Ksenia Tomilina is grandfather's daughter. The former family of Alexander Dedyushko lives without a single memorabilia about a loved one. Personal life of Alexander Dedyushko

On May 20, we remember Alexander Dedyushko, who tragically died in 2007, the famous. the site will tell you about the death of Dedyushko and how his family lives now!

How did he die?

In an accident. It was the one hundred and tenth kilometer of the Moscow-Ufa highway. The whole family died - the actor, Svetlana (his wife) and their son, eight-year-old Dima. The fact is that for some reason the car crossed two solid lines and got hit by a truck. The investigating team found out that Dedyushko himself was to blame - although, of course, unintentionally.

Photo: Pinterest

Journalists contacted the ex-wife of the actor

Alexander lived with Lyudmila Tomilina for twenty-two years. They have a joint daughter, Ksenia. From Lyudmila, he went to Svetlana. It was very difficult for me, Lyudmila says, but why make her daughter a hostage of divorce? Let Alexander fall in love with another, this was not a reason to part as close people. Lyudmila and her daughter Ksyusha talked with Alexander, and with his new wife, and with younger son- after all, it was Ksyushin's brother. Rare case"correct" divorce, sighs JoInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn...

But after the death of Alexander, relatives of Sveta suddenly appeared. Parents took Alexander's house near Lipetsk, his sister settled in Moscow ... As a result, Ksenia (daughter) and Dedyushko's mother refused the rights to the inheritance - just so as not to be at enmity. But they asked to return Alexander's award for the series "Operational pseudonym" - after all, the best male role. And what? They demanded money! Lyudmila is now married for the second time, the second husband paid the money, but relatives said that they had lost the award.

Photo: Pinterest

And then it was shown on TV!.. That is, nothing was lost. After the tragedy, the relatives of Sasha and Sveta agreed that they would not take things apart for forty days ... during this time, Svetlana's relatives managed to do everything. What can I say, one can only hope that people who read about their meanness will not allow a happy and calm life for outright thieves, because neither Lyudmila nor Alexander's parents achieved anything.

But the mother of the situation did not survive ...

Elena Vladimirovna, Dedyushko's mother, suffered a stroke and could no longer get out of bed. Fortunately, her granddaughter Tatyana, the daughter of her second son, lived with her. Alas, both sons of Elena Vladimirovna are no longer alive. Tatyana coped with caring for a bedridden patient - but alas, her grandmother did not live more than a year ...

A bit from the biography of Alexander

Photo: Pinterest

He was born on May 20, 1962, in the Grodno region. He was fond of horse riding, went to boxing and sambo, played football, and was also engaged in amateur art. He managed to be late for the entrance exams to Moscow, so he worked first as a car mechanic, then served as a cable layer Baltic Fleet, then he was at the ZIL plant a workshop fizorg - and at the age of eighteen he became a student at the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School. His wife, Lyudmila, studied two years older, but at the same school. Daughter Xenia is now twenty-seven. Svetlana, the second wife, was sixteen years younger than him.

Dedyushko worked in the theater in Minsk, then in Vladimir, then in the Moscow Art Theater. Then came movie roles, mostly action movies. Since 2006, he hosted the program "Street of Your Destiny" on "TVC", and then he also participated in "Dancing with the Stars" and took fourth place.

With family (all died). Photo: Pinterest

Well, similar problem situation after death, after all, it developed in. Only here both sides seem to be right. Zhanna's parents want to communicate with their grandson, and Shepelev defends him soundly - well, how is it and what to do if the boy is told nasty things about his dad? .. So, alas, after the death of a person at a young age, showdowns almost always begin ... We hope that at least one of these situations will be resolved for the benefit of all! ..

As a result of an accident on the 110th kilometer of the Moscow-Ufa highway on November 3, 2007, the actor Alexander Dedyushko, his wife Svetlana and eight-year-old son Dmitry died. For unknown reasons, the artist's car crossed two continuous lanes and fell under the wheels of a truck. Immediately after the accident, an investigative team began to work at the scene, which had to figure out why this car accident had happened. Soon the culprit was found, and it turned out to be the dead actor himself.


Ten years after the tragedy, journalists contacted Dedyushko's ex-wife Lyudmila Tomilina, with whom he lived for 22 years, gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia, but left when he fell in love with another woman. “When Sasha said that he had another, I let him go ... Yes, it was difficult for me, I cried, but we were smart enough not to make our daughter a hostage to our divorce. After parting, we remained close to each other, dear people! Both I and our daughter Ksyusha were friends with Sveta, with Dima. We talked with families. It may seem strange to someone that the former and current wives communicate, but we had just that, "said the ex-wife of the artist.

