Sturgeon species of fish. Sturgeon species of fish See what “Sevruga” is in other dictionaries

Stellate sturgeon- Acipenser stellatus Pall.
Squad: Sturgeons - Acipenseriformes
Family: Sturgeons - Acipenseridae
Status: Listed in the IUCN Red List (category EN). Included in the list of rare species of the Ryazan region.

Appearance of Sevruga

There are 5 rows of bone bugs on the body. The number of bugs in the dorsal row is 9-16, in the lateral rows - 26-43, in the abdominal rows - 9-14. The bugs are elongated into hook-shaped processes. It differs from other sturgeons in its highly elongated sword-shaped snout. The tail is unequally lobed, the upper lobe of the sturgeon tail is larger than the lower one. The color of the body from the back is brown, with a bluish-black tint, the sides and belly are white. Dimensions up to 220 cm, usually 115-150 cm, weight up to 80 kg.


Stellate sturgeon distributed in the basins of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas, found sporadically in the Adriatic and Aegean seas. They rise to spawn in the Volga, Ural, Kura, Terek, Dniester, Dnieper, Don, Kuban, etc. The main spawning grounds in the Volga are located below the city of Volgograd. Before regulation, it usually rose into the Volga up to the Kama estuary, with some specimens up to Rybinsk. Within the Nizhny Novgorod section of the river it was extremely rare; in 1930 and 1933, sturgeon sturgeon were caught in the Oka near the village. Poles.

Number and trends of its change

In the Volga before regulation stellate sturgeon was the rarest species sturgeon fish. Over the past 50 years, there is no data on sightings of sturgeon within the Nizhny Novgorod region. In the river, the stellate sturgeon sticks to the deepest areas.

Features of biology

Stellate sturgeon is a migratory fish species, but does not rise high into rivers to spawn. Spawning migrations continue from April to July, spawning takes place in areas with a rocky bottom. The eggs are about 3 mm in diameter, black in color, and are attached to pebbles. Egg development takes from 40 to 80 hours. Fertility 35-630 thousand eggs. Males become sexually mature at the age of 9-13 years, females - 11-17 years. Life expectancy is about 30 years. Juvenile stellate sturgeon feed on insect larvae and crustaceans, adults on fish (gobies, herring, sprat), as well as large mollusks and crustaceans. IN fresh water hardly eats.

Main limiting factors

Pollution of rivers of the Caspian basin. Reduction in the area of ​​spawning grounds as a result of regulation of the Volga.

Protection of sturgeon

Security measures taken: Since the 1950s a year-round fishing ban has been established; in the 1960s migratory fish were transferred from the lower pool to the Volgograd Reservoir. These measures did not produce noticeable positive results.

Necessary security measures: To preserve the stellate sturgeon, as well as other sturgeons, it is necessary to reduce the pollution of the rivers of the Volga basin. Restoration of the species in the fauna of the Nizhny Novgorod region is impossible.

Acipenser stellatus listen)) is a fish of the sturgeon family. It lives in the basins of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas. They are found at depths of up to 100 m. The maximum recorded length is 220 cm and weight is 80 kg. Valuable commercial fish.


Distributed in the basins of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas. Occasionally found in the Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea (part of the Maritsa River). Since then, the Caspian stellate sturgeon began to be introduced into the Aral Sea, however, naturalization has not occurred. It has winter and spring forms. From the Northern Caspian it enters the Volga, but does not rise high (although there have been cases of stellate sturgeon caught near Rybinsk). The main spawning grounds were located as far as Volgograd; many fish spawned higher up (mostly up to Saratov). In much smaller quantities it enters the Urals and rises to Uralsk (and higher to Rubezhnoye). Spawning grounds are located below the Inder Mountains, 300-400 km from the mouth of the Urals. Single specimens are included in Terek, Samur, Sulak. Of the rivers of the Southern Caspian, the stellate sturgeon enters mainly the Kura and enters Lenkoranka and Astara. Along the Iranian coast it enters the same rivers as the sturgeon (Sefidrud, etc.). From the Sea of ​​Azov it enters mainly the Kuban for spawning, less so the Don (Kuban has always been a “stellate sturgeon” river). The main spawning grounds of stellate sturgeon in the Kuban were located between the village of Tbilisskaya and the city of Kropotkin. From the Black Sea it enters the Dnieper, rarely (but more often belugas) into the Dniester. It enters the Southern Bug, Danube, Rioni (up to Kutaisi), and also enters other rivers north of the Rioni: Inguri, Kodori, etc.


