Michael Faraday presentation on history. Michael Faraday English physicist, chemist, founder of the electromagnetic field theory English physicist, chemist, founder of the electromagnetic field theory. Discoveries and inventions

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Michael Faraday (1791-1867) - English physicist, founder of the theory of the electromagnetic field, foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1830). Discovered a chemical effect electric current, the relationship between electricity and magnetism, magnetism and light. He discovered (1831) electromagnetic induction - a phenomenon that formed the basis of electrical engineering. Established (1833-34) the laws of electrolysis, named after him, discovered para- and diamagnetism, rotation of the plane of polarization of light in a magnetic field (the Faraday effect). Proved the identity of different types of electricity. Faraday introduced the concepts of electric and magnetic field, suggested the existence electromagnetic waves. He studied with a chemist and physicist, one of the founders of electrochemistry.

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Michael Faraday was born September 22, 1791 in London. He died on August 25, 1867, ibid. The founder of the modern concept of the field in electrodynamics, the author of a number of fundamental discoveries, including the law of electromagnetic induction, the laws of electrolysis, the phenomenon of rotation of the plane of polarization of light in a magnetic field, one of the first researchers of the effect of a magnetic field on media. Michael Faraday made so many discoveries in his life that they would be enough for a dozen scientists to immortalize his name.

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Michael Faraday was born in London, in one of its poorest quarters. His father was a blacksmith, and his mother was the daughter of a tenant farmer. The apartment in which the great scientist was born and spent the first years of his life was in the backyard and was located above the stables. Childhood and youth

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The modest income of the family did not allow Michael to graduate even high school, and at the age of thirteen he entered an apprenticeship with the owner of a bookstore and bookbinding workshop, where he was to stay for 10 years. All this time, Faraday was stubbornly engaged in self-education - he read all the literature on physics and chemistry available to him, repeated the experiments described in books in his home laboratory, attended private lectures on physics and astronomy in the evenings and Sundays. He received money (one shilling to pay for each lecture) from his brother. At the lectures, Faraday made new acquaintances, to whom he wrote many letters in order to develop a clear and concise style of presentation; he also tried to master the techniques of oratory.

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All this time, Faraday was stubbornly engaged in self-education - he read all the literature on physics and chemistry available to him, repeated the experiments described in books in his home laboratory, attended private lectures on physics and astronomy in the evenings and Sundays. He received money (one shilling to pay for each lecture) from his brother. At the lectures, Faraday made new acquaintances, to whom he wrote many letters in order to develop a clear and concise style of presentation; he also tried to master the techniques of oratory.

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Getting Started at the Royal Institution One of the bookbinding shop's clients, a member of the Royal Deno Society of London, noticed Faraday's interest in science and helped him get into the lectures of the eminent physicist and chemist Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution. Faraday carefully wrote down and bound four lectures and sent them to the lecturer along with the letter. This "bold and naive step", according to Faraday himself, had a decisive influence on his fate.

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In 1813 Davy (not without some hesitation) invited Faraday to the vacant position of an assistant at the Royal Institute, and in the autumn of the same year he took him on a two-year trip to the scientific centers of Europe. This journey had for Faraday great importance: together with Davy, he visited a number of laboratories, met such scientists as A. Ampère, M. Chevrel, J. L. Gay-Lussac, who in turn drew attention to the brilliant abilities of the young Englishman.

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First independent research. Scientific publications. After returning to the Royal Institute in 1815, Michael Faraday began intensive work in which all greater place occupied independent Scientific research. In 1816 he began to lecture publicly on physics and chemistry at the Society for Self-Education. In the same year, his first printed work appears.

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In 1821, several important events took place in Faraday's life. He obtained a position as overseer of the building and laboratories of the Royal Institution (i.e., technical superintendent) and published two significant scientific papers (on the rotations of a current around a magnet and a magnet around a current, and on the liquefaction of chlorine). In the same year he married and, as his whole future life, was very happily married.

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In the period up to 1821 Michael Faraday published about 40 scientific papers, mainly on chemistry. Gradually, his experimental research more and more switched to the field of electromagnetism. After the discovery in 1820 by Hans Oersted of the magnetic action of electric current, Faraday was fascinated by the problem of the relationship between electricity and magnetism. In 1822, an entry appeared in his laboratory diary: "Turn magnetism into electricity." However, Faraday continued other studies, including in the field of chemistry. Thus, in 1824 he was the first to obtain liquid chlorine.

