Six brave men showed themselves here. “The Legend of the Life of Alexander Nevsky. Negotiations with the Horde. Hike to Yuryev

The composition of “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” dates back to the 80s. XIII century and are associated with the names of Dmitry Alexandrovich, son of Alexander Nevsky, and Metropolitan Kirill, with the Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Vladimir, where the prince’s body was buried. Here in the 13th century. The veneration of the prince as a saint begins and the first edition of his life appears.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I, thin and sinful, narrow-minded, dare to describe the life of the holy Prince Alexander, son of Yaroslav, grandson of Vsevolodov. Because I heard from my fathers and was a witness myself mature age him, then I was glad to tell about his holy, honest, and glorious life. But as the Tributary said: “Wisdom will not enter an evil soul: for it dwells in elevated places, stands in the middle of roads, and stops at the gates of noble people.” Although I am simple in mind, I will still begin, with the prayer of the Holy Mother of God and the help of Holy Prince Alexander.

This prince Alexander was born from a merciful and philanthropic father, and most of all, a meek one, the great prince Yaroslav and from his mother Theodosia. As Isaiah the prophet said: “Thus says the Lord: “I appoint princes; for they are sacred, and I lead them.” And truly, his reign was not without God’s command.

And he was handsome like no other, and his voice was like a trumpet among the people, his face was like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian king made the second king in Egypt, and his strength was part of the strength of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, His courage is like that of the Roman king Vespasian, who conquered the entire land of Judea. One day he prepared to besiege the city of Joatapata, and the townspeople came out and defeated his army. And only Vespasian remained, and turned those who opposed him to the city, to the city gates, and laughed at his squad, and reproached them, saying: “They left me alone.” Likewise, Prince Alexander won, but was invincible.

That is why one of the eminent men of the Western country, from those who call themselves servants of God, came, wanting to see the maturity of his strength, just as in ancient times the Queen of Sheba came to Solomon, wanting to listen to his wise speeches. So this one, named Andreas, having seen Prince Alexander, returned to his people and said: “I went through countries and peoples and did not see such a king among kings, nor a prince among princes.”

Hearing about such valor of Prince Alexander, the king of the Roman country from the Midnight Land thought to himself: “I will go and conquer the land of Alexander.” And he gathered together a great force, and filled many ships with his regiments, and set out with enormous power, puffing with the military spirit. And he came to the Neva, intoxicated with madness, and sent his ambassadors, proud, to Novgorod to Prince Alexander, saying: “If you can, defend yourself, for I am already here and ruining your land.”

Alexander, having heard such words, burned in his heart and entered the Church of Hagia Sophia, and, falling on his knees before the altar, began to pray with tears: “Glorious God, righteous, great God, mighty, eternal God, who created heaven and earth and set the boundaries You commanded the peoples to live without transgressing other people’s borders.” And, remembering the words of the prophet, he said: “Judge, Lord, those who offend me and protect them from those who fight me, take a weapon and a shield and stand up to help me.”

And, having finished the prayer, he stood up and bowed to the archbishop. The archbishop was then Spyridon, he blessed him and released him. The prince, leaving the church, wiped away his tears and said to encourage his squad: “God is not in power, but in truth. Let us remember the Songmaker, who said: “Some with weapons, and others on horses, but we call on the name of the Lord our God; They were defeated and fell, but we survived and are standing upright.” Having said this, he went against the enemies with a small squad, not waiting for his large army, but trusting in the Holy Trinity.

It was sad to hear that his father, the great prince Yaroslav, did not know about the invasion of his son, dear Alexander, and he had no time to send news to his father, for the enemies were already approaching. Therefore, many Novgorodians did not have time to join, as the prince hurried to speak. And he came out against the enemy on Sunday, July fifteenth, having great faith in the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb.

And there was one man, the elder of the Izhora land, named Pelugiy, who was entrusted with night watch at sea. He was baptized and lived among his people, who were pagans, and his name was given in holy baptism Philip, and he lived pleasing to God, observing fasting on Wednesday and Friday, which is why God deigned him to see a wonderful vision on that day. Let's tell you briefly.

Having learned about the strength of the enemy, he went out to meet Prince Alexander to tell him about their camps. He stood on the seashore, watching both routes, and spent the whole night without sleep. When the sun began to rise, he heard a strong noise on the sea and saw one boat floating on the sea, and standing in the middle of the boat were the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb in red robes, holding their hands on each other’s shoulders. The rowers sat as if covered in darkness. Boris said: “Brother Gleb, tell us to row, and let us help our relative Prince Alexander.” Seeing such a vision and hearing these words of the martyrs, Pelugius stood, terrified, until the attack disappeared from his eyes.

Soon after this, Alexander came, and Pelugius, joyfully meeting Prince Alexander, told him alone about the vision. The prince told him: “Don’t tell this to anyone.”

After that, Alexander hastened to attack the enemies at six o'clock in the afternoon, and there was a great slaughter with the Romans, and the prince killed countless numbers of them, and on the face of the king himself he left the mark of his sharp spear.

Six brave men, like him, from Alexander’s regiment showed themselves here.

The first one is named Gavrilo Oleksic. He attacked the auger and, seeing the prince being dragged by the arms, rode all the way to the ship along the gangplank along which he and the prince were running; those pursued by him grabbed Gavrila Oleksich and threw him off the gangplank along with his horse. But by God's mercy he emerged from the water unharmed, and again attacked them, and fought with the commander himself in the midst of their army.

The second one is named Sbyslav Yakunovich, a Novgorodian. This one attacked their army many times and fought with one ax, having no fear in his soul; and many fell by his hand, and they marveled at his strength and courage.

The third - Yakov, a native of Polotsk, was a hunter for the prince. This one attacked the regiment with a sword, and the prince praised him.

The fourth is a Novgorodian named Mesha. This man on foot and his retinue attacked the ships and sank three ships.

The fifth is from the younger squad, named Sava. This one burst into the large royal golden-domed tent and cut down the tent pole. The Alexandrov regiments, seeing the fall of the tent, rejoiced.

The sixth is from Alexander's servants, named Ratmir. This one fought on foot, and many enemies surrounded him. He fell from many wounds and died that way.

I heard all this from my master, Grand Duke Alexander, and from those who participated in this battle at that time.

There was a wondrous miracle at that time, as in the days of old under Hezekiah the king. When Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, came to Jerusalem, wanting to conquer the holy city of Jerusalem, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand of the Assyrian army, and when morning came, they found only dead corpses. This was the case after Alexandrov’s victory: when he defeated the king, on the opposite side of the Izhora River, where Alexandrov’s regiments could not pass, a countless number of those killed by the angel of the Lord were found here. Those who remained fled, and the corpses of their dead soldiers were thrown into ships and sank them into the sea. Prince Alexander returned in victory, praising and glorifying the name of his Creator.