The snout is elongated, narrow and flattened, its length is 62-65% of the length of the head. The lower lip is interrupted. The antennae are short and lack fringe. Between the rows of beetles, the sides of the body are usually covered with stellate plates.

In the first dorsal fin 40-46 rays; in the anal there are 24-29 rays; dorsal bugs 11 - 14, lateral - 30-36, ventral - 10-11; There are 24-26 gill rakers on the 1st gill arch.

The average commercial weight of Volga sturgeon is 8-9 kg, Kurin - 7-8 kg, Ural - 5-10 kg, Kuban - 6-8 kg, Don - about 7-8 kg. Heaviest weight noted for the Danube - 80 kg, Kura - 70 kg, Don - 67 kg. Crosses of stellate sturgeon with sterlet ("stellate sturgeon" - in the Volga, Danube, Don), with a thorn ("stellate sturgeon" - in the Urals, Kura) are known.


It was possible to obtain viable hybrids: sterlet X stellate sturgeon and stellate sturgeon X sterlet, thorn X stellate sturgeon.

Reproduction and life cycle

Spawns in rivers. In terms of timing, the course of stellate sturgeon in the Volga, Ural, and Terek is approximately the same. Stellate sturgeon is included in the Kura all year round, in cold winters and hot summers in smaller quantities. Spawning in the same places where sturgeon spawns, in addition, in turfy areas of the banks that are temporarily flooded by flood waters. Spawning begins in May at a water temperature of 15 °C, peak at 18-20 °C.

Fertility 58.8 thousand (female 10 years old from the Urals), 416 thousand eggs (female 19 years old). The average fertility in the Urals is 198.5 thousand, in the Volga - from 218 to 238 thousand eggs.

Natural reproduction has been preserved in the Urals. In other rivers, reproduction is based on hatchery rearing of juveniles. Sturgeon hatcheries are located in the lower reaches of the Kura (1954), Volga (1955) and Pahlavi (1971, Iran).


Stellate sturgeon regularly migrates to feeding areas, in the spring to the north and to the coastal strip, and back in the fall. The stellate sturgeon comes to spawn in the Urals at a water temperature of 5.4-7.2 °C. Initially, males predominate in the catches; at the height of the run, the number of males and females is approximately the same. Peak travel is in May. At the end of May, individuals arrive that differ from the early spring ones. In mid-June, when the water level in the river drops sharply, the peak of the late spring stellate sturgeon season is observed. The course ends in June. In the Volga delta, sturgeon begins to spawn in early April at a water temperature of 3-9 °C. The peak of the run in the lower reaches is the end of April-May, above the delta - June. The stellate sturgeon enters the Kura all year round, with two peaks observed: in April-May and October-November. In the Kura stellate sturgeon also occurs in early and late spring.

Human interaction

Among the sturgeons of the Caspian basin, stellate sturgeon ranks first in terms of production. In the USSR, catches amounted to 10 thousand tons. In Iran in 1968-1971. 0.6-0.8 thousand tons of stellate sturgeon were mined annually. Domestic catch in In 1995, the domestic catch of sturgeon in the Black and Azov Seas was 0.30 thousand tons, and in 1996 it decreased to 0.15 thousand tons, in the Caspian Sea - in 1995 0.98 thousand tons , in 1996 - 0.69 thousand tons. The total catch of stellate sturgeon in Russia was (in thousand tons): 1997 - 0.45; 1998 - 0.34; 1999 - 0.23; 2000 - 0.18. In Russia, stellate sturgeon are caught only in rivers using floating nets and mechanized cast nets. In the maritime territorial waters of Iran, sturgeon are caught using fixed nets.

Sevruga meat has high taste qualities. It is prepared chilled and frozen; the eggs are used to prepare pressed and granular caviar, sometimes mixed with caviar of other sturgeons. Viziga is prepared from the dorsal string, canned food is made from cartilage, and fish glue is made from the swim bladder. The fat content of sevruga body does not exceed 11%, caviar – 10%.