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Election to the Royal Society. Professorship In 1824, Michael Faraday was elected a member of the Royal Society, despite the active opposition of Davy, with whom Faraday had become quite difficult by that time, although Davy liked to repeat that of all his discoveries, "Faraday's discovery" was the most significant. The latter also paid tribute to Davy, calling him "a great man."

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A year after his election to the Royal Society, Michael Faraday was appointed director of the laboratory of the Royal Institute, and in 1827 he received a professorship at this institute.

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The law of electromagnetic induction. Electrolysis In 1830, despite the cramped financial situation, Faraday resolutely refuses all side activities, performing any scientific and technical research and other work (except for lecturing on chemistry), in order to devote himself entirely to scientific research. Soon he achieves brilliant success: on August 29, 1831, he discovers the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction - the phenomenon of generating an electric field by an alternating magnetic field.

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Ten days of intense work allowed Faraday to comprehensively and completely investigate this phenomenon, which, without exaggeration, can be called the foundation, in particular, of all modern electrical engineering. But Faraday himself was not interested in the applied possibilities of his discoveries, he strove for the main thing - the study of the laws of Nature.

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The discovery of electromagnetic induction brought fame to Faraday. But Michael was still very low on funds, so his friends were forced to petition for a lifetime government pension for him. These efforts were crowned with success only in 1835. When Faraday got the impression that the Minister of the Treasury treated this pension as a handout to a scientist, he sent a letter to the Minister in which he with dignity refused any pension. The minister had to apologize to Faraday.

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In 1833-34 Michael Faraday studied the passage of electric currents through solutions of acids, salts and alkalis, which led him to discover the laws of electrolysis. These laws (Faraday's laws) subsequently played important role in the formation of ideas about discrete carriers of electric charge. Until the end of the 1830s. Faraday carried out extensive research on electrical phenomena in dielectrics.

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Faraday disease. Recent experimental work Constant enormous mental stress undermined Faraday's health and forced him to interrupt in 1840 for five years scientific work. Returning to it again, Faraday in 1848 discovered the phenomenon of rotation of the plane of polarization of light propagating in transparent substances along the lines of magnetic field strength (the Faraday effect).

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Apparently, Faraday himself (who excitedly wrote that he "magnetized the light and illuminated the magnetic field line") attached great importance to this discovery. Indeed, it was the first indication of the existence of a connection between optics and electromagnetism. The belief in the deep interconnection of electrical, magnetic, optical and other physical and chemical phenomena became the basis of Faraday's entire scientific worldview.

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The copper coulometer is most common in the practice of laboratory research, because. it is easy to manufacture and fairly accurate. The accuracy of determining the amount of electricity is 0.1%. The coulometer consists of two copper anodes and a thin copper foil cathode located between them. The electrolyte in a copper coulometer is water solution composition: CuSO4 ? 5H2O, H2SO4 and ethanol C2H5OH. Sulfuric acid increases the electrical conductivity of the electrolyte and, in addition, prevents the formation of basic copper compounds in the cathode space, which can be adsorbed on the cathode, thereby increasing its mass. H2SO4 in the copper coulometer electrolyte is necessary to prevent the accumulation of Cu1+ compounds, which can be formed as a result of the disproportionation reaction: Cu0 + Cu2+ ? 2Cu+ Ethyl alcohol is added to the electrolyte to obtain more finely crystalline, compact cathode deposits and to prevent oxidation of the copper electrodes of the coulometer. The amount of electricity passed is judged by the change in the mass of the cathode, before and after electrolysis. Most precise definition The amount of electricity passing through an electrochemical system can be obtained using a silver coulometer. In this case, the determination accuracy is 0.005%.

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Purpose of the event:

  • to introduce students to the experiments of Michael Faraday, his achievements in the field of chemistry and physics, as well as the biography of the great inventor;
  • expand students' understanding of electrolysis;
  • 3)use this project as an extracurricular activity in chemistry and physics in grades 9-11;
  • increase students' interest in chemistry and physics.


