Alias ​​Party compact version. "alias" board game

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Game Alias ​​Party

The game "Alias ​​Party" is fun entertainment for people who love excitement. The game has captured the hearts of people from all over the world. You can play it at home, outdoors or even in a cafe. Such entertainment will not incur much cost, but will give a lot of impressions. There are plenty of others interesting entertainment for organizing leisure activities, the rules of which can be found in the “Board games for adults” category.

Getting ready for the game

The game "Alias ​​Party" begins with the fact that you need to place a spinning top on the work surface and lay it out special cards. After pronouncing the text, the cards are distributed between groups of players and laid face down on the playing table. Among these cards there are photos for everyone famous people. Celebrity cards include a blank card with the names of some of the participants and mutual friends on it. In this situation, the guessing process becomes more spectacular and emotional.

Everyone who wants to play is grouped into teams, the number of each team varies from 2 people. Having shared, they decide which chip to take and place it on the start sector. The playing field consists of sections numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Each game card contains 8 different words. Next, the following happens: when a chip from one of the teams lands on one or another number, the player explains the word corresponding to the number of the number. During the initial move, the numbers for the words are chosen by the opponents.

First round in the game Alias ​​Party

The rules of the game in “Alias ​​Party” state that the one who was chosen by lot to explain first takes about 15 cards with words. The minute is recorded using a stopwatch. And, within the minute allotted by the rules, it is necessary to skillfully show the maximum number of words under one or another number. Players from other teams are called upon to watch the clock and, if the time limit is violated, say stop. During the guessing process, the whole team is involved; if the correct answer is given, then they move forward along the playing field. The more words a team guesses, the more steps it can take with its chips. Errors are also possible that contribute to the return of the chip in the opposite direction.

What mistakes can be made?

The most common mistake is when, when directly explaining the hidden word, the player repeatedly names words with a similar root. As an example, use the word tea with the word teapot. In such cases, it is better to use synonyms, this helps to guess the riddle word faster.

Another mistake is missing words. Words are skipped when they cannot be explained, so that later when explaining them they can be returned to, but, as a rule, they forget about it.

Now let's get acquainted with the fields in the game

The Alias ​​Party game is played on certain fields, each of which has its own specifics.

So, fields like "party". On a similar field and on certain cards, teams of players will see how tasks are designated. These unique designations are intended to make the gaming party even more exciting and fun. When success overtakes one of the teams, players will have the opportunity to spin the spinning top and receive prizes and points.

The “book” type field encourages players to tell different stories incredible stories. Based on the cards and words received, the team player must come up with and skillfully tell a fascinating story. The trick is that the time is too short, just a minute. It is necessary to use other cards for new stories. If words are missed, then negative points are earned and the participant is deprived of the right to spin the top.

The rules of the Alias ​​Party game say that the point of the position field is to produce an explanation in a certain position. The player takes two cards, on one there is a word, and on the second - the position required for display. The position card must be presented to everyone for review. Take the desired position and explain. You did it - it's great, spin the top.

IN next field under the name “smile”, players will have to show their inclinations acting. Again, the game process takes place with the help of two cards, on one of which a smiley face will be indicated, that is, the player will have to show a word with a certain emotion. You need to not only guess the word, but also convincingly show the hidden smiley face.

And, the most interesting field is called “camera”. Instead of cards with words, the player receives a card with the celebrities mentioned above. He must show them skillfully and engagingly.

As a result, victory goes to the team whose chip reaches the finish line first.

People often forget that life needs to be filled with pleasant experiences, and this website will help with this. Detailed description other board games can be found here.

You can easily find any game or page on our resource. To do this, you need to use it - it is very convenient and understandable.

And now about the rules and course of the game in a little more detail. (I’ll tell you about the version of the game that we usually play; it differs slightly from the manufacturer’s description of the rules, but only slightly. Moreover, this type of game implies that in each company the rules are somewhat transformed to suit the people who constantly play this game)

At the very beginning, everyone is divided into teams (there can be any number of players in a team). Each team chooses a chip and places it at the start. Cards with words lie in the center of the table. The team that will start the game agrees among themselves who will explain the words this time, the rest of the team members will guess. The player pulls out a card, the hourglass turns over, and begins to explain the words (and the order is determined by the explainer himself). For each word his team guesses, the team piece moves one step forward on the playing field. We recommend that players from the other team move the chip at this moment, so as not to distract the person showing and guessing from the process.
But the team only has 1 minute. As soon as the last grain of sand falls, all the other players who until that moment could not guess are included in the game. But a minute has passed and everyone can start guessing. And whichever team guesses the word moves forward on the playing field.
As soon as all the words on the card are guessed, the “round” ends. The turn to show and guess goes to the next team.

When explaining words, it is important to remember that the answer must be exactly as written on the card. For example, if the word “swing-board” is being explained, players must guess exactly that; just saying “swing” is not enough. We can immediately say that we are guessing two words. First he explains the first, and then we move on to the second. (not forgetting to record the first or second part that your team has already guessed). As a result, the team calls the right combination and you can move on to the next word.

