Daria Ermolaeva cream Instagram official. Daria Ermolaeva, biography, married, how many children, where does she live? You didn't try to get the child back

Pregnant and sick singer languishes in poverty in Brazil

Daria Ermolaeva

Three days ago, the singer asked fans for help on her Instagram. Thanks to this post people learned about tragic fate former soloist of the group “Slivki” Daria Ermolaeva. According to Teona, her close friend, a gorgeous brunette from the first line-up of the group, lives in Brazil. She has a son, Bruno, who is 2.5 years old, and in three weeks she will become a mother for the second time. At the same time, Daria is seriously ill, experiencing wild pain, and free local doctors cannot understand what is happening to the pregnant woman. “Dasha married what seemed like a normal guy from Moscow. Which eventually forced her to sell native home in Moscow and move to live in Brazil for some reason. He simply took half the money from her, and with what was left they bought a junk car, because they didn’t have enough for anything else. With half the money, he ran away and abandoned his own child a month before his birth. leaving Dasha in debt and in a destroyed house, where there is nowhere to even lie down. very long story and sad. In general, now Dasha is sick and she needs health care, for which she has no money. There is no money even to buy a ticket and return back. And no one to go to. Mom died” (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved - approx..

People responded to the artist’s call and began transferring money. As a result, an impressive amount was collected within a day. “I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped and invested at least a penny in helping Dasha, who couldn’t put their heart and soul into support! I personally am incredibly grateful to you from the bottom of my heart! We collected in one day, in my opinion, a large amount money! This is one hundred thirty-two thousand rubles (131,981.97). Tomorrow I will transfer this amount to Dasha and of course I will post a photo with confirmation! I spent the whole day manually writing down the names of people who helped and one of these days I will publish these names! Thank you again! With this I FINISH THE COLLECTION,” Teona wrote with gratitude.

Naturally, this information appeared in the press. Journalists managed to contact the ex-husband of the ex-soloist of “Slivok” Denis Gatalsky. And he accused ex-wife of fraud and called her a swindler. In an interview, the man said that he had never been to Brazil, since he was a former military man and was still considered not to travel abroad. That he wants to participate in the fate of his son. But the boy was born in a foreign country, of which he is a citizen, and since Gatalsky was not present at his registration, a dash was put in the “paternity” column, and it turns out that according to the documents he is not a person to the baby. Also, the young man, in a conversation with reporters, expressed doubts about Ermolaeva’s illness. And that with the help of Dolnikova she is simply trying to improve her financial situation.

A scandal broke out. People who just yesterday transferred money to help a pregnant single mother began accusing Dolnikova and her friend of fraud. Theona had to justify herself and claim that she just wanted to help.

And today the culprit of the scandal, Daria Ermolaeva, broke her silence. In her microblog she wrote an appeal to all caring people.

“Dear friends and subscribers! My close friend, out of the kindness of her heart, published a post where she called on people to help me... I am very grateful to Teona and everyone who responded. Your help is immeasurable! We will definitely thank everyone separately by name!!! And we will account for everything that is done with this money!!! Let me just say that the worst thing that was damaged by the hurricane, fortunately, is already being repaired...

Many people are now speculating on my condition, groundlessly accusing me and Teona of fraud. This is all untrue. Don't get me wrong - my baby will be born soon and all my thoughts are aimed at ensuring that his birth is not overshadowed by anything. Plus there is an older baby who requires a lot of time, energy and attention. I am very nervous from all sides... And I am afraid of deterioration... Don't get me wrong... I will give all the comments on this issue to one of the TV channels, where I will tell the whole truth in the first person. But once again I ask you to understand - it’s already very difficult for me now. Thank you for your kindness and support!!!" Daria Ermolaeva tried to explain.

Last fall, actress Teona Dolnikova posted a post on her social networks asking for help for her close friend and colleague, former lead singer of the Slivki group Daria Ermolaeva. Dolnikova told the story of Daria, who left with her husband for Brazil, but he then allegedly abandoned her, and now the actress is in poverty abroad and is also pregnant with her second child.

Subscribers actively responded to Dolnikova’s request, although some were indignant that Dolnikova, as a friend, could herself help Ermolaeva with a ticket home. It is unknown exactly what amount was raised, but soon a post of gratitude appeared on Dolnikova’s Instagram. The actress also apologized for the “not entirely correct” information about Ermolaeva’s ex-husband:

Ex-husband former star, Denis Gatalsky, in an interview with journalists admitted that he did not believe Ermolaeva and Dolnikova and that in fact Ermolaeva’s departure to Brazil happened for a completely different reason. In particular, she found a lover in Brazil, from whom she became pregnant for the second time.

