If the maiden man said that. Husband-Virgo: practical, reliable and constant, but why not everyone will appreciate it

The Virgo man diligently avoids breaking up with his girlfriend. He is capable of such a decisive act only under extraordinary circumstances. Undoubtedly, he does not like it when a woman who is nearby does not have respect and tender feelings for him. Virgo will not tolerate insults to his dignity.

Virgo is used to always soberly assess the situation, this person certainly will not look at the world through “rose-colored” glasses. For him, the main thing is to firmly stand on his feet, to provide himself with a good material foundation. Often, Virgos are educated, hardworking, they are able to perform boring and routine work.

The representative of this sign is very scrupulous, he is well versed in people, it is difficult for him to find a woman who would be perfect for him. Virgo is very punctual, neat and well-mannered. His clothes do not look flashy, but they are always tastefully chosen. This person is responsible for the choice of friends, so he has few of them. However, he will remain devoted to them to the end, and in a difficult moment he will certainly come to the rescue.

A woman who has connected her life with a Virgo man can have no doubts about his fidelity and reliability. But a generous display of emotions from him can hardly be expected. He is emotionally connected to his family and very often feels a sense of duty and responsibility for their well-being. That is why Virgo can take on many unpleasant duties. This man does not really want to have children, but when he nevertheless becomes a father, he surrounds his children with boundless love and care.

To return the Virgin and renew with him happy relationship, a woman will have to work on her mistakes. This person must see and feel that his beloved is really sincere towards him, that she repents of her actions and is ready to change. This will help restore the trust of the Virgin and again achieve his location.

Virgo will surely like it if you directly tell him about your feelings, ask for forgiveness. However, in this case, further events can occur according to two scenarios: either this person forgives you and never lets go again, or he leaves completely.

When the Virgo man left first, the woman who seeks to return him needs to behave differently. Do not show him how much you missed him and want to return the old relationship. Behave decently. Such behavior should provoke his return, but of his own free will.

And so that it does not come to breaking off relations with a representative of this sign, a woman should be sensitive, pay attention to the slightest changes in his mood. If you notice that this man has become cold towards you, be sure to talk heart to heart with him, try to figure out what he is worried about or upset about.

Virgos are vulnerable and touchy, even a rude word can hurt them greatly. Therefore, when communicating with a representative of this sign, try to control your emotions. Sometimes he can cool off towards a woman even because of minor domestic troubles, because Virgos are very neat by nature and require this from their chosen one.

How to get a Virgo man back
The Virgo man diligently avoids breaking up with his girlfriend. He is capable of such a decisive act only under extraordinary circumstances.

Virgo man ignores

I am an Aries and my boyfriend is a Virgo. We met half a year ago. I fell in love with him almost at first sight. Long devoted to each other various signs attention, but he always kept me at a distance. We started dating half a month ago. Everything was perfect. We slept together. He is my first man. After some time, he stopped paying attention to me, did not even call. I gave him a little tantrum on the phone, but he only got offended. It got even worse. He doesn't call, he doesn't want to see you. He became cold and indifferent. I no longer know where to put myself. And I don’t want to be imposed, and I don’t want to lose. And this uncertainty is just depressing. I just want to call and say "either stop this or we'll break up." What to do?

Judging by his behavior, he does not consider himself your boyfriend. Better take it for granted and don't try to change it. The positive thing about this story is that you lost your virginity out of love and in an ideal setting. There is no need to call him and ask him to stop too, because in fact he ALREADY stopped everything. I wish you to survive this and be happy with someone who wants to be with you for a long, long time.

if the virgin is cold, then he has cooled down and don’t wait for feelings anymore

maybe pull him out for some serious conversation to make sure?

so.. just in case..

Or maybe I'm just a naive fool?

girls love men like me. so sho do not bother with this question.