In the second year after Prince Alexander returned with victory, they again came from the Western Country and built a city on the land of Alexandrova. Prince Alexander soon went and destroyed their city to the ground, and hanged them, some, took others with him, and, having pardoned others, released them, for he was immeasurably merciful.

After Alexandrova’s victory, when he defeated the king, in the third year, in winter time, he went with great strength to German land, so that they would not boast, saying: “Let us subdue the Slovenian people.”

And they had already taken the city of Pskov and imprisoned the German governors. He soon expelled them from Pskov and killed the Germans, and tied up others and liberated the city from the godless Germans, and ravaged and burned their land and took countless prisoners, and killed others. The proud Germans gathered and said: “Let's go and defeat Alexander and capture him.”

When the Germans approached, the guards found out about them. Prince Alexander prepared for battle, and they went against each other, and Lake Peipus was covered with many of these and other warriors. Alexander's father Yaroslav sent him to help younger brother Andrei with a large squad. And Prince Alexander also had many brave warriors, like King David in ancient times, strong and strong. So Alexander’s men were filled with the spirit of war, because their hearts were like the hearts of lions, and they exclaimed: “O our glorious prince! Now the time has come for us to lay down our heads for you.” Prince Alexander raised his hands to the sky and said: “Judge me, God, judge my conflict with the unrighteous people and help me, Lord, as in ancient times he helped Moses overcome Amalek and our great-grandfather Yaroslav accursed Svyatopolk».

It was then Saturday, and when the sun rose, the opponents met. And there was a cruel slaughter, and there was a crash from breaking spears and a ringing from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake was moving, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood.

And I heard this from an eyewitness who told me that he saw the army of God in the air, coming to the aid of Alexander. And so he defeated the enemies with the help of God, and they fled, but Alexander cut them down, driving them as if through the air, and they had nowhere to hide. Here God glorified Alexander before all the regiments, like Joshua at Jericho. And the one who said: “Let’s capture Alexander,” God gave into Alexander’s hands. And there has never been an opponent worthy of him in battle. And Prince Alexander returned with a glorious victory, and there were many captives in his army, and they led barefoot next to the horses of those who call themselves “God’s knights.”

And when the prince approached the city of Pskov, the abbots, and priests, and all the people met him in front of the city with crosses, giving praise to God and glorifying the lord Prince Alexander, singing the song: “You, Lord, helped the meek David to defeat the foreigners and our faithful prince with the arms of the godfather, liberate the city of Pskov from foreigners by the hand of Alexandra.”

And Alexander said: “O ignorant Pskovites! If you forget this before the great-grandsons of Alexander, then you will become like the Jews, whom the Lord fed in the desert with manna from heaven and baked quails, but they forgot all this and their God, who delivered them from captivity in Egypt.”

And his name became famous in all countries, from the Khonuzh Sea and to the Ararat Mountains, and on the other side of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome.

At the same time, the Lithuanian people gained strength and began to plunder the Alexandrov possessions. He went out and beat them. One day he happened to ride out against his enemies, and he defeated seven regiments in one ride and killed many of their princes, and took others prisoner, while his servants, mocking, tied them to the tails of their horses. And from that time on they began to fear his name.

At the same time, there was a strong king in the Eastern country, to whom God subjugated many nations, from the east to the west. That king, having heard about such glory and courage of Alexander, sent envoys to him and said: “Alexander, do you know that God has conquered many nations to me? So, are you the only one who doesn’t want to submit to me? But if you want to save your land, then come to me quickly and you will see the glory of my kingdom.”

After the death of his father, Prince Alexander came to Vladimir in great strength. And his arrival was menacing, and news of him rushed to the mouth of the Volga. And the Moabite wives began to frighten their children, saying: “Alexander is coming!”

Prince Alexander decided to go to the Tsar in the Horde, and Bishop Kirill blessed him. And King Batu saw him and was amazed, and said to his nobles: “They told me the truth, that there is no prince like him.” Having honored him with dignity, he released Alexander.

After this, King Batu became angry with little brother his Andrei and sent his governor Nevryuy to destroy the land of Suzdal. After the devastation of the Suzdal land by Nevruy, the great Prince Alexander erected churches, rebuilt cities, and gathered dispersed people into their homes. Isaiah the prophet said about such people: “A good prince in countries is quiet, friendly, meek, humble - and in this way he is like God.” Without being seduced by wealth, without forgetting the blood of the righteous, he judges orphans and widows with justice, is merciful, kind to his household and hospitable to those who come from foreign countries. God helps such people, for God does not love angels, but in His generosity He generously gifts people and shows His mercy in the world.

God filled the land of Alexander with wealth and glory and God extended his years.

One day, ambassadors from the Pope from great Rome came to him with these words: “Our Pope says this: “We heard that you are a worthy and glorious prince and your land is great. That’s why they sent to you the two smartest of the twelve cardinals - Agaldad and Repair, so that you could listen to their speeches about the law of God.”

Prince Alexander, having thought with his sages, wrote him the following answer: “From Adam to the flood, from the flood to the division of nations, from the confusion of nations to the beginning of Abraham, from Abraham to the passage of the Israelites through the sea, from the exodus of the children of Israel to the death of King David , from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to Augustus and until Christmas Nativity, from the Nativity of Christ until His crucifixion and Resurrection, from His Resurrection and Ascension into heaven until the reign of Constantine, from the beginning of the reign of Constantine until the first Council and the seventh - we know all this well, but we will not accept teachings from you.” They returned home.

And the days of his life were multiplied great glory, for he loved priests, and monks, and beggars, and he revered metropolitans and bishops and listened to them as to Christ himself.

In those days there was great violence from non-believers; they persecuted Christians, forcing them to fight on their side. The great prince Alexander went to the king to pray for his people from this misfortune.

And he sent his son Dmitry to the Western countries, and sent all his regiments with him, and his close household members, saying to them: “Serve my son, as you serve me, with all your life.” And Prince Dmitry went in great strength, and conquered the German land, and took the city of Yuryev, and returned to Novgorod with many prisoners and with great booty.

His father Grand Duke Alexander returned from the Horde from the king, and reached Nizhny Novgorod, and fell ill there, and, arriving in Gorodets, fell ill. Oh woe to you, poor man! How can you describe the death of your master! How will your eyes not fall out along with your tears! How can your heart not be torn out by the roots! For a man can leave his father, but he cannot leave a good master; If it were possible, I would go to the grave with him!

Having worked hard for God, he left the earthly kingdom and became a monk, for he had an immeasurable desire to take on the angelic image. God vouchsafed him and O The highest rank to accept is schema. And so in peace he gave up his spirit to God in the month of November on the fourteenth day, in memory of the holy Apostle Philip.

Metropolitan Kirill said: “My children, know that the sun of the land of Suzdal has already set!” Priests and deacons, monks, poor and rich, and all the people exclaimed: “We are already perishing!”

