Careful Borjomi bullock, waxed, paved, cherry plum. §5. Spelling o and e after sibilants. Morphemic analysis of the word careful

Parachute [shý], life [zhý], fat [zhý], fur coat [shý], joke [shý], jury [zhu], despair [ch'á], miracle [ch'ý], mercy [sh'á] , sensitive [ch'ý], pike [sh'ý], joke [shý], squint [sh'ý], bowl [ch'á], charm [ch'a], brochure [shý], feel [sh' á], snowflake [zhý], stitch [shu], tire [shý], awl [shý], cast iron [ch'u], hour [ch'á], Jules [zhá], Verne, cartoon [shá], ball [ shá], shilling [shy], width [shy], cipher [shy], squint [sh'ý], feeling [ch'ý], monster [ch'u], grimy [ch'u], scarecrow [ch' ý], nonsense [ch'ý], platform [sch'á], a little bit [ch'ý].

Exercise 16

Grushovka[sho] (suffix -s under stress) - cheap[sho] (root cheap- e: desh e ow), no princesses[zhó] (suffix -He princess) - no wives[zhó] (root wife-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: and e on), little books[zhó] (suffix -He to under stress) - overarm[zhó] (root fathom-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: soot e no), piece of paper[zhó] (suffix -He to under stress) - millet[sho] (root millet-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: psh e But), stew[sho] (small carcass; suffix -He to under stress) - (beef) stew[sho] (suffix in a verbal noun: stewstewedstew), with a rook[ch’ó] (noun ending -ohm under stress) - nothing to do with it[ch’ó] (the adverb is formed from the prepositional case form of the pronoun What), little soul[sho] (suffix -He to under stress) - burner[zhó] (verbal noun formed from burn: burnburntburner), hedgehog[zhó] (suffix -s under stress) - cheap[sho] (root cheap-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: desh e ow), girl[ch’ó] (suffix -He to under stress) - liver[ch'ó] (root liver-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: oven e no), blinders[sho] (root shor-; under stress, no alternation with e) - conductors[zhó] (suffix -yor), under the garage[zhó] (noun ending -ohm under stress) - (we) we cut our hair[zhó] (verb ending -eat), ridiculous[sho] (suffix -He with a fluent vowel under stress: funny) - harnessed[zhó] (participle suffix; short form), ratchet[sh'ó] (suffix -otk under stress) - brush[sh'ó] (root brush-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: sch e Tina).

Exercise 17

Artichoke, lamb, seamless, richer, in what, camel, veche, wolf cub, armed, generally speaking, sinful, horse-drawn, girl, money, junk, joule, soul, ruff, more, chewed, gutter, yellow, acorn, perch, millstone, burn, jockey, juggler, bug, completed, shade, surplus, cossack, shred, nag, ladle, peg, traveling salesman, smoked sausage, smoked meats, root, uproot, purse, red-skinned, gooseberry, cruchon, kumachovy, lily of the valley, climb on the rampage, meadow, radial, peeling (from peeling), boy, little boy, bear cub, bag, little mouse, naked, inexperience, no guts, clumsily, no matter, twisted thread, knife, hacksaw, little legs, nozzle, overnight stay, doom, clothes, burnt a hand, burnt a hand, distracted, hearth, wig, brocade, spider, interleaving, shoulder, plush, under the reins, arson of a house, slap in the face, burned a jacket, gluttonous, bee, wheat, piglet, five cats, delimited, uprooting, comb, retoucher, river, river, lattice, neighs, with a dacha, with a tower, with a left-hander, with a reckless driver, with a baby, with a mirage, with a burden, with sale, with a tractor, seedlings, locust, fresh on the street, condensed milk, condensed milk, embarrassment, abbreviated, trainee, old woman, poem, watchman, hundred-candle lamp, sealing wax, knot, flowing, Torzhok, ratchet, ratchet, slum, slum, stew, pork stew, thousand, dejected, accounting, hour, thicket, bangs , shuttle, black, callous, devil, dash, tap dance, clinking, prim, silk, whisper, chauvinism, shock, chocolate, ramrod, shuffle, saddlery, rustle, blinkers, highway, Scottish, driver, dandy, skirt.

  1. Yo in the root under stress (there is an alternation with e): more, chewed, gutter, yellow, acorn, perch, millstone, purse, slap, bee, millet, comb, lattice, seedlings, accounting, bangs, shuttle, black, stale, devil, dash, tap dance, silk, whisper, dandy.
  2. ABOUT in the root under stress and without stress (no alternation with e; foreign word, there is vowel fluency): artichoke, seamless, junk, joule, jockey, juggler, gooseberry, cruchon, no guts, gluttonous, slum, slum, clinking, prim, chauvinism, shock, chocolate, ramrod, shuffle, saddlery, rustle, blinkers, highway, Scottish, driver .
  3. Yo at the roots of verbs and ABOUT at the root of nouns formed from burn: burned my hand, burned my hand, set fire to the house, burned my jacket.
  4. ABOUT under stress in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs (except for the suffix verbal adjectives -yonn, suffix of verbal nouns -yovk, suffix -yor): little camel, wolf cub, generally speaking, girl, money, little soul, ruff, bug, little Cossack, scrap, nag, ladle, root, kumachovy, get into trouble, meadow, little boy, bear cub, little mouse, naked, hacksaw, nozhonka, clothes, hearth ok , wig, brocade, spider, under the reins, patch, river, with a tower, with a left-hander, a slikhach, with a baby, with a mirage, with a tractor, locust, fresh on the street, an old woman, a poem, a hundred-candle lamp, sealing wax, a knot, Torzhok, ratchet, ratchet, thousand, tractor, thicket, skirt.
  5. E in unstressed position in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs: lamb, richer, veche, sinful, horse-drawn, surplus, peg, red-skinned, lily of the valley, radial, boy, bag, clumsily, knife, legs, shoulder, plush, five cats, river, with a dacha, with a burden, with sale, guard, an hour.
  6. noun suffix -yor: traveling salesman, retoucher, intern.
  7. Stressed verb endings: you burn, neigh, flow.
  8. Verb suffix combinations -yovyva-, verbal nouns -yovk-, verbal adjectives and participles -yonn- (-yon-) under stress: armed, completed, shaded, smoked sausage, smoked meats, uprooting, shelling (from peeling), inexperience, twisted thread, overnight, doom, abstract, interleaving, demarcated, uprooting, condensed milk, condensed milk, embarrassment, abbreviated, stewed meat, pork stew, dejected.
  9. Yo in the form of the prepositional case of the pronoun What, as well as derivatives from it: no matter what.

