How to inject yourself in the thigh. How to inject yourself in the buttock and thigh

There are times when you need to know how to properly inject yourself in the leg. Sometimes there is simply no time to go to the clinic for procedures to receive the injections prescribed by the doctor. And it happens that the condition may suddenly worsen and you will need immediate help for yourself. For example, for joint pain, an injection of Diclofenac (the most accessible and widespread drug) is used. This non-steroidal drug has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Depending on the purpose of treatment, injections are given intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intravenously.

Medicine is injected under the skin when it is necessary for the drug to act on the body gradually.

If an immediate effect is needed, an injection into a vein is given, but this procedure is complex and requires medical training, so it should only be performed by nurses.

Most often, intramuscular injections are made into the shoulder, thigh, and buttock.

You can give the injection yourself intramuscularly.

A suitable injection site is the thigh muscle.

To find a place for an injection, you need to place your hand on your leg so that your fingertips reach your knee. Where the base of the palm lies is a safe place for injection. At the same time, look - large blood vessels should not be visible here. Injections are not given on the back of the leg above the knees. By the way, when you need to administer medicine to small children or weakened, emaciated people, you need to pull the skin into a fold so that the syringe gets into the muscle.

How to give an injection

Wash your hands with soap before giving the injection. Prepare the necessary materials and items:

  • alcohol;
  • cotton swabs or alcohol wipes;
  • disposable syringe (size depends on how much medication is required to be administered);
  • medicine in ampoules.

First you need to shake the ampoule with the drug, then run a file along the tip of the ampoule and break it off. Then draw the medicine into the syringe. Release the air formed in the syringe in the form of bubbles by tapping the syringe. Slowly release a drop of the medicine to see that all the air has come out.

To find the injection site, sit with your knee bent. Then you need to relax the leg muscle. Clean the injection site with alcohol. Taking the syringe in your hand, firmly insert the needle into the muscle to a depth of 1-2 cm. Slowly press the plunger with your thumb. To prevent infection, carefully remove the needle and press a cotton swab moistened with alcohol to the injection site.

Useful tips on how to give an injection in the leg:

  1. To prevent your leg from hurting so much and the same muscle from suffering, give the injection alternately in one leg and then in the other.
  2. Buy imported syringes that have better quality needles.
  3. It is better to throw away used syringes.

Complications after injection

It happens that after an injection into the muscle the leg is taken away. This happens because a nerve has been hit. Usually this goes away on its own. If pain persists for several hours, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

Itching after injection appears because the wounds from the injections begin to heal.

If the skin immediately begins to itch after the injection, then this may be an allergic reaction. In this case, immediately after the medicine enters the bloodstream, a reaction begins in the form of redness of the skin and sudden itching. Then it is better to carry out the procedure in medical institution, but not at home. Any such symptoms should be reported to your doctor or nurse. If the allergy is mild, it will be enough to take an anti-allergy pill, and if it is severe, then the doctor may decide to inject the medicine into a vein.

Sometimes after the injection you feel that your leg is numb. To find out the cause, the doctor may do an ultrasound of the soft tissues.

If the injection was given incorrectly

It is important to know how to give an injection correctly, otherwise you may encounter undesirable effects:

  • hematoma (bruises);
  • infiltrate (compaction or bumps).

A hematoma occurs when the medicine is injected too quickly and the needle damages the blood vessels. These bruises usually do not require special treatment.

When the medicine is not absorbed, an infiltrate forms. Sometimes he worries for a long time, and then an abscess (abscess) may appear on its basis. The reason is the entry of harmful microbes into the body through the injection wound. Signs of infection - the skin turns red, the leg hurts. If this complication occurs, you should consult a doctor who will determine treatment options.

Choosing the wrong injection can damage nerve endings. In this case, injections of B vitamins are usually prescribed.

To avoid complications it is necessary:

  • follow the rules of asepsis;
  • choose the right injection site;
  • use a high-quality syringe with a sharp needle;
  • Follow the injection technique and administer the medicine slowly.

But you can’t always give yourself an injection yourself. So, if you have a heel spur, you need to get an injection in the heel of your foot in a medical facility. But the treatment of this disease is carried out comprehensively. First, ointments and gels are used to relieve inflammation. They are combined with physiotherapeutic procedures. If all means have been tried, and the leg pain does not subside, then a heel spur is blocked using an injection in the heel.

