Sergei Shroudov - biography, information, personal life. Obscene Love: The True Story of Cord and Matilda The Actress Who Lived with Cord

Oksana Akinshina - what is she like? I have written about many Russian actresses, what makes this young lady stand out among all the other film stars? I looked at her photographs, and such a bright feeling remained in my soul after viewing them. Undoubtedly, Oksana Akinshina, in my opinion, is very beautiful, but her beauty is discreet, calm, but at the same time memorable. How would I describe Oksana Akinshina? It emanates from this girl with positive, sunshine, she is sincere, real, does not pretend to be anyone, does not draw, she is not one of those monkeys who works for the public, her Instagram is not replete with photographs of her one beloved, she does not throw out hundreds of her newfangled bows in network, there are amateur, touching photos, no glamor and pathos, professional photos very little, but all that I could get, I suggest you admire the photographs of this amazing, talented girl.

A little biography of Oksana Akinshina in order to imagine more clearly what kind of person she is, what kind of people and what circumstances shaped her as a person. So, Oksana Akinshina barely graduated from the nine-year-old, she studied poorly, even fought with teachers, her feelings of individuality, independence, unwillingness to obey generally accepted rules are so strongly developed in her, this girl is a rebel by nature. professional education Oksana Akinshina does not have, but despite this, she is a very successful, sought-after actress, she looks organic in the frame, the audience admires and admires her. Our heroine got into the cinema quite by accident, as a teenager, worked as a model and, against her will, got to the casting for the film "Sisters", the director of the film, Sergei Bodrov Jr., really liked her audacity and love of freedom. She would be so famous actress if not for this fateful meeting? Perhaps yes, because on people like her, capricious fortune itself turns its exacting attention.

The biography of Oksana Akinshina is very fascinating, this girl literally grew up in the alley, her parents gave her too much freedom, already at the age of eleven her friends poured non-mineral water into her mug, she began to smile and live with the guys early. What can I say, Wikipedia says that until the age of 15 she shared a crust of bread with actor Alexei Chadov. She was maybe 13 or maybe 14 years old when she fell in love with Alexei, and he, by the way, was 6 years older than her. But at the age of 15, Oksana Akinshina had already moved to live with Sergei Shnurov, who was 15 years older than Oksana. Where were the parents looking? Mom is an accountant, dad is a car mechanic. Already a mother of three children, Oksana Akinshina will say that she will not allow her children to go through the path that she herself went through, and although she is not disappointed in her life and, having returned to the past, she would not change anything in it, nevertheless, she made the right conclusion - parents should not give too much freedom to their children - even if it would be easier, even if rebel teenagers really want it - stomp their feet and kick. Fifteen-year-old girls should spend the night at home, in their beds.

Everything happened in the life of Oksana Akinshina, but we have nothing to judge her for, this young lady has her own way, so she decided, so she felt then. Being fifteen, ripe for Serious relationships with Shnurov, by the way, she lived with him for five whole years. But this bright romance has become obsolete, little Oksanka has grown up and went on her winding path.

Oksana Akinshina had a touching, romantic relationship with Sergei Shnurov.

Oksana Akinshina was married for some time to Dmitry Litvinov, director of the Planet Inform PR company, but with him she family life did not work out, in 2009 the couple had a son, Philip, but Oksana very quickly realized that she did not want to be a married lady, golden cage not for her. Cooking borscht, twisting cutlets for her husband and waiting for him at home with dinner and with slippers in her teeth - this rebel did not like such a life, at least then she thought so, but she was at that time a little over twenty years old.

This is what Oksana Akinshina's first husband looks like, this guy's name is Dmitry Litvinov.

Then there was a short-term affair with Alexei Vorobyov, but they parted like on his initiative, but everything suited her.

But Alexei Vorobyov is a well-known heart-chewer, it is not known whether he will ever calm down or not, but Oksana Akinshina seems to have found her ideal safe haven, Archil Gelovani became her chosen one - Russian entrepreneur, film producer, founder and head of the studio« Independent Film Project, in general, such an important uncle, studied at one time at Harvard and then at Boston Universities. Akinshina is only 12 years older, so yes - this love marriage is another plus for Oksana Akinshina's piggy bank, no love for you for money, this is not in the nature of freedom-loving Oksana. Although, having become the mother of three children, it seems to me that she has become softer and more accommodating.

