Interesting quotes about children. Beautiful sayings about children. Wise Quotes About Children

There are no children, there are people.
Janusz Korczak

Most of us become parents while still being children.
Minion McLaughlin

Husbands and wives should be chosen by our children.
Valery Afonchenko

Deciding to have a baby is no easy task. It means deciding that your heart will now and forever roam outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Children immediately and naturally become accustomed to happiness, because by their very nature they themselves are joy and happiness.
Victor Hugo

Gifted children are the heritage of the nation. It is hard to disagree with this statement. Indeed, children are our future. You can agree or disagree with other statements by reading short quotes about children with meaning. This collection contains wise and beautiful phrases of great people, their view on the topic of childhood. These are reflections of famous people both past and present. Quotes and aphorisms come across as serious, philosophical, and witty. But each of these statements gives reason to think.

Life for a child is one huge experiment.
Alfred Adler

Every child is part genius, and every genius is part child.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Every person is always someone else's child.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

When a child grows up, he ceases to understand many things.
Alexander Kulich

Who was not a child, he will never become an adult.
Charlie Chaplin

Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.
Fedor Dostoevsky

Cherish your children's tears so they can shed them on your grave.

Unlike talent, stupidity does not rest on children.
Valentin Domil

Mutual love is cemented by children.

All the children of the world cry in the same language.
Leonid Leonov

What is childhood, if you look? Formally, the period when a little man tries to learn to understand the world around him, tries to learn the rules of the surrounding society. That is, this is a time of knowledge and discovery. The most interesting stage of a person's life. This is evidenced by quotes about children.

You look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.
William Shakespeare

You can't scare away children with severity, they can't stand only lies.
Lev Tolstoy

First, a person develops mentally and physically, then sexually. And with the birth of children, the mental period begins again.
Vladimir Borisov

Children are fruits that do not see the roots.
Gennady Malkin

Children are always ready for a miracle.
Olga Muravieva

Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Children amuse themselves with this or that activity even when they are not doing anything.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Children are innocent - and therefore their conscience sleeps; they don't know what it is - remorse.
Valentin Grudeev

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
Pearl Buck

There are so many quotes and reflections about childhood, it seems that nothing new can already be invented. But, perhaps, among the presented phrases you will find something new for yourself.

If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would grow up only geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

Life is short, but a person lives it again in his children.
Anatole France

A woman understands children better than a man, but a man is more of a child than a woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche

If you have children, you have nothing else.
Kathleen Norris

Love is not necessarily children, but children are necessarily love.
Valery Afonchenko

Don't waste a person's time talking about how smart your kids are, because he wants to tell you about how smart his own kids are.
Edgar Watson Hovey

It is joyful when your children are a step forward compared to you, bitter when a step is back.
Ilya Shevelev

The most observant people are children. Then the artists.
Vasily Shukshin

Children are the living flowers of the earth, Maxim Gorky once said. It is from this phrase that the famous quote arose: Children are the flowers of life. And in order for the flowers to grow well, you need a proper environment and atmosphere, that is, a family. We invite you to read

You should never talk ahead of time with children about lofty matters, to resonate. There is nothing more vulgar than the children with whom they resonated. Reason develops after all other faculties, and to begin with it is to begin at the end. If the reasons, the reasons for all things were clear to children, then there would be nothing to educate them.

The best age for children: you no longer lead them by the hand, and they still do not lead you by the nose.

Children are younger than us, they still remember how they were also trees and birds, and therefore are still able to understand them; we are too old, we have too many worries, and our heads are full of jurisprudence and bad poetry.

A child is a perpetual motion machine, and also a jerk, a jumper, a biter, a hugger and a hard kisser.

From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and bring them out!

A sleeping baby is not only cute, but finally!

Children are our tomorrow's judges, they are critics of our views, deeds, they are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.

Did you want a boy or a girl??? Actually, we just wanted to relax...

Parents are such simple devices that even children can control them.

Left unattended young children quickly become small parents.

An honest child loves not mom and dad, but tubes with cream.

The baby is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. Anyone who does not want to do this is behind his time.

