Bondarchuk marries Paulina Andreeva. The wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Adreyeva: myth or reality? Latest news and closed photos from Instagram. The fateful acquaintance of the actress and director

The famous Russian director, who recently announced a divorce from his wife, marries a young actress.

"No Paulina is special - she's gorgeous, that's all! I first saw her on "Number 13D". I was simply knocked down because some absolute beauty performed in a conservative theater. Stunning! Wow! It was a strong impression", - director Fyodor Bondarchuk spoke about Paulina Andreeva relatively recently.

And then there were rumors that Bondarchuk was ready to lead this "chic and stunning" 27-year-old actress down the aisle.

According to sources from the director's entourage, they have been with Paulina for about six months. That is why his 25-year marriage with Svetlana was terminated. Allegedly, it was Paulina who raised the question of the director's divorce so that he would demonstrate the seriousness of his attitude towards her. And he obeyed.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

As it became known, the romance of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva began last fall.

The actress became famous after starring in TV series "Thaw" And "Method". She also appeared in the first Russian erotic thriller "Locust".

Andreeva has already interested not only directors and film producers, but also fashion designers, and has also entered various ratings of the sexiest celebrities.

Fyodor Bondarchuk is preparing for the wedding with Paulina Andreeva

So far, neither Fedor, nor Svetlana, nor Paulina have commented on the rumors that it was Andreeva who insisted on a divorce.

On March 29, Paulina appeared alone at the awards ceremony of the Association of Film and Television Producers.

50-year-old director Fyodor Bondarchuk and 28-year-old actress Paulina Andreeva promised that they would get married in the summer of 2017

Rumors about the inevitable marriage of Bondarchuk and Andreeva began to circulate a long time ago. Since then, this wedding has already become the most anticipated event of 2017. But summer has passed - autumn is in the yard. And the exchange of rings never happened.

For the first time about the novel Bondarchuk And Andreeva spoke two years ago. And just a couple of months before that, the offspring of the luminary of Soviet cinema, who himself had already become a celebrity, publicly announced his separation from his wife - Svetlana Bondarchuk. Spouses with a quarter of a century behind them life together and two children, thanked each other for the invaluable experience. And they promised publicly to remain friends at all costs.

Behind this fact there are no conflicts, resentments or contradictions. We have ceased to be a couple, but we remain close and dear people to each other! - the Bondarchuks got off with the on-duty phrase.

Although knowledgeable people they assured that Svetlana and Fedor had ceased to be a family for a long time. Say, back in 2009, Sveta began to have an affair with an elite dentist Omar Gazaev, which, by the way, at that time was also not free. While he and Sveta were thinking about the frailty of earthly existence, sitting almost every evening in a cozy restaurant on the Patriarchs and stroking her silk palm, then her no less tender thigh, his wife and son were waiting for him at home.

Omar GAZAEV. Photo:

I am not one of those women who can endure betrayal for years, - the abandoned wife of Gazaev, Zarema, complained to the site. - As soon as I found out about Omar's affair with Svetlana, I immediately filed for divorce. Only because of Bondarchuk our family collapsed, and my son lost his father. Before that, we had a great life!

It was rumored that Sveta ran away to her lover (by the way, Omar is 10 years younger than her) precisely because Fedor stopped inspiring his wife. In the cinema environment, it has long been known that Bondarchuk had alcohol marathons with a difficult finish. Sometimes so severe that they had to resort to the services of doctors. They wrote that the film director is a frequent patient of the notorious Marshak Clinic. And colleagues chattered that they allegedly saw his car not far from the elite "massage" salons, where prices start from 20 thousand rubles per hour.

Everything seemed to change when Paulina appeared in Fedor's life. Bondarchuk was so fascinated by the young actress who sang the imperishable "Thaw" that he forgot to think about going to haunted places. And in general, it would be strange to “walk” from a beautiful, slender, smartest and temperamental girl who is suitable for your daughter.

Dentist Omar is very similar to the young Fedya (in the photo he is with Natalia VETLITSKA) Photo: Archive website

Andreeva knows her worth. When she was not yet famous, she came to castings as a prima: she held her head high. It was clear that she understood that she was good. I know that both directors and artists tried to court her, but she kept her distance. She said that she was not in a hurry to get married - she was waiting for a prince, - the casting director of Mosfilm shared a secret Marina Polozkova. - And waited. On a horse. But bald.