Well, let's continue talking about the merits of Oksana Akinshina. She is not obsessed and not obsessed with her beloved, does not try to squeeze into any project, has the opportunity and even the luxury of being a happy mother of three children! Back in 2011, being a mom yet only son, said that she wants to give birth to at least two more. She fulfilled her plan, and after all, many actresses say that they would give birth, but as a result, the years go by - and their plans do not come true. And Oksana Akinshina did as she planned. provided, but absolutely does not boast of the wealth of her husband, and yet he successful businessman. Being a sought-after actress, she gave birth to three children by the age of 30! Not everyone would dare to do such a thing! He rarely gives interviews, does not appear on talk shows, and protects his personal life. Not glamorous, does not like to make up and dress up too much. Always looks great, has not been seen plump, untidy, always fresh, feminine, and even in sneakers and jeans looks great.

November 30, 2011, 03:47 pm

I always liked not handsome princes, but hideous monsters, Oksana said. - No, Shnurov is smart, intelligent, but he can be such a drunken bastard, and this is not a stage image! -We met Oksana on the set of the film "Moth Games". I wrote music for him and played myself in the episode, and Oksana performed the main female role. Then I had no idea who Akinshina was and what she was eaten with. Acquaintance happened on a terrible drunk. A person after twenty-five years in a sober state can no longer fall in love - at this age he understands that in FIG all this is needed. Lots of other things. And in a drunken state, a man is still capable of some feats. Cord said. - Our relationship began with the fact that I asked her for a loan of a thousand rubles. I broke some nonsense in a restaurant in the city of Zlatoust, where the shooting was taking place, and I did not have rubles with me to pay for the brawl on the spot. Immediately after we met, a terrible booze began - we smashed the restaurant, and I almost rang the police for sticking a broken bottle into a man. Akinshina at that moment was sitting in a hotel room and waiting for her romantic hero. And I broke into her drunk, covered in someone else's blood and again asked for money in debt. The next day, by the way, the lighting crew from the film crew and I again smashed this restaurant to shreds. Oksana was much younger than me. But my friends and my group are people without complexes. During their careers, they have seen everyone. Most of them are real scoundrels who believe that the younger the girl, the better. And no one is embarrassed to admit it ... I taught Oksana a lot, but mostly bad. Not in the sense of drinking and smoking, before that she would have come without me. I showed her the other side of the moon, in the sense of life. She also taught me. For example, she drummed into me that at least sometimes you need to wash. Everything else I learned without it. By the time they met, Oksana was still a schoolgirl and teachers often watched a picture of how a ninth-grader was accompanied to classes by an unshaven, rumpled man, obviously from a strong hangover. - In the mornings, Cord pulled me out of bed by the collar and dragged me to school. He has two higher education, he believed that science would not hurt me either. And I wanted to sleep, resisted, beat him with everything that came to hand, Oksana shares. - In the evenings, we used to get drunk, we could pour three bottles of vodka into ourselves, and then a cheerful joint retreat awaited us, hugging the toilet. All in all, it was fun... "I forced Oksana to read books. It is hard for a person to live if he has not read either Lermontov or Dostoevsky. In order to understand Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's New Year's speech, you don't need to read Dostoevsky. And in order to understand the full depth of life, you need to read it all. In order for Oksana to read more diligently, sometimes I even have to beat her. Do not beat like a schoolgirl, namely beat." They got a dog, called Piska, walked her in the evenings, yelled: “ Piska, come here! and rejoiced because passers-by shied away from them. " We quarreled fiercely. It doesn't matter why. It could have been an incorrectly spoken across word, some kind of gesture. She didn't look like that, she said some nonsense. I could get hooked on any little thing. Serious quarrels ended simply - I fell silent and left. Lately we didn’t even make noise during the scandals - I just silently turned around and disappeared." "When people for a long time live together, something necessarily begins to irritate them in each other. For example, it infuriates me that Oksana has small breasts. It's not like I'm suggesting she put silicone in - God forbid! I'm just a supporter of the materialization of sensual ideas. We need to think more about boobs, and then they themselves will grow to right size. On the other hand, I really like her small breasts. Therefore, until I come to an internal compromise, let everything remain as it is. Although a woman must go somewhere forward, develop. So let him think about his boobs." "I gave Oksana the most valuable gift - five years of my life. No, of course, I bought her something all the time, but it all fades before the most important gift." Life with Cord was indeed full of passions: the lovers touchingly held the handle, then, not embarrassed by the cameras, they got into fights, then they talked about the upcoming wedding ... Five years, lived side by side with the "genius of musical obscenity", for Oksana became steps to fame - she starred in film after film, her fees grew every year. But the Cord was rolling down: the popularity of the Leningrad group was fading. " I need a man stronger than me. Some military man ... And Seryoga turned out to be unexpectedly weak”, - Akinshina said in one interview. A couple of months later, information appeared that they had broken up: they said that after another scandal, Cord put his beloved out the door. " I've been wondering for five years: this is how it will be when we part, when - apart and for good?- recalls Akinshina. - That it will turn out, what, probably, passions will be ... And everything happened in one day. Everything is final with the Cord, and here is the mercy of Fate: we do not intersect anywhere, even on the street. There are no common acquaintances, calls - this part of life seemed to be cut off. And this is good».
The option that Oksana and Shnur will one day go crazy, calm down, have children and live in a normal family, those who knew the couple did not even consider. Not that case. They tell how Akinshina caught her rival on the street and tried to grab her hair. In response, she received a final resignation from her beloved. Now Shnur avoids Oksana, recently Sergey's wife did not let him shoot with ex-lover. Upon learning that Oksana Akinshina was taking part in the film, the girl made a scandal and forbade the musician to go to Moscow.