It is worth being a father at least in order to look at children without envy.

The baby is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

No two children are the same - especially if one of them is yours.

To put a child on its feet, you need to remove it from your neck ...

Children wonder where everything comes from, parents - where everything goes.

Women make us poets, children make us philosophers.

Children are the best alarm clock: start it once - and for life!

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

As dad said, so it will be in mom's way!

Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be born.

Ingratitude is the most vile, but at the same time the most primordial - this is the ingratitude of children to their parents.

Love is not necessarily children, but children are necessarily love.

Motherly love is the most common and most commonly understood example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

He who has no children makes a sacrifice to death.

Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and never begin to live.

Divorce statistics show that parents run away from home more often than children.

The main disadvantage of fathers: they want their children to be proud of them.

My son is into meditation - after all, it's better than sitting back.

Children of fathers are always older than their parents: the age of the fathers is added to their age. (Unknown author)

Father and mother, father and mother - these are the first two authorities on which the world is based for the child, that faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy is based.

To be truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education.

Children are interested in the question: where does everything come from; adults - where does everything go.

A child from the first grade of school must be taught the science of loneliness.

If kids love horror movies so much, why are they mad at their parents?

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.

There are three ways to do something: do it yourself, hire someone else, or stop your kids from doing it.

I want happiness ... such a small happiness, with tiny arms and legs and with your eyes. Statuses about children

Happiness is soft warm hands, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa... What is happiness? It's better not to answer! Everyone who has children has happiness! Statuses about children

Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your forehead. To decide on this, you need to know exactly what you want. Elizabeth Gilbert

It's good when you have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, but it's bad if this is the only thing you have. Statuses about children

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy. Oscar Wilde

If you know how to diagnose the joy of a child, the intensity of his joy, then you should have noticed that the greatest joy is the happiness of overcoming difficulties, achieving a goal, discovering a secret, the joy of victory and the happiness of independence, mastery, possession. Janusz Korczak

Children teach adults not to dive into a business to the end and remain free. M. Prishvin

Children have neither a past nor a future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. labruyère

Children have their own special ability to see, think and feel, and there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this ability in them with ours. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood. Pablo Picasso

Growing up, children become adults or poets. Sergei Fedin

No one in the world feels new things more than children. Children shudder at this smell, like a dog at a hare's footprint, and experience a madness that later, when we become adults, is called inspiration. I. Babel

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. Jean Jacques Rousseau

There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. Such people are usually hated in schools and almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are properly educated. Jan Amos Comenius

Every child is a genius to some extent and every genius is a child to some extent. Schopenhauer

The ability to go down to the child's impulses and to guide them is inherent only in a sublime and strong soul. Michel Montaigne

You say: children make me tired. You're right. You explain: it is necessary to descend to their concepts. Drop, stoop, bend, shrink. You are wrong. We don’t get tired of that, but from the fact that we need to rise to their feelings. Rise, stand on tiptoe, stretch. Not to offend. Janusz Korczak

Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, according to itself. All premature maturity is like corruption in childhood. V. G. Belinsky

Let childhood mature in childhood. Jean Jacques Rousseau

He who does not remember his own childhood quite clearly is a bad educator. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

The child brings into the mother's life a wonderful song of silence. From the long hours spent near him, when he does not demand, but simply lives, from the thoughts with which his mother diligently envelops him, depends what she will become, her life program, her strength and creativity. In the silence of contemplation, with the help of the child, she grows to the insights that the work of an educator requires. Janusz Korczak

The upbringing of children depends entirely on the attitude of adults towards them, and not on the attitude of adults to the problems of education. Gilbert Chesterton

Each child should be subjected to his own standard, to be urged on to his own duty, and to be rewarded with his own deserved praise. Not success, but effort deserves a reward. John Ruskin

A person who really respects the human personality must respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his “I” and separated himself from the world around him. Dmitry Pisarev

Parents do not realize how much harm they cause their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky

In fear lest death take the child from us, we take the child from life; protecting from death, we do not let him live. Janusz Korczak

Everyone must go to the duel with fate in their own armor. Vladimir Levy

If we want to achieve true world peace, we must start with children. Mahatma Gandhi