Few colleagues believed in sincere feelings this couple. Say, Katenka (such a name was given to Paulina by her parents) spends time with Fedya solely because of the deafening PR. Yes, and after parting with Sveta, this beautiful novel amused pride and added points in public opinion.

When Bondarchuk and his slender girlfriend appeared on the red carpet of the Kinotavr festival in Sochi last year, holding hands, even the most seasoned secular reporters believed that it was a wedding. And then few people knew that Fedor, who had arrived at the Black Sea a few days earlier than Paulina, went to meet her at the airport in a limousine stuffed full of roses. Well, do they make such surprises without a real feeling?

Svetlana recently had a wonderful rest on Cote d'Azur... Photo:

Attraction is no more

They seemed to be planning a wedding in August on Lake Como in Italy. But something went wrong.

Fedor is not getting married! - the director's daughter-in-law Tata said at the beginning of summer.

She didn't explain the reason. The bride and groom themselves keep their mouths shut. Not a single press comment! Does love love silence?

I treat Paulinochka with four pluses - with undisguised delight Irina Skobtseva, the famous mother of Fedor Sergeevich. She is a wonderful person and a wonderful actress.

And why doesn't Fedya marry her then? - the journalist asked the actress.

So he has not yet divorced Sveta!

This is how a wedding in Italy is!

...together with my girlfriend Nadya Obolentseva. Photo:

However, one person, who has long been a member of the Bondarchuks' house, told us another reason:

The attraction is gone, guys, pardon the pun. In the sense that Paulina dreamed of getting leading role in Fedin's film "Attraction" and he promised her. And approved in the end Ira Starshenbaum. He categorically insisted on her participation Sasha Petrov who now "dances" her. Petrov is now the star of the first row ... Fedya gave Paulina to record one of the leitmotif compositions. She sang very well, you heard. But after this story, they parted ways. In general, they do not live together and, like, do not even meet. What a wedding! And how this love story will end, God only knows. Do you know the world of cinema? Well, draw your own conclusions and predictions ...

The novel by Fyodor Bondarchuk and actress Paulina Andreeva is one of the most discussed in Russian cinema. Beautiful and budding and successful director in adulthood- such a story can cause skepticism in many. Is it possible that this real love And how will this romantic story end?

Paulina Andreeva

Ekaterina Olegovna Andreeva was born in Leningrad on October 12, 1988. She dreamed of being an actress since high school. And her dream came true: she entered the Moscow Art Theater School and successfully graduated from it. After graduation, Ekaterina changed her name to Paulina and began to play at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. She is a talented actress, critics are very supportive of her. And this is confirmed by the fact that they started talking about her even before the announcement of their relationship with Fedor Bondarchuk. The brightest of her roles were the following:

  • in the television series "Thaw";
  • the film "Locust";
  • TV series "Method";
  • series "Dark World";
  • series "Gregory R.";
  • movie "Shot".

Paulina quickly gained fame for herself without the help of an eminent boyfriend.

She has established herself as a versatile actress. Her play on the theater stage is especially impressive for many, as she gives herself to the role without a trace. Many note her bright and dramatic beauty. Once Vladimir Mashkov could not resist the combination of these qualities, and now the notorious Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Bondarchuk Fedor Sergeevich was born on May 9, 1967 in Moscow, in the family of director Sergei Bondarchuk and actress Irina Skobtseva. He decided to follow in his father's footsteps and devote his life to cinema. He first appeared on screens in 1986, in his father's film "Boris Godunov", in the role of Godunov's son Tsarevich Fyodor.

Despite the fact that Fedor actively played and plays in films, most perceive him not as an actor, but as a director. For 2017, he has only 10 films in which he acted as a director. But as a producer, he acted in 41 films and played as an actor in 71 films. But he is especially famous as the director of the following films:

  • "9 Rota";
  • "Inhabited Island";
  • series "Quiet Flows the Don" (TV version);
  • "Stalingrad";
  • "Attraction".

His face became recognizable throughout Russia after participating in the Armchair rating show on Channel One. After this success, he was the host of two more TV shows: “Cinema in Detail” and “You Are a Supermodel”.

Fedor understood that only directing and acting big money Not everyone can earn money in Russia. And so in parallel, he decided to go into business in the field of cinema. Founded by him in 1991 with a friend, Art Pictures was initially engaged in the production of video clips, but by 2002 had grown into the production of feature films.