The number of stellate sturgeon is declining as a result of river pollution and poaching. Stellate sturgeon stocks are formed through natural reproduction and industrial sturgeon farming (90%). The volume of juvenile stellate sturgeon released by fish hatcheries is lower than that of sturgeon. Stellate sturgeon is bred at the Khillinsky sturgeon fish hatchery. In 2016, fishing for Caspian sturgeon was prohibited. Since 2000, industrial fishing of Azov sturgeon has been prohibited. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has assigned the species the critically endangered species conservation status.

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  1. Reshetnikov Yu. S., Kotlyar A. N., Rass T. S., Shatunovsky M. I. Five-language dictionary of animal names. Fish. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. / under the general editorship of academician. V. E. Sokolova. - M.: Rus. lang., 1989. - P. 53. - 12,500 copies. - ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. : information on the IUCN Red List website (English)
  3. in the FishBase database (English)
  4. Commercial fish of Russia. In two volumes / Ed. O. F. Gritsenko, A. N. Kotlyar and B. N. Kotenev. - M.: publishing house VNIRO, 2006. - T. 1. - P. 70-71. - 624 s. - ISBN 5-85382-229-2.
  5. Life of animals. Volume 4. Lancelets. Cyclostomes. Cartilaginous fish. Bony fish/ ed. T. S. Rassa, ch. ed. V. E. Sokolov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1983. - 575 p.
  6. Frolova Lyubov. . Ural Basin Project. Retrieved September 7, 2016.
  7. . Retrieved September 7, 2016.
  8. Babanin L.. Retrieved September 7, 2016.
  9. Tishchenko N.N., Tkacheva I.V.. Industry Agricultural Portal - RusAgroYug. Retrieved September 7, 2016.
  10. . Retrieved September 7, 2016.


  • Stellate sturgeon- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.
  • Species in the World Register marine species (World Register of Marine Species) (English)

Excerpt characterizing Sevruga

“There is something,” thought Nikolai, and this assumption was further confirmed by the fact that Dolokhov left immediately after dinner. He called Natasha and asked what was it?
“I was looking for you,” Natasha said, running out to him. “I told you, you still didn’t want to believe,” she said triumphantly, “he proposed to Sonya.”
No matter how little Nikolai did with Sonya during this time, something seemed to come off in him when he heard this. Dolokhov was a decent and in some respects a brilliant match for the dowry-free orphan Sonya. From the point of view of the old countess and the world, it was impossible to refuse him. And therefore Nikolai’s first feeling when he heard this was anger against Sonya. He was preparing to say: “And great, of course, we must forget our childhood promises and accept the offer”; but he didn’t have time to say it yet...
– You can imagine! She refused, completely refused! – Natasha spoke. “She said she loves someone else,” she added after a short silence.
“Yes, my Sonya could not have done otherwise!” thought Nikolai.
“No matter how much my mother asked her, she refused, and I know she won’t change what she said...
- And mom asked her! – Nikolai said reproachfully.
“Yes,” said Natasha. - You know, Nikolenka, don’t be angry; but I know that you will not marry her. I know, God knows why, I know for sure, you won’t get married.
“Well, you don’t know that,” said Nikolai; – but I need to talk to her. What a beauty this Sonya is! – he added smiling.
- This is so lovely! I'll send it to you. - And Natasha, kissing her brother, ran away.
A minute later Sonya came in, frightened, confused and guilty. Nikolai approached her and kissed her hand. This was the first time on this visit that they spoke face to face and about their love.
“Sophie,” he said timidly at first, and then more and more boldly, “if you want to refuse not only a brilliant, profitable match; but he is a wonderful, noble man... he is my friend...
Sonya interrupted him.
“I already refused,” she said hastily.
- If you refuse for me, then I’m afraid that on me...
Sonya interrupted him again. She looked at him with pleading, frightened eyes.
“Nicolas, don’t tell me that,” she said.
- No, I have to. Maybe this is suffisance [arrogance] on my part, but it’s better to say. If you refuse for me, then I must tell you the whole truth. I love you, I think, more than anyone...
“That’s enough for me,” Sonya said, flushing.
- No, but I have fallen in love a thousand times and will continue to fall in love, although I do not have such a feeling of friendship, trust, love for anyone as for you. Then I'm young. Maman doesn't want this. Well, it's just that I don't promise anything. And I ask you to think about Dolokhov’s proposal,” he said, having difficulty pronouncing his friend’s last name.
- Don't tell me that. I do not want anything. I love you like a brother, and will always love you, and I don’t need anything more.
“You are an angel, I am not worthy of you, but I am only afraid of deceiving you.” – Nikolai kissed her hand again.