I had a virgin, young, 22 years old. at first all so passionate, hot))) and then Kada realized that I was already his, pulled away. I think that this is not only for virgins, for all martyrs, and then he himself began to get closer, sometimes flashed on the network, then SMS)) so wait and do not terrorize him. for weeks 2. these will be the longest weeks, get ready. but you have to endure. he himself will contact t

9. And when he returned to you, how did you receive him? What did you say? and what is happening now?

I called and said that I needed to talk urgently, that it was important .. during the conversation, he was kind and attentive, made compliments .. I said everything as it was and asked directly. At first he was a little upset, then he scolded me like a little girl half seriously and half jokingly and said that I should not have such a "halva" in my head anymore. But he still does not call and does not offer to meet. Thank you very much Kremka Libra for the advice.. I just sometimes break down and call him or write to him.

virgin men have such a quality - to disappear, and you sit and cannot understand anything. he will return! read the reason for leaving in horoscopes or sit on a branch about virgins (she is in the ranking) and you will understand everything.

Author, I understand that you slept and he became cold? What made you think you were dating? He did not care, he did not achieve. You fell in love and, like a real Aries, galloped with a saber unsheathed. The guy took what was offered voluntarily, used it and .. "thank you, I was not impressed." What do you want from him? He did not sunk, he is not in love.

before we slept, he asked me to date.. it was a long serious conversation about how there will be many difficulties, about what he bad character and I may be disappointed, etc. and so on. After that, he looked after me for some time and I didn’t sleep with him right away .. I don’t know .. I have little experience .. But when I see him, it seems to me that he is in love .. The expression of the eyes is special, the movements are somehow neat very .. But the problem is that he does not seek to see me or even just talk ..

male-virgin goats are still those, run away from them,

to real men, there is someone to compare

We have a wedding soon, and my virgin man doesn’t even itch, he says everything will be fine, I took care of the whole organization, although it was he who wanted the wedding. He needs a job more than me. I don't know if I'm offended or not. I am a twin according to the horoscope, I constantly bring him to feelings. Interestingly, are virgin men faithful?

The situation is almost one to one, only closer relations did not reach. After another discussion about the "problems" in our relationship, I flared up, and he was terribly offended and said that now you have erased everything that was between us. Then I made several attempts to try on, asked for forgiveness for what I said without thinking. He simply ignored the last message. And for a week now I don’t know anything about him ((((disappeared ((Tell me, is there still hope? Or is that all. It’s hard for me to admit that a person after the words I love so crosses everything out ((((

Hmm. They don't have any patience.

We are blind wandering in the darkness, but we just want to hit someone on the head with our white cane (c)

i glavnoe, po ih slovam, eto vsyo my isportili! (i.e. jenshiny)

In short, I realized that this is all. cooled off. Now the main thing is to knock out this wedge.

Gee) And I have the opposite: he is in love with me, and I ignore him x)

Heck, I'm the opposite too. now I'm lost. but he wants to see. offended by the infection. says I don't take him seriously. Well, what to do, I’m not sure about him, because I don’t understand him. and bored with him, although drawn to him. a situation from the series "I can’t with him and I can’t without him"

they love to push. and having achieved they cool down, they are carried away by the struggle .. and here mine is not going anywhere and everyone goes into relaxation and does not want anything.

I have the same problem, just disappeared without explaining anything, on phone calls does not respond to SMS either and think what you want. :((((Well, if he doesn’t want to communicate, then let him say so. So I think I’m sitting now and will call at all someday or not, I hope to the last. Uncertainty is the worst of all:

I have the same problem, just disappeared without explaining anything, does not answer phone calls and SMS too, and think what you want. :((((Well, if he doesn’t want to communicate, then let him say so. So I think I’m sitting now and will call at all someday or not, I hope to the last. Uncertainty is the worst of all:

One on one situation with a mature (age 33) male virgin .. 3 months talked day and night. And he first confessed his love, and talked a lot, and laughed a lot, and dreamed .. about a future together, never cursed .. Disappeared suddenly .. without tantrums and scandals .. Stopped writing, stopped calling for dates, may not answer the message in networks, although it happens all the time .. Before that .. there was no cooling period in our relationship .. On the contrary .. A couple of days before he disappeared, he said .. "You are my everything .." So understand how you know!

Ulyana I sympathize with you, I am in the same situation, and I also don’t understand anything, is it interesting to return or not? will search or not? It's so embarrassing, I don't know if I can forgive him.

