Everything that is done is for the better. Whatever is done, everything is for the better

Whatever is done is for the better!!!

But the Russian proverb is right!!! Everything that is done is for the better!

There are no wrong directions in life. Any path leads you to your goal. And if now you understand within yourself that you are doing the wrong thing, that this is not something, not YOURS, someone else’s - in fact, this is not so... You are moving exactly where you need to go! But only if you really do something, and don’t sit still and expect something from life - a miracle, a chance, an opportunity, but you don’t lift a finger.

Any action takes you where you need to go. Even if you don’t see and don’t understand where and why now. And it doesn't really matter. What is important is moving forward.

Now why is this so? In fact, any action you take develops you and embeds a bunch of knowledge and skills - the skill of setting and achieving goals, decision-making skills, the ability to get along and negotiate with people, the ability to overcome failures, and so on. Even if you are currently doing something you don’t like, you still develop it all within yourself. Whatever you do, you learn to understand yourself, you grow personally, you improve yourself...

For what??? So that when the moment comes, use these skills to achieve YOUR GOAL. Everyone knows the expression - when the student is ready, the teacher comes. The same goes for YOUR goal. When you become ready for its implementation, the opportunity for this comes to you. But if you don’t do anything, don’t move anywhere, don’t develop, just do the same thing - this opportunity will never appear, which means you will never achieve your goal. And you will never live the way you want.

Here's a real example - Steve Jobs, creator of Apple. While still a student, he enrolled in calligraphy courses, which were in no way connected with anything. I just signed up - I wanted to. It would seem why and for what? But then this knowledge was put into the computer font system and now the whole world uses these fonts, information about which Steve Jobs received in calligraphy courses. But for you, the conclusion is simple - Any path leads you to your goal.

If you need more examples, read biographies successful people. They all went bankrupt, did the wrong thing, but in the end they came to an understanding of their goals with the necessary skills and knowledge and made a sharp leap forward. So wherever you are now, whatever you are doing, you are preparing to achieve your goal. Even if you don’t yet see it on the horizon and have no idea what this goal is... This understanding will definitely come!

But it will come only to those who move forward, act and develop! Instead of complaining about life, the government and employers and sitting on TV or on social media. networks - this way you definitely won’t find your target. So today you have added a solid plus to your motivation! Take action! Now you know that any path leads you to your goal!

Updated 01 Dec 2013. Created 25 Nov 2012

Once upon a time there was a king, and he had an adviser who had great faith in God. No matter what happened, the adviser always repeated:

“Everything that is done is for the better.” God arranges everything very well and wisely: if we get something, it’s good, if we don’t, it’s even better.

When the king did not succeed in something he had planned, the adviser said:

- It's for the best!

At such moments, the king did not really like to listen to this:

“It can’t be that if something bad happens and we fail, then it’s all for our good.”

One day they were walking in the forest, and unnoticed, while talking, they went deeper into the thicket. The king began to look for a path and stepped on a thorn very poisonous plant. The adviser, without hesitation, pulled out a dagger and instantly cut off the king’s toe, into which this thorn had dug, saying at the same time:

- How well God arranged everything!

The king became furious:

“You cut off my finger, how can that be good?”

The advisor replied:

“If I had not cut off the finger, the poison would have spread throughout the body and you would have died.”

These words did not reassure the king, and he drove the adviser away, saying that he did not want to see or hear him anymore.

Continuing the road alone, the king tried to get out of the thicket. But to his misfortune, in this place and at this time, one very cruel tribe of savages was holding a holiday, for which they just lacked a suitable victim. The king was captured and led to the sacrificial altar. The savages began to prepare for the ritual. But suddenly, unexpectedly for the king, they let him go, emitting dissatisfied cries: the victim turned out to be handicapped, she was missing one toe.

Frightened, but alive, the king reached the palace and immediately called an adviser to him. Having given him generous gifts, the king asked:

“You said wise things, and in the end everything turned out very well, but explain what was good about the fact that I drove you away in the forest then?”

To which the adviser replied:

“It was very good, king, that you drove me away: if I had stayed with you, the savages would have let you go, but would have left me.”

From then on, the king also began to believe in the wisdom of the divine plan.