Exercise 18

1. To the right, quietly whispering and occasionally shuddering from the rushing wind, the alder grove darkened. 2. The main street is highwayd and maintained in order. 3. Windfall and thicket are difficult places. 4. A red flag flutters over the roof of the outermost hut. 5. She went out into the street wearing only a skirt. 6. Everything here is also very general. 7. I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. 8. A chewed tussock jacket hung from his shoulders. 9. The owner doesn’t give a penny in advance, he’s stubborn: no! Such an asshole. 10. Tired as hell. 11. To prevent the musicians from freezing in the cold, they were given a keg of vodka. 12. It is difficult for the shepherd Petya to live in the world. 13. The girls could always be distracted by some trifle. 14. I was embarrassed and scared. 15. American pork stew was called (in our troops) canned food “second front”. 16. The traveler looked after him in astonishment. 17. The frantic tap dancing gave way to a whirlwind of squatting. 18. She just broke the pie and bit a piece. 19. Two perches are placed across the stream. 20. I was very funny in the Mephistopheles costume. 21. They reminded her of those young days when she, as a beautiful and naive girl, danced at parties. 22. At this time an old man entered. 23. The glasses of large horn-rimmed glasses could not hide the tense and restless gaze that followed Polyakov’s pencil. 24. I feel sorry for his cold, callous heart. 25. If my conversation makes your soul sparkle, you will become a sailor. 26. On the window, in the corner, stood modestly a penny inkwell with a yellowed goose feather. 27. I went out to the edge of the forest and wandered across the field. 28. The old men, wandering through the fields with their wallets, smiled. 29. A terrible fear rushed them through the darkness and impassable slum. 30. He was an exceptional and versatile artist: he juggled equally well, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar.

Exercise 19

Pale face, with a pale face, a full-faced child, about full-faced children, turn[l’itsy e vat’], facial nerve, reface, reface, with a scar, heal, red scars, slate[slate], glossy, glossy, with hoarsely[hr'ipΛttsój], with a calculation, with a cunning one, caruncle[m'i e stso], jog, potassium permanganate, with manganese, intermezzo, duchess, wise Indians, loop[tsykl’i e vat’] floors, citrus[citrus] plants, narcissus, patient, pliers, bacillus, stand on tiptoe[tsypch'k'i], near the border, stubby tail, delicious candies [l'ld'i e ntsy], cigarette[cigar], wisteria[gl’itsin’ij’], operation[Λp’i e ratsyjь], lead, under the window, quote, deficiency, twin brothers, dancing, dancer, fixation, gypsy child[gypsy'onk], duchess, click your teeth, ringed, palazzo, pimples on your hands.

Exercise 20

1. He was wearing his father’s old jacket, which reached to his knees. 2. The watchman Kuritsyn entered the cabin. 3. The dusk thickens, and the reapers leave the fields. 4. I lowered the mat, wrapped myself in a fur coat and dozed off. 5. To the usual “chicks!” chicks!” a dozen chickens came out. 6. The favorite writer in the Korolev house was Mikhail Kotsyubinsky. 7. Following Matvey, he entered barber. 8. For mica, V lead frame, the window was turning green morning. 9. I climbed the tiptoe and looked into the hall. 10. There’s a cigarette in your teeth, you’ve got your cap on. 11. “To hell!” - the general tsked at him. 12. For him, only circulars. 13. Today the Tsokotuha Fly is the birthday girl. 14. My father, entering college, was preparing to be dancer. 15. In factory schools, digital wisdom is taught, and digital science is a divine science. 16. On the platform near the porch there were singers in crimson Russian shirts. 17. Everything in Pshenitsyna’s house breathed like this abundance and completeness of the economy, which has never happened before. 18. The two of us conceived so loudly clatter like two magpies. 19. The grandmother came out to feed the chickens. 20. Horseshoes clicked, horses snored. 21. Like me dance I love... Oh, until I drop! And we don’t even have dancers. 22. Soon the smart and affectionate Kutsyi became common favorite. And he decided to take all measures to prevent the “lanky devil” from meeting Kutsego. 23. There was a good feuilleton on Tuesday. And this one... didn't work out for you. 24. The same dry chicory grew on the sides of the paths. 25. He left the table and walked into dance the hall is empty. 26. His eyes looked cunning. 27. Fronts rumbled from the Barents to the Black Sea. 28. An Uzbek in oily overalls came to the rescue.

Barber[tsyr’ýl’n’ik]; mica[sl’ud’i e nym]; lead[sv’intsovj]; little window[Λkoshch'km]; turned green[z'l'i e n'el]; tiptoe[chick'k'i]; circulars[circul'áry]; dancer[tΛntsórm]; abundance[Λb’il’ijm]; clatter[tzkΛtat’]; dance[tantsy e vat’]; favorite[l'ub'imts'm]; dance[tantsy e vál’nuj].

Exercise 21

1. Chauffeur laughed, climbed into his booth, banged door. 2. They are going... To the right slum wooded. Since ancient times its name has been Devil's Ravine. 3. Little dog Same watched me sideways behind the prancing girl, and whenever the rope clicked on the ground, it blinked. 4. Among herbs and resins big shots Here and there, crimson scatterings of berries appeared. 5. Two reed mats were lying on the ground inside the home. 6. Yellow carnations and bushes of the golden ball rose above the silken grass, crushed by the heavy dew. 7. These pictures - popular prints- cheap. 8. One day at lunchtime we turned off the road to a small river that had flooded in this place. small creek with remains of piles water mills and fallen reeds. 9. We served a prayer service and drove off coolly and with overnight stays at stations. 10. Behind my father's shoulder he saw the back horses. 11. A chewed tussock jacket hung from his shoulders. 12. The old man was sleeping peacefully under a tree at the edge of the forest, putting his cap under his head. 13. Everyone began to clink glasses with Katerina Andreevna and Lyakhov. 14. At first I suffered the burns painfully. 15. The man in the railway cap clicked his tongue. 16. He wears a rosary around his neck instead of a scarf. imposed. 17. There was a special one standing here silence, there is no such thing in the forest: not a rustle, not a breeze. 18. The next morning I had a headache, suffered from heartburn, my face was pale and dull. 19. Marina brought a bottle of rum, lemon, sugar, and the burner began to glow. 20. Behind him shuddered canvas bag.

Laughed[zasm’i e j’áls’]; door[dv'ertsj]; slum[slum]; little dog[sabΛch’onk]; askance[isk]; I was watching[sl'i e d'il]; clicked[sh'ólkal]; among[sr’i e d’i]; big shots[shyshk]; were lying[l’i e zhal’i]; yellow[yellow]; popular prints[luboch’nyj]; small[n'bΛl'shýju]; water[v'd'i e noj]; shoulder[pl’i e ch’om]; horses[horses]; chewed[zhovnyj]; imposed[nav’i e zal]; silence[t’ishina]; canvas[khΛlsh’ovyj].