Lyudmila told. that after the death of Dedyushko, the parents of his wife Svetlana appeared, whom allegedly "no one had seen before." “They moved to his house near Lipetsk, and Sveta’s sister stayed in Sasha’s apartment in Moscow. Rather, he was the owner of two rooms in a three-room apartment, a 92-year-old grandmother lived next door to him. Moreover, he bought the second room shortly before his death. We did not want any enmity with Sveta's relatives. Both my daughter and Sasha's mother Elena Vladimirovna renounced all rights to the inheritance, "said Lyudmila.

The only thing, according to the woman, they asked their relatives to return the Dedyushko award for the best male role in the TV series "Operational pseudonym". They allegedly asked for money. The second husband of Lyudmila paid them the required amount, but the relatives said that they had lost the award.

“And what was my surprise when, five years after the tragedy in the program “Live”, where we were dragged by deceit, they showed this award. I never thought that people could act so vilely! When the tragedy happened with Sasha, we agreed that until 40 days we will not disassemble his things. When we later arrived at the apartment, everything was empty there, "complained Lyudmila.

The woman told what happened to the old mother of the late actor. “This year, at the end of May, Elena Vladimirovna had a stroke. After that, she was no longer able to get out of bed. It’s good that her granddaughter Tatyana lives with her (daughter of Dedyushko’s brother, who has long been dead. - Approx.ed.) , she organized the departure. But on August 7, Elena Vladimirovna died ... "- quotes ex-wife Dedyushko

Alexander Dedyushko// Photo: Performance at a dance show

Alexander Dedyushko became famous after filming in the cult films Alias ​​Albanian, Officers, Brigade. The artist's life ended at the age of 45. The movie star, his wife Svetlana and 8-year-old son Dima were killed in a car accident.

Alexander lived with his first wife Lyudmila Tomilina for 22 years. They met while studying at the theater school. In this union, the couple had a daughter, Ksenia. However, after a while, Dedyushko fell in love with the actress of the Vladimir Theater Svetlana Chernyshkova, she was 14 years younger than the man. However, Alexander maintained friendly relations with his ex-wife and daughter.

“We talked with families. Maybe it will seem strange to someone that the former and current wives communicate, but that's how it was with us. When Sasha said that he had another, I let him go ... Yes, it was difficult for me, I cried, but he and I were smart enough not to make our daughter a hostage to our divorce. After parting, we remained close to each other, dear people! Everything was fine with us until November 3, 2007. After Sasha's death, Sveta's parents suddenly appeared out of nowhere, whom no one had seen before. They moved to his house near Lipetsk, while Sveta's sister stayed in Sasha's apartment in Moscow. Rather, he was the owner of two rooms in a three-room apartment, a 92-year-old grandmother lived next door to him. Moreover, he bought the second room shortly before his death. We didn't want any enmity with Sveta's relatives. Both my daughter and Sasha's mother Elena Vladimirovna renounced all rights to the inheritance, ”said Lyudmila.

// Photo: Yandex, actor's official website

According to the woman, the only thing they asked to return was Alexander's award for the best male role in the series Operational Alias. Relatives of the deceased Svetlana demanded ex-wife money for this prize. The second husband of Lyudmila brought the necessary amount, but did not receive what was promised. He was informed that the award had been lost.

“And what was my surprise when, five years after the tragedy, this award was shown in the Live program. I never thought people could be so mean! When the tragedy happened with Sasha, we agreed that we would not disassemble his things for up to 40 days. When we later arrived at the apartment, everything was empty there, ”Lyudmila noted.

Alexander's first wife told reporters that his mother, Elena Vladimirovna, died this summer after. According to the publication "Interlocutor", a woman for a long time lived with her niece Tatyana Dedyushko in the small Belarusian town of Volkovysk, where Alexander himself comes from. Mother

Relatives of the actor still can not share the inheritance

Relatives of the actor still can not share the inheritance

Five years ago, Alexander DEDYUSHKO died in a car accident. Death took the actor at the peak of his popularity, he was only 45 years old. Together with Sasha, his wife Svetlana and 8-year-old son Dima crashed in a car accident. Since then, the artist's relatives have been litigating for an inheritance - an apartment, a dacha ... 12 court hearings have passed, but in the end, the star's daughter and his 87-year-old mother did not receive anything!

This was told to me by the first wife of the people's favorite, Lyudmila TOMILINA, who always remained for ex-husband best friend.

