Little animal faces. Secrets of drawing cartoon animals. Little slow loris

Photo @elena_the_light by Instagram

Tired of the endless series of viral pictures of "seals", periodically diluted with hedgehogs and ferrets, the editors of Marie Claire decided to make their top list of animals worthy of tenderness.

Quokka (quokka)

This touching animal is a real marsupial smiley! His muzzle looks like a quokka smiles all the time. The miracle of nature lives in Australia, which, as you know, is generally rich in marsupials. And if earlier kangaroos were very popular in this country, now the quokka has won the palm. It's all about her love... for the selfie. Quokka is an extremely friendly animal, absolutely not afraid of people and is happy to be filmed on the most modern gadgets. And one of the quokkas was even presented to the Duchess of Cambridge and her husband during their official visit to Australia. Kate even fed grass to the smiling animal.

Outwardly, the quokka is very similar to the kangaroo. As for the size, it is not very large. It can be compared to a domestic cat or a small dog. It has a brown-gray color, thick and short fur, a long tail. Like all marsupials, the quokka prefers to eat leaves and grass, and live in the shade of trees, closer to moisture.

Bearded Tamarin (Emperor Tamarin)

Tamarin is not just bearded, but also imperial. This type of monkey owes its name to its resemblance to the emperor of Germany and the king of Prussia, Wilhelm II. Not that they were indistinguishable, but the noble mustaches were at least nearly identical. The emperors of the jungle live in the wilds of the Amazon - they prefer to hide in impenetrable thickets, probably to rule the world on the sly.

By the way, females are the main ones in the tamarin family - nature also did not deprive them of mustaches, and sometimes the gray beards of females look much more impressive than those of males. As for the territories, here the bearded monkeys show their regal disposition. One small group lives on an area of ​​thirty or even forty hectares. All strangers will certainly be expelled. However, emperor tamarins tolerate the neighborhood of tamarins of other species. Sometimes these South American monkeys even rally against common enemies. And it is better not to encounter an angry imperial tamarin, because, despite their tiny size, these bearded monkeys have sharp claws, large fangs and desperate courage. Tamarin will fight to the last for her cubs.

Fennec fox

The fennec fox is a tiny animal with huge ears and a sharp, cute muzzle. In fact, representatives of the canine family less than the Fennec simply do not exist in wild nature. At the same time, it turned out that this little fox gets along well with a person. can be tamed, and if desired, the fennec can even be taught standard commands. For example, as in this video:

Mostly the fennec lives in the Sahara desert - large ears help it cope with the heat, and also contribute to a successful hunt. With such locators, the fox catches the slightest rustle of the intended prey - the fennec feeds on insects and small vertebrates. This animal, it turns out, is completely incapable of a lonely existence - tiny foxes live big families, which always contains ruling couple, which is almost impossible to overthrow from the throne.

Hazel dormouse (Common Dormouse)

Remember Lewis Carroll's famous tea party in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland? There, in the teapot, sat that very mouse dormouse - pretty to disgrace and very small. Of course, in a fairy tale, all animals acquire almost human features, but meanwhile the representative of rodents and in real life incredibly pretty! In general, dormice is divided into two types - mouse-like and protein-like. I must say that the squirrel-like dormouse is much prettier than the one that lives on earth. It's all about her amazing tail, which is covered with fluffy fur! In addition, the dormouse is very tiny - an adult can easily fit in a human palm.

Their habitats: North Africa, Europe, Asia Minor, Altai, the northern regions of China and Japan, the northern parts of Scandinavia and, finally, southern Africa, where the only African dormouse of the same name is found. It turns out that it was recently discovered that dormice of all subspecies is rapidly disappearing from the face of the earth. So, until the last babies died out, scientists listed the animals in the Red Book and now mice are also bred at home.


Alpaca belongs to the camel family. These touching creatures live high in the mountains in South America. Fluffy bangs give a special charm to alpaca. By the way, it is precisely by the intricate hairstyle that one can distinguish an alpaca from a llama: after all, on her head, as a rule, long hair can not be.