Yogel had the most fun balls in Moscow. This was what the mothers said, looking at their adolescentes [girls] performing their newly learned steps; this was said by the adolescentes and adolescents themselves, [girls and boys] who danced until they dropped; these grown-up girls and young men who came to these balls with the idea of ​​condescending to them and finding the best fun in them. In the same year, two marriages took place at these balls. The two pretty princesses of the Gorchakovs found suitors and got married, and even more so they launched these balls into glory. What was special about these balls was that there was no host and hostess: there was the good-natured Yogel, like flying feathers, shuffling around according to the rules of art, who accepted tickets for lessons from all his guests; was that only those who wanted to dance and have fun, like 13 and 14 year olds want to, still went to these balls summer girls putting on long dresses for the first time. Everyone, with rare exceptions, was or seemed pretty: they all smiled so enthusiastically and their eyes lit up so much. Sometimes even the best students danced pas de chale, of whom the best was Natasha, distinguished by her grace; but at this last ball only ecosaises, anglaises and the mazurka, which was just coming into fashion, were danced. The hall was taken by Yogel to Bezukhov’s house, and the ball was a great success, as everyone said. There were a lot of pretty girls, and the Rostov ladies were among the best. They were both especially happy and cheerful. That evening, Sonya, proud of Dolokhov’s proposal, her refusal and explanation with Nikolai, was still spinning at home, not allowing the girl to finish her braids, and now she was glowing through and through with impetuous joy.
Natasha, no less proud that she was in long dress, at the real ball, she was even happier. Both were wearing white muslin dresses with pink ribbons.
Natasha became in love from the very minute she entered the ball. She was not in love with anyone in particular, but she was in love with everyone. The one she looked at at the moment she looked at was the one she was in love with.
- Oh, how good! – she kept saying, running up to Sonya.
Nikolai and Denisov walked around the halls, looking at the dancers affectionately and patronizingly.
“How sweet she will be,” Denisov said.
- Who?
“Athena Natasha,” answered Denisov.
“And how she dances, what a g”ation!” after a short silence, he said again.
- Who are you talking about?
“About your sister,” Denisov shouted angrily.
Rostov grinned.
– Mon cher comte; vous etes l"un de mes meilleurs ecoliers, il faut que vous dansiez,” said little Jogel, approaching Nikolai. “Voyez combien de jolies demoiselles.” [My dear Count, you are one of my best students. You need to dance. Look how much pretty girls!] – He made the same request to Denisov, also his former student.
“Non, mon cher, je fe"ai tapisse"ie, [No, my dear, I’ll sit by the wall," Denisov said. “Don’t you remember how badly I used your lessons?”
- Oh no! – Jogel said hastily consoling him. – You were just inattentive, but you had abilities, yes, you had abilities.
The newly introduced mazurka was played; Nikolai could not refuse Yogel and invited Sonya. Denisov sat down next to the old ladies and, leaning his elbows on his saber, stamping his beat, told something cheerfully and made the old ladies laugh, looking at the dancing young people. Yogel, in the first couple, danced with Natasha, his pride and best student. Gently, tenderly moving his feet in his shoes, Yogel was the first to fly across the hall with Natasha, who was timid, but diligently performing steps. Denisov did not take his eyes off her and tapped the beat with his saber, with an appearance that clearly said that he himself did not dance only because he did not want to, and not because he could not. In the middle of the figure, he called Rostov, who was passing by, to him.
“It’s not the same at all,” he said. - Is this a Polish mazurka? And she dances excellently. - Knowing that Denisov was even famous in Poland for his skill in dancing the Polish mazurka, Nikolai ran up to Natasha:
- Go and choose Denisov. Here he is dancing! Miracle! - he said.
When Natasha’s turn came again, she stood up and quickly fingering her shoes with bows, timidly, ran alone across the hall to the corner where Denisov was sitting. She saw that everyone was looking at her and waiting. Nikolai saw that Denisov and Natasha were arguing smiling, and that Denisov was refusing, but smiling joyfully. He ran up.
“Please, Vasily Dmitrich,” Natasha said, “let’s go, please.”
“Yes, that’s it, g’athena,” Denisov said.
“Well, that’s enough, Vasya,” said Nikolai.
“It’s like they’re trying to persuade Vaska the cat,” Denisov said jokingly.
“I’ll sing to you all evening,” said Natasha.
- The sorceress will do anything to me! - Denisov said and unfastened his saber. He came out from behind the chairs, firmly took his lady by the hand, raised his head and put his foot down, waiting for tact. Only on horseback and in the mazurka, Denisov’s short stature was not visible, and he seemed to be the same young man that he felt himself to be. Having waited for the beat, he glanced triumphantly and playfully at his lady from the side, suddenly tapped one foot and, like a ball, elastically bounced off the floor and flew along in a circle, dragging his lady with him. He silently flew halfway across the hall on one leg, and it seemed that he did not see the chairs standing in front of him and rushed straight towards them; but suddenly, clicking his spurs and spreading his legs, he stopped on his heels, stood there for a second, with the roar of spurs, knocked his feet in one place, quickly turned around and, clicking his right foot with his left foot, again flew in a circle. Natasha guessed what he intended to do, and, without knowing how, she followed him - surrendering herself to him. Now he circled her, now on his right, now on his left hand, now falling on his knees, he circled her around himself, and again he jumped up and ran forward with such swiftness, as if he intended to run across all the rooms without taking a breath; then suddenly he stopped again and again made a new and unexpected knee. When he, briskly spinning the lady in front of her place, snapped his spur, bowing before her, Natasha did not even curtsey for him. She stared at him in bewilderment, smiling as if she didn’t recognize him. - What is this? - she said.