Exercise 22

Suddenly [suddenly], bread [hl'ep], train [pójst], expenses [iz'd'ershk'i], pancake [bl'in'ch'ik], registry office [zaks], baked goods [zdob'], speaker [dΛklach'ik], counter [sh'óch'ik], connection [s'v'ás'], illness [bΛl'ez'n'], sew [w:yt'], compress [zh:át'] . lóshk], do [z'd'elt'], escape [zb'iezhát'] and [z'b'iezhát'], obey [pch'in'its'], gazebo [b'ies'etk'], seamless [ b'iesh:ov-nyj], split [r'z'd'iel'its'], saw down [ptp'il'it'], light [l'óhk'ij], soft [m'áhk'ij], firmament [ t'v'ert'] and [tv'ert'], door [d'v'er'] and [dv'er'], take off [s'n'ats], star [z'v'oznyj] and [zv'oznyj], hello [hello], feeling [h'ýstv], sad [sad], Icelandic [islansk'ij], bench [skΛm'já], announce [Λbjievit'], eat [sjēs't'] , broth [bul'jón'ch'ik], his [svjievó], twenty [dvát'], boring [skýshnyj], cool [krutov], rain [dósh']i [dósht'], rain [dΛzh:'ink ] and [rain'ink].

Exercise 23

You With shy [sh] - neither h shy [sh], detour [st] - nail [s’t’] - gr stь [s’t’], cro Vь [f’] - cro V yu [v’], With give [z] - With thief [s] - With even [š’]; drum nы [n] - drummer [n’] - drummer [n’].

The sounds in place of the highlighted letters are pronounced the same way in the following cases: you With shy [sh] - neither h shy [sh], gvo buildingь [s’t’] - gru stь [s’t’], drum n shchik [n’] - drum n chik [n’].

Exercise 24

Zhelou dь [zholut’] - acorns, peace and[m’irash] - mirages, ko G ti [kókt’i] - claw, tears Tь [sl’es’t’] - get off, you With shy [vysh:ыj] - height, nor h shy [n’ish:ыj] - low, and d ti [it’i] - I’m going, but P ka [button] - button, ve h ti [v’i e es’t’] - carrying, cargo dь [grýs’t’] - milk mushrooms, re h tsy [r’i e stsy] - cut, norwe and ka [nΛrv’eshk] - Norway, tele and ka [t’i e l’eshk] - cart, sva d ba [svad’b] - exception (to woo), turmoil w ny [fussyj] - turmoil, bread h ka [khl'bΛr'esk] - cut, zama h ka [zΛmásk] - to cover up, pobla and ka [plablashk] - to bless, golu b chik [gΛlýpch’ik] - pigeons, under bond d tsy [p'd uztsy] - bridle, weighty [v'esk'ij] - weigh, crazy d ka [sumΛzbrotk] - wander, Asia T chin [Λz’iách’in] - Asians, Ara b Russian [Λrápsk’ij] - Arabs, upol h ti [upΛls’t’í] - crawls away, dumb T chin [n'i e m'ech'in] - German, bombo and ka [bΛmb’oshk] - bomb, wither d shy [uv’átshyj] - fade, bru With chatka [brusch’átk] - beam, lody and ka [ankle] - ankle, in sch ina [vΛsh’in] - wax, stru and ki [strýshk’i] - plan, vya h cue [v’ask’ij] - knit, she f to act [shefstvov’t’] - chefs, ski f skiy [sk'ifsk'ij] - Scythians, region and ka [Λbloshk] - to cover, know b cue [znopk’ij] - shiver, cut T nitsa [nΛtkosn’its] - bones, svers T nickname [sv'ersn'ik] - mile.

Exercise 25

1. Mother was mending a ruble w ki ([ruba w k'i] - shirt) and knitted and ki ([var’y w k'i] - mitten). 2. Re d cues ([r’e T k’ijь] - sparse) the hair was caked on the head. 3. In the dashing ([zal’ikhva ts km] - grab) in the steppe acceleration the bell laughs out loud h([sl’ó With] and [sl’ó With] - tears). 4. Ilya always brought with him something tasty ([fkýsnav] - tastes): bagels, mint gingerbread, honey gingerbread ([kΛvr’í w k'i] - carpet, cake). 5. Liu d sky ([l’u ts kájь] - people) rumor - like a sea wave. 6. I ran so hard to pay my respects that I can’t catch my breath With ti ([p’yr’v’i e With' t'i] - will translate; - d before T alternates with the letter With ). 7. We stood in silence, at the top of our lungs and ku ([new w ku] - pull out). 8. His head was covered with a white cloth h which ([pΛv’á Withкъj] - knit) with a strap ([р’м’и e w kom] - a strap) around the forehead, and the hands are tied behind the back. 9. Brought in with anxious curiosity ([l’ubΛpý ts tv'm] - torture) looked at the procurator. 10. Marching ([shestvuj] - walked), spring showers flowers. 11. His face was lean ([posnjь] - to fast), and his lips were strictly chosen. 12. Our dilapidated shack ([lΛch’ý wкъ] - shack - G alternates with and ) and sad and dark. 13. Damask steel sounded; buckshot vi h stings ([v’i and:'ál] and [v’i and:ál] - squeal). 14. I pull out of the colo d tsa ([kΛlóts] - well) bucket of water. 15. Sprinkled until and d ([dosh’] and [dosht’]) alternately and ku ([fp'yr'i e m'e w ku] - boundary) with snow. 16. He loved books passionately T but ([strásn] - passion). 17. Autumn roses are lovely T nye ([pr’i e l’esnyj] - delights), sadness T new ([sad] - to be sad) roses. 18. They were met by volume zdch ik ([Λbjesh’ik] - ride) - freckled ([v’i e sný sh'ch'ьтыj] and [в’ие сны w'ьтиj] - no freckles), with a light brown square beard ([bΛроткъj] - beard). 19. Now she d you and yes d ti ([and T'í] - goes) following and not thinking about where the narrow road leads and ka ([s’t’ó wкъ] - stitch, stitch). 20. I will come, I will come ([pr’idý] - coming), don’t be afraid! Still not at th you ([prit’i] - coming), of course, I’ll come. 21. Eh, yay h Nitsa (- no testicles)! Zaku With ki ([zΛkýsk’i] - to have a bite) is nothing more useful and durable. 22. Dry and re d ko ([r'e Tкъ] - rare) rustled grain tch aty ([grain'ich'tyj] - grain, before the suffix -chat- ts alternates with T ) sand on the cut of the coast. 23. Perebe zhch ik ([p'yr'i e b'esh'ik] - run) was wrapped in a protective shroud. 24. There they sat him down at the table and treated him to all kinds of food (- remember). 25. Several red koros V([kΛro f] - cow) came out of the rope T Nika ([trasn’ika] - reed), and one, raising her muzzle, roared. 26. Pos T The burka ([posl:ъjь] - to lay) on the ground did not allow moisture to pass through. 27. The sent ([posl:ыj] - send, send) messenger returned pos. d but ([pozn] - be late) in the evening. 28. On the ships of the squadron, the bells struck six bells ([skl’ánk] - remember). 29. Then they became st to honor ([ch’estvv’t’] - honor, honor) the best drummers. 30. Slightly bluish light bre h lived ([br'ezh:yl] - remember; in the past comes from the noun disdain"dawn") through the window, squaw h b ([skvó With'] - through) snow. 31. Everyone came out onto the porch T ny ([izv’esnyj] - news, news) kaba T chick-kisser ([kΛbách’ik] - taverns, before the suffix -chick To alternates with T ). 32. Kneading thick mud with boots and hooves hь ([gr’á With'] - in the mud), the procession ([shestv’ij] - walked), finally came to rest on the shore. 33. The commandant is at the porch T The Cossacks held the Cossacks’ houses in bondage d tsy ([p'dZuztsy] - bridle) beautiful ([pr’i krasnuj] - beautiful) horse d b ([lósht’] - horses). 34. A curious person can make many wonderful ([pr’i krasnykh] - beautiful) discoveries in nature. 35. Everything I am V The crunching of dry branches could be heard more clearly and clearly ( - obvious) in the darkness. 36. A dim lightning flashed ([bl’i e snýl] - remember) above the lake. 37. A fine flour of dust surrounded the travelers like a stuffy cloud ([put’i e shest’n’ikf] - walked). 38. Between the tree ([d'i e v'esnym'i] - trees) trunks there is eternal twilight. The branches of spruce and fir trees seem like giant ([g’igan-sk’im’i] - giants) hands. 39. The azure of heaven ([n'i e b'esnjь] - heaven) laughs, washed by a night thunderstorm. 40. The morning was beautiful ([pr’i krasnjь] - beautiful), the sun ([снъ] - sun) illuminated the tops of the linden trees. 41. Our cockpit was simple until sch atoy ([дΛ ш’атъj] - board, final consonants of the root sk alternates with sch ) hole. 42. In blue clear water were not visible sch anoe ([p’i e sh’anj’] - sand, sandy loam; root dog-, final consonant of the root With is preserved before the suffix, and -OK in a word sand is a suffix) bottom, pilings and keels of boats. 43. They walked around the theater for an hour T nicky-hawkers ([h’ásn’ik’i] - part; [lΛto w n’ik’i] - tray, to before the suffix -Nick alternates with h ). 44. Proe h zhayut ([prъji и еж:аьт] - riding) without a ring With([kΛl’ó With] - wheel) for an eye w com ([Λkoshkm] - window) of the building.