You need to learn how to inject yourself. Only then proceed with this important procedure.

Hello, dear friends and dear blog readers!
Today we will learn how to make intramuscular injections. Usually, at a doctor’s appointment, a person receives a whole range of medical prescriptions, which very often include injections. The question arises - where to make them? Go to the clinic every day, and even wait in line? What kind of treatment is this, it's crazy! Or invite a nurse to your home - such treatment will be expensive.

So it turns out that in all respects, learning to give injections yourself is the best way out of the situation. You will save both time and money! It's good when someone in the family has this skill. Otherwise, treatment will turn into a very big problem.

How to properly give an intramuscular injection to yourself is a task accessible to every person. You need to overcome slight fear and uncertainty, carefully read the instructions, practice, for example, on a soft pillow, and get down to business. Prepare carefully to avoid causing yourself unnecessary pain. I'm sure you will succeed. But let's finally start learning.

What do we need to give injections?

  1. Disposable syringe;
  2. ampoule with medicine;
  3. medical alcohol;
  4. clean cotton wool or sterile alcohol-preserved gauze pads from the pharmacy;
  5. rubber disposable medical gloves. Basically, if you wash your hands with soap, that will be enough.
  6. a clean place on the table and a clean tray where the tools will be placed.

Instructions for intramuscular injection

First you need to decide the question of which place on the body is best to inject: into the buttock or thigh muscles. Everyone has their own preferences. Some people find it easier to get an injection in the buttock. And someone got used to giving an injection into the thigh muscle.

How to choose the right point for an injection in the buttock? You need to mentally divide it into 4 equal parts. The needle should be inserted in the middle of the outer upper quadrant. Then the needle is guaranteed not to hit a bone, nerve or large vessel.

To inject into the femoral area, also mentally divide the anterior outer surface of the thigh into upper, middle and lower parts, starting from the groin fold to the knee. Inject in the middle third of the thigh.

How to prepare a syringe for an injection

Take the disposable syringe, remove the cellophane wrapper and place it on a clean tray for now. Choose a syringe volume larger than the amount of medicine. For example, an ampoule contains 2 ml of solution. Take a syringe with 3 or 5 ml.

Open the ampoule with the medicine. Each package comes with a nail file. Carefully make a notch on the glass, stepping back about 1 cm from the narrow tip of the ampoule. On modern ampoules, the place of the notch is now marked with a white or red dot. After cutting, wrap a piece of cotton wool around the end of the ampoule and break it off.

Carefully place the opened ampoule on the table. Now remove the cap from the needle on the syringe. Lower it to the bottom into the ampoule and pull the plunger so that the medicine is completely transferred into the syringe. After this, hold the syringe vertically with the needle facing up. You will see air accumulated above the medicinal liquid. Press the plunger to release all the air and a few drops of medication. It is strictly forbidden to inject with a syringe that contains air.

Place the prepared syringe on the table so that the needle does not touch any objects! Better put a cap on it.


Stand in front of a mirror, turn sideways so that you can see your buttock. Expose the area you need. Shift your body support to your left leg if you intend to inject on the right. The right side of the body needs to be relaxed.

Use a cotton swab with alcohol to wipe the middle of the upper-outer quadrant of the right buttock. Take the syringe into right hand, bring it to your buttock. Hold the tip of the needle vertical to the buttock and a short distance from the surface of the skin. Whether you get the injection successfully or whether it will be painful and unpleasant depends only on your determination. Calmly and quickly pierce the thickness of the muscle with a needle and insert the needle so that about 1 cm of the needle remains above the skin. This will protect you - your hand may twitch and the needle will break, so there should be a tip above the surface of the skin, by which you pull the needle.

I can reassure you that I have never encountered such a problem in my life, although I have been working as a doctor for many years. I'm sure you'll do the best you can. Now press the plunger all the way and slowly inject the medicine. Quickly remove the needle and press a cotton swab with alcohol to the injection site. Hold it until the bleeding stops. To ensure that the medicine is absorbed well and seals do not form, not only press, but also rotate, crush, and move your finger from side to side.