Hi people! Virgo MCH they are secretive, and even if they love they will never show it, no matter how hard you try for them in everything, in communication, in sex, they will be beaten. They love themselves! And this is a fact. They always look like an innocent child, that all grievances disappear. Difficult people. they have enough girls. and lie. What I was very disappointed in. The girls need to run away from them. For all the years that I was with him, I realized one thing. IGNORE HIS SMS, MEETINGS. HE WRITES HIMSELF SMS, CALLS. AND HOW I SHOW INITIATIVES THIS IS EVERYTHING. GONE. WHY IS THIS? UNDERSTAND.

there must be some other explanation.

if it were, he would say.

you just need to talk about it with him.

You don't believe, because you entertain your hopes. drop all illusions. It's hard for you because this is your first man, because you love, but life is a complicated thing. now the phrase "We are responsible for those whom we tamed" is no longer relevant, now I like "no one belongs to anyone" more. lift the veil from your eyes, my dear young girl and you will be all good! I myself had a relationship with Dev and this is what I can say about these men: at first they are modest and helpful, cold, selfish, indecisive, they don’t say yes or no, they’re on their own minds, fooling their heads, and disappearances are in their blood , for no apparent reason can be announced. but I'm not going to wait until retirement, so let's go to his garden!

I recognize my Dima. It's just a cap. He himself wanted to be with me. They began to meet. First date SUPER. The next day he calls and I was with the boss. I could not answer. Called back. He didn't answer any calls or texts. Stopped talking and talking. A month later he became kinder, after two he was added as a friend. Then again the meeting, the second, the third. Everything is fine. And then I didn't let him do something. And that's it. AND Good night, goodbye, thank you for your attention everyone is free.)))))

Pusechka, is your Dima not a footballer by any chance? =))))

A similar situation. We met 2 months ago, after a situation (I didn’t understand what happened at all), he offered to take me home (and before that, everything was super))) and then cold as an iceberg in the ocean, ask what’s wrong - everything says so. I miss you a lot. A * Uli sense want to ask?!))) After all, if you miss Pts so let's be together. Why waste time on something you don't understand. I hate this limbo. and he became so dear to me. such longing in my soul ((((And he doesn’t say anything specific, and then he also stopped responding to messages (although I don’t touch him as written above))) I give time to think alone.

I have a similar situation right now. Dating for a couple of months, he talks about serious relationship gave me money for a driving school. After the first sex, everything was great for a week, and then he cooled off. It seems like every day he sends SMS in the morning, and there are zero initiatives for meetings. I call - we communicate, and he eventually leaves on business, promising to call back. I have a strong feeling that he is avoiding me. I'm in stupor. I'm trying my best not to push myself.

)) I already thought - I'm not like that - the man ran away.

the same thing - he courted beautifully, talked a lot, laughed, and so on. True, it didn’t come to serious actions, but I attributed it to him. e. intelligence, was sure that everything was going as it should. I dreamed that I was finally smart. well-read. with ch.yu, etc. and so on. Prince.

and then a week - communication on zeros, and if he answered. it would be better not to answer.

on Sunday, on the day of jam, he came to our mutual friends with another. like a ride on the road. my roof broke through - I decided that they were together. especially since she has long been rubbing next to me at the first opportunity.

in short, I gave them both the most severe ignore. no shouting etc. it's just that for me all the time they were like furniture. a few words - the maximum from me, and then because there were others nearby and it was simply impossible not to answer, so as not to draw attention to our psychological showdown.

communicate closely - I know that, but whether they were together - I already doubt - the girl's reaction to being ignored was - bewilderment and resentment. not wine

but I still can’t forgive her for allowing herself to follow my man. and about him - generally keep quiet. fell head over heels in love. I haven’t slept normally for 4 days, I’ve lost weight - my pants are falling down and, like a “smart one”, I’m waiting for what suddenly calls or writes. I’m ignoring for now. I’m just afraid to break loose and write first ..

so what should I do? kill him?