Unfortunately, there is no such word in the database. Look another.

"protected" root in the word and morpheme parsing by composition

Analysis of words by composition.

The composition of the word "careful":

Console: -

Root word: coast

Suffix: en

Word ending: y

Morphemic analysis of the word careful

Morphemic analysis of a word is usually called analysis of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic analysis of the word careful is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and order of analysis.

Let’s do morphemic parsing correctly, and to do this we’ll just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of the word careful is the first step;
  • second - we highlight the ending: for mutable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (gerunds, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, auxiliary parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next we look for the basis. This is the easiest part because to define the stem you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for berezheny (they are also called cognate), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes for bernezheny by selecting other words that are formed in the same way as bezhenyy.

As you can see, morphemic parsing is spared It's easy to do. Now let's decide on the main morphemes of the word careful and analyze it.

saved - root suffix ending and prefix in a word

The ending in the word careful

Ending. We find the ending in the word careful by changing the word (declining/conjugating). In this case the ending is: й

The root of the word (in the word) preserved

Root. It is easier to determine the root of a word if you can select words of the same root and related words. For the word preserved, coast is the root of the word.

Prefix in the word careful

Console. We determine the prefix by selecting words that are also formed with this prefix. In this case, the prefix: -

1. In the roots of words

Cheap - cheap, chewed - chew, gutter - gutter, yellow - turn yellow, millstone - millstone, liver - liver, slap -

9 cheek, bee - bee, millet - millet, comb - comb, lattice - sieve, seedlings - fathom, accounting - take into account, bangs - brow, shuttle - shuttle, black - blacken, callous - stale, devil - devils, dash - trait, tap dance - tap, whisper - whisper, dandy - flaunt, silk - silk.

I burned my hand.

He received a burn on his hand. Vanya burned out all the matches in the house. - The potatoes were clearly burnt. The criminal set the house on fire and fled. - He is accused of setting fire to a house. I burned my pants with coal from the fire. - The burn through the trousers is very noticeable.

The seam is seamless; gooseberry - gooseberry; blinkers - saddler - saddlery - saddlery; ratchet - ratchet; clink glasses - clink glasses - clink glasses; shock - shock; glutton - gluttonous; primness - prim; slum - slum; ramrod - ramrod; thicket; rustle.

The jockey rode into the circus arena. Every evening jugglers performed on the embankment. The policy of chauvinism is based on hatred and enmity towards other peoples. My friend is a big hunter of shocking the public. Mom bought two bars of dark chocolate. There are plans to build a new highway through the entire city. Scotch whiskey is valued all over the world. The bus driver looked displeased in the rearview mirror. 2.

In endings

A dugout, a rein, a garage, a soul, a tower, a reed, a tick, a ladle, a left-hander, a listage, a displacement, a reckless driver, a dodger, a baby, a meter, an installation, a page, a paralysis, a brocade, a cloak, a candle, sealing wax, a circulation, a trumpeter, a tractor, fodder, hypocrite, drawing, siskin, hut, floor.

Barge, exchange, dacha, instruction, massage, mirage, burden, landscape, crying, sale, loss, cold, tonnage, cloud, young men. 3.

In suffixes

Ok: borscht, debt, friend, bug, hook, meadow, peasant, cockerel, snout, horn, chest, knot; 10

Onok: ​​little camel, little wolf, little bear, little mouse, little shepherd;

Onk-a: little piece of paper, little soul, nag, little book, little foot, little clothes, little river, little hand, little shirt, little dog, little old woman.

Veche, clothing, penny, pear, horse-drawn, hedgehog, ruff, reed, bucket, key, red, boundary, walrus, knife, brocade, shoulder, ivy, twill, guard, canvas.

No. 38. Orally.

Your Pomeranian is a lovely Pomeranian, no bigger than a thimble. I stroked him all over. Like silk wool. I'm sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. I feel sorry for his cold, callous heart. The whisper turned into coherent speech. Biryuk silently took the horse by the forelock with his left hand. He suffered from, as the doctors said, bilious fever. Tema clung to the crack of the gate and watched with envy the playful crowd of children. The leaves on the trees began to rustle, welcoming autumn. A cautious rustling was heard in the entryway. But the guest also refused to scratch his heels. The teacher comes out, chewing some flatbread. A chewed tussock jacket hung from his shoulders. Rockets are taking off, today for some reason they are yellow. He danced, just as he sang, passionately: a frantic tap dance gave way to a whirlwind of crouching. Apparently, he is the same driver as your dad. A good millstone will sweep away everything.

The squirrel sings a song, gnaws a golden nut, takes out an emerald and puts it in a bag. She just broke the pie and took a bite. The roadman quickly sat down on the beam. Leaves with a rattling key do not whisper. At its naked top the green leaf does not rustle. The forester's clothes are soaked above the waist. Uncle and Yegorushka walked along the cobbled streets. The soldier was dressed in a red red shirt. Gregory stopped in a small village for the night. Next to the door stood a tub of pickled apples. It seems to Misha that loaded convoys are traveling and old stumps are being uprooted. He will remember me, the snow outside the window and six bags in wax paper, six unused sticky lumps. From there there was a smell of snow and unlit silence. The rustling of stems, barely audible rustling, the clear chirping of birds in the thickets. The polished birch bark creaks at the bast knitting machine’s hand. The beast does not take a safe horse. I sow as if from a sieve, but not powder; I fly into the grain, but not a worm.

