Recognize the snake. All nature lovers should know how to distinguish a snake from a viper. How to distinguish a viper from a snake

How, during a hike from Subbotikha to Sidorovka, we met a small snake on a recently graded road, which Anton almost stepped on. It's time to show these photos, it's not for nothing that I gave the snake a whole photo shoot.

Snakes differ from other snakes in their "yellow ears" - pronounced markings on the head, often yellow, but sometimes white and orange.

An external distinctive, visible from afar sign of an ordinary grass snake is two light spots symmetrically located in the back of the head. Sometimes these spots are blurred or even absent. The general coloration of the dorsal side of the body can vary from completely black to light gray and olive with or without dark spots and stripes. The ventral side is painted in whitish, gray and blackish tones.

On the gray-olive or brown-black back there are dark staggered spots, a mesh pattern and light (white, lemon or orange-yellow) neck spots.

Already - one of the most common snakes of the Palearctic: the range extends from England, southern Fennoscandia to northwestern Africa, Asia Minor, Transbaikalia and northern China. The territory of the Volga-Kama region is almost completely covered by the boundaries of the distribution of the species. The exception is the Perm region, within which the common snake is currently not found north of Perm.

The common snake is usually found in rather humid places (along the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, in coastal reeds, in floodplain meadows, in ravines, vegetable gardens and gardens, in swamps and in damp places near springs). Swims and dives well. Under water is able to swim considerable distances. Often it can be seen near human habitation: in sheds and heaps of garbage, crevices of wooden buildings, haystacks, in basements and under the porches of country houses. Such conditions are similar to natural ones, where he settles, using voids under stones, tree roots, rodent burrows as shelters. Sometimes it also comes across in gardens and orchards, forested areas of large cities.

Already well tamed and endures captivity. In Ukraine and Belarus, there are frequent cases of domestication of snakes (for the destruction of mice).

Already non-aggressive. Fleeing from enemies or taking a defensive posture, folding the body in a zigzag, hissing and “flattening” the cervical region, rhythmically twitches the tip of the tail. The caught one already actively defends itself at first: hisses and throws its head forward, which has a frightening effect on many enemies. If this does not help, seized by a predator or taken into hands, it usually secretes a thick, unpleasantly smelling liquid from the cloacal glands and pretends to be dead, completely relaxing the muscles. Disgusting and pungent, but unstable, the smell of this liquid discourages the appetite of four-legged predators. It rarely bites. For humans, the bite does not pose any danger.

In the video below, you can see how the snake uses this method of protection. And he tries to scare, Blowing and inflating his body.

The smell protection also worked - for a long time my hands smelled not very pleasant, after I dragged the snake by the tail a little. The smell is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of slightly rotten jerky. This note is in the smell dried fish or, for example, formalized biologics.

By the way, you might have noticed how small this particular snake is; against its background, a hand in a household glove seems simply gigantic.

already active in daytime days, usually hunts in the morning and evening hours. It feeds mainly on lake frogs (in a number of places, a high number of snake populations is associated with their abundance), as well as toads, tadpoles and fish fry, lizards, songbird chicks, small mammals and fish, swallowing them alive, without prior killing. As a result of this, the swallowed prey remains alive for some time in the stomach of the snake. The process of swallowing prey can take several hours. Swallowing the prey begins with the orientation of its head to the mouth, even if at first he grabs the prey by the limb, then he gradually tries to intercept it by the side, and then by the head. For a long time (up to 420 days) it is already able to do without food. IN stressful condition regurgitates swallowed prey.

Caught near the water, when the path to land shelters is closed, the common one already swims away or dives. If it is impossible to hide, he freezes and, if not frightened, can remain motionless for up to several minutes.

April-May starts mating season. In July - August, female snakes are looking for where to lay their eggs: in wet and warm places. Heaps of humus, old straw, fallen leaves are ideal for this, damp moss, rotten stumps and mouse holes are also suitable. In October - November they crawl into various holes and cracks in the ground, where they hibernate.