The strange appearance of the stellate sturgeon with a convex forehead, narrow smooth antennae, and a long nose, the length and shape of which changes with age, amazes the imagination. It is quite reasonable that when you see such a dish on a ceremonial table, you feel interest and curiosity - what does this taste like? sea ​​creature, and how is it useful?

Benefits, properties and composition of stellate sturgeon

Seafood, and fish in particular, have high nutritional value.

This is thanks to fish protein, the connective tissue of which is represented mainly by collagen, which easily turns into a soluble form - gelatin. That is why fish is easily boiled and nutrients are absorbed most completely. Fish proteins are 95% digestible, while meat proteins are 89%.

Sturgeon fish species, which include, along with fish of the salmon order, are the richest in protein.

High the nutritional value stellate sturgeon is also due to the increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have high physiological activity. These fatty acid have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and somewhat promote weight loss.

Any fish is also rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iodine and fluorine, B vitamins, and fish liver is also rich in vitamins A, D, E.

Sevruga caviar

Sevruga caviar is very abundant compared to other red fish of the same weight. On average there are about 400,000 eggs with delicate skin.

Sevruga caviar has a persistent dark gray color and is relatively small in size.

According to the tradition of Russian caviar factories, stellate sturgeon caviar is packaged in jars with red lids.

In terms of commercial value, stellate sturgeon caviar ranks third after beluga and sturgeon caviar.

Sturgeon caviar is valued depending on the size and color of the grain. More valuable large caviar light in color - just like the beluga.

Sevruga caviar is small, the diameter of the eggs is 1.5-1.8 millimeters.

Once you have tasted stellate sturgeon caviar, you can no longer confuse it with any other – its taste is so pronounced.

Harm and contraindications to consuming stellate caviar

Market caviar is usually too salty and wet, because excess moisture is not removed during processing, which affects the weight of the original product.

Transportation and storage of poached caviar also leaves much to be desired.

The microbiological indicators of such caviar indicate that its nutritional and healing effects are insignificant.

Now about the market craftsmen. You can mix a substance into a jar of caviar, which causes the caviar to swell, making the jar look overfilled with the product. But in fact, the true volume of the calf did not even reach the first edge of the neck.

