Destruction of lice from your head with a crush promises new stage, as well as the departure of boredom, gloominess, the emergence of diversity and new acquaintances, hobbies, interests.

Comb out

Combing lice in a dream to yourself or someone - a friend, relative or child - portends getting rid of the hassle and difficult situations. If you dreamed that you were using a comb at the same time, it means that life will become easier now, because you will get rid of problems.

shake off

When in a dream you are trying to shake insects off your head, you expect success or a promotion at work, as well as greatness in front of rivals and competitors. It is worth catching luck by the tail, because it will be preceded by a fruitful period full of success and inspiration.

Many people who are not indifferent to their dreams are interested in knowing what lice dream of.

In Miller's popular dream book, lice are described in detail. This dream book is the most sought-after publication, which people most often turn to when looking for the meaning of their dreams. dream interpretation in the most detailed way tells why he dreams of killing lice, giving several explanations at once.

Each description should be considered depending on the plot of the dream.

Most often, Miller's dream book reports that if you dream of lice, then this is no accident: to see a lice is believed that negative events await a person. Meanwhile, lice in a dream are not a direct threat. For example, you should not expect serious illness, job loss or trouble in the family. In general, to see lice in a dream according to Miller means quick worries, a large amount of tedious work with documents, boring obligations that must be fulfilled at all costs. Speaking in another way, the person who saw such a dream needs to be prepared for a difficult life stage, requiring to collect all the forces, not to get stuck halfway.

If in a dream you saw lice on the offspring’s head, this is a signal of excessive anxiety.

Perhaps you devote too much time to your child and do not let him take a single step without your participation. Stop, give him freedom of choice, listen to his opinion and provide an opportunity to prove himself.

Dreamed of lice crawling on one arm or leg of a baby, be careful, there is a risk of increased injury, fracture, dislocation.

Dreamed of lice on the head of a child, but could not catch? Unforeseen expenses are likely. The acquired things will not bring pleasure and will lie in the closet like a dead weight.

Dreaming in a dream, they went through the things of their child and found lice - expect unpleasant news and gossip about the child. Lice scatter from clothes - hear flattering reviews about a son or daughter.

See blood-sucking insects from someone else's child

Why dream of seeing lice on someone else's child? Such a dream symbolizes envy. The number of individuals is directly proportional to the anger of the envious.

Such a dream does not promise profit for those who are working on a new project or are planning to realize long-planned plans. Sleep in advance warns of failure. Wait a little time and with renewed vigor proceed to your plan.

A dream where a child with lice plays with your child warns of troubles awaiting a son (daughter). Take a closer look at the environment, if among your friends there is an offspring of someone who will set an inappropriate example.

Look for bloodsuckers in the head of children

You are too carried away by the role of a parent. No need to impose your point of view, a girl or a teenage boy has long formed his own opinion, which you are trying to challenge.

Don't judge them for things that you find unacceptable. Do not be angry with strangers, yours are also outsiders for someone.

Detect individuals on hair

Misunderstandings from peers, serious conflicts, problems in studies are possible.

You have a teenage son, and found lice in a boy of the opposite sex - soon your grown-up boy will learn from his own experience what it means to experience problems in his personal life. First love will bring disappointment and anxiety.

Pull out the nits

Lice are dreaming when the dreamer has to deal with monotonous work that does not bring moral satisfaction.

You will be visited by the thought of changing the type of activity. Do not miss the chance, the dream book interprets: now is the best time to move to a new job.

Pulling nits out of the head of someone else's child is a minor chore that will make you nervous. The plan will come true if you listen to the advice of an outsider.

kill insects

I had to crush lice in a dream. The dream speaks of the excessive desire of parents to protect their son or daughter from health problems, lurking dangers and obsessive fears.

It's time to think about how long you will shift children's responsibilities to yourself. Your child is already a formed personality, able to find a way out of current situations on their own.

Do not look for sores invented by you. When it comes to a son, there is a likely risk of raising a weak-willed mother's son.

Crushing lice on the head of someone else's offspring portends a situation in which your daughter and son will need your help. It is your advice that will help to avoid serious trouble.

Count the bloodsuckers

The meaning of the dream in which the dreamer noticed lice has a direct relationship with the number of individuals.

According to the modern dream book:

  • I dreamed of a single individual - to small squabbles, health problems and disappointments. A bloodsucker crawling through the body portends the illness of a small family member. Kill her - to a speedy recovery;
  • Several individuals dream of trouble. Listen to the complaints of the crumbs, health problems are likely;
  • A lot of lice in a child - to a protracted illness. They were able to kill everyone - to healing for the patient.

Seeing large lice with nits - speaks of sudden profits, crush - refuse a profitable offer.

Treat your head for lice

Combing lice - to difficulties in business.

Seeing dead lice is a disappointment and loss of money. To notice a louse drunk with blood - to the arrival of relatives.

How famous dream books are interpreted

Popular dream seers, where they had to, speak of the following:

Try to understand what is bothering him, but remember: excessive guardianship has never allowed him to grow a self-sufficient person.

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