Nadezhda Granovskaya: “I no longer think that being a strong woman is right. Nadezhda granovskaya Nadya granovskaya children

Reluctantly talks about his personal life and tries not to even mention the name of his beloved man Mikhail Urzhumtsev. But for a magazine Teleweek made an exception and told about their acquaintance and how the relationship developed.

"Once I had an amazing dream, as if I were in England, three hundred years ago, - tells Hope Meikher, singer and show judge Sing like a star.- There were three of us at a long table in an old house - me, the grandmother-sorceress and a beautiful young man who came to woo me.

But the sorceress said: “She will not marry, she will continue my work. You won't see her again. Leave!"

Beloved went to the door, then turned to me and said: “I will find you. I know by the smile. When I woke up, I wondered for a long time what it all meant, but did not find an answer.

After returning from Paris, Nadezhda and Mikhail continued to meet occasionally - both in Kyiv and in Europe. But they did not dare to talk about feelings, they continued to keep their distance.

"The rapprochement was long and difficult,- speaks Hope Meikher. - We lived in different cities, worked hard. Negative experience family life, received in the past, also played a role - both were distrustful of people. Misha did not dare to destroy the established order of things, because he had two small children - a son and a daughter, but he did not want to lose me either ...

And yet he was the first to confess his love. Misha said that his father really liked Julia Roberts , and he often said: “Look, what a woman! And what a smile she has! This is generally one of the main manifestations of female beauty.

Misha admitted: “When I saw you for the first time, I immediately remembered my father’s words. You smiled and I thought - what a woman! I love you for your smile! I started. It flashed through my head: “I will find you, I will recognize you by a smile!”. So that's what that old dream meant...

You can explain this with anything - providence, connection to the information field, divination, but the prediction came true. Misha did not accidentally appear in my life. It was preordained.

Ex-VIAGRA Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya spoke about family life with Mikhail Urzhumtsev.

The TV presenter and singer opened up about her family life.

Recall. In 2008, Nadezhda Granovskaya met CEO Melon Fashion Group LLC by Mikhail Urzhumtsev. On March 23, 2012, she gave birth to a daughter, Anna, from Urzhumtsev. In 2014, they secretly got married. And on October 17, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Maria. Nadezhda also has an older son, Igor (born in 2002), from Alexander Lishchenko.

According to the star, the husband is sympathetic to her work.

"He understood who he was dealing with! Although when we met, he was not aware that I worked in a team" VIA Gra". But Misha quickly found out everything. He was told by employees of the company of which he is the CEO. Apparently, it’s normal, since they’re still together!” Nadia said.

According to her, she devotes a lot of time to her family and children: “I am my own mistress: I don’t work in an office where I depend on the schedule, or on the producers and their impulses, so I personally set the schedule, calculate the time, organize it the way I It is, of course, not so much, but nevertheless, since I am a freelance artist, I have every right to dispose of it at my discretion. "

Regarding her husband’s jealousy, Meikher-Granovskaya noted: “Well, probably, we are all a little jealous to some extent. Maybe it’s our nature, but anyway, my husband is quite intellectually developed person to be jealous of my business, creativity, what I do. Naturally, he understands that there is the attention of many men, but these are abstract things, so he is absolutely adequate about everything. The husband works in a company where most of the staff is female. It seems strange to me to be jealous - there are more important things, especially when the feelings are mutual."

Nadezhda said that they definitely go on vacation twice a year: "in the summer - on the sea, in the winter - skiing. We also love evening gatherings with the whole family - we cook something together, and then we gather at the table and talk."

In addition, the singer does not regret that she once left the VIA Gra group: “If I regretted leaving, I would not leave her. Therefore, of course, my final decision was made absolutely consciously. Of course, I am grateful to Konstantin Meladze for everything he has done for me."

Nadezhda Granovskaya told Lera Kudryavtseva about her men, her career at VIA Gra, and the terrible illness that almost made her disabled.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya became the heroine of the Secret for a Million program. The host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, found out how the future star of the VIA Gra group began her career. It turned out that even at school, Nadezhda felt that she was cramped in her hometown of Khmelnitsky. She wanted to leave for Moscow as soon as possible in order to start new life. However, when the star was 17 years old, a misfortune happened to her. Doctors diagnosed an intervertebral hernia, which led to the fact that the young dancer began to shift her kneecaps.