Nothing surprising happens on Earth - all events go according to the divine plan. When a person's actions are fully consistent with God's plan, a person is united with Him, and success awaits his work, even if at first it seems that the whole world is against it and nothing is going well. In the end, everything will be as God wants. If a person resists this, he creates difficulties for himself.

God has a plan for every soul. Nobody knows what will happen in ten years - in which direction life will turn, and what will happen is important. The main thing is to remember that God has the best plan for you. You shouldn’t be sad if difficulties arise, or ask God dissatisfied: "Why are you doing this?". Everything is changing on this planet. By the grace of God, a fool can become smart, and a poor person can become rich, misfortune can turn into success and vice versa. God's plan is always perfect for every person. According to His plan, everything happens on time and beautifully.


Personally, I believe that you should always look for a share of positivity and joy in everything. Not always, what seems terribly scary, offensive and unfair to us is so. Yes, in all cases there are exceptions. But there is no point in focusing only on the fact that everything is “bad” and “wrong.” In life, everyone goes through their own lessons. And there is no need to be afraid of them and run away from them. Sometimes they hit us painfully, but all this is lived through, carried through the soul and heart and thoughts, and comes out at the right time with conclusions already made and acceptance of the situation. There is no need to write out the scenario of events in your head in advance - everything will still turn out in a negative way. We are always ready to think about the worst. We don't know how to think about the best.

The same “problem” is experienced by an individual in his own way; no one decides, except ourselves, how exactly we will overcome the barrier that has formed. And no one will decide for us how to accept the current “not like that” situation. What happens to you happens only to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, see what you see, and understand it the way you understand it. Making mistakes is not scary. After all, you will know that you tried, you were able or were able to overcome the fear of mistakes. If you want to live without the burden of problems, grievances and missed opportunities - everything is in your hands, don’t listen to anyone but yourself.

We will never know everything in advance. Yes, and there is no need for this. Create and create your life yourself, with your positive thoughts and cherished desires! Positive attitude and desire are the main engines of all processes!

And.. everything that is done and done is all for the better. The best is inevitable! ;)

Every person has heard at least once in his life: “Everything that is done is done for the better.” Or in this version: “Everything God does is for the best.” People usually hear this phrase from their mothers or grandmothers as children, but they do not think about the truth of this statement. They remember, and so their relationship with this folk wisdom ends, or, rather, is interrupted exactly until the time when they have to independently enter the battlefield with life. And then they will be able to answer the question of how God suits human life for the better. In the meantime, as modern children grow up, we will look at the interpretation of the phrase “Everything that is done is done for the better” in various philosophical and religious traditions.


Why are Christians convinced that God does everything for the better? Because, from the point of view of believers, everything in life is either a reward or a punishment (test). God tests man with punishment, and God's servant becomes better. Therefore, one way or another, everything that is done is done for the better. If a person believes in God, then in any case he wins: happiness falls on him - he enjoys life, he suffers - he becomes better, morally purer and generally closer to the Lord.

Indeed, what could be desperately bad in earthly life if it is only a prelude to heavenly life? Everything plays into a person’s hands in one way or another. Therefore, one can even say: “Everything that is done leads to the better.” Yes, but this opinion had objections, first of all, from common sense. Voltaire spoke on his behalf.

Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

The 18th century French philosopher wrote the book Candide, or Optimism. In this absolutely beautiful and infinitely wonderful work, Voltaire ridicules, among other things, metaphysics, especially the optimism of Leibniz, the quintessence of which can be considered famous quote: “Everything is for the best in this best of all worlds.” In the philosophical story of the French philosopher, there are two main characters - Candide and his teacher Pangloss. The story is structured in such a way that many adventures and trials fall on the heroes, but Pangloss never loses heart and constantly repeats: “Everything is for the better.” He says this even when he is left without an eye as a result of misadventures.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

Voltaire died in France, 10 years later A. Schopenhauer was born, and, strangely, he also did not like Leibniz and his “rosy” optimism. And in revenge he came up with his own aphorism: “This world is the worst of all possible worlds” - implying that everything here is changing only for the worse. Why is that? Because reality, according to the German philosopher, is controlled by the evil and ruthless World Will, its task is only one - to reproduce in human beings and thus exist forever.