You cannot use the same root words. That is, if the word “swing” is on the card, you cannot say “this is what they SWING on.” You can say that “they always have it on playgrounds and fly high on them.” When explaining the word “airplane”, one cannot say that it is a “flying vehicle”, because These words have the same root. For each such mistake-slip, the team piece returns one move back on the playing field.

But you can use antonyms or synonyms. Moreover, you can say “the antonym of the word “big” (if the word is small on the card). If you come across a difficult word, it is better to skip it temporarily and explain it when the time is up, so as not to spend all the time explaining it.

The team that reaches the finish line first wins!

This game includes a game board, rotating game board arrow, hourglass, 6 counters and 400 cards (290 word cards, 96 celebrity cards, 8 smiley cards, 6 position cards)

In this version, players, like in the classic Alias, are divided into teams and must also explain the words on the card. The rules of explanation remain the same - you cannot say words with the same root.

What's special about this version? Let's try to figure it out.

The first difference that catches your eye is the “roulette” on the playing field, as well as the presence of special divisions on the field. If the team’s chip falls on such a division, then “new” cards will be needed, which are not in the classic version.

The red circle is the “Celebrities” field. Draw a card from the celebrity deck. On it you will find 8 names of famous musicians, actors, movie and cartoon characters. Your task is to explain to your teammate who you are talking about by any available means.

Yellow field - emotions. Take the emoji card. Words must be explained according to the usual rules, but at the same time the player must depict the dropped emotion. Examples of emotions: scared, happy, angry, embarrassed, hysterical, etc.

Blue field - pose. Similar to “emotions”: the player draws a card from the position deck and explains the words in the position that came to him. Examples: stand with your back to the team, do squats, slap yourself on the head, do a “swallow”, etc.

White field - tell a story. In this division, the player takes only one card with words and must explain to his team all eight words from this card in a minute, connecting his explanations into one logical story.

If a team successfully completes tasks on “special fields”, then it gets the opportunity to spin the “roulette” and receive an additional number of points (from 1 to 3)

The game can be a great addition to the classic version.

The kit includes:
300 family cards
180 cards for adults
20 task cards
8 chips
playing field

A distinctive feature of this version is that here everyone plays for himself. The game is aimed specifically at family play. There are “adult cards” and “children’s” cards with simpler words. There are also task cards. And also fun penal actions (for example, explaining words while standing on one leg or sneezing)

Before starting to explain the words, the player spins the roulette, which indicates his partner for the round. For each correctly guessed word, both partners move across the playing field.
This version of the game can be called one of the best, since it is truly aimed specifically at family play. If you like to play Say Otherwise with friends, then this version will allow you to play your favorite game with your family at home.

The game includes a playing field, 6 chips different color(in theory there are 6 teams, but if you want more, the chip can be replaced with any small object), an hourglass and 300 cards with pictures and words.

Unlike the adult version of Alias, the children's version has one word and a picture on the cards, which allows even those who cannot read to play the game.

This team game, in which you need to explain to your teammates the words that are shown in the pictures.

Teams must have a minimum of two players, there is no maximum number of teams or players per team.

An ideal game for children's company. If you are traveling with children and want to play on your own for a while, take Alias ​​junior with you - children will be happy to play it separately from adults.

The rules of the game are the same as in the classic version. We wrote in more detail about the progress of the game
As we already mentioned, there are no words on the cards in this game. Letters are written on the cards. Players must form words in three different ways. The number on the field under the team chip indicates how the word should be composed in this case.

Passwords (explained by both players)
Open 5 cards with words and turn over the hourglass. Both players must form a word consisting ONLY of the letters dropped on the cards. A blank card can represent any letter.
When one player makes up a word, his task is to explain it according to classical rules Alias.

Use all three
The player who makes the move reveals three cards and turns over the clock. His task is to come up with a word that includes all these three letters in any order. For example, with the letters OTP, you can guess the word PYTHON
Having come up with a word, the player begins to explain it according to the classical rules. When the word is guessed, the second player reveals three more letters and thinks of a new word to explain.
When time runs out, the team can move their piece across the field by the number of words guessed divided by two

Letter chains
The explaining player takes the deck into his hand. The clock is turned over and the player places two cards with letters on the table, one under the other, in two rows.
These are the first letters of two chains, which the explainer must make as long as possible
First he explains a word starting with one of two letters. When the second player guesses a word, the explainer can take a letter card from the deck and place it next to one of the initial letters, thus continuing the chain. At the same time, he must think of a word starting with these letters
LI - leaf
LIT - literature

There is also a description in the rules additional rules games.

Which game to choose (or maybe several) is up to you to decide. But no matter which one you choose, it will bring a lot of fun to you and your children! I would like to add that this type of game is my favorite, so we have collected several variations of this game and play each one with great pleasure. And, if all the cards have already been studied and the game begins to get a little boring, then great option to diversify it means to start playing in a foreign language.