The holy body of Alexander was carried to the city of Vladimir. The Metropolitan, the princes and boyars and all the people, small and large, met him in Bogolyubovo with candles and censers. People crowded, trying to touch his holy body on his honest bed. There was a cry, a groan, and a cry like never before, even the earth shook. His body was laid in the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God, in the great archimandrite, on the 24th day of November, in memory of the holy father Amphilochius.

There was a miracle then, wonderful and worthy of memory. When his holy body was laid in the tomb, then Sebastian the Economist and Cyril the Metropolitan wanted to unclench his hand in order to insert a spiritual letter. He, as if alive, stretched out his hand and took the letter from the hand of the metropolitan. And confusion seized them, and they retreated slightly from his tomb. Metropolitan and Housekeeper Sevastian announced this to everyone. Who wouldn’t be surprised by that miracle, because his soul left his body and he was brought from distant lands in winter!

And so God glorified His saint.

And so God glorified his saint.



The story of the life and courage of the blessed and Grand Duke Alexander

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God.

I, pitiful and sinful, narrow-minded, dare to describe the life of the holy Prince Alexander, son of Yaroslav, grandson of Vsevolodov. Since I heard from my fathers and myself witnessed his mature age, I was glad to tell about his holy, honest, and glorious life. But as the Tributary said [*]: “Wisdom will not enter an evil soul: for it dwells in elevated places, stands in the middle of the roads, and stops at the gates of noble people.” Although I am simple in mind, I will still begin by praying to the Holy Mother of God and trusting in the help of Holy Prince Alexander.

This Prince Alexander was born from a merciful, philanthropic, and most of all meek father, the Great Prince Yaroslav, and from his mother Theodosia [*]. As Isaiah the prophet said: “Thus says the Lord: “I appoint princes; they are sacred, and I lead them.” And truly, his reign was not without God’s command.

And he was handsome like no other, and his voice was like a trumpet among the people, his face was like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian king made the second king in Egypt, and his strength was part of the strength of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, His courage is like that of the Roman king Vespasian, who conquered the entire land of Judea. One day he prepared to besiege the city of Joatapata, and the townspeople came out and defeated his army. And only Vespasian remained, and turned those who opposed him to the city, to the city gates, and laughed at his squad, and reproached them, saying: “They left me alone” [*]. Likewise, Prince Alexander won, but was invincible.

Once one of the eminent men of the Western country [*], from those who call themselves servants of God [*], came, wanting to see the maturity of his strength, as in ancient times the Queen of Sheba [*] came to Solomon, wanting to listen to his wise speeches . So this one, named Andreas [*], having seen Prince Alexander, returned to his people and said: “I went through countries and peoples and did not see such a king among kings, nor a prince among princes.”

Hearing about such valor of Prince Alexander, the king of the Roman country from the northern land [*] thought to himself: “I will go and conquer the land of Alexander.” And he gathered a great force, and filled many ships with his regiments, and moved with a huge army, blazing with the military spirit. And he came to the Neva, intoxicated with madness, and sent his ambassadors, proud, to Novgorod to Prince Alexander, saying: “If you can, defend yourself, for I am already here and ruining your land.”

Alexander, having heard such words, burned in his heart and entered the church of St. Sophia, and, falling on his knees before the altar, began to pray with tears: “Glorious God, righteous, great, strong God, eternal God, who created heaven and earth and set the boundaries You commanded the peoples to live without transgressing other people’s borders.” And, remembering the words of the prophet, he said: “Judge, Lord, those who have offended me and protect them from those who fight me, take a weapon and a shield and stand up to help me.”

And, having finished the prayer, he stood up and bowed to the archbishop. The archbishop was then Spyridon [*], he blessed him and released him. The prince, leaving the church, dried his tears and began to encourage his squad, saying: “God is not in power, but in truth. Let us remember the Songmaker, who said: “Some with weapons, and others on horses, we will call on the name of the Lord our God; they, defeated, fell, but we resisted and stand upright” [*]. Having said this, he went against the enemies with a small squad, not waiting for his large army, but trusting in the Holy Trinity.

It was sad to hear that his father, the great prince Yaroslav, did not know about the invasion of his son, dear Alexander, and he had no time to send news to his father, for the enemies were already approaching. Therefore, many Novgorodians did not have time to join, as the prince hurried to speak. And he came out against them on Sunday, July fifteenth, having great faith in the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb.

And there was one man, the elder of the land of Izhora [*], named Pelugiy, he was entrusted with the night watch at sea. He was baptized and lived among his family, the pagans, and his name was given in holy baptism Philip, and he lived godly, observing fasting on Wednesday and Friday, which is why God deigned him to see a wonderful vision on that day. Let's tell you briefly.

Having learned about the strength of the enemy, he went out to meet Prince Alexander to tell him about the enemy’s camps. He stood on the seashore, watching both routes, and spent the whole night without sleep. When the sun began to rise, he heard a strong noise on the sea and saw one nasad [*] floating on the sea, and standing in the middle of the nasad were the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb in red robes, holding their hands on each other’s shoulders. The rowers sat as if covered in darkness. Boris said:

“Brother Gleb, tell us to row, so we can help our relative Prince Alexander.” Seeing such a vision and hearing these words of the martyrs, Pelugius stood trembling until the attack disappeared from his eyes.

Soon after this, Alexander came, and Pelugius, joyfully meeting Prince Alexander, told him alone about the vision. The prince told him: “Don’t tell this to anyone.”

After that, Alexander hastened to attack the enemies at six o'clock in the afternoon, and there was a great slaughter with the Romans, and the prince killed countless numbers of them, and on the face of the king himself he left the mark of his sharp spear.

Six brave men, like him, from Alexander’s regiment showed themselves here.

The first one is named Gavrilo Oleksic. He attacked the auger [*] and, seeing the prince being dragged by the arms, rode all the way to the ship along the gangplank along which they were running with the prince, pursued by him. Then they grabbed Gavrila Oleksich and threw him off the gangplank along with his horse. But by God's mercy he emerged from the water unharmed, and again attacked them, and fought with the commander himself in the midst of their army.

The second, named Sbyslav Yakunovich, is from Novgorod. This one attacked their army many times and fought with one ax, having no fear in his soul; and many fell by his hand, and they marveled at his strength and courage.

The third - Yakov, a native of Polotsk, was a hunter for the prince. This one attacked the regiment with a sword, and the prince praised him.

The fourth is a Novgorodian named Mesha. This man on foot and his retinue attacked the ships and sank three ships.

The fifth is from the younger squad, named Sava. This one burst into the large royal golden-domed tent and cut down the tent pole. The Alexandrov regiments, seeing the fall of the tent, rejoiced.

The sixth is one of Alexander's servants, named Ratmir. This one fought on foot, and many enemies surrounded him. He fell from many wounds and died that way.

I heard all this from my master, Grand Duke Alexander, and from others who participated in this battle at that time.