Hi people! Virgo MCH they are secretive, and even if they love they will never show it, no matter how hard you try for them in everything, in communication, in sex, they will be beaten. They love themselves! And this is a fact. They always look like an innocent child, that all grievances disappear. Difficult people. they have enough girls. and lie. What I was very disappointed in. The girls need to run away from them. For all the years that I was with him, I realized one thing. IGNORE HIS SMS, MEETINGS. HE WRITES HIMSELF SMS, CALLS. AND HOW I SHOW INITIATIVES THIS IS EVERYTHING. GONE. WHY IS THIS? UNDERSTAND.

Oooh, how true. Girls run away from them.)

My maid is weird too. He offended me - he asked for forgiveness, and several times (feels guilty), I forgave and began to write to him first. everything .. merged quickly, already writes and likes puts another))))

They are first-class liars, although they do not know how to lie, but they cannot live without it!

I see that all the maidens ran away, but at least they returned to someone?

To me, but it was too late, I found myself an archer :)

Sorry for the mistakes, I was in a hurry

Yeah. and with my "virgin" everything started so beautifully. wine. kissing night. romance. but I had to leave for a week, as the vacation was planned before the start of our relationship. and everything .. silence. no sms to you. no response to your sms. ignore comrades!

And I had a maiden. All of the above is true. They infuriate me, there were better girls, but it was I who cooled down to them. In their garden, anyway!

All the peasants of the virgin are muddled and goats. Run away from them if you don't want to end up in a psychiatric hospital. They are not responsible for their words and deeds. Today he is gentle and affectionate, calling for marriage. And tomorrow is gone. Hangs up, turns phone off. Doesn't answer calls or texts. don't write or call him anymore. Don't be humiliated! ALL VIRGINS AND GOATS! SELF-LOVERED EGOISTS. NOT MEN DEFINITELY! Trust my experience and don't put up with your nerves.

In addition, Virgo men are very selective and rarely go to the registry office with the first woman they meet and fall in love with.

What qualities are inherent in men of the sign

You need to know them in order to understand how to fall in love with them.

First, it is worth paying attention to the fact that most Virgos are very pedantic. They follow the rules, and very often their own, and not imposed by society.

To understand what Virgo really wants, you should listen to his words. Men of this sign directly express what they do not like. For example, they can pay attention to the defiant make-up of a girl on the street or notice an “arrow” on a stocking.

What others do not pay attention to, the representatives of this sign causes irritation or even anger. Therefore, in order to please the Virgo, you must first of all comply with the standards of beauty that a man brought out for himself. And it won't be hard to identify them. He sees off the girls he likes with a rather frank look.

Virgo men If at first courtship from them you can still expect gifts or flowers, then the presentations stop. And representatives of this sign are very attracted to girls who are also economical. Therefore, in order to fall in love with Virgo, you need to show in every possible way that you do not like to spend money left and right, and generally prefer to plan expenses.

Relationship Rules

At the beginning of a relationship come to terms with the fact that the Virgo man is dating someone else. They do not tolerate jealousy, so that girl who will not make scenes and scandals is more likely to become the only candidate for a legal spouse.

However should not show indifference to deeds and deeds Virgo men. They are very fond of a woman admiring them, asking for advice, complimenting them. Representatives of this sign are very self-confident, even outright rude flattery will be taken at face value.

Virgo men are very calm. Even too calm and balanced. They are very hard to get emotional. And this complicates the task for a woman who wants to fall in love with the Virgin. It is very difficult to understand how a man really feels. And even a frank conversation will not help. If the representative of this sign is not confident in the companion, he will never tell what exactly he feels for her. All that remains is observe behavior.

If a Virgo man often calls, calls for dates, shows signs of attention, introduces friends and relatives, then he has the most serious intentions. However it is not necessary to strengthen the attack, Virgos do not tolerate obsession and can break off relationships out of spite, just not to fall under someone's pressure.

To fall in love with a Virgo, you need follow three principles- to be attentive and caring, to give him enough freedom. It is this behavior that representatives of this sign expect from their ideal companions.

The natural secrecy and some coldness of Virgos in love often puzzles women who have put this zodiac sign in front of them. Having stumbled upon such a detachment, the fair sex uses various tricks in order to understand what he, the Virgo man, is in love and what is the true proof of his feelings. To understand this issue without spoiling the relationship that has begun, there should be a few born under the sign of Virgo.