Mating takes place in April-May. During this period, they form clusters of several dozen individuals (“nuptial balls”), consisting of one female and about 20 males. Eggs measuring 12 - 20 x 20 - 30 mm are laid in July - August in rotten stumps, heaps of leaves, peat, manure. The volume of clutches varies from 4 to 50 (rarely up to 105) eggs. One female up to 70 cm long normally lays 6-16 eggs, individuals from 0.7 to 1.0 m long - 12-21 eggs, and more than 1 m - usually up to 35 eggs. Sometimes there are so-called collective clutches, when several females lay up to 3000 eggs in the most favorable parts of the biotope. The eggs laid in them are covered with a sticky protein, as a result of which they stick to each other and surrounding objects. "Glued" dense masonry is better preserved due to the reduction of moisture loss in it. Young individuals reach a length of 11 - 26 cm and a weight of 7 - 8 g. Sexual maturity occurs in the third - fourth year of life.

Common snake is found in the food of at least 13 species of mammals, 25 species of birds, 3 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians and 2 species of fish in the Volga-Kama region. So, ants and ground beetles attack supper eggs; hedgehogs and a gray rat eat juveniles and eggs of an ordinary grass snake; fox, raccoon dog, weasel, mink, polecat, pine marten, badger, wild boar also eat adults; White and black storks, gray herons, kestrel, harriers, kites, white-tailed eagles, greater and lesser spotted eagles, buzzard, short-toed eagle, osprey, eagle owl, tawny owl, some species of thrushes, magpies prey on snakes; steppe viper, copperhead, spindle, green frogs, common toad eat snake; there are finds of snakes in the digestive tract of the pike.

Of the factors of anthropogenic origin, large-scale transformations of landscapes have the strongest negative impact on populations of the species: in countryside- reduction of natural vegetation, reclamation measures leading to a decrease in the humidity of biocenoses, in urbanized areas - continuous building. Also, a significant death of snakes is observed during the period of migration on roads.

There is a wonderful article about the snake in the magazine "Around the World" No. 6 for June 2009: "The kindest snake" with photographs by Nikolai Shpilenok. Highly recommend.

With the onset of spring, a person tired of the winter cold is drawn to nature - to walk along forest paths, breathe in invigorating Fresh air, fry a barbecue with friends at the vending edge of a birch grove. But what would positive emotions overwhelmed you, be careful - a snake can hide in the grass.

In our forests, mainly snakes and vipers are found - the first are harmless, the second are poisonous, it is better to stay away from them, so before the spring-summer season, it's a good idea to learn how to distinguish these reptiles from each other.

How to distinguish a snake from a viper by the shape of the head

While walking through the forest, did you encounter an unknown snake? Stop and take a look:

  • bright orange or white markings are visible on the oval head, the eyes are round, the pupil is bordered by a light iris - that's it;
  • the head is triangular, similar to the tip of a spear, in the upper part of which one can see dark brow ridges. Fiery red eyes with a vertical pupil - in front of you is a viper.

How to distinguish snake from viper by color

The color of the skin will also tell you which animal you have met.

  • In a poisonous snake, a zigzag pattern runs along the body of triangles, which turns into stripes on the back, and the skin has a gray, blue, brown or black tint.

  • It is already covered with a longitudinal pattern with spots and specks, and the main color of the reptile is black-brown.

How to distinguish snake from viper in body shape

It happens that the snake has disguised itself between the stones, and it is completely difficult to see it, but also from certain parts of the body, you can understand which individual has taken refuge nearby.

  • A long elongated body, smoothly turning into a sharp tail, suggests that this is already.

  • The snake is small, no more than 75 cm in length, the transition from the body to the blunt tail is obvious - a viper.