There was a wondrous miracle at that time, as in the days of old under Hezekiah the king. When Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, came to Jerusalem, wanting to conquer the holy city of Jerusalem, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand of the Assyrian army, and when they got up in the morning, they found only dead corpses [*]. This was the case after Alexandrov’s victory: when he defeated the king, on the opposite side of the Izhora River, where Alexandrov’s regiments could not pass, a countless number of those killed by the angel of the Lord were found here. Those who remained fled, and the corpses of their dead soldiers were thrown into ships and sank them into the sea. Prince Alexander returned in victory, praising and glorifying the name of his creator.

In the second year after Prince Alexander returned with victory, they again came from the Western Country and built a city on the land of Alexandrova [*]. Prince Alexander soon went and destroyed their city to the ground, and hanged them, some, took others with him, and, having pardoned others, released them, for he was immeasurably merciful.

After Alexandrova’s victory, when he defeated the king, in the third year, in winter, he went with great force to the land of Pskov, for the city of Pskov had already been taken by the Germans. And the Germans came to Lake Peipus, and Alexander met them, and prepared for battle, and they went against each other, and Lake Peipus was covered with many of these and other warriors. Alexander's father, Yaroslav, sent his younger brother Andrei with a large squad to help him. And Prince Alexander had many brave warriors, like King David in ancient times, strong and steadfast. So Alexander’s men were filled with the spirit of war, because their hearts were like the hearts of lions, and they exclaimed: “O our glorious prince! Now the time has come for us to lay down our heads for you.” Prince Alexander raised his hands to the sky and said: “Judge me, God, judge my quarrel with the unrighteous people and help me, Lord, as in ancient times he helped Moses overcome Amalek [*], and our great-grandfather Yaroslav the accursed Svyatopolk” [*].

It was then Saturday, and when the sun rose, the opponents met. And there was a cruel slaughter, and there was a crash from breaking spears and a ringing from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake was moving, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood.

And I heard this from an eyewitness who told me that he saw the army of God in the air, coming to the aid of Alexander. And so he defeated the enemies with the help of God, and they fled, but Alexander cut them down, driving them as if through the air, and they had nowhere to hide. Here God glorified Alexander before all the regiments, like Joshua at Jericho [*]. And the one who said: “Let us capture Alexander,” God gave into the hands of Alexander. And there has never been an opponent worthy of him in battle. And Prince Alexander returned with a glorious victory, and there were many captives in his army, and they led barefoot beside the horses those who call themselves “God’s knights...


The story of the life and courage of the blessed and Grand Duke Alexander

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God.

I, pitiful and sinful, narrow-minded, dare to describe the life of the holy Prince Alexander, son of Yaroslav, grandson of Vsevolodov. Since I heard from my fathers and myself witnessed his mature age, I was glad to tell about his holy, honest, and glorious life. But as the Tributary said [*]: “Wisdom will not enter an evil soul: for it dwells in elevated places, stands in the middle of the roads, and stops at the gates of noble people.” Although I am simple in mind, I will still begin by praying to the Holy Mother of God and trusting in the help of Holy Prince Alexander.

This Prince Alexander was born from a merciful, philanthropic, and most of all meek father, the Great Prince Yaroslav, and from his mother Theodosia [*]. As Isaiah the prophet said: “Thus says the Lord: “I appoint princes; they are sacred, and I lead them.” And truly, his reign was not without God’s command.

And he was handsome like no other, and his voice was like a trumpet among the people, his face was like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian king made the second king in Egypt, and his strength was part of the strength of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, His courage is like that of the Roman king Vespasian, who conquered the entire land of Judea. One day he prepared to besiege the city of Joatapata, and the townspeople came out and defeated his army. And only Vespasian remained, and turned those who opposed him to the city, to the city gates, and laughed at his squad, and reproached them, saying: “They left me alone” [*]. Likewise, Prince Alexander won, but was invincible.

Once one of the eminent men of the Western country [*], from those who call themselves servants of God [*], came, wanting to see the maturity of his strength, as in ancient times the Queen of Sheba [*] came to Solomon, wanting to listen to his wise speeches . So this one, named Andreas [*], having seen Prince Alexander, returned to his people and said: “I went through countries and peoples and did not see such a king among kings, nor a prince among princes.”

Hearing about such valor of Prince Alexander, the king of the Roman country from the northern land [*] thought to himself: “I will go and conquer the land of Alexander.” And he gathered a great force, and filled many ships with his regiments, and moved with a huge army, blazing with the military spirit. And he came to the Neva, intoxicated with madness, and sent his ambassadors, proud, to Novgorod to Prince Alexander, saying: “If you can, defend yourself, for I am already here and ruining your land.”

Alexander, having heard such words, burned in his heart and entered the church of St. Sophia, and, falling on his knees before the altar, began to pray with tears: “Glorious God, righteous, great, strong God, eternal God, who created heaven and earth and set the boundaries You commanded the peoples to live without transgressing other people’s borders.” And, remembering the words of the prophet, he said: “Judge, Lord, those who have offended me and protect them from those who fight me, take a weapon and a shield and stand up to help me.”

And, having finished the prayer, he stood up and bowed to the archbishop. The archbishop was then Spyridon [*], he blessed him and released him. The prince, leaving the church, dried his tears and began to encourage his squad, saying: “God is not in power, but in truth. Let us remember the Songmaker, who said: “Some with weapons, and others on horses, we will call on the name of the Lord our God; they, defeated, fell, but we resisted and stand upright” [*]. Having said this, he went against the enemies with a small squad, not waiting for his large army, but trusting in the Holy Trinity.

It was sad to hear that his father, the great prince Yaroslav, did not know about the invasion of his son, dear Alexander, and he had no time to send news to his father, for the enemies were already approaching. Therefore, many Novgorodians did not have time to join, as the prince hurried to speak. And he came out against them on Sunday, July fifteenth, having great faith in the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb.

And there was one man, the elder of the land of Izhora [*], named Pelugiy, he was entrusted with the night watch at sea. He was baptized and lived among his family, the pagans, and his name was given in holy baptism Philip, and he lived godly, observing fasting on Wednesday and Friday, which is why God deigned him to see a wonderful vision on that day. Let's tell you briefly.

Having learned about the strength of the enemy, he went out to meet Prince Alexander to tell him about the enemy’s camps. He stood on the seashore, watching both routes, and spent the whole night without sleep. When the sun began to rise, he heard a strong noise on the sea and saw one nasad [*] floating on the sea, and standing in the middle of the nasad were the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb in red robes, holding their hands on each other’s shoulders. The rowers sat as if covered in darkness. Boris said:

“Brother Gleb, tell us to row, so we can help our relative Prince Alexander.” Seeing such a vision and hearing these words of the martyrs, Pelugius stood trembling until the attack disappeared from his eyes.

Soon after this, Alexander came, and Pelugius, joyfully meeting Prince Alexander, told him alone about the vision. The prince told him: “Don’t tell this to anyone.”