For the actress Oksana Akinshina, the reputation of a “mean girl” was firmly entrenched. She does not recognize authorities and always says what she thinks. She has almost no girlfriends, and her lovers do not stay long. On the set of the film "Countdown", Oksana herself told the correspondent of "ZhG": "Being friends with me and even more so living is a complete hemorrhoid, it's easier to hang yourself."

Offered to fuck in exchange for roles

“I lost my innocence at the age of 12, I beguiled port wine,” the actress frankly admitted in an interview. - Later, already on a sober head, I met with one designer for several months.
The girl's parents, simple hard workers from the outskirts of St. Petersburg (father is a car mechanic, mother is a cashier in a store), with their daughter, as they say, got drunk. Oksana is a classic example of a difficult teenager: she smoked, drank, ran away from home, and had to fight. “If something didn’t suit me, I could really charge it on the scoreboard, without problems and curtsy,” the future star also admitted to ZhG.

She hated school, could not appear there for weeks. Because it's boring!

The fact that 13-year-old Akinshina was accidentally seen on the street by assistant director Sergei Bodrov Jr., who was looking for an actress for a role in the film "Sisters", is a real happiness for Oksana. If it were not for Bodrov, one can fantasize in a black way how her fate would have turned out. And then suddenly she began to disappear not in the doorways, but on the set.

- True, some filmmakers hinted and openly offered me to fuck in exchange for roles. I sent them to x ... and left without talking, they are not the heroes of my novel, Oksana told us.

I found myself not a prince, but a monster

Oksana has no acting education to this day. Yes, and a certificate of completion high school She received almost as a gift for her 19th birthday. The principal of the school, handing the document, sighed with relief: you wouldn't wish such a student on your enemy. The lady remembered a lot, including how the ninth-grader was accompanied to classes by an unshaven, rumpled man, obviously from a strong hangover.

It was the "hero of her novel" Sergey Shnurov.

“I have always liked not beautiful princes, but disgusting monsters,” Oksana said. - No, Shnurov is smart, intelligent, but he can be such a drunken bastard, and this is not a stage image!
Indeed, who, besides Cord, could at his concert, pumped up with beer, take out his household in front of all the honest people and urinate from the stage ?!

But including for such antics - "a form of protest against a blinkered, notorious crowd" - our heroine adored Sergei, reckless and loose. They got a dog, called Piska, walked it in the evenings, yelled: "Piska, come here!" and rejoiced because passers-by shied away from them.

- In the mornings, Cord pulled me out of bed by the collar and dragged me to school. After all, he had two higher educations, he believed that science would not harm me either. And I wanted to sleep, resisted, beat him with everything that came to hand, - the star shared. - In the evenings, we used to get drunk, we could pour three bottles of vodka into ourselves, and then we were waiting for a fun joint retreat in an embrace with a toilet bowl. All in all, it was fun...

The party was waiting: either these two will get drunk together, or one day they will scatter. The option that Oksana and Shnur will one day go crazy, calm down, have children and live in a normal family, those who knew the couple did not even consider. Not that case. And they really fled - after five years life together. The cord threw the "youngster" and found new girlfriend Matilda. They tell how Akinshina caught her rival on the street and tried to grab her hair. In response, she received a final resignation from her beloved.