  • Even if you have determined that you have already hidden, do not pull it with a twig and do not pick it up - the snake, defending itself, can bite painfully or shoot you with a fetid liquid, which will take a long time to wash off.

How to distinguish a water snake from a viper

The water snake is confused with the viper because of the checkerboard pattern of the skin, similar to the triangular ornament of a poisonous reptile and the absence of bright ears. But it is easy to distinguish the snake - it has an abdomen with yellowish rectangular spots, and marks in the form of the Latin letter V clearly appear on the head.

The viper does not try to attack a person, and its hiss is not a battle cry, but a warning. If the bite could not be avoided, use our recommendations for first aid:

  • lay the bitten head below the level of the body to avoid disruption of the brain;
  • suck the poison out of the wound (it looks like two bleeding points) for a quarter of an hour, periodically spitting out saliva. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with water;
  • treat the sore spot with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage. Give the victim sweet tea to drink, give an allergy pill and take him to the nearest first-aid post for an antidote.

Instead of an afterword: during outdoor recreation, be careful not to step on or sit on a dozing viper. If you notice a snake from afar, do not approach it - go your own way and your health will not suffer.

The hot season is always marked by trips to nature. People are in a hurry to escape away from the stuffy metropolis, closer to nature, so that at least a couple of sunny days can take a break from the bustle of work. But in the forest, near the river and even in the country, danger in the form of a poisonous viper can await. There are quite an impressive number of snakes on the territory of Russia, and not all people can distinguish a dangerous viper from a completely harmless snake. It is these two snakes that are most common and can wait for an unsuspecting person resting in nature under stones, in bushes and even in water.

It is very important to be able to distinguish a poisonous viper from a snake, so as not to inadvertently collide with a dangerous creeping creature.

How to distinguish a snake from a viper: the main differences

Surely most people know that snakes can be identified by a characteristic orange stripe, but not all reptiles have this distinguishing feature, some varieties of snakes are incredibly difficult to distinguish from a viper, since they not only lack distinguishing feature, but also color is almost the same.

In fact, these 2 species of reptiles have much less similarities than differences, and therefore, knowing the most significant of them, one can recognize a poisonous creeping creature. So, the main differences between the viper and snake can be found below.

head shape

Perhaps, just for the shape of the head It is worth immediately paying attention when looking at a snake. The snake has an oval or egg-shaped head, but the vipers have a spear-shaped or triangular head. In addition, poisonous reptiles have the so-called brow ridges, which are quite pronounced and easy to notice. But if you are already very angry, you can also see these arcs in him and it is almost impossible to distinguish him from a viper.

It is far from always that a person has the opportunity to carefully consider the shape of the head of a snake that suddenly appeared near him, but, as a rule, it is on the head that a person pays attention in the first place.

The pupil of the eye

Despite a large number of differences between these two reptiles, distinguish snakes in combat state from a viper it can be quite difficult, and sometimes a person simply does not have the opportunity to look at a potential enemy. But if a person still has good eyesight and he has the opportunity to examine the snake closer, then you should pay attention to the pupil of her eye.

The pupil of vipers is visually similar to a thin stick located across the body, and the eyes of a snake look like a cat's or they round shape. In addition, the snake has an iris that matches the color of its body color. The vision of these non-poisonous reptiles is excellent and thanks to it they are looking for food for themselves, and the visual organs themselves are enlarged and instantly react to moving objects.

The shape of the head shields

Another difference between snakes harmless to humans and dangerous vipers - this is the shape of the shields. In non-venomous snakes, they big size And correct form, symmetrically located and covering the main part of the head. At poisonous vipers there are 3 shields of non-standard shape and small size. They are located on the crown in front, and then the scales of the body follow.

From a distance, these shields are quite difficult to see, but at close range they will immediately catch your eye.

Drawing on the back and head

Most people try to distinguish non-venomous snake from poisonous with her color. But this method is the most unreliable, since there are a significant number of reptiles with a dark color and characteristic spots or zigzags on the body.