Watch this video of a young man trying to get an injection into his buttock. He does everything right, except for one thing - he's a little cowardly! Usually, over time, fear passes and confidence appears. But I specifically chose non-pros for the show, so that you could see that the procedure is accessible to everyone. Who else noticed the little flaws in the guy’s actions? Write in the comments


Indeed, some people prefer to inject themselves in the thigh rather than in the buttock. Please choose what you like best. Sit on a chair, bare your thigh, select the desired area and the approximate point where you will insert the needle. Next, proceed in exactly the same way as when injecting into the buttock. Watch this video, it will be clearer.

There are many medications that, when administered subcutaneously, cause pain and bumps. Therefore, the doctor recommends administering such drugs as an injection into the thigh or another part of the body. Through the muscles, the medicine is absorbed faster and completely into the body.

Features of intramuscular injections

Intramuscular injections need to be placed in specific areas of the body. Namely, where the muscle tissue does not have large vessels and nerve trunks. The length of the needle is affected by the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. It is important that when performing an injection, the needle passes through the subcutaneous tissue and penetrates into the thickness of the muscles. If the subcutaneous fat layer is very large, you need to take a 60 millimeter needle, and if it is moderate, 40 millimeters. Intramuscular injections can be given to the gluteal, shoulder and thigh muscles.

Injection into a muscle: which one?

It is known that the most common injections in medicine are intramuscular.
It is the muscles that are the first to be ready to expose themselves to an injection if necessary, the main thing is to know which part of the muscle to choose - so that the injection is less painful and complications are more likely to be avoided.

And if of all types of injections intramuscular ones are the most common, then the most important muscle for injection is the gluteal one.

If in this case the doctor prescribes a course of intramuscular injections (as experts call injections), then, of course, constantly going to the hospital or to the nurse is not the best option. Learning to give injections yourself may be the best solution in such a situation, as you will save not only your time, but also money.

At first glance, it may seem that such a procedure is quite complicated, which not everyone can master, but, in fact, everything is real. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the rules of the procedure in sufficient detail, since the consequences of an incorrectly administered injection can be the most unpleasant, and sometimes even life-threatening.

How to give yourself an injection?

The most painless type of injection, but there are volume restrictions - up to 2 ml. Some people, out of inexperience, believe that this type injections for slow absorption of the drug into the body. But few people know (medics don’t count) that the subcutaneous fat layer has wonderfully branched vessels, and it is precisely for a quick effect on the body that such injections are given. And insulin injections carried out in this way - the best for that confirmation.

There are several parts of the body where it is preferable to give such injections:
The part of the leg from the hip to the knee. Very convenient place for self-injection;
The outer part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is where many of us have had traces of vaccinations since childhood;
Under the shoulder blade. Also to everyone famous place on vaccination;
Under the mouse. More precisely, in its lower part;
Abdomen area. Most of us associate stomach injections with painful rabies injections, of which we had to give ten of them. But this has nothing to do with small and painless injections under the skin.

How to give an injection to a cat at the withers

  1. As with other types of injections, it is necessary to follow the general rules listed above. When you have prepared the medicine in the syringe, you should prepare the cat: distract and fixate it. If you give the injection yourself and the cat’s behavior is calm, then lightly press down the pet with your left forearm, and with the fingers of your left hand you need to form a fold at the site of the subcutaneous injection - take the skin on the withers or knee and pull it up.
  2. We take a syringe in our right hand and make a puncture at the base of the fold. If a subcutaneous injection is made with an insulin syringe, then almost the entire needle is inserted, and if with another syringe, then the needle is inserted 1-2 cm deep. The needle should be inserted parallel to the spine at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. At first you will feel resistance, but as soon as the needle is under the skin, so to speak, “falls through”, the resistance will disappear. Now you can administer the medicine without any additional effort; there is no need to rush.
  4. After administering the medicine, without releasing the skin, carefully remove the needle. Stroke the cat, speak quietly, gently and soothingly.
  5. Be careful when injecting the medicine, for example, if the fur on the skin becomes damp and you do not encounter resistance when inserting the needle, this indicates that you have pierced a fold of skin and the medicine has not reached the right place.