Last days of life Alexandra Dedyushko were overshadowed family conflicts which caused him to leave home.

The actor lived with his family in Moscow in a communal apartment. Saved up money for a house near Lipetsk.

The child should be taken away from the city in the summer away from the smog, - Dedyushko shared with friends. - Over time, we will buy something in Moscow.

In the meantime, the family huddled in a communal 15-meter room. According to the first wife of Alexander - Lyudmila Tomilina, shortly before tragic events Anya's wife's sister came to visit Dedyushko. After the funeral, the girl remained to live in the artist's room. The parents of the deceased Svetlana hurried to move from the Siberian hinterland closer to Anna. Lyudmila Georgievna And Mikhail Ivanovich Chernyshkov occupied a house near Lipetsk.

To the heirs of the first stage - Dedyushko's mother Elena Vladimirovna and his minor daughter from Ksenia's first marriage, nothing from real estate didn't get it. Despite the fact that the court 12 times collected heirs and everything was divided between them in equal shares, the property of the late artist is still owned by the Chernyshkovs.

We are tired of this absurdity, - Lyudmila complains. - The parents of Alexander's wife are already openly saying that they are the only heirs. According to them, it was not Dedyushko who bought this room and the country house, but Svetlana!

Lawyer Inga Chervanenko She commented on the situation:

The parties must come to an agreement, invite an appraiser, and the party that remains to live in the disputed territory is obliged to pay another monetary compensation. It is possible de jure to divide property, but de facto it is problematic. Our law is imperfect in these cases. Litigation can last for years. daughter and ex-wife Alexandra Dedyushko does not want war, which is what Svetlana's parents use, believing that they do not owe anything to anyone.

Mystical coincidences

Lyudmila Tomilina and Alexander Dedyushko divorced 20 years ago because of his infidelity.

Sasha came with his head down, - recalls Lyudmila. “Forgive me, Tomilina,” he said. He liked my last name, and Alexander always called me by it. “Go away,” I replied, and my heart sank. Our daughter Ksyusha at that time was not even two years old. He slammed the door, and I, sobbing, slid down the jamb. I remember staring at Wall Clock. I just couldn't take my eyes off the dial. It was 22:15 on the clock, November 3 on the calendar. Exactly 15 years later, on November 3 at 22.15, I received a message about the death of Sasha. The same dial and calendar sheet instantly surfaced in front of me. I don’t know if this is a mystic or not, but fate would have it that on this very day he left me for the second time. Now forever...

After our break, we didn’t see each other for a long time, - Lyudmila continues calming down. - I forgave Sasha, but I could not take it back, even though he wanted it. We remained close friends with him. Sasha didn’t have anyone closer to me then, but we have known each other since our youth, we studied together at the Gorky Theater School.

- Did you arrange your fate after the break with Dedyushko?

After some time, I got married, but Sasha still did not lose hope. “Tomilina, I love only two women: my mother and the mother of my child,” he repented. “Sasha, get married,” I persuaded him, but he was adamant. And only when my son Arseny was born with Lesha, Alexander gave up. “Now I see that everything is serious with you, perhaps I will leave,” said Dedyushko. That evening he went to Vladimir to visit friends, where he met Svetlana, his last love. By an evil irony of fate, nine years later, returning from these friends, they died ...

Love and jealousy

Relations in new family Grandfathers were not cloudless. The wife's parents met with hostility a poor son-in-law, who was much older than their daughter. The birth of Dima's grandson did not melt hearts. Even after the death of Alexander, they scolded her father under Xenia last words. Say, he fell in love with their daughter, then exhausted her with endless adultery, fell asleep at the wheel, which led to death.

According to Lyudmila Tomilina, Sveta's parents seemed to be on hand when their family eldest daughter quarrels began. The reason for the family showdown was the popularity of Dedyushko and his participation in the Dancing with the Stars project, when he was credited with an affair with a partner. Liana Shakurova. Evil tongues did their job: every evening unpleasant conversations took place in the family. Sveta suspected her husband of treason and shared her doubts with Lyudmila, whom she jokingly called her eldest wife.

Sveta, don't cry, - Luda soothed the sobbing Svetlana. - If something happens to someone, Sasha will be the first to tell you about it.

In turn, Dedyushko was frank with his ex-wife:

Lyuda, I love Sveta, but I can’t constantly sort things out. I want to come home and get at least a few hours of sleep. Because shooting again tomorrow!