11 Two perches are placed across the stream. Arkhip opened the lantern, Dubrovsky lit a torch. The bald dandy, the enemy of labor... reigned over us then. How stiff and pale your style is! The beautiful caterpillar of this beautiful butterfly lives mainly on gooseberries. Stanovoy ordered Kukushkin to be put in a cold cell for slapping a shopkeeper. The next morning I had a headache, suffered from heartburn, and my face was pale and dull. The slag flowed down an inclined chute into the boilers. The artist juggled equally well, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar. Dersu's whisper brought me out of my thoughts. Here, near the door, there should have been a millstone, familiar from childhood. These robbers just have it in their heads to ruin everything in the world. Pump me up, starship. We are like two brothers, welded together by a sword. Flying kites with rattles is wonderful. Having left the darkness of the slums, an elk wanders through the forest. Magpies circled over the bushes, chattering and clicking loudly.

Exercise 1.

Luxury, horsetail, speech, strongman, revenge, vegetable, help, borscht, puddles, groves, meetings, spectacles, radio broadcasts, posters, shoulders, good, powerful, clumsy, prickly, brilliant, backwards, immortalize, burn, unbearable, look, breathe, backhand, cut, flammable, false, dugout, lay, just, assign, help, rack, youth, broad shoulders, traces of fires, match, bitterness, roof slopes, wide open, make up, key, lily of the valley, harness, quiet, massage, near dwellings, rags, captivate, calico, alkali, drawing, hope, melodious, catch up, forget, sighted, eat, dense, rattling, several old nags, flying, viscous, beach, don’t cry, hold, completely, exactly exactly, depend, alkali, knowledgeable, tasks, find, garage, Velcro, finish, power.

Exercise 2.

Bream, hang out, schools, powerful, fresh, cut, gallop, marry, meetings, spectacles, alkali, bag, broad shoulders, granaries, radio broadcasts, posters, shoulders, good, rhizomes, similar, clumsy, prickly, tenacious, skinny, endure, see, brilliant, supine, unbearable, look, lick, breathe, backhand, cut, smear, flammable, false, dugout, hot, lay, only, knowledgeable, shave, call, appoint, help, lie down, look, don’t cry, ashes , puddle, hold, want, completely, burn, flow, console, hide, drive, turn, already, away, eat, unbearable, flog, run, just like that, captivate, assign, quiet, sighted, dense, tasks , gap, power, comrade, key, retouch, many groves, midnight, do not disturb, anoint, discover, luggage.

Exercise 3.

You feel the bitterness of meetings, you open the garage wide, the air is fresh, the ivy hangs from the roofs of the dachas, the tornado is burning and hot, divert attention to solving problems, protect the crew from puddles, give the ball away, catch all the little things, the lily of the valley is fragrant, you notice the falseness of television programs, your voice is melodious , you will provide assistance as soon as you take a shower, entice young people to the match, look after your luggage, you can’t bear to cut your hair, a ray of sunshine is brilliant, the borscht is good, you burn your hand on the stove, you rush at a gallop from a steep slope, provide installation, you make a hole in the defense, you see the finish line, you judge unnecessary luxury, a large circulation of books for pedagogical schools, the doctor is knowledgeable and competent, you spin a hoop, a teenager is clumsy, you hit it backhand, your cloak is shedding, you buy an expensive brooch, your son looks like his father, you notice flocks of clouds on the horizon, a prickly hedgehog.

Exercise 4.

1. It’s good to threaten someone who is afraid of thunderstorms. 2. What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter. 3. Happiness does not float in the air, but is achieved by hand. 4. It doesn’t happen from day to day. 5. There is nothing to be afraid of who is not afraid of anything. 6. The day began to get dark, we decided to take a last swim. 7. The road climbs steeper and steeper up the mountain. 8. Something is visible in the distance. 9. He won't be able to do it. 10. It could not fail. 11. There is no need to give in to despair. 12. She will indulge in memories. 13. It seems that the performance will start soon. 14. It should end in three hours. 15. When there is a knock and the door opens, we will no longer be in the room. 16. We will soon have to part. 17. I want to speak out to the end; maybe visit some friends? 18. He is not feeling well.

Exercise 5.

1. A little squeamish. 2. It begins to get dark. 3. Everything possible is done for this. 4. You shouldn't be offended. 5. No one will be able to quarrel between us. 6. It should be a success. 7. When the final chord is heard, you will need to hurry. 8. It's time to get ready for the road. 9. This, of course, is given special significance. 10. It seems to me that someone is knocking on the door. 11. The film should end in half an hour. 12. The premiere will take place tomorrow. 13. You shouldn't be angry. 14. Construction will be completed in May. 15. I can’t work or write something today. 16. It’s easy to get lost in this forest if you don’t stick to the main channel. 17. Here the plain touches the mountains. 18. You need to make sure that this method is effective. 19. Something just hasn’t been working for me this morning. (L. Filatov)

Exercise 6.

Seize, battalion, play, trans-European, supernatural, express, injection, postman, beats, immense, window sill, zealous, filming, logs, lifts, interview, clerk, clerk, flaw, conjuncture, adjutant, object, ruffle, save, three-tiered, four-story, express, expression of will, announce, sneer, non-alcoholic, pan-European, diatomic, integral, pedestal, curls, entry, iron, needlework, curiosity, swagger, embrace, narrow, drive up, companion, go, move in, entrance, window sill, agitate, edible, fox, bear, loach, sarcastic, ant, subjective, organize, explanation, filming, broth, volume, inexplicable.

Exercise 7.

Summarize, post-impressionism, pre-July, unprincipled, super-refined, trans-Iranian, non-initiative, pre-infarction, superintendent, raise, find, pre-historical, inter-institutional, previous, non-inductive, pan-Islamism, super-interesting, play out, notorious, hopeless, counter-play, childhood, inter-publishing, non-fiction tasty, Transjordanian, disinfect, play along, not uninteresting, disintegration, pedagogical institute, artless, find, post-industrial, improvise, over-inventive, disinformation, find, sub-inspector, integrand.

Exercise 8.

Instigator, powerful, nurse, provide, delay, bridge, nails, assistant, appoint, sixteen, get ready, racer, mail, nine hundred, eternity, beg, smear, essence, manual, comfort, dream, hide, strum, fight, mowing, bone, midnight, take, pancake, donut, eight, precise, eighteen, vegetable, problem book, eight hundred, night, sixty, careless, alkaline, habit, cut, thinnest, thinner, get carried away, seventy, bakery, puzzle, stove maker, region, strong, fifty, fifteen, candle, petty, beware, rushing, now, tip, perpetuate, fuss, apart, seven hundred, mason, get a haircut, of course, daughter, don't disturb, six hundred, river, eligible, something, birdhouse, nine hundred, nineteen .