So student years and until recently was married to Svetlana Bondarchuk. In marriage, their daughter Barbara was born.

Love story

In his interview with L "Officie magazine, Fedor said that he first saw her on the theater stage, and then on the screen. And later they met live, but they don’t want to talk about exactly how they met.

For the first time, Fedor and Paulina appeared in public together as a couple in 2016 at Kinotavr. As Fedor himself explained, their decision to show everyone that they were a couple was deliberate. Paulina's parents are conservative, and he did not want to put her in an uncomfortable position. Therefore, he officially left his wife and showed with this exit that Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk did not have an affair, but everything was serious. But they categorically refuse to discuss their life together.


Despite the skepticism that Paulina Fedor needed to star in his films, they did not cooperate precisely as a director and actress. True, his film company is shooting some of the films in which Paulina played. But of the 13 films in which she played, these are only two films: "Myths" and "Sleepers". But Fedor notes that as an actress she is very impressed with him.

IN Lately they began to play together in films as actors. For example, in Alexander Molochnikov's film "Myths". And in the series "Demon of the Revolution" they played lovers at all. Oddly enough, it turned out to be difficult for them to play lovers, since their love is not a game, and such roles turn out to be the transfer of personal and intimate emotions to the big screen.

Lovers try to strictly distinguish between working relationships and love. When they work on a film, they are not lovers, but professionals.

Relation to their romance

After Fyodor Bondarchuk announced that after 25 years of marriage he and Svetlana were getting divorced, a flurry of accusations rained down on him. Their essence was that he destroyed his marriage because of a temporary lust for a young actress. To which he stated that they had not lived with Svetlana as husband and wife for several years, and all their secular exits during this period were fiction, visibility happy marriage to avoid gossip. But now that he has fallen in love, he does not want to hide his girlfriend and is ready to go for a divorce.

In many photos, Paulina Andreeva and Fedor Bondarchuk look at each other with such tenderness and passion that you immediately believe in their relationship. Indeed, despite the fact that Fedor is already 50 years old, he remains an attractive man. He looks after himself, he has a great figure and style in clothes. It is likely that Paulina really liked him, because some girls like older and wiser men, especially since they have so many common interests. Why Paulina Fyodor could have liked is even more obvious: a young, beautiful girl, a talented actress, because of this one can easily lose one's head.

Future plans

Immediately after the start of their relationship, there was talk of the wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva at the end of the summer of 2017. But the wedding has not yet been played. Recently, rumors leaked that the couple broke up due to the fact that Fedor gave the main role in his new film "Attraction" to another actress. But after a while, the lovers appeared at the premiere of this film and looked like a very happy couple.

Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk themselves do not talk about their romance, but they appear together at all events and unambiguously hug each other by the waist. All those crumbs of information about their romance that the press manages to grab are recorded from the words of others. For example, from Fedor's mother Irina Skobtseva or their mutual friends.

06 April 2016

The lovers do not intend to marry in the near future

The lovers do not intend to marry in the near future.

Some time ago, there were reports in the press that with Svetlana Bondarchuk, the famous director intends with the actress of the series "Method" - Paulina Andreeva. The couple's colleagues in the theater confirmed this information, but the relatives of Bondarchuk and Andreeva, on the contrary, asked the journalists not to get into the personal lives of the stars.

“Andreeva knows her worth. When she was not yet famous, she came to castings as a prima: she held her head high. I mentally called her a shark. It was clear that she understood that she was good. I was not afraid of failure. I know that both directors and artists tried to court her, but she kept her distance. She said that she was not in a hurry to get married - she was waiting for her fate. Everything is serious with Bondarchuk. Of course, he is a winning party for her - and a director, and a producer, and not poor ... ”, - says the casting director of Mosfilm Marina Ievleva.

According to rumors, Paulina and Fedor have been together for about a year. It was the actress who became the catalyst for discord in the relationship between the producer and his already ex-wife Svetlana. In the near future, the lovers planned to get married, but the celebration had to be canceled at the insistence of Bondarchuk's children.