In the world of A. Schopenhauer, existence has only one content - suffering. A person is locked in it, he is a prisoner of life. Tragedy human existence is that it is not followed by any otherworldly continuation. The life task of a person is interpreted by A. Schopenhauer as an awareness of one’s slavery to being and the adoption of a decision on the purposeful destruction of the will to live (another name for the World Will). Based on this, Schopenhauer had a favorable attitude towards both suicide and mortification, because the weaker the human body, the less will to live it has. The ideal death for the hero of philosophy A. Schopenhauer would be death from hunger in utter poverty. So it goes.

The reader will probably be interested to know how the venerable Mr. Philosopher himself lived. There is no need to worry about him, he lived well: he ate well, slept well. He was very careful about his health and, according to A. Camus (French philosopher of the 20th century), A. Schopenhauer could talk about suicide while sitting at the dinner table.

When the first irrationalist was asked why he did not follow his own instructions, he replied that sometimes a person’s spiritual fervor is only enough to show the path, but he no longer has the strength to follow it. A witty answer, no doubt about it. This is how Schopenhauer invented an alternative folk wisdom, which says: “Everything that is done is done for the better.”

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 - 1980)

It's time to show your cards. Behind the formulation examined here lies ordinary fatalism. Even those who are not particularly keen on philosophy know this term. Fatalism means the predetermination of everything that happens to a person in the world. Accordingly, such a worldview forms a person submissive to fate. It is this type of person who believes that everything is done for the better.

Fatalists are opposed by voluntarists. The latter believe that there is no predetermination, everything depends on the willpower of a person (hence the name). Existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre belonged to precisely such people. He simply could not believe that God does everything for the better, since in his worldview system God died. The death of the Almighty happened already in the 19th century, Nietzsche announced it.

J.-P. Sartre argued that there is no predetermination in man. He is completely responsible for himself, he is his own personal “project”, and there is no one above him. higher powers. He's the only one. God, according to Sartre, did not die without a trace and not painlessly for man. As an inheritance to his son, the Almighty left a “hole in the soul”, which a person will have to fill during his life and thereby become successful.


Let's take a break from the West and turn to the East. For Buddha, there was only one predetermination - this is the dependence of a person on his actions. An ordinary person lives in samsara, i.e. in a constant cycle of birth and death. We remind you that, according to Buddhism, a person is reborn again and again until he reaches nirvana (from Sanskrit - “extinction”) - liberation from the endless circle of rebirths and, accordingly, the suffering associated with them.

The existing world is filled with suffering. And, in principle, nothing good awaits a person if he does not realize the truth that life is suffering, this is the first step towards liberation. Then we should learn other “noble truths”: the desire to live gives rise to suffering; it is possible to achieve a state of complete indifference to what is happening - this is called nirvana; The middle road leads to nirvana, which runs between asceticism (mortification of the flesh) and hedonism (the desire for constant and unbridled pleasure). Thus, if the Buddha said that everything that is not done is done for the better, his quotes could sound like this: “You will achieve nirvana only if you realize: life is suffering, you need to give up your desires and take the middle path.” ; “If you are already on the path of enlightenment, then everything is for the best.”

Is it worth blindly submitting to fate, God or chance (God-Chance)?

The Buddhist “middle way” can quite easily be applied to Everyday life. Fatalism and voluntarism are facets of life. Everyone chooses for himself who he is - a puppet in the hands of higher powers or a creature endowed with will and capable of deciding his own destiny and being its master.

Fatalism is quite suitable for someone who does not want to decide anything, but prefers to go with the flow, and he can say: “Everything God does is for the best.” True, fatalism can be different; it can express a certain thinking after the fact. For example, a person struggled with fate all his life, and then submitted to it, and he considers his entire life path as the fulfillment of the highest predestination.

Voluntarism, on the contrary, is for those who do not want to surrender to the mercy of God or fate.

Thus, depending on the choice of the side in this dispute, a person decides for himself whether the statement placed in the title of the article is true or not.

A small bonus for readers who do not know Latin, but would like to show off some expression. So, the phrase “whatever is not done is done for the better” in Latin sounds like this: Omne quod fit, fit in melius.

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