After that, Alexander hastened to attack the enemies at six o'clock in the afternoon, and there was a great slaughter with the Romans, and the prince killed countless numbers of them, and on the face of the king himself he left the mark of his sharp spear.

Six brave men, like him, from Alexander’s regiment showed themselves here.

The first one is named Gavrilo Oleksic. He attacked the auger [*] and, seeing the prince being dragged by the arms, rode all the way to the ship along the gangplank along which they were running with the prince, pursued by him. Then they grabbed Gavrila Oleksich and threw him off the gangplank along with his horse. But by God's mercy he emerged from the water unharmed, and again attacked them, and fought with the commander himself in the midst of their army.

The second, named Sbyslav Yakunovich, is from Novgorod. This one attacked their army many times and fought with one ax, having no fear in his soul; and many fell by his hand, and they marveled at his strength and courage.

The third - Yakov, a native of Polotsk, was a hunter for the prince. This one attacked the regiment with a sword, and the prince praised him.

The fourth is a Novgorodian named Mesha. This man on foot and his retinue attacked the ships and sank three ships.

The fifth is from the younger squad, named Sava. This one burst into the large royal golden-domed tent and cut down the tent pole. The Alexandrov regiments, seeing the fall of the tent, rejoiced.

The sixth is one of Alexander's servants, named Ratmir. This one fought on foot, and many enemies surrounded him. He fell from many wounds and died that way.

I heard all this from my master, Grand Duke Alexander, and from others who participated in this battle at that time.

There was a wondrous miracle at that time, as in the days of old under Hezekiah the king. When Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, came to Jerusalem, wanting to conquer the holy city of Jerusalem, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand of the Assyrian army, and when they got up in the morning, they found only dead corpses [*]. This was the case after Alexandrov’s victory: when he defeated the king, on the opposite side of the Izhora River, where Alexandrov’s regiments could not pass, a countless number of those killed by the angel of the Lord were found here. Those who remained fled, and the corpses of their dead soldiers were thrown into ships and sank them into the sea. Prince Alexander returned in victory, praising and glorifying the name of his creator.

In the second year after Prince Alexander returned with victory, they again came from the Western Country and built a city on the land of Alexandrova [*]. Prince Alexander soon went and destroyed their city to the ground, and hanged them, some, took others with him, and, having pardoned others, released them, for he was immeasurably merciful.

After Alexandrova’s victory, when he defeated the king, in the third year, in winter, he went with great force to the land of Pskov, for the city of Pskov had already been taken by the Germans. And the Germans came to Lake Peipus, and Alexander met them, and prepared for battle, and they went against each other, and Lake Peipus was covered with many of these and other warriors. Alexander's father, Yaroslav, sent his younger brother Andrei with a large squad to help him. And Prince Alexander had many brave warriors, like King David in ancient times, strong and steadfast. So Alexander’s men were filled with the spirit of war, because their hearts were like the hearts of lions, and they exclaimed: “O our glorious prince! Now the time has come for us to lay down our heads for you.” Prince Alexander raised his hands to the sky and said: “Judge me, God, judge my quarrel with the unrighteous people and help me, Lord, as in ancient times he helped Moses overcome Amalek [*], and our great-grandfather Yaroslav the accursed Svyatopolk” [*].

Soon after this, Alexander came, and Pelugius, joyfully meeting Prince Alexander, told him alone about the vision. The prince told him: “Don’t tell this to anyone.”

After that, Alexander hastened to attack the enemies at six o'clock in the afternoon, and there was a great slaughter with the Romans, and the prince killed countless numbers of them, and on the face of the king himself he left the mark of his sharp spear. Six brave men, like him, from Alexander’s regiment showed themselves here.

The first one is named Gavrilo Oleksic. He attacked the auger and, seeing the prince being dragged by the arms, rode all the way to the ship along the gangplank along which he and the prince were running; those pursued by him grabbed Gavrila Oleksich and threw him off the gangplank along with his horse. But by God's mercy he emerged from the water unharmed, and again attacked them, and fought with the commander himself in the midst of their army.

The second, named Sbyslav Yakunovich, is from Novgorod. This one attacked their army many times and fought with one ax, having no fear in his soul; and many fell by his hand, and they marveled at his strength and courage.

The third - Yakov, a native of Polotsk, was a hunter for the prince. This one attacked the regiment with a sword, and the prince praised him.

The fourth is a Novgorodian named Mesha. This man on foot and his retinue attacked the ships and sank three ships.

The fifth is from the younger squad, named Sava. This one burst into the large royal golden-domed tent and cut down the tent pole. The Alexandrov regiments, seeing the fall of the tent, rejoiced.

The sixth is from Alexander’s servants, named Ratmir. This one fought on foot, and many enemies surrounded him. He fell from many wounds and died that way.

I heard all this from my master, Grand Duke Alexander, and from others who participated in this battle at that time. There was a wondrous miracle at that time, as in the days of old under Hezekiah the king. When Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, came to Jerusalem, wanting to conquer the holy city of Jerusalem, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and killed one hundred and eighty-five thousand of the Assyrian army, and when they got up in the morning, they found only dead corpses.

This was the case after Alexandrov’s victory: when he defeated the king, on the opposite side of the Izhora River, where Alexandrov’s regiments could not pass, a countless number of those killed by the angel of the Lord were found here. Those who remained fled, and the corpses of their dead soldiers were thrown into ships and sank them into the sea. Prince Alexander returned in victory, praising and glorifying the name of his Creator.

In the second year after Prince Alexander returned with victory, they again came from the Western Country and built a city on the land of Alexandrova. Prince Alexander soon went and destroyed their city to the ground, and hanged them, some, took others with him, and, having pardoned others, released them, for he was immeasurably merciful. After Alexandrova’s victory, when he defeated the king, in the third year, in winter, he went with great strength to the German land, so that they would not boast, saying: “Let us subdue the Slavic people.”

And they had already taken the city of Pskov and imprisoned the German governors. He soon expelled them from Pskov and killed the Germans, and tied up others and liberated the city from the godless Germans, and fought and burned their land and took countless prisoners, and killed others. The Germans, being daring, united and said: “Let's go and defeat Alexander and capture him.”

When the Germans approached, the guards found out about them. Prince Alexander prepared for battle, and they went against each other, and Lake Peipus was covered with many of these and other warriors. Alexander's father, Yaroslav, sent his younger brother Andrei with a large squad to help him. And Prince Alexander had many brave warriors, like King David in ancient times, strong and steadfast.

So Alexander’s men were filled with the spirit of war, because their hearts were like the hearts of lions, and they exclaimed: “O our glorious prince! Now the time has come for us to lay down our heads for you.” Prince Alexander raised his hands to the sky and said: “Judge me, God, judge my quarrel with the unrighteous people and help me, Lord, as in ancient times he helped Moses overcome Amalek and our great-grandfather Yaroslav the accursed Svyatopolk.”