This is all an absolute lie, which was invented and realized thanks to Daria’s old connections, so that the audience, who believed in this story, would transfer money to her; in other words, a person earns money in this way. Firstly, I have never been to Brazil: I am a former military man, and, accordingly, I still have the status of a travel ban. But she, on the contrary, was literally delirious about the move. As a child, Dasha lived briefly in Brazil when her parents worked there; she probably has warm memories of this country since then. So, she decided to buy property there. She was able to realize her plans with the money from the sale of the apartment in Moscow in which we lived after the wedding. But Daria’s brother forced her to sell it, since he was the owner of a 50% share of the apartment. One day he demanded his share. We moved to temporary accommodation with our mutual friend, who kindly offered us a free room, since my apartment was occupied at that time. In 2014, Dasha went to Brazil for the first time to “reconnaissance” - to find out what the conditions and prices were there. She knew that I couldn’t leave the country, but she didn’t care; she believed that if she wanted, she could bypass the law and go with her. A man thinks only of himself! Even the word of an elderly father is not authority for her.


According to Gatalsky, he found out that Dasha cheated on him. In Brazil, she started an affair with a local, although they were officially married at that time. Moreover, her trip lasted much longer than she promised. She returned back only because, according to the laws of the country, she could not stay there for more than six months. There was nowhere to return - she sold the apartment. Gatalsky took pity on her and sheltered her. At the same time, she became pregnant with her first child. However, Ermolaeva flew to Brazil to give birth, saying that he had to fly if he wanted to be with her and the child. But Gatalsky was still serving at that time, and traveling abroad was prohibited for him. So another man began to raise his child.


We divorced in the middle of this summer, and when during the divorce I announced that my child lived in Brazil, they answered me that without documents I was nothing to him. But there really aren't any. At birth, the baby automatically becomes a citizen of the country in which he was born. According to Brazilian laws, if the father does not show up for registration, then a dash is placed in the paternity column, the child receives the mother’s surname and she is considered a single mother. Our stamps in passports and marriage certificates have no force there. So officially I am nobody to the child.

In the fall, Ermolaeva also wrote that, despite the late stages of pregnancy, she was rapidly losing weight. And we have to save on everything - even on diapers for our eldest son.


The mood is like this... It's difficult to explain. Every day I wake up hoping for the best, I try to fight. But local realities simply destroy this. People are just making fun of me. They throw and substitute. Daily. Not to mention the constant surprises and “bonuses”. When there is no water at all. Or sewer. Or the wall falls. It also pours on your head at night when you sleep. It’s difficult to recover here at these “Olympic” games. I'm clearly being tested... Or punished.

Gatalsky also does not believe in his ex-wife’s diagnosis, suspecting that the girl simply decided to earn extra money in this way.

You know, I haven’t seen her diagnosis anywhere, it’s worth thinking about. In any case, I wish her and the children good health. As I already said, this is a completely fictional story with the support of Teona Dolnikova. Perhaps she really has money problems now, since the person has never officially worked in her life and has no intention of doing so. All our life together we lived only on my means, plus my parents helped. Now, probably, something happened in her life critical situation, since she decided to make money in such a dirty way. I repeat once again, the published information has nothing to do with reality, except that she lives in Brazil, and according to at will, and is awaiting the birth of her second child with a current local young man.

However, Ermolaeva has already given birth to her second child - the singer on Instagram calls her son nothing less than the Emperor and actively posts photos with her children and her Brazilian man.


One can only guess why, living with a man and the father of her child, Ermolaeva is in poverty. And is he in poverty?

  • "Slivki" is a Russian female pop group that appeared in 2000. The group became the winner of the “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Golden Disc” awards, etc. The original composition of the group included Karina Koks, Daria Ermolaeva and Irina Vasilyeva.
  • In 2001, Ermolaeva almost left Slivok due to pregnancy. But the singer had an abortion and continued her concert activities. True, a year later she left the group “for health reasons.”

Despite the fact that former member of the Slivki group Daria Ermolaeva said goodbye to the stage a long time ago, the news that she is languishing in poverty in Brazil after her husband left her excited her fans. They immediately collected money for the pregnant woman so that she could return home to Russia.

At the end of December, Daria gave birth to a son, and now, just a month after giving birth, she had to independently begin to restore her rotten house in Brazil! Despite the fact that compassionate fans still raised money for the ex-singer, she chose not to return to Russia, but remained in Brazil.

The young woman apparently decided that on such later pregnancy, a long flight is unsafe and decided to stay in Brazil. Shortly before the New Year, the ex-singer gave birth to her second son, but the baby will not have a festively decorated children's room. And the father did not expect his beloved woman to be discharged from the maternity hospital. On the contrary, as soon as the second pregnancy became known, the child’s father disappeared in an unknown direction, and the young mother with two children had to arm herself with tools.

The house in which Daria now lives with two children was destroyed by a hurricane. She herself told about the fact that the repairs fell on her shoulders in social network. The other day, Ermolaeva published a photo collage in which she is depicted with her eldest son Bruno. Judging by the hashtags, the girl had fun with her children at her friends’ birthday party ahead of a big and time-consuming job.