Exercise 9 (summarizing).

Supernatural, reveal, clerk, interior, nuclear-free, agitate, conjuncture, corrosive, rearguard, pre-anniversary, three-yard, courier, three-story, examine, eight hundred, eighteen, sixty, flaw, beg, nurse, nails, over-gifted, enraged, pedestal, tongueless, everyday life, subject, companion, monkey, interlingual, barrier, interpublishing, four-tier, lifting, adjutant, adjunct, injection, billiards, mezzanine, curiosity, third-rate, camel, housing, hives, pack, interbranch, narrow, transarctic, ultra-refined, artless, well-known, background, not uninteresting, pre-July, pre-October, pre-January, foreign language, three-pulse, transjordanian, trans-European, pre-infarction.

Exercise 10 (summarizing).

Burn a brick, open wide, cut off bread, traces of fires, powerful, now, delay, rushing at a gallop, falsehood, from the rooftops, from behind the clouds, help, key, dry land, hordes, mouse, comrade, ruff, beach, groves, tasks , youth, luxury, handsome, clumsy, hot, powerful, save, catch up, forget, cut, anoint, eat, unbearable, backhand, look, just, withdraw, battalion, play, trans-European, supernatural, play out, express yourself, injection, postman , beats, improvise, immense, disinformation, window sill, zealous, counterplay, counterattack, filming, super-inventive, artless, logs, rises, prospector, cultural inventory, pedagogical institute, expression of will, interview, flaw, clerk, conjuncture, pedestal, adjutant, pre-anniversary, narrow . This is unlikely to come true. It's easy to breathe in the forest. Not a single sound is heard. Everything possible will be done.

Exercise 11 (control).

The stuffy night is ending. The morning comes, as always, cloudless, the air is scorching and hot, but around ten o’clock, at the junction in the west, the first thunder scatters across the fields. The father opens the window wide, listens and says: “If only it doesn’t pass by, if only this thunderstorm captures us.” Gleb announces: “Supernatural cloud!” He hurriedly tries to find fishing rods: after the thunderstorm, a frenzied bite should begin. According to him, this is a scientifically explainable fact. The air smells of weeds, and everything in nature freezes and shrinks. Flocks of clouds move closer and closer, a tornado swoops in, and cheerful lightning seems to be trying to cut through the entire depth of the powerful and immense sky. The first drops of rain hit the quadrangular slopes of the roofs. Immediately such silence reigns, as if all of nature is listening to this sound and, holding its breath, waits. The rain itself also listens and seems to be wondering whether it dropped those first test drops correctly. And, after hesitating, he decides what is right, because suddenly an energetic downpour breaks out and powerfully rumbles along the terraces of the dachas, hits the leaves of the trees of the surrounding groves, blows up bubbles on the surface of already flowing puddles and streams.

Exercise 12.

Strong muscles, long eyelashes, circus actors, your peers, street demonstration, eternal citadel, hotel construction, gypsy song, gypsy collar, tiptoe, precise circular, buy a bond, point at your daughter, oil tank, draw with a compass, dangerous provocation , gypsy dance, tobacco chickens, main information, strong shell, guests of the capital, famous quote, little chicken, dark-skinned youth, village barber, long-standing tradition, sister's gift, freedom fighters, national treasure, bob tail, capital streets, thick eyelashes, chicken fluff, clock dial, eternal citadel, tight muscles, demonstrators, powerful cyclone.

Exercise 13.

The porch of a house, the stigma in the fluff, admire the creator, feel with your heart, slam the door, look with a sly, ring a bird, a ringed penguin, a marble plinth, the clatter of horseshoes, keep up the good work, fill with lead, cover yourself with a blush, get a letter, an elegant mirror, a metropolitan dancer, dance evening, small lake, dancing on the go, rich duke, refacing a jacket, becoming a swimmer, pink dress, prancing on a horse, tiled stove, glossy paper, unsuccessful ending, cladding a dacha, refacing a dacha facade, falsehood of flatterers, help from followers, exemplary husband , clattering fly, luxurious palazzo, mezzo-soprano part, perform scherzo, father's jacket, black coat, small gun.

Exercise 14.

Construction of a hotel, gypsy song, collar made of chicken, walking on tiptoe, nosing at the dog, oil tank, drawing with a compass, tobacco chickens, residents of the capital, this quote, village barber, our tradition, sister's clothes, fighters for truth, national custom, scanty tail, straw mat, fresh oysters, red-faced gentleman, noisy auction, harmful bacillus, Lieutenant Ptitsyn, yellow daffodil, ringing cicadas, cigarette in teeth, Cossack villages, tail with a ring, ring a bird, forest lake, baby blanket, Barents Sea, dashing look , jogging, striped mattress, quickly heal, soon to heal, soft heart, melodic scherzo, Alexander Herzen, pepper patch, our Duke, easy to dance, young dancer, marvelous palazzo, crimson scarf, front side, hard shell, strict discipline, aria mezzo-soprano.

Exercise 15.

Cheap, bangs, prim, burning, rustling, shuttle, grille, fur, tap dancing, liver, whisper, burn on the hand, burned the hand, seam, silk, gooseberry, bees, set the house on fire, perch, driver, banjo, hairstyle, blinders on eyes, study, gluttonous, dandy, glutton, saddler, gutter, slap, juggler, chocolate, acorn, heartburn, bill, brush, millet, yellow, heavy, Borjom, ranch, callous, burned to the ground, motley, rosary, lye, test , major, crepe georgette, calculations, black, lit, house arson, hard, chewed, Pechora, Izhora, Pechorin, string, millstone, chauvinism, purse, millet, hood, what, nothing, worthless, walked, lye, jockey , highway, junk, Shostakovich, Chopin, Jonathan Swift, Giovanni Boccaccio, Shota Rustaveli, Correggio, Joliot-Curie, dude, clink glasses, anchovy, shock, ramrod, Bernard Shaw, Georges Simenon.

Exercise 16.

Canvas, armed, demarcated, ruff, kumac, chiseled, sexton, rug, baked, scalloped, uproot, girl, take care, dried, borscht, money, stewed, brocade, condensed, condensed milk, spend the night, overnight, uproot, uproot, hook, smoked, smoked, removed from post, crushed, princess, it became hot, river, shade, crushed, soul, flattered, scary, naked, naked, remember well, little bear, watered, amazed, attracts, bakes, flogs, penny, loaded, burnt, little hare, protected, tinned throat, doomed, doomed, editor, traveling salesman, demarcation, vest, little man, it's fresh outside, boiled, baby camel.

Exercise 17.

Hacksaw, simplified, stewed, smitten, rustle, whisper, black, canvas, cheap, twine, overnight, major, learned, funny, hedgehog, plush, lattice, bangs, prim, saddler, little book, paved, burnt, shepherd, slum, gluttonous, bake, candle, cut, wolf cub, debt, burnt, reed, suitor, heartburn, condensed milk, old woman, take care, bake, borzhom, key, floor, prudent, chocolate, abacus, roll, burn, burnt hand, little dog, millstone , test, locust, staff, foundling, burden, luggage, hood, retoucher, tractor, piece of paper, watchman, bunny, ratchet girls, poor thing, snowball, snake, conductor, married, shred, grandson, boyfriend, curd, red, hundred-candle , raincoat, plush, reportage, lever, brocade, knife wound.