It was then Saturday, and when the sun rose, the opponents met. And there was a cruel slaughter, and there was a crash from breaking spears and a ringing from the blows of swords, and it seemed that a frozen lake was moving, and no ice was visible, for it was covered with blood.

And I heard this from an eyewitness who told me that he saw the army of God in the air, coming to the aid of Alexander. And so he defeated the enemies with the help of God, and they fled, but Alexander cut them down, driving them as if through the air, and they had nowhere to hide.

Here God glorified Alexander before all the regiments, like Joshua at Jericho. And the one who said: “Let’s capture Alexander,” God gave into Alexander’s hands. And there has never been an opponent worthy of him in battle. And Prince Alexander returned with a glorious victory, and there were many captives in his army, and they led barefoot beside the horses those who call themselves “God’s knights.”

And when the prince approached the city of Pskov, the abbots, and priests, and all the people met him in front of the city with crosses, giving praise to God and glorifying the lord, Prince Alexander, singing a song to him: “You, Lord, helped meek David to defeat foreigners and the faithful prince with our weapon of faith to liberate the city of Pskov from foreigners by the hand of Alexandra.”

And Alexander said: “O ignorant Pskovites! If you forget this before the great-grandsons of Alexander, then you will become like the Jews, whom the Lord fed in the desert with manna from heaven and baked quails, but they forgot all this and their God, who delivered them from captivity in Egypt.”

And his name became famous in all countries, from the Khonuzh Sea and to the Ararat Mountains, and on the other side of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome.

At the same time, the Lithuanian people gained strength and began to plunder the Alexandrov possessions. He went out and beat them. One day he happened to ride out against his enemies, and he defeated seven regiments in one ride and killed many of their princes, and took others prisoner, while his servants, mocking, tied them to the tails of their horses. And from that time on they began to fear his name.

At the same time, there was a strong king in the eastern country, to whom God subjugated many nations from the east to the west. That king, having heard about such glory and courage of Alexander, sent ambassadors to him and said: “Alexander, do you know that God has conquered many nations to me. So, are you the only one who doesn’t want to submit to me? But if you want to save your land, then come to me quickly and you will see the glory of my kingdom.”

After the death of his father, Prince Alexander came to Vladimir in great strength. And his arrival was menacing, and news of him rushed to the mouth of the Volga. And the Moabite wives began to frighten their children, saying: “Here comes Alexander!”

Prince Alexander decided to go to the Tsar in the Horde, and Bishop Kirill blessed him. And King Batu saw him and was amazed, and said to his nobles: “They told me the truth, that there is no prince like him.” Having honored him with dignity, he released Alexander.

After this, Tsar Batu became angry with his younger brother Andrei and sent his governor Nevryuy to destroy the land of Suzdal. After the devastation of the Suzdal land by Nevruy, the great Prince Alexander erected churches, rebuilt cities, and gathered dispersed people into their homes.

Isaiah the prophet said about such people: “A good prince in countries is quiet, friendly, meek, humble - and in this way he is like God.” Without being seduced by wealth, without forgetting the blood of the righteous, he judges orphans and widows with justice, is merciful, kind to his household and hospitable to those who come from foreign countries. God helps such people, for God does not love angels, but people, in his generosity he generously bestows and shows his mercy in the world.

God filled Alexander's land with wealth and glory and extended his days.

One day, ambassadors from the Pope from great Rome came to him with these words: “Our Pope says this: “We heard that you are a worthy and glorious prince and your land is great. That’s why they sent to you the two smartest of the twelve cardinals – Agaldad and Remont, so that you could listen to their speeches about the law of God.”

Nevskoe and Ice Battles

Several stories about the Nevsky and Ice battles have been preserved in the chronicles. There were these stories. borrowed from lives (biographies) Alexander Nevsky , written already in the 13th century. one of his close associates. In its most complete form, the story of the massacres is placed in the “Simeonov Chronicle”, published in the “Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles”, volume XVIII, pp. 61-65. In the story of the Neva Massacre, the chronicler calls the Swedes “Romans,” imitating the story of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, known in Rus' translated from Greek,

(Old Russian texts)

Neva massacre

Hearing from the midnight country such courage of the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich, the king of the Roman part, and thinking within himself will defeat him, or with the hands of the yat, and Veliky Novgorod, and all their cities, and the people of Slovenia to work for themselves, and said: “I’m going and I will captivate the whole land of Alexandra.” And gather your great strength, sweep away and buy up yours, and Sveya, and Murmani, and Sum, and Em, and fill the ships of many of your regiments, and moving in great strength, puffing with the military spirit, and coming to the Neva River and a hundred mouths of Izhera, reeling with her madness, although she had captured Ladoga, the rest of the river, and Novgorod, and the entire Novgorod region...

Then the news came that Svey was going to Ladoz, and at the same time the king sent envoys, being proud, to the Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich in Novgorod, and the river said: “If you can resist me, then I am already here and will captivate your land.”

The Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich, hearing their words, and his heart burned, and went into the church of St. Sophia and fell on his knee before the altar, and began to pray to God with tears...

And he went at them in the rage of his courage, not with many troops, for it would not have been possible to overcome many howls with great power, but trusting in the Holy Trinity. His father, Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodich, did not know such a rise against his son Alexander, nor did he send word to his father, since the army was already approaching. In the same way, the many people of Novgorod did not buy, but Grand Duke Alexander hastened to go against the military, and came to her in a week... And the slaughter was great over the Romans, they beat up a large number of Romans and put a seal on the king’s face with a sharp sword.

O shti brave men

Where are 6 brave men in the regiment of Grand Duke Alexander, and with him I show great courage. The first is Gavriilo Oleksich. These two ran into the augers and saw the prince, rushing by the arms, and rode along the road all the way to the ship, along the same path, and rushed into the ship in front of him, and then turned and overthrew him from the board and with his horse into the sea. By God's suppression, he left unharmed from there, and then came to fight tightly with the governor himself in the middle of their regiment, and their governor Spiridon was quickly killed, and their bishop was quickly killed. The second is Novogorodets, named Zbyslav Yakunovich. Having attacked these many times, he fought with one ax, having no fear in his heart, and fell several times at his hand and marveled at his strength and courage. The third is Yakov Polochyanin, the prince’s hunter. These, having attacked the regiment with a sword and showing strong courage, the Grand Duke praised him. The fourth is Novogorodets, named Misha. So you and your squad rush forward and destroy the Roman 3rd ships. The fifth of his young men was someone named Sava. And having driven over the great golden-topped tent, he cut down its pillar; the tent fell, and the half of Alexandrov, having seen the fall the tent of that one, rejoicing. Six from his servants, named Ratmir. These fight and sing and trample him many Romans; He fell from many wounds and died. I heard all this from my master, the great prince Alexander, and from others, who at that time found it in that battle...