To carefully see the pattern on the snake's body, you need to get close enough to it, which is very unsafe. The snakes on the body do not have a pattern in the form of a zigzag, but the viper has characteristic triangles on its back that fold into a strip. In non-poisonous reptiles, the pattern on the body consists of spots or specks and is always striking.

Nevertheless, there are several varieties of snakes, the pattern on the body of which is very easy to confuse with the color of the viper. So, for example, viper snake has a zigzag pattern, like vipers, and the back and head of the water snake are decorated with specks arranged in a checkerboard pattern, which at a distance are very similar to zigzags. Therefore, you should not rely only on the color of the reptile, otherwise you can easily confuse the viper snake with a poisonous creeping creature.

The color of the snakes is quite diverse. Among them there are reptiles with a brown, brownish, olive and even black color. Many non-venomous snakes can also imitate venomous snakes to scare the intended enemy, and so you need to know all the basic differences in order to distinguish between a snake and a viper.

Body, tail and scale shape

Body of a venomous snake much shorter than non-poisonous. In addition, it is thicker and denser. Vipers also have a sharp transition from the body to the tail, and the tail itself is short. The snakes are much longer and thinner, and their transition is smoother. The tail of non-poisonous reptiles is also thinner and longer. WITH inside the tail color of poisonous snakes is much lighter. Most often, the color is yellowish.

On each scale, all reptiles have a non-standard narrowish elevation - the keel. In vipers, he does not divide the scale in half and leaves it whole, and in snakes it consists of 2 scales. But such characteristic difference it is unlikely to help distinguish between a snake and a viper, since it is impossible to see the scales at a distance. They can be seen if you only take the snake in your hands or kill it and examine the corpse closer.

Coloration of the ventral scutes

In combat conditions, it is quite difficult to distinguish a snake from a viper. To begin with, focus on coloration of ventral scutes, which in poisonous snakes is black or dark gray. The scutes also have characteristic yellowish spots, which are either separate or confluent. Their shape can also be different.

The abdomen of the snake can be conditionally divided into 3 parts. In this case, the upper part will be a light shade, the middle part will be colored, and the lower part will be dark, smoothly turning into black. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to distinguish a water snake from a viper by the color of the shields, since they have white spots on them.

The main distinguishing feature of the viper is its poisonous teeth.

If you are given the opportunity to take a snake in your hands and examine it closely, then you can accurately determine whether it is poisonous. To detect poisonous teeth in a snake, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Press on the sides of the jaw and slightly pull the skin from the head over the neck to open the snake's mouth.
  2. Carefully examine the open mouth for teeth.

If fangs are found, then in no case should they be touched, since even a dead viper for a long time poison persists. A person can be poisoned if he is pricked by a viper's poisonous tooth. Snakes have no poisonous fangs.

How to distinguish a viper from a water snake?

The heat-loving merman is already quite common in the south of Russia and loves to dive, swim in both salty and fresh water. From the scorching sun, he hides under water and therefore he can be met on the river. It is very difficult to distinguish a water snake from a viper, but there are still differences. So, A non-venomous snake can be distinguished from a venomous one by the following features:

  • olive, brown and greenish color, inherent only to water snakes;
  • spots of dark color on the back, arranged in a checkerboard pattern;
  • reddish or yellow belly with black spots.

Harmless snakes and vipers are very similar in appearance. But if snakes are not worth killing, as their numbers are rapidly declining, then vipers need to beware. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between snakes and vipers.

The content of the article:

Every year, around mid-June, snakes come out into the forests and fields. They can be seen not only in the cold evening, but also in the hot time of the day. There are not so many snakes in Russia: the common and water snake, the viper, the copperhead and the yellow-bellied snake.

Already ordinary

The snakes are absolutely safe. Aquatic individuals live only near water bodies. But, like an ordinary one, he can crawl into the garden or just sit in the bushes and in the short grass.