In contact with

Virgos, both men and women, are often taciturn, shy and self-critical. The behavior of a Virgo man in love is far from always predictable. They are not used to losing their heads in love, and therefore they do not use romantic tricks in relationships with women.

They live by the standards that they consider to be true for themselves, and they choose women for love, following their own principles. They prefer:

  • smart;
  • decent and caring;
  • honest and pure soul;
  • economic and practical.

They are critical not only of themselves, but also of others, so do not be surprised by their comments about excess weight, a burnt cake, a disheveled hairstyle, or an occasional stain on clothes. Not shy about pointing out shortcomings, he, in his opinion, takes care of his neighbor and even demonstrates love.

This fate cannot be avoided by the object of love, so do not take sharp remarks from the Virgo man as a disaster. Perhaps this is precisely what is a kind of signal of indifference: when a Virgo man is in love, he makes every effort to make his chosen one the ideal woman for him.

What is he like in love?

If a Virgo man is in love, as a rule, they are expressed in the following manifestations:

  • he is talkative, talks a lot, not being afraid to be frank;
  • he calls on his own initiative and may suddenly come to visit;
  • he shows concern and is even ready to make sacrifices;
  • spends a lot of time with you, often to the detriment of communicating with friends;
  • he introduces you to his friends and relatives.

If you are wondering how a Virgo man achieves a woman, her love, then you will probably be a little disappointed to learn that Virgos almost never use conquest techniques. They act slowly, carefully and as if by chance, until the last moment postponing the moment of confessing to the woman they love in their feelings and love.

How does he behave with a woman?

Knowing that Virgo is a man, you can “bite” him literally on the very initial stage your relationship and make certain inferences about his love. Nevertheless, do not rush to draw conclusions: by nature, Virgo is scrupulous nature, and therefore do not take his gallantry and politeness as evidence of sympathy or love. It is quite possible that he just keeps up the conversation so as not to spoil relations with you.

When a Virgo man is in love, the signs and behavior in society of the lady he is interested in are not always easy to “read” from the outside. However, a change in his mind can be indicated by a frequent change of mood, while with the “offal” of a lover, his own eyes give out:

  • he admires the object of his passion while the woman does not notice his gaze;
  • immediately averts his eyes when the woman turns her gaze in his direction.

In this way, he tries to cope with his emotions: he is not used to showing his love.

The main features of a man born under the sign of Virgo

How to understand that he is in love with you?

If a Virgo man is nearby quite often, how to understand that he is in love and has really serious intentions? Reliable confirmation is his jealousy. However, it is not easy to see her, he will disguise himself in every possible way, not showing his true feelings and experiences because of his love for you.

In this case, Virgo will definitely find a way to prove to you that his rival is:

  • does not love and is not worthy of you;
  • trying to deceive you;
  • wants to take advantage of your innocence.

However, he himself is not as simple as it seems. Compromising the other in your eyes, he will appeal with hints to the fact that he is a more successful couple for you.

Features of the behavior of the Virgo in love

Being interested in how a Virgo man behaves when in love, keep in mind that, even being jealous, he is not a supporter of limiting your communication with other members of his gender. And it's not even that he doesn't care.

Giving his woman freedom of communication, he thus reserves the right to the same free communication. In this case, communication is meant in a friendly format and nothing else: he himself, as a rule, is honest and decent in relation to the opposite sex and counts on reciprocity in love from his chosen one.

Many women intuitively turn their attention to this zodiac sign, since one of the most faithful and decent husbands is the Virgo man. How to understand that he is in love with a woman with whom they just know? Pay attention to such important little things that indicate the presence of his interest and love:

  • he became more careful about his appearance, tries to be noticeable;
  • he, like never before, often jokes, trying to cheer up the woman and others;
  • most often in a good mood, especially in the presence of a particular lady;
  • he is generous with gifts;
  • always carefully listens to a woman (in this case, a specific one).

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

If you have ever encountered Virgos and know about their secrecy, then you are probably wondering: how to understand that a man is in love, but hides his feelings?