She gave birth to a son, but tied up with marriage

Oksana went to unwind at the film festival, met CEO one of the Moscow news agencies, Dmitry Litvinov, and quickly jumped out to get married - as if to spite her former lover. She even gave birth to a son. They say that she wanted to name Serezha in honor of Shnurov, but then she changed her mind: a lot of honor to the “former”. The baby became Philip. This is where the idyll ends. The husband - handsome, decent, young, wealthy - turned out to be so boring ... For example, the first thing he proposed was to rename the dog Piska (Oksana Shnuru did not leave her) to Duska ... Akinshina got bored and divorced. She threw her son to her mother. She herself acts in films and actively hangs out. Not so long ago, the paparazzi caught Oksana in one of the capital's restaurants kissing passionately with actress Agnia Ditkovskite. They wondered: were the girls really disappointed in the men so much that they decided to change their orientation? Hardly. They were just having fun...

Now Oksana is credited with an affair with Alexei Vorobyov. However, as ZhG already wrote, this is just PR: they are filming together in the film Suicides directed by Alexander Strizhenov. And love "behind the scenes" is played on the instructions of the producers. Vorobyov is too “correct” a young man to captivate Oksana.

She is looking for the second Cord, but it is not yet visible on the horizon.

- Of course, Oksana is very beautiful girl. And I can also say that you will not get bored with her. Perhaps, in something sharp, does not compromise. But you must admit, even without her, there are enough bell girls from the city of Tinker Bell in life. And she is real, what she is, and this is her charm, - Alexei Vorobyov scattered in pleasant compliments to his colleague ...

Evelina VETROVA.

She is sharp and straightforward, outrageous and resolute. Akinshina has a reputation as a scandalous and independent girl. But the actress may well be both romantic and sentimental.

(“I talked with Bodrov as with the most ordinary person»
Oksana Akinshina was born on April 19, 1987 in St. Petersburg in a simple family. A strong character manifested itself in the girl as early as childhood. Once she had a fight with an art teacher, another time with her mother. Such was the peculiarity of her nature: in case you don’t like something, immediately respond without thinking about the consequences. She has remained so to this day.

Little Oksana dreamed of becoming a military man, then a policeman - not too feminine professions. However, it was always easier for her to communicate with the representatives of the stronger sex, the actress still does not like women. She was not interested in peers - Akinshina was always friends with older people. In communication was and remains direct and natural.

Perhaps it was this naturalness and the lack of a special desire to please at the time that attracted Sergei Bodrov Jr. in her, who was looking for the main characters for the film "Sisters". Unlike numerous other contenders who lined up daily in front of Lenfilm, Oksana Akinshina got to audition by accident. She, fourteen, was found by Bodrov's assistant.

“After all, I didn’t know then what it was to act in a film,” says the actress. - Why, I didn’t even know who Sergei Bodrov was! Other girls, having heard who the director was, gasped and groaned: “Oh, Bodrov!” They asked him for an autograph, and I spoke with him as with the most ordinary person. The selection lasted a month, every day 300-400 people came. There were no trials as such: we just talked with Serezha Bodrov. I don’t know why he chose me, maybe he didn’t know himself? Or maybe precisely because I didn’t ask for autographs and didn’t look at him like a star. Everything was so spontaneous: in one of last days Before the shooting started, Seryozha asked me: “Well, did you at least understand that we chose you?” I said, "Understood." We walked around Lenfilm, watched the script, discussed it.”

Then Oksana said that in life she did not have much in common with her character. For example, she never felt lonely. At the same time, firmness, straightforwardness, opposition to the world - is Akinshina herself not enough of all this? Even if she did not dream of becoming a sniper, like her brave heroine.

“The main thing in “Sisters” is the line of girls’ relationships: from hatred to love,” says the actress. - Everything else - shooting, bandits and so on - just a cover, nothing more. I don't know if I managed to do what needed to be different opinions. We were both praised and criticized. But this is the first experience, and, probably, it turned out not bad for the first time. I was very afraid to act in emotional scenes, but it turned out to be the opposite: simple dialogues were difficult, and emotional scenes were somehow easier to present. I had to learn how to shoot, train at the shooting range. While working on the film, we constantly sat with Serezha, he kept telling how to live the life of another person, how to create the image of your heroine - she is not at all like me. But now I know, compared to other films I've done so far, Sisters wasn't that hard."

On the set, Oksana was very jealous of Katya Gorina (who plays the role of Rita) for the film crew, worrying that they were paying more attention to her. And then… the girls really felt like sisters. And at the Sochi Film Festival in 2001 in the "Debut" competition they received a diploma "For the best acting duet".