An injection into a vein, unlike an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, essentially consists of two actions. First you pierce the skin, then you pierce the vein. Experienced people - nurses - perform these two operations in one go. It’s not at all a fact that you will be able to do this right away. So you can be mentally prepared to first inject in the arm, and only then feel for a vein there and puncture it. During the injection process, the syringe should be positioned with the cut side up. After the tourniquet is injected, you need to remove it and relax your fist.

You can make sure that you hit the vein by trying to take some blood from it (with a syringe, or simply by releasing the blood). If it goes easily and simply, you are in a vein. If not, then you missed and you need to stab again. Again, if you are not in the vein, a “bump” will begin to inflate when you try to inject the medicine. So all operations should be carried out in good lighting so that any changes are noticeable immediately. As my experience has shown, if something doesn’t work out the first time (and it won’t), then you just need to change the arm/vein and try again. It is clear that without apprenticeship there will be no mastery.

Even for beginners, and for those who put in IVs, it may be useful to start with a “butterfly” instead of a needle. It has a thinner diameter, so it is usually a little easier to prick with it. In addition, it has a tail that can be pinched when hooked from the syringe to the dropper. "Butterfly" can be bought at any pharmacy.

Let's summarize the basic rules:

1) Check with your doctor for instructions on medications, which you should read in their entirety.
2) The first time it wouldn’t be bad if the specialists showed you how and what to do, but then you won’t have to go to them anymore. Free yourself and them.
3) We start by selecting everyone necessary materials, medicines, disinfectants. Only after making sure that everything is assembled do we move on.
4) We ensure sterility. If there is ANY doubt about sterility, we do everything again with new materials.
5) We prepare the medicines (dissolve, open, dilute), then the instruments (syringes, droppers, tubes).
6) Don’t worry - even drug addicts can do all this.) Be reasonable - you need to understand that everything doesn’t always work out perfectly the first time, but this is not a reason to panic. And we carefully monitor the speed of drug administration!
7) Don’t forget to disinfect everything after completing the procedure.
8) We always throw away syringes with CLOSED needle caps (this is the minimum that you can do for society in normal conditions with such a bad kind of garbage).

How to properly perform an intramuscular injection?

  1. It is necessary to use only disposable syringes and needles for intramuscular injections to avoid infection with blood-borne infections (HIV, hepatitis B, C, D). The syringe is unpacked immediately before the injection; the tip is not removed from the needle until the ampoule with the medicine is opened.

The volume of the syringe is selected based on the volume of the drug administered, as well as the injection site - when injecting into the thigh, it is better to use a 2.0-5.0 ml syringe with a thin needle, when injecting into the buttocks - 5.0 ml, and for people with severe subcutaneous -fat layer – 10.0 ml. It is not recommended to inject more than 10 ml of medication into the muscle to avoid the formation of difficult-to-absorbable infiltrates.

  • The injection should be given with clean hands, washed with antibacterial soap or treated with a disinfectant, and in a suitable room. At home, the most suitable places are places where wet cleaning is carried out frequently, or where there are no sources of dust and dirt.
  • It is recommended to give the injection to the patient in a lying position so that the muscles of the buttock or thigh are as relaxed as possible. If you have to do the injection while standing, you need to make sure that the leg that will be injected is not tense. To do this, you need to bend your knee slightly and transfer your body weight to the other leg.
  • Open the ampoule with the medicine and draw it into the syringe. Hold the finished syringe in one hand, and with the other hand, treat the intended injection site within a radius of 5 cm with a piece of cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol.

If you have been prescribed 10 injections and you do them daily, alternate between the right and left side. This is how intramuscular injections should be done. There is nothing complicated about it. Learn and act. Although, it is better not to bring your health to the point of needing treatment. Prevention is always cheaper and more painless for a person. All in your hands.

Anyone can learn to give an intramuscular injection to themselves. Read the instructions, put them into practice, and become a home healer for your loved ones.

I wish everyone well-being and good health, Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya

But it is better to entrust injections to professional medical workers.

How to choose a place for an intramuscular injection? Injection into the muscle: how to choose a place on the buttock. Where to give an injection in the thigh?

Injection into a muscle: which one?

It is known that the most common injections in medicine are intramuscular. It is the muscles that are the first to be ready to expose themselves to an injection if necessary, the main thing is to know which part of the muscle to choose - so that the injection is less painful and complications are more likely to be avoided.