As soon as the first signs of the disease were discovered, Nadezhda went for a medical procedure to specialists who were supposed to set her bones. Otherwise, she would quickly lose the ability to move independently. However, after seeing a doctor, Granovskaya's condition only worsened.
“Nothing helped me. It all started from the knees. A month or two later, back pain began. I was sent to a chiropractor. When there is an inflammatory process, nothing can be set. But who knew about it? After the second session with the doctor, I was already crawling home, because it was insanely painful. At that moment, my legs once failed, ”Granovskaya recalled on the program.

Nadezhda admitted that she was completely desperate at that moment. It seemed to her that she could forget about performing on stage forever. By the way, the star for a long time danced professionally. For her, it was a real stress. The pain did not subside every day, but only intensified. Medical specialists were unable to help Granovskaya cope with the disease without surgery. The singer flatly refused to lie down on the operating table.

Soon, Granovskaya managed to get acquainted with one healer, who gave her hope for a brighter future.
“I was brought to the healer. She began to examine me with her hands, touch me and put the organs back, and then she laid me on the table. I dangled my legs over my stomach and felt like I was being hit with a hammer. The pain, of course, was unbearable, but after one session I got up and went to dance,” Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya told the story.

Among other things, the artist also remembered how her career developed in " VIA Gre". For a while, the star did not have enough money to even feed himself. But soon everything turned out for the best. According to the artist, she was twice seriously passionate about men. From the first chosen one, Nadezhda gave birth to a son, Igor. After his birth, she returned to the group just two weeks later. The soloist understood that Konstantin Meladze did not want to part with her, and she was also afraid of losing her place in the team.

After some time, Nadezhda broke up with civil husband. The second serious hobby of the star was Mikhail Urzhumtsev. Almost a year after they met, he proposed to her, but she did not immediately answer him. In 2014, they arranged a secret marriage because they did not want to attract public attention. Even relatives had no idea that they were invited to a restaurant for a wedding. The couple has two children: four-year-old Anna and one and a half year old Maria.

The ex-soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya presented her author's performance "History of DE UN AMOR". Now the star dances the Argentine tango and is not going to return to his former role - a burning sex bomb.

“Husband Zavorotnyuk introduced the tango”

Nine years ago, together with Petya, we participated in the Ice and Fire project, Nadezhda recalls. - Once we were preparing for the next program, and he offered me to dance the Argentine tango. The fact is that once she and Nastya were in Buenos Aires, and there, in every quarter, they perform this dance just on the streets. Petya suggested that I try to dance the Argentine tango on the project, and we did it. Of course, technically it was far from perfect, because no one could convey the technical component to us then. But from that moment I understood the essence of this dance. This is an amazing dialogue between the two sexes, who talk without words about how they feel.

Today, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya appears as a sophisticated, beautiful and confident woman. I can’t even believe that this elegant brunette once sang in the VIA Gra group, performing on stage in very revealing and even provocative outfits.

I never liked to stop there, - continues 35-year-old Nadezhda. - What happened at the age of 18 is one thing. Now, 17 years later, I am completely different. It is strange for me to remain in the old role.

Fans believe that cardinal changes in the image of Nadezhda are associated with her marriage. For more than five years she has been happy with businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev. He came to the premiere of his wife's new performance with a huge bouquet of flowers.

Ask me about the secret of a long-lasting marriage in 50 years, says Nadezhda. - In the meantime, I'm 35, it's hard to talk about this topic. I'm not in a long-term relationship yet. What I know for sure is that for the sake of mutual love You can go to great lengths, but in no case should you make any sacrifices. When people love each other, it is very easy for them to agree with the help of literally one sweet kiss. We try our best to keep it that way in our family.

“In the first relationship I was lonely”

Today, Meikher combines work with the upbringing of three children. Her eldest son Igor is already 15 years old. The singer gave birth to him from businessman Alexander Lishchenko, relations with whom, unfortunately, did not work out for a long time. initial stage. Because of the birth of a child, Nadezhda even (had to?) leave the VIA Gra group for a short time.

In the first relationship, I was practically alone, without male support, I carried and gave birth to a child, Nadezhda recalls the difficult times. – But then it absolutely did not prevent me from being happy. I wanted to give birth to a son not for someone else, but for myself. She was absolutely happy, even though she was lonely as a woman. This was nothing to worry about for me. It only made me stronger and more feminine. I love all my children equally - with some kind of huge, bottomless love.

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