Already water

Copperhead is also safe. But the snake, although not poisonous, is very aggressive. After meeting with him, deep bites may remain, but they are not fatal.

Most dangerous snakes in Russia - vipers. They have a calm nature, but the bite is poisonous and carries great danger. And therefore it is necessary to know how to provide first aid to the victim.

Nikolsky's viper (black viper)

How to distinguish a snake from a viper - the main signs

In fact, the viper and snake have quite a few differences, but an inexperienced nature lover may not be aware of them, which calls into question their safety. Below we will describe all the main differences between these two types of snakes.

The most important and noticeable difference between these snakes is their eyes.

  1. Vipers have vertical pupils that look like a slit in their eyes.
  2. The pupils of snakes are round.

On the left - a viper (vertical pupils), on the right - snake (round pupils)

They do not see snakes very well, but they feel what is happening around them thanks to vibrations.

Vipers have a pair of long movable poisonous fangs, which they show when they hiss in danger and aggression. Non-venomous snakes do not have such teeth, there are only a number of small sharp teeth.

On the left - a viper (two large poisonous fangs), on the right - already (no fangs)

However, you should not rely too much on this factor, since the viper may not immediately show its teeth and push them to a combat position.

The large head of the viper is noticeably different from the rest of the body. It is flat, the end is rounded, sharp in shape.

The head of snakes is smaller than the head of vipers and is not so pronounced. It is rounded, without sharp transitions and smoothly passes into the body.

On the left - the head of a viper, on the right - a snake

Unlike the viper, the common snake often has yellow, orange, or just light "ears" on the sides of the head. But sometimes these spots are not visible: they either merge with the color of the body, or are absent. The water snake does not have these spots, but has a dark V-shaped spot at the transition from the head to the body.

Already with "ears"

Although outwardly these two families of snakes are similar, their color is different.

  • The viper can be brown or brown, black, gray, with a copper or reddish tint. White dots or spots are often visible on its belly. The belly itself is grey, black or brown.

The viper is characterized by a zigzag (sometimes diamond-shaped) pattern on the back along the entire spine, which is usually darker than the main color. But such a zigzag pattern is clearly visible only in young individuals; adults have it, but it does not stand out so much.

Water snakes have a pattern on the back in the form of square spots in a checkerboard pattern. If the snake is dark, these spots are not visible. Such a pattern can be confused with a zigzag in a viper, but if you look closely, these are still separate spots, practically not connected to each other and covering the back not only along the spine, but also over its entire surface.

On the left - a viper (a characteristic zigzag pattern along the spine), on the right - already (specks in a checkerboard pattern along the entire back)

The body of the viper is fuller and shorter than that of the snake. At adult narrow head and narrow tail, in the center of its length it is usually much thicker. The body of the snakes is more “smooth”, no sharp transitions in thickness are visible, the dimensions of the head are approximately equal to the body or slightly smaller.

Vipers are usually 60-70 cm long. The snakes are larger, most often individuals are about a meter, sometimes they reach 2-2.5 m. Often there are small snakes, from 15-20 cm.

On the left - a viper (the head and tail are noticeably narrower than the body), on the right - too (the thickness of the whole body is approximately the same, gradually decreasing towards the tail)

The tip of the tail of a viper sometimes differs in color from the main body and is red, orange and yellow. The viper's tail itself is shorter than that of the snake, and passes sharply from the body. The snake has a long tail, and the transition from its body to the tail is smooth.

On the left - the tail of a viper (short, "triangular"), on the right - the tail of a snake (long, gradually tapering)

  • Viper adapts to almost everything natural conditions. She masters different terrains. It occurs in mountains, wastelands, fields, swamps and meadows, on the banks of reservoirs and rivers.

The viper rarely moves more than 100-150 meters from its shelter. Only during wintering it moves about 2 km to the place where the snake is going to wait out the cold (depressions up to 2-3 meters). Wintering, depending on the climate, falls on the period from October to April.