Alpaca is quite small in size: its weight does not exceed sixty kilograms, but it is the owner of chic wool, which is often used to make clothes. Alpaca wool is very soft and at the same time very strong and light, almost waterproof, with excellent heat-insulating effect. For 6,000 years, alpacas have been bred by the Peruvians along with llamas. But if llamas were used as a pack animal, then alpacas were groomed and cherished.


They say that the name "Ai-ai" appeared due to the exclamations that were made by anyone who saw the animal for the first time. In fact, this animal is called the Madagascar arm and, as you might guess, lives in Madagascar. Once upon a time, they tried to attribute it to rodents, then to primates, although Ai-ai does not look like either of them. I must say that he does not look like anything intelligible at all: a small body covered with black hair, eternally surprised eyes and a huge tail, which is longer than the animal itself.

The only part of the body that is free from wool is ... middle finger on the forelimb, more precisely both middle fingers. Actually, this finger is the most important tool for the arm: it cleans its fur, drinks water and gets food. When searching for beetles and larvae hidden in the bark of a tree, the little arm always uses its miracle finger. First, he taps the trunk with it, finding suitable prey, then gnaws through the bark (here sharp teeth are already in use), and at the end he sticks his middle finger into the hole formed, pricks the larva on the claw and sends it into his mouth.

Little slow loris

In fact full name this big-eyed animal sounds: “Little fat Lori”, small (its size does not exceed 23 centimeters in length) it lives in tropical forests and bamboo groves in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, parts of China and Cambodia. Sometimes a little fat man is mistakenly considered a lemur, which is actually not at all the case. Small and fat belongs to its own family - Loriev. The most amazing thing is that this handsome man with short thick hair and incredibly touching huge eyes that are always wide open is poisonous.

On inside In the elbow joint of the animal there are special glands, the secretions from which, in combination with the saliva of the loris, turn into the strongest poison! This is so unusual for primates that the little loris has received the first line in the ranking of poisonous animals that are unknown. general public. A fat fellow lives in the crowns of trees, daring to go outside only when it gets dark - the poisonous animal has a lot of enemies, so sometimes it has to hang for hours, clinging to a tree branch, which, fortunately, allows loris to make a specific structure of paws.

African black-footed cat

They look like real domestic cats - small, even tiny, because the weight adult does not reach even one and a half kilograms. In fact, these striped and charming animals living in Africa are real predators! They hunt like any other member of the cat family at night - miniature forms and the corresponding color help the seals to remain completely invisible, and large ears pick up every sound - no one will hide from such animals. Behind the retina is a special vascular layer that acts as a reflector necessary for night vision. It increases visual ability and causes the eyes to glow bright blue at night.

In Africa, they are called "Antlion" - these babies live, as a rule, in termite mounds and anthills devastated by themselves. By the way, insects are not the only favorite dish of Black-footed cats - in addition to ants and termites, small predators prefer to eat another 54 species of a wide variety of animals - brave kids do not stop before game sometimes twice their own size - for example, dine with a hare for wild cats- The usual thing.

Red Panda (Red Panda)

In China, where the red-haired beauty is found, this representative of the little panda family is called the “fire fox” - the similarity is obvious: a pointed nose, wool the color of a red Sicilian orange! For a long time the red panda dangled in space without classification: some scientists attributed it to raccoons, others to bears, but in the end it turned out that these animals themselves are a separate, independent family of small pandas. The red panda lives not only in China - sometimes the animal can be found in Nepal.

A cute animal lives exclusively in Australia and mainly in eucalyptus forests - if for any other animal eucalyptus leaves are a deadly poison, then koalas are not at all afraid of such a nuisance. The thing is that marsupials are incredibly picky - they know how to choose only those flowers of a plant that are unable to harm health.

Another stereotype that haunts gray animals is the lack of thirst, supposedly even the very name of the animal contains a decoding of the popular opinion, from the language of the natives, the word “koala” is translated as “non-drinker”. In reality, koalas, although infrequently, still drink water.