If the mother sees that the child has done well, she must certainly praise him, express her approval to him and thereby please his heart. 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Do not beat the child, so that later he does not recoup on your beloved grandchildren. Ilya Gerchikov

Your child needs your love the most when he least deserves it. E. Bombek

The one whom the child does not love has no right to punish the child. John Locke

The child who endures less abuse grows up to be a more self-conscious person. Friedrich Engels

Be truthful even in relation to a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. L. Tolstoy

Raise children without reprimanding them. Guard childhood from remarks and reproaches. Parenting without remarks is the best thing you can give your children. S. L. Soloveichik

Children do not need teachings, but examples. Joseph Joubert

You will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; he will not listen to your words, but your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. V. F. Odoevsky

If you understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and only one question remains: how should one live oneself? Lev Tolstoy

Children copy their parents and this is an absolute manifestation of their love. Boris Novoderzhkin

The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life. Henry Ward Beecher

The beginnings laid down in a person's childhood are like letters carved on the bark of a young tree, growing with him, forming an integral part of him. V. Hugo

Sweets, biscuits and sweets cannot be raised from children of healthy people. Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious. Robert Schumann

"No" said with deep conviction is better than "yes" said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems. Mahatma Gandhi

A lot can be achieved by severity, a lot by love, but most of all by knowledge of the matter and justice, regardless of faces. Johann Goethe

To educate a person intellectually without educating him morally means to raise a threat to society. Theodore Roosevelt

Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give a child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the life of the lover, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved creature into an idol. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices. P. Buast

Every spoiled child has a share of the outcast. Alfred Adler

If you don't know what your kids are like, look at their friends. Xun Tzu

As soon as the children become obedient, mothers become afraid if they are about to die. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Children's games are not games at all, and it is more correct to look at them as the most significant and thoughtful occupation of this age. Michel Montaigne

No, the child has a sense of duty, not imposed by force, tends to order, does not refuse rules and duties. He only wants the burden not to be unbearable, so that it does not break his back, so that he meets understanding when he staggers, slips, is tired, stops to take a breath. Janusz Korczak

Children often start stealing when they feel deprived of something very important to their lives. Alfred Adler

Very often, children's restlessness, disobedience and the desire to break the rules are nothing more than an unconscious cry for help, an inept attempt to interest themselves, attract attention and get at least a drop of care and warmth, which they lack so much. Oleg Roy

Children do not steal things, not money - children steal love that has not been given. Vladimir Levy

Children are holy and pure. You can not make them a toy of your mood. A. Chekhov

With children, do not go to extremes,
And for your cares and efforts
Grumpily reproach for ingratitude:
They didn't ask you to give birth to them. E. Sevrus

Children don't owe anyone anything! Makarsky

Let the kids make mistakes. You give them life, but you have no rights to it. Olga Anina

Your children are not your children.
They are sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.
They come from you, but they do not belong to you.
You can give them your words, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts.
You can learn from them, but not teach them, for their souls dwell in the valley of Tomorrow, where you cannot visit even in dreams... Gibran Khalil Gibran.

A child is not a lottery ticket to be won in the form of a portrait in a magistrate's meeting room or a bust in a theater foyer. Everyone has their own spark, which can be struck by the flint of happiness and truth, and perhaps in the tenth generation it will burst into flames of genius and, glorifying its own kind, will illuminate humanity with the light of a new sun.
The child is not the soil cultivated by heredity for the sowing of life, we can only contribute to the growth of that which violently and persistently begins to rush to life in him even before his first breath.
Respect... pure, clear, unblemished holy childhood! Janusz Korczak

Children and parents: the best statuses and sayings, quotes and aphorisms of the greatabout love for childrenupbringing andhappy childhood, about family and children, with meaning.

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Children need role models more than criticism.

"AND. Joubert"

Know how to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not like to be done to yours.

"Janusz Korczak"

If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would grow up only geniuses.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

One child in a family is not enough, two is much more than necessary.

