The white blanket was not made by hand. White blanket White blanket not with hands

"Astronomy of the Planet" - Comparative characteristics. Why are the temperatures of the giant planets very low (less than 100C)? Tell us about chemical composition atmospheres of the giant planets. What's it like internal structure giant planets? Giant planets. What observations prove that Saturn's rings are not continuous? Terrestrial planets.

“Planets and Stars” - The closest star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri. Big Dipper(lat. See also List of nearby stars. Six planets out of eight and three dwarf planets are distinguished by natural satellites. The Sonya system has two regions filled with small bodies. Best conditions visibility - in March-April. The seven stars of Ursa Major form a shape resembling a ladle with a handle.

“The Emergence of Planets” - Stars. Origin of planets. Images of protoplanetary disks. Preplanetary bodies. Astronomy section. Accretion. Protoplanetary cloud. Orion Nebula. Planetary system. Gas-dust layer. Compression of a protostellar dust cloud. Earth. Supernova remnants. Gravitational condensation. Astronomers. Protostar.

"Mercury" - Research. Content. Mercury is the first from the Sun, the innermost and smallest planet. Movement of the planet. Interesting Facts. Atmosphere and physical fields. Mercury. Surface. Notes Physical characteristics.

"Planet Pluto" - Major discoveries. Pluto is a planet. General information. Criteria. Temperature. Attacks on Pluto. Dwarf Club. Pluto is stripped of its planet status. Map of the surface of Pluto. Pluto. History of Pluto. New classification celestial bodies

"Planet Saturn" - The symbol of Saturn is a sickle (Unicode: ?). Saturn, as well as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, are classified as gas giants. There is no solid surface on Saturn. General information. The clouds on Saturn form a hexagon. Interesting Facts. Exploring Saturn. Saturn. Giant planets. External atmosphere. Composition of the planet.

Cotton blanket “White Gold” (cotton fiber) is comfort, functionality, and practicality.

Cotton blanket with a filler including cotton fiber is a shining example development modern technologies in area textile industry. The need to use cotton as a filler has been long overdue. The main argument for using this plant product It is not only its availability, but also a number of properties.
Cotton fiber does not electrify, exhibits excellent thermoregulatory qualities, has excellent breathability, and has a long service life. The products are easy to care for due to the possibility of washing. Bedding filled with cotton fiber always remains fresh, dry, and does not retain foreign odors, giving you the necessary coziness and comfort!


*TEXTILE: satin jacquard, cotton 100% (color - white)

*FILLER: cotton fiber

* DEGREE OF HEAT: all-season

* FILLER WEIGHT: 300gr. sq.m.

* PACKAGE: branded suitcase


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A dirty blanket dreams of betrayal and treachery.

A new and clean blanket portends success in business, although there is a danger of failure.

In addition, seeing a new and clean blanket in a dream will help you get rid of a serious illness.

If you pulled the blanket over yourself in a dream, you will meet a partner who will demand too much from you, but will not satisfy you.

Covered with a blanket - in real life you suffer from the inattention and coldness of your partner.

Covering someone with a blanket means in reality you will spend too much time on entertainment and forget about serious matters.

Interpretation of dreams from Psychological dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Blanket

It portends a quick meeting with close friends whom, for some reason, you have not seen for a very long time and no longer dreamed of meeting again.

If you wanted to cover yourself with a warm blanket because the room was very cold, it means that you are reacting too violently to some person who is not used to such strong feelings or is simply not ready for your love.

His state is similar to yours in a dream: your love, which is expressed so obsessively, makes him want to crawl under the covers, and the reason for such an attitude lies simply in the fact that he is a person of a different temperament than you yourself.

Buying a blanket: a dream means that you are afraid of life, seeing in every unusual or unplanned event an attack on your peace of mind.

Are you afraid that your small world will fall apart, but: after all, by and large, there is no tragedy in this, is there? You can’t live hidden in your shell; fate may someday punish you for not allowing anything bright or surprising into your life.

Throw away unnecessary fears, look at the world with wide open eyes, and you will understand that nothing terrible can happen, and if it does happen, it will only be because life itself has decreed it so; as you know, you can’t escape it.

Loneliness to experience a pronounced feeling of loneliness: a fairly transparent symbol.

The dream says that you need to be alone with yourself for some time.

This will probably be the most the best way analyze all the difficulties and find a worthy solution.

If someone complained to you about loneliness, it means that this person needs someone’s company and you can help him.

Don't be surprised if he starts talking to you about intimate things.

The main thing you should not forget about when communicating with this person is delicacy.

Don't hold him back from venting, he'll talk it out and everything will be fine.

Interpretation of dreams from

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