Meerkat (Suricat)

Meerkats can seem like real alarmists. Still would! As soon as these animals hear the slightest sound, they immediately rise on their hind legs, stretch out into line and control the space. Meerkats are indeed extremely vigilant, for their caution they even received the joking title of "sentinels of the desert."

The little people live in South Africa, mainly in the desert, since their small stature, coupled with nervousness, does not allow them to enter dense thickets. Among other things, these representatives of the mongoose family have phenomenal vision, which allows them to notice and assess the threat from afar.

By the way, meerkats can live in the desert without any problems not only by sight and permanent alertness, but also by the structure of the eyes - the fact is that the little beauties have a well-developed third eyelid that protects the organs of vision from sand, and around the eye itself there is a dark border that works like sunglasses.

Most simple models origami - muzzles of animals. Even children 3-4 years old can do them. The basis for such crafts is the basic form of origami "triangle". Explaining to children how to make a triangle, you can do without complex geometric terms. We simply fold a “kerchief” (actually a triangle) from a “handkerchief” (square). The muzzles folded from paper very vaguely resemble those animals that we make. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally decorate them - draw eyes, nose, mouth, etc. with felt-tip pens. If you are working with older children, then you can not draw details, but make an application.

Having made such faces, you can put them in an origami tower, send them on a journey on a fun train, make finger puppets or arrange a table paper theater.

Origami animal faces: cat.

Let's bend our triangle in half, outlining the center line. Then we unfold it again.

Let's flip the figure. Bend back the triangle at the top of the muzzle.

It remains to draw the details.

Origami animal faces: dog.

Let's add the basic shape "triangle".

Bend and then unfold the triangle, marking the center line.

Focusing on the center line, at an arbitrary angle, bend down the sides of the triangle, as shown in the photo.

Bend back the triangles from the bottom and top of the muzzle.

It remains to draw eyes and a nose with a felt-tip pen.

Origami animal faces: fox and wolf.

At an arbitrary angle, bend the edges from the center of the triangle upwards, as shown in the photo.

Let's flip the figure. The muzzle of the fox is ready. It remains only to draw the details.

The muzzle of an origami wolf is done in the same way, but from gray paper.

Origami animal faces: mouse and bear.

Now let's make the faces more complicated. Children 3-4 years old are unlikely to cope with these muzzles. But for 5-6 years just right.

Let's add the basic shape "triangle".

Let's fold the triangle in half.

Let's expand the triangle. Bend the corner as shown in the figure from the center of the figure (we marked the center in the previous step)

Let's bend the corner in the opposite direction. This is a mouse ear.

We will do the same for the second ear.

Let's flip the figure. Bend the triangle at the top of the muzzle back, as shown in the figure.

Fold back the corners of the mouse ears to make them more rounded. You can use scissors for this and round the ears.

Let's draw a muzzle.

The bear is made in almost the same way as the mouse. But we make the bear’s ears smaller (we cut them with scissors) and bend the triangle from below, forming a heavy bear jaw.

Origami animal faces: hare and frog.

Let's create a basic triangle shape.

Bend the triangle in half and straighten, outlining the center.

Fold the base of the triangle up.

Bend the small triangle at the top of the figure down.

Bend the bottom edges of the figure up, combining them with the center line.

Let's flip the figure. The muzzle of a hare from origami is ready.

Color the muzzle with felt-tip pens.

The frog is made in the same way as the hare. But you need to cut and round off the “ears” with scissors so that we get eyes. And from the bottom of the muzzle, we bend the triangle back - the muzzle will become more round.

It is very important for a cartoonist to be able to draw a face and facial expressions. But your knowledge will not be complete if you cannot draw huge world animals in all its diversity - these are fish, birds, domestic animals, wild animals - each animal with its own unique characteristics. Therefore, in this lesson we will learn how to draw cartoon animals.