Actress and "honest bastard"

Akinshina escaped the fate of many young actresses who disappeared from the screen after the first success. Soon she was invited to a foreign project: the Swedish director Lucas Mudison, who saw her work in Sisters, offered her leading role in the film "Lily forever." Oksana was to play the heroine who was betrayed by everyone: a mother who left with her new husband for America and renounced her parental rights; an aunt who evicted a girl from her own apartment; "savior" who promised to marry, take to Sweden and get a job.

As in "Sisters", Akinshina in the film got the role of an unloved daughter who met on her life path and experienced many difficulties, dramas and vicissitudes. By the way, she had to play similar roles in other films. In Kamenskaya-3, her character Ira Terekhina bears the burden of responsibility for younger brother and a disabled sister. And in the action movie "Countdown" Akinshina plays a hacker who got into an unenviable situation.

For her role in Lila Forever, Oksana received the Swedish Academy Film Award and was recognized as the best actress. In the same year, she played in Philip Jankowski's film On the Move, and a year later her international career continued: the actress was invited to the Dutch film The South. The USA became the next point of world recognition. IN American film In 2004, “The Bourne Supremacy” Oksana Akinshina played a young Russian - the daughter of a major politician who died at the hands of an agent.
A year earlier, Oksana starred in the Russian film Moth Games, about a rocker boy who, out of recklessness, stole a car and knocked down an old man on it. Oksana played a girl, unrequitedly and sadly in love with this rocker, her neighbor in the stairwell. Contrary to the plot of the film, real story Akinshina's love was born at that very moment. On the set, she met with the leader of the Leningrad group, musician Sergei Shnurov, who wrote music for the main character.
And although Cord was very drunk that evening, and the age difference between him and Oksana was 15 years, it was truly love at first sight. Oksana, according to her confession, then really liked the scum. And Cord, as Akinshina said, "an honest and talented bastard." True, he was not her first boyfriend. Oksana herself admits that she has been having sex since she was twelve years old - because of port wine: “Then it seemed to me that it was very tasty. The rest was worse, only then I liked it. Then she lived with a young designer, and only after that Shnurov appeared in her life.

Their love was a series of drunkenness and scandals. Oksana liked this life, but one day she decided to grow up. Now she doesn't see each other at all. former lover: “There are no common acquaintances, calls, greetings - this part of my life was cut off, and I did not make any efforts for this: it happened on its own. All these five years of my life with Cord - and there was everything, from wild quarrels to the prospects of a wedding - I was wondering: this is how it will be, when - apart and for good? That it will turn out, what, probably, passions will be ... And it happened on one day, and I remember it clearly, the day of one of my arrivals from Moscow. There was a handover of the keys, and that's it. And hello new life! And I gained twenty kilograms (even there was a rumor about pregnancy). Then she took care of herself and dropped ten.

Then Oksana quit drunken sprees: “I am learning to replace drinking, it is difficult not in the sense of weaning - I never really get used to anything, but in the sense of a sober look at things, perception of the world as it is. A person who has never drunk much cannot understand this feeling: that what you see is the truth, everything is real. Vodka somehow lubricates the rubbing parts, but here all this friction is direct. We must look for other distractions. Then I went with a friend to China, for three weeks I lay in the sun on the island of Hainan. It was a very strange feeling. So many people that human life costs nothing: there are no individuals. And it does not seem from the outside, but they feel this way: a car hit a man on a scooter - no one seemed to notice. And they work the same way - without remembering themselves. Pretty creepy actually."

“Many directors only like to humiliate actors”

Even before parting with Shnurov, Akinshina played a major role in the film "Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs". Her heroine, the princess, is beautiful, smart, very kind, but at the same time eccentric. On the set, Oksana quarreled a lot with the members of the film crew: she fiercely defended her rights, brought the assistants to tears, and as a result of a skirmish with the make-up artist, she played naked and shaggy in one of the episodes. She also had a conflict with the director of the film, Nikolai Lebedev, because of which another actress later voiced her character.

"Lebedev is very good man, who just didn’t get on his project, ”Akinshina said then. - This was supposed to be done by a pure monster, a production worker capable of operating gigantic machinery. And he is an intelligent person, walks delicately around the site, speaks with a pleading intonation - he should shoot good thrillers like "The Serpent's Spring". I don’t really understand why it was necessary to make “Wolfhound” and beat Hollywood with Galirad. Some people know how to collect monsters, and you ... I don't know ... train butterflies; Well, train!”
Oksana was never afraid to criticize directors: “Among them there are many people who are constantly engaged in self-affirmation. I won't name any names. They just like to humiliate you, that's all. And in general, in directing today there is a terrible number of sons of great people - the exception is Todorovsky, he is friendly and clearly knows what he wants.