The rest of them fled to shame, and the corpses of their dead great commanders swept three ships and sank with them to the sea, and the rest dug holes and swept them into countless ones; and there were many ulcers and they escaped that night. Novogorodtsev fell: Kostyantin Lugotinich, Yuryata Pinyashchinich, Namest Drochilo, Nezdilov son Kozhevnich, and all 20 husbands fell from Ladozhany. Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich returned from great victory and come to Novgorod...

About the Germans and Pskovites

That same summer, Nemtsi Medvezhane, Yuryevtsi, Velyadtsi and Prince Yaroslav Volodymerich captured the city of Izboresk. And the news came to Pskov that the Germans had taken Izboresk, and went out against them with the whole city, and fought with them, and fought with them hard, and there was a great slaughter between them. The same one killed the governor Gavril Gorislavich, and chased Pskov, and the persecutors beat many of them, and killed others with their hands, and drove the whole planting under the city, and a lot of evil happened, for many churches were burned, and there were holy icons in them and all the church rubbish; and created empty villages near Pskov, but stood under the city for a week, but did not take the city and, full of a lot, left. And so there is no peace. Byahu, holding the Pskovichi with the Germans, brought them to Tverdilo Ivanovich with the frost, and he himself began to take control of Pskov with the Germans, fighting the villages of Novgorodtskaya, and the other Pskchvichi ran into Novgorod with their wives and children.

The same winters have come a lot from Western countries The Germans and Chud na Vod and fought everything, and laid tribute on them, and cut down the city in Koporye in the graveyard, in the fatherland of Grand Duke Alexander. But not only was it evil, but they also took Tesovo and chased 30 versts to Novgorod, hitting the guest, and then to Luga and Sablya. And Grand Duke Alexander then departed for the land of Suzdal, to the city of Pereyaslavl, with his mother and princess and with his court, breaking away from Novgorod. The people of Novgorod sent a petition to the Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodich, asking him for a son and to give them their son, Prince Andrei. The people of Novgorod thought well and sent Vladyka Spiridon from the boyars again to the Grand Duke with a petition, asking for his son, Grand Duke Alexander. And at that time, Lithuania, Nemtsi and Chud came to the Novogorodskaya volost, and having caught all the horses and cattle in Lugi, there was nothing to shout about the village. Great Prince Yaroslav, accept the petition of the Bishop and the petition of the Novgorodians, and give them again: his son Alexander.

In the summer of 6750, Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich came to Novgorod and quickly departed from Nobogorodtsi and from Ladozhany, and from Korelo and from Izheryana to the city of Koporya and overthrew the city from its foundations, and beat the Germans themselves, and brought others with him to Novgorod, and granted others let him go, for he is more merciful than measure, and Vozhan and Chudtsu have informed the Perevetniks and gone to Pereslavl. The Germans broke away from this side in the winter and came to Pskov, and defeated the Pskrvsky regiments, and planted their governors in Pskov. When Grand Duke Alexander heard it, he was offended for the blood of Christians and did not hesitate in the least, but was inflamed in his spirit and with zeal for the Holy Trinity and for Holy Sophia, and took with us his brother Andrew and all his people, and went to Novgorod. ..

Battle on the Ice

And I went with my brother Andrei and from Novogorodtsi and from Nizovtsi to the German land in great strength, let them not boast, saying: “Let us reproach the Slovenian language rather than ourselves.” The city of Pskov had already been taken, and they were planted in the city. The Grand Duke Alexander conquered all the ways to Pskov and drove out the city, and seized Nemtsi and Chud and the German governors, and forged the troops to Novgorod, and freed the city of Pskov from captivity, and the German land was fought and burned, and full of much taken, and others cut up . They swore to pride, saying: “Let’s go against Alexander and take him with victorious hands.” And when they approached, then the guards of the Great Prince Alexander marveled at the German power and were horrified... The Great Prince Alexander prayed in the Church of the Holy Trinity, and went to the German land, although to avenge the blood of the Christians. It was winter at that time, and, as it was on their lands, let all their regiments prosper, and Domash Tverdislavich and Kerbet were in dispersal; and he killed that one, Domash, the brother of the mayor, a good husband, and beat many others with him, and killed others with his hands, and others came running to the Grand Duke in the regiments. But having heard the revenge, he came out against them with all his biskup, and with all the multitude of their tongue, and with their power, whatever is on this side, and with the help of the queen; and descended onto the lake, called Chudskoye. Well, Prince Alexander went back. Nemtsi and Chud walked along it. The Great Prince set up regiments on Lake Chudskoye on Uzmen at the Voroniya Kameni, strengthened by the power of the cross and took up arms, going against them.

Lake Chudskoe will come; there were many great people of both. And Alexander and his brother Andrei ran with a multitude of his father’s warriors, and Alexander had a multitude of brave, strong, strong men, and they were all filled with the spirit of war, and they beat their hearts like a lion. Rkosha: “Prince, now is the time to lay down your heads.”

Then it was Saturday, when the sun rose, and the wallpaper disappeared. Both the Germans and Chud made their way like a pig through the shelves. And there was a great slash of evil by the Germans and Chudi, and there was a sound from the breaking spears, and the sound from the sword cutting, as if the lake was frozen to move, and you could not see the ice, covered with blood. I heard this from the witness who was there then...

And you gave the warriors your whips and drove them with slaughter, as if across the land, and did not let them escape; and drove them 7 versts across the ice, to the Subolichsky shore, and fell 500 Germans, and a countless number of Chudi, with the hands of Yasha German 50 deliberate commanders and brought them to Novgorod, and the others on the lake wasted, since it was already spring, and others had ulcers ran away. This battle happened on April 5...


Neva massacre

King of the Roman region northern countries Having heard about the courage of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich, he planned to defeat him and take him prisoner, and conquer Veliky Novgorod and all its suburbs, and turn the Slovenian people into captivity. And he said: “I’m going and conquering all the land of Alexander.” And he gathered together a great force, his chiefs and bishops, and the Swedes and Norwegians, and bought and eat and filled. many ships with their regiments and moved with great strength, overwhelmed by a warlike spirit, and came to the Neva River and stood at the mouth of Izhora, wanting in their madness to capture Ladoga, and even Novgorod and the entire Novgorod region.

Then the news came that the Swedes were going to Ladoga, and the king at that time proudly sent ambassadors to Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich in Novgorod with the words: “if you can resist me, then I am already here and conquering your land.” The Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich, having heard about his words, burned in his heart and entered the Church of St. Sophia and fell on his knees before the altar and began to pray to God with tears... And [Alexander] went towards them, trusting in the Holy Trinity, with courageous warriors with their own, not with many troops, because there was no time to expect a large army. His father, Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, did not know about the attack on his son Alexander, who had no time to send news to his father, because the enemies were already approaching. And many Novgorodians did not have time to gather, because the Grand Duke. Alexander hastened to go against the enemies, and came to them on Sunday. And there was a great battle with the Swedes, they beat up many Swedes and [Alexander] inflicted a wound in the face of the king himself with his sharp sword.