A product of such insignificant quality can, of course, be purchased in a store, but, nevertheless, by making a purchase in a store and having a confirming receipt in hand, you can easily return a low-quality product. It would be more profitable for the store director to return the money than to argue on his own head.

In general, the therapeutic properties of black caviar are greatly exaggerated. It makes no sense to purchase it for a person weakened by illness. It is better to spend this amount on fish oil with the addition of Omega-3 and good vitamins.

And black caviar is simply a chic delicacy and a gastronomic delicacy for splurging.

Sevruga in weight loss

Among all sturgeon fish species, stellate sturgeon has the least fat (up to 11%) and the most tender fibrous meat. Although it is classified as a fatty fish, the calorie content of one hundred grams of stellate sturgeon is 136 kcal.

Sevruga in cooking, dishes from sevruga

The unusual appearance of stellate sturgeon, reminiscent of the shape of a dagger, thanks to its long nose, makes it an attractive guest on the festive table.

Stellate sturgeon is sold frozen, in the form of balyk, cold and hot smoked.

Steamed stellate sturgeon is excellent, with a vegetable or mushroom side dish, stewed in cream, broth or wine. A sauce made from grated kiwi seeds with a small amount of butter and a few drops of Tabasco sauce, cooked in a steam bath.

Tabasco sauce is very spicy, so be careful not to overdo it. It is prepared from hot chili peppers soaked in vinegar and salt. It is suitable not only for fish, but also for omelettes, stews, soups, and other sauces.

Sevruga baked with onions and mushrooms

Place the fish in a frying pan with a little mushroom sauce and onions poured into it. Place halves of fried tomato on the fish, pour the same mushroom sauce with onions on top, sprinkle with grated cheese, brush with melted butter and bake.

Fried stellate sturgeon, breaded in breadcrumbs

We cut the fish into portions, bread them first in flour, then soak them in egg and bread them in breadcrumbs.
Deep fry in a large amount of fat, and then put in the oven for five minutes.
Before serving, place a slice of lemon on the fish.
Garnish for this dish - fried potatoes with parsley, tomato, mustard sauce or mayonnaise, served separately in a gravy boat.

Sevruga with mayonnaise

Cool the boiled fish. Boil potatoes, turnips and carrots, peel and cut into small cubes. Stir, add a little lemon juice, and separate one third of the vegetables, which we season with mayonnaise and place in the middle of the dish. Place cleaned boiled fish on top.
Place the rest of the side dish around the fish and pour mayonnaise over the fish. Decorate with cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas.

Lilia Yurkanis
website for women's magazine

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Stellate sturgeon is a fish of the Sturgeon family and the Sturgeon order, second name shevryuga. Large concentrations of this species are observed in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas. A small number lives in the Aral Sea; it was launched here in 1993 from the Caspian Sea. Fish spawning grounds in Russia are located in. The stellate sturgeon comes to spawn from the northern part of the Caspian Sea; the main spawning grounds are located from the city of Volgograd to the city of Saratov. A smaller number of spawning sites are located in the river. Ural (mainly to the territory of the city of Uralsk), the length of the spawning grounds is about 400 km (starting from the Ural mouth and ending with the Inder Mountains). From the south of the Caspian Sea, a representative of the sturgeon enters the rivers: Astara, Kura and Lenkoranka. In a swimming pool Sea of ​​Azov Stellate sturgeon lives in the river. Kuban, this river has long been considered a place of mass accumulation of this fish, with a slightly smaller number on the Don. Currently, the main spawning grounds are located in the territory between the village of Tbilisskaya and the city of Kropotkin. From the Black Sea the stellate sturgeon enters the waters of the Dniester, Southern Bug, Dnieper, Danube, Rioni, etc.