The viper can live almost anywhere

During a walk in the place where the viper can live, it is met in crevices, in bushes and tall grass, under stumps. Sometimes it is visible on open area when basking in the sun.

  • Common snakes are found in bushes and tall grass next to a swamp or pond. Often they crawl into gardens. The snakes are completely harmless and should not be killed. Often snakes are even tamed for catching mice.

Water snakes live next to ordinary ones, but only if there are large reservoirs or rivers nearby.

Snakes live mostly near bodies of water.


  • Vipers prefer frogs and viviparous lizards. They also eat mice, moles and other rodents. Small vipers can catch worms, butterflies or slugs.
  • Snakes eat amphibians (frogs, toads, tadpoles), small birds and their eggs, eggs of lizards, snakes and other snakes, mice, rats, moles, squirrels, sometimes worms and caterpillars.

Water snakes also feed on fish. Therefore, if a snake eats a fish, then it is most likely a water snake.

Both the viper and the non-aggressive snakes. They attack only when absolutely necessary, when something threatens them, and there is no other choice.

Viper is resting

When meeting a person, snakes usually try to crawl away themselves. But snakes can also bite you or throw your body forward to scare you. Sometimes snakes can curl up into a ball and start hissing, trying to scare the opponent, in this case it is better to just move to a safe distance. The bite of the snake, although it will not be poisonous, will bring pain, so you should not try to throw it away, and, moreover, pick it up - it's quite fast snake, which can attack sharply, but, again, does this only when it sees no other way out.

Several useful video on this topic:

Summary of the above + difference table

  • The most obvious difference is their pupils. In a viper, they are vertical, like in a cat, and in a snake, they are round.
  • The second noticeable difference is the spot of the snake. At ordinary snakes on the side of the head light or yellow spots. Water snakes don't have them, but they do have a v-shaped notch at the end of their head. Vipers have no special spots on their heads.
  • Vipers have a zigzag on their backs, while water snakes have checkered squares.
  • Adders are usually larger than vipers, with the body of the viper being thicker and more flattened, and the tail section short and sharply tapering. Uzha has a smooth body
  • The head of vipers is sharper and very different from the body. In snakes, it is oval and smoothly passes into the body.
  • The coloration of these species is quite diverse and similar. Snakes, unlike vipers, can be olive and emerald.
  • The viper has long venomous fangs, which it bares when threatened or frightened. The snake does not have such fangs, there are only small sharp teeth.
  • Both snakes are non-aggressive. Therefore, when meeting with any of them, you should not panic, but you need to calmly move away.
  • The viper already lives in similar places. They can be found in forests, in fields and even in your garden. The only thing is that snakes love places where there is water nearby.

A table that will help you distinguish snakes from vipers:

What is the difference Viper Already
Vertical pupils Round pupils, iris
triangle shape oval shape
Two poisonous fangs no fangs
pattern on the back Zigzag Squares in a checkerboard pattern for water ones, ordinary ones do not have a pattern
Color Black, gray, brown Black, brown, chocolate, reddish, gray and olive
Narrow at the head and tail, the main part of the body is much wider. Long, proportional, head about the same size as the body
Length with tail No more than 60-70 cm. Can reach 2 meters, more often - no more than 1
short and dumb Long and thin
Everywhere Near water

Since both species of these snakes do not show aggression towards humans, all that needs to be done is to leave them alone. You should not scream, stomp your foot near them, try to pry them with a stick and do other actions, hoping that the snake will get scared and just crawl away. Perhaps it will be so, and it is possible that the snake will begin to defend itself, respectively, to attack its offender. A snake can jump half a meter, and crawl along a stick and sting in a split second.

It is better to carefully, without making sudden movements, slowly step back. At the same time, you should not block the path for the snake to retreat, otherwise it may regard this as a danger.