Student 1:"The greatness of a man consists in his ability to act and in the right application of strength to what needs to be done." ( Frederick Douglas)(Slide 1)
Childhood and youth of the inventor. Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in the family of a blacksmith in London. Michael's father and mother, James and Margarita, came from peasant families. Faraday's mother, a hardworking, wise, though uneducated woman, lived to the time when her son achieved success and recognition, and was rightfully proud of him. The modest income of the family did not allow Michael to even finish high school. At the age of twelve, he was apprenticed to the owner of a bookstore and bookbinding workshop. Here, Faraday first dealt with the delivery of books and newspapers, and later mastered the art of bookbinding to perfection. Faraday never forgot this profession of his. Working in a bookbinder's workshop, Faraday read a lot and voraciously, trying to fill in the gaps in his insufficient education. (Slides 5, 6)

Pupil 2. Royal Institute. G. Davy

One day, Mr. Dane, a member of the Royal Society of London, was surprised to learn that Michael was finishing studying the latest issue of a serious scientific journal"Chemical Review", invited him to listen to a series of lectures by his friend, Sir Humphrey Davy. This sealed Faraday's fate. Faraday carefully wrote down and bound four lectures and sent them to the lecturer along with the letter. This “bold and naive step”, according to Faraday himself, had a decisive influence on his fate. The professor was surprised by the young man’s extensive knowledge, but at that moment there were no vacancies at the institute, And Michael's request was granted only a few months later. (Slides 7-8)

Student 3. Traveling around Europe. Royal Institute

In 1813, he, as a laboratory assistant, assistant and servant, went with G. Davy and his wife on a big trip around Europe. “This morning is the beginning of a new era in my life. Until now, as far as I remember, I have not traveled more than twenty miles from London,” Faraday wrote. (Slide 9)
In 1824, Michael Faraday was elected a member of the Royal Society, despite the active opposition of Davy, with whom Faraday's relations had become quite complicated by that time. Davy liked to say that of all his discoveries, the most significant was "Faraday's discovery." The latter also paid tribute to Davy, calling him "a great man."
A year after being elected to the Royal Society, Michael Faraday was appointed director of the laboratory of the Royal Institute, and in 1827 he received a professorship at this institute.

Pupil 4 talks about achievements in the field physics.

1) The law of electromagnetic induction. (Slides 14-15)

3) Receipt chlorine(slide 19). In 1823 Faraday obtains liquid chlorine and then liquefies ammonia, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen chloride.

Student 6. Electrochemical laws. Experiments on electrolysis

Tasks (slides 22-24) In 1832, Faraday opens electrochemical laws, which form the basis of a new section of science - electrochemistry which today has a huge number of technological applications.
The first law, established by Michael Faraday, is that the amount of electrochemical action depends neither on the size of the electrodes, nor on the intensity of the current, nor on the strength of the decomposing solution, but solely on the amount of electricity passing in the circuit; in other words, the amount of electricity needed is proportional to the amount of chemical action. This law was derived by Faraday from countless experiments, the conditions of which he varied to infinity.
The second, even more important law of electrochemical action, established by Faraday, is that the amount of electricity necessary for the decomposition of various substances is always inversely proportional to the atomic weight of the substance, or, to put it differently, for the decomposition of a molecule (particle) of any substance. always require the same amount of electricity.

Student 7. Faraday's disease. Recent experimental work. In 1855, illness again forced Faraday to stop work. He significantly weakened, began to lose his memory catastrophically. He had to record everything in the laboratory journal, down to where and what he put before leaving the laboratory, what he had already done and what he was going to do next. To keep working, he had to give up many things, including visiting friends; the last thing he refused was lectures for children.
In general, Faraday never spared himself while doing science. His life was shortened by chemical experiments, where mercury was widely used. The equipment of the laboratory was unsuitable from a safety point of view. Explosions often occurred, and glass fragments fell into the eyes of a scientist.V. 1857 Faraday's candidacy was nominated for the presidency of the Royal Society. Faraday refused.
On August 23, 1867, Faraday died while sitting at his desk. He wished that his death would be celebrated as modestly as he had spent his whole life modestly. His wish was granted. Only the closest relatives and friends were present at the burial. He was buried at Highgate Cemetery in London. (Slides 26-29)