The habitat region affects the rate of maturation and development of the fish; the Volga sturgeon fully matures at the age of 10-15 years, males mature earlier than 9-11 years. The average fishing weight at this age is 8-10 kg. At the Kurin stellate sturgeons puberty for females it ends at 15-17 years, for males - 10-13, average weight fluctuates between 7-9 kg. Female stellate sturgeon from the Urals mature at 13-15 years, males at the age of 7-9 years, average weight is 5-10 kg. In the Don and Kuban, females mature at 9-12 years, males at 5-7 years, weighing on average 6-9 kg and 7-9 kg. There are known cases of catching fish weighing about 80 kg; such a sturgeon was caught in the river. Danube – 80 kg, r. Kura - 70 kg and Don - 67 kg. Average this representative lives up to 35-40 years, the longest living person was 41 years old. The main diet of stellate sturgeon consists of small crustaceans, worms and small fish: sprat, herring, gobies. This representative occupies the first position in the sturgeon fishery.

Sevruga differs from other sturgeons by its unusually elongated nose, which resembles a dagger in shape. Its nose is strongly flattened and makes up about 60% of the entire head, because of this the forehead looks somewhat convex, which introduces unusual features into the morphology of the fish. Young females have a shorter nose, the Azov sturgeon is considered to have the shortest nose of all the others, it also has a slightly different shape. Near the mouth, on the lower part of the body there are smooth and narrow antennae. The body is very elongated in length, and along the body there are white bony bugs, they are similar to the pattern and are very close to each other, one might say that they are very close. The ridge itself contains 12-18 pieces, in the lateral stripes there are more of them - about 30-40 pieces, closer to the tail part the bugs are more convex and extend into hook-shaped processes. In the belly area, the bugs are very developed, their number is from 10 to 12 pieces.

The body is red-brown in color, clearly visible purple, as well as white bone bugs that stand out brightly against dark tones. The belly, sides and other parts of the body are painted in White color. Comparing stellate sturgeon with other sturgeons, a clear feature stands out: with the same mass, they are many times longer than their relatives (stellate sturgeon weighing 24 kg has a length of about 2 meters). The next difference Stellate sturgeon is fast and agile; during the spawning period, the fish travels a long distance against the current and can travel 30 km in a day. She goes back at the end of spawning and egg laying. Naturally, it’s easier to swim with the flow and you can do this by using the force of the river’s current, so it rolls on its side into the sea.

Stellate sturgeon from the Caspian Sea begins to spawn at the end of March-beginning of April, navigation is accompanied by at great speed schools, at this time the fish walks along the shallows and sticks to the shore all the time; during the movement, its nose constantly looks up. She enters the rivers 2 times, the first time - in the lower reaches of the Urals, to spawn, after which she again enters the sea, the second time falls in the autumn, the area is the same, only here the sturgeon remains to winter, and in the spring she lays eggs and again goes to the sea . Thanks to this property, the stellate sturgeon, unlike other representatives of the Sturgeon family, spawns annually. Fishing begins around April 23rd. The spawning of stellate sturgeon in the Volga coincides with the spawning of sterlet, as a result very often a cross between sterlet and stellate sturgeon is obtained - a sterlet spike. In the r. Don fish spawn at the beginning of May. The fertility of fish is quite high, on average 40,000 pieces. eggs, 2 mm in diameter. The development of eggs occurs at a temperature of 16 -23 ° C, in the first version the eggs hatch after 132 hours, in the second - almost several times faster - 68 hours. Within a year, the juveniles reach a size of 27-37 cm, and the ability to reproduce comes at the age of 4 years.

Stellate sturgeon fishing is carried out with seines, smooth nets, yarigas and nets. Stellate sturgeon is a traveling commercial fish, it has the best stickiness, but is inferior in quality to beluga and sturgeon caviar, which is why it has lowest price. Stellate sturgeon is included in the IUCN Red List of species.

The reason for the critical state of the stellate sturgeon population and all other sturgeons is uncontrolled fishing. After all, back in the 17-18th century, the Caspian Sea was home to the largest number of sturgeon on the entire planet (90% of the figures in other countries).

For example, in the 17th and 18th centuries, the amount of sturgeon catch was about 50-55 thousand tons, in the 20th century the catches decreased to 40 thousand tons, the 21st century is a crisis for stellate sturgeon and all sturgeon, at that time their catch was only 0, 7 thousand tons. As you can see, at this stage the number of stellate sturgeon is in a very deplorable state and if compared with past centuries, its number has decreased by 65-66 times.