And if of all types of injections intramuscular ones are the most common, then the most important muscle for injection is the gluteal one.

How to divide the buttock into parts for an injection?

Many people know that the best place for intramuscular injection - gluteal muscle. Many people have heard about the outer quadrant, which needs to be pricked. But when it comes to the actual injection, the question of where to insert the needle takes many by surprise.

It's actually simple. We choose the “half-butt”: right or left. Now we mentally divide this half of the buttock into four identical parts. The lower squares are not suitable for injection; from the upper ones, the one that is farthest from the spine is needed. So it turns out: Upper Outer quadrant.

The purpose of these divisions is to get to that part of the muscle where there are the fewest nerve endings and large vessels, there is no bone close to the surface. It is in the upper outer quadrant that the likelihood of hitting the sciatic nerve or gluteal artery is minimal.
In addition, by injecting into the upper outer quadrant, we are most likely to inject into the muscle (if the needle is of sufficient length), and not into the subcutaneous fat layer, and we will insert the needle at a sufficient distance from the bones and spine.

You can read more about intramuscular injections on this page of the Site about syringes and injections

NB: Up to 6 ml can be injected into the gluteal muscle (maximum 10 ml)

Where should I give the injection in the leg?

It is also possible to inject into the thigh muscle.
The safest place is considered to be the middle part of the front thigh.
The most favorable injection site in the thigh muscle should be determined as follows:
you need to place your palm on your thigh so that your fingertips barely touch your knee. The most favorable place for an injection is the base of the palm (like the center of the thigh). Inspect this area of ​​your leg, avoiding large blood vessels that are visible.
Intramuscular injections are not performed in the back leg, below the buttock.

When giving injections to young children and malnourished adults, you should pinch the skin and muscle to ensure that the drug is injected into the muscle.

If you need to inject yourself, it is important to know how to do it easily and painlessly. After all, doctors often prescribe a complex of drugs for treatment, including injections.
And problems do not arise if one of the relatives has a similar skill.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article checked by doctor

Injections under the skin

Injecting the medicine subcutaneously involves placing an injection into the fatty layer located directly under the skin.

First of all, determine the injection site.

Most often, a subcutaneous injection is performed in the following places:

  • in the hand between the elbow and shoulder from behind or from the side;
  • in the anterior abdominal region above the hip and below the ribs, excluding the navel area;
  • into the area of ​​the leg between the knee, thigh and groin.

The process of giving a subcutaneous injection to yourself includes the following steps:

  • wash your hands methodically with soap;
  • wipe the selected area with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab;
  • take a syringe with the drug prepared in advance, remove the cap;
  • gently gather 2.5-5 cm of skin into a fold to increase the thickness of subcutaneous fat and more exact hit substances into the fat layer, and not into the muscle;
  • With a quick movement, insert the needle at an angle of 90 degrees into the entire length of the fold and release the skin;
  • at the same speed, pressing the piston, inject the drug;
  • Apply an alcohol-soaked cotton pad, remove the needle and hold the cotton pad for a while.

Identification procedure

Before administering the medicine, you will need to select a site.

To do this, you need to imagine a cross on the buttock, dividing it into 4 parts.

The injection should be carried out in the upper outer quadrant; here the risk of injury to the sciatic nerve is low.

After identifying the site, you need to follow simple rules giving an injection:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • take a comfortable position standing or lying down;
  • bend your leg to relax the muscle;
  • wipe the injection area with an alcohol-soaked cotton pad;
  • remove the cap from the syringe;
  • insert the needle perpendicularly into the injection area 2/3 of its length;
  • inject the drug by gently pressing on the piston;
  • quickly remove the needle;
  • Press a cotton swab treated with an alcohol solution onto the area.

To avoid lumps, bruises and ensure better absorption of the medicine, you can gently massage and knead the injection site with your fingers.


The procedure is not complicated. The main thing is to overcome uncertainty and follow some rules for giving injections yourself.

Immediately before the process, you should prepare everything you need.