Student 8. F. Engels evaluated Faraday as the greatest researcher in the field of electricity. The importance of Faraday in the development of science was noted by A. G. Stoletov: "Never since the time of Galileo has the world seen so many amazing and diverse discoveries that came out of one head"

List of used literature:

1. Faraday M. History of the candle. M., 1982
2. chrono.ru › Biographical directory
3. en.wikipedia.org
4. chemistry.narod.ru
5. to-name.ru
6. Encyclopedia for children, Avanta+, 2000, p.370, 90-93

Childhood and youth
Michael Faraday was born on September 22, 1791 in
outskirts of London in the family of a blacksmith. Mother
Faraday, industrious, wise, though
uneducated woman, lived to the time
when her son achieved success and recognition, and
rightly proud of him.
(Michael with his mother
Marguerite Faraday)

Childhood and youth
The modest income of the family did not allow Michael
even finish high school. At nine years old
he had to work as a paperboy, and in
At the age of thirteen he was apprenticed to
owner of a bookstore and bookbinding
workshop. When he turned
nineteen years old, he accidentally found out about the lectures
according to the natural history of a certain Mr. Tatum.
After attending 13 lectures, he decided to study

Getting Started at the Royal
One of the bookbinding shop's clients, member
Royal Society of London Deno, noticing
Faraday's interest in science helped him get into lectures
prominent physicist and chemist Humphrey Davy
Royal Institute, which later became his
teacher and mentor.
(Humphry Davy, who provided
great importance for
young Michael's life

In 1813 Davy
invited Faraday
to the released
assistant position in
(The Royal Institute is the future place of work and
Michael's great discoveries)

Travel Europe
In the autumn of 1813, Davy takes Faraday on a journey
scientific centers in Europe.
Faraday on his journey: "This morning is the beginning
new era in my life. Until now, as far as I
I remember that I did not leave London for a distance
over twenty miles.
Ampère André Marie

Getting Started at the Royal Institution
Faraday's life, since he entered the Royal Institution, has centered
mainly in the laboratory and scientific classes. The credo of his life was: "Observe,
study and work.

First independent research.
Scientific publications
In 1816 he began to read
public course of lectures
in physics and chemistry in
Society for
self-education. IN
appears in the same year
and his first printed

Major works

The first electric motor
created by Faraday in 1821
In early September, he lowered into a vessel with
mercury magnetized at one end
rod: it floated vertically like
small float. Then the scientist
vertically placed a wire in a vessel,
along which he went from top to bottom
electricity. magnetized
the float began to move around
wire counterclockwise
as if drawn by an invisible whirlwind (cf.
scheme). So his guesses
confirmed, and in addition
The result was the world's first
primitive electric motor.
Faraday turned electricity into
movement that could
work. It happened September 3, 1821
of the year.

Law discovery
electromagnetic induction
August 29, 1831, after ten days of hard work, Faraday
reveals a phenomenon that can be called the foundation of all
modern electrical engineering.
Faraday discovered a phenomenon that linked mechanical motion and
magnetism with the advent of electric current, - electromagnetic
induction. This phenomenon was the reverse of the one discovered by Oersted.
Then it was already known that static electricity has
force of induction, that is, an electrically charged body can transmit
charge to another body when approaching, charge is induced from the first body
to the second. However, no one has yet been able to prove that the electric current
behaves similarly, that is, it induces electricity to the nearest
circuit. Faraday was able to prove this theory, but by a completely unexpected
way: induction was manifested not only during the course of induction
current, but also when it changes.

different forms
In the three presented
wire cases
closes on a galvanometer:
a) if we zoom
magnet to the cable and remove
from it, appears in the cable
current; b) if to cable
connects or
power is turned off,
is induced on the neighboring
cable; c) if the magnet
rotate around the cable, in it
current appears.

Generalization of experiments on electromagnetic induction

Discovery of the magnetic field
Magnetism turns into electricity

Spectrum of magnetic fields
Opposite poles of different magnets attract
north to south and vice versa

Unipolar Faraday generator



Faraday in the field of electrochemistry, you can
summarize in two sentences that received
called Faraday's laws of electrolysis.
- Weight chemical substances deposited on
electrode, is directly proportional to the amount
passed current to the required for the process
- For given quantity electricity mass
released chemical elements directly
proportional to their chemical equivalents.