About six brave men

In the regiment of Grand Duke Alexander there were brave men who fought courageously with him. The first, Gavrilo Alekseevich, ran onto the ship and, seeing the prince, quickly rushed and rode along the gangway all the way to the ship, and the Swedes ran into the ship in front of him, but, turning around again, threw him and his horse off the gangplank into the sea. Through God's intercession, he emerged unharmed, and, attacking again, fought fiercely with the commander himself in the middle of their regiment, and then the Swedish commander Spiridon and their bishop were killed. The second Novgorodian, named Sbyslav Yakunovich, attacked many times, fought with one ax, without fear in his heart, and several people fell from his hand, and marveled at his strength and courage.

The third, Yakov Polochanin, who was the prince’s hunter, attacked the regiment with a sword and fought fiercely, and the Grand Duke praised him. The fourth Novgorodian, named Misha, attacked on foot with his squad and destroyed 3 Swedish ships. The fifth from the squad, someone named Sava, attacked the great golden-domed tent, cut off its pillar, the tent fell, and Alexander’s regiments, seeing the fall of the tent, rejoiced.

The sixth of [Alexander’s] servants, named Ratmir, fought on foot, was surrounded by many Swedes, fell from many wounds and died: I heard all this from my master, Grand Duke Alexander, and from others who were taking part in the battle at that time. ..

The survivors [of the Swedes] fled in disgrace, and filled 3 ships with the corpses of their killed great commanders, and [the ships] sank into the sea with them, and for the rest they dug holes and threw countless corpses into them, and many others [the Swedes] were wounded and fled that night. The Novgorodians fell: Konstantin Lugotinich, Yuryata Pinyashchinich, Namest Drochilo, Nezdilov the son of the Tanner, and in total 20 men fell along with the Ladoga residents. Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich returned with a great victory and came to Novgorod.

About the Germans and Pskovites

In the same year, the Germans from Bear, Yuryev, and Velyad together with Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich took the city of Izborsk. And the news came to Pskov that the Germans had taken Izborsk, and the entire city [Pskov] came out against the Germans, and they entered into battle with them and fought with them fiercely, and there was a great battle between them. Here they killed the governor Gavril Gorislavich and put the Pskovites to flight and killed many of them during the flight, and took others prisoner, and approaching the city they set fire to the entire settlement and caused a lot of evil: many churches and holy icons in them and all church property were burned, and villages near Pskov were devastated. They stood near the city for a week, but did not take the city and, having captured many prisoners, left. And there were Pskovites without peace. [Some] Pskovites betrayed and communicated with the Germans, whom Tverdilo Ivanovich brought with others, and Tverdilo himself began to rule Pskov with the Germans, ruining the Novgorod villages, and other Pskovites fled to Novgorod with their wives and children. That same winter, the Germans and the Chud Na Vod again came from the west and conquered everything and imposed tribute on it and built a wooden fortress in the Koporye churchyard, in the land of Grand Duke Alexander. But the evil did not stop there, the Germans took Tesovo and raided it, killed merchants and did not reach 30 versts to Novgorod, and in the other direction to Luga and Sabli. And Grand Duke Alexander then left for the Suzdal land in the city of Pereyaslavl with his mother and the princess and his court, having quarreled with the Novgorodians. The Novgorodians sent a petition to the Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, asking him for a son to be his prince, and he gave them his son, Prince Andrei. The Novgorodians, after consulting, sent Vladyka Spiridon with the boyars to the Grand Duke with a petition, asking for him [to become a prince]. son of Grand Duke Alexander. And at that time, Lithuania, Germans and Chud attacked the land of Novgorod, took away all the horses and cattle in Luga, and there was nothing for the villages to plow. The great prince Yaroslav accepted the petition of the ruler and the petition of the Novgorodians and again gave them his son Alexander.

In 1242, Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich came to Novgorod and soon went with the Novgorodians, Ladoga, Korelo and Izherians to the city of Koporye and destroyed the fortress to the ground, and killed the Germans themselves, and brought others with him to Novgorod, and pardoned the rest and released them. , because he was beyond measure merciful, and he hanged the traitorous leaders and Chuddev and went to Pereyaslavl. The Germans gathered on the other side in the winter, came to Pskov and defeated the Pskov regiments and put their governors in Pskov. Hearing about this, Grand Duke Alexander regretted the Christian blood and, without hesitating at all, but inflamed with his spirit and devotion to the Holy Trinity and St. Sophia, taking with him his brother Andrei and his entire army, he came to Novgorod...

Battle on the Ice

And he went with his brother Andrei and the Novgorodians and the Suzdalians to the German land with great strength, so that the Germans would not boast, saying: “We will humiliate the Slovenian language.”

The city of Pskov had already been taken, and their [German] tiuns were planted in the city. Grand Duke Alexander occupied all the roads to Pskov and suddenly took the city, and captured the Germans and Chud and the German governors. and sent him in chains to Novgorod, and liberated the city of Pskov from the slabs, and fought and burned the German land, and took many prisoners, and killed others. They gathered together, saying with pride: “Let us go against Alexander and, having won, take him prisoner. When the Germans approached, then the guards of Grand Duke Alexander were surprised at the German strength and were horrified... Grand Duke Alexander, having prayed in the church holy trinity, went to German land, wanting to avenge Christian blood. It was winter at that time, and [Alexander] dismissed all his regiments for booty as soon as they arrived in the German land, and Domash Tverdislavich and Kerbet were on a raid; and then they killed Domash, the mayor’s brother, a good husband, and killed many others along with him, and took others prisoner, and others ran to the Grand Duke’s regiments. Hearing about this, the master went against them with all his bishops and with the howling multitude of their people and their strength, whatever was in their area along with royal help; and went down to the lake called Peipus. Grand Duke Alexander retreated back. The Germans and people followed him. The great prince stationed an army on Lake Nudsk on Uzmen at the Raven Stone and, strengthened by the power of the godmother and preparing for battle, went against them. [The troops] converged on Lake Peipsi; there were a large number of both. His brother Andrei was here with Alexander with many of his father’s warriors, and Alexander had many brave, strong and strong, and everyone was filled with a warlike spirit, and their hearts were like those of a lion. And they said: “Prince, now the time has come to lay down our heads for you”...

It was then the Sabbath day, and at sunrise both armies met. Both the Germans and the Chud made their way like a wedge through the shelves. And there was an evil and great slaughter for the Germans and the Chuds, and the crack of the breaking spears and the sound of the blows of swords was heard, so that the ice on the frozen lake broke and the ice was not visible, because it was covered with blood. And I myself heard about this from an eyewitness who was there at that time.

And the enemies fled and drove them with battle, as if through the air, and there was nowhere for them to escape; and they beat them 7 miles on the ice to the Subolitsky shore, and 500 Germans fell, and countless miracles, and 50 of the best German commanders were captured and brought them to Novgorod, and other Germans drowned in the lake, because it was spring, and others ran away seriously wounded. This battle took place on April 5th.

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