Exercise 18.

Burnt, hedgehog, scientist, driver, canoe, grille, dash, baked, silk, chocolate, hand burn, set the barn on fire, hairstyle, perch, gluttonous, score, dandy, slap, tartan, study, heavy, burned to the ground, callous, prim , cheap, motley, uprooting, haystack, top, editor, river, hook, burnt, money, dried, crushed, guard, demarcate, protected, no matter, worthless, laughed loudly, ominously smiled, too hotly, drawing, cloud, alien, lying, baking, test, brick, major, reed, tongue, lead, glossy, tense, lightweight, hut, flogs, floor, doctor, comrade, key, big, Fomich, sighted, sore shoulder, crying bitterly, rein, prestige, paralysis, comrade, brocade, damage.

Exercise 19.

Study, slum, lattice, rattle, penny, cheap, ridiculous, removed from post, take care, luggage, loaded, little book, boiled, on the rampage, uprooting, thicket, condensed milk, old woman, girl, liver, stew, river, oven, key , cut, doctor, red, burn, burnt hand, raised by a friend, floor, armed, hood, gooseberry, conductor, demarcate, burn hand, chiseled, simplified, wolf cub, hedgehog, plush, major, scientist, shepherd, stopped, debt, teddy bear, retoucher, worthless, glutton, nothing to do with it, powdered, gloss over, heartburn, spoke too generally, turned awkwardly, became hot, behaves defiantly, it’s fresh outside, add more, tower, task, ax handle, soot, rack, footage , cloud, stranger, guarding, with a knife.

Exercise 20.

Squinting from the sun, a cup of coffee, a wonderful morning, a feeling of joy, the expanse of fields, life path, plank fence, illuminate the site, paving stones, smell evil, numerical code, soldier's overcoat, beg for mercy, machine oil, interesting reports, piano keys, parachute jump, useful brochure, impartial jury, sew with gold, ordinary miracle, cheerful girls , enter the thicket, orange lampshade, operatic adagio, stunted bush, Chuvash costume, punctured tire, complex code, fresh sorrel, famous Jules Verne, composer Ciurlionis, Longjumeau suburb, Siauliai city, actor Mkrtchyan, diamond necklace, endless expanse, today a bit hot, blue trousers, tin mug, woolen jacket, knocking on the roof, lived nearby.

Exercise 21 (control).

Sensing something bad, we walked along the shore, avoiding the flooded lowlands. Lightning flashed far ahead, it became increasingly dark and fresh. A frightened little hare jumped out from under his feet. Zuev tried to find the boundaries of the highway, illuminating the road with a flashlight, but its muffled light kept dimming, and Zuev turned it off in order to save the last glimmer of fire for an emergency. I came across something black and hard: it was a small stack of dried grass. Zuev lit a match, stuck it into the straw, the first piece of it flared up with a dark, crimson fire and set the rest of the grass on fire. The fire illuminated a clearing that had been uprooted by someone, the thicket around us and the banks of a muddy river ahead. The rustling and whispering of the forest was heard from everywhere, reflected by multiple echoes. We stood by the lit haystack and looked at the fire. It became hot and ominous, and useless thoughts entered my head. I regretted that I had lived, in essence, such a penniless life, I remembered my native Odessa acacias and the streets of the seaside city, in which I once found my wonderful love and to which I am still attracted. Then I thought that it was stupid to resign myself to the feeling of doom and that I should try to preserve my courage and the remnants of my will. We should have spent the night right here. Zuev touched me with his shoulder and said that we needed to decide to spend the night in the forest. Unlike me, he behaved well. He took a canvas bag with food from his overcoat pocket: stale bread, a can of stew and smoked fish. After dinner, we lay down near the fire, covered with only a cloak. “The fire will go out now,” Zuev said quietly, “damn it, this rain. We’ll have to migrate to the thicket.”

Exercise 22.

Responsive young man, difficult hike, cut a branch, walk through the forest, cracked voice, my predecessor, sunflower seeds, serve customers, bypass sheet, write a denunciation, marriage, pay off a debt, inscription on a book, successful purchase, give back, get lost flock, low building, non-local resident, sharp disharmony, obvious collusion, reveal imbalance, travel the whole country, proto-European language, prototype of the hero, his great-grandfather, proto-Slavic tribes, pro-fascist regime, insightful critic, odorous deodorant, deployment of troops, disorient the enemy, discredit a colleague , clear disposition, disinfection of the premises, developed disintegration, play a game, luxurious palace, class schedule, completely dissolve, ruin the work, find the criminal, search activities, issue a receipt, painted samovar, spread out below.

Exercise 23.

Divide, make, disturb, alarm, tasteless, boundless, unrealizable, send down, overthrow, unbending, scatter, praise, fireproof, redeem, expel, disappear, unsurrendered, publish, surrender, indulgent, unearthly, compress, unclench, embroider, sew, here, stitch, diverge, too, extraordinary, excessive, here, disappear without a trace, slacker, spread, ownerless, countless, prudent, calculation, count, disqualification, disharmonious, discomfort, ignite, ascend, gape, keep your word, hold out, burn to the ground , priceless, inglorious, streak out, worldview, move, push apart, dry up, silent, hopeless, remain silent, formless, intractable, interpret, meaningless.

Exercise 24.

Travel, starless, become generous, clear, boundless, endless, outline, expand, fry, disappear, silent, proud, unravel, overly, arrange, count, spread, calculation, countless, countless, take advantage of, fossils, tasteless, difficult to come to an agreement, straighten out , restore the plant, evaporate, descending, excessive, fall from the mountains, overthrow authorities, inexhaustible, indisputable decision, ascension, disperse into the area, cleared paths, unspoiled, unhealthy, inexhaustible, limitless, inflexible, dissolve, unrealizable, inescapable, proceed, insensitive , disappeared, counting chamber, aimless, merciless, unknown, estimated time, calculate the time, local residents, kindle, undone.

Exercise 25.

Put to the wall, fasten, exceed, pocket, press, dance, extol, dress up, appropriate, drive, accustom, force, seek, tradition, whistle, drive, exaggerate, shoot, hit, painfully, lure, apply, elderly, roadside, pin, superiority, wise, coastal, lie down, bewitch, succeed, sentence, block, wonderful, stop, try on, try on, stick, disgusting, unpretentious, fancy, prestigious, prima donna, pin, force, abuse of power, lie, gatekeeper, interpret wrong, accept, follower, hello, freedom, arrive in the city, stay in the city, grovel, judge, prepare, muffle, look after, very funny, charming.

Exercise 26.