"Axiom O'Toole"

The subjects taught to children must correspond to their age, otherwise there is a danger that cleverness, fashionableness, vanity will develop in them.

When the sage was asked: “Is it worth pampering children?”, He answered: “Be sure to pamper, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them.”

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

"D. Baldwin"

If the child is guilty, give him even more love - right now he needs it more than ever.

A little daughter is a great happiness. Her eyes, cheeks, mouth. It is impossible to look at her without smiling. I want to give my life for her laughter ...

Little children are little troubles, and when they grow up they will be big.

Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing - remain themselves.

Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by your own example. After a while, they will unwittingly repeat after you.

My husband and I are considering getting a dog or a child. But we haven't decided yet which is better: ruining our carpet or ruining our lives.

"Rita Rudner"

Children can only be compared with money: no matter how big they grow up, we still perceive them as small.

It turns out that children are the most beautiful miracle on earth. Just think that there are little people in the world who stretch out their little hands to everyone and think about everyone that he is good and kind. Little people for whom it doesn’t matter whether your face is beautiful or bad, they are ready to kiss everyone with joy, they love everyone - old and young, rich and poor!

"Selma Lagerlöf"

Quotes about children

The only way not to become a fool is to have many children.

An unloved child ceases to be a child: he is just a small, defenseless adult.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Children begin by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And almost never forgive them.

Children's conversations are a kind of retelling of facts from their lives. Who bought what toy, whose dad works as a fireman, and so on. But these two, talking for only a couple of hours, already knew the most important thing about each other.

"Alexander Polyarny"

Be like children! They do not care about people's opinions, they always enjoy life.

I stopped drinking when I had kids because I wanted to be always on the lookout. I would not like to miss a single thing that children say or do. It is very important for me. When you have kids, you act like you're on drugs. You are always focused. You're covered head to toe in their little baby poop, but that's cool. That's why I stopped drinking.

I want happiness ... such a small happiness, with tiny arms and legs, and with your eyes.

Many people want to change the world for the better for their children. I want to change my children so that they serve the world.


More recently, we ourselves were children, and some lucky person, even having matured, is in no hurry to say goodbye to this carefree state of mind.

We hope that interesting, philosophical, and sometimes unexpected quotes about children from famous classics will help you plunge into the wonderful world of childhood at least for a while.

Happiness is soft, warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa,
What is happiness - it's easier not to answer,
Everyone who has children has happiness!

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Quotes About Children - Undeniable Truths

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

Oscar Wilde

Childhood is when everything is amazing and nothing is surprising.

A. Rivarol

Every child is a genius to some extent and every genius is a child to some extent.

A. Schopenhauer

Be truthful even in relation to a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

L. Tolstoy

Funny quotes about children

Children are the flowers of life, born with their heads down.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.

Joe Holdsworth

It is easier to raise a strong child than to change a man.

Frederick Douglas

We were not lucky with our children - they grew up.

Christopher Morley

With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly - this is suspicious.

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Sad Quotes About Children

Cherish your children's tears so they can shed them on your grave.

Be sure to spoil the children, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Never force children to buy the truth at the cost of vice, and never perfect their minds at the expense of their hearts.

J. Bernardin

All the children of the world cry in the same language.

L. Leonov

If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Wise Quotes About Children

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More often than not, we rejoice more in the childish pranks, games and antics of our children than in their fully conscious actions in adulthood, as if we loved them for our entertainment, like monkeys, and not as people.

M. Montaigne

Children must - as long as they remain children - be guided by parental authority, but at the same time they must be prepared not to always remain children.

K. Wieland

Children need role models more than criticism.

Your child needs your love the most when he least deserves it.

E. Bombek

Children are holy and pure. You can not make them a toy of your mood.

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Philosophical quotes about children

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Children are one third of the population of our country, and our whole future. Children make me want to live.

Muhammad Ali

A child is love made visible.

If you don't know what your kids are like, look at their friends.

Children teach adults not to dive into a business to the end and remain free.

M. Prishvin

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

D. Baldwin

You will live ten times in the world
Repeated ten times in children,
And you will have the right in your last hour
Triumph over conquered death.

W. Shakespeare

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