For the procedure you will need:

  • disposable syringe with a volume of 2.5–11 ml, depending on the amount of the drug administered. When choosing a syringe, you should be guided by the injection site. If the substance is administered intramuscularly, you should choose syringes with the longest needles. When injecting subcutaneously, for example into the arm, the needle should be short;
  • ampoule with medicine;
  • alcohol to disinfect the injection area;
  • cotton balls, disks or napkins.
  1. After methodically washing your hands, you need to take the ampoule, treat it with an alcohol solution, shake the contents and file the tip with a special nail file. You should file at a distance of approximately 1 cm from the beginning of the ampoule.
  2. Then wrap the tip with a cotton pad and carefully break it off.
  3. Next, remove the cap from the syringe needle and immerse it to the bottom in the ampoule.
  4. Draw up the medicine and, holding the syringe in a vertical position, tap it with your fingertip. This is necessary so that the air remaining in the container collects in its upper part.
  5. Next, gradually pressing on the piston, you should push the air bubble out of the syringe through the needle and wait until a drop of the drug appears at its tip.
  6. Close the prepared syringe with a cap, set it aside and select places to inject the product.

Medical experts advise giving injections intramuscularly in the buttock. Inject into the arm or thigh, but in the first case, a lack of muscle mass is likely, and in the second, an unpleasant pulling sensation in the leg after the injection.

The part of the body where the injection site is located should be in a relaxed state.

The position when giving the injection should first of all be comfortable. It is recommended to carry out the procedure while standing half-sided towards the mirror, but it is also possible to administer the drug while lying on your side. The main thing is that the surface is hard enough.


Safety regulations

How to give an intramuscular injection, following the necessary safety rules:

  1. The injection site should not have any damage, wounds, or purulent inflammation. If any, it is necessary to determine another injection site.
  2. Mandatory alternation of injection areas to avoid damage to the skin.
  3. Do not reuse a needle or syringe. At the end of the procedure, used instruments should be disposed of.

The most common problem after an intramuscular injection is a hematoma or bruise.

It can occur when small vessels are damaged by a needle or the drug is administered too quickly.

The bruise goes away on its own and does not require additional treatment.

If the medicine injected into the muscle is not completely absorbed, a compaction may form under the skin. Here it is possible to use pharmaceutical ointments to speed up resorption or apply warm compresses.

The most unpleasant complication may be the appearance of an abscess.

It is an abscess that forms when harmful microbes enter the skin at the time of injection. This happens in case of insufficient disinfection of the injection area, hands and non-compliance general rules security.

Signs of this phenomenon are:

  • compaction;
  • redness;
  • throbbing pain.

In such a situation, you should consult a doctor. In this case, you should not touch the sore spot with your hands for the purpose of massage or applying compresses. Therapeutic actions are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. If the problem is advanced, surgical intervention may be required.

Carrying out the procedure for giving injections to yourself generally does not pose any significant difficulties. The main thing is to follow the rules of disinfection, hygiene and the right choice of injection site. But if you have the slightest uncertainty, consult a specialist for the procedure to avoid possible complications.

Procedure for a child

Also, some parents are faced with the question of how to give an intramuscular injection to their child’s buttock.

Almost all children are terrified of any injections and are sensitive to pain, so special preparation is required here.

For intramuscular injections, the baby needs to choose a syringe with the thinnest needle, and before the procedure itself, you can do a light massage of the soft spot. This way the child will feel virtually no pain and will stop feeling fear.

It is best to place the baby on his stomach. It is desirable that the surface is hard. If there is no such place in the house, then you can place it on your lap.

If the child resists, it is better to ask one adult to hold him. If the baby has been restrained, it is necessary to carefully and confidently insert the syringe in the same way as an adult.

You can’t feel sorry for the baby and be distracted by screams. By feeling sorry for the child, you can break the technology, which will lead to unpleasant sensations.

There are several tips on how to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock without outside help. They will help you learn quickly and make the process as painless as possible:

  1. For the procedure, it is advisable to choose modern syringes with a rubber tip on the piston.
  2. The syringe is intended for single use only.
  3. If a course of injections has been prescribed, you should not inject in the same place.
  4. It is advisable to warm up ampoules with oil solutions first in your hands or under running warm water.
  5. After the needle is inserted into the muscle, you need to slightly pull the piston up. If blood enters it, it means that the vessel has been touched. The fix is ​​simple. You just need to deepen the puncture a little.

How to easily inject yourself

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