With this director, Oksana played in the new film “Dandies”: “When Todorovsky invited me to audition, the work was in full swing. I showed up at the very end. And in the end, at some point, she refused for personal reasons. But in the end, everything worked out somehow.” She had to get used to the image of the heroine of the 50s of the last century: “We read a lot, listened to music all together, danced. And the main thing, perhaps, was that we lived together for a year. Practically in indoors. We walked in the same clothes, led the same way of life.

"Dandies" is still a musical, so Akinshina had to sing there. But her main aria takes place after the love scene, so Oksana doubts that the audience will think about her vocal abilities for a long time: “We take off our clothes, fall into bed, love happens, and after love, leaning back on the pillows, we sing. Looking at me naked, the viewer is unlikely to pay so much attention to the voice.

Akinshina repeats all the time that in the cinema crowd, many do not like her. But at the same time, it’s easier to live like this, because they won’t eat it: “Yes, no one loves me, and I don’t love anyone. I don't mean close people. I'm always on my own. As she is. Now I'm on a home vacation, because I'm in a position. The cinema is in crisis. So everything is fine with me.”

Not so long ago, Oksana married the head of a large PR company, Dmitry Litvinov. True, as they say, she scandalizes a lot with her husband, once she even left him after some ordinary domestic quarrel. Meanwhile, Litvinov’s subordinates on the sidelines are discussing with might and main the imminent paternity of their boss: “Pregnancy changed Oksana in better side. She even began to say hello, before this was not the case.

Akinshina herself, oddly enough, now declares that she has become a completely domestic person: “I don’t like parties. This is some kind of demonstration “to nowhere”. And not my people at all. I enjoy being at home with my loved ones. There is something more important in life than even some super party. My personal life always comes first. Not a single supermegaproject can cross it out. I don't owe anyone anything. Only to myself and loving people close to me. Everything else is just work and nothing more.”

Prepared by Lina Lisitsyna
Based on materials from, Nevskoe Vremya, Interlocutor, Life

Akinshina and Cords are seen together again. The leader of the Leningrad group broke up with Matilda, and Oksana Akinshina divorces her husband. 2018 is rich in divorces: and many others.

Akinshina and Shnurov latest news

By tradition, the stars announce their intentions in their own social networks. So the news that Oksana Akinshina is divorcing her husband was the first to appear on her Instagram. The actress wrote that she filed for divorce from Archil Gelovani and hopes for a quick outcome, painless for children. She also advised all girls not to hang their noses and think first of all about themselves. After such statements, the fans decided that Akinshina and Shnurov together again.

Agree, first Shnurov declares a divorce from Matilda, then his joint picture with Oksana appears, and then Akinshina divorces her husband. Too many matches. Oksana, after an unsuccessful romance with the leader of the Leningrad group, managed to be married twice more and give birth to three children, but she always said that Sergei Shnurov was the love of her life. Even astrologers claim that Akinshina and Shnurov will be together, they are physically attracted to each other. The only problem is Sergey's tough character and Oksana's intransigence. If they are more tolerant of each other, then their union will be ideal, and Akinshina and Shnurov will be together forever.

Akinshina and Shnurov love story

Oksana met Sergey back in 2003. 15-year-old Akinshina starred in the film "Moth Games" along with her then lover Alexei Chadov. But when she saw Shnurov, she fell in love with him at first sight and forgot to think about Chadov. Despite the big age difference, as well as the fact that Sergei was married to Svetlana Kostitsyna at that moment, the aspiring actress did not stop. Akinshina and Cords began to meet.

Sergey left his wife with a child, began to rent an apartment and live with Oksana. In the mornings he took her to school, and in the evenings she picked him up from the taverns. Such ideal relationship lasted 5 years, after which Akinshina, who became very popular, could not stand Shnurov's constant drinking and binges and left him.

After breaking up with the leader of Leningrad, the actress started an affair with the singer, then she married Dmitry Litvinov, and then Archil Gelovani, whom she is now divorcing. Shnurov also managed to tie the knot with Matilda, and now he is divorced and is Peter's most enviable bachelor. Now Akinshina and Shnurov are often seen together, perhaps the fire of their love flared up with renewed vigor.

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