Virgo is one of those signs that may actually try to hide infatuation and love. Having set a goal - to win their attention, love and sympathy, remain correct in dealing with them: they are quite often deeply disappointed in people. Do not let the Virgo man be disappointed in you - and you will have a real chance to achieve, in the end, his frankness.

Not only astrologers, but also psychologists know exactly how to understand that a Virgo man is in love with a woman. Gestures speak eloquently of his love:

  • he preens in the presence of a woman (straightens his hair, tie);
  • during a conversation, he turns to her with his whole body, showing interest in the conversation;
  • “mirrors” the interlocutor’s pose, that is, takes the same position, only in a mirror image;
  • tries to gently touch her (support, straighten the collar or hair, brush off an invisible speck of dust, shelter from the wind, etc.).

Useful video

Virgo is a very peculiar sign of the zodiac, especially if its owner is a man. Its behavior will differ significantly from the behavior of, for example, or . In the video, the astrologer gives a description of the man Virgo, who fell into the trap of Cupid:


  1. If you don’t know how to understand that a Virgo man is in love with you, watch him for a while and draw the appropriate conclusions. Be attentive to the above signs that the Virgo man is experiencing love, and you will certainly get an unambiguous answer to your question.
  2. In the event that your conclusions turned out to be disappointing, try to analyze your chances. If you really fit his image beautiful lady and hope for love, why not take advantage of it?
  3. It is possible that the object of your love does not know you well enough. Beauty for Virgo is not the most important thing. A kind, correct, gentle and economic girl is unlikely to leave his heart indifferent!

For many women, lovers born under the Virgo zodiac sign are mysterious individuals who are difficult to get close to. If you are serious about winning the heart of such a man, you definitely need to know the secrets of his inner world.

We will tell you five secrets happy love which it is advisable to always remember to conquer the heart of the Virgo man. Few people guess, but it is Virgo who can love you so sincerely and disinterestedly like no other.

5 secrets that Virgo men hide in themselves

Secret one: Virgo just hates when they lie to him or keep something back. If you want to be close to a man who was born under this Sign, then by no means try to deceive him or hide something from him. The same applies to other insults. If a representative of some other Sign can easily forgive you, then this will not work with Virgo. They sense falsehood almost as well as Leos. It is better to tell such a man everything as it is - he will either turn away from you forever, or fall in love even more. They value such deeds above all else. They only forgive once.

Secret two: Don't provoke him. If he says that he does not want you not to greet the neighbors or not to wear your favorite dress (while he will always clearly and clearly outline the position and reason), then you should listen. He does not like to patronize, but loves to be considered with his opinion. The Virgo man can listen to your point of view and change his own, but do not try to do something to spite him.

Secret three: what do Virgos love then? Virgo men like it when you can talk to a woman. They like not only to love, but also to be friends. Will positively influence relationships common interests. Virgos for the most part do not like noisy companies, so we advise you to get ready for gatherings at home in the evenings watching movies. They don't love as much as appreciate. If you are good and attentive for him, he will gladly give you twice as much attention and warmth.

Secret Four: representatives of this zodiac sign are very gifted, but they need help to develop talent. They take criticism very poorly, or rather, they take it hard. They can have willpower and tenacity, but they can also be shy, so always always try to help them open up. Most Virgos are waiting for someone who sincerely believes in them to enter their lives.

Secret Five: the most important thing to remember, as well as the most pleasant - Virgos are monogamous. They like everything beautiful, but they simply will not have time for another woman. You will not need to tie the Virgo man to the battery and lock the door with a hundred locks - you just need to sincerely love him. The fact is that such men, having felt that they are loved, will never hurt their soulmate. If suddenly they accidentally hurt you, then know that they will be hurt twice as much if you do not forgive them. And I must say, they know how to ask for forgiveness better and sincerely than everyone you have met.

Betting on honesty and sincerity is the main recipe for happiness with a male representative of the Virgo Sign. Do not lie to him, and then your life will be the happiest, because he will never leave you. Love yourself and your man and do not forget to press the buttons and

18.12.2015 00:40

With any Signs of the Zodiac, it can be difficult to achieve harmony in family life. But if your man...

Love is something that can both give happiness and take it away. For your...