Photo: Instagram

“Fyodor Bondarchuk is not getting married! He did not make any statements about the wedding. Only about his divorce. If Fedor Sergeevich wants, he will make a confession himself, - said Fedor's daughter-in-law (the wife of his son Sergei) Tatiana Bondarchuk. “She would tell me if she was going to get married,” assures younger brother Paulina Oleg. And our parents don't know. While the wedding is not scheduled, ”quotes the words of brother Paulina

    Neither Fyodor Bondarchuk himself, nor Paulina Andreeva, new passion they haven't said anything yet. So far, only in the press and on the Internet there are these rumors that he divorced his wife after such a long marriage that they lived to see their grandchildren, precisely because of this young actress. There is no mention of the wedding anywhere.

    Such rumors about the upcoming wedding of Fdor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva are really full of some print media and the Internet.

    But in fact, Fyodor Bondarchuk, his relatives and comrades around him are surprised by these rumors, since in their opinion this is very inflated information.

    There are still other languages ​​that claim about the novel by Bondarchuk and Andreeva. After all, Fdor is divorced and free, and the young actress Paulina would gladly marry an experienced director in order to move up the career ladder.

    Indeed, all the newspapers wrote that Fyodor Bondarchuk would marry Paulina Andreeva. Turns out they've been dating for a year and a half. Moreover, Bondarchuk just recently divorced his wife and is already ready to go back to the registry office.

  • So far, at the beginning of April 2016, Bondarchuk is divorced and has not yet married anyone.

    Naturally, Fedor's heart is busy again and this is Paulina Andreeva, who is an actress and quite successful. A few days ago, such information appeared that the couple was preparing for the wedding, but again, this is all at the level of rumors, Fedor and Paulina themselves did not report anything. They also say that the celebration will be soon.

    I also thought that he would marry again, but it turned out not to be true. His close people denied these rumors. Maybe he will marry in the future, but so far he does not seem to be going to. He only recently divorced his wife Svetlana. Fedor Bondarchuk really meets with the star of the series Method Paulina Andreeva, there are even rumors that he divorced his wife because of her, but they are not going to marry in the near future.

    I don't know who to believe and who not. Personally, today I received the following news on my phone by subscribing to a magazine for 7 days. In which it is directly stated that Fyodor Bondarchuk is preparing for the wedding with a young actress Paulina Andreeva.

    He does not marry anyone yet, these are all rumors. So far, it is only known that he has an affair with a young, beautiful, famous and popular actress Poulina Andreeva. And now there is a lot of gossip and speculation around this.

    One of the most unexpected divorces occurred between Fyodor Bondarchuk and Svetlana after 25 years of marriage, they remained on good terms, raising their grandchildren. Rumor has it that the successful actress Paulina Andreeva became a homemaker, but neither she nor Bondarchuk say anything. According to rumors, there will be a wedding soon, and Paulina herself insisted on a divorce. Maybe someone threw a duck in the media.

    Together with Svetlana, Fyodor Bondarchuk has been married for a long time since 1991 - 25 years. But since then, according to the couple, the relationship has not become so strong and it turns out that the characters did not agree. Now they both officially announced their divorce in March of this year (03/19/16).

    The famous director has had an affair with actress Paulina Andreeva since last fall.

    This is how Fyodor Bondarchuk himself speaks about her:

    In 7 days, they report that the wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and the film actress who played in Law and Order, Thaw, Grigory R, ​​will take place, Status is free.

    Perhaps the marriage of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva will really take place? Let's wait and see until they announce the wedding themselves. In the meantime, the actor and director just got divorced.

    Recently, the network has been actively discussing the divorce of Svetlana and Fdor Bondarchuk, who decided to part after twenty-five years of marital relations, and naturally, the director's fans could not help looking for a reason for this. Apparently, the reason was revealed in the person of the young and very talented actress Paulina Andreeva, who, according to Bondarchuk, liked him while still a student, and then the girl for quite a long time was in a relationship with the famous actor Vladimir Mashkov, with whom she broke up, allegedly for the sake of Fdor Bondarchuk (more details here), about preparing for the wedding - here. However, no comments have yet been received from Fdor and Paulina.

    So far, the exact fact of whom Bondarchuk is marrying is not known. Yes, maybe he won’t marry at all. You can live civil marriage and the stamp in the passport essentially does not change anything, except for the division of property.

    The Bondarchuks divorced after twenty-five years of marriage and were considered an excellent couple.

    Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that Fedor and Paulina Andreeva are together, but this is speculation, and none of them both have confirmed this information at all.

    That's when this director says that he is getting married and will name the chosen one personally, then it will be possible to believe in such information. And the media can invent and guess at their own discretion.

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