Even if the snake has taken a threatening stance, hisses, makes attacks, the instructions for action are the same - just gently, without turning your back to the snake, retreat. At the same time, you should not stretch your arms forward, put a stick or some other defense tool in front of you, it is better to keep it in your lowered hand, otherwise the snake will think that you are going to attack.

Even a hissing, irritated viper in a fighting pose will not attack a person if he does not provoke her - he will not throw stones at her, poke with sticks, try to scare, etc.

It is not always possible to avoid a collision with a viper (for example, you can simply accidentally step on it), and distinguish it from a snake. Knowing first aid can save lives for you and others.

viper bite

First you need to make sure that you were bitten by poisonous snake. Symptoms:

  • Itching and burning at the site of the bite;
  • possible blood at the site of the bite;
  • swelling and redness;
  • possible increased heart rate and respiration;
  • numbness, muscle weakness and headache.


You can not suck the poison out of the wound. This can introduce bacteria into the wound. In addition, poison through wounds and mucous membranes can enter the body of the rescuer.

Urgent Care:

  1. Move the victim away from the snake.
  2. Put him in a horizontal position and calm him down.
  3. summon ambulance. Number: 112.
  4. Remove jewelry and anything that compresses the limb.
  5. (100%) 7 votes

In the spring, nature and living creatures wake up, which slept all winter. People also flock to the forests to relax and enjoy the forest. Dangers in the form of creeping snakes lie in wait in the forest.

Most often in the forests of Russia there are snakes and vipers, which are similar to each other. And if with one of the snakes, the meeting can go safely, then the other carries a danger in the form of a poisonous bite.

Also, do not forget that often snakes crawl into residential courtyards, personal plots. Before you chase away a snake, you need to find out if it is dangerous and how to distinguish a snake from a poisonous viper.

On the left - already, on the right - a viper.

Differences in the head and eyes

If there was contact between a snake and a person, then the head of the snake can be seen well. Try to see the snake's eyes.

  • The snake has a round pupil, the iris is often visible.
  • The pupil of a viper is vertical (like a cat's).

Head Shape:

  • Already has an oval head, light spots are visible at the end of the head. In the common people - "ears".
  • The head of a viper is triangular, sharp in shape.

On the left - a viper, on the right - already.

Body shape and color

If the snake did not hear you, then the snake's head is most likely not visible. Differences in color and body shape of the snake will help here.

On the left is the tail of a snake, on the right is the tail of a viper.
  • The viper is no more than 70-75 cm long, the tail is short and the transition from body to tail is sharp. The coloring of the viper is dark, with a sinuous pattern on the back. The abdomen is almost always the same color as the rest of the body.
  • The snake is longer, about 1 meter. The body very smoothly passes into a long and thin tail. The color of the snakes is brighter, the belly is bright in color, there are yellow or white-moon spots on the head.

Water snakes have diamonds on their backs and are often confused with vipers. Eyes suggest that this is not a poisonous snake.

Chess drawing of a water snake.

Below is a photo of a viper. Note the zigzag pattern on the back of the snake.


First aid for a snake bite

If you couldn't avoid being bitten by a snake, try to remember what the snake looked like. We remind you: it is no longer poisonous and its bite will pass by itself. The situation is different if the viper has bitten.

The bite of a viper is dangerous and can cause death. Therefore, try to suck out the poison and inject the serum against the viper's venom as soon as possible.

To call an ambulance with cell phone dial 112.

How to suck out poison? If you can reach the wound with your mouth, then suck out the poison with your mouth. They took liquid from the wound into the mouth and spat, and so on for about 15 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth with water.

Make sure that there are no wounds in the mouth when you are about to suck the poison.

The bite site will begin to hurt and swell, with every hour the whole body will swell. Monitor the breath and the state of the bitten so that he remains conscious. Let's have plenty of sweet drinks.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How to distinguish a snake from a viper video

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