Boring, interrupt, add, suburb, get up, embellish, exaggerate, downplay, play down the sound, increase capital, increase wealth, get fed up, overabundant, wrangle, let down, transform, shoot, acquire, move, extol, press, legend, ghost, strange, hide, listen, take off along the road, refrain, continuity, find, finish off, slaughter, limit, sign, advantage, contradict, unquestioningly, seduce, obstacle, Volga, overcome obstacle, notorious, stumbling block, device, fastidious, handsome, order, rush, decent, claims, reason, affection, do not fail, forward, hostile, homeless, despise danger, priority, privilege, oath.

Exercise 27.

Jokes, old age, Baikal, bringing, call, pretense, successor, radio, receptive, transient phenomenon, visiting housekeeper, become poor, bow before the hero, bend the tree to the ground, impartial, immutable truth, inapplicable rule, prevail, belongs, misunderstand, transform, gatekeeper , impregnable, break the law, get to work, commit a crime, humble, approach, very bad, serve, nature, despise the enemy, look after the unfortunate, prestige, present, prerogative, adventure, land, throne, indispensable, inapplicable, incessantly, continuously, impregnable city, criminal intentions, seaside, very funny, present.

Exercise 28.

Contender, claim, prize-winner, prima donna, preamble, acquire, legend of heroes, give meaning, fell silent, pre-long, lakeside, Baltic, priority, privilege, example, primitive, sew on, presidium, punctuation marks, fly in, pretend, roadside, unfeigned, presumption of innocence, close the door, screw, hill, pause, arrive at the station, remain in sadness, close the gate, bring to life, cross the cherished line, begin the task, increase income, invite to visit, prepare for the exam, overcome, resort to help, neglect, pursue, hide, regrettable, take a closer look, adapt, claims, boundless, pleasant, put against the wall, distribute, seduce, shelter, neglect, irresistible.

Exercise 29.

To be in grief, to arrive on time, to publicize, to give importance, to betray a friend, to exaggerate successes, to embellish events, to downplay difficulties, to diminish somewhat, to extol virtues, to bring into conversation, to start dinner, to cross the boundaries of what is permitted, to close the door, to implement a plan, to be patient to the cold, undergo deformation, misinterpret, gatekeeper's closet, pretend to be deaf, biased, receiver, attractive, homeless child, irreconcilable, inviolable, inexorable, definition, bend down, attribute, dear, most serious, arrival, insurmountable, obstacle, unusual, stick, near the trunk , cheerful, grateful, sit down, obstacles, obstacles, homeless child, despise danger.

Exercise 30.

Impregnable, incessantly, continuously, priority, privilege, immutable, inapplicable, impartial, continuity, successor, radio, presence, to be in despair, to press, to indulge in despair, indispensable, inapplicable, enduring significance, boundless, freedom, hello, adventure, refuge, vicissitudes of fate, lie, unfeigned, pretend, close the door, bring to life, primitive, preamble, give meaning, bring to justice, break the law, start dinner, crime, adamant, bend the tree to the ground, bow to the hero, president, precedent, stumbling block, stick in a corner, argue with a neighbor, contradict, unquestioningly, advantage, touch, pursue, acquire, overcome obstacles.

Exercise 31.

Slightly lie, unfeigned, immutable, inapplicable, privilege, successor, radio, refuge, indulge in doubts, homeless child, unapproachable, crime, advantage, present, legend, presence, impartial, vicissitudes of fate, inflexible, remain in despair, unquestioningly, primitive, preamble , pursue, acquire, bow before the feat, president, touch, dowry, give meaning, bring to justice, prestige, despise danger, throne, privatization, bend a tree to the ground, start dinner, certainly, overcome obstacles, obstacles, obstacles, stick in a corner, hospitality, inapplicable, freedom, ghost, premiere, enduring significance, stumbling block, incessantly, fastidious.

Exercise 32 (control).

The impregnable forests here parted, and in these gaps boundless fields of ripe rye were revealed. They were adjacent to the city, constantly rising to the last limit of the earth, getting lost in the darkness - the starless and passionless companion of distant spaces. The grain was ripening, filling, and their dry rustling, the endless whisper of the ears of corn continuously ran from one distance to another, like the almost silent, but inexhaustible, incessant music of the harvest. And there, behind the grain, behind this freedom, countless Russian villages lay crouched to the ground. They were scattered all the way to the western border. From them came the pleasant smell of just baked bread - the unpretentious and welcoming smell of Russian villages. In the endless sky, barely noticeable lightning flashed faintly and shapeless, bizarre clouds floated by. They disappeared without a trace in the north, and their fearless radiance, overcoming all obstacles and obstacles, approached the ground, passed over my face, I closed my eyes to protect them from too bright light. I rubbed the corolla of thyme, pressed it to my face and longingly inhaled its unearthly smell. And I suddenly dreamed that nearby, behind the windmill, the sea had already opened slightly - my pipe dream - and that it was not the steppe that smelled of thyme, but its sands smoothed by the surf.

Exercise 33.

Knit a sweater, reproach for an offense, punish a criminal, win a heart, solve a mystery, be useful in a case, regret what happened, shiver from the cold, tease a cat, shock from what happened, mature in the fall, take notes, wither from the cold, see a friend, say hello , guard the warehouse, enjoy the music, unfading beauty, amazing occasion, enrich speech, bring to life, pay expenses, bless for a feat, blessed land, keep a promise, fascinating story, significant date, captivating image, captivate the audience, castigate vices, waving banners, developing countries, join forces, replace a comrade, pacify a riot, chop wood, make it red hot, carve a part, douse with water, please a neighbor, belittle the importance, beg for mercy, fleeting consumption, ambitious plans, clear water.

Exercise 34.

peer, valley, unit, evaporation, sentry, distant, open the door, boil potatoes, save a child, clean shoes, make excuses, suffer, be silent, store, limp, guard the warehouse, local old-timer, dress, absorb, earthquake, be late, move, pull out, ride, tin, woolen, necklace, hot, bloomers, irritate, depict, express, generate, visit often, the wound will heal, chewed with lips, meeting, gatherings, saddle, nurse, turned gray with grief, plucked instrument, split a log, expose, amaze, dazzling, provide, look, tension, enraged, reach out, approach, medicine, inexhaustible, ghost in the castle, original, imitate the elders, seal with a signature, reluctantly, creak the door.

Exercise 35.

Enjoy the warmth, unfading beauty, amazing fact, get rich quickly, shake the imagination, bring to life, pay expenses, bless for a feat, consumptive youth, blessed land, glorify heroes, keep a promise, fascinating story, signs of devotion and respect, famous writer, captivating image, amaze the imagination, charm everyone, castigate vices, waving flags, developing areas, our association, an ambitious employee, a secluded house, pacify a riot, stop it, chop wood, heat an iron, grind a part, sew boots, light a room, dedicate a friend, guess the answer, initiate into a secret, please sister, beg for mercy, douse with water, frequency of sound, pure spring, establish care, exhort a child, make an impression, elderly nurse, ghost in the castle, lick wounds, climb up, lean on the windowsill, grow thin from hunger, drag with you, charge gun, thin out the onions in the garden.

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