Having learned about the discord in the family, Svetlana's parents sent her younger sister, 25-year-old Anya, to their daughter. They were impatient for her to move from the periphery to Moscow. Over time, the Chernyshkovs hoped to completely evict their son-in-law in order to make room for Anya.

Dedyushko did not suspect the intention of his relatives. On the contrary, he hoped that the arrival of his sister would distract his wife from gloomy thoughts. But there were more problems. Anya, having acting education, I wanted to work in the capital's theater, to act in films. Dedyushko did not see Anna's special talents and was in no hurry to arrange for her. It was a real shock for him when he noticed that his wife's sister was drinking.

Sasha was a patient man, but he was always annoyed by drunken women, ”recalls Tomilina. - Alexander's nerves at that time were generally on edge. He was tired of the constant showdown with his wife and her sister. He could not stand it and left the house.

fatal trip

Dedyushko told his daughter about his decision to live separately and ex-wife. Ksenia, as best she could, tried to reconcile her father with Svetlana. She saw how 8-year-old Dimochka missed her father. The girl wanted to come to Sveta from Yaroslavl for the November holidays, but fell ill. Calling dad, Ksyusha asked me to give her a bouquet of flowers. Dedyushko fulfilled the request of his daughter. He bought flowers, gifts for his son and went home. Here he learned that his wife and Dima were going to visit their mutual friends in Vladimir. Alexander offered to go by his car.

At the same time, we'll talk on the road, - said Dedyushko.

No one, alas, will know whether Sasha and Sveta reconciled then or whether they left with a stone in their hearts ...

Soon after the funeral, the mother-in-law of the artist Lyudmila Georgievna called Dedyushko's mother Elena Vladimirovna in Belarus.

You owe me money! the woman shouted into the phone. - Your son is responsible for the accident. He killed my daughter!

Heartbroken, Elena Vladimirovna did not immediately understand what they wanted from her. At that moment, her granddaughter Tanya, Dedyushko's niece, was next to her. She demanded not to disturb her grandmother with crazy demands. But the calls continued for some time.

Five years after the tragedy, people bring flowers to the Troekurovsky cemetery in the capital, to the burial place of the beloved artist's family. Lyudmila and Ksenia come from Yaroslavl to clean up the grave. And only Anna has no time to come to visit her sister and nephew.

By the way

Ksyusha wanted to take her father's cinematic awards as a keepsake. Svetlana's parents agreed to sell family relics to the heiress for 200 thousand rubles. The girl's stepfather Alexei handed over this money, but received nothing: the Chernyshkovs said that they would give the awards later. And then they said they were lost.

November 11, 2017

The actor, along with his second wife and son Dmitry, died in a plane crash in 2007. The actor has a daughter from his first marriage. The girl's mother, Alexander's first wife, told who got the actor's property.

Alexander Dedyushko meets the new year 2007. Photo: official website of the actor

Alexander Dedyushko has been married to actress Lyudmila Tomilina for almost ten years, they had a daughter, Ksenia. However, the couple lived and worked for a long time in different cities which eventually led to divorce. The actor met the young actress of the Vladimir Theater Svetlana Chernyshkova and three months later began to live with her, the beloved son Dmitry was born.

The first wife admits that it was hard to let her husband go, but for the sake of the child they managed to establish a good relationship. “Yes, it was difficult for me, I cried, but we were smart enough not to make our daughter a hostage to our divorce. After parting, we remained close to each other, dear people! Everything was fine with us until November 3, 2007.”

On that day, Alexander, along with his wife and son, were returning from guests. On the highway, the actor's car flew into the oncoming lane and was literally jammed by a truck. Dedyushko and his wife died instantly, and their son Dmitry was still alive for some time, but died before the ambulance arrived.

After the death of the actor, the relatives of the second wife of the actor appeared. “Suddenly, out of nowhere, Sveta's parents appeared, whom no one had seen before. They moved to his house near Lipetsk, while Sveta's sister stayed in Sasha's apartment in Moscow. Rather, he was the owner of two rooms in a three-room apartment, a 92-year-old grandmother lived next door to him. Moreover, he bought the second room shortly before his death. We didn't want any enmity with Sveta's relatives. Both my daughter and Sasha's mother Elena Vladimirovna renounced all rights to the inheritance, ”said Lyudmila.

The only thing that Lyudmila and her daughter wanted to take for themselves was Alexander's award for the best male role in the series Operational Alias. But the relatives of the deceased Svetlana demanded money for the figurine. The second husband of Lyudmila gave the due amount, but, alas, he did not receive the prize. It turned out that he was lost. It was all the more strange to see the award on the air of the program “Live” five years after the tragedy.

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