This article was written by a man with the sign of the zodiac - "Virgo". Therefore, you can be sure of the veracity of the information provided, at least in relation to one person)) By the way, hello everyone!

Asking how to accurately understand the attitude of the Virgo man towards you, you need to correctly analyze his behavior. This sign of the zodiac is distinguished by secrecy and a kind of slowness in love affairs. The personal feelings of the "Virgo" are not flaunted. The girl must be insightful in order to immediately consider the attitude of her lover towards her person. Those born between 23.08. to 22.09. not very inventive in courtship, but will do everything to make the chosen one comfortable.

It is really not easy to understand the attitude of a Virgo man towards a woman, because his emotions are hidden behind seven locks. But what about in this case? You shouldn't be discouraged. This representative of the stronger sex expresses his feelings with daily attention and actions, which is for the "Virgo" a true manifestation of love.

Men of this zodiac sign are inherently shy and reluctant to open up even to close people. They think a lot and they are not lonely even alone with themselves. Their natural restraint at first can be mistaken for indifference. But rest assured, if the chosen one opened his soul wide open and is very frank, then the woman is really interesting to him.

The object of his sympathy "Virgo" simply idolizes and tries in every possible way to show this with deeds. It doesn’t have to be expensive gifts or “grand gestures”, but it’s quite possible to limit yourself to simple and constant attention. For a man, the comfort of the second half is important. These people help sincerely and wholeheartedly, without demanding anything in return, what is in their blood.

The Virgo man approaches any business in a balanced way, especially those of the heart. Gradually looks closely and decides whether you are suitable for each other or not. Short relationships will not suit him. The decision to take a break for a while does not mean that he kindly decided to leave. He probably needs to think it over. But if he returns, and you wait for him, then be sure that this is a balanced decision, made no longer by the heart, but by the head.

There is another side of the coin here. Reflections on personal life can take a long time and someone, more agile, will take the girl out from under her nose. Then the "clumsy" fiancé withdraws even more into himself and puts an end to his personal life. In principle, loneliness is not a burden for them, but an occasion to reflect and work on themselves.

Try to push your chosen one if you care about him and hint at a protracted decision. A slightly prim gentleman will change before our eyes and will happily show himself on the other side.

Having fallen head over heels in love, the maiden changes before our eyes. His new behavior can even shock. If other signs of the zodiac speak passionate speeches and swear to eternal love, then this one begins to criticize. You might think that love has passed and the beloved ends the relationship. But in fact, he wants to change his soul mate and bring it to his ideal.

In choosing the second half, Virgos are very pedantic and critical, so there are a lot of bachelors among them. But if the choice is made, then it is for life. Most often they are devoted to one person. But there are situations when something is missing in the family. Well, it did not work out to adjust his wife. And as we remember, from the above described, they strive for their ideal.

For example, if the man "Virgo" is married, but at the same time he shows a special interest in you. ? What is it really, simple politeness or something more? This zodiac sign loves well-groomed and smart women. Noticing special attention from such a man, do not rush to rush into the pool with your head. Figure out first what place you have prepared in his life.

Virgos are very careful and carefully cover their tracks. For a long time may not reveal the secret that he has a stamp in his passport. secret life gives emotions and thrills that he lacks in a quiet family life.

But the Virgo man in love will try to think everything over carefully in order to get out of the relationship with the least loss for himself. He will in every possible way push the “stagnant” relationship to divorce, but with maximum benefit. And a man convicted of treason and expelled by his wife will act more decisively. They rarely repent and ask for forgiveness. Divorce may not go into a new marriage - a Virgo man may prefer a free life. It is worth repeating that after all this sign is monogamous. But there are always exceptions to the rule.

The character of a man is complexly formed by life experience, the upbringing laid down by his parents and the education received. It also affects his behavior. social status, financial condition and even the sign of the zodiac. You can rely on advice regarding “Virgo”, but you also need to trust your heart. Especially in such serious things as the creation of a family. Virgos are smart and pedantic optimists, but they need to be helped to open up and encouraged in every possible way.

All bright relationships! And remember the name of the site - there is a lot of useful and interesting stuff here.

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