Board games are not only interesting, but also useful. For example, many of them help expand vocabulary, develop imagination and improve ingenuity. One of these games was the game Alias ! Perhaps not everyone is familiar with this name, but we are sure that everyone knows this game! Some people are used to calling it “Say Otherwise.” The second name lifts the veil of secrecy and allows you to guess what the essence of the game is. The main task of the players is to explain the solved word in other words. In this case, participants can use synonyms or antonyms, help themselves with gestures and facial expressions. A game Alias very useful, because it helps to expand your vocabulary and learn to express your thoughts. Moreover, thanks to Alias you can learn well foreign language, because you can play not only in your native language!

Alias ​​board game includes:

  • folding field;
  • chips;
  • hourglass;
  • cards;

First of all, participants need to divide into teams. Each team must have at least 2 people. Each team receives its own chip and places it at the starting position. Next, you need to select the language in which you will play. Once the choice is made, you can begin!

Each move, one of the team members will explain the words to others, the others' task is to guess. We turn over the hourglass and one of the players reveals the first card! He needs to explain to his colleagues the word under the number on which the team chip is located. The player explains the word associatively, without naming it or using cognates. If colleagues guess the word, the explainer puts down the card and takes the next one. As soon as the time has expired, all the guessed cards are recounted and the team takes steps forward, the number of which is equal to the number of cards guessed.

When a team makes a mistake, it receives a penalty minus point. In addition, the player may receive a minus on his decision if he does not know how to explain the word. If, as a result of the movement, a team’s piece lands on a black square or crosses it, on the next move, a representative of this team explains the words to everyone, and not just to the members of their group. In this case, the hourglass is not used; the player’s task is to explain 5 words.

The winner is the team that is the first to complete one circle around the playing field.

A game Alias simple and very exciting. There are many modifications of this game. For example, there is a family version, even a small number of people can play it. For this purpose, a special roulette was created, with the help of which each participant finds a partner and explains the word to him. In addition, the cards in this game are divided depending on the difficulty level, so both adults and children can play it. For the little ones, the creators came up with a special version called “Junior”. Children over the age of five can play it. Hand-drawn cards were created for the little ones, so even if the child cannot read yet, he will be able to play Alias ! Among other things, there is a genius version of the game, a crazy version and a party version!

Alias - check how rich your vocabulary is!

Danchishina Tatyana, 04/06/2015

For example, the word "bicycle" can be explained as "a vehicle with two wheels and pedals without a motor."

The game "Alias", or in the Russian version "Say Otherwise", is a great way to have fun in any company. Both children and adults can play it. The goal of the game is to explain the hidden word to your partners.

For example, the word "bicycle" can be explained as "a vehicle with two wheels and pedals, without a motor."

When explaining, it is prohibited to use words of the same root, to translate the word into another language, or to use gestures.

The game appeared about 20 years ago and very quickly gained popularity all over the world. In terms of popularity, it is not inferior to any gambling game, which you can play in the online casino at

The minimum number of players is 4 people - two teams of 2 people. There is a version of the game for 3 people, but I’ll talk about it below. Maximum amount players in the classic version - 12 people. That is, 6 teams of 2 players. But you can play with a large number of participants, just each team will have 3 players.

What do you need to play?

To play Alias ​​you need to have:

1. Playing field. This is the field I made myself. If you wish, you can download it from the link below.

2. Game chips and hourglass.

Chips can be taken from any children's board game. You can take multi-colored buttons. You can make chips from colored plasticine. Each team needs one chip.

Hourglasses are harder to find. Of course, you can buy them in bookstores or souvenir shops. But you can do without them just fine by using a regular watch with a second hand. Or you can designate one of the players as the “counter”. The counter will count steadily from 1 to 100. And during this time the teams solve the words.

3. Cards with words.

Regular cards for the Alias ​​game look like this:

If the game is intended for kids who cannot yet read or read poorly, the cards can be made like this:

Rules of the game

All players are divided into teams of 2 people (or more if there are more than 12 players).

Each team chooses a game piece for itself.

All chips are placed at the starting position of the playing field.

The cards are thoroughly mixed and laid out in a stack face down in the center of the table next to the field.

The team starting the game is determined by lot or counting. Further, as the game progresses, teams have the right to move clockwise.

The time is noted (the hourglass turns over or the stopwatch starts).

The first player on the team takes a card, reads the first word to himself and tries to explain it to his teammate. You cannot use words and gestures of the same root. The second player on the team, in turn, tries to guess by naming the expected word. You have to guess accurately. That is, if the original word is “bun”, you need to name it exactly, the word “bun” will not work.

As soon as the word is guessed, the player takes the second card.

If you can’t guess the word, you can say “PASS” and take a new card. But for each unsolved word a penalty point is awarded.

When time runs out, the points earned by the team are counted. Each guessed word is plus one point, each unsolved word is minus one point. The team piece moves across the playing field by the number of points scored.

The turn goes to the second team.

When the turn goes to the team that has already played, the players change roles. The one who explained the word will guess, and the one who guessed will explain.

Additional terms

If the game is played with cards with 8 words written on them, you need to guess the word with the number that is written in a circle under the team chip. Look carefully! On the playing field there is a number in each circle of the track.

Some mugs have smiley faces on them. From such a circle the arrow leads either forward or backward. Accordingly, when a chip lands on such a field, it must be moved in the indicated direction.

Game for 3 participants

If there are only three people who want to play, you can arrange it as follows.

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