1. Building the foundation

The cartoon is very helpful. Children just love watching intricate details human forms in a simple and attractive interpretation. By exaggerating the facial expressions of our characters, we not only entertain them, but also teach them how to deal with the hardships of life. For a child, the world of cartoons would not be complete without animals. TO a cartoonist who lacks the ability to draw various animals on paper is not an artist. Today we are going to change that. We will draw animals using mostly circle..

Let's position the eyes optimally in our first drawing and use them for all of our animals.

See also the lesson "How to draw faces from cartoons" and the lesson "Creating emotions of cartoon characters".

You will see the key elements of animal drawing and also get a few useful tips to modify the original design into something new.

Now we have a template, let's move on to drawing the first animal.

2. Draw a cartoon cat

The face of the cat is quite easy to draw, it is well rounded and follows the shape of our template.

Cool, isn't it? Now let's draw the cat from different angles:

Rules for drawing a cat:

  • Large and pointed ears - slightly separated from each other;
  • Tiny nose - almost glued to the face;
  • Large whiskers (tactile hairs).

Let's see what it takes to make this cat a cat?

We only changed the eyebrows and painted the eyelashes. That's all! Now we have a cat!

3. Draw a cartoon pig

Let's start with the muzzle:

The secret to drawing a pig is drawing the ears and muzzle. The muzzle should have a rounded shape, the chin disappears. The ears are slightly forward, the nose connects directly to the head:

The technique is pretty simple. Consider these features and you will be successful.

Can you make an elephant from a pig? Certainly! Small changes can give life to completely different creatures!

4. Draw a cartoon horse

We use the same template for all animals.

Let's draw a horse. Please note that the horse's skull is thinner, the muzzle is extended forward, the jaw is round with large teeth.

Finishing the corners:

Notice how the mane goes down the neck.

Horses have wide and strong necks, their nostrils protrude upwards, their ears are of the usual size compared to the size of the head.

5. Differences between animals

We drew a cat, there is no less important animal left...

Let's look at the main differences between a dog and a cat:

  • Larger nose that protrudes forward with the jaw;
  • Ears closer friend to friend;
  • Thicker eyebrows;
  • Less round face;

The length of the dog's ears can vary depending on the breed: the ears can fall on the muzzle or point upwards.

Drawing various breeds dogs can take all day. Unlike cats, dog breeds are quite different from each other.

Birds also have differences between their species:

The head of the chicken is round, the eagle and the parrot are flat-headed.

Well, now it's time for you to try it. Try to redraw the animals that were drawn above as many times as necessary until you can do it easily and simply. After that, you can draw other animals. Remember to note the features of each animal and try to reproduce them on paper:

6. Lights, camera... motor!

Animal bodies are very flexible. It is not at all necessary to know the anatomy of an animal in order to draw it in motion. It is enough just to highlight the main directions and understand how the body works in motion.

Learn to simplify the shapes of the animal you are drawing, but make sure that the position of the most important body structures, such as the neck, hips, tail, and limbs, is correct.

The size of the limbs of cats differ depending on the animal.

Note that lions and tigers are strong. In the lower right corner we have an example of a cartoon lion head.

Once you understand how animals move, you can play with them! In cartoon style, you can even combine the body of an animal with a human. This is a very interesting technique. Try to put the quadruped on two legs.

Notice how the sketch changes depending on the anatomical structure character: everything is based on rounded shapes.

7. Ungulates in motion

Let's take a look at the anatomy of a horse and check out the main differences:

The front legs of a horse have a slight difference from other animals: in them they look like human legs (with a knee), while in a cat and a dog they look like elbows (curved in the opposite direction).

All ungulates follow the same pattern as the horse, regardless of size or shape:

Not always though:

Actually, the anatomy is not that complicated.

So many animals in a short time!

Now you have the knowledge needed to draw almost all animals! Of course, the search doesn't stop there. Watch how animals behave in real life. Watch the Discovery Channel, make your own video and improve your animal drawing skills.

Animals have feelings and should be treated with respect, love and care. Whether in cartoons or in real life. Remember that pets are part of the family.

Translation - Duty.

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