With a decrease in the total number of all fish of this species, their distribution in the Caspian Sea has changed significantly. In some traditional aggregation areas, densities have declined to such an extent that ichthyologists have been unable to detect fish using all currently available survey methods. Thanks to research using a trawl, it was found that the most a large number of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea was in 1960-1970. and amounted to approximately 100 million copies.

A sharp decline in the stellate sturgeon population began after the collapse of the USSR, and only now people began to think about its restoration. The state of the stellate sturgeon population in the Caspian Sea is also determined by the period of life in the river. Everything here is also sad. There is a huge reduction in people migrating to the river. Volga producers, which affects the further replenishment of the population.

This is significantly related to the ill-conceived regulation of the river flow. Volga and the construction of hydroelectric power stations. Main mistake in this case, forgetting about sturgeon, which had a huge number of spawning grounds in different places, and now more of them have been destroyed. A sharp decrease in the passage of breeders into the river has a very negative impact on the natural replenishment of the stellate sturgeon population, and further on the scale of the catch.

At this stage, artificial replenishment of the stock of stellate sturgeon and other sturgeon will be possible. This is done by sturgeon hatcheries in Russia and other Caspian states. During the entire existence of the plants, approximately 3 billion pieces were released into the Caspian Sea. young However, there is a problem - a large percentage of juveniles do not take root in natural conditions and die. It has been noted that the older the juveniles, the more resilient they are, but long-term rearing of juveniles is an expensive and difficult task. Therefore, our fish farmers still have something to think about. IN modern conditions the share of replenishment of stellate sturgeon stocks by “artificial” juveniles is 41%.

Next very important issue The disappearance of stellate sturgeon and sturgeon is poaching, which is very difficult to combat. Modern technology allows poachers to equip their vessels with equipment that fisheries protection is powerless to control. In addition, it is not always possible to catch all illegal immigrants. This problem deserves special attention at this stage.

As you can see, stellate sturgeon is amazing fish, which has its own unique features and characteristics. Since it is on the verge of extinction, it needs to be preserved unique creation, while using everything possible methods combating illegal fishing and improving artificial reproduction technology.

Video Sevruga:

- Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 Order Sturgeon Acipenseriformes Family Sturgeon Acipenseridae Status. Category 0 probably extinct, not found for more than 50 years. International status. The species is included in the IUCN Red List.


It lives in the Black, Azov and Caspian seas and the rivers flowing into them, where it forms local herds. Previously, stellate sturgeon along the Don rose to Pavlovsk and even to the village. Borshchovo. G. M. Babushkin notes stellate sturgeon as rare view for the Ryazan section of the Don, in last years not recorded. Later the construction of the Tsimlyansk raft. the breeders were transferred from the lower pool to the reservoir, where their captures were noted.


It has an elongated and flattened snout, occupying more than 60% of the head length. The antennae are short, without fringe. The dorsal fin has 40-54 rays, the anal fin 22-35. There are 9-16 dorsal bugs, 26-43 lateral bugs, 9-14 abdominal bugs. The sides of the body between the rows of bugs are covered with star-shaped plates.

There are 24-29 gill rakers. The back is usually blackish-brown, the sides are light, and the belly is white. The Azov sturgeon is sometimes classified as a special subspecies A. stellatus donensis Lovetsky.

Features of biology and ecology.

Based on archaeological materials maximum age Stellate sturgeon was 41 years old, modern fish 35 years. The maximum size that this species reached in the past, according to ancient remains, is 270 cm; in the 20th century, the largest specimen of stellate sturgeon had a length of 218 cm and a weight of 54 kg.

Sevruga is an anadromous, polycyclic fish. Migration to rivers begins later than for other sturgeons. The Azov sturgeon matures earlier than the Volga: males at 7-8 years, females at 9-11 years.

Number and trends of its change. Unknown.

Limiting factors. Water pollution, poaching.

Accepted and necessary measures security Artificial reproduction was organized with the release of juveniles into natural reservoirs. Almost the entire stock consists of fish of hatchery origin. Cryopreservation of genomes is required.

Information sources: Borzenko, 1942; Berg, 1948. T. 1; Svetovidov, 1964; Chugunov, 1964; Sokolov L.I., 1969; Lapitsky, 1970; Fedorov, 1970; Babushkin, 1990. Compiled by: K. K. Gladkikh, V. V. Delitsyn.

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