“Before the start of the resumption of accelerated independent work to improve their living conditions, the kids deserve unbridled fun,” Daria optimistically commented on the shot.

Let us recall that last year news appeared on the Internet that. Allegedly, the pregnant singer needs medical and financial assistance. Scandalous story has not yet been resolved: both sides continue to insist on their own. Daria's ex-husband considers her and her friends to be dishonest people, and the girls accuse him of all sins.

Who would have thought that the life of the beautiful Dasha Ermolaeva, who used to shine in the “Cream” group, would change so dramatically. The pop tinsel disappeared in an instant and today the girl lives in poverty far from her home - in Brazil. About her present life said Teona Dolnikova, a famous actress and singer in Russia.

For some time, no one knew the details of Dasha Ermolaeva’s life. The girl’s account on the social network Instagram is closed to casual visitors, and she has stopped appearing at social events in the capital. Her former colleagues thought that she was head over heels in happiness. family life and therefore does not make itself felt. And then the shocking truth was revealed. Dasha herself told on the microblog what happened to her and asked for help.

Teona Dolnikova, Daria's friend, posted a post on Instagram asking for help with money former soloist popular group. She also wrote that all troubles are to blame ex-husband singer Denis Gatalsky, who forced Daria to sell her apartment and move to Brazil, after which he abandoned her in her position.

It should be noted that not so long ago, journalists tracked down the ex-singer’s first husband, who said that his ex-wife had always been somewhat adventurous by nature, so without thinking about the consequences, she sold her apartment in Moscow and set off on an adventure. The fact is that Dasha visited Brazil with her family as a child and since then dreamed of living there. And it is unlikely that, despite the money for the ticket, she will return to Russia again.

Daria Ermolaeva, the ex-soloist of the Slivki group, is probably remembered by all fans of the singers. The charming, smiling brunette worked as a soloist in the group for more than two years, and then left the stage. “I got married successfully!” - the fans decided, rejoicing for the star. It turned out not. More precisely, at first marriage to a wonderful young man seemed exactly like that, so the girl sold her property in Moscow and went all the way to Brazil for her beloved. Who knew that poverty and hunger awaited her here...

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Many have probably already forgotten about the existence of the once very popular group “Slivki”, of which Dasha was one of the participants. She was remembered in connection with the scandal, one of the participants in which was Daria Ermolaeva’s ex-husband Denis Gatalsky, who exposed his ex-wife of lying. If you believe Denis, then Dasha turned out to be the fraudster who not only denigrated him in the eyes of others, but also fraudulently tried to lure money from gullible fans.

In the photo - Daria Ermolaeva with her husband

To him, as a former military man, for whom the concept of honor means much more than for ordinary people, it was very disappointing that in her scams Daria did not present his person in the best light. His ex-wife’s idea was that she, finding herself in a difficult financial situation, wanted to solve all her problems by pretending to be sick. Her friend Teona Dolnikova spoke about how the girl was supposedly in poverty. According to the singer, Daria is seriously ill, lives in Brazil and needs funds for treatment, so Teona asked everyone to donate as much as they can.

She also said that Denis left Daria, who was due to give birth to a child any day now, without a livelihood. In addition, it was said that Daria Ermolaeva’s ex-husband forced her to sell her apartment and buy a dilapidated house in Brazil, for which she now has nothing to pay.

However, Denis Gatalsky told a completely different story. He didn't force his ex-wife sell the apartment and move to Brazil, especially since he, as a former military man, cannot travel abroad and could not live in another country. Dasha, who lived for many years as a child with her parents in that exotic country, apparently, wanted to return there, but did not calculate her capabilities.

Meanwhile, Daria, finding herself in sunny Brazil, wasted no time and quickly found a replacement husband, although at that time she was still officially married to him. True, after six months she had to return, because according to all laws she could not stay there longer. Then she flew back to Brazil, saying that she hated Russia. There she gave birth to a son, whom Denis considers his own. However, Ermolaeva told her ex-husband that he did not have any rights to the child, because he was born in Brazil, and Gatalsky was not there when he was registered, which means that the son was given Daria’s surname.

Ermolaeva worked in the Slivki group for about two years, and then left the stage. Before meeting Denis, “Slivka” Dasha had many affairs, one of which was with the lead singer of the “Malchishnik” group, Sergei Amoralov. After him, she met a graduate of the third season of “Star Factory” Alexander Kireev. She saw him during her performance at the Factory and fell in love at first sight. Then Kireev had a girlfriend, but for the sake of Daria he broke up with her. Kireev traveled with “Cream” on all their tours and was Ermolaeva’s most devoted fan. But this beautiful romance came to an end, and later Daria met her future husband.

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