The last years of the great inventor ...
In 1855, illness again forced Faraday to stop work. He
significantly weakened, began to lose his memory catastrophically.
Michael Faraday died
August 25, 1867
seventy seven years old
from birth, leaving
huge after
treasure trove of knowledge and

Nothing is forgotten...
After Michael's death
Faraday, near
Royal Institute,
bronze was erected
monument to the great
inventor. IN
the present time in
Royal Institute
museum named after


Category: presentation

Topic: "Discoveries of Faraday"

The work was done by a student of 11 "B" class:

Bakhmutova Ksenia Romanovna

Head: physics teacher

Ponomareva Evgeniya Vladimirovna

"A happy accident falls only to the prepared mind" L. Pasteur

Michael Faraday

(22 .09. 1791 - 25 .08. 1867) -

English scientist,

physicist , chemist ,

member of the London

Royal Society.

First independent research.

1) In 1820 Faraday

spent several

smelting experiments

steels containing

nickel. This job

considered a discovery

of stainless steel .

Stainless steel elements.

2) In 1824 he was the first to obtain chlorine

in liquid state .

3) In 1825 he synthesized for the first time hexachlorane - a substance on the basis of which various insecticides were produced in the 20th century. And also received benzene , petrol , chamois - naphthalene acid .

"Turn magnetism into electricity"

In 1831, Faraday experimentally discovered the phenomena

2) self-induction

1) electromagnetic induction

This allowed him to create a model of a unipolar dynamo, later called generator permanent current .

Faraday formulated the laws of electrolysis:

Faraday's first law. The amount of substance released at each of the electrodes during electrolysis is proportional to the charge that has flowed through the electrolyte.

Second law Faraday.

The electrochemical equivalent of all substances is proportional to their chemical equivalent.

Schematic representation of an electrolytic

cells for electrolysis research.

The laws of electrolysis formed the basis of electroplating,

electroplating and electrochemistry.

Basic works on electricity and magnetism

Faraday represented Royal Society

in the form of a series of reports entitled

"Experimental Research on Electricity".

In 1821 - "The success story of electromagnetism".

In 1831 - a treatise "About a special kind of optical illusion",

as well as a treatise "On Vibrating Records".

"On the Liquefaction of Chlorine"

Well known book

"The History of the Candle" (1861),

which has been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world.

  • As a result of studying the magnetic properties of substances,

opened dia - and para - magnets .

  • opened rotation of the plane of polarization of light under

action magnetism named "Faraday effect".

  • 55 years before the experimental discovery of electromagnetic

filament waves by Hertz, predicted their existence.

  • Implemented gas liquefaction and predicted the existence

critical temperature.

obtained in various ways.

Discoveries, proofs, inventions...

  • He discovered the rotation of a conductor with current around a magnet, which was

prototype of the modern electric motor.

  • Designed a voltmeter.
  • Invented the "Faraday cage" ("Faraday shield").

Faraday voltmeter

Principle of operation

"Faraday cages"

Modern electric motor

Michael Faraday introduced a number of concepts:

  • Mobility (1827)
  • cathode, anode, ion, electrolysis, electrode, electrolyte,

cation, anion (1834)

  • First used the terms "magnetic field",

"electromagnetic induction" (1845)

  • Diamagnetism
  • Paramagnetism
  • Dielectric constant of the medium
  • He proposed the concepts of field and lines of force (1830 )
  • Formulated the concept of the field (1852)

"Work, Finish, Publish!"

Michael Faraday

The works of Faraday were destined to become the most important link in the chain of events that made technical achievements in the field of electrochemistry and electricity our property. If the works of other scientists were individual peaks, then Faraday erected entire mountain ranges of interrelated and very important works. He owes his success in science not only to talent, but also to strong-willed determination. When asked what the secret of his success was, he replied: “It’s very simple: I have been studying and working, working and studying all my life!”.

In my opinion, even a far from complete list of what Faraday contributed to science gives an idea of ​​the exceptional significance of his discoveries. The works of Faraday marked the offensive new era in physics.

List of Internet resources:

  • en/wikipedia/org
  • www/power/info/ru
  • www/galvanicworld/com
  • www/piplz/ru
  • www/physchem/chimfak/rsu/ru
  • www/bestreferat/ru
  • http://jelektrotexnika.ru/elektro/89

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